#subject ; salvatore alexia.
thecollectivefiles · 1 month
Top 5 least dangerous versus top 5 most dangerous in New Orleans at present?
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every supernatural creature poses a threat to our peaceful reality but if it's specifics you'd like, who am i to not oblige?
top five most dangerous, according to my observations:
hope mikaelson
kaya lockwood
ingrid mikaelson
asher lockwood
josie saltzman
top five least dangerous, according to my observations:
alexia salvatore
nagisa abe ( maybe once she's aware of what she can do, it will change )
benedita carvalho ( human snoops are particularly annoying however )
theodore salvatore
julien theriot ( magic or not, who's scared of a guy with a puppy? )
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meda-the-brave-a · 5 years
Meda Elisabeth Salvatore || Vampire || Looks 16 || FC: Kaya Scodelario
Born: August 18, 1848, Mystic Falls, Virginia
Family: Giuseppe Salvatore (father), Lillian “Lily” Salvatore (mother), Damon Salvatore (brother), Stefan Salvatore (brother), Benjamin Salvatore (illegitimate half-brother)
Meda Elisabeth Salvatore was born on August 18, 1848 in Mystic Falls, Virginia. As the only daughter and youngest sibling, she was adored by her parents and older brothers alike. Her father considered her his little jewel, and her mother loved to dote on her and buy her expensive dresses and accessories. Although she was a little girl who loved to dress up and look pretty, that didn’t mean she was about to be outdone by her brothers, and from a young age she was known to trod behind them, forcing them to let her tag along on their adventures. They were reluctant at first, but eventually grew to accept her as a qualified playmate.
When she was eight years old, her mother caught the consumption. For three weeks she sat by her mother’s bedside as doctors desperately tried out different remedies and methods, while her father and brothers paced outside, because her mother had insisted she hadn’t wanted them to see her so sick (as Meda was a girl and most likely would have to nurse a sick husband or children in the future, she was allowed to stay.) She was heartbroken when her mother died, as was the rest of her family. Her father grew even more devoted to his children, especially Meda, who looked so much like her late mother. He began to have very high expectations for them.
Her life continued like this, her family staying loving and close-knit. That is, until the war broke out in 1861. She had heard rumors of war before of course, but she hadn’t believed them as she was young and naive, and she couldn’t believe her life would be disrupted like that. Her father was thrilled to be able to send his eldest son off to the battlefield, and Stefan was thrilled for his brother to bring back captivating stories from the war. Meda was the only one concerned about sending her brother off to fight. When she expressed her worries to Damon, he had simply rubbed her hair affectionately and told her not to worry, that he would come back to her in one piece.
And he did. Just not the way anyone had expected him to.
Damon deserted, something the was considered a great source of shame to a family in the South at the time. He told her he had seen boys as young as Stefan, holding weapons they didn’t know how to use, their feet bloody and broken from walking around without shoes, fighting a losing battle. So he had left a cause he couldn’t believe in anymore, which she thought was noble enough, but their father didn’t see it that way. He casted Damon out of his love, and like he had with their mother’s death, grew to cherish his other two children even more.
Meda tried to defend her eldest brother whenever her father made another one of his jabs about his son, but she was so afraid of losing his love as well that she never pushed him. In 1863, a maid at the Salvatore house gave birth to her father’s son. At first, Meda was distraught over the idea of her father moving on from her mother, but after she saw that her father was not planning on the favoring the woman and her new baby over her and Stefan, she began to feel pity for the boy who would grow up with the reputation of being a bastard. She visited the child in his nursery often, and eventually came to love him as a brother.  
Her father began to search for potential husbands for her, and set his sights on seeing her married to George Lockwood, who was a member of one of Mystic Fall’s other wealthiest families. She had known George since she was a young girl, and he had always been kind to her, and as she got to know him she began to think that she was falling in love with him, and she grew happy at the idea of marrying him in the future.
Enter Katherine Pierce,which is where Meda’s story really begins. Meda was thrilled when the older girl came to live at the Salvatore Plantation. She saw Katherine as the big sister she had never had, and she worshiped the ground Katherine walked on, which Katherine loved. Meda started to see the older girl as someone to confide in and receive advice from.
When Katherine told her that she was a vampire, Meda had been shocked. Katherine had played up her acting ability and gotten teary eyed, insisting that she was still a good person, and had never wanted this life for herself. Meda had been moved with compassion for her friend, and promised never to reveal her secret. After that the two girls seemed closer than ever.
That is, until Meda noticed the way both of her brothers fell over themselves trying to get Katherine’s attention. The once close siblings were sizing each other up as rivals, and Meda didn’t like it one bit. She begged Katherine to let one of them go, to pick one brother to be with and let the other one find happiness somewhere else. Needless to say, Katherine hadn’t liked her little lapdog defying her like that, so she compelled her to let her behave exactly as she wished, and Meda never broached the subject again.
Things continued like that for a while. She noticed that her father began to throw himself into his work with the ‘council,’ which Katherine told her was a cover for an anti-vampire organization. However, since Katherine and her friends walked in daylight and her father continued to let her live in his house, right under his nose, they were confident that he didn’t suspect anything.
Then Katherine went and got herself caught and she stupidly tried to rescue her, and her father shot her dead in the road.
When she woke up and found out that Katherine had been feeding her her blood, she felt disgusted. She was disgusted with herself for letting herself get walked on for so long, and that even in death, Katherine still found a way to screw her over for eternity. She made the decision to not complete the transition with her brothers, and the three of them would die, just as they should’ve the first time.
And then Stefan turned and forced Damon to do the same, and the latter was promising the former an eternity of misery, and she knew she couldn’t leave them like this. So she fed. And she hated herself.
After they transitioned, Stefan and Damon couldn’t be within five feet of one another, so she left Stefan in the capable hands of Alexia Branson, and fled town with Damon. Unfortunately, the two argued often as Meda couldn’t help but hate Katherine for what she had done and couldn’t understand why Damon couldn’t get over her. After one explosive fight that broke her heart, she ran back to Stefan, Eventually she tried to give Damon another shot, and has been moving back and forth between the two ever since.    
Now she’s back in the town that holds so many old memories. Her relationships with her brothers are still a bit strained, but she’s working to make it better.
((OOC: This character can be adapted to fit pretty much any other supernatural fandom. OC’s welcome of course. Message me if you want to plot or para!))
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