#sub spencer headcannon
mggsv · 8 months
gn!reader x aaron hotch hotchner (18+)
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Aaron who rubs your back
Aaron who sweet talks you directly in your ear
Aaron who has you on your stomach, back arched
Aaron whos fingers are so deep inside your sex, moving would take you over the edge.
Aaron who moves your hair from your sweat drenched face
Aaron who whispers how good you’re being for him
Aaron who promises to reward you afterwards if you take his fingers a bit longer
Aaron who promises to fill you up to the brim with his little ones
Aaron who can’t help but moan with you while you’re a mess into the silk sheets
Aaron who traces that sensitive spot with his other hand
Aaron who has your entire body shaking
Aaron who has you cumming so hard that your eyes roll
Aaron who calls you a good doll for being so perfect for him
Aaron who talks you through your orgasm
Aaron who replaces his fingers with his tongue
Aaron who lets his spit trail down your leaking sex
Aaron, who fucks you through your dumb fucked hazed with his big cock
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reiderwriter · 28 days
✍️ Dear Diary ✍️
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
For the CM Kink Bingo Challenge
Requested: Hi thereee! I was thinking about a request since I saw they’re open again… I was thinking maybe Con-non con breeding/cream pie?🤭 maybe somnophilia too. S get home en R is sleeping and he just take what he wants but it’s obviously something mutual.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI Dubcon/ CNC, somnophilia, breeding, pet play (kitten/owner), daddy kink, unprotected sex, almost one bed trope, oral (m recieving), Perv!Spencer, dom!Spencer, sub!Reader and just incredibly horny Reader and Spencer.
Summary: Spencer comes across your dream journal and finds out that you're not plagued with nightmares but with wet dreams. And they're all about him.
A/N: Thank you to @reidmotif, who basically told me the entire concept of this fic was forcing Spencer to read smut headcannons about himself and watching the reactions. I think this is the quickest I've ever written something from start to finish 💀
Masterlist || Bingo Board
Spencer didn't know what possessed him to read through your diary, but he couldn't stop when he started. At a single glance, he could tell it wasn't the book that he was looking for, the one you'd sent him to find in your bedroom, the one you'd recommended he read. 
That one was beside it on the side table, but there was something about the black moleskin, laid perfectly flat on the desk, that had his fingers itching as he moved it forward. 
You were otherwise occupied with setting out the plates of takeaway you'd ordered for the six people currently sat in your living room, so knowing his company wouldn't be missed for a few minutes, he sat himself down and began reading. 
Within ten pages, he completely regretted it. 
He'd sussed out by the title page that this wasn't just a normal journal but a dream journal. It was heavily recommended in a lot of the mandated therapy sessions you guys did. Hell, even Hotch had suggested it to him a few times, so he shouldn't be surprised you kept one. 
He was just surprised at the content of your dreams.
He knew his own were dark and painful, and he was curious, thinking that knowing your dreams could help him assist you better through whatever was plaguing you recently. 
In ten pages, he'd managed to suss out that it was him that was plaguing you. 
“May 8th - Woke up hot again. Dreamt of Spencer waking me up with his tongue. Need to get this out of my system.” 
“May 10th - On my back tied to the bed. Spencer again. I'm going to hell.” 
“May 22nd - Kitten ears. And Spencer's cum splashing on my face as a wake up call. I'm a freak!” 
Each entry was similar, and he read on page after page, until he felt his cock stiffening and he had to put the book down and remind himself that there was company just a few doors away. Company that included his friends and a woman who'd been dreaming of fucking him every night for… three months now. 
He took a deep breath. He took a lot of deep breaths, forcing himself to think of the most unappealing things ever as he calmed himself down. 
A voice down the hall called his name, and he dropped the journal like a scalding pot and picked up the other book, opening it to a random page and trying to look convincingly entranced. 
“Spencer, what-?” You asked, seeing him sat on your bed reading the book. He thanked the heavens that the book was a hardback and just big enough to hide the remaining stiffness in his pants while he tried to will it to deflate. 
“Oh, good book, right? I should've known you'd start reading it straight away. Just take it home, Spencer.”
“No, no, it's okay, I don't need-” 
“No, it's fine. You can give it back at the Stanford Review Psychology Seminar next weekend. We're rooming still, right?” 
He took in what felt like a gulp of air, forcing the oxygen down into his lungs as his tongue laid as useless in his mouth as his cock felt in his pants.
“Right.” He managed to get out as you told him to haul his ass back to the living area. 
He took up your journal again, though, and for the next few minutes, committed your diary to memory and left the room. 
“Spencer, come on, kid, what book is as interesting as Wrestlemania?” Morgan said, clapping him on the back as he ripped through a slice of pizza. 
One where the author said she'd woken up mid-orgasm just imagining he'd tied her down. And him specifically.
“Leave the kid alone, you know he's prone to his little fantasies,” Rossi chimed in as well, passing Spencer a beer quickly and cracking one open for himself.
Not the most prone person in the room to fantasies, of course, but possibly the second most prone. 
“Shut up and watch the game, you're making him squirm,” you said from your perch behind his seat on the couch, giving him a quick pat on the shoulders, your fingers lingering just too long. 
And with the word squirm went his whole concentration as he started imagining your small mews and purrs of pleasure, your sleepy face dazed as his fingers roughly curled into your cunt. You'd squirm for him, and you'd do a whole lot more than that. 
The rest of the night tortured him the same way, though thankfully he'd managed to find a pillow to cover up his small - though growing ever harder - issue. At last, he was the last one left in your apartment, the others letting themselves out after you'd crashed on your own sofa just inches from him. 
To be fair, they'd pulled off the herculean task of cleaning up after themselves without waking you, despite your notoriety for sleeping light. 
He'd waved off the others and said he'd get you back into bed, protests quickly falling on deaf ears. Yes, Morgan may have been the better choice to carry your dead-tired weight, but he was also five beers in and just as likely to slam you into the bed a la whatever wrestlers Spencer had been ignoring on the screen all night. 
He'd gotten himself mostly under control anyway, so he'd been able to rush them out of the door, drunk or senile, and managed to turn himself back to you. 
You were curled up in a little ball, like a cat who'd found the perfect cardboard box to sit in. You filled the space and looked comfortable, but he knew you'd be sore in the morning. Either that, or your words had driven him to the brink of insanity and he just wanted his hands on you for once.
He didn't bother trying to fully lift you, knowing you'd definitely freak out and wake up if he tried. 
Instead, he started talking to you in your sleep. 
“Y/N… let's go to bed,” he whispered, pulling your arms limply around his neck as he tugged you upwards with two hands firmly on your hips until you were standing. 
You let out a small whimper of protest, head falling forward to nuzzle into his chest as he started slowly walking you back to your bed. It was a technique he'd used on you more than once, getting you to comply when half asleep on multiple occasions to assist you when drunk or exhausted or both. 
With the revelations of your diary, he thought about talking you into even more in your sleepy state but resisted. 
“Spencer…” you mumbled, gripping him loosely and pressing kisses against his shirt and chest, lazily. 
He had to remind himself you were still asleep, even if you were moving and talking. Asleep, even if you had wanted him to wake you up with a cock in your cunt. Asleep, and not his girlfriend, or lover, or anything more than coworker, as his cock hardened and the backs of your knees finally hit the side of your bed. 
You half collapsed onto it, and we're half lowered gently by Spencer, though in all his uncoordination, he couldn't stop himself from falling directly on top of you. 
“Yes, Spencer…” you sighed, hands brushing up and down his chest above you as he froze solid. 
He was screwed. He'd read every word of that diary. He could imagine exactly what it was you were dreaming of at that moment, and he needed to extricate himself before he did something he'd hate himself for. 
His hand snaked up your waist, just brushing your nipple as he finally dropped it to the bed and pushed himself up. He couldn't touch you anymore without consequences, and while those consequences sounded truly…delightful, he resisted. 
Tucking you into bed, drowning out the sounds of your faint purrs and moans, he rubbed his cock through his pants to ease some of the ache. He denied himself more, grabbing your recommended book from the side table, leaving the infernal journal and closing the door on quite possibly one of the most arousing experiences of his life. 
He was screwed. 
A week passed and left him in his state of screwedness. You may have dreamed of him taking you like that, almost against your will, but he dreamed of you begging him to do so. 
He awoke stiff every day and refused to touch himself, to acknowledge the disgusting pleasure he was getting from his imagination. 
A week full of cold showers and blue balls, and what did it end with except being back in close quarters with your horny ass. 
Screwed supreme. 
You noticed he was acting off very quickly, and you'd commented on it the morning of conference day one, knocking him back slightly with each step towards him you took. 
“Spencer, are you sick?” You said, stepping closer, raising a hand as if to test his temperature. 
“No, no, I just... germaphobic, remember?" he smiled, gently brushing your hand away. He also took another step away from you to stop him from balling his hands into your sides and pushing you down to the floor to have his way with you. 
“That hasn't bothered you before. You literally said last week that we're in the same places so often that we've been exposed to the same bacteria and have likely formed an immuno-connection or whatever-”
“There's just-” he said, now taking another step further away from you, hands up in a surrendering pose to halt your approach. “A lot of people at this conference. It's making me a bit uncomfortable.” 
You seemed to understand that, backing off. And thankfully, just in time, because a second later and his hands would've been tangled in your hair, forcing you to your knees so he could show you just how compromised he could get you. 
You'd dreamt about something similar on March 25th. And April 3rd. 
It wasn't just his own lust for you fogging his mind - he'd dealt with that before, his hand a friendly nighttime companion - but compounded with your own, it was unbearable. 
He looked at you and all he saw was “March 2nd - Begged Spencer to cum inside me, and fill his little kitten as much as he could. Could I convince him to fo that for real?” 
For fucking real.
He felt infinitely more respect for your skills at your job now, knowing that he couldn't go a week without genuinely flinching away from your touch feeling this goddamn pent up, and you'd lasted three months and counting without so much as batting an eye. 
After wandering through the conference all day, listening to the keynote speakers and giving a speech of his own, he'd grown exhausted. He was tired of avoiding you, but it had to be done. The thing he feared the most was breaking and becoming one of the monsters he'd dedicated his life to catching. The thing he feared most was you. 
You'd hugged him when he completed his speech, lingering still after pulling away, so he was still aware of every inch and curve of you. 
“I'm so proud of you,” you said with a smile, straightening his tie. You wouldn't be proud of him if you knew what he wanted to do with that tie. He imagined, even in a crowd of people, pulling you back by your hair - March 31st - and gagging you with the scrap of material - April 17th.
After almost doing just that, he quickly excused himself, and 12 miscalls and 27 text messages later, you'd finally given him what he wanted - “I'm going to sleep now. We need to talk in the morning.” 
He finally crept back to the room you were sharing from a restaurant below. He'd thought about numbing his senses with alcohol but decided against it, not willing to take the risk that he'd numb his inhibitions at the same time. 
It wouldn't be the first time alcohol had made him get handsy with you, scowling as he remembered his hands trailing all over you during karaoke at the Delfino, his hands gripping tighter as the night stretched out longer. You'd both been trying to sing Billy Joel, and then he'd been trying to keep hold of you no matter how much you'd giggled and fidgeted. 
Looking back now, he was sure it was only the presence of every single one of your coworkers and half the FBI that stopped him from covering you in kisses, from pushing his hand up your shirt and playing with you. 
Alone in your hotel room, there was nowhere else. 
Sure enough, though, there was another bed, which he happily threw himself on when he entered, knowing he'd claimed the one closest to the door. 
He sat for a minute, then two, then three, and just knowing you were close had his brain begging to repeat everything it had learnt in your diary. 
“March 1st - I think I had a sex dream about Spencer. I think I really enjoyed it. I think I should avoid him today” 
“March 18th - Used my vibratory before bed and still woke up needy. What would Spencer's cock feel like buried inside of me?”
“April 14th - He took me over a desk in the bullpen while continuing his conversation with Hotch. I almost cried, waking up and finding out it wasn't real.” 
“June 4th - Spencer is coming over tonight, and I spent the whole day masturbating to memories of my own dreams about him…. I'm definitely going to hell.” 
It was as he repeated each of these entries in his head like a mantra that the bed shifted and he felt something next to him. 
Whatever bed he'd thrown himself into, you had decided to occupy as well. He felt your ass first, wiggling up against his crotch as you snuggled into whatever warmth he was offering beside you. 
The content sigh that left your lips was the final straw as Spencer's nerves frayed and his already throbbing cock begged for relief. 
His hands held your hips still as he unthinkingly began to rut into you, rubbing his cock against your ass in any way that would find release. 
He tried to stop himself, but you were mid-dream now, and you were making those noises again. 
Tiny little pants, mewls of pleasure, his name. Jesus Christ, his name. 
He pushed down his boxers as you threw your head back, landing at the crook of his neck, your breath fanning over his skin as you turned over. 
Instead of rutting against your ass, he could now hitch your legs across his thighs and at least get close enough to where he wanted to be, buried in your wet, aching pussy. 
He didn't let himself. Biting his lip, he moved his hands from your hips to his cock, and began a slow, painful attempt at jacking off. 
It should've been easy with you in front of him. He should've already exploded on his hand, especially after more than a week of nothing.
But you were in arms reach and it was as if his entire body was on strike until he sank into you. 
In the end, it was your movements that led him to crack, just like it had been your words in the first place that had moved him to such desperation. 
Shifting uncomfortably again in your sleep, you'd managed to push your leg over his lap and roll on top of him, all while unconscious. 
And then you started moving. Like really fucking moving, like dry humping. Spencer's brain disappeared as he tugged at your clothing to figure out how to remove as much as needed removing. 
Luckily, all he had to do was shift your panties to the side and make sure he didn't get tangled in the rest of your night dress, and, thoughtlessly, he was plunging into your depths. 
He thought it would be that first thrust that would wake him, and though he had his suspicions, he was right. You didn't move. If anything you were quieter now with his cock filling you than you had been dry humping it not a minute earlier. 
You were awake, he knew. You were awake, and you were pretending to sleep. His cock throbbed inside you at the thought and he knew he needed more. 
“March 19th, I dreamed that Spencer woke me up with some cream for his kitten. I called him Daddy. God, I wish it were real,” he whispered in your ear as you continued your facade, quoting your diary back at you as he flipped you over. 
He was gentle still, allowing you to maintain the illusion of sleep even as your heart beat out of your chest and a moan threatened to burst out of your mouth. 
Softly, his hips retreated from over yours, his thick cock withdrawing from your heat before slamming back in. 
“April 12th - Daddy let his good little kitten drink up her spilt milk from the floor. I licked his cum up with my tongue as he fucked me from behind. I'm perverse.” 
Your breathing was way harder to control now, as his hips swayed into yours repeatedly, his real cock stretching further than you'd ever imagined his dream one reaching. You'd never been a good visualiser. 
“Wake up, Y/N,” he said, kissing your neck and replacing his lips with a firm hand at your windpipe. 
“Wake up and talk to me. We're supposed to be talking about earlier, right? You're supposed to be mad at me, but instead, you're close to cumming on my big fat cock.”
You screwed your eyes up tighter as he lifted his head and let his tongue silence the first moan that you let.slip through. He'd won. 
His to guess clashed with yours as you tried to control his pace from under him, tugging your hips up, begging for more of his dick to enter you. 
Sure, you were awake, but to you, this was just another dream, and he wasn't going to let you escape him this time. 
“That's it, that's.my little girl, milk my cock,” he murmured, even as he grabbed your hips again and started setting the pace once again. It was his fingers stabbing into the gate of your hips and stomach that had you finally fully waking up and realizing that this was real, that Spencer had fucked you awake. 
“S-Spencer,” you moaned, chest jumping with each jack hammer, his head buried between them, picking and sucking like some ravenous beast devouring prey. 
“Daddy,” he corrected, sucking one nipple that had popped out of the top of your night dress into his mouth and biting down. 
You arched into the touch, and he didn't let you move away, hands instantly gripping you tighter as you squirmed and fought in his grip. He held tighter still as his dick entered you, again and again. 
Like you were falling asleep again, your brain cleared until there was only him, hic cock, his tongue on your chest, his hands on your ass keeping you in place.
“May 16th - Last night, Spencer was my owner, and he raped me in the middle of the night. He pushed his fat cock into me and I howled in pleasure, stating exactly where he put me until he released his load into me.”
The words were your own, but you couldn't feel any shame heading them, knowing the reenactment felt just as good as you'd hoped it would subconsciously. 
“Y/N, focus on me. Focus on milking my cock like s good little kitten, come on Y/N,” he said, thrusting into you with no qualms now. 
He'd given in, and he'd given in quickly, but if this was the reward, then he was never holding back again. 
“Spencer-” you shuddered out as your orgasm broke through you, his panting writhing form finally pushing you back down into the bed as he continued tutting into you until he, too, could no longer hold back. 
With a painful groan, he came and pulled out of you in an instant, letting his cum leak out of you as he watched. 
You barely had time to catch your breath before he pulled you up, tugging at your hair until you were both on your knees, then pushing you down until your face was level with his softening cock. 
“Clean up your spilt milk, kitten,” he panted, and you complied happily, licking up every drop that had splashed against his cock and stomach and thighs. 
His moans were musical, whimpers and pouts and sinful curses as he held up your hair and tried not to fuck your mouth, enjoying the sensations of your exploring g tongue too much for that. 
When he'd thought you'd done enough, he tugged you up again, wrapping his hands around your body firmly and pulling you in for one more kiss. 
“Next time,” he said, pulling away and panting to catch his breath. “Next time- you have- a dream- just- tell me.” 
You nodded and tried to chase his lips, but he pulled you back down to the bed before you made it  eliciting a small whimper of frustration. 
“You're sleeping in my bed,” he observed, stroking your head as he held you close. 
“You were avoiding me.” 
“I was avoiding you because I've been walking around with a boner for a week, and I didn't want to jump you in a conference room filled with 300 people.”
“You read my diary,” you said, pouting. 
“You let me read your diary. It was wide open on the desk, and you sent me into that room alone, knowing my eyes move quicker than my conscience does.” 
You hummed, smiling in reply but didn't answer the accusations. 
“I wonder what my wake up call in the morning will be like,” you smiled, shutting your eyes and letting yourself fall asleep, his chest pillowing your head and his arms closed tight around your waist. 
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beautifulbrainrot · 11 months
need more sub!spence pillow princess/princess/mommy kink headcannons‼️
also can i be 💋?
hehehe yess!!
ohhh spencer is such a pretty little princess!!!
him just laying back in bed, his hair like a halo as you worship his beautiful bodyyy
the first time you said something about him being such a pillow princess he started blushing like crazy, and was immediately turned on by you calling him a princess
“awh, do you like that baby? you like being my perfect little princess?”
calling him mommy’s little princess omfggg he would be whimpering and drooling asrrghhhh
also imagine this like, spencer with longer hair, your helping him brush it after a shower and you keep telling him how beautiful it is and how lovely he looks, like your little princess
then he gets all whiny, and starts squirming and you realise he’s gotten hard from all your praise.
the way he would just look up at you and whisper mommy..
“do you need help with that baby?”
also ofc, bratty little princess!!!
you’d scold him, and call him spoiled and he’d be blushing and pouting and trying to act all big and defiant but one kiss, one little touch, and he’s your perfect, obedient princess again
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snixkers · 2 months
Snixker's Masterlist
《Read rules, then request》
♧: Angst
◇: Smut
♡: Fluff
♤: Hurt/Comfort
□: Blurb
○: Headcannon
Older works are at the top, newer ones at the bottom!
Spencer Reid
Einstein's Theory of Relativity ♡
His Own Daughter ♡
Sub Spencer Headcannons ○
Superman ♧ Pt. 2 ◇
Lost/Found ♤
Parallel Parked ♡
Beach Breeze ♤
Pen on Paper ♡
Hands Off ♡
Science Fair ♧
Parent Trap □ Pt. 2 ♡
Daughters Love Jell-O Too ♡
Tooth Fairy ♡
Profokiev No. 1 ♡
Pre-Heating ♡
Crushed Walnuts ♤
Enter Sandman ♡
Green ◇
Emily Prentiss
Control Freak ◇
Empty Fishtank ♧
3 Words, 8 Letters ♤
Movie Night ♡
Unsend ♡
Red Wine Supernova ◇
Elle Greenaway
Coffee Stains ♧
Alex Blake
Bailed Out ♡
Wrinkles Like Rivers ♧
Just Stay ♤
Back to You ♧
Storm Clouds ♤
Basket in a River ♧
Dead Woman Walking ♧
Reader Scenarios
Too Close to Home ♤
SH Scars Headcannons ○
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sadsstoptalkingfr · 8 months
Just headcannons!! Write whatever you want!!
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I love reading sub!spencer but I feel like he'd HATE being tied up because of what happened to him when he was in high school(?) (Poor baby) :(
Most days he'd prefer you to be gentle with him as he's fragile and could fall apart any moment,(mentally) but there are days where you can be a little more rough with him as long as you don't degrade him too hard.
If you did end up tying him up, you'd have to shower him with kisses and compliments. Even if you're working on tying his ropes, you'd have to mumble sweet nothings like "you're okay" and "I've got you"
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icanfxhimnoreallyican · 3 months
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Scarlet’s Fic Reccomendations <3
Includes: Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, BBC Sherlock, Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair -
Dating Headcannons
Our Song and Dance
My pretty little bride
Highschool AU, part 2
Coriolanus Snow -
Backwards Reflection
Dirty Secret
The Snows
Softer than Satin
The Valley Song
Peeta Mallark -
Sugar and Spice
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
Queen of Hearts
Sub!Spencer Headcannon
Lessons for a Genius
Trouble almost all my life
Different Dialects
Desk Pet
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock -
Gn!Reader headcannon
Harry Potter
Theodore Nott -
Shut up and kiss me.
The cat chronicles
Always an angel, Never a god
Pansy’s Interrogation
Lorenzo Berkshire -
The Crush Theory
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knoxic · 11 months
Random Criminal Minds canon things (based on my DR)
(I think it accidentally happened because of my headcannons?)
divided it into 2 parts, 2nd one under the cut is NSFW and contains: panic attacks, anxiety, homophobia, suicidal thoughts. (but there is a fun part dw)
• Derek is lactose intolerant, still drinks milk almost every day and loves icecream.
• Dave and Hotch genuinely consider each other best friends.
• Hotch and Pen give the best birthday gifts.
• Derek broke someone's nose because they made fun of Spencer behind his back, Spencer doesn't know what happened and gave him a lecture on why he shouldn't pick fights.
• JJ is in charge of ordering food and coffe while we're on cases, chooses the best food and place and somehow always knows what we want.
• Dave made pizza one night and now Garcia keeps begging him to open a Pizza restaurant. (he rolls his eyes and says "it's a family thing" as an excuse every times she asks)
• Hotch kept groaning and mumbling for 7 hours straight because our coffe machine was broken and we couldn't get coffee.
• Emily has terrible migraines, only Spencer and I know because we shared medicines once.
• Hotch thinks everything he does as a father is wrong and Jack hates him for them. Cried on my shoulder one night after Jack called him his hero.
• Out of everyone in the team, JJ has the best aim and worst eye sight. (she wears lenses at work and glasses at home)
• Hotch banished Spencer from making everyone's coffee ever since he put 4 cubes of sugar in each cup. (I let him do mine tho)
• Dave keeps 3 bottles of whiskey in his office. Tried sneaking one in Hotch's office once claiming its "so you can have a drink every time you're feeling miserable:)", Hotch felt like it was wrong so he took it home without Dave noticing (he did).
• Penelope once dreamed about getting married and having a kid, sometimes cry herself to sleep missing the baby.
• JJ never took Henry to a church but taught him about every religion she knows so he could choose if he wanted to have one. Will teaches him to be acceptable and open minded.
• Spencer likes fem terms (especially being called pretty)
• Jack has a doll named Lisa, plays with her as if she was a baby (Hotch gets baby fever watching him).
• Hotch, Spencer and Emily are queers.
• Penelope is pansexual.
this is the not fun part... feel free to skip
• Emily once had a panic attack because Strauss forced her to "sit properly", her mom used to tell her that all the time.
• Hotch has CPTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• JJ was homophobic, knows its wrong but its the way she was raised to be as a kid, grew out of it but still catches herself judging ppl.
• Emily had a ED for a great part of her life.
•Emily and Spencer have chronic anxiety.
• Hotch used to have suicidal thoughts during his 8-18 years, never tried anything because he heard his dad say that "people who kill themselves are cowards"
• Derek had toxic relationships (on both his side and his partners side) for years,
• Before Haley, Hotch had an abusive relationship with a girl older than him (he was a minor, she wasn't...).
• Emily used to only have one night threesomes to avoid relationships and feelings.
• Spencer and Ethan had a established dom/sub relationship. It ended when they had a fight over Spencer going to the FBI, Ethan knew it meant they wouldn't see each other much and he just wanted to settle down with Spence, so he left.
now to the fun part:))
• Hotch likes to have his nipples sucked.
• Spencer has a thing for biting (being bitten and biting)
• Derek tried men before, it didn't stick but he had a great time.
• Hotch also tried men (college) but he actually liked it, would do it again 100%, asked Haley to top him once but she refused.
• Emily owns a strap-on.
• Hotch and Spencer have a insane libido, literally the wind could turn them on.
• JJ could cum just from giving head.
• Hotch + couch sex =👩‍🦽
• Suck JJ's Fingers.
• Make love = Hotch Derek
Fuck = JJ Emily
Have sex = Spencer Pen
• Penelope is not extremely experienced but she does it good.
• Hotch loves body worship (giving)
• Kinks
Hotch = Breeding, Exhibitionism, Pregnancy, Age Play, Quirofilia (hands🥴), Somno, Praise (giving) Dd/Lg, Deepthroat.
Derek = Collaring, Blindfold, Roleplaying, Corruption, Dom/sub.
Emily = Somno, Corruption, Choking,
JJ = Cuckolding, Corruption, Deepthroat
Penelope = Roleplaying, Age Play, Spitting,
Spencer = Bondage, Praise, Quirofilia, Corruption.
(btw I'm not sure if Hotch got more kinks because hes kinky or because I just (sexually) know him better than the rest?)
anyways:) that was it, might do another one if I remember other things later.
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do u do trans!male reader? if not thats okay :) this trans guy has been searching long and hard for some trans!softdom!reader x sub!spencer smut and never found any 😭
Yes I do! I'm Trans so I have no problem writing fics that involve trans reader or trans headcannoned characters
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de4dlyniightshade · 5 months
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click here for!: "I just imagine that like Spencer HATES being vocal but the boys so sensitive he can't help but moan like a whore"
click here for!: "I read the vocal Spencer hcs and I saw u wrote Abt him being the Prince of overstimulation, you got any more hcs revolving that? (And/or aftercaree🙏)"
click here for!: "Y'all think Reid would make himself one of your Christmas presents? Like, he'd either ruin you or let you ruin him."
click here for!: "just thinking about dom!spencer taking our virginity 😔😔😔 i want him"
click here for!: "Y'all ever think Abt how pretty Spencer would be in lingerie? Like both Baby Reid AND Later szns Reid. LIKE BABY BLUE PANTIES ONG??"
click here for!: "Spencer is such a sub u know he kneels at his partners feet and does whatever they tell him too"
click here for!: "i loveeee your headcannons for spencer!! can we get some for service-softdom!spencer?"
click here for!: "I wonder how Spencer would react to being denied orgasming🤨"
click here for!: "ok this kinda contradicts your latest post, but what about hcs about reader faking orgasm for whatever reason and when spencer finds out he makes it up to her 😻😻 idk just an idea"
click here for!: "ilysm and ur writing omg mamas (u have no idea who I am #parasocialrelationshipcore) BUT im like A SUPER FAN ☝️😫 anyway, ma'am, i had a sudden deep and absolutely CARNAL need inside of me- and how better to solve that emptiness with your headcanons?? 😍 OKAY, so the vision was like basically how spencer would act if you like praised something about him a lot like you emphasize it sm, YK? like say u said his lips were pretty or like his style is *chef's kiss* LIKE HOW WOULD HE REACT TO THIS INFORMATION?!! DOES HE THINK ABT IT OR IS HE COCKY OR WHAT? i need this man on a scary level omfg I'm so down baddddd THE D IS FIRE! also UGH i love your headcanons like they're literally my thoughts except like they're BETTER. que yummi (sorry for allat btw I'm a yapper if u couldn't alr tell)"
click here for!: "I imagine sub Spencer would be literally rock hard by just being allowed to touch you, like he LOVES when you let him touch or kiss you anywhere he wants"
click here for!: "I need sweetheart Spencer headcannons. I gotta hear about this guys sweet little habits and his love language frfr"
click here for!: "may i request some hair pulling hcs for our bbyboy bc i have a feral need to knot my fingers in his pretty hair regardless of the era and pull until there are tears in his eyes"
click here for!: "Post!prison Reid being an absolute sweetheart headcannons PLEASEEEE🤞"
click here for!: "Giving Spencer head hcs please mama🙇"
click here for!: "Headcanons request: Spencer’s dream partner. What do you think is important to him? Do you think he has a “type”? And since you mentioned him and I JUST got the movie to watch - any fun headcanons for Chip??"
click here for!: "Right, this is the weirdest thought i’ve ever had but how would Spencer (any era you prefer) react to reader buying him boxers with her face on😭 We all know that this man wears the weirdest shit under those sweater vests. I apologise 😭"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer would let you eat their ass? Rim jobs and all that? Headcanon request 🫣"
click here for!: "I need the most back-arching, kitty clenching, slick tip hcs you have for Spencer. Him in lingere, him buried 7.5 inches deep inside you, him cumming so hard he can't think, everything."
click here for!: "Just sending in a headcanon request for anything you want to rant about. Spencer, Lana, Spencer and Lana. You know, everything important. -🐈‍⬛"
click here for!: "thoughts on spencer and the reader coming out to each other as bisexual? thanks <3 btw i love your writing 🫶🏼"
click here for!: "i beg for ur thoughts on! spence with a touchstarved s/o? also possibly a touch averse s/o? (i am both and it's so fucking confusing like hug me but also if u touch my shoulder i will Cry)"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer likes just normal prostate massages and toys or that he has to be pegged? HCs for that whole subject. Like if you buy him a vibrating toy and bend him over, what does he do? Pleaseeee"
click here for!: "Idk if you've done anything like this (i just followed you recently) but what do you think Spencer would be like when he's see you naked for the first time? Personally i think he'd just stare in awe and his eyes would slowly go over every little curve and edge as he takes it all in and might even pull you into his arms in a loving embrace as he just needs to feel your warm bare skin :(("
click here for!: "ok but would spencer ever be ashamed/shy about any kinks he has... like i feel like he'd be totally over-analysing everything and just burying himself into a hole until he finally blurts out his concerns and his s/o says 'why would i ever judge u bby???', and he's like :0 ps i love your hcs & ur fics 🫶"
click here for!: "have you ever seen that tiktok/reel of that guy talking abt how it's rly hot that when girls sit down their thighs 'double' in size, and all the girls in the cmmts r like 'wait rly I'm super insecure abt that 😭?!?!" and I was 🤔 if you could do smth w that for spencer! ty so much, if not feel free to ignore this! 🫶🫶"
click here for!: "Just imagine,, Spencer getting back from a long case (maybe two or three week long) and all he wants to do is melt into you. Like, he wants his mommy, but he's too scared to ask for anything so he's a bit whiny😩"
click here for!: "at this point i have a passive 'slutty spencer' train of thought just so i can send u asks about him anyway could u bless us with some needy spence trying not to wake u up but failing dismally bc he wasn't trying that hard anyway bc he wants ur attention so bad"
click here for!: "Was doing my psych hw last night thinking about how professor!Spencer would 10000% help u with your psychology work for his class … and maybe dick warm with u for a little motivation 🥹🥹"
click here for!: "I don’t think I’ve seen you do this headcanon, and since I stalk your page and reread everything like a weirdo (you’re such a good writer), but like…. Headcanons for Spencer Reid as a dad? Doesn’t have to be married, or he can be if you want. Just like…. Little early seasons Reid having a kid(s) vs later seasons Reid. Would he care if they inherited his intelligence? (Also like, breeding kink? Pregnancy kink? Lactation kink? Im sure there are more kinks related to this??) I need all your thoughts for real 😂😭"
click here for!: "hi can you do post prison spencer reid finds out that reader is a virgin"
click here for!: "Hiiii <3 big fan, love your work. Any thoughts on Spencer letting his submission show? not in a nsfw way, but still a bit scandalous. If you've seen The Secretary (i cannot recommend that movie enOUGH) you'll know what i mean lol"
click here for!: "i just wanna fucking play wrestle with spencer so bad 😣 i need that scrawny nerd to tackle my chubby ass and then i wanna pin him down and forget why we were doing this in the first place and messily make out with him. i guess i do have a nerdy man at my disposal anytime (my boyfriend) but he’s no fun. makes me have to imagine a fictional man 👎👎👎"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer has a ‘type’?"
click here for!: "Mommy kink Spencer Reid. I just need all your thoughts because on one hand hello momma issues and on the other he has a psych degree and he is hyper aware of himself, and internalizes everythinggggg (You’re the HC OverLord/Lady/Pronoun of your choice and we all serve you)"
click here for!: "Thoughts on pervy reid? Like baby reid-season 12 is probably a hugeeee perv and then post-prison reid, the perviest perv of all of the pervy’s. But not like a creepy perv, like a perv with his s/o. I just said perv so many times that it doesn’t even sound real anymore"
click here for!: "IMAGINE GIVING SUB!SPENCER HEAD.. Like just IMAGINEEE?? Baby Reid, Glasses Reid, Post Prison Reid. Baby Reid, never had head before, would moan LOUDLY. like the slut he is. Thrusting up into your mouth and shit, each time you flatten your tounge over the head of his pretty cock he'd fucking CRYYYY from the sensations. Glasses Reid, would be fogging up those cute little fucking glasses from how much he pants. Would either guide your head just how he likes or would give your hair small tugs. But Post Prison Reid? God, He'd be so starved he'd whine and whimper through the whole thing, gently rubbing your jaw as you suck him off."
click here for!: "how long do you think spencer lasts in bed and how big is he"
click here for!: "Thoughts on touch starved spencer with a touchy gf?"
click here for!: "do you think spencer reid jerks off"
click here for!: "could i please have some hcs for how spence would react if his autistic s/o kept getting cut off when they were talking about a special interest? ty bestie i love ur writing sm"
click here for!: "Thoughts on Spencer being a horny little guy that just wants to cum? Hand, thigh, ass, leg, you got it and he's probably humping it🤷‍♀️"
click here for!: "more thoughts on spencer with a smart reader? i’m such a slut for him id learn anything just to have a conversation with him"
click here for!: "Thoughts on autistic Spencer? I know it’s ‘technically’ canon but I want to know what you think"
click here for!: "just thinking about sitting behind sub spence and helping him get off...maybe his hands are tied behind him and he's just sitting there squirming and sobbing cause you keep edging him, the poor thing. he'll start twitching madly almost at his high only for you to stop stroking and he's back to crying, begging to cum"
click here for!: "hcs of reid x reader recovering from wisdom tooth surgery? I got all 4 of mine out yesterday and it's so painful"
click here for!: "wait.. vhs collector spencer?? thoughts? (or any vintage/old technology thing really) - 💐"
click here for!: "Personal HC bc i’m a little crafty girl but I think Spencer would LOVE making pompoms and shit like that. We already know that he loves to knit and i think he’s just a little crafter"
click here for!: "Hello, amazing writer and human being!!! Headcanons for what pegging Reid would be like? Like is he embarrassed to ask, does he bring it up or do you? Is it only when he wants to be completely dominated or the norm? Just all the thoughts because Spencer is both a certified munch and someone who deserves to be pegged til he can’t think!!"
click here for!: "HOLD ON YOU WRITE FOR CHIP TAYLOR?? GOD, 68KILL IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE RN I LOVE CHIP. I absolutely NEED submissive hcs for him if you would be so kind as to shareeee🙏"
click here for!: "bestie could u spare a thought about spencer utterly worshipping u and being adorably determined to make u feel better when ur sad(bc i've been crying for like 3 hours on and off and i'm so tired)"
click here for!: "I absolutely NEED Spencer hcs for when you and him have sweet sex. Like, GOD, the way he'd whine for you, squirming and absolutely writhing as you just slowly stroke him while playing with his hair."
click here for!: "all I think about is Spencer x autistic reader, or just nuerodivergent reader and the bond that they would share. Ps ily💞"
click here for!: "I feel like Post-Prison Spencer would be a bit scared to do anything with you at first after got out but when he does let you touch him oh LAWD He'd whine and whimper through EVERYTHING. Bro would be CRYING, Tears streaming down his cheeks and a nearly pathetic sob slipping from those insanely beautiful lips each time you clench around him or brush over his tip with your thumb"
click here for!: "even though it is SO ooc, my little goblin brain has been stuck on stoner spencer. obsessed even. dying. 🧍‍♀️🤸‍♀️"
click here for!: "Spencer with his pregnant wife. She’s near her due date and he basically has to help her with **everything**"
click here for!: "Istg Spencer probably LOVES bathing with you or like showering together. Little domestic shit(but I also feel like he'd probably enjoy shower sex, seeing ur body wet from the water🙌)"
click here for!: "Spencer being a sensitive little whore that gets hard at the bounce of a boob got me thinkinh I bet this man needs to rub one out at work from time to time, but at home I swear this man probably couldn't keep his hands off his cock or you"
click here for!: "Spencer would be such a little horny man istg. Like he'd wake up from a wet dream and be hard as a ROCK in his pants."
click here for!: "I’d really just like to request your most feral Spencer Reid headcanons. SFW, NSFW, raunchy, tame - whatever. Just your like “I will fight anyone who disagrees, they are fact” type headcanons.(Because I reread all your headcanons and love every single one)"
click here for!: "Slutty Chip headcanons?? (Slutty Chip sounds like his name haaa)"
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Headcannons for dom!season2/3 Reid? I know everyone sees earlier seasons as him being a sub and later seasons of him being a dom but I feel like he’s always been a dom
come celebrate 2.5K with me!
You’re my one -  send me a scenario and a character and i’ll write about what it would be like! (ex. going to an art museum with spencer reid)
this post is 18+, minors dni.
he doesn't always have a lot of control over his life
he used to
he used to have to control his and his mother's life for the most part
but once he started working at the bau
he was not the one in charge anymore
he kind of missed the feeling of control
it's like the rug was yanked out from under him
and he's not used to that
so when he takes control in the bedroom
he takes control
i'm talking he moves you where he wants you to go
he does not let you lay down on the bed
he is going to (gently) push you down onto the mattress and spread your thighs
definitely the type to say something like
"Just lay down and let me make you feel good"
"I'll do all the work, just tell me how it makes you feel"
^^ he's a pleaserrr
the type to eat you out for hourssss and you're squirming and crying but he's holding you down and coaxing you through just one more time
he's probably really big on thigh riding
just the idea that he doesn't even have to undress to get you off?
you don't even need him to touch you for you to finish?
he turns you on that much?
he is obsessed
really big on belts being used as bondage tools
he'll belt your hands together if you're okay with it
it just makes him feel more in control
if you're riding his thigh he'll hold your hips and move them for you 🥴
probably really into casual dominance too!
829 notes · View notes
wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Matthew Gray Gubler:
They’re Adorable Aren’t They?
Pin Drop
Shark Week
Bright Lights In The Big City
head cannons:
Going on a press tour together
Matthew trying to impress you
Karaoke with the Gube
Rough quickie in his trailer
Snuggling between scenes
Shower sex
Comforting you after a bad day
Dating Mgg
Carving Pumpkins together
Giving him head
Jealous mgg
Makeup Sex
BAU X Reader
Pro Fighter
Spencer Reid:
Safe and Sound
Words and Numbers
Warm Hoodies
Migraines and Cuddles
Nightmares and Kisses
Maroon , Velvet
Pastel Flowers
Pretty Face Skinny Waist
Girl Scout Fangirls
Sunny Woods
Worth It
Boy Band
Prove ‘Em Wrong
Touchy Feely
Curiosity Killed The Cat, Satisfaction Brought It Back
Teasing Jerkwad
Body Swap
Pretty Baby
Reunited At Long Last (Spencer Reid x Elle Greenaway PLATONIC)
Choking Game
I’ll Always Love You
Big Tiddie Committee
giving him head in the office
squirting orgasm
cumming inside of you
Small chested reader
Observer Not Profiler: pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 FINAL
Profiler, Not Observer (Observer Not Profiler epilogue series) pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4
Sinfully Sweet: teaser teaser2 pt1 pt2 pt3 !!ON HIATUS!!
Sub! Spencer
Aaron Hotchner:
Bottom Bitch
Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey
 First day of work
Swimming with Hotch
Soulmate AU
Emily Prentiss:
going to a haunted house
2K notes · View notes
subspencer · 3 years
just…. post prison perv spencer . that Is All
sigh, so okay. i personally (though i haven’t actually seen s13-15 bc i don’t wanna ruin the show for myself lol) headcannon post prison spencer as a hardcore return to his sub phase. HEAR ME OUT!
i think after facing such a hard life as he did in those few months, spencer is in need of a lot of love and a lot of coddling. he needs someone to hold him and let him know he’s okay now, and that all the things he’s done in the past are okay.
and we can agree, in this scenario, spencer doesnt think too highly of himself. he doesn’t feel like he deserves good things in life, like tiny everyday luxuries and love. he keeps himself distanced from it, assuming he’s way too damaged to ever receive any true form of love.
but he’s still a human with natural urges. therefore, he’s still incredibly attracted to his gorgeous coworker, even if he doesn’t think he deserves to be with them.
he feels like he needs to keep a distance, for their sake. they’re way too young and happy to be brought down by his baggage. he can deny himself of their affection, but he can’t deny his need to stare at them, to fantasize about them at odd hours of the night and sometimes even in the middle of the day.
he figures he’s never going to get close to them, anyway. they’ll never know how he feels, just like they won’t know if spencer spends a little too much time watching them. or, when they share a room, that he likes to watch how pretty they look while they sleep in the bed across from his. that he slips away to the bathroom in the middle of the night to fix how hard he gets just from picturing them naked, even when they’re fully clothed
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Fic Masterlist
Prompts List
requests are open!
*=smut (i will not write smut about minors)
all lowercase titles w/o character at end = blurb
Event Winners
Under The Mistletoe - Peter Maximoff by @raincoffeeandfandoms
Music Masterlist
It (2017&2019)
Turth or Dare - Bill Denbrough
Into The Deadlights - Mike Hanlon
What Is This Feeling? - Stan Uris
happier - Bill Denbrough
Stranger Things
I Like Girls - Max Mayfield
Starcourt - Mike Wheeler
Shut Up and Kiss Me - Max Mayfield
Confession - Lucas Sinclair
Dating Robin Buckley Would Include
Please Don’t Cry - Nancy Wheeler
I Always Will - Eddie Munson
Fall In Love With A Girl - Robin Buckley
All Too Well - Eddie Munson
Migraine - Robin Buckley x Reader (Platonic) and Eddie Munson x Reader (Romantic)
Strawberry Blonde - Chrissy Cunningham
The 100
I Don’t Care If You Hurt Me*- Octavia Blake
Come With Me - Jasper Jordan
Not Alone Anymore - Madi Griffin
I Am Not Okay With This
drivers license- Dina
Bloody Kisses - Syd Novak
High and In Love - Syd Novak
American Horror Story
I’m Still Here - Tate Langdon
My Little Angel - James March
NSFW Alphabet*
You Belong To Me* - Kai Anderson
The Evans See Your SH Scars
How The Evans Would React If They Walked In On You Changing*
The Evans See You Having A Wet Dream About Them*
You’re Mine Now* - Kai Anderson
You’re A Murderer - James March
Being Iris’s Daughter and Dating James
Dream Come True* - Tate Langdon
The Evans With A Photographer Boyfriend
Make You Feel Beautiful* - Kyle Spencer
Stressed* - Kyle Spencer
The Evans See You Masturbating*
Messiah - Kai Anderson
Ignored - Jimmy Darling
Telekinesis- Madison Montgomery
Let Me Cheer You Up* - Kit Walker
The Evans See You Do The Wap*
Beautiful* // James March
Don’t Tell A Soul - Brooke Thompson
I Can’t Keep Living Like This - Kai Anderson
deja vu - Tate Langdon
The Evans Help You Through A Panic Attack
Pumped Up Kicks - Tate Langdon
I’m Not Going Anywhere - Brooke Thompson
Ouija Board - Tate Langdon
You Flinch During An Argument
First Aid - Winter Anderson
Tate Langdon With A Nonbinary SO
Jimmy Darling With A Nonbinary SO
Dating The Emmas Would Include
Drunk - Mallory
Fireflies - Jimmy Darling
I’ll Always Love You - Tate Langdon
Forever - Tate Langdon x Reader x Violet Harmon
Not So Secret Crush - Madison Montgomery
Insomniac - Tate Langdon
Julie and the Phantoms
I Will Always Be There For You - Carrie Wilson
Tell Me Everything- Alex Mercer
Butterfly Girl - Julie Molina
I’m Sorry - Reggie Peters
Flower - Peter Maximoff
Flower Pt.2 - Peter Maximoff
Flower Pt.3 - Peter Maximoff
Picture Perfect - Kurt Wagner
Find Our Way Back Home Masterlist
Kandi Crush - Peter Maximoff
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Love Me Or Love Me Not? - Enoch O’Conner
Lost In Time - Jiya Marri
Reader Finding Out Zac Died
Dating Zac Headcannons
Every Witch Way
You’re A Witch - Emma Alonso
Dating Cat Valentine Would Include
I’m Not That Far Away - Nini Salazar-Roberts
You’re The Only One I Love - Nini Salazar-Roberts
New Student - Willa Lykensen
Criminal Minds
Forever Be My Always - Spencer Reid
I Talk To The Sky- Spencer Reid
Whenever You Need Me, I Promise I’ll Be There - Spencer Reid
Scream (Movies)
Movie Night - Jill Roberts
He’s Mine - Charlie Walker
favorite crime - Ethan Landry
In My Room - Ethan Landry
Love Is Blind - Amber Freeman
More Than This* - Chad Meeks Martin x Reader x Ethan Landry
Alive* - Chad Meeks Martin x Reader x Ethan Landry
No Control* - Chad Meeks Martin x Reader x Ethan Landry
ethan w/ a praise kink*
discovering your bf chad is a sub*
being caught masturbating by poly!ghostface*
making virgin!ethan cum in his pants*
ghostface!ethan trying to push you away
The Darkest Minds
Two Birds - Clancy Gray
I'll Keep You Safe - Shauna Shipman
171 notes · View notes
doublekrecs · 4 years
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matthew gray gubler 
road head
warnings: smut, oral (m receiving), road head LOL
taking control
warnings: implied smut, sub!spencer
spencer overhears you talking to the girls about taking control in bed.
from the back
warnings: smut, read the title lol
in his trailer
warnings: smut, light degradation
playing with his hair
warnings: none
thrift store
warnings: none
dinner with your parents
warnings: none
warnings: light smut (title says it all)
Spencer Reid
warnings: none
praising him
warnings: none
office sex
warnings: smut
bad boy!spencer side
warnings: surprise pregnancy, violence
first time w him + nipple piercings & navel bar
warnings: smut, piercings??
thigh riding + cockwarming
warnings: smut, thigh riding, cockwarming, professor!spencer
night at rossi’s
warnings: smut, mentions of cheating
reader takes control
warnings: slight sub!spencer/dom!reader 
More Than Physics 
warnings: smut, oral (male receiving), mutual masturbation
More Than Friends
part two of More than Physics
warnings: smut, p in v, oral (female receiving), risky pictures, fluffy ending
Going Live
warnings:smut, oral, tiny degredation
blurb about the girls finding the video x
emily prentiss
saved from an unsub
warnings: post violence
pregnancy hc
warnings: none
emily railing reader
warnings: smut, strap-on
derek morgan
shy poc!reader
warnings: none
insecure plus!size reader
warnings: insecurities
430 notes · View notes
inactive-luv · 3 years
Sub Spencer getting punished by reader using a fleshlight to edge him, bonus points if shes whispering what a bad boy he's been!
sub spencer kick is going through the roof rn, im not sure how to write degradation as good as others.... so readers gonna be a soft dom 
i didnt even preview this so if it sucks i apologize
Desperate: words
cw: edging, fleshlight usage, dom/sub, soft degradation, oral sex (f), mommy kink
"Spencer do you want a glass of wine?” She called from the kitchen and he turned his head but didn’t answer. Her own head turned to the side waiting for an answer but he just turned back to the television instead.
Earlier today, at the office, he acted the same way. Aloof to her and bratty to the rest of his coworkers. Wondering what was wrong she asked him wholeheartedly and he just pushed her off, so she didn’t pry anymore. 
She put it aside and walked over to the couch to sit next to him watching tv, trying to piece together what she had missed in the kitchen. “What happened?” She asked and without turning his head he answered,
“I wasn’t paying attention, but I think they got in an argument and he drove away.”
“Why did they get in an argument?”
“Maybe she kept talking during a movie.”
Her eyebrows rose while she turned her head to him, his face still glued to the screen. “Hah,” She scoffed, getting up from her seat and turning to their bedroom.
She was in there a while, looking for their things before she came out with a smug look on her face. He got up from the couch before her hand met his chest and pushed him back in his seat.
“What-” She cut him off with her tongue, already wrapped around his in her mouth before she pulled away to straddle his hips. He leaned towards her face, eager for another kiss, but she pulled back and brought her hand up to his eye line.
“Do you know what this is?” She asked rhetorically, holding a fleshlight close to his face. His eyes blew out of his head and he gulped without answering. Her unoccupied hand went to his hair.
“You were such a bad boy tonight Spencer, you want to tell me why that is?” She asked him while pulling on his tangled hair, “Hmph! M’sorry” He tried to turn his head but she turned it toward her for him.
“Who are you talking to Spencer?”
He looked up at her with his gorgeous brown eyes, almost blown out of his head at the sound of her voice before his voice registered itself in a low whisper, “Y-you, M-mommy.”
She smiled as she positioned herself next to him, letting go of his hair. She gave him a look pointing at his pants and he was quick to pull them down enough for his hard cock to spring upward. “What’s got you so excited Spencer? Do you want to be punished?”
She whispered her words carefully while squirting a drop of lube in the silicone. She gently slid it down his cock, his voice quivering as she jerked him fast and hard.
Her palm slid flat against his head before her fingers curled to tug at his hair. “Fuck!” He swore in her ear, earning a small slap to his cock in front of her. “Watch your language Spencer.” She cooed against his neck, 
“Mommy,” was all he could whimper out before she slid the fleshlight back down his shaft and he winced at the feeling of the silicone against his sensitive cock.
She pulled his hair again, tight enough so his face positioned itself in front of hers and she could plant a sloppy kiss against his red lips. He moaned at the interaction and deepened the kiss as she jerked him faster.
“Hmph!” He whimpered under her lips before she pulled back, “Are you getting close?” She whispered and he was quick to answer, “Yes Mommy, can I cum? Please? Please?” He groaned out quickly as his hips jerked and she laughed.
She laughed at the desperation he exuded as she slowed down her movements. “Bad boys don’t cum Spencer you know that.” She told him as she nibbled on his ear, delicate not to hurt him except for the odd bite here and there.
He loved the pain though. The pain of her edging him, the sensitivity of his aching red cock and her fingernails sunk into his neck. He couldn’t help himself moan out her name especially loud as she withdrew the fleshlight and he bucked his hips at the loss of pressure.
“Get up.” She commanded, his body lifting itself up immediately though wobbling when he stood too fast. She put her hand on his shoulder, pushing him abruptly to his knees as she sat down in front of him.
“You want to be a good boy?” He nodded eagerly. “You want to cum?” He nodded even faster this time. “You can cum by pleasuring me. Think you can handle it?”
He swallowed a lump in his throat as she slid off her panties, in front of his face so Spencer could notice the big wet spot in the middle of them. “Yes Mommy.” He whispered placing his hands around her legs as she put them on his shoulders.
Once she rolled her head back he was quick to plant innocent kisses all along the length of her thighs. His eagerness influencing his speed as he drew himself closer to her sopping core.
Normally Spencer spent his time going achingly slow, but now he was desperate. Desperate to please her, to please himself. He licked a long stripe along her slit collecting her excitement on his tongue.
Soft kisses were administered along her vulva, her voice quivering under his mouth. “Spencer.” She moaned out long and breathlessly. His lips went to her clit, sucking softly before jumping to her vagina, his tongue peeking in. 
“Oh God!” She whined out as he darted in and out of her vagina with his tongue, spit and excitement dripping onto their couch cushions as Spencer found himself nearing orgasm as well.
Her hands found themselves in his hair again, pulling his head closer to her body as she whispered “I’m close” over and over again above his body. He moved faster, her thighs almost shaking around his head before they jerked as she came right on his tongue.
She couldn’t hear it over her moans but he let out a deep groan between her thighs as he came beneath her. His orgasm making him pull back for air and look up at her face. 
Sweat and exhaustion looming over her as her chest heaved for air softly before she slowed down and looked at the mess he made on the floor. “Come here.” 
She whispered, her hands pulling his arm up to her chest. He got up and into her lap, resting his head in the crook of her neck as they both caught their breath.
@willowrose99 @spencerreid-187 @spencerreidsleftsock @reidingmelodies @rigatonireid @spencerreidsrightsock @spenxerslut @kuolonsyoja @sparklinspence
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kaleidoscopek9 · 3 years
I've had this list of headcannons just sitting in my notes app of my phone and I wanna put it somewhere so 👀
(These are heavily inspired by what I could gather from the skele boys in @bonelyheartsclub! I just threw in a few of my own.)
- Does a LOT of stargazing and has quite a few space-themed knicknacks and clothes in his room. He's got a telescope too!
- Dad jokes. Any time is prime dad joke time. He's never let an opportunity slip past him.
- He's an absolute prank master. You're considered lucky if you happen to avoid the ones he's planted around the house like bombs waiting to go off.
- He's cryptic as fuck. Always giving half-true answers to every question. Occasionally he may slip up and give you a brutally honest response, but that's only with the people he trusts most, and he finds being open to be very difficult.
- He's constantly referencing memes and vine quotes from days of yore. He practically has a database of every meme ever in his head, and he doesnt let it go to waste.
- Cuddling with him is basically a one way ticket to nap-town, and you constantly find yourself waking up to him smooshed against you on the couch after dozing off. For being a skeleton, he is a surprisingly comfortable snuggler.
-So much baking and cooking. It's his favorite past time, and the kitchen never smells the same when he's done making whatever he's making in there (it's 12 times out of 10 pasta) And while his cooking may be sub-par, you never say no when he asks you to try his latest dish.
- He's always up to go shopping with you. It never matters where. Malls are his favorite, especially the big grand ones with fountains and huge windows. He makes it a point to bring spare cash because you KNOW he's going to ride the mini marry-go-round even if he can barely fit in the seats.
- You two love to binge watch cooking channels. Always discussing which foods would be the most fun to make, writing down recipies, and having a hell of a time trying to pause the show at the right points to get all the information down.
- Papyrus is notorious for game nights. He's always pulling out boards and cards that you've never heard of before and never starts a game until he's absolutely certain you know the rules. Winning of course, is always his prime goal when it comes to games, but if he senses you're on a particularly rough losing streak, he MAY slip up. Occasionally. Just enough so you can win a game or two. Or five.
- Hyper as all hell. You give him a reasonable dose of sugar or caffeine and he could power an entire city for a few hours without breaking a sweat.
- If he had been in high school, Blue would have been a theater kid. He's always humming a tune from a Broadway show or Disney movie, and he's got a pretty good collection of songs on his brother's Spotify playlist.
- This guy will blast Steven Universe music at full volume he has no shame.
- If you are ever driving somewhere with him, an aux cord is a MUST. Singing in the car is a very frequent thing with you two, and you'll only get out after the song is over.
- He likes cryptids! Mothman is his favorite and he firmly believes he exists somewhere.
- He's your workout buddy. If he manages to drag you to the gym with him, that is.
- Blue hates seeing you down in the dumps, and is always trying to cheer you up with his quirky puns and jokes to get you smiling again.
- He'd be the best motivational poster ever. Whenever he picks up that you're going through a rough spot and falling behind on self-care, he knows just what to say to put the spark back in you again.
- Radiates goblin energy.
- A goddamn meme lord.
- He's made two or three widely known viral videos and nobody knows it was him.
- You need someone to go to an anime convention with? Stretch is your guy. He's god awful at planning stuff out, but he'll make sure you both have a good time, no matter what happens.
- He's really big into nerd culture, and he DMs for a dungeons and dragons game every week.
- He'll occasionally smoke, but he doesnt have lungs, so he does it more for shits and giggles than anything else.
- As lazy as he seems, he is very reliable. If he knows it's something important to you, he'll get it done. Chores though, he's a lot more iffy with.
- He really likes bees.
- Talks big talk, but he's actually a huge softie.
- He's basically a big pillow with sharp teeth that can curse.
- A nervous wreck.
- His brother shops at Hot Topic. He shops at Spencer's. Very convenient.
- He's a pretty big flirt and throws out little compliments and things to butter you up from time to time.
- If you take Red into a Dave and Busters he will win the most expensive prize at the booth in about 2 hours. (He knows how to cheat at every single game)
- He's a competitive gamer, and has a pretty impressive following on Twitch.
- He can go from loud and brash to quiet and insecure in a matter of moments, depending on the situation.
- He loves to bake, although it's something he will never be caught dead doing.
- Comfort is not his strong suit, but he will defend you without a second thought.
- He can be a little clingy and will text you now and again to ask what you're up to, just to ease his mind.
- Professionalism is his game.
- The walking embodiment of Hot Topic.
- He loves to listen to rock and screamo music. He's also got a thing for Disney villain songs.
- You need some punk biker or vampiric goth fashion advice? Boss got ya.
- Skellator Man.
- Out of all the skeletons, Boss has the biggest ego.
- He hates admitting he's wrong. He would rather DIE than admit he's fucked up something.
- "I am not nice-"
- He could kill a man with his high heels.
- If it's got spikes he'll probably wear it.
- Tsundere. Tsundere. Tsundere. Tsundere. Tsu
- Did I mention he's a cold blooded tsundere.
- Small angery man.
- He listens to a lot of classic and instrumental music. He finds it very sophisticated.
- Wakes up obscenely early in the morning. Always followed by a cup of the most bitter coffee on the planet.
- Comes up with the best insults. He could roast someone so hard that they'd dissolve into a pile of soot. He could glare at you and you'd cease to exist. He's that good.
- WILL step on you without remorse.
- Threatens to kill someone on a daily basis.
- Very rarely has spare time for himself. He's always keeping busy doing something.
- Loves dark, dry humor. A child falling off a swing will have him laughing for a good five minutes.
- Has a stone cold poker face.
- He might have a softer side to him. You may never know because of the walls he's built up around him.
- He absolutely adores animals. He volunteers at the local animal shelter and plans on adopting every single dog there.
- Rus has a massive sweet tooth. Donuts are his favorite, and you can easily bribe him with anything sugar coated.
- A road trip master. You put him in a camper and he knows exactly where he's going and what he's doing.
- "Going off grid, fuck yeah- I pull out my credit cards and shred 'em."
- Hiking, camping and geocaching are some of his favorite things to do. He loves to explore the wilderness and it's like he has a built-in compass for finding his way.
- His ideal date is going to a Wal-Mart and causing absolute chaos by riding bikes around and tossing all of the inflatable balls from their displays.
- Cryptidcore energy.
- Rus loves watching Buzzfeed Unsolved and ghost huntings. He's a big fan of Supernatural and Stranger Things, too.
- Stutters and slurs his words a lot. He's got some speech impediments from the gold canines in his mouth.
- A bit lacking when it comes to social skills, but he can be extremely caring and sweet.
- Very soft-spoken and awkward. He doesn't get much social interaction and is still figuring some things out.
- He's very self-aware of the wound in his head. Whenever he has to leave the house he wears some sort of hat to cover it up.
- Practically lives in his garden. He understands plants more than he does human beings, and he spends time daily tending to whatever he's growing.
- Him and his brother are both vegetarians, and the smell or sight of meat makes them both feel sick to themselves.
- Has trouble sleeping due to his reoccurring nightmares. He will often sit in his garden late at night to help calm himself.
- Radiates soft energy. He would absolutely give the best hugs out of all the skeletons.
- Very touch-starved. Physical affection is something he rarely recieves, and he probably lingers with touches a lot longer than he should.
- Unintentionally makes God-teir jokes without realizing it.
- Very well-educated in a lot of things. He really likes stocking up on useless factoids and making up his own just to mess with people.
- He answers Jeopardy questions with concerning accuracy.
- He enjoys going out to eat, and he's always up to try fancy foods.
- He likes photography and reading. He is well into the Harry Potter series.
- Poplar is prepared for anything at any time. A lot of stuff doesnt phase him at all, and it's difficult to catch him off-guard.
- He's willing to try anything new, once.
- Always willing to help out with schoolwork if he thinks you're seriously struggling with it.
- He's always carrying around small planners and notebooks to write in so he can keep track of things.
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