#sub sajin komamura
jplupine · 1 year
Day 7: Sajin Komamura ~ Knotting
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Pairing: Sajin Komamura x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~4.4k Date Published: October 7, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Sajin, Exophilia, Small Dom/Big Sub, Feral Behavior, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Knotting, Praise, Stomach Bulge, Biting, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'sweetheart' to refer to Sajin. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: It may be summer, but Sajin can't help himself when he catches the scent of Wynter.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Birds and bugs filled the air with a cacophony of sound as my feet softly thudded over the wooden walkway. The heat of the summer sun clung to the air even in the shade. It stuck to my skin and made me sweat every time I went outside.
  Sighing through my nose, I pulled my uniform open just a little more to get some relief as the air hit the exposed part of my chest. I couldn't wait to get back inside where the air was cooler and I could sit down.
  Stopping in front of a door, I knocked with the back of my knuckles and waited for an answer.
  "Come in." A low voice came from the other side, and I opened the door.
  "Captain." I gave a bow out of respect before lifting the files that had been tucked under my arm. "I was told to bring these reports to you."
  "Thank you. You can put them there." Sajin pointed to the corner of his desk without looking up from the papers he was writing on. When I got closer and placed the files where he had pointed, I then paused while thinking. "Is something wrong?"
  "Not really. I was just wondering....would you mind if I stayed a bit longer? It's really hot outside." I smiled while rubbing the back of my neck, and Sajin scoffed.
  "As long as it is not cutting into your other duties. Here." He then got up and went to a table where a pitcher and some cups sat. He grabbed the pitcher and poured what looked like water into one of the glasses. And, with his back turned to me now, I could see how his tail was softly wagging underneath his Captain's Haori.
  When he turned back around, he handed me the glass, and I accepted it.
  "Thank you, Captain."
  "These past few days have been very hot. You can't forget to drink plenty of water." His tone was gentle as he looked down at me due to the extreme height difference. I saw his ears flick before he cleared his throat and crouched down. "I'm sorry. It must be uncomfortable having to crane your neck so much."
  "It's fine." I chuckled before taking a drink, and I could feel the cool water going down my throat. "Ah, thank you. If it doesn't start cooling down out there, I think I just might melt." Sighing, I placed my hand on my hip while holding the glass against my neck to help cool myself down.
  "That wouldn't be good." Sajin softly chuckled, the low, gentle sound making me smile. Captain Komamura was known for being more rigid than some of the other captains, but he was a lot more lax in a quieter environment. And since it was just us in his office, he wasn't even bothering to cover up his face either.
  "I know. Who would get stuff done in my place?"
  "I admire your work ethic if it's any consolation. But if it gets too much, do not be afraid to ask for help."
  "What, are you offering?" I raised a brow, and his ears perked up as his eyes slightly widened.
  "I-I just meant in general."
  "Ah. And here I was thinking the great Captain Komamura was offering to help little ol' me." I dramatically sighed, and Sajin's ears turned back as he glanced away for a second.
  "Of course. What other captain would let me hide out in their office and offer me water on top of that? You're the best. Don't tell my Captain that." I laughed, and to my amusement, his tail began to wag.
  Did he actually enjoy the compliments?
  "It's the least I could do. You came quite a ways to bring me those reports. Would you like to have a seat?"
  "No, thank you. If I sit down now, I might not get up. That sun really drains you." I sighed while lowering the glass just a few inches. It felt so good against my skin as the cold condensation mixed with my sweat.
  Sajin had gone quiet, and when I looked at him, I saw that his eyes were downcast. His tail was still wagging with his ears perked straight up, but his gaze drifted lower. It wasn't hard to figure out what he was focusing on as I could feel the sweat and condensation dripping down my half-exposed chest as his eyes seemed to follow it.
  He then shook his head before looking at my face again, snapping out of the trance he had been in.
  "Everything okay, Captain?" I pretended not to notice what he'd been staring at and took a drink.
  "Fine." His response was quick, and I pressed the glass to the other side of my neck this time. He was clearly not fine, but I wasn't entirely certain if I should say something. Perhaps the heat was getting to Sajin as well.
  His eyes weren't focused on my face for long when his gaze drifted back down to my neck and chest. Did he not realize how obvious his staring was? ....Or was he too used to his helmet hiding it?
  His tail began to wag faster as his nose twitched, and I couldn't hide the smirk I got while realizing just how captured Sajin was. His senses being heightened likely meant he was picking up on things most others couldn't.
  I began to wonder what exactly he was sensing to make him forget about the conversation and that I could see him staring. Either way, the temptation to tease the captain rose. I could do it so easily with him being the way he was.
  Heavily sighing, I tilted my head to the side and grabbed the front of my uniform to wave air at myself. The action revealed more of my chest, especially to Sajin given his height even while crouching.
  "I'm sorry if I stink. I know you've got a sensitive nose, and I just came in all sweaty." I softly laughed, and Sajin swallowed.
  "You shouldn't worry about such a thing. You smell quite nice, actually." He took a second to realize what he said and visibly panicked. "I-I mean, the soaps you use. I can smell the soaps you use. My nose- It's not on purpose. I'm sorry if I've offended-"
  "Relax, Captain. I understood what you meant. And thank you. Also glad to know I chose good soaps." Sajin's eyes bounced between my face and my neck and chest now. He was trying to focus and failing spectacularly. "You know, it's a lot easier to talk to you without your helmet on."
  "It is?" He seemed genuinely surprised.
  "Yeah. Your helmet is usually like a barrier and hides your expressions. It's also a bit intimidating." I chuckled.
  "....You think the helmet is more intimidating than my face?"
  "I do. You have kind eyes, and I think your ears are cute." Almost as soon as I said it, his ears turned back against his skull while his wagging tail was creating too much noise to ignore. "Happy to hear that, are you?" I chuckled, and Sajin's hand shot behind him to grab his tail.
  He was embarrassed and wouldn't let his tail go. He couldn't look at me either and cleared his throat.
  "I'm....not used to such compliments." Sajin ran his hand over his ears and the back of his neck in a nervous manner. He then glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Would you....like to touch them?"
  "If you don't mind." I was surprised by the offer, but I could tell he was seeking an excuse for contact. Sajin leaned down further and placed a hand on his knee with the other resting his knuckles on the floor. Setting my cup on the desk, I then reached up toward his ears.
  They were so soft. His fur was well-maintained, and I ran my fingers up the backs of his ears. Sajin's eyes were half-closed as he leaned in closer. Rubbing my thumbs over the insides of his ears, I could feel his breath against my chest from how close he was now.
  He was breathing in my scent more now as I continued to touch his ears. Tilting my head, I watched him and slowly lowered my hands to his cheeks. My fingers sank into his fur as he leaned into my touch as if he craved it.
  "You're so soft." He suddenly pulled away and stood up.
  "Okay, that's enough." Sajin was louder with his words rushed. He looked embarrassed again, and when my gaze dropped, my eyes went wide.
  "C-Captain Komamura...." I muttered while feeling the heat rising in my cheeks and ears. Given the height difference, when he was standing up all of the way, the top of my head was only up to his hips.
  And he currently was inadvertently putting his erection right in my face.
  I didn't expect him to get this excited, and neither had he from how he panicked. Sajin quickly stepped back while trying to cover himself and stumble out an apology. However, he ended up running into the corner of the desk and falling. The glass of water also toppled over, landing in his lap and getting water everywhere.
  Sajin looked as if he wanted to hide in a deep hole with his ears pressed flat against his skull while his eyes were full of horror as he looked at himself. Covering my mouth with my hand, I knew it would be polite to turn away, but the sight of him on the floor with his soaked hakama clinging to the outline of his hardening cock was too much.
  I swallowed, feeling that familiar tingle crawl up my spine as heat flooded between my thighs. I was looking at proof that Sajin found me attractive at the very least, and it took a good amount of self-control to not pounce on the massive man.
  "Are you okay, Captain?"
  "I-I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. I don't know what has come over me." He covered himself with his hands while curling forward as his tail tucked against his thigh.
  "Hey, calm down. It's okay." I placed my hand under his chin to lift his face. "If you haven't noticed, Captain....I've been flirting with you for a reason." His wide eyes snapped up to look at me. "You didn't notice I was flirting?"
  "....No. I, uh, I thought you were just being nice."
  "I want you, Sajin." I said it plainly to make sure he understood. A smirk pulled at the corners of my lips as I heard his tail thumping against the floor. "Can't you smell it?" I saw his nose twitch before his pupils widened more.
  Stepping closer, Sajin leaned back. Grabbing the hem of my kosode and shitage, I pulled them open all of the way as the garments fell off my shoulders. The fabric bunched around my elbows as I stood between Sajin's thighs.
  "So what do you say, Captain?"
  "....What's the catch? Have you lost a bet?"
  "Would I be this aroused if I had?" I questioned while watching his eyes search mine. "Now answer me." Lifting his chin with a finger, I listened to how his tail continued to beat against the floor. The fur on the back of his neck seemed to rise before he licked his maw hungrily.
  "I say yes."
  "Good." I took a step closer, straddling his hips as I placed my hands on his chest to push him back a little bit more. Slipping my fingers behind the front of his uniform, I pushed it open, revealing the pale fur covering his chest and stomach. I let my eyes wander, seeing how Sajin was nothing but pure power beneath his clothes.
  Pushing the layers of garments off his shoulders, they fell to the floor around his wrists. I dropped my own kosode and shitage to the side before reaching for his sash.
  "Perhaps we should hang your hakama to dry. Unless you have a spare-"
  "Wait!" Sajin quickly grabbed my wrists as his ears turned back. "I...."
  "What?" My hands stopped moving as I waited for him to say something. His massive hands engulfed much of my forearms, and he swallowed.
  "Wynter, I'm not sure-"
  "If you don't want this, just tell me."
  "It's not that."
  "Then what is it?"
  "I'm not sure you'll want to. I'm a Wolfman. I....I'm not like other men."
  "Well aware."
  "No, I mean...." He was struggling to explain, and I softly sighed through my nose.
  "Stop worrying so much. Relax, Captain. I'll take care of you." I kissed his cheek and pulled his hakama down since his sash was loose enough. Looking down, I saw what possibly could've been what he had tried to explain.
  His cock wasn't quite human-looking. In fact, near the base looked to be a knot that made my eyebrows raise. I'd had a feeling this might be the case, but seeing it was another thing entirely.
  "If you were to knot me, how long would it take for the swelling to go down?"
  "I want you to knot me. Trying to figure out the logistics if you did." My words made his cock twitch, and I smirked. "My, my. Your tail really gives you away, doesn't it? I don't think I've ever seen it wag so much."
  "To tell the truth....I have wished to have you look my way but never expected much given what I am and how I look." Sajin muttered, and I gently kissed his forehead.
  "I've been looking your way for a long time now." My fingers went through the fur on his cheeks and down his neck. "Please touch me." My voice was gentle as my hands traced along his collarbone and toward his shoulders.
  Sajin hesitated but still raised his hands. His palms hovered several inches away from my body, not coming any closer as his doubts were creeping in yet again. Grabbing his wrists, I forced his hands closer until they latched onto my hips. Pushing them lower, my hakama got caught and pushed down as well.
  His palms were warm against my sides, and his ears turned back as he watched more and more of my skin become exposed. I led his fingers even lower until they were cupping my ass, and my hakama finally fell down my thighs. Sajin's nostrils flared as his pupils got even wider, nearly obscuring his golden irises entirely.
  He leaned in closer until I could feel his breath on my stomach before glancing up at me. There was something wild and hungry in his eyes that made a tingle run across my skin. His jaws parted, exposing his large fangs and long, pink tongue. He licked across my stomach while squeezing my ass in his big hands.
  Resting my hands on his broad shoulders, I kicked my hakama off the rest of the way and to the side. When I went to take off my underwear, Sajin bit into the fabric before tearing them off between his hands and fangs. My heart beat faster from excitement as I grabbed the ruined garment hanging from his mouth.
  "Aren't you eager?" I smirked and tossed the ripped underwear over my shoulder. "How about we put this to work since I can't take your cock just yet?" Tilting my head to the side, I watched Sajin's reaction as I held my fingers on his tongue. His ears were still turned back, and there was a soft whine from the back of his throat. "Go on, then. Have a taste."
  His head lowered to lick the crease of my hip before breathing in deeply through his nose. Sajin's eyes were closed as he pressed his nose against me. His cock was still hard and beading precum. The way he scented me and his short claws pricked my skin sparked something primal in my brain.
  Sajin's tongue then slid out and licked over my core. I heard a low rumbling sound and realized he was growling. He grabbed the back of my thighs to spread my legs more before licking again. My fingers buried into his mane as I took in a sharp breath when his tongue found my clit.
  His hands began to wander, groping and squeezing in exploration. Sajin groaned as he tasted me, and his hand traveled up my back in a way that made me shiver. His tongue was broad and strong with each lick sparking my nerves. He pushed his face even closer, pressing his nose against my clit as his tongue found my entrance and dove inside.
  I moaned which only spurred him on. In the blink of an eye, I was on his desk with my legs over his shoulders. Sajin softly growled while dragging his claws down my sides. He was gentle enough to not break the skin, but the light sting went straight to my pussy as my back arched.
  With his tongue buried inside me and his nose pushing against my clit, I could only hold onto the desk as pleasure washed over me. Sajin was like a starving man lapping up everything he could get. His ears perked to listen to me moan and grunt, and his tail was swaying from side to side behind him.
  He grabbed my thighs and pushed them closer to his head. I caught his eyes looking at me and understood his desire. My thighs clamped around his head as his tongue went deeper, and he growled again with the vibration going along his tongue.
  Burying my fingers into the fur on his head, I pulled him closer while moaning. His head was now trapped in place just like he wanted. Sajin remained kneeling in front of his desk with my legs wrapped around his head as he so diligently worked to prep my pussy.
  "You're doing so good." I panted and groaned. His tail wagging was audible as it swished through the air. "You really want me that badly, huh?" Sajin couldn't really answer, so he instead whined with desperation.
  The captain was certainly wrapped around my finger now, making such a pathetic sound while on his knees for me. A man of his status and stature now with his head stuck between my thighs.
  When I couldn't take it anymore, I pushed his head back, and saliva mixed with slick stretched between his mouth and my heat. It dripped from his chin as he panted and looked so lost. Standing up, I looked down at Sajin before smiling and turning around.
  Leaning back against his chest, I lowered myself until his cock was sticking out between my thighs with his knot pressed against my core. Sajin looked over my shoulder, and his hands twitched as if he wanted to touch me. I hummed while thinking as I looked at the sheer size and girth of his dick.
  Sajin was over 9 feet tall, so I had to figure out a way we could do this comfortably. I wanted him inside me already, but I needed to think this through.
  "Put your hands here." I said while pointing at my thighs, and Sajin did as told without hesitation. Placing one of my hands on the back of his neck, I braced myself. "Lift me a little higher. That's it. Now...." I trailed off while running my fingers along his cock. Sajin jolted at my touch as his hands briefly squeezed.
  Lining up the tip, his precum smeared and mixed with the saliva and slick already on my skin. Tilting my hips to get a better angle, Sajin softly whined through clenched teeth as the head slid inside. Biting my bottom lip, I felt how my body accommodated his cock, stretching around his girth as he inched deeper.
  Sajin huffed through his nose while feeling tense against my back. He was trying so hard to stay still and let me have control. I took it slow, inch by inch while listening to the sounds Sajin made as he struggled with himself.
  "All right, sweetheart. You can move now." With one hand still on the back of his neck, my other hand ran up his chest, feeling his fur between my fingers.
  Sajin slowly rocked his hips and whimpered at the back of his throat. He thrust in deeper, and I moaned. His fingers dug into my thighs as he quickly lost patience and began to go faster. His panting filled my ears and mixed with his low, rumbling groans. His voice shook me to the bone as his hips kept hitting my ass.
  There was a wet smack each time his knot hit me, and I moaned while relishing in the feeling. My back arched as my grip on his mane tightened. Sajin's maw twitched up into a snarl when he tried to choke back the sounds of his pleasure. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, and there was no sign he had any difficulty in holding me up still.
  "Let me hear you, Sajin." My hand went over his cheek and along his jaw. "Please?" My tone was close to a purr as I tried coaxing him into openly moaning again. He leaned into my touch and crumbled, parting his jaws to let out a low, bassy groan that made me clench. "That's it. Don't hide anything from me."
  Sajin shuddered and slammed into my pussy, making us both moan as his knot finally went in. He moved my legs from his hands to the crooks of his elbows to be able to touch me. His palms went up my stomach as he licked my shoulder.
  "Oh, fuck~!" I moaned while feeling his knot popping in and out from his cock pistoning. He held me with such strong arms while licking the sweat off my neck. Sajin was sweet but with a deep need that had his claws scraping my skin and his hips snapping. His groans bordered on growls, and he nipped me.
  My nails dug into his neck, and my head tilted to give him easier access. Sajin licked where he had nipped me before biting. My toes splayed with his dick balls deep and making feel so full.
  As his knot swelled more, it became harder for him to give full thrusts. It felt so good, and his cock hit spots that made my head feel light. Sajin panted and moaned next to my ear as he was even drooling.
  "W-Wynter-!" He groaned while forcing his knot in again before it popped back out.
  "Getting close?" My voice was breathy as I panted, and he nodded. "Give it all to me, Sajin." It wasn't a suggestion but a demand. And given the state the man was in, I knew he would obey without hesitation. His doubts were too far buried to make him hesitate anymore.
  I found myself on my knees with my chest against the floor as Sajin held my hips in place. He groaned and whimpered with desperation while trying to maintain a steady pace as his knot swelled more. Even just listening to him was driving me wild, the baritone of his voice as it changed pitch from him losing himself to the pleasure.
  Sajin snapped his hips into me, shoving his knot in again with a loud moan that was nearly a howl. He couldn't pull it back out again, leaving him to give heavy, shallow thrusts. I grabbed one of his hands off my hip and moved it to my lower stomach, letting him feel how his cock made it bulge.
  His fangs clamped on my shoulder as he pressed his chest against my back and growled. With his other hand on the floor for stability, he was rutting while his balls hit me with each thrust. I held onto his arm while moaning and drooling on the floor.
  My hand on his slid lower to find my clit. Rubbing my fingers against the throbbing bud made me clench and moan, and Sajin snarled while feeling me squeeze around him. He began to lose rhythm in his thrusting and more needy.
  "Oh, fuck!" Sajin groaned. He only gave a few more thrusts before going balls deep again with a howling moan. His cock twitched with each spurt of cum, and I kept rubbing my clit to chase my own high.
  I managed to orgasm within a few seconds, shivering and clenching around Sajin's sensitive dick and making him whimper. I cried out and tensed as wave after wave crashed into me. And when it finally passed, I let my cheek rest against the floor while relaxing and trying to catch my breath.
  Sajin was panting and slowly rubbed his hand over my stomach before nuzzling my hair. His palm gently went up my side and down my back, making me hum with contentment. He licked the bite marks and spoke quietly.
  "I didn't want to hurt you."
  "You did exactly what I wanted you to do." I replied with a smile and reached up to run my hand over his head. "You did very good, Sajin." His tail swished through the air, yet again giving away how he felt.
  "I hope your squad doesn't come looking for you. You won't be able to go anywhere anytime soon...."
  "Mm. I needed a break anyhow." I chuckled, and Sajin wrapped his arms around me so that he could sit up with me in his lap. He leaned back against his desk and continued to nuzzle against me with his hands running over my skin in a gentle, comforting way.
  "Do you need anything? Water?"
  "No, thank you. I'm fine." I softly sighed while fully relaxing into his body. The pressure from his knot still inside me felt better than I thought it would. His gentleness and sweet touches made it even better.
  "You are a wonder." Sajin muttered. I just chuckled as my hand trailed up his arm.
  "Does that mean you'd like to do this again sometime?"
  "....Yes." I heard his tail thumping against the floor and couldn't help but smile.
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - Official English subbed Short Trailer: The World of the Living
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War will premiere on October 10, 2022. The anime will run for four cours with breaks in between.
Masakazu Morita as Ichigo Kurosaki
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia Kuchiki
Noriaki Sugiyama as Uryū Ishida
Yuki Matsuoka as Orihime Inoue
Hiroki Yasumoto as Yasutora Sado
Kentaro Ito as Renji Abarai
Shinichiro Miki as Kisuke Urahara
Satsuki Yukino as Yoruichi Shihōin
Binbin Takaoka (replacing Masaaki Tsukada) as Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Houko Kuwashima as Suì-Fēng
Shouto Kashii as Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Aya Hisakawa as Retsu Unohana
Masaya Onosaka as Shinji Hirako
Ryotaro Okiayu as Byakuya Kuchiki
Tetsu Inada as Sajin Komamura
Akio Ohtsuka as Shunsui Kyōraku
Tomokazu Sugita as Kensei Muguruma
Romi Park as Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Fumihiko Tachiki as Kenpachi Zaraki
Ryusei Nakao as Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hideo Ishikawa as Jūshirō Ukitake
Naomi Kusumi as Ichibē Hyōsube
Yōji Ueda as Ōetsu Mimaiya
Tomoyuki Shimura as Tenjirō Kirinji
Rina Satou as Senjumaru Shutara
Ayumi Tsunematsu as Kirio Hikifune
Takayuki Sugo as Yhwach
Yuichiro Umehara as Jugram Haschwalth
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Ayana Taketatsu as Bambietta Basterbine
Yūki Ono as Bazz-B
Yumi Uchiyama as Candice Catnipp
Natsuki Hanae as Gremmy Thoumeaux
Satoshi Hino as Lille Barro
Wataru Hatano as Hidetomo Kajōmaru
KENN as Berenice Gabrielli
Takahiro Fujiwara as Jerome Guizbatt
Wataru Komada as Asguiaro Ebern
Daiki Hamano as Luders Friegen
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Music: Shiro Sagisu
Chief Animation Director: Michio Hasegawa, Sei Komatsubara, Kumiko Takayanagi
Action Effects Animation Director: Satoshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Kanno, Yong Hoon Chong
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
Art Design: Toshiki Amada
Color Design: Saori Goda
Editing: Akinori Mishima
Director of Photography: Kazuhiro Yamada
CG Directors: Toshihiro Sasaki, Kazushi Goto
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Production: Zack Promotion
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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chainsawcorazon · 3 years
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count-alucard-tepes · 4 years
The Captains of the Soul Society (Bleach)
1. Yamamoto
Grandpa who looks half dead until Bam! Time to spank the other captains and show them who's in charge transforming into ripped grandpa that's gonna steal your girl.
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2. Soi Fon
She seems angry and moody also secretly having a crush on Yoruichi's cat form.
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3. Gin Ichimaru
Alright so he's cute but in a weird way and seems so asexual until he tells Rangiku (who's officially my fave girl and drinking partner) he wishes he could be captured by her longer and then becomes a total freak in the sheets...instantly.
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4. Retsu Unohana
Who ever braids their hair like that?! Wtf...also her bankai is weird as fuck. I kinda feel she and Kenpachi have a dom/sub relationship btw🤣🤣🤣
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5. Sosuke Aizen
So he's the hot teacher that you want to fuck and you know he wants to fuck you too but you can't well yeah. Anyway, he is just perfection like I was mourning with Momo...like why one of the hotties got to die so soon!
***one eternity later***
Omg he's alive, who fucking cares about Rukia dying...omg the hottie is alive and the mastermind! YASSS GAWD😍😍😍
6. Byakuya Kuchiki
He's the guy who's hot and a widower, you kinda want to hate him but you can't because I love how Rukia calls him big brother and is so in awe that I started calling him 'ni-sama' too.
7. Sajin Komamura
I wondered why he wore the basket but when he revealed himself I thought he was pretty cool overall and he's got a pet dog...I love this guy.
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8. Shunsui Kyoraku
I got the Spanish flu just looking at him, he likes women, drinking and fashion...there's always that one guy in the anime and its him.
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9. Kaname Tousen
I thought this character was well thought as a concept but wasn't given much justice as he seems amazing. I didnt expect his exit with Aizen at all.
10. Toshirou Hitsugaya
He has my favorite bankai and I love that he cares for Rangiku and Momo. His zanpakuto is the hottest guy ever!
11. Kenpachi 'Zaddy' Zaraki
I mean....the hair...the eye patch...the body...how can any woman not want to have his babies. I'm glad they made him look manly and the English voice for him was perfect. Can you imagine this guy drunk?
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12. Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Without the makeup...he is a total babe with the blue hair but otherwise, he's kinda creepy as fuck.
13. Juushiro Ukitake
He's the quiet but cute teacher who is super caring and all the girls and guys adore him....and I mean...he has THE HAIR! I want to be a sexy nurse just so I can take care of him *wink wink*
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jplupine · 1 year
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~31 Days of Bleach Masterlist~
This is a Kinktober challenge, therefore all fics listed are rated 18+. Please be advised the content varies, so heed the warnings and tags.
Dom!Character: 🌙 | Sub!Character: 🌕 | Dynamic Switches: 🐺
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Underwater ~ Tier Harribel / [Teaser] 🌙
Tentacles - Szayelaporro Granz / [Teaser] 🌙 [Art]
Public ~ Gin Ichimaru 🌙 [Art]
Strap On ~ Isane Kotetsu 🌕
Heavy Petting ~ Byakuya Kuchiki / [Teaser] 🌕
Blood Play ~ Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez 🌙
Knotting ~ Sajin Komamura 🌕 [Art]
Shibari ~ Shunsui Kyoraku 🌙
Size Difference ~ Kensei Muguruma 🐺
Vibrator ~ Toshiro Hitsugaya 🌙
Primal Play ~ Kenpachi Zaraki / [Teaser] 🌙
Portal ~ Akon 🌕
Orgasm Denial ~ Shuhei Hisagi 🌕
Body Swap ~ Kisuke Urahara 🌕
Genderbend ~ Yoruichi Shihoin 🌕
Cock Warming ~ Renji Abarai 🌕
Oral ~ Muramasa 🌕
Unknown ~ Kazeshini 🐺
Clothed ~ Noba 🌕
Enemies ~ Sosuke Aizen / [Teaser] 🌙
Praise ~ Isshin Kurosaki / [Teaser] 🌙
Aerial ~ Abirama Redder 🌕
Trapped ~ Zabimaru 🌙
Transformation ~ Hyorinmaru 🌕
Corruption ~ Hichigo Shirosaki / [Teaser] 🌙
Pet Play ~ Ggio Vega 🌕
Collaring ~ Kugo Ginjo 🌕
Marking ~ Bazz B 🌙
Somnophilia ~ Coyote Starrk / [Teaser] 🐺
Feral ~ Ichigo Kurosaki / [Teaser] 🌙
Cuddling ~ Yasutora 'Chad' Sado / [Teaser] 🌕 [1]
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - Official English subbed Short Trailer: Thirteen Court Guard Squads
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War will premiere on October 10, 2022. The anime will run for four cours with breaks in between.
Masakazu Morita as Ichigo Kurosaki
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia Kuchiki
Noriaki Sugiyama as Uryū Ishida
Yuki Matsuoka as Orihime Inoue
Hiroki Yasumoto as Yasutora Sado
Kentaro Ito as Renji Abarai
Shinichiro Miki as Kisuke Urahara
Satsuki Yukino as Yoruichi Shihōin
Binbin Takaoka (replacing Masaaki Tsukada) as Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Houko Kuwashima as Suì-Fēng
Shouto Kashii as Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Aya Hisakawa as Retsu Unohana
Masaya Onosaka as Shinji Hirako
Ryotaro Okiayu as Byakuya Kuchiki
Tetsu Inada as Sajin Komamura
Akio Ohtsuka as Shunsui Kyōraku
Tomokazu Sugita as Kensei Muguruma
Romi Park as Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Fumihiko Tachiki as Kenpachi Zaraki
Ryusei Nakao as Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hideo Ishikawa as Jūshirō Ukitake
Naomi Kusumi as Ichibē Hyōsube
Yōji Ueda as Ōetsu Mimaiya
Tomoyuki Shimura as Tenjirō Kirinji
Rina Satou as Senjumaru Shutara
Ayumi Tsunematsu as Kirio Hikifune
Takayuki Sugo as Yhwach
Yuichiro Umehara as Jugram Haschwalth
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Ayana Taketatsu as Bambietta Basterbine
Yūki Ono as Bazz-B
Yumi Uchiyama as Candice Catnipp
Natsuki Hanae as Gremmy Thoumeaux
Satoshi Hino as Lille Barro
Wataru Hatano as Hidetomo Kajōmaru
KENN as Berenice Gabrielli
Takahiro Fujiwara as Jerome Guizbatt
Wataru Komada as Asguiaro Ebern
Daiki Hamano as Luders Friegen
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Music: Shiro Sagisu
Chief Animation Director: Michio Hasegawa, Sei Komatsubara, Kumiko Takayanagi
Action Effects Animation Director: Satoshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Kanno, Yong Hoon Chong
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
Art Design: Toshiki Amada
Color Design: Saori Goda
Editing: Akinori Mishima
Director of Photography: Kazuhiro Yamada
CG Directors: Toshihiro Sasaki, Kazushi Goto
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Production: Zack Promotion
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime - English subbed Trailer #1
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime will premiere in October 2022.
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Key visual
Masakazu Morita as Ichigo Kurosaki
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia Kuchiki
Noriaki Sugiyama as Uryū Ishida
Yuki Matsuoka as Orihime Inoue
Hiroki Yasumoto as Yasutora Sado
Kentaro Ito as Renji Abarai
Shinichiro Miki as Kisuke Urahara
Satsuki Yukino as Yoruichi Shihōin
Binbin Takaoka (replacing Masaaki Tsukada) as Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Houko Kuwashima as Suì-Fēng
Shouto Kashii as Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Aya Hisakawa as Retsu Unohana
Masaya Onosaka as Shinji Hirako
Ryotaro Okiayu as Byakuya Kuchiki
Tetsu Inada as Sajin Komamura
Akio Ohtsuka as Shunsui Kyōraku
Tomokazu Sugita as Kensei Muguruma
Romi Park as Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Fumihiko Tachiki as Kenpachi Zaraki
Ryusei Nakao as Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hideo Ishikawa as Jūshirō Ukitake
Naomi Kusumi as Ichibē Hyōsube
Yōji Ueda as Ōetsu Mimaiya
Tomoyuki Shimura as Tenjirō Kirinji
Rina Satou as Senjumaru Shutara
Ayumi Tsunematsu as Kirio Hikifune
Takayuki Sugo as Yhwach
Yuichiro Umehara as Jugram Haschwalth
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Ayana Taketatsu as Bambietta Basterbine
Yūki Ono as Bazz-B
Yumi Uchiyama as Candice Catnipp
Natsuki Hanae as Gremmy Thoumeaux
Satoshi Hino as Lille Barro
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Music: Shiro Sagisu
Chief Animation Director: Michio Hasegawa, Sei Komatsubara, Kumiko Takayanagi
Action Effects Animation Director: Satoshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Kanno, Yong Hoon Chong
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
Art Design: Toshiki Amada
Color Design: Saori Goda
Editing: Akinori Mishima
Director of Photography: Kazuhiro Yamada
CG Directors: Toshihiro Sasaki, Kazushi Goto
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Production: Zack Promotion
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime - Official English subbed Short Trailer: The World of the Living
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime will premiere on October 10, 2022.  The anime will run for four cours with breaks in between.
Masakazu Morita as Ichigo Kurosaki
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia Kuchiki
Noriaki Sugiyama as Uryū Ishida
Yuki Matsuoka as Orihime Inoue
Hiroki Yasumoto as Yasutora Sado
Kentaro Ito as Renji Abarai
Shinichiro Miki as Kisuke Urahara
Satsuki Yukino as Yoruichi Shihōin
Binbin Takaoka (replacing Masaaki Tsukada) as Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Houko Kuwashima as Suì-Fēng
Shouto Kashii as Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Aya Hisakawa as Retsu Unohana
Masaya Onosaka as Shinji Hirako
Ryotaro Okiayu as Byakuya Kuchiki
Tetsu Inada as Sajin Komamura
Akio Ohtsuka as Shunsui Kyōraku
Tomokazu Sugita as Kensei Muguruma
Romi Park as Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Fumihiko Tachiki as Kenpachi Zaraki
Ryusei Nakao as Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hideo Ishikawa as Jūshirō Ukitake
Naomi Kusumi as Ichibē Hyōsube
Yōji Ueda as Ōetsu Mimaiya
Tomoyuki Shimura as Tenjirō Kirinji
Rina Satou as Senjumaru Shutara
Ayumi Tsunematsu as Kirio Hikifune
Takayuki Sugo as Yhwach
Yuichiro Umehara as Jugram Haschwalth
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Ayana Taketatsu as Bambietta Basterbine
Yūki Ono as Bazz-B
Yumi Uchiyama as Candice Catnipp
Natsuki Hanae as Gremmy Thoumeaux
Satoshi Hino as Lille Barro
Wataru Hatano as Hidetomo Kajōmaru
KENN as Berenice Gabrielli
Takahiro Fujiwara as Jerome Guizbatt
Wataru Komada as Asguiaro Ebern
Daiki Hamano as Luders Friegen
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Music: Shiro Sagisu
Chief Animation Director: Michio Hasegawa, Sei Komatsubara, Kumiko Takayanagi
Action Effects Animation Director: Satoshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Kanno, Yong Hoon Chong
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
Art Design: Toshiki Amada
Color Design: Saori Goda
Editing: Akinori Mishima
Director of Photography: Kazuhiro Yamada
CG Directors: Toshihiro Sasaki, Kazushi Goto
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Production: Zack Promotion
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime - English subbed Trailer #2
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War TV Anime will premiere on October 10, 2022.  The anime will run for four cours with breaks in between.
Cast additions
Wataru Hatano as Hidetomo Kajōmaru
KENN as Berenice Gabrielli
Takahiro Fujiwara as Jerome Guizbatt
Wataru Komada as Asguiaro Ebern
Daiki Hamano as Luders Friegen
Previously announced cast members
Masakazu Morita as Ichigo Kurosaki
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia Kuchiki
Noriaki Sugiyama as Uryū Ishida
Yuki Matsuoka as Orihime Inoue
Hiroki Yasumoto as Yasutora Sado
Kentaro Ito as Renji Abarai
Shinichiro Miki as Kisuke Urahara
Satsuki Yukino as Yoruichi Shihōin
Binbin Takaoka (replacing Masaaki Tsukada) as Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
Houko Kuwashima as Suì-Fēng
Shouto Kashii as Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Aya Hisakawa as Retsu Unohana
Masaya Onosaka as Shinji Hirako
Ryotaro Okiayu as Byakuya Kuchiki
Tetsu Inada as Sajin Komamura
Akio Ohtsuka as Shunsui Kyōraku
Tomokazu Sugita as Kensei Muguruma
Romi Park as Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Fumihiko Tachiki as Kenpachi Zaraki
Ryusei Nakao as Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hideo Ishikawa as Jūshirō Ukitake
Naomi Kusumi as Ichibē Hyōsube
Yōji Ueda as Ōetsu Mimaiya
Tomoyuki Shimura as Tenjirō Kirinji
Rina Satou as Senjumaru Shutara
Ayumi Tsunematsu as Kirio Hikifune
Takayuki Sugo as Yhwach
Yuichiro Umehara as Jugram Haschwalth
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Ayana Taketatsu as Bambietta Basterbine
Yūki Ono as Bazz-B
Yumi Uchiyama as Candice Catnipp
Natsuki Hanae as Gremmy Thoumeaux
Satoshi Hino as Lille Barro
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Music: Shiro Sagisu
Chief Animation Director: Michio Hasegawa, Sei Komatsubara, Kumiko Takayanagi
Action Effects Animation Director: Satoshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Kanno, Yong Hoon Chong
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
Art Design: Toshiki Amada
Color Design: Saori Goda
Editing: Akinori Mishima
Director of Photography: Kazuhiro Yamada
CG Directors: Toshihiro Sasaki, Kazushi Goto
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Sound Production: Zack Promotion
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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