#sub izana
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peppersapro · 8 months ago
won’t can’t stop thinking about Izana with a mommy kink!!
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he’s so adorable, whimpering and panting while you ride him. Izana can’t get enough of the sight of your tits bouncing in his face, it’s so compelling..
“go on, ‘zana, you can suck ‘em..” you laugh, noticing his unwavering gaze on your chest.. he visibly lights up at your words, reaching out to lick your nipple..
“thank you, mommy!!” he whines out before taking your left tit in his mouth, desperately sucking and moaning around your nipple. it’s all too much, the feeling of you clenching around him combined with your beautiful tits in his mouth..he swore he was in heaven. you reach down to stroke his hair, your hips not faltering your movements.
your thighs were sore, burning with pain but you couldn’t stop, not when your sweet boy has his eyes rolling back in pleasure. a particular roll of your hips has him biting down on your nipple with a muffled moan. you let out a hiss, the pleasurable pain causing you to tug at his hair.
Izana reluctantly pulled away from your soft mounds, allowing himself to breathe. he panted heavily, his whimpers lingering in the air. it’s not long before his angelic sounds become higher in pitch, signaling his impending release.
“oh—fuck, mhp! mommy, ‘m so close.. can i cum? please let me cum.. please,please,please
” he whines out, burying his face in your tits. who would you be to deny your sweet boy his release when he begged so beautifully for you?
“go on, love, be a good boy and cum for mommy.” you pant out, picking up the pace of your thrust. he lets out a down right pitiful whimper at your words. his hips buck up to meet your thrust before he paints your insides white.
“want mommy to cum too!” he cries out, his hand coming down between your bodies to rub soft circles on your clit. he’s overstimulated, body spasming under you, head flying back onto the headboard, but he has to make you cum. the sounds of your moans are music to his ears, inspiring him to continue his movements as you bounce on his cock.
despite being overstimulated he thrust up into you. he’s so desperate to feel you cum around him!! it isn’t too much longer before you’re pulling his hair, clenching around him so tight he can barely move. your climax hits you like a truck, leaving you gasping for air as he releases his load into you for the second time tonight.
Izana thinks he may just be the luckiest man on earth as you praise him, reminding him how he’s such a good boy for you. you slowly climb off of his lap and he watches as his cum spills out of you. he whines when you take your fingers, pushing his cum back into you.
you pull his back flush against your chest, legs wrapping around his waist to hold him in place as your hand reaches in front of him to grab his cock. you stoke him ever-so slowly, he’s still sensitive after all! he twitches in your grasp and it isn’t long before he’s a moaning mess once more!!
“say, love, think you can give me one more?”
bonus - he sounds like this
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kisakis-boyfriend · 17 days ago
Imagine making Izana in a reverse bunny suit ride you, because you're curious "how high can this bunny jump". Imagine Izana's embarrassment because of it, he's on top yet has very little control. His ass held firmly by your strong hands while he bounces on your cock, his pink hole stretched so good because of the tail buttplug he had previously nested between his asscheeks. Izana's back arches while he moans as you pump loads of cum inside his adorable ass, trembling, limp as he cums from having his prostate bullied so much.
He will demand cuddles and kisses from his 'servant' (you) for that. And for making him wear such lewd outfit, too.
Men in bunny suits
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redorchids · 2 years ago
everytime izana would so much as look up at you, you’d turn the vibrator up. you were a monster with a vibrator in your possession. he’d manage to keep in his little whines since he didn’t want to embarrass himself infront of his siblings. izana supposedly had a ‘psycho mentality’ about him, but it was the exact opposite when you were with him.
he’d look up at you with those precious eyes, begging you to turn it off. but you’d just turn it even higher because you knew he could do nothing about it. it was pounding against his prostate, and he eventually rode out his orgasm as manjiro and emma left. he shook in embarrassment, a small tear falling down his face. your little prince.
. . Rei
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missy-0-piink · 2 years ago
Tr people, be not afraid to send in asks!!!
Anyways, Izana would be a fuckn messsssss
I’m telling y’all, this man would melt if you make him suck on your tits while you two cuddle
Mf has the BIGGEST mommy kink in existence- like, it’s not even just a kink anymore, it’s a whole ass psychological problem 💀(same tho)
But it’s so cute because he’d cry so sweetly when you cuddle him, give him a slow and soft handjob while he looks up at you with teary eyes
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zanariee · 2 years ago
I felt like dominating Izana
Imagine if he was already overstimulated but you just kept on going since he can't do anything about it after all. He was naked and sitting on your lap with a vibrator inside his ass and abusing his poor prostate over and over again. And you just kept on making out with him and leaving marks all over him. His chest was already covered in hickeys and bites from you.
"P-Please..! Nghn~ Y/n... S-Stop the vibrator..!" He moans out, his voice was a little bit hoarse because of the nonstop moaning he was doing. And you would just grin at him and pick up the remote while pretending that you'll turn off the vibrator but only to turn it up higher than before.
Feeling the vibrator inside his ass turned up even higher than before he started squirming and arching his back while his face turned into the most lewd face he could ever make, he was drooling and his eyes rolled back. He was moaning, begging and sobbing all at the same time.
"Anghh! Y/n! G-God..! Please..! Please...!" He kept begging and crying onto you, as he started feeling a knot forming on his lower abdomen as his cock leaked pre cum, the tip of his cock looking all red and pretty waiting to release something.
"Too much..! Hangh..! T-Too much... Please..!" He kept begging.
You watched everything unfold as your hand slightly went lower down to his ass and digging the vibrator more deep inside him, causing his mind to break and soon he came with the loudest moan ever.
After that nonstop aftercare, cause we all love Izana.
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suzukis-posts · 11 months ago
đ—œđ—» đ˜đ—”đ—Č đ—Żđ—źđ˜đ—”đ—żđ—Œđ—Œđ—ș - đ— đ—”đ—Ąđ—đ—œđ—„đ—ą 𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗱
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Manjiro Sano x Fem!Reader
đ—”đ——đ—©đ—˜đ—„đ—§đ—˜đ—Ąđ—–đ—œđ—”: sexo explĂ­cito, actitud enojada, breeding. NSFW en general.
Ni siquiera recuerdas la razĂłn por la que estĂĄs enojado con Ă©l.
Fue un borrĂłn honestamente. Gritos de enfado, portazos, la terquedad tanto tuya como de Manjiro no cesa.
El argumento te trajo aquĂ­. En el club para intentar aliviar la tensiĂłn y reconciliarnos.
Fue idea de Draken porque, de lo contrario, Manjiro y tĂș no habrĂ­an intentado hacerlo por ti misma.
Sentada en el taburete de la barra con el cuerpo alejado de Manjiro, tomas un sorbo de tu bebida con una expresiĂłn de irritaciĂłn permanente grabada en tu rostro.
Manjiro es el mismo, mirando al vacío con el ceño fruncido con Draken sentado entre ustedes dos.
Él suspira pesadamente. ── Ya no son niños. Es hora de que ambos se disculpen y lo superen.
── Oh, por favor. No quiero escuchar eso de ti. TĂș y Manjiro peleaban todo el tiempo en la escuela secundaria. ── Dices con dureza antes de tomar otro sorbo mientras Draken gruñe.
── ¡Bien! ── Se pellizca el puente de la nariz con un suspiro exasperado mientras se queda en silencio entre ustedes tres.
La mĂșsica fuerte y estruendosa llenĂł tus oĂ­dos mientras observabas a las otras personas bailar y festejar.
Luces de colores destellaron en tu rostro mientras sorbías sin pensar, la discusión volviendo a tu mente. Ni siquiera recordabas quién estaba equivocado, pero todo lo que sabías era que querías que Manjiro se disculpara primero.
SĂ­, como si eso alguna vez pasara. Te burlas ligeramente, sabiendo que Manjiro era terco y nunca retrocedĂ­a.
Al mirar la figura de Manjiro, lo ves mirando al suelo sin comprender. Con un suspiro, te levantas de tu asiento y alisas tu vestido.
── Bueno, tambiĂ©n podrĂ­amos aprovechar al mĂĄximo nuestro tiempo aquĂ­. Vamos, Draken. ── Lo tomas de la mano y lo llevas a la pista de baile mientras protesta.
── ÂżNo quieres esperarlo? ── Manjiro observa, con el ceño ligeramente fruncido ante la vista cuando colocas tus manos sobre los hombros de Draken.
── ÂżEs esta tu primera vez en un club nocturno? ── Preguntas con una pequeña sonrisa mientras te balanceas suavemente con la mĂșsica.
── Sabes que me mantengo alejado de este tipo de lugares. ── Draken responde mientras mira tu bonita cara.
TĂș tarareas. ── ÂżEso significa que no sabes bailar?
Draken levanta una ceja. ── Puedo arreglármelas muy bien. ── Te ríes antes de darte la vuelta e inclinarte hacia su cuerpo. ── ¿Bien entonces?
Colocas tus manos en el aire y te pierdes en la mĂșsica mientras Draken lentamente desliza sus manos por tus curvas. Una sonrisa aparece en tu rostro antes de que te tome por sorpresa cuando Draken apoya su rostro en el hueco de tu cuello.
── Hueles bien. ¿Perfume nuevo? ── Una risita juguetona sale de tus labios. ── Nop. El mismo que uso todo el tiempo.
Miras por el rabillo del ojo y ves a Manjiro con una expresiĂłn agitada con el codo apoyado en el mostrador.
La satisfacciĂłn aumenta en tu pecho, por lo que inclinas mĂĄs tu rostro cerca del rostro de Draken, lo que hace que inhale con fuerza.
── ¿Es este tu plan? ¿Enfadar a Mikey y ponerlo celoso? ── Draken pregunta sombríamente mientras agarra tu cintura.
Solo le haces un puchero inocentemente hasta que una mano de repente te aparta bruscamente.
── Manjir– ── Comienzas mientras te arrastra fuera de la pista de baile. Miras hacia atrĂĄs y ves a Draken solo hasta que Manjiro te empuja dentro del baño.
Con un grito ahogado, te das la vuelta para mirarlo mientras cerraba la puerta. ── Oye, me estaba divirtiendo con Draken, ¿sabes?
Manjiro no quiere escuchar nada de tu descaro, asĂ­ que te interrumpe con los labios antes de empujarte contra la pared.
Decides que no vas a ceder y lo alejas bruscamente. ── ¡Oye! ¿Estás escuchando? ── Exige con las manos en las caderas, pero su actitud arrogante se tambalea cuando ve la mirada oscura en sus ojos.
Tus muslos inconscientemente se aprietan mientras sientes que tu vientre se enciende.
Manjiro se da cuenta y sonríe. ── ¿Eso es todo lo que necesitas? ¿Una buena cogida para que te comportes?
Tu rostro se transforma en un ceño fruncido, pero antes de que puedas responder algo sarcåstico, Manjiro te agarra la cara y te mira a los ojos.
── Creo que he sido demasiado indulgente contigo Ășltimamente. Has olvidado a quiĂ©n perteneces. ──  Murmura mientras tus rodillas se doblan por su declaraciĂłn.
Se rĂ­e sombrĂ­amente al sentir tu cuerpo tembloroso. ── Chica traviesa. ÂżTe gusta cuando soy posesivo contigo? Siempre actĂșas como si lo odiaras, pero tal vez realmente lo disfrutas. ── Su rodilla roza entre tus piernas haciĂ©ndote gemir mientras te mueves para una mejor fricciĂłn.
── Este es tu castigo. RecuĂ©rdalo. ──  Inmediatamente despuĂ©s de decir esas palabras, te empuja hacia el mostrador del fregadero y te empuja boca abajo.
Ni siquiera tienes tiempo de reaccionar cuando te separa los pies para abrirte las piernas y tira de tus bragas por el suelo.
── Manjiro, espera- ── Jadeas hasta que Ă©l rodea tu clĂ­toris con dureza y te causa un espasmo.
── ¡A–Ah-!
── Bien. Eso es todo lo que quiero escuchar de ti. Solo tus bonitos gemidos. ── Manjiro afirma con una sonrisa perezosa mientras te retorcĂ­as debajo de Ă©l. Él tiene tus manos detrĂĄs de tu espalda para evitar que escapes de sus dedos implacables.
Las lĂĄgrimas se forman en tus ojos mientras te ahogas con un sollozo, rogĂĄndole a Manjiro que disminuya la velocidad.
── Me pregunto si podría hacerte un squirt... ── Murmura para sí mismo, pero lo escuchaste. Algo sobre tu próximo orgasmo se sintió diferente de lo habitual.
── ¡M-Manjiro! Por favor, yo- ── No puedes contenerte más y tu cuerpo se contrae mientras lloras, Manjiro se encontraba metiendo dos dedos dentro de ti.
── ÂżOh, nada? TendrĂ© que esforzarme mĂĄs la prĂłxima vez. ── Arrulla antes de empujar sus pantalones hacia abajo, sus hĂĄbiles dedos abren tu entrada.
Descansas tu cabeza en el mostrador frĂ­o, respiraciones pesadas que te dejan, demasiado aturdida para siquiera moverte.
Manjiro toma aire cuando entra antes de agarrar tus caderas con fuerza magulladora.
── A veces actĂșas como una puta, Âżlo sabĂ­as? ── Manjiro gruñe antes de recoger un mechĂłn de tu cabello y levantar la cabeza. Un gemido patĂ©tico se desliza por tus labios cuando lo sientes golpear contra tu trasero.
── Mira. ── Manjiro jadea. ── Quiero que mires el espejo mientras te follo. ── Tus ojos se abren para ver el gran espejo frente a tu rostro y ves el estado desaliñado de Manjiro. Su cabello rubio estĂĄ pegado a su frente por el sudor y sus cejas estĂĄn fruncidas por la frustraciĂłn.
Él se encuentra con tus ojos en el espejo y hace que tu corazón se salte un latido. Él solo sonríe antes de volver a concentrarse en cómo se movía tu trasero con cada embestida.
── Todo lo que necesitas es mi polla, te hace sentir mejor, ¿no? ── Pregunta con voz ronca mientras se inclina hacia tu oído.
Un gemido lascivo sale de tus labios ante un empujón áspero particular. ── ¡S-sí! M–Manjiro...
── Te amo. Di que me amas. ── Manjiro gruñe mientras sollozas.
── ÂĄTe amo, te amo te amo! ── Susurras mientras continĂșas mirĂĄndolo en el espejo. Todo sobre Ă©l era tan perfecto en tus ojos. El rostro de Manjiro se sonrojĂł ahora a medida que sus movimientos se volvĂ­an mĂĄs frenĂ©ticos.
── Voy a correrme dentro. Yo... ── Manjiro exhala pesadamente, con el ceño fruncido. ── Quiero un hijo _______. Un bebĂ©.
Tu mente estaba en una neblina, pero parecĂ­as salir de ella ligeramente por esas palabras.
¿Un bebé...?
Con un gemido tenso, Manjiro finalmente se corre, derramando su semilla dentro de ti. Tu orgasmo llegĂł con Ă©l, los ojos se cierran mientras disfrutas de su cĂĄlido lĂ­quido llenĂĄndote.
Manjiro eventualmente se aleja después de un momento y suelta tu cabello. Suspiras y descansas en el mostrador, sin apenas tener fuerzas para levantarte.
Él ve su semen a punto de gotear, asĂ­ que con el ceño fruncido, rĂĄpidamente te levanta las bragas. Te da la vuelta suavemente para que puedas mirarlo, te sostiene cerca de su pecho mientras te alivia el cuero cabelludo.
── ¿Duele? ── Pregunta en voz baja mientras sacudes la cabeza con cansancio.
── Estoy bien. ── Tu susurras. Incluso despuĂ©s de estar enojado, Manjiro seguĂ­a velando por tu bienestar. Pasa un momento de silencio hasta que abres la boca. ── Yo–
── Lo siento. ── Manjiro se disculpa primero mientras frunces el ceño y lo miras.
── Iba a decirlo primero. ── Saca la lengua juguetonamente. ── SĂ­, bueno, te ganĂ©.
Ambos se rĂ­en antes de limpiarse para verse presentables antes de irse. Al salir del ruidoso club con Manjiro, ves a Draken apoyado contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos.
Se da cuenta de tu presencia y te mira. ── Bien. Entonces supongo que las cosas se han arreglado. ── Él dice mientras se pone de pie mientras ustedes dos se acercan.
Te ríes tímidamente mientras arreglas tu cabello. ── Sí. Gracias por venir con nosotros Draken. Lamento que hayas tenido que esperar tanto...
Aparta la mirada. ── No te preocupes por eso.
Manjiro bosteza mientras camina adelante. ── Vámonos a casa. Estoy cansado.
TĂș y Draken los siguen mientras caminan uno al lado del otro, la brisa fresca les roza suavemente la cara.
── SabĂ­a que esto se resolverĂ­a rĂĄpidamente. DespuĂ©s de todo, Mikey te ama. ── Draken te sonrĂ­e mientras te sonrojas.
A punto de responder, Manjiro de repente salta con el ceño fruncido.
── ÂżEres tonto Ken-chin? ÂĄNo la amo! ── Sientes como si te hubieran apuñalado en el corazĂłn cuando la cara de Draken pasĂł de la sorpresa a la ira. ── Mikey- ── Exclama en tono amenazante hasta que Manjiro continĂșa.
── Pero yo
 ── Aparta la mirada, sus mejillas se tiñen de rojo. ── Realmente, realmente, realmente, realmente, te amo. ── Afirma mientras se encuentra con tus ojos tĂ­midamente.
Lo miras fijamente, con la boca abierta antes de hacer un puchero, con lĂĄgrimas en los ojos. ── EstĂșpido. ── Draken suspira mientras Manjiro sonrĂ­e antes de alejarse para reanudar la marcha.
── Él es un idiota. ── Draken sonríe mientras te mira para ver que te estás limpiando los ojos con un brazo.
── No llores _______. Volvamos a casa de regreso con Emma e Izana! ── Manjiro sonríe alegremente mientras toma tu mano.
Olfateas y asientes ── EstĂĄ bien. Pero es tu culpa. ── Manjiro solo se rĂ­e antes de arrastrarte con Draken siguiĂ©ndote.
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arsemial · 1 year ago
I will only write sub/bttm male character × dom/seme reader/male oc. Please do not send sub reader requests.
dom male/female reader requests are OPEN. fandoms I write about.
~tokyo revengers. (for all boys)
~bungou stray dogs (for dazai, chuuya, akutagawa, atsushi, sigma, fyodor, gogol, bram).
~jujutsu kaisen (for gojo, geto, nanami, choso, yuuji, megumi, sukuna)
~banana fish (ash, lee yut lung)
~attack on titan (eren, reiner, levi, jean)
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eempyreall · 1 month ago
â™Ș đș𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑩 đœđ‘Žđ‘›đ‘› â™Ș
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àŒș Temptation àŒ»
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Oneshot ~ Omega Kings x Alpha Female Reader
Summary ~ You, an alpha maid, must clean the room of the omegan kings while they are in the middle of their heat. You mustn’t allow them to tempt you or you will surely be executed.
Featuring ~ Sano Manjiro and Kurokawa Izana—Kakucho and Sanzu Haruchiyo will be side characters
Extra Notes ~ This is the fandom version of this story. If you want to read the non fandom that provides original characters, press this link.
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This story should only be posted under eempyreall on my tumblr. Report if you see it posted under anyone else but me.
l apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
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Warning ~
You and the characters are 21+. Although I picture the reader as a black cis-gendered female, physical appearance will not be described at all.
Content within this story may not be realistic or factual.
I do not condone any of the behavior displayed within the story.
There may be dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit content, sexual content, non consensual and/or dubious consensual content, etc.
That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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It was troubling to present as an alpha while working under omegan authority. Sure, being an alpha as a royal or upper-class citizen has its perks, but classifying as the sub-gender when you're a commoner or someone who serves under a higher power is intimidating.
Omegas, men or women alike, tend to be manipulative, calculative, and sneaky. Their ethereal appearance and nurturing aura open broad opportunities for them—especially in a society ruled by omegan kings.
Many alphas have been castrated amongst the public. Their wrists are chained to a wooden bar as they hang, bodies bare and exposed to the eyes of the belligerent crowd. Alphas and omegas alike cheer as the culprit's clitoris or penis is chopped off.
Unfortunately, many do not deserve to be treated as such criminals when they are purposefully set up to force a rut or lied on. There are never trials nor any need for proof of such cases. Because of the dire circumstances, omegas will always be a priority. If only some omegas didn't take advantage of the system that's made to be in their favor.
You did your best to stay far away from the sub-gender. You only cleaned within the areas you were assigned. You kept to yourself, even amongst the other maids and servants. Even they can be conniving as a way to climb the ranks of the service industry. The higher you get, the more gold you receive.
That’s why, when you were directed to personally clean the kings’ heat room, you were bewildered. The brothers were known for their strength and cold demeanor. Despite presenting as omegas, they lacked the nurturing attribute that the sub-gender is popular for. Many have been fooled by their delicate features and challenged them head-on, resulting in the victims’ deaths.
When the kings attend public executions, they sit on their thrones with their legs crossed and their faces resting in the palms of their hands as the crowd goes wild during the legal murder. If the victim is just a measly servant or maid, they are instantly struck by the omegas' bare hands.
It was an outright death sentence to even be near the omegans. Anything could set them off. You've witnessed some of your fellow service members get murdered in cold blood, all by a simple kick to their heads. The brothers' presence is suffocating, and you have made sure to stay out of their vicinity.
Both of the kings shared equal intensity when it came to the glimmer of their eyes. King Manjiro has irises darker than night. They are dull and icy as they pierce into your soul. There is a natural narrow shape to his lids. Long black strands frame his jawline elegantly as he forever wears an unreadable, emotionless gaze.
Considering his height, he is consistently underestimated by other royal families, constantly challenged by the alphas who intend to court him. He proves them wrong with a strong kick to the face, forcing the trembling alphas to bow after the humiliating display.
King Izana has a naturally calculative glow to his purple irises. His haunting gaze holds a mask of eerie calmness. His platinum hair is slicked back, with a strand that flows over his face, and a faint unreadable grin that gives a sinister edge to his appearance.
Similarly to his brother, he is often underestimated until he proves himself worthy of etiquette and grace. Only, he is more patient with his movements, as he seems to enjoy taunting his prey.
Here you are, an alpha who dares to invade the space of their most vulnerable positions. Why would the knights send you instead of another omega? You couldn’t figure it out as you stood outside the grand doors of their heat room, the scents already thick through the doors as they reached your mask.
Fortunately, you took suppressants this morning, as you normally do to abide by the rules of the castle. They should last until the evening arrives, which is only an hour away. That should give you enough time to finish your work and flee.
You took a deep breath before slowly opening the door, peeking through the crack before stepping inside.
In your view were the kings, deep in slumber, both men entangled within the scrambled silks concealing their bodies. You were relieved to see them consumed by exhaustion, your presence unnoticed as you stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind you.
You bow toward their right-hand knights, who stand by the doorway—King Manjiro’s being Sanzu, an intimidating omega whose gaze pierces your soul despite his delicate features and long pink hair. King Izana’s right-hand knight, Kakucho, another omega, stood just as menacingly as Manjiro’s knight, though his gaze toward you was softer. His short black strands framed his jawline as he stood straight.
You set the basket down, ignoring the suffocating atmosphere that caused sweat to bead against your skin. Sliding the gloves onto your hands, you began to set the cleaning supplies to the side.
One of the tasks assigned to you was to remove the dirty silks and replace them. This was a requirement you’d have to complete first to avoid accidentally rubbing cleaning liquids onto the kings’ skin.
You dreaded this moment, not wanting to get too close. Yet, you had to make your move so you could hurry and scrub the room clean.
You quickly make your way to the bed, the platinum-haired man nearest to you as you walk closer. You eyed both males’ sleeping faces. They looked peaceful and delicate, a reddened hue blooming across their cheeks as their slightly pouty lips rested while they slept.
Despite the circumstances, you took a moment to admire the kings’ natural omega beauty. Their torsos displayed abs similar to those of the knights which is an unexpected attribute for omega males. Quickly, you shook off the distraction and reached for a piece of the silk, carefully planning to extract it from the body entangled within.
Abruptly, a hand snatched your wrist before you could succeed. Your eyes widened as his eyelids shot open. Purple irises shifted toward you, and your heartbeat began to accelerate. You stood trembling in your spot as King Izana stared at you intensely, an unreadable expression in his gaze.
You immediately bowed, your wrist still grasped in his hand.
“Greetings, Your Majesty. I’ve been advised to replace your silks and clean this room,” you said with a steady voice.
“Hm,” he responds, the corner of his lips shifting upward. You yelp as you’re yanked over him, landing on top of him as he sits up.
“Dear little alpha, were you planning to have your way with me?” The red on his face grew, as did the heightened pheromones, the smell of cinnamon reaching your mask as you felt a hard structure poke below you.
“Huh?! No—of course not, Your Majesty! I would never,” you gasp as your head drops to see the lengthy girth poking out of the red silk.
You felt heat rush to your face as you attempted to pull away, the head of his bare cock poking your concealed vagina. His free arm circles around your waist as he tugged you forward.
“Alphas are such filthy creatures. Is this what you want?” Izana’s grin grew wider as he lifted his hips, arousal thick in the air as he gripped you tighter.
“My intentions were only to replace your silks and clea—!” you were cut off by another voice.
“Alpha?” You feel Manjiro’s breath against your neck as another pair of arms wrap around you from behind. The smell of citrus apple reached your nostrils as you felt a hardness against your lower back.
You gasp when you feel the omega behind you tug the fabric of your pants. Manjiro quietly pants as he makes an attempt to tear off your bottoms. Izana grabs the string behind your ear to pull the mask off.
He growled at the lack of your reaction to his scent when he tossed it to the side. He snatched your neck with a frown as he pulled you forward.
“Aren’t you supposed to be begging me to eat your pussy? Is there something wrong with you?” He hissed.
You held Manjiro’s wrists against your lap as you spoke, “It would not be right, Your Majesty! I have no desire to take advantage of either one of you.”
“You don’t want me?” Manjiro questioned with a tone that caused guilt to fill your heart. Izana grasped your jaw as his purple irises pierced you.
“You dare to reject your kings?”
You think their knights would step in by now, but the omegans haven’t budged from their spots. You can feel their eyes observing the display.
“I mean no disrespect, My King! I am nothing but a maid. I am not fit to be your alpha,” you try to reason with Izana.
You did not want to get caught up and blamed for something you didn’t do. You need to escape quickly, before your rut is triggered by their pheromones. You could feel your suppressants weakening by the minute and you had no intention of getting castrated or killed.
“Excuses,ïżœïżœ Manjiro breathed before successfully ripping the waistband of your pants. Izana yanked your gloves off before tossing them to the side.
Suddenly, Manjiro pulls you back as he lands on his bottom. His legs rest on either side of your thighs as he tightens his grip around your waist. His lips press against your neck as you feel the hardness against your back pressing into you harder.
Izana's silks draped over his body as he crawled between your legs. He dug his nails into the fabric of your thin uniform, shredding the top from the middle and exposing your bra.
“Shit—wait!” you exclaim, grabbing Izana's wrists. You forgot to use honorifics as they continued to scent the room, purposefully baiting you.
Manjiro's hands wandered to your breasts, squeezing them before peeling the straps of your bra. When you begin to feel the suppressants wearing off, you use as much strength as you can muster to shove Izana off you and jump off the bed, falling onto your bottom in the process.
“Fuck!” you hiss in pain as the two omegas eyed you from the bed, panting as their irises shimmered. You could see that their pupils had completely dilated.
Your head turns to the knights standing in the same spot. The omegas stood there, eyeing you with stern expressions.
You begin to feel exposed, embarrassment rising to your cheeks as you cover yourself with your arms, knees pulled to your chest. You shakily pull yourself up as you avoid eye contact with everyone in the room. Surprisingly, they allow you to grab the supplies and run out.
A few days passed, and you found yourself among a huge crowd of individuals awaiting the next castration. A man was chained to the platform, hanging with his feet off the ground, completely naked. The royals sat pretty with their knights, watching from above.
“Hey, what did this guy do?” you asked in confusion, catching the attention of the woman next to you.
“He took advantage of the kings during their heat. I pity those beautiful omegas. What a disgrace to the rest of us alphas,” she said, crossing her arms before turning back toward the platform.
Your eyebrows furrowed in disbelief as you watched the executioner approach with his weapon. Your breath hitched as realization struck.
It was a test. The kings had set you up to see if you would fail. The brothers deceived the public to maintain control and spread fear, especially among the alphas. The man hanging from the stage could have been you. A lump formed in your throat as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. They were truly sinister.
You turned away from the screaming man, closing your eyes as the crowd cheered for his demise. The severed half of his penis dropped to the ground, blood spraying everywhere. You remained unaware of the piercing gazes lingering on your form.
You were in the middle of scrubbing the floor of the room you had been assigned to. Your knees were pressed against the cold marble floor as you tossed the sponge into the bucket. You were still shaken up by the display that morning. Had you not suppressed your alpha instincts from taking over, you would’ve surely been castrated amongst the vicious public.
“Dear Y/n,” you heard a familiar voice behind you.
The kings’ signature aromas swirled in the air as they reached your nostrils. Your body shot upright as you turned to face the omegas, their knights standing behind them.
“Uh, Your Majesties,” you bowed quickly toward the brothers to show your respect. You missed the smirks tugging at their lips.
You yelped as a shoe pressed down on your upper back, your face smushed to the floor along with your hands plastered against the marble.
“Such a satisfying position to see you in,” King Izana said, his voice low as he continued to apply pressure. “We have a proposition for you.”
“You are to become our designated guide for heats,” he stated, a finality in his tone that indicated there was no room for denial.
Your eyes widened at the statement. You were unsure if this was some sort of trick. Even if it was the truth, you simply could not accept the conditions. You didn’t want to become a slave to these vicious monsters.
“With all due respect, Your Majesty, I am not fit to become the royals’ alpha. I will have to decline your proposition, though I’m very grateful and honored,” your gut clenched as you felt more pressure against your back.
Shoes entered your view before the person crouched down, your eyes lifting to meet the attention of the shorter king.
“Who do you think you are?” Manjiro’s dull gaze, filled with nothingness, sent goosebumps across your arms.
You really wanted to ask what their problem was. Why were they trying so hard to get you killed? Why couldn’t they just kick you and get it over with? Was this how they played with some of their prey? It was confusing and truly exhausting. You just wanted them to leave you alone.
“I—I meant no disrespect—,” you squealed as the collar of your shirt was snatched, Izana yanking you upright.
Your fingers grasped the front collar of your top, which was tight around your neck. Izana pulled you back just enough to make eye contact.
“My apologies, Alpha. I completely worded that wrong. It is not a proposition. You will be our heat guide,” he demanded, an eerie smile lingering on his expression.
After a moment of the stare-down from the kings and knights, he released his grip on your shirt, causing you to land with your palms against the floor, leaving you to return to your duties.
“Damnit!” you exclaimed, smacking the floor.
“Interesting isn’t she?” Izana questioned Manjiro as they walked to the throne room.
His brother nodded as his eyes shifted in contemplation. “I don’t really like the rejection,” Manjiro hummed.
“Neither do I, but this is only the beginning,” Izana grinned before turning to his knight.
“What do you think, Kakucho?”
The man in question shifted his gaze to the king, blinking before clearing his throat.
“I think that she’s different compared to other alphas,” he replied softly.
“What about you, Sanzu?” Manjiro asked his own knight.
“I think that all alphas are unworthy of the kings’ presence, though I agree with Kakucho,” he said with a stern tone.
“I want to see how interesting she’ll be without the supply of suppressants,” Izana chuckled.
Weeks had passed since the interaction, and you were dreading their upcoming heat. You had no experience with omegas’ heats and no idea how to prepare. The kings hadn’t made it easy for you either.
You couldn’t find your suppressant pills, and when you went to the head maid to request more tablets, she declined as per the kings’ orders. You spent hours in the library, researching heats and alternative ways to suppress ruts.
You found a helpful passage on how to remain in control, realizing that, although your instincts would be screaming and yearning for omega cock, you would have to keep your mind in check while focusing on helping the omegas release their tension. In the end, the omegas were the priority.
There was also an herbal remedy in the book that you had crafted to help suppress those urges just enough to stay in control. You refused to allow the kings to break you.
Oddly enough, some of the omegan maids seemed happy for you and gifted you two rubber objects to aid the kings during their heat. They explained how to turn the products on and use them. You were already familiar with vibrators, but only the toys that provided suction for the clitoris. You hadn’t known about the rubber toys shaped as cocks.
The knights closed the doors behind you as you stepped into the heat room, the air already suffocating with the warmth of omegan pheromones.
You were slightly intimidated by the low rumbles and groans of the kings, their bodies loosely draped in silks similar to the last time you were here. This time, however, the brothers were awake.
You could hear the frustration in their voices as they whimpered, Manjiro using two of his fingers to penetrate his anal hole while yanking at his dripping, pulsating cock. His face was red, as well as the bottom lip he chewed on. Izana palmed his testicles while sliding his hand up-and-down his slick cock. His face shared the same red hue as his brother while his eyebrows were furrowed.
You took a deep breath before releasing it from your lips, stepping closer to the two—this time, nearer to Manjiro. You could feel the urges tugging at you, compelling you to please these poor omegas. You sucked your teeth to keep your fangs from protruding, a desire to bite their neck glands forming as their fumes and cries went straight to your clit.
Their eyes shot open as they became aware of your presence, their panting growing heavier. Manjiro reached out, tugging at your arm.
“Alpha, I—I need you,” he breathed. “It hurts.”
“Hurry up! F—fucking alpha, taking your time while I’m s—suffering,” Izana seethed.
You were surprised by how needy they were this time. Rummaging through the bag, you pulled out the two toys the maids had gifted you before climbing onto the bed. Before they could snatch at you, your hands shot up after placing the vibrators onto the fabric.
“It’s alright, omegas. I have a wonderful surprise for you,” you cooed, just as the book had instructed. It felt strange and completely out of character for you, but you knew it would help your situation.
Their eyes brightened as they leaned back with a bit more patience. When you told Manjiro to spread his legs, he immediately complied. You quickly lathered a rubber cock with the substance you had brought.
“Alright, we're going to try something fun today. I don't know if you've used these toys before, but I'm sure you'll like it,” you said with a smile. Manjiro's lips formed an 'O' as he stared at the object in your hand.
Truth be told, neither he nor Izana had seen anything like it. Usually, they used whatever alphas were available and called it a day.
Most alphas didn't even try to maintain control over their ruts once triggered, which often led to them becoming castrated after aggressively fucking the kings, committing a disrespectful act.
They could smell your arousal and were very confused as to how you stayed within your right mind. It drove them crazy how you seemed to be in complete control of your actions. They wanted to see how far they could push so you could reveal yourself as another disgusting mutt. But here you are, surprising them before the session even started.
“Are you ready, omega?” You question Manjiro with a soft tone. You read that it was good to call them ‘omega’ during their heats and to treat them with care.
Once he nodded in response, you set the head of the toy against his anus before slowly pushing the rubber inside. His anal walls clenched as he stretched around the vibrator. His lips fell apart as his head fell back against the pillow, a breathy moan escaping.
“Shit,” Manjiro whispered. His hips twitch upward as the rubber reaches his prostate. His fingers twist into the sheets as his testicles tense.
“I’m going to switch it on, okay?” You say as you twist the bottom of the toy to the second to lowest setting, a buzzing sound echoing throughout the room.
Manjiro gasped as he thrusted against the air. “That’s so good, Alpha,” he groaned as he fucked his hand.
His moans go straight to your clit, the smell of your own arousal thickening. However, you seemed unbothered by the display. You kept your urges at bay and reminded yourself that this isn’t about you or your pleasure. It’s about aiding the omegas to their release.
A hand yanked your arm to the side, almost causing you to fall onto the bed as you kneeled.
“You’re t—taking so long! I need you now,” Izana hissed as he glared at you. Before you could think, your hand reached for his neck and pinned him down, his eyes widening.
“You will be a good omega, and wait your turn,” your voice becomes low, surprising yourself in the process.
Holy shit.
Your alpha instincts must be taking over as to remain in control of the situation.
“It’s gonna be alright, okay? I was just about to get your toy ready so can you be patient with me, please?” You sighed. You honestly couldn’t believe your own voice. You hope that you won’t be punished for this later.
The red hue on Izana’s face grew as he nodded, slightly pouting in the process. You give him a smile before reaching to pat his head.
“Such a good omega. I’ll make sure to take very good care of you,” you tell him before returning your attention to a hysterical Manjiro. Izana stares at you with awe in response.
You begin to penetrate Manjiro’s anus, his hole stretching around the rubber toy as it sinks into his tight anal walls. The slick soaks the vibrator and your fingers as you accelerate the pace.
“A—alpha, please touch me,” Manjiro moaned with teary eyes.
He couldn’t stop thrusting his hips, the sensation buzzing through his backside too euphoric as his girth pulsates. A white substance continued to ooze out of his reddened tip as the citrus, apple scent heightened.
You comply, your free hand firmly wrapping around his length as you begin to slide against his thrusts as you penetrate him faster. You made sure to continue aiming for his prostate.
“Does that feel good for you, omega?” You question with curiosity. His teary eyes gazed at you from his position.
“S—so good. It feels so good, alpha. M’ gonna cum,” he groaned as his head fell back once more.
Manjiro’s thrusts became harder against your hand as he cursed. He wanted to replace your hand with your pussy. He wants you to ride him as he grinds into you, filling you with his semen as you moan out his name. You’re driving him fucking crazy. Suddenly, a wad of slick shoots out of his cock as he rode his orgasm. The alpha in you wanted to lick it all up but you kept yourself tamed. This is a job that you must complete and you must stay professional.
He pants until he falls into a slumber, his cock slowly going flaccid as his chest rose and fell. You grab the second toy after slowly pulling the used one out of Manjiro’s ass.
“Alright, omega. It’s your turn now,” you say with a grin. You saw a shimmer in Izana’s eyes as you shifted toward him with the toy in hand.
His poor cock leaks pitifully, the tip redder than Manjiro’s as it throbbed upward. It twitched along with his testicles twitching, slick dripping down the skin.
You use a thumb to gently caress the underside of his head, your fingers curved around the girth.
“Does it hurt?” You ask, to which he nods with a slight whimper escaping his lips as you rub gently against the vein.
“P—please, alpha. I n—need to fuck you,” he pleads. You never thought that you’d see the day where king Izana would beg to be fucked by an alpha maid.
It was pitiful but also arousing. His eyes weren’t as teary as Manjiro’s but you could see the swirl of desire embedded within his gaze.
Suddenly, you could smell two other unknown scents fill the room, turning your head to see the knights still standing in place, though their expressions are a lot redder and their hands tremble slightly around their weapons. Despite their expressionless gazes, you knew that the aura of the room was probably affecting them too. You know that you must hurry.
“I cannot risk a rut to take place. I will fuck you with the vibrator as I did before, okay? Keep your legs spread, for me,” you say while caressing his cock.
Your head lowered as you used his slick as a lube and slowly pushed the vibrator inside of his anus. Your lips circle around the head of his cock, the sweet substance reaching your tongue as you sucked the tip.
“Oh—oh, fuck,” Izana groaned as your arm pinned one of his thighs in place. Your hand massaged the rest of his cock as you continued to suck his tip.
You feel his hips rise as he tries to grind against you, the head of the toy reaching his prostate as you penetrate him at a steady pace. You feel the weight of his hand on the back of your head.
His head drops back, eyelids heavy as his mouth hangs open. He bit his lip as he grinds harder against you.
Your hand stopped your mouth from going further as you used your other hand to switch the vibrator to a slightly higher setting than you did for Manjiro.
“L—look at me! Look at what you’re fucking doing to me, alpha,” he groaned as his eyes bore into yours. “I’m gonna cum so hard,” he whimpered.
Izana has never been pleasured like this before. No alpha, man or woman, has ever taken their time to attentively take care of him and his brother. It’s never felt this beautiful before. He wants to snatch you from his cock and plunge himself deep inside you. He wants to force you onto your hands and knees and return the favor. He wants to feel you clenching around him while you cry.
You feel his cock tense in your mouth as you press the vibrator as far into him as you can, slick filling your mouth as your eyes widen. He moans loudly through his orgasm as sweat beads around his head.
“Swallow it! Swallow my semen, alpha. I want you to consume me,” Izana groaned as he held your head, nails digging into your scalp.
You comply, your clit gaining a heartbeat as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. You almost triggered your own rut by the load of his cum filling your belly. When Izana commands you to open your mouth to see that you gulped it all down, you comply.
“That’s right,” he breathed a chuckle, his eyes drowsy as he slowly fell into a deep slumber.
That night, you stayed in the bathroom, using your own suctioned vibrator as you orgasmed hard from the memories in your head. Your alpha instincts have gone haywire as you were locked inside, sitting on the floor. All of the pent up energy had been fucked out of you by your own fingers.
Days had passed as you helped them through the process each day and night. Each night you masturbated after it was over, releasing your tension so that you wouldn’t go crazy. You missed having suppressants to help get you through the days. It was needed now more than ever.
This continued for months. It became harder and harder to control yourself as time went on. Not only were you forced to spend more time with them during heats, but even on normal days. You were compelled to keep them company, no matter what they had planned. They became more touchy and showed a lack of respect for your boundaries.
They constantly wanted you by their side, to the point that you were forced to sleep in their beds, switching between the two each night. It made it harder for you to sneak off and release your tension, considering their tight holds. They barely allowed you to go use the restroom when you were trapped in their arms.
You couldn’t use them to release yourself, or else you’d go into a rut. You also didn’t want to be this close and personal with them in the first place. This was supposed to be a professional job, not something you signed up for. You didn’t agree to become a sex slave.
One night became too much for you as they tempted you. Unknown to you, they were doing it on purpose. They wanted your pussy so bad and they were willing to do anything to have it. It was confusing as to how a pill that forced a heat could affect an alpha the same as it would an omega.
“Ah!” You whine out as Manjiro’s fingers tightened around your waist, thrusting into you as his cock stretched your vagina. His teeth penetrated the skin of your neck gland as he used his free hand to hold your head down.
“Good, omega. You’re taking this cock so well,” he whispered against your ear with your blood staining his teeth. You could only whimper in response as your g-spot was consistently hit.
Tears streamed down your face as you accidentally made eye contact with the knights that stood in front of the doorway. You couldn’t read their expressions, shifting your eyes away quickly with embarrassment as your body rocked against Manjiro. Both of your walls clenched around the cocks inside of you.
“That’s right, omega. Cum for your kings,” Izana hissed as he penetrated your ass harder, his slick gushing out of your ass. His grip on your hips tightened as he leaned forward, his silks draping over you.
You felt your rut triggered as your fangs shot out. You tried to turn away from Manjiro’s shoulder as your vision shifted, pupils dilating. You couldn’t stop the whimpers and moans from releasing as you gripped Manjiro’s hair.
“Claim me, Y/n. Mark your alpha,” his lips moved against your ear. You groaned a curse in response.
You didn’t want to claim them. You didn’t want to be trapped with an omega in the slightest. You didn’t even want a normal mate in general. You especially didn’t want to mate with the kings. You are not cut out to be a queen.
“Please don’t,” you breathed.
Your plead caused them to fuck into you harder, your inner walls clenching around them as your mouth hung open. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you grunted.
“Come on, baby. Mark me,” Manjiro groaned. He could feel the warmth in his stomach rising.
“It’s in your blood, Y/n. Do it! Mark your claim,” Izana grinned as his nails pierced your skin.
You really tried to fight off your alpha instincts. It was so hard to ignore. You had to let it go. You had to release the tension.
Manjiro released a high-pitched moan as your fangs sunk into his neck gland.
“Fuck, you’re mine. Now you’re all mine,” he smiled as tears streamed down his face with blood sliding down his neck.
Once the positions were switched, you ended up marking Izana who enthusiastically accepted your claim.
“Mine, mine, mine!”
It was a filthy, sweaty, and hot night as you all fell into a slumber. When you woke up, you felt immediate terror at what you had done. Especially when you felt the marks on your own neck.
“No, no, no,” you hyperventilate. “What have I done?”
One day, you even tried to flee the castle. You were overwhelmed with your new responsibilities, the consequences of your actions.
Sanzu and Kakucho caught you before you could even make it out the door. They dragged you back to the heat room to wait for the kings to return.
You screamed in terror when you found out you were pregnant. You didn’t want a kid nor did you want the royal heir. You were forced to be queen and forced to bear the responsibility of birthing the child.
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tenjikufag · 7 months ago
HII!!! I’m new here and I was wondering if I could request a izana x male reader w izana fcking reader in front of Tenjiku
( sorry I’ve been having a izana brain rot lately)
-izanas husband
Eyes to the Front.
Izana Kurokawa x Male!Reader
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-smut, nsfw, sub!top reader, dom!bott izana, public sex, cock-warming, mentions of other tenjiku members
-thank you for the request, miss this boy dearly. Unsure if you intended for this kind of public fucking but I hope you enjoy regardless!
You couldn’t even count the eyes that laid on you, all the division captains and the vice president watched on with unknowing eyes.
Izana sat on your lap, his waist hidden by the large table, your cock buried in his ass.
He spoke so normally, not even a quiver or stutter coming from him when he moved- making you bite your inner cheek when he clenched on you or rocked his hips or bounced.
“You sick, L/n?”
“No, he’s just a bit shy today..”
Izana grinned, pushing himself to the hilt on you and squeezing- his bright eyes looking back at you with a satisfied glaze.
“Ah, I see.”
No one questioned the white haired male, never questioning why he sat in your lap, why he spoke for you, why he did almost everything for you..
It was because you were his bitch.
His. Only his. Will only ever be his. And he will treat you accordingly, treat you how he thinks you deserve to be treated.
His body leaned forward, your cock just barely fully slipping out before he snapped himself back into your lap- you hissed out a moan, trying not to cause any more attention on yourself. Izana coughed lightly, clearing his throat to cover his own pleasure.
Your legs began to shake, every agonizing second felt longer than the last. His hands moved to your thighs, and he started thrumming against the plush skin; digging his manicured nails in rhythmically between the massaging motions. He began to bounce on you, only moving his waist up and down with his upper half leaned over the table to match the serious energy of the discussion being shared.
With every pull up, he clenched around you and loosened on his way down. You could barely contain the drool and tears pooling, resorting to leaning into your hand to act tired but underneath your whole face was set ablaze- your brows knitting in frustration and lip quivering in agony.
You were quickly becoming light-headed, the blood in your cock and all the blood rushing over your body to compensate for the overwhelming pleasure almost made you whine out of instinct- the primal urge to wheeze and wail out against him burning in your abdomen..
“Isn’t he such a good boy?”
Pulling away from your hand, it was quickly replaced by your boyfriends slender fingers as he showed off your flushed and fucked out face.
“Tell ‘em how good you’re being.. they wanna hear it from you.”
The members stared at you, vivid eyes covering every inch of you.
“..I’m a.. good boy..”
You’d managed to huff it out, Izana looked back at you with a frown.
“Moan it out for them. Moan it out like ya do for me dear~”
It was only then that you realized that they knew. They knew their beloved leader had you balls deep inside of him and they only watched on as if nothing was happening.
They could see how weak and pathetic you were when buried inside of him, how easily you were overwhelmed.
While you moaned, the captains only smirked at you. Now that everyone was in the know, Izana picked up the pace and was visibly fucking you infront of them.
“He’s so cute when he’s like this, too bad you guys aren’t into men~ not that I’d share though!”
He rode you, hips bucking up and slamming back down onto you with a slick slapping sound.
“Moan for the guys, will ya? Not just me that enjoys that pathetic whine of yours.”
You couldn’t disobey him, the moans started to fly out of your mouth almost as if you breathed in moans.
The meeting continued, your mewls of pleasure almost like a symphony playing in the background.
“He lasts awhile, impressive. You train him to do that?”
“He knows only I can say when he can cum. Y/n is such a good boy, he did take all my training well~”
Your tongue stuck out and dragged along your bottom lip, chest filling with pride as Izana bragged about you to the members..
“Check this out.”
Izana sped up, the sound of skin slapping bouncing off every wall along with his own breathy moans and curses
“Y/n. Cum for me.”
His stern command sent a shiver through your whole body, it felt pathetic how quickly you unloaded into him. You shrunk down into yourself as he laughed lightly, pulling off of you and reaching behind to show off a faint string of your white cum to the group.
The smirks and chuckles barely registered to you, far too tired and relieved to care..
“Meetings over, I have to clean up this mess.”
Izana pulled up his pants, fastening his belt as he saw off the members.
He looked back at you with a smile, licking the remaining dribble of cum off his finger.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 days ago
The KakuIza x Reader thirst is eating my brain, the anon who had this idea was definitely cooking.
Like, imagine Kakucho, now a whimpering mess, bouncing on your cock feverishly in attempts to chase his orgasm, and Izana jacking him off, holding his hips to guide him how to ride you just right, kindly whispering praise into his ear. Because Kakucho is indeed such a good boy for you two, letting you destroy his prostate and Izana take care of him in process.
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mornwrites · 4 months ago
ˏˋ°‱*⁀➷ contents - izana kurokawa , izana being mean , brat reader mention , gender-neutral reader , dom-sub dynamic if you squint , sadism-masochism mention , reader gets off on izana's boot .
: ̗̀➛ author's note - this is not a full fic, just a little something i randomly came up with and decided to post. it's not proofread and i didn't care enough to use any sort of capitalization so it's lacking that. sorry for my random disappearances. i'll catch up on my requests soon, but they are still open!
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the way izana has you pinned to the floor with nothing but one of his black boots is pitiful. the cold wood of your apartment is digging into your back, eyes looking up at him as he sneers down at you. brats weren't to be tolerated and after one too many whines falling from your lips he snapped. heel digging almost painfully into your shirt-covered stomach, he leaned down, most of his weight on his other leg as to not cause you too much pain. "i don't have time for your fucking games. was patient not something you could be for one minute?" the question is more rhetorical than genuine. his phone buzzes in his pocket, pulling his attention from you and lets you go out from beneath his food like a partially squashed bug. walking away, he sits himself on the couch in your shared living room, answering the call. it doesn't take long for you to follow and when you do he's ignoring you until you've sunk to your knees between his spread legs. he mutes himself after saying a quick 'one moment', lavender eyes watching as your hands start to slide up his legs. moving one leg between your thighs, he's roughly pushing them open and shoving his boot beneath you so that it's pressing against that sensitive spot. grabbing your wrists with one hand and setting them atop one of his clothed thighs he bends down, breath tickling your face, "brats don't get what they want. prove yourself worthy of my attention and perhaps i'll allow you to have it." with that izana is releasing your wrists and sitting up, one arm draping along the back of the couch. elbow propping up as it sinks into the soft cushion he leans his head against his knuckles, unmuting himself with his free hand. continuing the conversation he had started mere seconds prior, his mouth his moving and making sound to respond to the person on the other side of the device, but his eyes are trained on you. nudging his foot a little as some sort of wordless demand that you begin, he watches as you do just that. watching you with the hint of a cruel smirk tugging up at his lips, izana doesn't touch you even as your fingers are starting to dig into the flesh of his thigh. only reacting when a whimper tumbled was elicited from the back of your throat, his eyes narrowed and his smirk vanished. he didn't need to say anything for you to understand that you weren't allowed to make any noise. the way you moved your hips had him amused, finding your desperation nothing short of entertaining. even as he could feel himself itching to hang up the phone call and shove himself down your throat he didn't do such a thing. servants were supposed to grovel at their kings feet if they wanted something, after all.
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kokonoiis · 8 months ago
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BONTEN Members Profile and Facts :
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BONTEN is a Japanese boy group formed by TR Entertainment known for hardly ever appearing in music videos or promotions. The group consists of 8 Members: Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Mocchi, Takeomi, Ran, Rindou, and Koko.
Group Name Explanation : Bonten ( æą”ć€© ) is the Japanese name of the Hindu creator god Brahma.
BONTEN Official Fandom Name : Tennies BONTEN Official SNS :
Official Website: bonten. com/artists X ( Twitter ): official.bonten Instagram: bontenfficial Facebook: official.bonten Youtube: BONTEN.
BONTEN Member Profiles :
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Stage Name: Mikey ( ăƒžă‚€ă‚­ăƒŒ ) Birth Name: Manjiro Sano ( 䜐野 äž‡æŹĄéƒŽ ) Position: Leader, Main Vocalist Birthday: August 20, 1990 Zodiac Sign: Leo Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse Height: 162 cm ( 5’4” ) Weight: 56 kg ( 123 lbs ) Blood Type: B Nationality: Japanese
Mikey Facts : - Mikey's favorite foods are dorayaki, omurice, and taiyaki - he dislikes spicy food - the person he respects or admires is himself - there is no one that Mikey dislikes or fears - Mikey was rated number 1 from Top 3 Worst Boyfriends
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Stage Name: Sanzu ( 侉途 ) Birth Name:  Akashi Haruchiyo ( æ˜Žćž æ˜„ćƒć€œ ) Position: Main dancer, visual, vocalist Birthday:  July 3, 1990 Zodiac Sign:  Cancer Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse Height: 172 cm ( 5'8'' ) Weight: 55 kg ( 121 lbs ) Blood Type:  AB Nationality: Japanese
Sanzu Facts : - Sanzu has a very popular YouTube Channel shared with his sister, Senju Kawaragi ( Akashi Siblings ) - He dislikes spicy food, as it makes him sweat - The person he respects or admires is Mikey - The people he dislikes or fears are smothering people - Sanzu is ranked first in the Most Needy Significant Other Poll and number 2 in the question ' Who is the worst lover ? '
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Stage Name: Kakucho ( 鶎蝶 ) Birth Name: Kakucho Position: Main Vocalist Birthday: October 2, 1987 Zodiac Sign: Libra Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit Height: 179 cm ( 5'10'' ) Weight: 63 kg ( 139 lbs ) Blood Type: O Nationality: Japanese
Kakucho Facts : - Kakucho loves training - The person he respects or admires is Tenjiku's leader, Izana Kurokawa - There is no one he dislikes or fears - he ranked number 1 from the question ' Who is the best lover ? ' - He released a song with Izana Kurokawa named " Our Kingdom "
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Stage Name: Mocchi ( ăƒąăƒƒăƒăƒŒ ) Birth Name: Mochizuki Kanji ( 望月 ćźŒçˆŸ ) Position: Rapper, sub vocalist Birthday: March 9, 1988 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon Height: 192 cm ( 6'4'' ) Weight: 94 kg ( 207 lbs ) Blood Type: B Nationality: Japanese
Mocchi Facts : - Mocchi likes corn - His special skill is arm wrestling - The person eh respects or admires is Tenjiku's leader, Izana Kurakawa - The person he dislikes is Tenjiku member Shion Madarame - Mocchi once ate 50 jumbo dumplings for a contest
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Stage Name: Takeomi Birth Name: Akashi Takeomi ( æ˜Žćž æ­Šè‡Ł ) Position: Rapper, oldest Birthday: March 10, 1981 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster  Height: 183 cm ( 6'0'' ) Weight: 72 kg ( 159 lbs ) Blood Type: B Nationality: Japanese
Takeomi Facts : - Takeomi dislikes anything that takes a significant amount of effort from him - other members say his special skill is taking advantage of other people - His dream is to become a multimillionaire - Takeomi likes to say he's the father figure of the group, but the others say he's not very fatherly - He dislikes anyone who looks down on him
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Stage Name: Ran Birth Name: Haitani Ran ( 灰谷 蘭 ) Position: Main Rapper, center Birthday: May 26, 1987 Zodiac Sign: Gemini Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit Height: 183 cm ( 6'0'' ) Weight: 70 kg ( 154 lbs ) Blood Type: A Nationality: Japanese
Ran Facts : - Ran likes Yves Saint Laurent and Mont Blanc - he takes great care of his hair and regularly goes to beauty salons in Harajuku to get it done - Ran tends to get very close to people when they talk to him; everyone thinks he's being flirtatious or trying to intimidate, but in reality Ran does this because he is nearsighted - the person he respects or admires is Kakucho - the people he dislikes are Toman members Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma
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Stage Name: Rindou Birth Name: Haitani Rindou ( 灰谷 竜胆 ) Position: Vocalist, rapper, center Birthday: October 20, 1988 Zodiac Sign: Libra Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon Height: 172 cm ( 5'8'' ) Weight: 65 kg ( 143 lbs ) Blood Type: B Nationality: Japanese
Rindou Facts : - Rindou likes DJing and muscle training - he enjoys drinking alcohol at several times throughout the day - the person he respects or admires is Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira - the person he dislikes or fears is Ran Haitani - Rindou ranked number 2 from the question ' Who is the best lover ? '
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Stage Name: Koko ( ココ ) Birth Name: Kokonoi Hajime ( äčäș• 侀 ) Position: Vocalist, visual, maknae Birthday: April 1, 1990 Zodiac Sign: Aries Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse Height: 174 cm ( 5'9'' ) Weight: 60 kg ( 132 lbs ) Blood Type: A Nationality: Japanese
Koko Facts : - Koko's special skill is standing behind others and being a big eater - his hobby is fortune telling with playing cards and swimming - he has bad eyesight and does not like to play ballgames or drive - Koko pokes his tongue out whenever he's feeling especially confident in himself - he ranked number 3 from the question ' Who is the best lover ? '
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Who is your BONTEN bias? ✔ Mikey      9,792 votes Sanzu      4,356 votes Kakucho      3,298 votes Mocchi      3,012 votes Takeomi      2,346 votesRan      8,986 votes Rindou      7,873 votes ✔ Koko      5,002 votes
NO ART IS MINE !! bonten idol art by @ kaya_iris on twt !!
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kurokawaia · 5 months ago
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⋆·˚ àŒ˜ * i have a life outside Tumblr aka. requests might take a while depending on motivation. àŒŠ*·˚
DONT TELL ME 'I want you to write...', it can come of rude and demanding and I won't fulfill your reques. Come of NICE when you request, e.g, 'I was wondering if you could right,' 'could you please write,' etc àŒŠ*·˚
I WILL WRITE for fem!reader ONLY in all of the thirsts, drabbles, fics and headcanons i write, the troupe will be dom!male!character x sub!fem!reader unless stated other wise or requested otherwise.
NOTE :: if gender is not specified in request, i will assume it's a FEM! instert and will write a FEM! insert
I can also write any male reader x male character nsfw's but ONLY for Heaven Official's Blessing and The grandmaster demonic cultivation !!sorry if you want male x reader for any other fandom, but this is just the fandoms im comfortable writing this troupe with.
NOTE :: I will rarely write a dom!reader x sub!character
COMFORTABLE WRITING ┈➀ fluff, angst, smut, and dark content.
COMFORTABLE WRITING TOPICS ┈➀ cnc, duncon, noncon, being drugged, breeding, baby trapping, daddy kinks, mommy kinks, dd/lg, blood play, weapon play, kidnapping, yandere, coercion/manipulation, god complex, praise, name calling, degradation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cervix fucking, size kink, age gaps, cockwarming, bondage, biting, cucking, threesome, throat training, impact play, oral -> male and female receiving, face sitting, double penetration, anal + more àŒŠ*·˚
NOT COMFORTABLE WRITING ┈➀ insest, stepcest scat, watersports, vomit, fisting, pedophilia, chastity, drowning, public nudity, gangbangs (no more than a threesome), cannabilism, hypnosis, duct tape, mummification, consensual servitude, humiliation, harem boys, prostitution àŒŠ*·˚
I WILL NOT WRITE ┈➀ au's!! (i will not write for a character outside that timeline/setting as in the anime. so please refraining from asking me to write a 'modern au' 'collage au' etc. the only exception is making that au within the anime setting, such as; 'character doing this instead of this', like that is that makes sense?) insesct, stepcest àŒŠ*·˚
all characters are depicted to be 18+
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⋆ HUNTER X HUNTER :: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paradinight, Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor
⋆ DEATH NOTE :: Light Yagami, L Lawliet (L), Miheal Kheel (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate Rivers (Near)
⋆ BUNGO STRAY DOGS :: Dazai Osamu, Atsushi Nakajima, Kunikida Doppo, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Nakahara Chuuya, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Dostovesky Fyodor àŒŠ*·˚
⋆ BLEACH :: Ichigo Kurosaki, Zaraki Kenpachi, Kuchiki Byakuya, Urahara Kisuke, Shinji Hirako, Kyoraku Shunsui, Aizen Sosuke, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Cifer Ulquiorra, Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow, Ishiha Uryu, Haschwalth Jugram àŒŠ*·˚
⋆ NARUTO/BORUTO :: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara, Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Tobirama, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Jiraya, Otsitsuki Indra àŒŠ*·˚
⋆ DEMON SLAYER :: Demon slayers; Tokitƍ Muichirƍ, Rengoku Kyƍjurƍ, Tomioka GiyĆ«, Uzui Tengen, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Iguro Obanai, Himejima Gyƍmei, Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Demons; Kibutsuji Muzan, Kokushibƍ | Michikatsu Tsugikuni, Douma, Akaza àŒŠ*·˚
⋆ WIND BREAKER :: Haruka Sakura, Suo Hayato, Togame Jou, Kaji Ren, Umemiya hajime àŒŠ*·˚
⋆ TOKYO REVENEGRS :: Mikey, Draken, Sanzu, Wakasa, Izana, Ran, Rindou àŒŠ*·˚
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kokoch4n3l · 10 months ago
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TWELVE — his dead girl's beach
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"Guarded and evasive, Mr. Kurokawa deflects introspection, avoiding confrontation of his inner demons. This avoidance hints at his discomfort with facing vulnerabilities and traumas, as he prioritizes projecting strength and control."—KANEKO MAYA'S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: Mikey thinks about the past while Maya tries to remember what she missed. Izana helps Kisaki choose an engagement ring.
warnings: dark content 18+, self-loathing, mental health issues, mentions of scars, mentions of burns, drug addictions, drug use/misuse, withdrawal mentions, mental breakdowns, emotional manipulation, stockholm syndrome, past noncon, infantilization, possessiveness, emotional incest, mommy issues, dehumanization, oral sex(f receiving), cunnilingus, fingering, implied multiple orgasms, slight hair pulling(m receiving), praise kink, dacryphilia, dom/sub undertones, overstimulation, aftercare, slight ooc!Kisaki, draken & og toman slander, mental health issues, depression, vomiting, toxic and unhealthy relationships, implied emotional abuse, past character death, past picture taking, implied voyeurism, scars, memory loss, kissing, smut, handjob, piv, no prep, dissociation, creampie, use of guns, blood and gore, depiction of corpses, major character death
word count: 20 446
masterlist | previous | chapter 13
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How do you put yourself back together? After breaking apart over and over, how do you put yourself back together? Maya has done it a bunch of times but...
What do you do when someone's taken a few of your shattered pieces with them?
It's not just her own brokenness she has to contend with, it's the pieces of herself that others have stolen away. Mikey and Izana, each wielding their own brand of manipulation and control, have taken parts of her that she may never get back. With a heavy heart, Maya realizes that she can't simply piece herself back together as she has done in the past. Those missing fragments, those stolen pieces of her soul, leave behind a void that cannot be filled by her own efforts alone. With a heavy heart, Maya realizes that she can't simply piece herself back together as she has done in the past. Those missing fragments, those stolen pieces of her soul, leave behind a void that cannot be filled by her own efforts alone.
The love she had for Chifuyu once seemed like a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of strength and solace amidst the chaos of her life. But now, tainted by the knowledge that his feelings may not match her own, she wonders if returning to him would only deepen the wounds that already mar her fragile heart. Would his embrace bring her the comfort she so desperately craves, or would it serve as a painful reminder of all that she has lost?
And what of the invisible scars that mar her body, each one a testament to the pain and suffering she has endured? The burn on her back may have healed, but the memory of the agony she endured at Izana and Mikey's hands remains etched into her very being. Will time erase the pain, or will it linger like the scar on her shoulder, a constant reminder of the violence and betrayal that has marked her existence?
Alone in the dimly lit master bedroom, Maya sits on the edge of the bed, her mind consumed by a storm of emotions. The silence weighs heavily upon her, a suffocating blanket that smothers any semblance of peace. In the midst of her turmoil, she is unaware of the faint creak as the door swings open, admitting a sliver of light into the shadowy room. Izana steps inside, his presence felt before he even speaks. His smile, devoid of warmth, watches her like a predator observing its prey. "Hey bunny," he says softly, his voice dripping with false concern. "Are you alright?"
She looks up, startled by his sudden appearance, her heart sinking as she meets his gaze. His eyes gleam with amusement, a silent mockery of her struggles. She forces a nod, unable to muster the strength to speak in the face of his calculated indifference. Izana moves closer, his smile widening as he takes a seat beside her. His touch, though seemingly gentle, sends a shiver down her spine, a cold reminder of his true nature lurking beneath the facade of concern. "You don't have to face this alone," he says, his voice honeyed with deception. "I'm here for you, bunny. Always."
Maya doesn't pull away from his touch, nor does she say anything. "hm... looks like you need to be taken care of more than me, bunny" He says with a small laugh
Izana moves himself so he's sitting with his back against the headboard and pillows. He gestures for her to come closer. Without hesitation, Maya crawls over and sits across his lap comfortably. She nestles closer to him, her head resting against his chest. It's a moment of vulnerability, of allowing herself to be vulnerable in his presence. Izana's lips curve into a satisfied smile as he feels her relax against him. He revels in the power he holds over her, relishing in the knowledge that she has surrendered herself to him willingly. As Maya settles against him, Izana gently runs his fingers through her hair, a gesture that feels both comforting and possessive. He relishes in the feeling of her body pressed against his, the subtle rise and fall of her chest against his own. "You know, bunny," Izana murmurs, his voice soft yet tinged with a hint of smugness, "you always seem to find your way back to me, no matter how hard you try to resist."
Maya's breath catches in her throat at his words. She knows he's right, knows that despite her best efforts to break free from his grasp, she always ends up back in his arms. "Izana," she whispers, her voice barely audible, "this... this isn't how it's supposed to be."
His grip tightens ever so slightly around her, a silent reminder of the power he holds over her. "But this is how it is, bunny," he replies softly, his tone tinged with a sense of finality. "And as long as you're mine, it's how it will always be."
Maya sighs and presses her face against Izana's chest. It had been about two and a half weeks since the whole ordeal. In total, she was held in this beach house for a month and 3 weeks. Izana is running his hands through her hair, the rough pads of his fingers scratching against her scalp. Izana was doing pretty well with the withdrawal. It seemed like having a different atmosphere really did help with recovery. Mikey is in the shower and the sun is still rising. It's way too early in the morning but they all somehow woke up at the same time— or well, Maya pretended to be asleep so Mikey didn't drag her to the shower with him. "You know..." Izana starts, resting his chin on top of her head "We didn't mean to get you addicted... we just got carried away"
Maya's heart sinks as Izana's words wash over her, the weight of his confession settling like a heavy fog in the room. "You just looked so cute high... You were clingy as hell..." He sighs, fingers trailing down the back of her neck, tracing the knobs of her spine "Sounded so cute every time you said my name so I just got carried away... Manjiro too"
Maya's mind reels at the realization of how easily they succumbed to their desires, how they let themselves be swept away by the intoxicating allure of her altered state. It's a bitter truth to swallow, knowing that their actions were driven by selfish impulses rather than genuine concern for her well-being. "I... I don't remember much of it" she admits, not looking up at him
Izana sighs, sounding almost remorseful. "Of course, you don't..." his tone changes quickly though as if remembering a fond childhood memory "You were adorable though... Could barely even sit up on your own and were so fucking clingy"
Izana's gaze softens as he watches Maya, a flicker of emotion passing through his eyes before he speaks again. "But hey," he murmurs, his voice gentle, "we took care of you, okay... You didn't die, isn't that what matters?"
Maya remains silent, her eyes downcast as she absorbs his words. She doesn't dare contradict him, knowing it would only lead to more conflict. Instead, she nods slowly, a gesture of silent agreement. Izana hums and runs his fingers through her hair again, glancing sideways as he hears the shower turn off. "There are some polaroids though... In case you wanna get a few glimpses of what happened during those 2 weeks" He tells her
Maya's heart clenches at Izana's mention of the polaroids, a mixture of dread and curiosity swirling within her. She knows she shouldn't want to see them, shouldn't want to revisit those moments of vulnerability and manipulation, but there's a part of her that can't help but wonder. "Maybe later," she mumbles softly, her voice barely audible as she tries to push aside the nagging desire to see the evidence of her own(possible) degradation.
Izana nods understandingly, though there's a glint of mischief in his eyes that Maya can't quite decipher. "Whenever you're ready" he replies, his tone almost teasing as he leans in to press a kiss to the top of her head.
Maya forces a small smile, though it feels brittle and fragile on her lips. She wonders how things were during those 2 weeks. The weight of the past hangs heavy on her shoulders, burdening her with questions and doubts that seem to have no answers. She wonders how everything spiralled out of control so quickly, how she ended up trapped in this web of deceit and manipulation. Izana's steady heartbeat beneath her ear offers a semblance of solace, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there are still moments of calm. Yet, even in his embrace, Maya can't shake the gnawing feeling of despair that gnaws at the edges of her consciousness. "Hey... Bunny..." Izana says holding her tighter against him "You're shaking"
Maya's breath catches in her throat as Izana's voice cuts through the haze of her thoughts. She hadn't even realized she was shaking until he pointed it out. "Sorry..." she mumbles, her voice barely audible as she tries to steady her trembling limbs.
She feels exposed, vulnerable beneath Izana's scrutinizing gaze, as if he can see straight through the facade she's been desperately trying to maintain. Izana's arms tighten around her, his touch both comforting and suffocating all at once. "Don't apologize," he murmurs, his breath warm against her ear. "Just breathe..."
Maya feels vulnerable and sad. She can't help herself right now. Tears well up in her eyes for a reason she isn't too sure of. She doesn't feel too good. As tears blur her vision, Maya's chest tightens with an overwhelming wave of emotion. She feels like she's drowning, suffocating beneath the weight of her own despair. Each breath comes harder than the last as if the air itself has turned to lead in her lungs. "Izana..." she whispers, her voice trembling with unspoken anguish. "I can't do this anymore..."
Her words hang heavy in the air, a desperate plea for release from the suffocating grip of her own mind. Izana's grip tightens around Maya, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within her
But Maya can't shake the feeling of isolation, the sense that she's adrift in a sea of darkness with no shore in sight. "I can't..." she chokes out between sobs, her voice breaking with the weight of her despair. "I can't do this anymore, Izana... I wanna go home..."
Izana's grip tightens around Maya, his embrace becoming suffocating rather than comforting. "Bunny," he murmurs, his tone stern even while using that vile pet name, "this is your home now. You belong to me, remember? You don't get to leave whenever you please. So no more talking about that and no more asking for it either... Understand?"
Her tears wet Izana's shirt, but he doesn't seem to mind. Instead, he holds her even tighter, his touch strangely comforting despite the suffocating weight of his possessiveness. "Shh, I know... I know," he murmurs softly, his voice a soothing balm against her turmoil. "Stop crying."
Maya sniffles, trying to silence her sobs, but the tears keep flowing, unstoppable as a river. "I-I'm sorry... 'm sorry..." she apologizes, her words choked with emotion. "I'm tired."
"You don't have to apologize for feeling tired," Izana reassures her, his voice calm and steady. He runs his fingers through her hair in a gentle gesture of comfort. "It's perfectly natural for you to be tired."
"Just... don't ask to go home again" he warns softly, his tone tinged with a hint of possessiveness as he squeezes her tightly in his arms.
Maya continues to apologize between trembling breaths, her grip on Izana tightening as if she fears he might slip away. Each apology feels like a plea for forgiveness for something she didn't even do, a desperate attempt to soothe the turmoil raging within her. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I just..." Her words dissolve into a choked sob, her entire body shaking with the force of her emotions.
Izana's arms remain wrapped around her, offering a sense of security amidst the chaos of her own mind. He doesn't respond to her apologies, instead choosing to hold her close, his touch a silent reassurance that she isn't alone. For a moment, Maya allows herself to forget the weight of her despair, to lose herself in the warmth of Izana's embrace. But even as she clings to him like a lifeline, she can't shake the nagging feeling of emptiness that gnaws at her from within. Each breath feels like a struggle as if the weight of her despair threatens to crush her from within. "I-I don't know what to do..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible amidst the turmoil.
She feels lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty, with no beacon to guide her to shore. The walls of the beach house seem to close in around her, suffocating her with their oppressive presence. "I can't... I can't do this anymore..." she murmurs, her words a desperate plea for release from the prison of her own mind
Izana's touch is a lifeline amidst the chaos, his arms a refuge from the storm that rages within her. He holds her close, tight, his touch is warm. "It's okay, bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of her turmoil. "I've got you... You don't have to do anything... Just let yourself feel... Let it all out..."
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Maya's tears begin to subside, her sobs tapering off into soft, shuddering breaths. She rests her head against Izana's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. "I'm sorry..." she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with exhaustion and remorse. "I didn't mean to... I just..."
Izana brushes his fingers through her hair, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Shh~, it's alright," he murmurs, his tone soft and understanding. "You don't have to apologize, bunny. You're just tired... You've been through so much..."
Maya nods weakly, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her breakdown that probably hasn't ended yet. She feels drained, emotionally and physically spent from the weight of her own despair. Maya didn't know what she was apologizing for but she kept saying it anyway and each time Izana just hushed her. "hey, hey... Look at me" He said and put a tanned finger beneath her chin, making her look up at him
She looks up at him, her blue eyes watery and sad. "Good girl" Izana murmurs, rubbing his thumb against the thin skin under her eye, fingertips brushing against her bottom lashes "I know you're tired, I know you've been through a lot but I promise... I promise everything will be okay from now on"
Izana presses a kiss to her forehead and then continues speaking. "Everything here is for you. The house is yours, the beach is yours... You'll never have to worry about anything again, hm. We'll take care of you"
As Maya gazes up at Izana, her eyes reflect a mix of weariness and vulnerability. His gentle touch beneath her eye elicits a soft sigh from her lips, a subtle reassurance amidst the turmoil of her emotions. She leans into his caress, finding solace in the warmth of his affection. "Okay..." she whispers, her voice barely audible, her words a whispered plea for comfort.
Izana's lips curve into a tender smile, his thumb continuing its soothing motion against her skin. "You're doing so well, Bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soft murmur that washes over her like a gentle breeze. "I'm proud of you. Me and Manjiro"
As the bathroom door swings open, Mikey emerges, his presence commanding attention even in the dim light of the early morning. Maya's gaze flickers towards him, momentarily distracted from the cocoon of comfort she finds in Izana's arms. Mikey's appearance is casual yet striking, his toned physique accentuated by the absence of a shirt, and his sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips. He runs a hand through his damp hair, ruffling the dark strands as he steps further into the room. "Morning" he greets, his voice low and gravelly from sleep, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he takes in the scene before him.
Izana's arms tighten around Maya. "Morning" he echoes, grinning lazily at his younger brother
Maya's heart flutters nervously in her chest. She shifts uncomfortably in Izana's embrace, torn between the conflicting desires that tug at her heartstrings. Mikey's gaze meets hers, a flicker of something unreadable passing between them before he breaks the momentary silence. "You alright, Maya?" he asks, his voice soft with genuine concern.
Maya isn't able to answer. She knows for a fact the moment she opens her mouth to speak she'll cry again. So instead, she presses her face against the crook of Izana's neck, clinging to him tighter. Izana's fingers gently stroke her hair as he speaks, his tone carrying a note of understanding. "our bunny had a little meltdown, Manjiro" he explains, his voice soft and patronizing.
Mikey nods, his expression softening with empathy. "Oh, poor thing" he murmurs, his eyes flickering with concern as he steps closer to them, laying a hand on the back of her neck "It's alright..."
Maya nods weakly, unable to find the words to express the tangled mess of emotions churning inside her. She feels like a child, overwhelmed and lost in a world she can't comprehend. But in the arms of Izana and Mikey, she finds a fleeting sense of security, a sanctuary from the storm raging within her soul. Izana's hand continues to stroke her hair in a soothing rhythm, his touch a silent reassurance that she's not alone. "Just rest now, little bunny," he murmurs, his voice laced with a strange mix of tenderness and possessiveness. "We'll take care of everything."
With a heavy heart, Maya allows herself to sink into the warmth of their embrace, seeking solace in the arms of those who claim to care for her. As Maya buries her face in Izana's neck, she feels a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through her veins. She's torn between the comfort of their embrace and the unsettling realization that she's become dependent on them for comfort. Izana's fingers continue their gentle caress through her hair, his touch both comforting and suffocating in its possessiveness. Mikey's hand on the back of her neck offers a sense of grounding amidst the turmoil raging within her. His words of reassurance are like a lifeline in the midst of the storm, anchoring her fragile sense of self amidst the chaos. But beneath the surface, Maya can't shake the gnawing feeling of unease that gnaws at her soul. She wonders how she ended up in this tangled web of manipulation and control, and whether there's any way out.
Yet for now, she pushes aside her doubts and surrenders to the warmth of their embrace, seeking refuge in the illusion of safety they offer. As she closes her eyes and drifts into the embrace of sleep, she knows that the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but for now, she allows herself to be carried away by the currents of their affection, hoping against hope that they will lead her to calmer shores.
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As Maya drifts into a peaceful slumber, Izana carefully lays her down on the bed and tenderly tucks her in, ensuring she's comfortable. Mikey observes silently from across the room, his gaze lingering on Maya's sleeping form as he buttons up his shirt. There's a moment of quiet between them, punctuated only by the soft sounds of Maya's steady breathing. Mikey's expression is unreadable, a mixture of concern and resignation playing across his features as he watches over her. "she doesn't remember y'know... Should've seen it coming but I think it's a little disappointing" Izana says "She thinks we did something crazy to her during those two weeks"
Mikey's expression tightens slightly at Izana's words, a flicker of frustration crossing his features before he composes himself. Izana's voice carries a note of accusation as he turns to face Mikey, his gaze piercing. "It's your fault she doesn't remember," Izana continues, his tone tinged with frustration. "You kept getting carried away, giving her more pills than she needed. Now look at her."
Mikey's tone is defensive as he responds to Izana's accusation. "I only did it because I couldn't help myself," he admits, his voice tinged with remorse. "She looked so... vulnerable. I just wanted to make her feel better, even if it meant going too far."
Izana just chuckles. "You get obsessed so easily, don't you?" He says amusement evident in his tone "My poor bunny thought all this time I was the one hurting her and giving her those pills when it was you that kept giving her more"
Izana is making fun of him now. Mikey's expression tightens, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as Izana's words hit home. "It's not like that," he retorts defensively, his voice tinged with frustration. "I was just trying to help her."
Izana's laughter rings out, a mocking sound that echoes in the quiet room. "Help her? More like suffocate her," he quips, his amusement turning sharp and cutting. "If Kakucho hadn't stopped you, you would've ended up overdosing her. And that's huge coming from someone who doesn't even take drugs that aren't prescribed to them"
Mikey's jaw clenches, a surge of resentment bubbling up inside him at Izana's taunts. "I know what I'm doing," he snaps back, his tone defensive. "You don't need to lecture me. And stop acting like such a saint. You were the one that gave that to her first"
As tension simmers between them, the air thick with unspoken frustrations and resentment, they both know that their dynamic is far from simple. With Maya caught in the middle, their conflicting desires threaten to unravel the fragile balance they've managed to maintain. "Yeah, I did and I admit that. But I made it clear to her from the start what I wanted from her. You on the other hand you lying manipulative little shit..." Izana says insulting him but also looking impressed "Got 'er wrapped around your finger by playing the long game. Fuck, I don't have the patience for that shit"
Mikey rolls his eyes and says "Is that why you told her the truth? 'Cause you were jealous I got her heart first?"
Izana's smirk widens into a sly grin, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Maybe," he quips, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or maybe I just got tired of watching you manipulate her like a puppet on strings."
Mikey's expression darkens, his frustration boiling over as he meets Izana's gaze head-on. "You don't get to play the hero here, Izana," he snaps, his tone laced with bitterness. "You're just as twisted and messed up as I am."
The room crackles with tension, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and resentments. Maya's sleeping form serves as a stark reminder of the tangled web they've woven, each thread pulling them deeper into the darkness of their own making. Izana's laughter rings out once more, a cold sound that sends a shiver down Mikey's spine. "Maybe so," he concedes, his voice low and dangerous. "But at least I'm not the one lying to myself about it."
With that, the room falls into a tense silence, the weight of their shared secrets hanging heavy between them like a dark cloud. In the quiet stillness of the early morning, they are left to confront the truth of their own twisted desires, and the consequences that threaten to tear them apart. The silence stretches on, heavy with unresolved tension and unspoken words. Mikey's gaze flickers away from Izana's, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He knows that Izana's words hold a grain of truth, but he can't bring himself to admit it.
Meanwhile, Izana reclines back on the bed next to Maya, a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He watches Mikey closely, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. For Izana, this moment is a victory, a chance to assert his dominance and remind Mikey of his own shortcomings. But beneath the facade of confidence, Izana's own insecurities gnaw at him, a constant reminder of the fragile balance he's trying to maintain. Despite his bravado, he can't shake the feeling that he's losing control, that Maya's presence in their lives is a threat to the carefully constructed walls he's built around himself. In the midst of their silent standoff, Maya stirs in her sleep, a small whimper escaping her lips. The sound pierces through the tension, drawing both Izana and Mikey's attention back to her. "shh~" Izana murmurs, being uncharacteristically gentle in front of Mikey for the first time
Izana caressed her hair, leaning down till his nose was pressed to her cheek in a soft comforting manner. As Izana leans in to comfort Maya, Mikey watches with a mixture of frustration and resignation. His fists clench at his sides as he struggles to contain the storm of emotions raging within him. "You think you can just play the caring lover now?" he scoffs, his voice dripping with bitterness.
Izana doesn't respond, his attention fully focused on Maya as he brushes a stray strand of hair from her face. There's a tenderness in his touch that Mikey finds unsettling, a stark contrast to the manipulative persona he usually wears like armour. Frustration boiling over, Mikey steps forward, his eyes narrowed in defiance. "You're not fooling anyone, Izana," he says, his voice low and menacing. "We both know what you're really after."
Izana's gaze flickers up to meet Mikey's, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And what exactly am I after, Manjiro?" he asks, his tone deceptively calm.
Mikey grits his teeth, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. "You want control," he snaps, his voice rising with anger. "You want to keep her all to yourself, like some kind of possession. Or I dunno. A fuckin' pet?!"
Izana's smirk widens, a flash of something dark glinting in his eyes. "And what about you, Mikey?" he counters, his voice dripping with malice. "What do you want?"
The question hangs heavy in the air, and the silence that follows is filled with tension and uncertainty. Mikey's jaw tightens as he struggles to find the words, torn between his own desires and the tangled web of manipulation that binds them all together. Mikey's gaze flickers between Izana and Maya, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He wants to protect her, to keep her safe from the chaos that surrounds them, but he also knows that he's part of the problem. "I want..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he struggles to articulate his thoughts.
Izana's smirk deepens, a knowing glint in his eyes. "You want her, don't you?" he taunts, his words like a dagger aimed at Mikey's heart. "You want her just as much as I do."
Mikey's fists clench at his sides, his frustration reaching its breaking point. "It's not like that," he insists, his voice tinged with desperation. "I care about her, Izana. I don't want to see her hurt."
Izana's laughter rings out, cold and mocking. "Oh, spare me the act, Manjiro," he sneers, his tone dripping with disdain. "You're just as possessive as I am. Admit it."
Mikey's chest tightens with frustration, his jaw clenched as Izana's words hit uncomfortably close to home. He knows there's truth in what Izana says, even if he's reluctant to admit it. The weight of his conflicting emotions bears down on him, leaving him feeling trapped in a web of his own making. As Maya's soft whimper fills the air once more, Mikey's resolve wavers. He knows he needs to confront his feelings and the reality of the situation, but the thought of acknowledging his own possessiveness fills him with a sense of shame. With a heavy sigh, he looks away, unable to meet Izana's gaze as the truth hangs heavy in the air. Izana's voice breaks through the tension, his tone soft and gentle as he soothes Maya's restless slumber. With practiced ease, he reaches out to stroke her hair, his touch tender and reassuring. "Shh, little bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the room. "It's alright. You're safe here."
Maya's whimpering subsides, her breathing gradually steadying as Izana's comforting presence envelops her in a cocoon of warmth. Mikey watches silently, a knot of conflicting emotions churning in his chest. He can't deny the sense of relief that washes over him as Izana calms Maya, but beneath it all, there lingers a lingering sense of unease. As the tension in the room eases, a fragile truce settles between Mikey and Izana, their silent standoff momentarily forgotten in the face of Maya's vulnerability. Izana is humming a soft melody into Maya's ear, and Mikey freezes at the sound of the familiar tune. "Izana..." Mikey says lowly, realizing exactly what was going on just from that damn song he was humming—
—Realizing exactly why Izana hadn't just killed her that night. "you're messed up..." Mikey says breathlessly "Majorly fucking messed up"
Mikey's voice cuts through the soft melody, breaking the fragile calm that had settled over the room. Izana's humming falters for a moment, his gaze flickering up to meet Mikey's with a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "And you're not?" he retorts, his tone laced with bitterness. "We're all messed up here, Manjiro. Don't act like you're any different."
There's a raw honesty in Izana's words, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurks within each of them. Mikey's jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles to contain the surge of anger threatening to consume him. "You're pretending she's her" Mikey argues, clenching his fists
He can't stand the thought of Izana projecting his past onto Maya, using her as a substitute for someone who can never come back. Mikey can't stand hearing Izana hum the same melody Emma would to him after Shinichiro died. Izana's eyes narrow at the accusation, a flicker of defensiveness crossing his features. "And what if I am?" he challenges, his voice low and dangerous. "What if I need Maya to be her?"
Mikey's chest tightens with a mix of anger and pity, his gaze hardening as he meets Izana's defiant stare. "Then you're not just messed up," he says quietly, his words heavy with disappointment. "You're delusional. Maya looks nothing like her—"
"Oh, and she looks so much like that little shit, Hanagaki, yeah?" Izana shoots back
Mikey's chest tightens at the mention of Hanagaki Takemichi, his jaw clenching with frustration. "That's not what I meant," he retorts, his voice sharp with irritation. "You're twisting my words."
Izana's smirk widens, a flash of malice glinting in his eyes. "Am I?" he taunts, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Seems like you're the one who can't handle the truth, Manjiro."
Mikey's gaze hardens, his frustration mounting with each word Izana utters. "Don't play games with me, Izana," he warns, his voice tinged with anger. "You know exactly what I meant. Maya is not Emma"
Izana scoffs. Izana's smirk falters for a moment, replaced by a calculating glint in his eyes. "It was all fun and fine until Emma was brought up, wasn't it?" he retorts, his voice carrying a sharp edge of accusation. "You can't handle the truth when it hits too close to home, can you, Manjiro? So what if Maya doesn't look like her? I don't care. Honestly, she shouldn't look like her— Like Emma and that stupid bitch"
Mikey frowns but before he can say anything back to his brother, Maya stirs again, whimpering a little. They both watch as one of her hands comes up and fists the satin material of Izana's red shirt, grasping at it for dear life. Mikey's frown deepens, his gaze softening as he watches Maya's restless movements. The sight of her clutching onto Izana's shirt tugs at something deep within him, a mixture of concern and affection welling up inside him. "She's just a kid" he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
"She's 22" Izana interjects, pulling Maya into his arms
Mikey rolls his eyes. Okay so Izana could infantilize her as much as he wants but the moment he does it, it's wrong? Mikey's frustration bubbles to the surface, his brows furrowing at Izana's retort. "That's not the point, aniki," he counters, his tone edged with irritation. "You know what I meant."
Izana's smirk remains, but there's a flicker of annoyance in his eyes at Mikey's defiance. "Always so sensitive, Manjiro," he chides, his voice tinged with amusement. "But fine, let's focus on the present then. Maya is staying here, why I want her shouldn't be your business. Okay?"
Mikey's frustration lingers, but he relents with a heavy sigh, realizing the futility of further argument. "Fine" he mutters, his tone resigned
Izana expects Mikey to leave but he doesn't. Instead, Mikey climbs into bed with them on the other side of Maya and puts an arm around her waist, pressing his face into her hair. Maya, nestled between them, finds solace in their embrace, her breathing steady against the backdrop of their shared silence. Maya shifts slightly, instinctively seeking comfort from the warmth of their embrace, and Izana and Mikey hold her close, their arms forming a cocoon around her exhausted form. In the intimacy of their shared embrace, the tension between Izana and Mikey begins to ebb away. Izana brushes his fingers lightly over her hair, a subtle assertion of his presence in her life. Beside him, Mikey's arm around her waist speaks volumes, a silent declaration of his shielding stance. "Aniki..." Mikey murmurs
"do you miss her?"
After a moment of silence, Mikey speaks up again "Do you regret it?"
Izana's jaw tightens, a flicker of conflict crossing his features as he wrestles with his answer. His gaze drifts to Maya once more, her innocent slumber a stark contrast to the complexities of their shared history. "I don't know," he confesses, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Maybe... Do you think Emma's cursing at me?"
"100%" Manjiro answers, sliding a hand under Maya's shirt to feel her skin beneath his palm and the tips of his fingers
Mikey's response is immediate, his touch gentle yet possessive as he seeks solace in the warmth of Maya's skin. Izana watches in silence, his own thoughts swirling amidst the tangled web of their emotions. The intimacy of the moment is both comforting and suffocating, a reminder of the complexities that bind them together. "You really think so?" Izana murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper as he traces a finger along Maya's cheek, his touch feather-light yet tinged with a sense of longing.
Mikey's gaze remains fixed on Maya, his fingers trailing over her soft skin with a tenderness that belies the turmoil within him. "Yeah," he replies, his voice soft yet resolute "Maya probably hates us"
Izana chuckles. "no she doesn't."
Mikey's brows furrow at Izana's certainty, a mixture of confusion and disbelief crossing his features. "How can you be so sure?" he asks, his tone tinged with skepticism.
Izana brushes Maya's messily cut fringes away from her forehead. "she loves like a dog"
Mikey's eyes widen slightly at Izana's comparison, a hint of surprise mingling with the confusion in his expression. "Like a dog?" he echoes, his tone laced with uncertainty.
Izana nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he watches Maya sleep peacefully between them. "Yeah," he explains, his voice gentle yet matter-of-fact. "She's loyal, forgiving, and loves unconditionally, no matter what we do."
The weight of Izana's words hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the quiet intimacy of the moment. Mikey's gaze softens as he watches Maya sleep, her features relaxed in the innocence of slumber. "she's like... hm... Like a stray dog on the street but... instead of begging for food she begs for love even in places she shouldn't..." Izana continues, looking at Maya fondly despite what he's saying
Mikey's brow furrows deeper, his mind grappling with the analogy Izana presents. "A stray dog?" he murmurs, his voice reflecting both contemplation and a touch of sadness. The comparison paints a vivid picture in his mind, one that he can't quite shake off.
—after all, abusive relationships come easy when loving like a stray dog.
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"Hey, how're you feeling now?" Mikey's voice is gentle as he takes Maya's hand and guides her onto his lap as he sits on the single-seat couch
It's early in the afternoon now. Maya had showered and was surprised to find that the door of the master bedroom connecting to the rest of the house was unlocked. Taking a chance she went out and found Kakucho in the kitchen cooking with Izana and Mikey sitting in front of the tv watching reruns of some anime. Despite having slept for a lot longer, Maya felt tired. But even then she forced herself to get out of bed and shower. She's wearing shorts and a random shirt that she's pretty sure belongs to Mikey. Maya settles onto Mikey's lap, his arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace. She leans into him, feeling strangely comforted by his possessive hold. "I'm okay," she murmurs softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she(almost reluctantly) nuzzles against his chest, relishing in the warmth of his presence.
Mikey's grip tightens around her, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he strokes her hair gently. "You're such a delicate little thing, aren't you?" he coos "You slept at night then had another nap in the morning 'n you're still tired. Kinda like a little baby"
Maya nods slightly, feeling a pang of guilt at Mikey's words for some reason, barely noticing how patronizing he was being. "I'm sorry," she murmurs softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to sleep so much."
Mikey's smirk widens, his tone taking on a hint of amusement. "Don't worry about it, baby," he says, his fingers tracing idle circles on her back. "You need your rest. We'll take care of you."
There's something in the way Mikey speaks, a subtle insistence that leaves Maya feeling simultaneously comforted and uneasy. She knows she should assert her independence once again, but the warmth of Mikey's embrace is too tempting to resist. Mikey continues to stroke Maya's hair, his touch gentle yet possessive, as if he's claiming her as his own. "You know, Maya," he murmurs, his voice low and coaxing as he repeats "you don't have to worry about anything when you're with us. We'll take care of you, make sure you're safe and happy."
Maya's heart flutters at his words, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension swirling within her. She appreciates Mikey's concern, but there's an underlying sense of unease nagging at the back of her mind. Still, she finds herself nodding in agreement, unable to resist the allure of his soothing words. "Good," Mikey says, his tone tinged with satisfaction
With that, he pulls her closer, enveloping her in his embrace as if shielding her from the uncertainties of the outside world. But then again, the only uncertainty here was him. But still, Maya nodded, finding comfort in his words despite the unease that gnawed at her. "Okay" she relented, allowing herself to relax into his embrace.
"That's my girl," Mikey said, his voice filled with satisfaction then repeated, "Now, just relax and let us take care of you."
That's my girl
Maya hates herself for being so weak for simple words. A sense of warmth washed over Maya, but beneath it, a nagging doubt lingered. "I know," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I still feel guilty for sleeping so much."
Mikey's smile widened, his fingers tracing gentle circles on her back. "You have nothing to feel guilty about," he assured her
Just before Maya could say anything else, Kakucho came over with two cups of coffee on a tray. She suddenly feels very conscious of the position she's currently in— sitting on Mikey's lap, wearing his shirt, nestled into his chest with his arms around her. Sure Kakucho has seen her in relatively... worse positions but, right now as she's still mad at him, Maya doesn't like it. Kakucho however, doesn't bat an eye because he in fact has seen much worse. He simply set the tray down on the coffee table, his gaze lingering on Maya and Mikey for a moment before he spoke. "Coffee's ready" he said, his voice calm and collected.
Maya nodded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she awkwardly shifted on Mikey's lap, attempting to create some distance between them. "Th-thanks, Kakucho," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mikey chuckled softly, tightening his grip around her waist so she doesn't try to slide off. "Don't be shy, babe," he teased, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Kakucho doesn't mind."
Maya's cheeks grew even hotter at his words, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration swirling within her. She shot Mikey a pointed glare before turning her attention to Kakucho, forcing a polite smile onto her lips. "Thanks for the coffee," she mumbled, reaching for one of the cups with trembling hands.
Kakucho nodded in response, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He must think she wasn't mad at him anymore since she wasn't glaring at him. "Anytime," he replied, his tone gentle. "Let me know if you need anything else."
With that, he turned and walked away. Maya watched Kakucho's retreating figure, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the tension between them. Despite her attempts to appear calm and composed, Maya knew that her anger towards Kakucho had not dissipated. Mikey's arms around her provided a sense of security, but Maya couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. She shifted uncomfortably on his lap, her thoughts racing as she struggled to make sense of the situation.
"Are you okay, Maya?" Mikey's voice interrupted her thoughts, his concern evident in his tone.
Maya forced a small smile, hoping to conceal the turmoil raging within her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she lied, her voice betraying her true feelings.
Mikey studied her for a moment, his gaze penetrating yet oddly comforting. "You don't seem fine" he remarked, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back.
Maya sighed, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing down on her. "I'm just really tired" she mumbles, fingers wrapping around the hot ceramic cup
She doesn't think telling Mikey that she was mad at Kakucho was a good idea. She vaguely remembers Kakucho often getting in trouble and beaten by Izana because of her. Maybe she was really mad at him but Maya doesn't want Kakucho to be punished. Mikey's expression softened, his concern deepening as he studied Maya's tired features. "You should rest then," he suggested gently, his thumb brushing against her cheek in a tender gesture. "We can talk about it later if you want, but for now, just focus on taking care of yourself."
Maya nodded gratefully, appreciating Mikey's understanding of what she wanted him to think. She took a sip of the steaming coffee, relishing in its warmth as it spread through her body. Despite her exhaustion, Maya couldn't shake the lingering unease that tugged at her thoughts. As she leaned back against Mikey's chest, she couldn't help but wonder about the complexities of her relationship with Kakucho. Despite his past actions, Maya couldn't bring herself to harbour genuine resentment toward him. She knew that his intentions were often misguided, but somehow she felt he was almost in a similar situation as her.  Deep down, Maya knew that her anger towards Kakucho was born out of frustration and fear rather than genuine animosity. She feared the repercussions of her actions, knowing that any misstep could result in punishment for Kakucho.
Lost in her thoughts, Maya found herself clinging to Mikey's comforting presence, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace. As Maya nestled into Mikey's embrace, she caught sight of Izana entering the room, a cup of coffee in hand. His presence sent a shiver down her spine, reminding her of the tension that simmered beneath the surface of their interactions. Izana settled onto the sofa across from them with his own cup, his gaze flickering over to Maya with a calculating expression. "Feeling better, I see," he remarked casually, his tone devoid of warmth.
Maya forced a smile, trying to mask the unease that churned within her. "Yeah, just needed some... rest..." she replied, her voice sounding small in the vastness of the room filled with natural sunlight.
It's a beautiful fucking day outside. It seems like nature is mocking her. Mikey's grip around her tightened subtly. Izana took a sip of his coffee, his eyes lingering on Maya with an intensity that made her squirm uncomfortably. "Good," he said finally, his lips curling into a faint smirk. "You should take care of yourself, Maya. After all, you're the most valuable asset we have right now."
"I don't see how I am..." Maya replies, feeling kind of uncomfortable now
Izana chuckled softly, a cold glint flashing in his eyes. "Oh, but you are," he insisted, his tone laced with thinly veiled menace. "You have a... unique skill set that could prove quite beneficial to our operations."
"Aniki stop fucking with her" Mikey says rolling his eyes, guiding Maya's hand up and taking a sip out of her cup rather than getting his own that was sitting idly on the coffee table "he's just being stupid"
Maya felt a surge of gratitude towards Mikey for intervening, his protective gesture providing a fleeting sense of relief amidst the oppressive atmosphere. Izana's smirk widened, his gaze flickering between Mikey and Maya with a knowing glint. "Ah, but she's such fun to tease," he remarked casually, though there was a dangerous edge to his tone. "Aren't you having fun, bunny?"
"no not really" Maya says as Mikey continues drinking from her cup
Mikey's lips twitched into a faint smile as he took another sip from Maya's cup, his eyes never leaving Izana's. "See, Maya's not amused," he quipped, his voice laced with subtle defiance.
Izana's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of annoyance before he regained his composure. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" he replied, his tone taking on a mockingly pleasant quality. "After all, what's the point of having you here if you're not going to entertain us?"
Maya's stomach churned at Izana's words, a cold shiver running down her spine. She could feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating, as the power dynamics between Mikey and Izana played out before her. "Have you ever considered not being an asshole?" Mikey asks his brother
"No actually but I'll consider it someday, Manjiro" Izana says teasingly, taking another sip out of his cup
Maya thinks this guy just enjoys being an asshole which isn't surprising. She would psychoanalyze him but her head is still a complete mess and she hasn't completely recovered from withdrawals to even want to think. "Anyway, I'm going back to Tokyo with Kakucho tonight. We're finalizing the deals with the Korean mafia, I'll be back in 2-3 days" Izana tells Manjiro
"Hm? Oh, do you need me too?" Mikey asks
"Nah, just stay here," Izana says "Kisaki said the fewer people involved in the deal, the better"
Maya's heart sank at the mention of Izana leaving, a mixture of relief and apprehension flooding her senses. She couldn't deny that a part of her was glad to have a temporary reprieve from his unsettling presence, but she also couldn't shake the nagging feeling that his absence would only bring more uncertainty and chaos. As Izana's words hung in the air, Maya found herself bracing for whatever came next, knowing all too well that the calm before the storm was often the most deceptive.
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"w-wait" Maya slurs weakly as Mikey sucks lazily at her clit
She just feels the vibration of his lips when he hums against her, his fingers thrusting in and out at a slow pace. Her fingers tighten their grip on Mikey's hair, torn between pushing his head away and pulling him even closer. He's pulling the nth orgasm out of her of that night. Izana and Kakucho had left hours ago and how she ended up like this was really beyond her at this point. Her thighs are squeezing Mikey's head as she breathes heavily, letting out a mixture of moans and whimpers of his name. "M-Mikey... 's too much" Maya slurs weakly, pulling more on his hair
He groans against her cunt and she whimpers at the vibrations that go through her. It feels good. Everything feels good. Mikey learned what her body likes and what it doesn't. Mikey knew how to make her feel good and it's both a blessing and a curse. When she seemed even a little bit angry or her mood seemed off, Mikey would slide right between her legs and work his magic to make her feel better even if it wasn't him that was the cause of her negative emotions/attitude. "you can do a few more f'me, baby" Mikey coos sweetly after releasing her clit
Just how can she say no when he's asking so nicely? His thumb makes slow figure 8s on her clit and her legs wrap tighter around his head as her eyes roll back. Maya's fingers grip desperately at the sheets, her body so torn between keeping him close and pushing him away. "hey baby, ya' gotta ease up" Mikey says as he uses his free hands to pry her legs apart "I know it feels good and as much as I love you squeezing my head like that, ya' gotta ease up"
Maya's whimper sounds more like a sob this time as his fingers speed up after he slides up her body, pressing his forehead against hers. His hand stays nestled between her thighs with a knee keeping her legs spread for him. "A-Ah Mikey!" She whines, her eyes filling with tears and immediately spilling like an overflowing sink, her hands desperately grabbing at his clothed shoulders
Mikey is looking at her with dark eyes filled with both adoration and lust. "you're such a pretty crier" He coos sweetly, his lips brushing against hers
His fingers are working expertly on her cunt in a way he knows feels good. It almost wasn't fair how good this felt, how good he was making her feel. "M-Mikey... I... I can't" she whines, her nails digging into his clothed shoulder
Mikey simply hushes her, looking down at Maya with a look that makes her stomach twist. "You can take it" he murmurs, voice laced with encouragement as his free hand brushes her messily cut fringes away from her sweaty forehead "You've done so well for me so far, baby. 'm so proud of you... Don't you want to make me even prouder?"
That wasn't fair. Mikey knew how weak praises like that made her. How could she not want to make him proud? How could she not want to make him happy? How could she not give in when he was looking at her so softly and talking to her in such a gentle tone? "'kay... o-okay... c-can do it..." Maya's words come out slurred as another orgasm approaches when Mikey's fingers start moving faster
Maya squeezes her eyes shut but Mikey suddenly slows the pace of his thumb on her clit. "hey. eyes on me. keep them open" He demands, the tone of his voice slightly changing from soft and sweet to authoritative and stern
She's gasping out for air at this point. Her body is overly spent and her mind is exhausted but she listens to him anyway, glazed blue eyes meeting endless black ones. "good girl. good girl. Now keep them open for me. I want to see your eyes when you come"
It feels like there isn't enough air but also too much at the same time. Maya has lost count of the amount of times Mikey has made her come. It feels like her brain is melting into a pile of mush and her nerves are on fire. But still, nothing hurts yet. She just feels so overwhelmed by pleasure it's simply too much. Maybe it's the combination of how he's touching her, how he's talking to her and how he's looking at her that makes everything just too much all at once. "Mikey... M-Mikey... 'm gonna..." She can't even finish her sentence
Usually, if Mikey was in the mood of being a little bit mean, he'd make her say it. But right now he's not feeling that way and instead encourages her. "shh, go ahead sweetheart. come for me"
So she does. Maya is trembling as she comes around Mikey's fingers, her nails digging into his clothed shoulders and tears running down her cheeks like an endless stream. Her thighs tense up and not once does she close her eyes because Mikey asked her not to. How could she deny him when he asked so nicely? Mikey's fingers keep expertly working on her cunt in just the way he knows feels good for her, helping her ride out her orgasm and simultaneously using his knee to keep her thighs spread. Her orgasm ends and Mikey's eyes are wide, looking at her with eyes full of awe. "M-Mikey, I... I can't" she whimpers weakly, trying to push his hand away from her cunt
Mikey just hushes her. "hm, but you looked so pretty... Your eyes look so pretty when you come"
It sounds like he's crooning at her. Or well, Maya thinks he is. She can hear her own heartbeat in her ears at this point. Everything feels like too much and she thinks if she comes again she'll really pass out. "Mikey—"
"C'mon baby, one more for me. I wanna see your eyes look like that again"
And just how can she say no when he's asking so nicely?
Maybe she does pass out or something because Maya doesn't remember how she ended up in the shower with Mikey. He's washing her hair and has a small smile on his face. She struggled to piece together the events that led her to this moment, the sensation of warm water cascading over her body and Mikey's gentle hands massaging shampoo into her hair. She turned her head slightly, her gaze meeting Mikey's as he stood behind her, gently massaging shampoo into her hair. His expression was serene, a small smile gracing his lips as he worked, his fingers moving with practiced care. "Mikey?" Maya's voice was barely a whisper, hoarse from disuse as she tried to piece together how she had ended up in the shower with him.
Mikey's smile widened at the sound of her voice, his touch gentle as he continued to wash her hair. "Hey there, baby," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "You passed out, so I thought I'd help you freshen up a bit."
Maya's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the realization that she had lost consciousness, her memory hazy and disjointed. He's practically holding her up or well somehow holding her up because her knees are weak. "close your eyes" he murmurs, hand on the knob of the shower to turn on the rain head shower above them
Maya obeys without a word and closes her eyes as he turns it on, warm water raining down on them both. Mikey runs his fingers through her hair as the shampoo is washed out of her hair. This entire thing feels oddly domestic and... She likes it. Maybe, just maybe, she can get used to this. It was horrible to be thinking that way. Giving in so easily. It was wrong but maybe after fighting for so long, after going through so much, she could. She should be allowed to right? It wasn't like she gave in after the first day. Maya fought for a month and 3 weeks. Sure she didn't remember two weeks out of that time but, she still fought for herself. Was it wrong to give in and give up? No, there was no one here to blame her for it when all they wanted from the beginning was for her to stop running.
Izana wanted her to stop, Mikey wanted her to stop and eventually, Kakucho did as well.
No one was going to miss her anyway. She was an orphan and had no friends. Chifuyu would move on from her death, the world would keep spinning and the sun would still shine.
No one will miss her and it would be okay because even if Izana is a sociopathic fucking asshole, Kakucho is a recanting bastard and, Mikey a liar— at least they're still here and at least they want her.
They want her and to Maya that's all that matters.
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"and where are you going?" Izana asks Kisaki who is being uncharacteristically fidgety
"Just... Need to pick something up" Kisaki says pushing his glasses up his nose "You can go on ahead, no need to wait for me"
The city of Tokyo is bustling in the early afternoon. Their meeting with the Koreans was later in the evening and everything for that was already taken care of. They could do whatever they wanted for now but it seemed Kisaki had something to do and whatever that was is making him jumpy and nervous. Kisaki Tetta, Tokyo Manji Gang's number 2, nervous? Oh, Izana needed to know why. Izana narrows his eyes, observing Kisaki's unusual behaviour with keen interest. He's never seen Kisaki like this before—usually so composed and calculated, it's unsettling to witness him so agitated. "Is there something on your mind, Kisaki?" Izana inquires, his voice deceptively calm as he studies his second-in-command. He can sense that there's more to Kisaki's sudden restlessness than meets the eye.
Kisaki shifts uncomfortably under Izana's gaze, his usual facade of confidence wavering slightly. "It's nothing, Izana," he replies, attempting to brush off Izana's concern with a dismissive wave of his hand. But Izana isn't fooled by the nonchalant demeanour.
"Nothing?" Izana repeats, his tone laced with skepticism. "You seem rather preoccupied with 'nothing.' Don't make me repeat myself, Kisaki. What's going on?"
Kisaki hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering away before meeting Izana's once more. "It's just a personal matter," he mumbles evasively, a hint of unease creeping into his voice. "I'll be back soon, I promise."
Izana's lips curl into a knowing smirk as he watches Kisaki's feeble attempt to deflect his inquiries. He may not have all the answers just yet, but one thing's for certain—whatever Kisaki is hiding, it's bound to be interesting. "Nope, I'm coming too"
"You're gonna get bored"
"I don't care"
To Izana's surprise, they end up at a high-end jewelry shop. Oh. Oh. Oh my god. "shut up you're proposing?" Izana has to resist the urge to laugh in Kisaki's face as the jeweller sets out designs of different engagement rings in front of them
Due to an unfortunate drunken confession some years back, the top members of the Tokyo Manji Gang knew about Kisaki Tetta's pining toward Tachibana Hinata. They laughed at him obviously because how in the world was Kisaki losing against Hanagaki-fucking-Takemichi who is an absolute loser and a literal moron with no fashion sense. Izana never let him live it down nor did Sanzu and Hanma. But now, it seemed that Kisaki was going to propose. It seemed like a stupid fucking idea in Izana's opinion but he won't voice that out loud because he wanted to see things crash and burn just for fun. Kisaki shoots Izana a glare, his embarrassment is evident in the crimson hue that tinges on his cheeks. "Shut up, Izana," he grumbles, though there's a hint of fondness underlying his exasperated tone.
The jeweller, sensing the tension between the two men, wisely decides to give them some space as they peruse through the selection of engagement rings. Izana leans back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest as he watches Kisaki with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. He never thought he'd see the day when Kisaki would be considering marriage, let alone to someone like Tachibana Hinata. "So, Tachibana Hinata, huh?" Izana remarks casually, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "Never took you for the romantic type, Kisaki."
Kisaki's expression softens at the mention of Hinata's name, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "She's different," he admits quietly, his gaze distant as he recalls memories of their time together. "She's... she's everything, Izana. I can't imagine my life without her."
Izana observes Kisaki's genuine affection with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. Despite his outwardly cold and calculating demeanour, it's evident that Kisaki harbours deep feelings for Hinata, feelings that Izana never expected to witness firsthand. It's a side of Kisaki that few have ever seen, and honestly, it's really fucking weird considering the supervillain type of shit Kisaki does. This was the first time they were even talking about girls in a way that wasn't vulgar and just plain wrong. This was odd and Izana isn't sure he wants to continue this conversation because he'll actually have a stroke if he hears any more of that cheesy-cringy bullshit. "Well, then," Izana says with a smirk, pushing himself off the counter in hopes Kisaki takes the hint and drops it "Let's find the perfect ring for your perfect girl, shall we?"
Kisaki's eyes light up at the suggestion, his earlier nervousness replaced by a newfound determination. Together, they sift through the array of rings, each one more exquisite than the last. "What about your uh..." Kisaki pauses trying to look for the right word to describe whatever Kaneko Maya was for Kurokawa Izana
Kisaki's question about Maya prompts Izana to pause, his fingers hesitating over the delicate jewelry. "My bunny?" he repeats, the term rolling off his tongue with a mixture of macabre fondness and possessiveness. "She's... special."
Kisaki watches Izana closely, sensing the underlying complexity in his tone. Kisaki doesn't even know why the fuck he's asking. It seems that no matter how smart he is, he still can't avoid or stop himself from asking these weird and awkward questions. "Special how?"
Izana's gaze flickers with a myriad of emotions—affection, frustration, and a hint of vulnerability. "She's... like a wounded animal," he murmurs, his voice tinged with morbid fascination. "Broken and fragile, yet resilient in her own way. It's quite amusing to see"
Kisaki nods in understanding, recognizing the depth of Izana's feelings for Maya beneath the veneer of detachment. "And what are your intentions toward her?" he asks, his curiosity piqued now because the only person Kisaki himself would describe that way is Hanagaki Takemichi
Izana's lips quirked into a rueful smile, his eyes distant as he struggled to articulate the complexities of his emotions. "I don't know" he admits easily
Kisaki listens in silence, his expression is contemplative as he absorbs Izana's confession. He understands all too well the struggle between love and control, the desire to both nurture and possess. It's a delicate balance, one that Izana seems to grapple with on a daily basis. Kisaki also feels really bad for this girl. From what he'd heard from Sanzu and Shion, this girl was going to literal hell. Oh well. It's not his problem. As long as she doesn't become an obstacle in his plans, he could care less what happens to Kaneko Maya. "You think Tachibana will say yes?" Izana asks him all of a sudden
Kisaki's thoughts momentarily shift from the enigmatic nature of Izana's relationship with Maya to the more straightforward matter of Kisaki's own impending proposal. He blinks, taken aback by the sudden change in topic, but quickly recovers. "Tachibana?" Kisaki repeats, his mind refocusing on the matter at hand. "I... I hope so." There's a flicker of uncertainty in his voice, a rare display of vulnerability from the usually composed second-in-command of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
This was a weird conversation to have, especially after everything but, Izana had insisted on coming along, they were having an extremely uncomfortable conversation. Not extremely but it was just fucking weird to have with Kurokawa Izana of all people. "Well, then," Izana says, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "Let's make sure she can't say no, shall we?"
Kisaki's lips twitch into a small smile, a glimmer of hope igniting within him at Izana's words. "Yeah," he agrees quietly
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Part of Mikey feels bad for Maya particularly when he sees her zoned out. But it is late in the afternoon, the sun is low and lighting up the master bedroom of the beach house in orange and yellow through the glass double doors leading out to the beach and he's lying on top of her, ear pressed to her sternum right where he can hear her heartbeat the loudest. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Maya isn't crying about going home anymore, neither is she under the influence of drugs to achieve that. Maya looks rather calm about being here which was a first. She'd been like that last night since after they showered together. Mikey was happy. He was so happy. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop to their shared intimacy, a reminder of the tranquillity that exists just beyond the confines of their secluded sanctuary. Mikey's fingers trace idle patterns on Maya's skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. He can't help but marvel at the sight of her lying beneath him, her features softened in the warm light. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, she seems at peace—no longer plagued by the torment of her past or the uncertainty of her future.
His heart swelled with a mixture of tenderness and guilt. He knows he shouldn't feel this way, shouldn't revel in the calm that comes from holding her captive against her will. But at this moment, with the world outside their little sanctuary fading into obscurity, it's easy to forget the consequences of their actions. Maya stirs slightly beneath him, her fingers tracing idle patterns against his back. Her eyes flutter open, meeting his with a gaze that's both questioning and vulnerable. "Mikey" she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mikey brushes a strand of hair away from her face, his touch gentle yet possessive. "Shh, it's okay," he whispers, his lips pressing against her forehead in a silent promise. "You're safe with me."
Maya doesn't say anything but her gaze doesn't shift from his eyes. She's just, looking at him. It feels nice. Mikey likes the way she's looking at him. He feels warm all over. It had been so long since someone made him feel like that. Her thumb brushes against his cheekbone and Mikey resists the urge to nuzzle into her palm even though he knows he can. "are you hungry? I can make you dinner" Maya says gently, her tone quiet
Mikey's stomach growls loudly in response to Maya's question, betraying his hunger despite the tranquillity of the moment. He chuckles softly, his lips quirking into a sheepish grin as he meets Maya's gaze. "Yeah, I could eat," he admits, his voice tinged with amusement. "But only if you let me help."
Maya smiles warmly, her eyes softening as she nods in agreement. "I'll think about"
Mikey's grin widens at the playful designation, his heart swelling with warmth at the prospect of spending more time with Maya in the kitchen. It's a simple gesture, but one that holds a deeper significance—a reminder of the ordinary moments that make life worth living, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Together, they make their way to the kitchen, their laughter mingling with the sound of sizzling pans and clinking utensils. And as they prepare their meal side by side, Mikey can't help but marvel at the simple joy of domesticity. "You're really forgetful, aren't you?" Maya asks him as he's stirring the pot since it was the only thing he was good at
"hm, how?"
"Izana and Sanzu are always reminding you to eat" Maya says as she's washing something in the sink
Mikey thinks for a moment. "yeah. They are"
"That's nice of them. Izana's an asshole didn't think he had it in him to be a caring older brother"
Mikey's expectations were shattered when Maya didn't react the way he anticipated. He had braced himself for her to hurl accusations of laziness or belittle him like others had done in the past, particularly Draken. But instead, Maya's response was one of understanding and compassion.
He had been prepared for judgment, for being seen as weak or incompetent. After all, getting out of bed had become an insurmountable task after Emma's funeral 12 years ago. Draken's absence during this time, despite his own grief over Emma's passing, had left Mikey feeling abandoned and forgotten. Yes, Draken was grieving too but, Emma wasn't just anyone to Mikey; she was his sister, his anchor in a world of chaos and the reason he hadn't gone completely crazy. And when she was gone, Mikey found himself adrift, lost in a sea of grief and despair.
Mikey's downward spiral had been rapid and relentless. He couldn't muster the strength to get out of bed, shower, eat, or attend gang meetings—even with Sanzu's persistent attempts to rouse him. It wasn't until Izana intervened that Mikey began to see a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Izana's arrival at the Sano household marked a turning point in Mikey's despair. With unwavering determination, Izana pulled him from the confines of his bed, coaxing him into the shower and gently tending to his neglected appearance. Mikey's hair was matted and unkempt after spending months in bed. Izana tried untangling his matted locks while Sanzu fed him. Izana salvaged what he could without shaving it all off and he ended up with short hair. Mikey threw up his food when he looked in the mirror and saw Shinichiro staring back at him.
Instead of admonishing Mikey for his self-neglect and vomiting, Izana offered comfort and reassurance in the simplest of gestures. Handing him a toothbrush with toothpaste.
Izana took care of him. When no one was there, Izana was the one that was still there. Izana took care of him alongside Sanzu. Had it not been for both of them, Mikey probably would have rotted and died in his room and no one would have noticed.
After months of radio silence when Mikey announced a gang meeting to get things back in order, no one was happy about merging Tenjiku with Toman. His so-called friends began to leave him one by one. They never let him explain himself, they didn't let him see Takemichi and they berated him for being around Izana who clearly had other intentions.
Sure Izana was manipulative, cruel and mean but Mikey was okay with that. Draken wasn't there for him when he needed him the most, nor was anyone else so why was everyone mad at him? Why did everyone else leave him while telling him he was the one to blame for Emma's death? Why was it his fault? It's not his fault. She died in his arms so why was everyone comforting Draken and not him? Why did everyone leave him? The memory of Emma's death weighs heavily on Mikey's heart, a constant reminder of the pain and loss that he carries with him every day. He can still feel her life slipping away beneath his fingertips, and hear the echo of her final breaths as they fade into the darkness.
And yet, amidst the turmoil and despair, there is one constant source of solace—the unwavering presence of Izana by his side. Despite Izana's harsh words and cruel demeanour, Mikey finds a strange sense of comfort in his older brother's presence, a reminder that he is not alone in his pain. "Yeah... Would probably die without him" Mikey says with a small smile
In return, Maya smiles. Maybe she knows. Maya looks like she knows Mikey isn't doing well and she just reaches over and brushes a stray black lock behind his ear tenderly. "do you psychiatrists have a 6th sense or something?" he asks playfully "At your graduation do they give you the power of telepathy?"
Maya laughs and shakes her head no. "I just know"
It was nice. Having someone around who understood. It was nice having Maya around and he hopes that her acceptance of the situation isn't temporary. Mikey leans over and presses a light kiss to her lips. She's smiling, he's smiling. Maya is looking at him with those pretty eyes of hers and he likes this so much. Mikey hopes things stay like this and Maya doesn't fall out of the illusion she's put herself into.
If Maya were to ever turn away from him, to reject the love he so desperately craves, Mikey knows that he would do whatever it takes to keep her by his side. Even if it means resorting to drastic measures—to drugging her and starting all over again. Mikey would do it all again without batting an eye. He'd drug her, bring her back through the whole cycle of addiction and withdrawals and be right there for her as a saviour. "Does it taste good?" she asks as he eats
Mikey just smiles and nods and asks her to feed him which she does without question. Mikey is happy. He's been feeling that way since she got here and nothing, nothing in the world will take this away from him. Not again. He'll cling to Izana, he'll keep Maya. Mikey could care less about the voice in his head telling him they'll leave. He doesn't care. Mikey doesn't want to feel sad anymore. He refuses it. Mikey wants to stay happy and be selfish for once.
If his happiness is at the cost of Maya's freedom, so be it.
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It's late. About 11 pm. Maya stirs from her slumber, her senses gradually awakening to the hushed stillness of the night. The soft rhythm of Mikey's breathing beside her lulls her back to consciousness, his presence a comforting anchor in the darkness. As she lies there, enveloped in the warmth of their shared bed, memories of the past few weeks flicker through her mind like fragments of a half-remembered dream. Since arriving at the beach house, her days have blurred together in a haze of sleep and solitude, punctuated only by the occasional interaction with Mikey or Izana. And yet, despite the tranquillity of their surroundings, Maya can't shake the lingering sense of unease that gnaws at her insides. Izana's presence looms like a shadow over her thoughts, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic existence. But for now, in the quiet stillness of the night, Maya finds herself grateful for the reprieve from Izana's torment. Sure, he's been mean and cruel in the past, but at least he hasn't hurt her recently. At least he hasn't forced pills down her throat or subjected her to his twisted games. In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, Maya watches Mikey's sleeping form beside her, his features softened by the gentle embrace of sleep. "so... pretty..." she murmured quietly, brushing a stray black strand of Mikey's hair away from his forehead
He's snoring and kind of drooling into the pillow but it's still cute. Mikey looks pretty. Maya's fingers linger on Mikey's forehead, tracing the gentle contours of his face with a tenderness that belies the tumult of her thoughts. In the soft glow of the moonlight, his features are softened by the embrace of sleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She doesn't understand how someone this gorgeous could be on Japan's most wanted list. For all his faults and flaws, Mikey is a paradox—a complex tapestry of light and darkness, kindness and cruelty, love and loss. And yet, in the quiet stillness of the night, he is simply Mikey—vulnerable and imperfect, yet undeniably beautiful in his own way. As Maya sits up, her gaze drifts away from Mikey's sleeping form, a flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks at the realization of how long she's been watching him sleep. She chides herself inwardly for indulging in such a seemingly intrusive habit, feeling like an unwelcome voyeur in the sanctity of Mikey's rest.
Shaking off the unease, Maya reaches for the glass of water on the bedside table, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat as she takes a sip. The silence of the night surrounds her like a heavy blanket, punctuated only by the soft rustle of the bedsheets and the distant murmur of the ocean beyond.
Despite her best efforts to quell her racing thoughts, Maya finds herself unable to drift back into the embrace of sleep. She puts the glass back down and her hand knocks against the bedside table. "ow" she mutters, rubbing the back of her hand and turning on the small lamp
She looks over at Mikey hoping he didn't wake up from the sound. Relieved that Mikey remains undisturbed by the sound, Maya exhales a soft sigh and turns her attention back to the bedside table. The dim light of the lamp casts a warm glow across the room as she opens the drawer, curious to see what lies within. Inside, nestled amidst a jumble of miscellaneous items, Maya finds a small black box. She picks it up without thinking and opens it. Inside are... Polaroid pictures?
Maya knows what these are without even looking at them. These were the Polaroid pictures Izana was talking about. The pictures taken in those 2 weeks she has no memory of. Maya's heart skips a beat as she gazes down at the box of Polaroid pictures, her fingers trembling slightly as she contemplates what lies within. A sense of curiosity washes over her, tinged with a hint of apprehension, as she lifts the lid and peers inside. As she sifts through the photographs, a sense of wonder washes over Maya. The images are surprisingly tender and intimate, a testament to the unexpected romance that unfolded during those lost weeks.
Was this...
No way. Maya expected something crazy to have happened during those two weeks. She expected to see pictures where she was crying or something absolutely disgusting happening to her but no. None of that is in any of the polariods. Rather... Something else.
Maya's fingers tremble slightly as she gingerly lifts the first Polaroid out of the box, her heart fluttering in her chest at the anticipation of what she might find. But as her eyes land on the image before her, her breath catches in her throat, her cheeks flushing crimson at the sight of the intimate photograph. In the picture, she and Mikey are locked in a passionate embrace, their lips pressed together in a tender kiss. The angle of the shot obscures their faces, leaving only their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of the room. Mikey's bare chest is visible, the contours of his muscles highlighted in the dim light, while Maya's own form is shrouded in shadow, leaving her uncertain of her own state of dress. A wave of embarrassment washes over Maya as she realizes the implications of the photograph—that someone else must have been present to capture this intimate moment between her and Mikey. She puts the photo down back in the box and looks at the next. 
Maya's breath catches in her throat as she lifts the next Polaroid from the box, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected sight before her. In the photograph, she finds herself straddling Kakucho's lap, their bodies pressed close together in an intimate embrace. Despite the darkness obscuring her face, Maya can feel the heat rising in her cheeks at the sheer intimacy of the scene. Unlike the previous picture with Mikey, both she and Kakucho are fully clothed, a small relief amidst the whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Kakucho's face is illuminated by a soft glow, his lips curved into a gentle smile that sends a flutter of warmth through Maya's chest. She can't help but notice the split in his bottom lip Her face remains hidden from view, shrouded in shadow, but Kakucho's expression is clear for all to see. She doesn't remember this moment, doesn't recall ever being in such close proximity to Kakucho in such a seemingly intimate manner. And yet, there they are, captured in a snapshot of time. She doesn't at all remember this and kind of hates that she lost this memory. Maya's heart skips a beat as she notices her index finger tracing the scar that mars Kakucho's face and his arms wrapped around her.
That was enough for her to look at. She puts it back into the box and picks up another which is of her and Mikey. Unlike the previous picture of them, this looks a lot more... Softer? No, cute would be the right word. Her face is visible for once and her pupils are blown out, eyes red-rimmed. She's clearly high in the picture. She's smiling— laughing— her lips smudged with lipstick and Mikey's face is littered with lipstick kisses. Maya puts that picture down after long minutes of just staring at it and picks up another.
It seems that this was of the same day. This next picture was just of Kakucho. It's his side profile. He's lying down somewhere with a cigarette between his lips, lipstick kisses littering his face as well and what looks like her hand tangled in his black locks. Maya turns as red as the lipstick and puts it back in the box.
The next picture makes her almost choke on her own spit. Her face isn't visible. Actually, there isn't anyone's face. It's just Maya's body and Izana's hand. She's fully clothed in it. Izana is barely in the picture, the only thing there is his hand that rests possessively on her chest, tanned fingers curled around her breast in a brazen display of ownership. She feels so shy looking at it. It's odd, she thinks, that Izana hadn't shown her this picture earlier, hadn't used it to mock her or make some crude comment. In fact, as she studies the photograph, a sense of curiosity overtakes her, a desire to understand the intentions behind Izana's actions.
Polaroids couldn't be copied, she realizes, which means this was the only copy there was. She could destroy it, erase it from existence, and yet, a part of her hesitates. Despite the discomfort and embarrassment she feels, there's a strange sense of intimacy in the image, a connection that defies logic and reason. Closing her eyes, Maya takes a deep breath, willing herself to calm the tumultuous storm raging within her. She knows she should feel outraged, should feel violated by Izana's brazen display of dominance. And yet, there's a part of her that can't help but be drawn to the raw intensity of his touch even through the photograph. Even with this picture, just like the rest, it's obvious someone else had taken it. 
She puts the picture back and picks up another. It was another one of her and Izana, this one in the living room and a lot softer compared to the last. Izana is lying on his back on the couch and Maya is on top of him. Her head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around her. In this photograph, Izana and Maya are captured in a moment of rare vulnerability, their bodies entwined on the couch in the living room. Unlike the previous pictures, there's a palpable sense of intimacy in this one—a tenderness that belies the tumultuous nature of their relationship. It's as if time itself has stood still, freezing this fleeting moment of connection in amber for eternity.
As Maya continues to sift through the Polaroids, she discovers a series of images that range from intimate to erotic, each one revealing a different facet of her relationship with Mikey and Izana. Some depict tender moments of affection, while others capture more passionate encounters, their bodies entwined in a dance of desire and longing. But amidst the array of photographs, there's a common thread that runs through them all—the undeniable bond that exists between them, forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by the trials they have faced together. As Maya gazes at each image in turn, she can't help but feel a sense of awe and disbelief at the depth of emotion captured within each frame.
The problem, however, lies not in the content of the photographs, but in the absence of memory that accompanies them. Maya struggles to reconcile the images before her with the blank canvas of her own recollection, unable to recall a single moment of the intimacy they portray. It's a disconcerting realization, to say the least. Here she was, expecting to uncover evidence of unspeakable acts, only to be confronted with a series of tender moments that she can't even remember experiencing. Mikey and Izana had indeed taken care of her, as they claimed, but the extent of their efforts had been shrouded in a fog of oblivion. Closing her eyes, Maya takes a deep breath, attempting to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within her. On one hand, there's a sense of relief that the truth isn't as sinister as she had feared. On the other hand, there's a profound sense of loss at the realization that she had been robbed of the memories of those two weeks. "Baby?" She hears Mikey say, his voice groggy from sleep "Whatcha' lookin' at?"
Mikey's arm goes around her waist and his chin hooks over her shoulder. "Ah," he murmurs, his fingers tightening slightly around her waist. "You found them, huh? Izana must've left them there."
Maya turns to look at him, a furrow forming between her brows. "Why would he leave them there?" she asks, confusion evident in her voice.
Mikey shrugs, his lips quirking into a small smile. "Probably forgot about them," he replies nonchalantly, though there's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Or maybe he wanted you to find them."
Maya's gaze flickers back to the photographs, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties. What was Izana's motive behind leaving them there? Was it a gesture of remorse, or something more sinister? As she searches for answers in the images before her, Maya can't help but feel a sense of unease settle over her. The Polaroids offer glimpses into a world she can't remember, a world filled with intimacy and connection that she struggles to reconcile with her own fragmented memories. "I... I didn't expect to find... this. I'm... Trying to... make sense of everything." she mumbles, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.
Mikey's grip tightens around her waist, his touch offering silent reassurance in the midst of her turmoil. "You don't have to make sense of everything, pretty," he whispers, his lips brushing against her ear. "Just take it one day at a time."
Maya is silent, trying to think— to remember but— "Don't think so hard, baby" Mikey says, pulling the box easily out of her hands and reaching over her to set it on the bedside table "Everything's fine. Let's just get to sleep"
Maya nods wordlessly, grateful for Mikey's reassurance. She watches as he sets the box back on the bedside table, her mind still swirling with unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. But as Mikey pulls her close, his warmth enveloping her like a comforting blanket, Maya feels a sense of calm wash over her. "Yeah, you're right," she murmurs, turning off the lamp before she snuggles closer to him, seeking solace in his embrace. "Let's just get some sleep."
Mikey presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his arms tightening around her as they settle back into the soft embrace of the bed. In the quiet darkness of the room, Maya allows herself to relax, the weight of the Polaroids and their implications fading into the background as she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.
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As the first rays of dawn filter through the curtains, painting the room in a soft, golden hue, Maya stirs from her slumber, feeling more rested than she has in weeks. The weight of exhaustion that had plagued her for so long seems to have lifted, replaced by a sense of tranquillity and contentment. Beside her, Mikey is still asleep, his features softened by the gentle light of morning. Maya watches him for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she recalls their conversation from the night before. After their first night together weeks ago, Mikey had confessed, in a sleepy murmur, that he hadn't slept that well in ages without the aid of sleeping pills. It had been a vulnerable admission, one that had touched Maya in ways she couldn't quite explain. Now, as she watches him sleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, Maya can't help but feel a surge of affection for the man lying beside her. Despite the tumultuous circumstances that had brought them together, there's a sense of peace and belonging that settles over her like a warm embrace. With a gentle sigh, Maya reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair away from Mikey's forehead, her touch light and tender. As her finger is about to trail down the side of his face, he suddenly grabs her hand and Maya gasps in surprise. Mikey's grip on Maya's hand is firm yet gentle, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. Startled by his sudden movement, Maya meets his gaze, finding a mix of emotions swirling in the depths of his dark sleepy eyes. "s-sorry did I wake you?" she whispers
Mikey's grip on Maya's hand tightens slightly, his thumb tracing circles over the back of her hand as he shakes his head slowly. "No, you didn't wake me," he murmurs, his voice still thick with sleep. "I was already awake."
Maya's heart skips a beat at the intensity of his gaze, the raw vulnerability that flickers in the depths of his dark eyes. There's something in the way he looks at her, something unspoken yet undeniable, that sends a rush of warmth flooding through her veins. For a moment, they simply gaze at each other, the air between them heavy with unspoken words and unspoken emotions. It's as if time has slowed to a standstill, allowing them to exist in this moment of quiet intimacy, where nothing else matters except the connection they share. Feeling emboldened by the silent exchange, Maya leans in closer, her breath mingling with Mikey's as she closes the distance between them. Their lips meet in a gentle kiss, soft and tentative yet filled with a depth of emotion that words could never convey. As they pull away, Maya finds herself lost in the warmth of Mikey's embrace, his arms wrapped around her in a silent promise of love and protection. In this moment, surrounded by the soft light of dawn and the gentle rhythm of their breath, Maya knows that she is exactly where she belongs—wrapped in the arms of the man she loves.
Or well, the man she thinks she loves. This is love, right? It has to be. Mikey makes her heart flutter, he makes her feel warm. So, it has to be love right? Right? Is it too soon to call this love? Too soon to surrender herself to the intoxicating allure of Mikey's embrace? Or is she merely fooling herself, grasping at the illusion of love in a desperate bid to fill the void within her heart? It has to be love. This is what books described love to be. So that's what it has to be. She has to be in love with Mikey. "So," he says, his voice lightening with amusement, snapping her out of her thoughts "what's on the agenda for today?"
Maya chuckles softly, the tension of the moment dissipating as she meets Mikey's gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. "Well," she begins, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, "I was thinking we could start with breakfast. And then, who knows? The day is full of possibilities."
Mikey's eyes light up and then go dark. She's pushed onto her back, Mikey's knee slotting between her thighs as he gets on top of her, pinning her to the mattress. "how about a little snack before breakfast?" He murmurs, the tip of his nose knocking against hers
Maya's breath catches in her throat as Mikey's sudden change in demeanour catches her off guard. Her heart races in her chest as she feels the weight of his body pressing down on her, his proximity sending a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins. His knee between her thighs sends a jolt of electricity through her, igniting a fire that smoulders in the depths of her being. For a moment, time seems to stand still as they gaze into each other's eyes, a silent exchange of desire passing between them. The playful banter of moments ago is replaced by an electric tension, thick with unspoken longing and primal need. As Mikey's breath ghosts across her skin, Maya's pulse quickens, her senses heightened by the intoxicating proximity of the man she yearns for. She can feel the heat of his body seeping into her skin, his scent enveloping her like a warm embrace. With a soft gasp, Maya surrenders to the magnetic pull between them, her fingers tangling in the soft black strands of Mikey's hair as she pulls him closer. In this moment, there are no doubts, no uncertainties—only the raw, unbridled passion that courses through their veins, binding them together in a dance as old as time itself.
As their lips meet in a fevered kiss, the world falls away, leaving only the two of them lost in the throes of desire. And as they lose themselves in each other, Maya knows with a certainty that transcends words—this is love, in all its messy, beautiful glory.
Mikey pushes his shorts and boxers down just enough to pull out his cock. Mikey's lips never leave her's as his hand pumps up and down his length to bring himself to full hardness. Maya brings her hand down and she does it for him. As soon as her hand wraps around his length, Mikey whimpers into her mouth and Maya thinks her head exploded. 
He sounds so pretty.
Sure she had heard him whimper before— many times actually— but right now he sounded so pretty. Maya feels a surge of warmth floods her body, igniting a firestorm of desire that consumes her from within. His vulnerability, his raw need, it's all laid bare in that single sound, and Maya finds herself utterly captivated by the beauty of it. Oh god, she wanted to hear it again. So when Maya tightens her hand around his cock, Mikey makes the same pretty sound. Her hand moves her and down his length, thumb brushing over the sensitive tip. She can feel Mikey's thighs twitch and the hand that is resting next to her head to keep himself over her grip the pillow tight. They're not even kissing anymore. Mikey is just panting against her lips, inhaling and exhaling her air. 
She has never done anything like this for him before. It was usually just him pleasuring her. She's never done this before but it's clear she's doing the right thing with all the pretty noises Mikey is letting out and all the precum dribbling out of his tip. Each of his sighs, each halting, excited breath, sent pleasant shivers through her body, pooling in her center. Oh her cunt was throbbing just by listening to the noises Mikey makes. Her eyes open as Mikey finally pulls away from her mouth, pressing his face into her neck instead, letting out small broken moans and breathy whimpers she just couldn't get enough of. "Maya~" he chokes out, voice all shaky
Just from the sound of him whimpering out her name had her head spinning. Oh, he just sounded so pretty. Mikey's thighs twitched and she could tell he was about to come. She speeds up the pace of her hand on his cock but he suddenly stops her, grabbing her wrist. "F-Fuck wait" he mumbles, pulling her hand off him "Wanna come inside you"
Her shorts are loose and thin and easy to push aside. Mikey does the same with her panties and hastily flicks at her clit making Maya choke out a whine. She was soaking without him even having to do much— just by listening to him her cunt is soaking. Mikey presses his tip to her hole and just when she thinks he's about to push in, he doesn't. Instead, he looks at her, eyes heavy with lust and desire but also a different kind of emotion. "Hey. I don't want you spacing out after we're done" He murmurs, tone stern "I want you awake"
She did that a lot—space out after sex. But she couldn't really help it. It just happened. Maya knows thinking of the psychological aspect of her issue will only bring her more unhappiness and pain so she doesn't. "Okay... Okay I w-will— ahh~" she choked out, a moaning slipping from her lips when Mikey used his cock to slap against her clit
He pushes in, inch by inch, sighing with his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Maya trembles at the feeling of Mikey sliding in with no prep at all. The stretch burns so good but it barely hurts which is always surprising considering how fucking huge he is. Mikey hooks her knees up over his hips and doesn't even wait for her to adjust to his length as he starts thrusting right away. Maya whimpers out his name shakily, eyes rolling back and legs wrapping around his waist. Mikey makes her feel good. Every fucking time he makes her feel fucking amazing because he knows her body and what feels good to her. "fuck fuck s'good baby" Mikey groans, rutting into her hard
The breath is knocked out of her legs and her head is up in the clouds. It feels so good. The slight sting of pain and the pleasure of him hitting each sensitive little spot inside her cunt each time. "Mikey, Mikey, Mikey—" she moans out his name like a desperate prayer
Both of them feel like they're falling apart. Everything feels so damn good. "f-fuck 'm gon' come" Mikey whimpers and Maya mumbles the same
He starts thrusting faster and Maya's hand comes down to rub shaky figure 8s on her clit. It feels so good she doesn't know what to do with herself. Mikey and Maya come with little cries and whimpers, trembling and twitching from the earth-shattering orgasms. Her head is spinning and fogging up as she barely even feels Mikey pull out or fix her panties and shorts back over her cunt. She didn't realize it until Mikey suddenly grabbed her face harshly, fingers digging into her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. Maya barely can look at him as she feels an odd fog wash over her mind after she recovers from her climax. His eyes bore into hers, intense and searching as if trying to anchor her to the present moment. "Hey," he says, his voice soft yet urgent, "stay with me, okay? Don't drift off."
Maya blinks, trying to shake off the disorienting fog that clouds her thoughts. She feels a sense of detachment creeping in, like she's floating away from herself, from the world around her. It's a familiar sensation, one she's experienced countless times before—after sex with either him or Izana. "Stay with me," Mikey's voice is urgent, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of sternness and desperation. "Don't go away, Maya. Stay here with me."
It's hard though. Maya feels like she's floating but Mikey doesn't seem like he'll let up. He had told her he wanted her awake before they even started. She should try for him, shouldn't she? Her hands come up, weakly holding his wrists. "that's it. that's it" Mikey encourages "Stay awake"
So Maya tries to focus on something. Something that will keep her awake like Mikey wants. Focusing on the dull ache in her thighs wasn't enough so she thought about Izana instead and how he was coming back later that evening. Somehow, that works. Not as well, but she's still somewhat conscious. "good girl. good girl. You're doing well. Just stay awake"
As she focuses on his voice, his touch, Maya finds a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a flicker of strength that fuels her determination to stay awake, to stay with Mikey, if only for a little while longer.
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Mikey often thinks about his past. From losing his mother— to permanently scarring Haruchiyo— to losing Shinichiro and then Baji— to losing Emma and then the rest of his friends. Mikey thinks he's been through a lot. It wasn't really fair. Perhaps tragedy was just in his blood. Genetic probably? His cheating father met his end in a car crash and his mother died of terminal illness still loving her unfaithful husband. Maybe this was genetic or a generational curse.
All Sano's face a terrible end and an even more miserable life. 
Had it not been for Izana, Mikey probably would have died. Mikey wonders if Izana is exempt from this curse as he did not take the Sano name nor was he Sano by blood. Izana was simply his brother because Mikey, Shinichiro and Emma said so. But did that exempt Izana from the curse? Mikey hopes it does. His big brother, his only family, didn't deserve to live miserably like he does— like they all did. But maybe that's what Maya was here for. She was like a dark in the light, someone who made the gross things in his head shut up for once. Oh did he adore her. "do you want to go out?" Mikey asks as they're watching tv
It's late in the afternoon. They've had their lunch and were just lounging around and Izana should be arriving around sunset. "hm?"
Maya is looking at him surprised. "outside?" She says the word as if she had never heard it before
Mikey nods and smiles. "uh huh. Outside. I remember you telling me you've never been on a motorcycle before. I wanna take you on mine"
Of course, she probably doesn't remember saying that but it doesn't matter. Maya's eyes widen with anticipation, her lips curving into a hesitant smile. "I... I'd like that," she murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty
Mikey grins and stands up, pulling her off the sofa with ease. He isn't concerned about her trying to run. After all, the double doors in the master bedroom has been unlocked for days now. "Alright, let's get dressed then"
Maya seemed to be a lot more excited about getting ready than actually go out and in Mikey's opinion, it was quite cute. It wasn't like he'd be taking her near non-Toman members. He couldn't have that. She wouldn't be safe. But it was cute seeing her pick out an outfit from her untouched clothes. She wears black jeans and a white crop top with this corset style lacing at the front and a black cropped cardigan. It was pretty new to Mikey considering he's only ever seen her in pyjamas or wearing his or Izana's clothes. She looks cute. Mikey himself gets ready too, watching her out of the corner of his eye as he puts on his leather jacket and gloves. He can't shake the feeling of protectiveness that washes over him, a primal instinct to shield her from harm, to keep her safe from the dangers that lurk beyond their doorstep.
In that moment, Mikey grapples with conflicting emotions. He isn't sure why he's thinking of this now but watching her clip her gold necklaces into place made him remember his conversation a few days with Izana where he had told him that Maya was just a kid and Izana replied that she was in fact not a kid but a 22 year old with a university degree. Mikey will admit that Izana was right with the implication that he was infantilizing her. 
Mikey may have been infantilizing her but at least he wasn't dehumanizing her like Izana.
At least he still treated her like another human being with feelings rather than a pet like Izana.
When Izana wasn't torturing her mentally, physically, spiritually— and any other way a person could possibly be tortured— he treated her like a wounded and sad animal from a shelter.
When Mikey wasn't emotionally manipulating her, he treated her like an abused baby he adopted from an orphanage.
He isn't sure which one is worse and which one is better.
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"Okay, when I'm going too fast, tap me twice" Mikey instructs as he fixes the buckle of the helmet underneath Maya's chin as she stands before him on the driveway
The visor is flipped up letting him see her pretty blue eyes. Maya nods in understanding, her gaze meeting Mikey's with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Got it," she confirms, her voice muffled slightly by the helmet.
Mikey smiles, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary as he adjusts the helmet strap. Despite the protective gear concealing her features, he can still see the glimmer of anticipation in her eyes, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She's beautiful, he realizes, in a way that transcends mere physical appearance. With a final pat on her shoulder, Mikey steps back, admiring the sight before him. Maya stands before him, her eyes alight with excitement. It's moments like these that remind Mikey why he's drawn to her—her resilience, her courage, her unwavering spirit that reminds him too much of— oh. No. Mikey shouldn't think of him right now.  "Ready?" he asks, a hint of excitement in his voice as he gestures towards his motorcycle, the engine humming softly in anticipation.
Maya nods eagerly, a sense of adventure flickering in her eyes. "Absolutely," she replies, her voice brimming with anticipation.
With a grin, Mikey swings a leg over the motorcycle, settling into the driver's seat with practiced ease. Maya follows suit, straddling the seat behind him, her arms wrapped snugly around his waist. As he starts the engine, the roar of the motorcycle fills the air, drowning out the sounds of the world around them. With a flick of his wrist, Mikey guides the motorcycle onto the open road, the wind whipping past them as they speed towards the horizon. For a moment, time stands still, and all that exists is the two of them, bound together by the promise of adventure and the thrill of the open, empty road.
As they ride along, the world seems to blur around them, the scenery passing by in a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes. Maya holds on tight, her heart racing with a heady mix of excitement and exhilaration. The wind rushes past them, tousling her hair and filling her senses with the scent of freedom. For Mikey, there's a sense of liberation that comes with the open road, a feeling of escape from the weight of his past and the burdens of his responsibilities. With Maya's arms wrapped around him, he feels a sense of connection and belonging that he hasn't felt in a long time.
They ride for miles, the landscape unfolding before them in an ever-changing tapestry of fields, forests, and winding roads. With each twist and turn, Maya's grip tightens, her trust in Mikey evident in the way she clings to him.
There's not a house in sight. Nothing near the beach house for miles. Maybe that's why Izana brought her here in the first place. So she would be completely helpless and nowhere to run to even if she somehow did manage to escape the beach house. No, he shouldn't think of that right now. He should think happy thoughts and hope Maya's fingers don't brush against the pistol concealed under his leather jacket. It was just in case after all. 
Despite the remote surroundings, Mikey focuses on the present moment, determined to make this ride a memorable one for Maya. He steers the motorcycle with practiced ease, navigating the winding roads with confidence as they continue on their journey.
As they ride, Mikey steals glances at Maya through the rear view mirror. He can't see her face due to the helmet but he knows she's smiling. He can feel the vibrations from her chest against his back with each giggle she lets out.  With each passing mile, the tension in his shoulders begins to ease, replaced by a growing sense of contentment. He knows that he should be vigilant, that danger could lurk around any corner, but for now, he allows himself to simply enjoy the freedom of the open road. As they round a bend in the road, the sun begins to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. The beauty of the moment is not lost on Mikey, and he finds himself smiling despite the weight of his worries.
For now, all that matters is the road ahead and the woman beside him, her trust in him evident in the way she clings to him.
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They make it back to the beach house. The sun is about to set and Mikey drags her to the beach behind the house to watch it. As they step onto the soft sand, the vibrant hues of the setting sun paint the sky in shades of pink, orange, and gold. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore fills the air, creating a serene backdrop for the breathtaking spectacle unfolding before them. Mikey leads Maya to a secluded spot on the beach, away from the prying eyes of the outside world. They settle down on the sand, side by side, their shoulders brushing as they watch the sun sink lower on the horizon. For a while, they sit in silence, lost in the beauty of the moment. The weight of their worries fades away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquillity. In this moment, it's just the two of them, sharing a rare moment of intimacy amidst the chaos of their lives. Mikey turns to Maya, his gaze soft and affectionate. "Thank you for coming with me," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
Maya smiles softly, her eyes reflecting the light of the sunset. "Thank you for bringing me," she replies, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude.
Maybe this was love, Maya thinks. It had to be. What she felt for Mikey(and maybe even Izana) was love. Mikey's presence beside her is both comforting and exhilarating. His warmth seeps into her, thawing the icy tendrils of doubt and uncertainty that have gripped her heart for so long. However, that doesn't last. "I..." Mikey says something then pauses for a moment "I'm sorry..."
Mikey's sudden apology catches Maya off guard, and she turns to him, her brow furrowing in concern. "What for?" she asks softly, her voice laced with confusion.
Mikey shifts beside her, his gaze fixed on the sand as if searching for the right words. "For everything," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. "For lying to you, for drugging you, almost making you overdose, for forcing myself on you weeks ago, for..." He trails off, his words fading into the gentle sound of the waves.
Immediately, it was like those rose-coloured glasses Maya had been wearing all this time had been ripped off her face. A sick realization overcomes her as she remembers where she was and why and how. The weight of Mikey's words hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the serene scene before them. Maya's heart clenches as she listens to his confession, each word landing like a blow to her chest. She feels as though the ground has shifted beneath her feet, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and doubt. For weeks, Maya had been living in a haze of false comfort, clinging to the illusion of love and safety that Mikey had provided. But now, faced with the harsh truth of his actions, she can no longer ignore the reality of her situation. The memories come flooding back— the drugs, the manipulation, the violation— and Maya's stomach churns with nausea. Her mind races, grappling with the enormity of what Mikey has just admitted. How could she have been so blind, so naive, to trust him so completely? The realization hits her like a punch to the gut, leaving her reeling and disoriented.
Mikey's apology is feeble, his excuses flimsy and hollow. He tries to justify his actions with half-hearted explanations, blaming his behaviour on everything from his troubled past to his misguided intentions. But Maya knows better than to believe his lies. She sees through his facade, recognizing the manipulative tactics he's using to deflect responsibility and avoid facing the truth. "Maya, I didn't mean to hurt you," he says, staring at the horizon "I was just trying to protect you, to keep you safe."
Maya feels disgusted so quickly. Not in Mikey but herself. How had she let it get this far? How could she have let him, Izana and Kakucho stop her from running? How could she stop fighting? Had she really believed her own toxic mind when it told her there was no one waiting? Mikey told her Chifuyu was looking. He implied people missed her. Even if she was declared dead by the police shouldn't they welcome her back and help her? There was a reason Chifuyu left Tokyo Manji Gang after all. 
Oh Chifuyu.
How could she forget him? Even if he didn't love her back it didn't mean he didn't love her. Her feelings of romance may have been unrequited but her feelings of friendship weren't. Chifuyu missed her and she knew it. Kazutora too. He had to. They both had to. "I just loved you so much. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want you to leave me like everyone else did so I did all of that" Mikey confesses, unaware of what is going on in her head 
She gets up, slow and steady as Mikey's eyes are still on the horizon. She wouldn't stay here. Maya wouldn't let this illusion take over her life. She was only 22. Maya won't let her life be wasted by being a plaything for some crazy psycho brothers. Her life was her own and she'll decide when it ends. Slow and steady she starts making slow steps back. She doesn't know where she'll run but she will. Maya will run and she won't come back. They won't catch her this time. "Maya...?" He noticed she wasn't sitting next to him anymore
She starts taking quicker backward steps, her sneakers crunching against the sand. Maya is fast. She knows she's fast. She can outrun him. In theory, that is. But Sano "Mikey" Manjiro was no Olympic speed runner. He was a fucking gang leader. She can outrun him. "Maya" his voice quickly turns more stern as he snaps his head around to see she is already so far from him
Mikey gets up fast. "What do you think you're doing?" There's a look of both anger and betrayal in his eyes
Maya doesn't let her resolve waver. She will get away. "Maya I swear to fucking god, come back here right now" he realizes she's trying to run
Maya's heart pounds in her chest as she continues to back away from Mikey, her mind racing with fear and determination. She can feel his eyes burning into her back, his voice ringing out across the empty beach, but she refuses to falter. Every step she takes is a step closer to freedom, a step away from the suffocating grip of Mikey and Izana's manipulation. She knows she can't stay here any longer, trapped in this toxic cycle of abuse and control. She'll get out of here even if it means dying in the process. "Maya, stop!" Mikey's voice echoes behind her, filled with desperation and anger as she turns her back to him and starts to run
She can hear the sound of his footsteps pounding against the sand, getting closer with each passing second. But Maya doesn't slow down. She pushes herself to run faster, to outrun the demons of her past and the chains that bind her to this place. It's faint but she can hear Mikey start to come after her. "I SWEAR TO GOD MAYA! STOP"
He's yelling and the sound is chilling. Her footing is unsteady on the long stretch of sand, making her a little slower. It reminds her of when she first got to this beach house. When Izana ran after her. But she was under the influence of some shitty drugs back then. Right now, she's completely sober. Maybe Izana was right. She was a bunny or a rabbit after all. A rabbit like her surrounded by wolves either learns to hop fast or grow its own claws. Maybe at one point she did grow claws. But Kakucho probably shaved them down. "I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR FUCKING HEART MAYA!" Mikey yells
She hears a clicking sound far behind her but it's muted by the sound of her own heart pounding loudly in her ears. Her legs ache with exertion, the sand dragging at her feet with each step. She can feel her breath coming in ragged gasps, her lungs burning with the effort of her escape. But still, she pushes on, driven by the primal instinct to survive, to break free from the chains that bind her. Mikey is far behind her. She can hear his footsteps getting faint. She thinks she's done it. She has right?
Her body hits the ground after she hears a loud bang. After Maya hits the ground, she feels the pain. It's not the same way they show in movies. Getting shot didn't make her scream but rather everything felt too hot and her heartbeat was all she could hear now. She's lying face down on the sand, trembling, twitching from the sharp pain. She gasps anguished, and breathes heavily as her chest feels too hot. Her mind reels with shock and disbelief, struggling to comprehend what has just happened. The world around her blurs into a hazy blur, her vision swimming with darkness and light. She can feel the warmth of blood seeping from the wound, staining the sand beneath her in dark, crimson hues. With each ragged breath, Maya's chest burns with intensity, her heartbeat thundering in her ears like a drumbeat of doom. She tries to move, to push herself up from the ground, but her limbs refuse to obey, weighed down by the heaviness of her injury.
Mikey shot her and she was going to die. 
Oh, what a fitting end. 
Deep down as she was running, Maya knew Mikey would catch her. She knew Izana wouldn't rest till he got her back either. Maybe this death was necessary. Her death was necessary because living wasn't an option anymore. With her death, Mikey and Izana don't get to have her.
Maya had grieved her own death the moment she got to this shitty beach house. So it was okay that she was dying.
Izana and Mikey wouldn't be able to catch her and that was all that mattered.
She won. 
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"where is he?" Izana asks Kakucho as they stand over the unmoving body on the sand
"Inside with Sanzu" Kakucho answers
The beach is silent minus the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The sun will completely set soon and it will be dark. Izana is crouched over Maya's quickly growing cold body, staring at her face, making out a slight smile on her cold lips. He scoffs. Around him stand Ran, Rindo, Kisaki and Kakucho. All of them are silent. Izana's gaze shifts down to Maya. Even in death, she was gorgeous. Eyes shut, skin paler than usual, white top soaked red. 
Mikey shot her in the heart. 
Izana reaches over and brushes her hair off her neck. He notices she's missing one necklace. Mikey's name comes to mind but he doesn't say a word and instead pulls her gold butterfly pendant necklace off her. Maybe he shouldn't have been gone for so long.  "bury her and... plant daffodils on top" Izana orders, his tone casual despite the severity of the situation
Kaneko Maya was already declared dead. Getting rid of her body would be a easy task for Tokyo Manji Gang. Kisaki pushes his glasses up his nose and says "They'll die after a while. Daffodils aren't meant for this soil or this environment"
Everything here is for you. It's yours bunny he said to her earlier. His bunny's beach. His girl's beach.
Izana only smiles, flicking a curly strand away from her cold forehead. "That's alright. She wasn't meant for this environment either"
His dead girl's beach.
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"Why would a wolf look for love in the worn-down bones of a rabbit if not to eat her after gaining her trust?" —unknown 
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notes: um haha. this is technically the last chapter. after this is the epilogue which transitions into the canon storyline. I am also really sorry if this went too fast or isn't satisfactory. I tried my absolute best on this chapter. Also for the last quote, can someone plz tell me where it's from so I can credit it properly. I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)
visuals of what I imagined the polaroids to look like(Pinterest links below) in order of mention(WARNING some nsfw pictures below):
polaroid 1, polaroid 2, polaroid 3, polaroid 4, polaroid 5, polaroid 6
also vote on this poll for my next series
likes, asks and reblogs greatly appreciated
special thanks to: @highpri3stess @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies @bontensbabygirl @tenjikusstuff4 @fairey555 @haikyuusboringassmanager @firstdivisiongirl @bakuhoethotski @xoxowhateverxoxo @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @maraya-007 @milky-aeons @asirensrage
96 notes · View notes
satrs · 2 years ago
✘𝘋𝘰𝘯'đ˜” đ˜­đ˜Šđ˜” đ˜ș𝘱 đ˜ąđ˜”đ˜”đ˜Șđ˜”đ˜¶đ˜„đ˜Š đ˜łđ˜¶đ˜Ș𝘯 đ˜žđ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” 𝘾𝘩 đ˜šđ˜°đ˜”ïœĄâœ˜
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á„Č/á„’ ꜝꜝ ✎Requested by my lovely darling @amiii0 <;33
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ꜱʏɎᎏ᎘ꜱÉȘꜱ; seems that the hatered the both of you had for each other was all just play pretend.
ꜰᎇᎀ᎛᎜ʀÉȘÉŽÉą; Izana Kurokawa x fem!reader
áŽĄáŽÊ€áŽ… ᮄᮏᮜɮᮛ; 2.4k
TAGS; NSFW CONTENT. MDNI! unprotected sex. dirty talk(?). riding. slight sub Izana. pussydrunk Izana. enemies to lovers. reader wears a skirt. nicknames(princess, good girl, baby).
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"Why is he here? You said we'd be alone."
You asked from the doorstep as you heard noises from the inside of the house, brows furrowing.
You hated him. His annoying remarks and insults always managed to drive you mad. Ever since that one time the both of you got caught in an argument when you came over to visit his sister, who also happened to be your best friend- Emma, there is not a moment where the both of you don't shoot dirty looks at each other.
"I thought so too. He came back with his friends some time ago and I don't think they'll leave any time soon." Your visibly displeased expression causes Emma to flash you a nervous smile, trying to calm you down. "Look, we can go out if you-"
"There's no need to." You both looked at the young blonde man who appeared next to Emma, a handsome smirk plastered on his face as he leaned against the door, looking at you.
Your annoyed expression soon turned into one of joy as you saw the man, lightly biting the inside of your cheek. "Mikey. Hey." He only let out a low chuckle in return, his attention now on Emma. "It's alright, sis. They're all leaving now anyway. I'll tell him to go to his room and not be a pain in the ass." You chuckled at his remark, stepping inside the house soon after.
Right after you kicked off your shoes and put off your jacket, you heard a whistle ring behind you and as you turned around, a long-haired blonde man, accompanied by glasses on his nose stood behind you, cheeky grin on his face as he shamelessly looked you up and down. You huffed at that, quickly making your way into the living room, still feeling the long-haired man's eyes boring into your back.
"Didn't know Izana had a girl." You gasped in shock as you felt someone's hot breath on your neck, coming face to face with a black-haired man, a scar over half of his face. A sour expression overtook you, offended by his words. "Like hell. I'd rather die."
You heard the mentioned man let out a pity laugh from the couch at that, face twisted in distaste. Before you could snap at him, another man appeared next to the one behind you, roughly patting his shoulder. "Let's get out of here, Kakucho. We don't want to bother this pretty girl, do we?"
"Get moving, Ran." Emma interfered, crossed arms over her chest as she urged the men to leave. Ran chuckled at that, him and Kakucho making their way to the door. "You're a pretty girl too Emma. No need to be jealous."
"Ran you're out of here in the next ten seconds or I'll make you." Ran raised his hands in defeat. "The overprotective brother and jealous boyfriend acting doesn't suit you right, Mikey. See ya around."
Mikey gritted his teeth at that, visibly annoyed by his brother's companions, soon turning his attention towards his brother on the couch. "Just because Shinchiro is gone for some days doesn't mean you can act like a bitch. He entrusted me the household."
"I'm acting like a bitch?" He stood up, firmly glaring at you before letting out a sarcastic laugh and turning to go to his room, trying to escape the argument. Mikey and Emma both chuckled at his action. "Almost unbelievable that he's the second oldest."
"Petty as always." Mikey's gaze shifted back to you. "Both of you have fun, yeah?"
.·:*š ✘ ✘ š*:·.
You and Emma both made yourself comfortable on the couch, binging you both's favorite TV show until it struck you. "Emma? Why aren't you in uniform?" You motioned on your shirt, which the both of you bought as a matching reference to the show you always watched together, it was almost like some kind of ritual- you came over at her place every weekend to watch it together.
She gasped at that, hand flying to her mouth as she looked at you, as if she had betrayed you. You laughed at that. "I forgot! Wait, I'll go and get it-" "No don't worry I'll get it. I watched this episode already so I won't miss anything." Another gasp erupted from her as she now looked at you in betrayal. "Traitor!" You stood up and rushed to her room, giggling while doing so. "Guilty. I just couldn't wait, you know."
As you stepped into the familiar room you quickly gathered what you came for from her closet, chuckling lightly at you both's silly ideas. But your smile soon disappeared from your face as you heard a barely audible moan from another room. knitting your eyebrows in both confusion and worry, you stepped outside, closely listening for any other noises.
And again, a muffled moan reached your ears and you looked to the source of the voice - Izana's door. "The fuck?", you lowly whispered to yourself. You should just mind your business and go back to Emma but, what if he was hurt?
If we're being honest, you were playing dumb. No one would sound like- this when they are hurt. But, you were curious, who could blame you? Maybe you could get a tease out of it.
You carefully stepped towards his door which was lightly open, peeking through the gap as your hand flew to your mouth at the sight- Izana was on his bed, hair disheveled and sweat glistening on his forehead as his hand rapidly stoked his dick, biting his lip in an attempt to muffle his moans.
"Oh fuck." You squeezed your thighs together in anticipation, to invested in the sight before you to look away. There was no denying he was insanely attractive, but he was an asshole. A big one at that. If he could just shut his mouth, then maybe you would-
"Y/N, fuckkk." Did you just hear that right? Did he just- what the hell? There is no way, you have to open that door and confront this sick fuck about-
"Y/N! What is taking you so long? Is everything alright?" You saw Izana stop his movements at the shrill voice of his little sister, shook on his face as he quickly stood up, adjusting his pants back on as curses flew from his lips. "Shit shit shit." Did you hear him?
He felt his heart sink as he heard your voice close- too close to his room. "Y-yeah, I just have to use the bathroom real quick! I got some issues, you know how it is."
You didn't think, mind spinning and stomach turning, hearing both Emma's voice and Izana's loud footsteps coming closer. "Oh damn, you can use my pads and take a shower if you want!" Closer.
"Thanks-" You came face to face with Izana's furious expression, face twisted in both embarrassment and shook. "You fucking creep", he whisper-yelled, "what is wrong with you!?" He slapped the door right into your face as you still stood there, unable to move with your mouth hanging open. What just happened? You should probably go back to Emma and-
The door suddenly swung open and the white-haired male quickly dragged you into his room, closing the door and pressing you right onto it and locking the door, too fast for you to react. "You had it coming." and with that he smacked his lips against yours, you gasping into his mouth in shock before leaning into it, taking what he gave you.
The both of you had to catch your breath after the kiss, low-lidded purple eyes staring at you. You finally took the courage to speak up, shoving him roughly, causing him to take a few steps back near his bed, talking up to him to lecture him. "You're the creep here. You moaned my name and then you think the only response you can think of is kiss me? You're fucking disgusting."
He sat at the edge of his bed, head falling into his hand as he groaned into it, regretting his actions. "Sorry." A smirk crept it's way onto your features at the sound of his voice. Never had you heard him say sorry. Hell- you didn't know that this word was even in his vocabulary. Maybe he did have some heart in him.
"Saying sorry doesn't do anything." He peered up at that, wide eyes looking at your unreadable expression, a confused look on his face as you moved near him, staring to straddle his lap. But he didn't complain, oh no, he let you do you.
If he was being honest, he was still horny and hard- so, why not?
You lightly pushed him onto the bed, head leaning down to his, mere inches away from his face. "Tell me," You placed a feather-light kiss to his neck, his shacky breath causing you to grin against his tanned skin, "tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you."
Your whisper against his lips caused his dick to twitch painfully in his pants and he knew for sure you felt it too. Of course you would tease him, he hated you after all. Or, that's what you thought.
He didn't have to usher a word, his actions speaking for themself as his hands took hold of your hip, grinding you on top his clothed length. "You exactly know what I want, Y/N. And you sure as hell want it too." You had to muffle a moan by caging your lip between your teeth as your clothed clit bumped against his trousers just right, needily rocking your hips to his rhythm. Thank God you wore a skirt today.
"See? You actually can keep that petty mouth shut. What a surprise." A frustrated groan left your lips at his teasing, growing needier by any second, quickly raising your hips to free his erection from his trousers, pushing your panties to the side as you lead his angry tip through your wet folds, sinful sounds escaping the both of you. "What a good girl," His words got cut of by a low moan as you sank down onto him, walls hugging his length as if you were molded for his cock, next words only audible as a whisper, "That’s it."
Your hips swiftly began to move back and forth, his hands sneaking to your ass to increase the rythm, flesh of your ass ripping at the harsh impact of his hand on it.
He lifted his head to look where your bodies were connected, another moan escaping his lips as you clenched around him, head falling back into the cushion, eyes closed in pleasure. "Fuck."
A knock snapped Izana out of his pleasure, head snapping to the door. "I'm going out for a bit. You wanna join?" It was the voice of his brother, Mikey. Always in the worst possible moments-
"Answer him." His gaze went back at you, your eyes looking up at him from his neck, hips beginning to pick up their pace, causing his hand to clasp over his mouth, groaning into it.
"Izana? You alright there, bro?" The doorknob began to twist and turn, Izana's heart rapidly breathing. Stop moving, stop moving, stop-
A moan escaped his lips as you bit onto his neck to muffle your own moans, curses falling from his lips as his hand griped your ass thightly, trying to halt your movements. "F-fuck off, i'm not gonna-", He stopped himself, slapping your ass in a warning manner as your hole sucked him in. "go out with you."
He could still muster the sigh from his brother before he heard his footsteps disapearing, heart now feeling a bit more at ease. But there was still one problem- Emma. He looked at the clock. It's been ten minutes since you caught him.
You have to stop right now, or Emma will get suspicious. But he can't. "Pretty pussy going to be the death of me- shiitt, just like that, baby. Don't stop, gotta be quick."
His brows knitted as he felt himself nearing his limit, soon begining to thrust up into you roughly, leaving you gasping for air and mewl into his neck. "I'm gonna cum, 'zana." He groaned at the nickname you gave him, hips speeding up and sound of skin slapping on each other growing louder. "Yeah? Then be a good girl and cream 'round me."
With one more thrust of his hips your body arched into his touch, thighs shacking in his hold as you came undone, face twisting in pleasure. "Give it to me, princess. All of it."
Your walls flutter around him, tight grip around him, his thrusts turning sloppy before he painted your walls in his hot cum, hand flying to your neck to push his lips onto yours, moaning and groaning into your mouth.
The both of you soon catched your breath, your body falling limp ontop of him until you heared footsteps approacing. "Y/N? Where the hell are you?" The footsteps momentarily disapeared into the bathroom until returning to Izana's door, twisting the knob frantically. "Izana! What is going on, is Y/N with you?"
Your eyes shoot up at him, pleading him to say no, but his smirk made you realize what he was about to do. His hand brushed some hair out of your face before answering. "Yeah, why?"
You cursed under your breath before quickly getting off of the young man, him trying to hide the wide grin that was threatening to grow. "Y/N What the hell? Why is the door locked?"
Izana also adjusted himself quicly as you rushed to the door, sitting up on his bed. You came to view with a confused and both furious Emma, face showing all you needed to know.
Your breathing was back to normal but your hair were still slightly out of place, your skirt riding up a bit too high on your thighs. "Y/N. This better not be what I think-"
"We were just talking, calm down." Emma's eyes snapped to his brother, eyebrow quirking up at that. "Talking?" He shrugged. "Yeah. Settling our quarrel." Your head craned into his direction, slight smirk played on his lips. "Right, Y/N?"
You felt Emma's gaze back at you, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Y-yeah. We're good now." He lightly chuckled at that, surprising the both of you. "I'm glad."
"Me too." Emma's expression was back to her normal, cheerful one, clasping her hands together before taking you by the hand, leading you back to the living room. "Alright, enough chit-chat. The show is waiting."
You looked back at Izana who blew you a teasing kiss before motioning his finger to your thigh, where you felt his cum leaking down, your cheeks lightly heating up at that and frantically trying to wipe it off.
"See you next week, Y/N. I'm already thrilled to watch that show with you."
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Â©ïžŽđŠ-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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itsruki · 10 months ago
Into The Spider's Web
MDNI, 18+ only
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(girl i don't know how to tag or write any of this)
summery: izana is obsessed with you. he made a plan to make you submit to him, be addicted to him. slowly but surely until he fully ruined you.
|Next Chapter:
will you see through him early enough?
TW: Masturbation, Mentioning of SA, Violence
Tags: Dom!Abusive!Izana x Sub!Naive!Reader
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Chapter 1.
You meet Izana, and he swoons you at the right moment. It seems like he is always at the right place at the right time. Always with that smile of his.
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It felt like a coincidence when you met him. You worked at a small 7/11 in Tokyo, just earning your loan to pay for college tuition. You were living in a small apartment with 2 roommates. One day, he bumped into you on your way to work. He helped you pick up your things and gave you a small smile. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" His voice was cold, but he gave you the sweetest smile. You blushed a little bit. He handed you your bag and your books. "What'cha reading, bunny?" The red color on your cheeks rose deeper as you answered with a small voice, "Just...just some books for college. It's for calculus," he smirked. "What a smart bunny!" Then you remembered that you were getting late for work, so you quickly bowed down and said, "Thank you for the kind words and the help. I'm sorry again for bumping into you. I am in a hurry. Goodbye!" and you walked off. He smiled after you, and you heard a faint chuckle. That was the first encounter.
The second encounter was when your shift just ended, a few nights later. You were ready to pack up and close off. You felt uneasy, like someone was watching you. It was already 2 a.m. when the shift ended. Your apartment isn't far from work, and you decided to just walk quickly. Once you closed up for the day, you began to walk. The uneasy feeling of being watched creeps closer and closer. You saw three shadowy figures moving closer to you. 3 men of about the same age. They started to surround you. One of them grabbed your hair and yanked it back, making you scream out in pain. You begged for mercy, though none is to be found. They pushed you against a wall. One of them began to try to unbutton your pants while the other one held you in place. You squinted your eyes shut, crying and praying for this to be over soon, when you then felt the grip loosen. A few moments later, you heard a familiar voice saying, "Are you okay, bunny?" It was Izana. The men that attacked you lay on the ground, blood covering their faces. It looks like Izana came just at the right time. He saved you, and you felt so safe now. He offered you a hug. You took it, and he held you for a moment. "Is it okay if I walk you home? It would be safer that way," you nodded. There was no way in hell you would walk home alone after all that. You were so thankful. He came just at the right time. He took you to your apartment, and once at the door, he smiled at you again. "I will take my leave now, Bunny. Watch yourself next time. Be safe." you blush in a deep shade of pink. He turned around and took a few steps away from the door before you shouted at him, "Your name! What's your name?!" he turns around, half way, and smiles "izana, izana kurokawa" and then keeps walking. "izana.....kurokawa" you repeated in a faint whisper. He chuckled again as he walked away. That was encounter number 2.
After that encounter, you already couldn't think of anything else. Izana kurokawa saved you. He was such a handsome man as well. His white hair and these Lilac eyes followed you in your dreams and through all kinds of fantasies.
You found yourself thinking about him...his voice and his eyes. One night, you woke up from a dream of him. His face was buried between your legs, his tongue latching on your folds as he kept calling you by his little nickname, Bunny. When you woke up, you were out of breath but still so unbelievably wet. You checked the time....5:27am. Your bangs are stuck to your forehead with sweat. Then, images of your dream popped back into your mind, and you gasped out a breathy moan. "I-izana~" you whispered his name. Your hands glided down your body, pulling up your PJ shirt, cupping your breasts, and pinching your nipples. Another moan. His face burned in your memories. "Izana~" again, his name rolled off your tongue. Your other hand slides down further, sliding inside your PJ shorts, rubbing your thigh as your eyes squint shut. You imagined his hand on your body. You imagined how he would rub your swollen Clit through your panties while you drew circles around it, moaning desperately. Your pants soaked themselves full of your juices as you rubbed up and down your covered pussy. You slid them to the side to finally get some relief. First, slowly and gently, you inserted 2 fingers and began to move them in and out. You coated them with your slic and threw your head back while trying to hold back moans, to not wake up your roommates. "Izana~" you moan again. Your hand moved into your bedside table, 2 fingers still buried in your pussy. From the bedside table, you pulled out your trusty vibrator. You turned it one and pulled out your fingers. You began to tease your clit with the buzzing vibrator and closed your eyes shut, moaning out and bucking your hips into the little wand vibrator. "Izana!" Your thoughts were filled with the remains of the dream. Slowly, you rubbed the wand up and down your slit to coat it with your juices, then pushed it inside your hole. The familiar sensation gave you the sensation you needed, but this night it's different. Your body tensed up as you moved the wand in and out of your drooling pussy. You're gasping and whining as you fucked your little pussy with the want, imagining his cock inside you, buried balls deep. Your breathing gets shallower, faster as you slowly approached the edge. You moved the wand faster and faster as you get closer and closer to your climax. Your legs shook and trebled as you couldn't stop saying his name over and over again. "Izana! Izana! Izana!" You kept fucking your pussy with the want while it was on max vibration until you couldn't hold back anymore "Izana! Izana! Iza-aaghhh!" and with that, you came. Your head was numb, and your body finally stoppend shaking as you panted. You stare at the ceiling as you catch your breath. 
before you pass out in your slumber, his face is the last thing you think about. His name is on your lips before you drift to sleep. "Izana kurokawa"
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©itsruki reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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