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bastards-utopia · 4 months ago
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Little scene sketch I did instdead of working in art class 🫡 I hope i can make a living out of it though ...haha...
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Street scene in Styra, Greece
Greek vintage postcard, mailed in 1918
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rulebreakers-requiem · 1 year ago
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drawotion · 9 months ago
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✨ Beautiful ace styras~! ✨
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entelodante · 6 months ago
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THE LONG PROMISED STYRA-LAND BUGS! Tried to keep them all to one of three body plans; hoppers, creepers, and flutter bys! Also decided they have tiny lil skeletons in em and where the styraphants and other megafauna have blue blood, these are red blooded like us humans. And are more energized for it!
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romeo-hoemeo · 24 days ago
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The Triceratops/Styracosaurus based diesel (talk about fossil fuels).
He's quite docile for a diesel, easily laid back and unbothered until someone enters his personal space and then he's shoulder checking them away without a word. Like a lot of big herbivores, his chill.. until he's not and then you better book it outa there.
A bit about his design;
- His symbol is a triceratops foot print!
- He's got horns of a tric/styra incorporated across his Armour and the epoccipitals (the lil spikes)!!
- the horns on his head work as exhaust pipes!
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snow-and-resin · 5 months ago
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@paleopinesofficial is having another creative contest for one of their plushies (the only one I missed out on) and this is my entry! Boo is a shy albino Styracosaurus and Khepri (on the left) has gathered some other uniquely colored ceratopsians and a styra's favorite treat to make Boo feel at home and part of the family <3
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flawedfables · 5 months ago
Why is it that when you watch the Castlevania shows on Netflix, the female villains are just "super hot and crazy" and die like as soon as their true power is revealed? It makes me worried for Erszebet Bathory. Because if they make her just another shallow villain and then make an amazing, in depth villain that's a guy, I'm gonna be mega pissed. It's so wrong how they just make the women really cool and badass, then in the next scene they're killed (most often by a dude)
Like can we not? Seriously. Carmilla, Lenore, and Drolta Tzuentes all deserved better from the writers. Way better.
Anyways I wanna write a story about Drolta Tzuentes and Erszebet Bathory being lesbian lovers. I mean seriously they give me Alcina Dimitrescu vibes (another badass woman who was butchered too early for no reason other than to strengthen a man)
Now, let me get something out of the way here. I don't hate the male characters. No. I love all of them. I am just very disappointed and upset that the women don't get the same treatment. I mean come on! We need some good, strong, villainous women in more media. I'm honestly shocked at how frequently women are needlessly cast aside even when they aren't villains, just to make the guys seem better.
Here. I will compose a brief list of women villains who I think deserved much better.
Vanny, FNAF Security Breach
Alcina Dimitrescu, Resident Evil Village
Donna Beneviento, Resident Evil Village
Carmilla of Styra, Castlevania
Lenore, Castlevania
Drolta Tzuentes, Castlevania Nocturne
Empress Merwyn from The Witcher: Blood Origin
Just a few that I could think of off the top of my head. We need more badass women who are evil and don't die just to better a man. I mean seriously.
Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk.
and do NOT get me started on Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch!
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transformersandturtles · 5 months ago
Alright, Scott is here (and probably queer)!!! Cyclops the Styracosaurus‼️ Up next will be Nightcrawler then another poll.
Also, though the colors and patterns are based on X-Men ‘97, these guys exist in their own thing/a mix of different versions like the shows, movies, and comics. :3
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A Styra was picked for him because of the lone horn on the nose. I tried to do how some animals have fake eyes on their body on his headcrest but it didn’t turn out how I wanted. Overall I’m not super happy with his design, this is definitely something I want to redraw but for now I hope it suffices. His eyes are a soft red color, he isn’t blind but has really bad vision. Not 100% sure if I want them to have powers or not but oh well. Unfortunately I was having issues try to download Scott’s speed paint so no speed paint today! But there is an alternate version.
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This was the original design but I changed it because one of my friends said it looked weird. :(
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sherlocktheravencat · 8 months ago
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Now, prejudice is bad and is not tolerable.
But if you willingly main Styra, I will not trust you in my house or near my person
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xxnaturaldisasterxx · 1 year ago
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Pretty gay styras
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gemsofgreece · 2 years ago
All the places that participated in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks according to the Iliad
Below is a list of all the areas mentioned by Homer, in their original names. Bold text is used for areas that retain their name, places that still exist and are inhabited or are unearthed ancient settlements. However, please keep in mind that my English transliteration might be all over the place, as I transliterated them on my own straight from the ancient text.
Boeotia: Aulis, Skhinos, Eteonos, Skolos, Thespia (nowadays Thespies), Mykalissos, Graea (nowadays Tanagra, do I keep it? It’s also the origin of the name Graecia > Greece), Arma, Eilesio, Erythres (nowadays a part of Attica), Yli (built near the lake that is still called Yliki), Peteonas, Okalei, Medeon, Thisvi, Koronia, Aliartos, Plateae, Ypothives, Oghistos, Arni (later Chaeronia), Mideia, Nisa, Anthidona (nowadays the area belongs to Euboea), Orchomenos, Minio, Asplidona.
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Phocis: Kyparissos, Pythona, Krissa (now Khrisso), Daulis, Panopeas, Anemoria, Iampolis, area around Kifisos river, Lilaea. 
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Locris (present-day parts of Phocis and Aetolia-Acarnania): Kalliaros, Cynus, Opus, Avyies, Vissa, Skarfi, Tarfi, Thronio (the nearby settlement nowadays is Neo (new) Thronio, in Phthiotis).
Euboea island: Chalcis, Eretria, Istiaea, Kirinthos, Styra, Karystos (a 100% there, well done Euboea)
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Salamina island
Argos (also called Argolis): Argos, Tiryntha, Hermione, Asini, Troezen, Heiones, Epidaurus, Aegina island, Masita, Mycenae. 
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Aegina island
Corinth, Kleones, Sikyona (nowadays Sikyonies), Tonoessa, Yperisia, Aegio, Pellini, Aegialos, Eliki.
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Ruins of Ancient Kleones
Lacedaemona (also called Laconia): Sparta, Fari, Messi, Vrysies (could it be associated to the current village Vryses?), Avyies (could it be associated to the current town Aeyes?), Amykles, Elos, Loeo, Oitylon.
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Pylos, Arini, Thryo, around Alfios river, Kyparissienta (nowadays Kyparissia), Amphiyenia, Pteleos, Elos, Dorion.
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Arcadia: Mount Kyllini, Feneos, Ripi, Stratia, Orchomenos, Enispi, Mantineia, Stymphalos, Parrasia. 
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Mount Kyllini 
Ilida, Vouprasio, Yrmini, Myrsinos (nowadays Myrsini), Olenia, Alisio. Echinae islands (nowadays Echinades), Doulihion island. 
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Echinades islands 
Cephalonia island, Ithaca island, Krokylia, Aeyilipa, Sami, Zakynthos island.
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Beach in Sami, Cephalonia island.
Aetolia: Pleuron, Olenos, Pyllini, Chalcis, Calydona.
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Ancient theatre found in Pleuron 
Crete island: Knossos, Gortyna, Militos (there is a place named Milatos nowdays, not sure it’s the same), Lyktos (nearby village named Lyttos), Lykasto, Phaestos, Rytio. 
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Rhodes island: Lindos, Ialysos, Kameiros.
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Symi island, Nisyros island, Krapathos island (nowadays called Karpathos), Kasos island, Kos island, Kalydnes island (nowadays Kalymnos...do I keep it?)
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Nisyros island 
Halos, Alopi, Trihina, Phthia, Hellas. (Note: Homer now jumps north, towards Thessaly. He already mentioned regions of Phthiotis, however the Ancient Phthia corresponded to modern Phthiotis but also extended very much in the north, across Thessaly. As you also see, Hellas in Homer’s time was nothing more than just another area, although it was one of the areas, alongside Phthia and the rest here, controlled by Achilles. This might have been the reason its name grew so much in significance that eventually overpowered everything else and became the name of the nation and its lands. That happened very soon, maybe within a century or two after the Homeric Epics.) 
Pyrasos, Itona, Androna, Pteleos, Fylaki, Feres, Boibeis (mostly known as Karla nowadays), Iaolcos (Iolcos, later Volos through a painfully gradual procedure, do I keep it?), Glaphyres (nowadays Glaphyra)
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Fun fact: It is Iaolcos > Iolcos > Yolcos > Yolos > Gholos > Volos. I wish them to get their shit together and go back to Iolcos
Mithoni, Thavmakia, Melivia, Olizona
(Massive Homeric leap to) Limnos island
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(And back again to) Trikki (nowdays called Trikala, do I keep it?), Ithomi, Oehalia.
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Ormenio, Asterio, Ypereia, mentions the white peaks of Titanos, which must be Othrys mountain, known as the Mountain of the Titans
Argissa, Orthi, Yirtoni, Oloosson (nowadays called Elassona, do I keep it?), Iloni
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Dodona, referring to it as δυσχείμερον, “which gets bad winters”
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Ancient theatre of Dodona
And lastly,
Magnesia: Mount Pelion, characterized by Homer as εινοσíφυλλον, densely-leaved, meaning with dense forests. (Note: Homer does this weird thing, where he says that the Magnetes joined from Mt Pelion, however he has already mentioned several Magnetan locations including Iolcos, Feres, Pteleos etc. Then he makes a giant leap to the east to randomly include Limnos island, then he returns west of Magnesia, to the regions of Larisa and Trikala all the way to the outskirts of Epirus (Dodona) and then he suddenly returns to Magnesia and closes off with Pelion. Beats me.)
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In Mt Pelion
Below is a map with all mentioned regions and their leaders in English.
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Map from Greek mythology link
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f-rg-tmigej · 5 months ago
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1. Månljuset under en kvällspromenad med Idun. Det är alltid något magiskt, overkligt över det hela. 2. Rensande tankarna. Åkte in till city och satte mig längst en kaj och bara existerade. 3. Vi tar tillvara på tiden och dom fina dagarna tillsammans. Sis och jag åkte till den stora ängen som bjöd på en gigantisk gräs-buffe! 4. Grand Central NYC, 1920, foto Louis Faurer. 5. Kvällen innan tand-operationen åkte jag scooter i elljusspåret med Idun. Hon älskade det och ville nog köra hela varvet, men när jag kom upp för krönet kom jag att tänka på att lamporna kommer snart att släckas och då blir det i princip kolsvart. Ljuset på den lilla scootern är inte speciellt starka så vi valde att styra hemåt igen. 6. En vacker himmel utanför köksfönstret. Det är sådant som får en att brista lite inuti. 7. En parfym jag bara måste ha. Haft ett litet test utav den men den är slut. Kul att flaskan ser ut som Zurg ifrån Toy Story! 8. Åter en fin dag ute tillsammans. Sis, min lilla älskling sitter och spanar in omgivningen och betar gräs 🥰 9. Sicka män. Kan sägas på flera sätt. 10. Japp, jag blir med ny telefon. Min 11pro är rätt slö nu. Kameran är inte bra i den så det ska bli kul med en ny!
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leannlyre · 7 months ago
(touchstarved!)styras 🤝 mhin 🤝 having a monster under your skin (but the difference is the time)
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dopscratch · 7 months ago
artfight day 31!!!
(one of these things is kinda spooky so be warned)
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Bella and Bit (as the Batter and Enoch respectively), owned by Freya-Aenigma
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From left to right, Arielle and Styra, owned by RavenMA, and Cyan, owned by me
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The Plague, owned by WorthyDoesArt
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Graham, owned by me and Lewis, owned by DroogleDrawz
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negative-corgi · 8 months ago
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Styra for art fight !! It was my first time drawing one and I really enjoyed it :]
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