#style-wise kind of a compromise between the different looks I've been trying out
daisywords · 2 years
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drawing the blorbos from my brain to procrastinate everything (including other drawings lol)
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imaginependergast · 2 years
In honor of your last post, Penderpals pool party! Where: private pool, lake, river, ocean? Who comes? Who wears what in terms of swimwear? What shenanigans go down?
Y'know, I've recently been thinking about the difference between beach people, pool people and lake people. I'm a beach person, and have been since I was a kid, so I kind of bias towards that.
On the one hand, I don't think Pendergast is much of a swimmer or the type to be in water, but I like the idea of him renting out a public pool for the day or whatever the rich person equivalent is. Realistically, it would probably only be for him, Constance and maybe D'Agosta and Hayward (Corrie & Coldmoon if they were around). But let's pretend everyone is invited to a pool party!
Pendergast: Parks his ass in a lounge chair, doesn't swim unless absolutely harassed to do so by Corrie. Or Constance. or Coldmoon. Or D'Agnosta. Maybe, maybe, as a compromise he'll lay out on a pool float in the water. But that risks Corrie (or Coldmoon, or D'Agosta) coming up under him and flipping him off the float. If he got flipped he would be surprised that anyone dared but would be good natured about it, but in that Pendergast-y way where he pretends he's so above it all and being involved in lowbrow fun. He would also sit at the edge of the pool with Constance. He'd be wearing sunglasses and black swim trunks. Would also be regularly reapplying sunblock.
Constance: Since she can now swim she'd be in the water (but even if she couldn't swim she would just wade in the 4-foot end). She'd attempt to do a few laps but realize that shit don't fly during a party so then she'd just wade or sit at the waters edge. If she was absolutely not going in the water she'd have her sunglasses, a nice big hat, a short sleeve shirt and knee-length skirt. Basically what she wore in Crimson Shore. Bathing suit-wise she'd stick to a one piece or retro-style two piece with high waisted bottoms and top with coverage. Not that Constance has any particular interest in "cool" vintage, but it's modern enough but not too much. Pendergast, Diogenes and Coldmoon would be trying not to make their checking her out too obvious. Oh- and we need the authors to pop up and go into detail about how great her titties look in her suit.
Diogenes: In the water, just like in Florida. Spends lots of time in the water and tried to goad Pendergast from the pool. Uses Pendergast's lack of interest in the water to his advantage to chat with Constance. He'd have sunglasses and swim trunks, shorter than knee length but not too short. The color would be dark or some pattern or gradient that used dark colors. He'd also be regularly applying the sunscreen because ginger.
Corrie: She'd be in the water with a tequila drink or beer, in coozy. She'd spend most of the time in the water chilling with her drink, but also chatting with others. Would be party to playfully knocking people off their pool floats or playing pool games. She'd be wearing a bikini top, possibly with swim shorts over the bottoms. Her suit would be black or dark colored.
D'Agosta: He'd be grilling and manning the beer/liquor cooler, first and foremost. Between those duties he'd be in the water, like Corrie, mostly with a beer in hand. If there was a game of chicken going on he'd definitely have Hayward on his shoulders, possibly still with beer in hand. He'd have speakers set up to classic rock or yacht rock and would be vigilant that Corrie not change it to metal or grunge or something un-pool like. He'd be wearing generic swim trunks, probably with Aloha motif, and maybe a t-shirt, at least while grilling.
Hayward: Would be splitting her time between the water and a lounge chair getting some color and reading a book. Would play pool games if it was happening and would be just enjoying the time to relax. She's probably gravitate towards talking to Corrie, D'Agosta and Coldmoon. She'd be wearing a one piece, but one that's more fashionable with the cuts in whatever color she thought flattered her.
Coldmoon: In the water and trying to chat up Constance, and then Corrie when that failed. He'd get in on games and would be holding Corrie up if they played chicken. He'd be mellow and up for anything. Corrie would totally be checking him out because he's an attractive guy close (-ish? maybe? or DILF?) to her age. He'd be wearing whatever swim trunks he thought looked good at Walmart or Target.
Some activities: A chicken championship: Corrie/Coldmoon v. Hayward/D'Agosta where the winner faces Pendergast/Diogenes or Constance/Pendergast (neither of those later matches happen)
Corrie getting into a holding breath contest with Hayward
Canonball contest (D'Agosta wins)
Pendergast gets sunburnt despite his best efforts
Diogenes gets sunburnt despite his best efforts
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