heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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The pawns we’ll use…
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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sʜɪᴢᴜᴏ x ɪᴢᴀʏᴀ
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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“I don’t know why, but she’s glaring at us…” “That’s because of the weird way you hit on her.”
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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“Izaya-kun’s a friend of mine, but we had a little falling-out.”   
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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Just do it.You monster
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
At that moment, Shizuo was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, he reached for Izaya grabbing him by the collar of his shirt  and stood up before dragging him in a circle and slammed his back against  the alley wall. Some garbage cans fell.
“Y-You...” he growled “ you are the one responsible for this”
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“I’m going to fucking kill...” Shizuo let’s him go and covers his wound with his hand. He is bleeding out. “Shit...” he mutters something beneath his breath and clenches his fist annoyed.
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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He is going to call the pest control.              There are too many fleas following him
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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『 𝓸 𝓬 𝓬 : Well  I’ve answered all my threads . I’m leaving. If you want to plot for something specific  messange me! 』
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill Kill kill kill kill kill kill The bartender growls , low tone vibrating in his throat as his right hand clenches the first thing he reaches out: a vending machine who they happened to  cross up. 
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Shizuo took a deep breath, trying to calm down but it was really hard to cool himself down after seeing that cocky smile on his face. He just wanted to rip..it ..away... “Nothing..” he snorted walking away from the vending machine, his left eyebrow twitched.“just..hurry up and get to..your freaking meeting or whatever flea ..” the sooner they arrived,the sooner he get rid from that littler fucker .
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
Heiwajima Shizuo have walked these streets his whole life, he know them just the same as if they were etched in my head with a sharp knife, scored in deep like some strange work of art. These are the streets were he grew up on and for the most part he calm walking through them. Not tonight though. Tonight there are three people surrounding him, and they are all wearing masks “What the fuck do you want?” Shizuo groans That's when he hear it. Gunshot?
A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Shizuo’s body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and one arm covered his new wound, “What the..f-uuuck" he snapped up as tore apart one of the light poles. “I’M GOING TO KILL’YA”
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The blond roared. He spends the next ten minutes fighting against those guys, beating the hell up of them until he leaves them knocked u p. Then he sits up on the ground, his eyes closed in a grimace. “S-shit...” Shizuo grumbles leaving his hand over the wound until...he notices... an odor. a fucking familiar disgusting odor near him.
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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What the fuck was this pink eyed punk doing to him?. Why the hell is  he petting him?. What does this guy think, huh!? That he is some kind of dog... Shizuo left eyebrow twitched “The fuck are you doing f-ugh...” his interrupted himself at the middle of the phrase, he almost called this guy ‘flea’ again. “Don’t…do that...It feels weird..” he asked clenching his fist trying to keep it cool “And Of course this isn’t a wig…I…just…dye my hair..” Shizuo grumbled looking away. He had his own reasons to do it. People was staring at them. How annoying. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT HUH??!” he roared and the crowd gasped and started to walk away from them continuing with their lives. “So...”  Shizuo looked back to the guy “ What’s your name?...”
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Psyche shouldn’t be a ninja
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
His eyes narrowed Izaya presence still buzz around him like a fly that you can never swat.  However the tension that he kept for one year straight melted into nothing. Somehow he felt relieved to see him alive. Shizuo’s fists began to clench and his jaw rooted as he walked forward to the informant “The fuck are you ...”
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  The blonde raged, but stopped mid-sentence when he noticed a wheelchair beneath Izaya. And every muscle of his body just froze . What the hell was that for?. Did that louse got hurt? Or was this another of his tricks ?. “What...are you doing now Izaya-kun?”
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
Life really has a way of showering a person with buckets full of rainbows and sunshine, doesn’t it?        It simply had a tendency to completely miss Shizuo while it was at it.
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The blonde was barely, and just barely, getting with the idea of working in this akward situation.                                    Fucking flea, he just won’t stay dead now, would him? And if Tom wouldnt had been the one who asked  his little favor, convincing him to behave and that working   for  with the flea  just for a couple of weeks was for a greater good, well  he wouldn’t ever do it. But as long he had his cigarret and as long that louse keep his mouth closed. He will be okay.                           Right?.
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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For Heiwajima Shizuo happines has a name.                  and its name is vainilla pudding
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
Shizuo was about to grab another thing to keep beating him, but for once in his entire life the blonde restrained himself.             Why on the earth Izaya didn’t dodged the last trash can?                                 Why the fucking flea isn’t mocking at him already? Perhaps this person who looked like the flea…wasn’t the flea.
                                                  Could it be?.
Or could this be a trap. No this was  definitely a trap. Shizuo clenches his jaw annoyed.  “The fuck are you talking about ‘flea’ .” But if this is a trap…why is that little fucker sitting on the floor pretending he is hurt?          and WHAT IS HE FUCK IS THIS FEELING IN HIS CHEST?. However what it took all his doubts away was that little shit words. ‘The flea’ comment was so out of character, so far from what he knew of him  he just stared at him dumbfounded. “. . .”                      Oh crap. “Oh shit..Oh...”
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The blonde dropped the trash can softly to the floor and then leaned forward taking the pink eyed punk from his coat lifting him.  “ I’m sorry. I..” his mouth felt dried, tone filled with guilt “I thougth...you were...somebody else...are you okay?” well that was indeed a stupid question. That guy was practically bleeding. “Oh...shit..I’m...so...sorry.”
Psyche shouldn’t be a ninja
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heiwajiima-blog1 · 8 years
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“I hate violence.”
Heiwajima Shizuo + Monochrome requested by anon
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