crewtawn · 9 months
Now that Matpat is retiring I can happily say that I hated him. He held transphobic views, consistantly misgendered cannonically trans characters, donated to anti-autistic charities, and villanized/stygmatized mental illnesses.
You were all too busy sucking his dick to realize it, but he doubled down on the things he said, never apologized for half of the abhorent things he said, and his fans consistantly harrassed people who disagreed with his theories or called him out.
MOST OF THIS SHIT ISNT EVEN OUT OF CONTEXT IN THESE VIDEOS; like op says in the description, probably because people were harrassing them. AND IN CONTEXT ITS STILL BAD.
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leyfin · 6 months
tbqh im sick of sex positivity i think we need to revive sex neutrality. sex is a normal healthy human activity it has no inherent moral value and its too heavily stygmatized in iour society and we need to treat it as the normal adult activity that it is but you are not a morally superior person because you have a more active sex life and things arent inherently good because they make you horny
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madonnamadeofasphalt · 3 months
Yeah, you're right, people in horror movies sure do seem to often die right after or during sex, and it's definitely because of a moralistic anti-sex agenda that all horror writers (a demographic famously populated mostly by hardcore Puritan conservatives) are a part of, and definitely not because having sex is an activity during which a person is exposed and vulnerable, and which people don't engage in unless they feel completely safe, and horror as a genre is all about disrupting any and all feelings of safety. And oh, you're so smart for noticing that getting drunk or taking drugs also often correlates with getting killed, which is again, definitely not because you don't deliberately use mind-altering substances unless you feel safe, but because horror writers famously hate drinking and getting high. This is also why people in horror movies often die right after or while engaging in other highly stygmatized activities, such as taking a shower, sleeping, and swimming in a lake
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Please do not use stygmatized mental illnesses such as sociopathy or psychopathy as insults, or as shorthand for “bad person”
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Unpopular Opinion Re: Pokemon
I really like Team Star in the Current Gen games as antagonists and I love them as the subject of their storyline. I just don’t much like them as villains. I think that really hit me when I had the realization that, when I think of current Pokemon stuff, and of villains and “evil teams” I...really don’t tend to think of them that much. I have more thoughts to spare the Galar region baddies (not Team Yell though, since they were never actually baddies for real) and Volo from the previous generation than I do the poor misunderstood misfits on Team Star.
And I think I’ve narrowed down three reasons for this: 
1. Their look is really, really bland. Aside from the star shaped shades, nothing about them has any unique “evil team grunt” vibes.
2. Their “villainy”, and this does put a slight damper on their position as antagonists too, is kind of a letdown. They’re set up as these “rebellious students” who after dealing with bullying, stygmatization, and failures from the system, ditched the academy to set up their own bases across five corners of Paldea and are now big bullies who are out to crush all Academy students as retribution...except we don’t really see them doing that on-screen. Instead it’s YOU who has to go around antagonizing THEM because Cassiopeia wants to shut the whole thing down. We never see Team Star anywhere except at their bases when you happen upon them and are made to fight the squad bosses (though I will say I love how Team Star - the grunts and the bosses - battle you; it’s such a unique change of pace from the norm) I feel like these guys should’ve been like Cobra Kai and make us really get a sense of just how bad they can get in their hyper-dedicated, merciless torment of weaker trainers so we know full well what Cassiopeia wants you to put a stop to and (eventually) why.
3. The repetition of their shtick. As well done as their story is, this is the third time straight where the regional “Team Something-Or-Other” is a group of maladjusted young goofballs who were dealt a bad hand by life and failed by the grown ups. It calls to mind where we were with Team Plasma in Gen 5, so one more of this type of team will put us in Team Flare territory of “enough of these guys already!”
I hope that the Explorers in the current anime and whoever the main foe(s) of the DLC content is going to be can compensate for this ‘cuz Team Star, I love you but c’mon, we can do a lot better than you.
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skrzynka · 1 year
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bardzo maly stygmat (kot mnie zadrapal)
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hotpinkstars · 6 months
Hi again <3
I don't believe any of your intentions were harmful. I'm a reader who has some nearsighted capability and color pickup but I have severe myopia and I'm legally blind (which I still understand is a very different experience from full blindness).
I think the way the conflict in the second part of your hcs played out was in a way that not healthy for Y/n. The characters she was opposite to criticized y/n for something she could not fix and insulted her for not being aware of something only someone with full visibility would be aware of. A conflict like that would be incredibly insensitive (ableist) of a partner and remaining with a partner like that as a blind person would be more toxic than anything.
I think something I enjoyed more about the first part was that it showed conflict resolution and sincere guilt, but this second part only really focused on an unhealthy response to a mistake that those partners should have immediately understood to be the result of a disability.
thank you for letting me know! i do agree that this one may have been a little bit more harsh, and i did not mean any of it in that way. as someone whos really only got an a-stygmatism (weakness in one/both eyes) i don't understand at all how being blind is and i wrote it trying to potentially corolate with what i have (which now i understand is a horrible idea).
i appreciate everyone whos come to me and told me my mistakes and instead of attacking me for my wrongs, tried to help me get an understanding and have knowledge. i very much so apologize for the way i came off and i am never going to do that again.
i'm going to take that post down to stop further conflict, and i really hope nobody was hurt by my actions.
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nasermater · 2 years
when you sleep with your fists clenched so your nails dig into your skin and you wake up with fucking stygmats
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It was mostly just coding, but they did confirm it after her final spotlight episode in Future that she was meant to be viewed as both aromantic and asexual.
(Coding is kinda all they could probably get away with, given how stygmatized aromanticism and aexuality are compared to even other queer identities.)
True. I mean, Rebecca Sugar did fight like hell to get the queer rep we got so I realize she couldn't get more minor identities in there.
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vegainer · 29 days
I think there is 4 basic approaches to fatness feedism storiescan take, ancient, modern, post modern, and self conscious
The first I’ll talk about is the Modern approach, this one is firmly stuck in the 00’s Peak Fatphobia. You can see it in those tumblr blogs that steal pics of fit college boys on spring break and tease them about having the slightest sliver of flab on their flat bellys. ( seemingly not into fat as much as degradating people for being fat) This is firmly a form of BDSM, heavy emphasis on humiliation and degradation and fatness representing moral impurity or fall from grace, In straight stuff with male feedees it often emphasizes the feminizing nature of getting softer and rounder, in gay stuff it may pair with slobbery and alcoholism and body hair as they become less pretty-boy-twink. Even if Fat is hot here it is still bad and degrading.
The second is what I would call the Postmodern attitude, this is your standard Fat Positivity sort of approach, but it firmly exists in reaction and context of the Modern viewpoint. Maybe one partner is self conscious about there body and the other shows them they find it sexy, maybe one partner starts gaining weight after being a fitness/diet junkie as they “ try less” after getting a partner, and there partner reassures them they don’t mind and like it, here lots of terms like sympathy weight, relationship weight, more to love, cushion for the pushing, throw your weight around, thicc, you can say fat is hot but you have to be a bit corny about it, and that all bodies are actually sexy, a more extreme variant is maybe fattening up is Karmic magic punishment for being a fatphobe, which hits the emmotional beats of Modern without actually degrading fatness.
The Self Concious feedism approach, is just to make the characters feedists, they use terms like feedism, Gainer, Feeder, Feedee etc, they meet online and then meet up later, or maybe its bear night at the local gay bar , maybe there both mutual gainers, or a feeder and gainer, or maybe the feeder starts gaining weight cause habits run off, likes it, and becomes a gainer also. They may be straightforward with each other about being into fat and wanting to do this and respect each other without any degradation, ( though theres variation and roleplay) but its still in a larger context, where fat and Feedism is stigmatized, you get emotions about them getting to show this stygmatized side of themselves with each otherwithout rejection , the feedee who would be labeled as engaging in self harm by society, and making themselves uglier, the feeder who would be labeled a selfish manipulator ruining there partner, you can play around with this, the feedee sees there family and are teased and given unwanted diet/exercise device while the feeder plays along as “ trying to encourage healthy habits” , conscious feedism slips into Modern norms whenever the secret can’t be revealed.
The fourth is what I call the Ancient view, and it’s basically the uncomplicated unselfaware Pro-fat view, that isn’t in response to the Modern view, but instead older, this is Fat as something straightforwardly celebratory, fat being just good and a sign of prosperity and power and health and goodtimes, fat and sassy. This one plays around the most with setting and genre because it is in contrast to the norms of our society. You get fantasies of fat Royalty, tropical paradise islands with local stereotypical “ primitive tribes” that are sometimes cannibals. You get fertility rituals associated with fat and sex and crops, enacted by early midevil quasi-pagans, or the aforementioned tribes, or ghosts in Mesoamerican ruins , you can have fae ( or Dionysus) with impossibly delicious food. Now you can take this attitude in the a simulacrum of the Real Modern World, but genre conventions require that it be a bit rural/republican blue collar coded, it will require plumbers or construction workers or Midwestern farmland or county fairs or bulking for football/wrestling, occasionally there an alcoholic fratboy showing off how much beer there belly can fit. Something something conservative=masculine Feminine=more socially acceptable to put effort into your appearances, It’s like a counter signaling thing I think.
Anyway my tastes are firmly strongest for Ancient feedism, Postmodern and Self Concious are fun also , and Modern feedism doesn’t do anything to me at all. I’m pretty fat myself and I want to be pushed around and mounted and fucked by someone bigger and fatter and more powerful than me, and fat is beautiful and shows your really darwinian fit in the ancestral environment and is soft and squishy and makes moobs to suck and is a great weighted blanket and everything. And also cause Ive always been fat since a little kid and was always ashamed I really don’t like feeling fat( derogatory), and beyond it not being my taste imagining degrading a chubby guy who’s smaller than me for being fat just feels awkward, I would rather praise them for good eating and insist there too skinny and shove a cookie in there mouth , honestly my ideal setting is one where I wouldn’t be “fat” cause size contrast is hot, and a society that praises weight gain is good for that also.
Anyway that’s sort of the flavor of all this I’m coming from,
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miskeit · 7 months
Svarta porzuca czyszczenie kufli, siada obok, kładąc żylaste dłonie równolegle na blacie. Dowiaduję się, że imię ma wiele wspólnego z czernią i wybrał je dla siebie dawno temu w wyjątkowo trudnym momencie. Dlatego doskonale mnie rozumie. Michałem nazwano go na chrzcie. To imię narzucone, jak stygmat albo numer w Oświęcimiu. Tego właśnie chce polski kościół: abyśmy zapomnieli naszych własnych imion, przyjmując w zamian cudze. Abyśmy stali się kimś innym, niż jesteśmy. Nigdy wcześniej nie słuchałem o takich rzeczach. Mój tatko maszeruje do klopa, a Svarta dodaje, że wybierając nowe imię, przekreślamy wszystko, czym byliśmy wcześniej. Rodzimy się na nowo. Jesteśmy jak niezapisana karta. Stoimy bez bagażu, bez rodziny na rozstaju dróg. Warto, abym o tym pamiętał.
— Łukasz Orbitowski
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human-antithesis · 11 months
Stygmatodermuropyanephrosism on Impetiginose Urogenism
effects pathophysiologyc discord jaundice acro hemacy fludge megaloblastic mature inficience facts of cianoimpetigo uregenia pernicious quandar frolic deform urinary devied patogenic delicate flavors execrate equimose sprue
pyesis in gromes regenerate absort in the annals of my desires dermic dentino genesis on oral perverse chew muscles been post hemorraged symptomatic jigsaws states heredity flago nephron psyological erytroblastosis
fetalis factors on stygmatized
abnormal retro exchange drepanotecmy feedingness worms pathogenesis of spherocitosys eating and consuming the new borning in health and chronic disease parenteral infect transfused pre illness clonal post ural
serological hung granulocyte associated with scattered disorder deranged lypoctemy wristles viral
ictereacy complicates on nephrons molecular and globular starts to pepticous oseal structure and arquitecture blasted hemacy ortopneal molested medular cianotic hiperplasia syndromes grows on stygmatized wounds
in influence of denigrated necropsis enshroud lupus evolutive glandular croupture pre cognized tellosive fractures acutteness on pullmonary chronic infect thiouracille rotten lynphoblastic segmentated multiple related with prunct
cluster cytogenetic inherited limphome dermisarcoma and nodular esclerosis retro proliferous mutation in splenectomy in carbonized studies grasp multi inmmune
prognosism getting in hodgkins disease peripheric arquitecture full of malignant manifested mielofibrosis encounter
effects on patophysiologic haemophille treatment of plasmatic fresh coagulose serum fusions in red danks nephropathy mielose on reticullo endotellial ectopyc hystopathology fibrinogen agenesy of sigmoi deeds oscilar tollerous endo artidism
autopsied regurgitate estenose catheterization on the valves insuficiency in cases of hilliarh coarthed istmus aortic cephall
in ductus formaldehyde isolate epigastric devast bicervic sub ductal inter coast blench peri escaplullar collateral jet less lumbo anatomic logless clinic isquemia pulsating functions cephallobraquia prominences acute suffering necrotic uro excess
interruption of arch complex vascular coarction treatment sub claviad oesophagy of borning athresic femorose reduction feeding, consuming and digesting abhorre facial peripheral retarded bicuspid regurgitation drenched the tendinose chords dilates in sistole coart break
destructed mithrall persistence cor trilloculare gradual senect embrionary destazate stigmato derm endothellium behaviour structures hemic desiquilibrate veno arterial tisular difuse enphisematose mess neuro hypoxic alterations burst tisule dranks thoracogens mechanisms of disnea prefunction affections intinsec urogenism chronic vasciate manifest stygmas broweds genesi
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furrypersonalover · 1 year
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La mort est obstinée
Elle revient pour chauffer à ton âme qui flambe
Ses mains chargées d'angoisse et ses stygmates aux jambes
Car voici que surviennent les frimas de novembre.
Les fantômes du passé viennent hanter ta chambre
Désirant te narrer leurs chagrins surannés
À toi qu'ils ont aimée et veulent emporter
🌷 Diyana
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arrhakis · 1 year
The Symbol Jewels Of Ion - Sacred Geometries - The Stygmat… | Flickr
The Symbol Jewels Of Ion – Sacred Geometries – The Stygmat by Daniel Arrhakis (2023) A new mystic series “The Symbol Jewels Of Ion – Sacred Geometries” The Symbol Jewels Of Ion – Sacred Geometries (*) Symbols and sacred geometries in the Mystical World of Ion whose meaning goes far beyond the visual representation or its dreamlike character. They materialize a mystical power that unites human…
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offcenterjff · 2 years
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LOUIS FEUILLADE (1873-1925) Le Stygmate, 1924 gelatin silver print, film still from Louis Feuillade’s movie typed mention ‘Le Stygmate’, annotated in ink 'dernier film de Feuillade’ and stamp numbered '268’ in ink (verso) image/sheet: 7.5 x 10.5 cm. (3 x 4⅛ in.) 
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Nie poddam się, wiem, że jak trzeba - dla życia zabiję
O.S.T.R. - “Stygmat” Ep.
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