#stwg daily drabble
sourw0lfs · 9 months
STWG Prompt: Waking Up
Words: 308 | Rating: E | CW: Implied drinking, implied dubious consent (both parties are drunk), graphic depictions of violence
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve
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Considering life didn’t seem too keen on just letting him live, waking up the day after his twenty-first birthday is honestly kind of shocking to Steve. The fact that he isn’t in his own bed, or even his own house, is less shocking.
He remembers his friends insisting he go to a club or five with them to celebrate. He remembers too many drinks, none of which he paid for. He remembers the blond guy he’d backed into a dark corner before drunkenly pressing their lips together, before whispering in his ear that the two of them should sneak out together. 
He doesn't remember much after that, but he doesn’t recognize the bed he’s in so they must have left together. Steve just wishes he could recall the guy's name to call for him instead of having to leave the warmth of the bed. He thinks it starts with a J, but that’s all he’s got and he’s not even sure about it. 
Sighing heavily, Steve untangles himself from the blanket, wincing when his head throbs with every single movement. He thinks he might throw up.
“Fuck,” he curses as he finally stumbles to his feet, nearly falling over the nightstand in the process and barely catching himself on the wall. Using the wall to guide him the rest of the way, Steve makes it out of the bedroom.
The apartment is quiet around him, the only sound is the rush in his ears from the growing hangover, but it’s not so big he can’t find the owner. When he finally does, Steve actually throws up. 
If it weren’t for the smallest sliver of still clean blond hair amidst the sea of blood-clump strands, Steve wouldn’t even believe that the mangled corpse in front of him is the same guy as the night before. 
What the fuck happened?
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
STWG Daily Drabble
Prompt: Creation
If the spare room was Eddie’s — filled with amps and guitars and DnD books, desk piled high with half painted miniatures, and notebook upon notebook of his scratchy handwriting — then the garage was Steve’s. One half for the beemer, still in good condition, meticulously kept. The other half for his home workshop. A large workbench, a pegboard filled with tools hung in place, cupboard upon cupboard filled with anything he might need.
When they first moved to the city — into a shitty apartment with Robin — Steve said the freedom made him feel lost. For the first time he had the time and space to do whatever he wanted. No parents telling him what to do, hanging over his shoulder. No people who knew him, no people with preconceived notions. So Steve tried things out.
Joined a casual basketball team, took some night classes at the local Y and at the high school. Said the cooking classes were fun, but he liked cooking at home better. Wasn’t a fan of the knitting, but said it was fun to give it a go. The woodworking class however? Steve took to like a duck to water.
He was fixing cupboards and the loose board on their back deck. Made a birdhouse for that large tree in their backyard. Replaced both their bedside tables with his own handmade ones. Eddie could see how happy it was making him.
And then Steve started getting weird with it. Making odd little things he thought were funny, just because he could. Because they made Eddie laugh.
“Will you and Chips be alright if I lock you in here for a second?” Steve asks, leaning on the doorway  to the spare room, gesturing to the ginger cat currently plastered to Eddie’s side. “I’ve got a surprise.”
“A surprise huh,” Eddie replies, raising an eyebrow, as he turns to face his boyfriend. He’s still wearing his workshop apron, goggles pushed up onto his head, and he looks like he’s buzzing. Steve’s made something. He’s been holing himself in his workshop all week, spending hours there in the evenings, and decidedly not telling Eddie was he was doing in there. And now, Eddie’s assuming, it’s finally done. He’s also sort of buzzing about it. “Me and Chips will be fine.”
“Cool,” Steve says, already starting to close the door. He’s biting back a smile. “I’ll be back.”
“We’ll be here,” Eddie calls, shouting so Steve can hear him. He swears he can hear his boyfriend laugh, ever so faintly.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to come back — without his apron and goggles this time, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
“Get up and close your eyes,” he says. Holding out his hand for Eddie to take. “Come on.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie laughs, easing Chips off of his lap and getting up from his spot at the desk. He takes Steve’s hand, calloused and warm. It’s comforting as he closes his eyes, and trusts Steve to lead him to wherever this surprise is without running him into walls. Chips meows at them as they walk, the bell on his collar jingling as he trots along side them.
Steve lets go of his hand, leaving Eddie in the dark, but he can hear his socked feet pad on the floor.
“Open your eyes, Baby,” Steve says, joy leaking through into his voice. He sounds like he’s bouncing in place. So Eddie does, blinking against the light, and sees Steve standing next to one of the most cursed things he’s ever seen.
“Ta da!” Steve exclaims, holding his hands out to show off his newest work. “My creation!”
His creation is a long wooden pole, square and sleek, with a round base painted black. The part Eddie can’t stop looking at, however. Are the hands. Wooden hands with adjustable fingers, affixed to all sides, littering the top half of the pole. Some have the fingers laying flat, one or two are flipping him off, one in the standard ‘rock on’ symbol.
“Oh my god,” Eddie exclaims, understanding exactly why Steve was sounding so giddy. This is hilarious. It’s everything. He wants it in their house forever. “What is it.”
“A coat rack made of hands.” Steve says simply, shrugging casually, as if that was a normal thing to say.
Inspired by this video by Evan and Katelyn on Youtube
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maxinemaxmayfield · 2 months
For the STWG daily drabble prompt: only one bed
(gen • 300 words • steddie)
Eddie marches down to the front desk, keycard clutched in his fist. There’s no stopping him, no matter how much Steve insists it’s fine.
“Hi, sorry, I think there’s been a mistake,” he dives straight in without any preamble whatsoever, and the lady behind the counter looks totally confused. “We booked a room with a queen bed.” He slides the key across the desk. “The one you gave us has two twins.”
“Oh.” She slides her glasses down her nose and looks between the two of them. “I just… thought you’d be more comfortable with—“
Eddie cuts her off, glancing at the name tag pinned to her shirt. “Listen, Janice? I don’t care for your assumptions or your small-minded ideals. Please just give us the room we booked and we’ll be on our way.”
“But, I mean, surely two men such as yourselves wouldn’t want to share—“
“Janice, I swear to god. All we want is ONE bed. Only one bed. We aren’t friends, or brothers, or business partners. We’re lovers. Yes, lovers in the night, so just give us our goddamn queen bed so we can spoon like the couple of queers we are, thank you.”
Janice turns beet red, mumbling to herself as she looks through the system before finally handing them a new set of keys.
“Room 402. Enjoy your stay?” It comes out as a question.
“You’re ruthless,” Steve mutters as they head back up in the elevator. Eddie just shrugs, clearly pleased with himself when he swings the door open to find a single, large bed in the middle of the room.
“Well, come on. We made such a fuss, we might as well make good use of it!” And with that, Eddie grabs Steve by the hands and tugs him inside their hotel room.
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steddiejudas · 10 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/29/23
prompt: modern au
Eddie is harshly woken by his phone ringing at— JESUS christ, 4:30 AM.
The number isn’t saved in his contacts, and normally he would just let it ring or hang up the call so he could go back to sleep, but his brain is a little fried so early in the morning so he answers it like a reflex.
“Hello?” he asks. He can hear the sleep in his own voice and hopes to god this call isn’t something important that his slow, rough voice will make him look bad for.
A very loud, very drunk voice screams the name Eddie doesn’t recognize into the line. He lacks the wherewithal to really sus out what’s happening, so he summons every ounce of intelligence to the best of his ability to mutter: “huh?”
“Robbie I’m so drunk and my phone died. The bartender let me use his to call you. come pick me up.”
The guy is whining directly into Eddie’s ear. it should be annoying, should be grating to his sleep-addled brain, but he can’t help but think he sounds cute.
“Uh, hey man, this isn’t Robin. I think you got the wrong number,” Eddie says.
The guy on the other end of the line goes silent, and Eddie imagines he’s pouting over there, probably too drunk to remember he needs to speak into the phone.
“Hey,” he says. “You okay? Are you going to be able to call this Robin person?”
“I did,” the guy whines again. “You’re not Robin.”
“No, I definitely am not. I’m Eddie. And who are you?”
“I’m Steve. Will you please come pick me up?”
He considers this, chuckling lightly to himself. This Steve sure is trusting. Eddie could be a murderer just waiting for a cute boy like Steve to call him up, and he says as much, but apparently all Steve hears is:
“You think I'm cute? Wait, how can you tell? Are you in the walls or something?”
Is he in the walls? Jesus this guy really is ass blasted, huh. And Eddie can’t leave a fellow bad late night decision maker to fend for himself, can he?
“You sound cute enough sweetheart. sit tight, I'll be there in 15 minutes.”
“mmkay!” Steve sounds purely elated to have Eddie on the way, and hangs up before he has the chance to confirm where he is. It’s no matter really, there’s only one bar in the area that’s open this late, and it seems the bartender picked up on that lacking piece of information as his phone pings with a location pin a minute later.
It’s one of Eddie’s usual haunts so he gets there in 10, familiar with the route and aided by the complete lack of traffic at this hour.
He wonders if in the last 10 minutes Steve has forgotten all about him. He is just a stranger he drunk dialed after all, and Steve’s so far gone his short term memory must be nothing at this point.
But when he pulls up and enters the building, he sees the most beautiful face he’s ever seen alone at the bar. He hopes to any god that will listen that Steve at least remembers his enthusiasm about getting home so he can see the way that elation shows on his handsome features. The bartender who’s been babysitting, and appears to be forcing him to drink water, points to the door and Steve turns around, his face alighting with all the brilliance of precious gemstones.
“Eddie!” He shouts, throwing himself off the stool to stumble over to him. He nearly falls to the ground, but Eddie is there to hold him up.
Their faces are inches apart, and Eddie can’t help but notice the way his drunkenness flushes his cheeks, giving the scattering of moles across his cheeks a beautiful backdrop.
“Hey pretty boy. Let’s get you home, okay? Where do you live?”
“With Robin,” Steve says, his face betraying the fact that he really thinks that’s the answer Eddie needs.
“Mhm,” Eddie patiently hums. “And where does Robin live?”
“With me, silly.”
“Oh boy, you’re really out of it. Why don’t I take you back to my place, get some food in you, charge up your phone, and we’ll go from there.”
“Is food the only thing I'll get in me?” Steve asks, pressing in closer to Eddie’s grasp.
It startles a laugh out of him. One that starts deep in his chest and rolls through his body, throwing his head back and shaking his shoulders.
“Steve, you barely know me. You’re just lucky I happen to be a very nice, very respectful guy, who is going to
feed you and nothing. else.”
Steve pouts a little as Eddie puts an arm around his waist and pulls him out to the car, loading him in the passenger seat and buckling him in.
It seems Steve has zoned out on the ride, either lulled by the movements or, god forbid, incredibly carsick. Either way he sits in silence with his face pressed against the cool glass while Eddie lets him be alone with his thoughts for the short drive home.
Getting up the stairs to Eddie’s apartment is a challenge. It’s like Steve is doing his absolute best to go ass over tea kettle down them. Eddie braces himself behind him, hands on his waist to keep him steady, trying his absolute darndest to ignore the lines of hard muscle under his sweater.
Now is NOT the time.
They make it inside with little incident, Eddie plopping Steve down on the couch to disappear into the kitchen after fishing Steve’s phone out of his pocket and plugging it in next to him.
“So, I’m not much of a cook,” Eddie hollers. “But how do you feel about grilled cheese?”
No answer comes.
Eddie peeks out of the kitchen to find a snoring Steve, sprawled out on the couch like a starfish. Somehow he’s even cuter like this. It brings a fond smile to Eddie’s face as he covers him in a blanket, tucks a pillow under his head and leaves a trash can by his side just in case.
It’s almost 5:30 now, and the exhaustion hits him all at once. Eddie gives the man sawing logs on his couch one last once over before going back to his own bed and crashing, hoping for at least another hour or two of sleep.
When he wakes, it’s with an unexpected sense of excitement, expecting Steve to be on his couch ready to have a coherent conversation and a real introduction, but when he makes his way out to the living room, Steve is gone, his pillow stacked on top of the neatly folded blanket.
He shouldn’t be sad about this. Steve is, after all, just a stranger who was drunk and couldn’t even remember his own address. He was probably embarrassed, confused, hell maybe even scared to be waking up in a stranger’s house with vague memories of how he got there. He tries to focus on that aspect of the situation, rather than his own disappointment. He does not succeed.
Eddie sits down on the couch, in the very same spot Steve laid his head the night before and wraps himself up in the blanket. He buries his face in it, inhaling the faint scent Steve left on it and wonders why he even cares. It wasn’t as if they had some big whirlwind romance in the span of the hour they were together; but Steve was so sweet, so cute, so excited to see him after speaking on the phone for just a couple minutes. It wasn’t anything more than a random act of kindness, but maybe Eddie wanted it to be.
It’s as Eddie is thinking it over that his phone pings with a message. Eddie groans, it’s probably just Gareth, or maybe the bartender from last night checking that everyone is safe. Though even that is wishful thinking. He checks anyway, trying his best to tamp down any wishful thinking until he sees the unknown number on his screen with one simple word.
[463-291-8275]: Thanks.
Eddie feels a lump in his throat, his chest filling up like a balloon. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say, doesn’t even know if it is Steve, but shit he fucking hopes so.
[Eddie]: Steve? How did you get my number again?
[463-291-8275]: Uhhh… i definitely didn’t try like 10 variations of Robin’s phone number to find the one number i mistyped when i accidentally called you last night
Eddie frantically adds the number to his contacts before texting back, thanking whatever powers that be for giving him another shot.
[Eddie]: Wow I must have left quite the impression on you Stevie 😏
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: you could say that
Eddie smirks to himself, trying to ignore the blush that warms his face at Steve’s words. He tries to come up with what to say next, how to segue into asking him out on a date, but before he can, his phone buzzes with more messages from Steve.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: so i know this might seem a little strange since we barely talked before i passed out in a drunk heap on your couch
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: thanks for not killing me btw
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: but um would you maybe want to hang out sometime?
Eddie jumps up from the couch, pumping his fist in the air like he just won the lottery. then, like he’s just remembering he lives alone, he yells at no one in particular: “FUCK! YES!” There’s an angry knock on the wall from his neighbor, but he doesn’t care in the slightest.
[Eddie]: idk about that Stevie
He goes to reply in his typical teasing fashion, but Steve’s reply comes in immediately before he can finish the thought.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i totally get it
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: last night was probably weird for you
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: feel free to block my number i’m so sorry
[Eddie]: Woah, slow your roll there big boy!
[Eddie]: I said I'm not so sure about hanging out with you.
[Eddie]: But only because I’d rather take you out on a date
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: Oh!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: date! yes! date is good
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i’d love to go on a date!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: better even
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i was fighting demons trying not to kiss you in the car last night
Eddie has to set his phone down so he doesn’t throw it to the ground and shatter it, opting instead to fist his hands in the pillow Steve used last night and shove it in his face to scream. He has to regain his composure before he texts back, doing his best to keep cool.
[Eddie]: A date it is then. Can’t wait sweetheart ❤️
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eyesofshinigami · 6 months
3, 2, 1, Fight!
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Meet Ugly, Steve and Dustin are brothers, pre-relationship
Written for the STWG daily drabble prompt: not a meet cute but a meet ugly
This is not at all how Steve pictured his Saturday going. He could be anywhere, instead, he’s standing in a comic book shop, fighting over a toy with another grown man who looks like he’s going to beat Steve over the head with it.
“Let go!” the guy yells, trying to tug the action figure out of Steve’s hands
“No, you let go!” Steve yells back, yanking it back. He has to give the guy props, though. He’s just as relentless as Steve is.
The guy sputters, an attractive shade of pink coloring his cheeks as his curly hair falls in his face. Wait, what? “Fuck off, why are you even here? Don’t you belong in a gym or something?”
Steve scoffs, still yanking. “Does it matter why I’m here? Just let go already!”
Dustin had been asking for this action figure for months now, talking about it and showing Steve newspaper clippings and TV commercials. Steve, being the good big brother he is, promised their mom that he would do his best to get it for him for his upcoming birthday. He’d be damned if he was going to let some punk, albeit a very attractive punk, take it away from him. Why did they only put three out on the shelf anyway?
They play tug of war for another few minutes, until the bewildered clerk, who had been watching their exchange, finally butts in and says, “Uh, I think I might have another one in the back? Can you wait here?”
They both nod, neither of them letting go of the toy. “I wish he would have said that in the first place,” Steve grouses, watching the clerk disappear behind a door. “Why they only put out a couple of copies of a toy I will never understand.”
It’s Hot Guy’s turn to sputter. “Toy? TOY? This, sir, is the limited edition statue of Kas the Betrayer that Wizard of the Coast put out to celebrate the anniversary of his DnD release! Not that you would care about any of that, you troglodyte.”
Steve has no idea what any of that means. “Oh, so that’s why Dustin wanted it. Makes sense now. He loves that guy.”
“Wait, it’s not for you?”
“Uh, no? It’s for my kid brother’s birthday. He loves that Dorks and Dragons game and he ran a Kas… uh… campaign? Last year? It was his first time. Kas is kind of a big deal to him.”
The other guy starts to look a little contemplative, but that’s when the clerk appears with another, much less rankled looking box. Steve immediately lets the one in his hands go and takes that one instead. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”
The clerk shrugs and heads back behind the counter. Meanwhile, Hot Guy tugs his hair in front of his face. “Uh, look. I’m sorry I said such shitty things over a toy. It’s just, Kas is kind of a big deal to me too. You could have just said.”
Steve waves him off. “No worries, I get it. But now we both have one.” He pauses and considers a second. It’s worth a shot. “You could make it up to me over lunch in the food court.”
Hot Guy’s eyes go wide. “Are you serious?”
Okay, wow. “Well, I was, but you can just say no, you don’t have to-“
“No, no, no!” Hot Guy says, waving his arms around, nearly dropping the box he fought so hard for. “No, I’d like that. Eddie,” he says, holding out a hand. That pretty pink flush is back. Steve kind of wants to see how far it goes down.
“Steve. Now let’s go, before any more wayward nerds decide they want to fight us over these.”
Eddie, dork that he is, bows and motions towards the cash register, “By your leave, my prince.”
Steve rolls his eyes. He always did like the nerdy ones.
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imfinereallyy · 11 months
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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hbyrde36 · 11 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/7/2023
Prompt: Unexpected conversation
Eddie didn’t know what to think when Max approached him out in the field just as everyone was wrapping up their preparations for going after Vecna. Dustin had just gone off to talk to Steve about something when the, frankly intimidating, redhead made a beeline for him. 
“Hey Munson, we need to talk.” She said. 
He was taken aback. Sure they were neighbor’s and all but they didn’t really know each other that well, and she was surrounded by friends here. He couldn’t imagine what she would need him for, but who was he to deny the girl who’d been cursed by Vecna himself. 
“Sure, Red. What’s, uh... what’s up?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him an honest-to-god once over. Suddenly he felt like he was being picked apart by an adversary and being studied for weaknesses. Which was weird considering they were on the same side here. He was so confused. 
She cleared her throat and held piercing eye contact as she hit him with her question. “What’s going on with you and Steve? I mean, what are your intentions?”
Eddie couldn’t help but burst out laughing. There was no way she could possibly know he was gay, and obviously Steve wasn’t. So it had to be some kind of joke.
One look at Max’s face silenced him abruptly. 
For some reason, she looked pissed. “Well that’s about as clear an answer as I could have asked for. Is this a fucking joke to you?”
Eddie glanced around, hoping someone, anyone, would come and rescue him from the scary teenager, but everyone was busy with their own taks. 
“Wait, what do you mean? Are you serious?” He said finally.
“As a heart attack, dickhead. I know I don't always show it, but Steve means a lot to me, okay? I don’t want to see him get hurt again.” She looked off briefly in the direction she’d come from. Where Nancy was still working on her sawed off shotgun and making sure she had enough ammunition. 
“I don't understand.”
He really didn’t.
Eddie got the Nancy thing. He’d had a nearly front row seat to the show the night their relationship had imploded in the bathroom of Tina’s Halloween party. He'd been dealing just across the hall and couldn’t help but overhear, but he didn’t know what he had to do with any of that. 
“The boys might all be blind but I'm not,” Max began. “I was watching you guys on the boat through the binoculars.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. 
“Okay fine, I was watching Steve take his shirt off through the binoculars. Sue me, have you seen him? Whatever, I saw the way you were looking at him and-”
Eddie cut her off. “Max… that’s… you can’t just say that shit, alright?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to out you, Munson. Trust me, I don’t care if you’re gay. I’m not gonna, like, tell anybody.”
Good to know. 
“Okay fine, good, I guess. Thanks. But, what’s all this shit about me and Steve?”
She furrowed her brows for a moment and then something seemed to click in her head. “Oh. So you are as stupid as you look.”
“Just calling ‘em how I see ‘em.” She shrugged.
“Jesus christ, all you kids and you’re fucking tones I swear to god.” He muttered.
“Look, I'm just gonna say it. Usually I wouldn't get involved, but since no one can blame the dying girl for meddling, I- ”
Eddie softened. “Max...”
He knew she didn't like sympathy, she's made that abundantly clear, but he coudn't help it. She shut it down immedietely though.
“I’m fine, just listen. Steve clearly likes you.”
“I mean, we did have a little talk in the weird freaky woods, and we definitely don’t hate each other anymore, but I…”
Max snorted. “See? Stupid.”
Eddie gaped at her. “Dude, what did I ever do to you?”
She pointedly ignored his outburst. 
“Like I said. I saw the way you looked at him on the boat and then I saw the way he looked at you when you got back. Then there was that whole thing in the RV." She shuddered. "I don’t know what happened in between, and I don't want to, I just want to make sure you know that if you hurt him we will all collectively kick your ass. You might be one of us now, but Steve's been there from the beginning. He’s saved all of our lives, more than once. He deserves to be happy.”
Eddie took a deep breath. He could appreciate what she was saying, and yeah maybe he had started to develop a small crush on the guy. Anyone would after seeing him rip that demobat apart with his bare hands… and mouth. 
Jesus Christ, Eddie stop thinking about his mouth!
“Listen, Red. I think it’s sweet, what you're trying to do here, but I cannot stress to you how unnecessary this is. Nothing is going on between Steve and I. Even if I wanted that– and I'm not saying I do!” He was quick to add. “He is literally the straightest guy I've ever seen.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“He didn't have to.”
“There you go again, putting people in boxes!” Max scrunched her nose in disgust. “Isn’t that against your whole thing?” She asked, gesturing at the general, everything, about him.
“Technically, yes. But…”
“But nothing! You shouldn’t assume things about people. You should talk to him.”
“There is no way in hell I'm asking Steve Harrington if he’s gay!”
“Not that dip shit. Just, i don't know, tell him you like him!”
“Why do I have to put myself out there?!” Eddie shouted, a touch too loud. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just denied it.
Max sighed deeply. “Because Steve won’t. He’s probably scared and he’ll just keep flirting with you until you get the hint and I gotta be honest, I don't have a lot of faith in you on that front after this conversation. So I'm gonna need you to bite the bullet on this one.”
Eddie chewed his lip. He couldn't believe this girl actually had him considering this. 
Was it worth the risk if she was wrong? 
What did he have to lose it anyway if it went badly?
“Okay. Fine. If we all survive this I promise I'll talk to him. Happy?”
And then Eddie wasn’t an idiot and he didn’t go after the demobats alone and he didn’t die. Steve however did wind up in the hopistal, because how could he fucking not have gotten an infection with that many open wounds running around in a fucking hell dimension. Eddie sat by his bedside and one night confessed his crush. And then they kissed and lived happily ever after. The end.
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dreamwatch · 1 year
STWG daily drabble
prompt: forehead kisses
(I’m trying some prompts out, and also - I wrote fluff! I actually did it! My cold, angsty heart is conflicted by this development.)
Wayne’s back feels like it’s splitting in two, muscles spasming, discs crunching. Years of hard labour and a car wreck after he came back from Korea (a little bit angry, a little bit reckless) and what else could he really expect? He was old, and all his chickens had come home to roost right in his lower vertebrae.
He hears the van before he sees it, wheels spitting up grit on the shitty excuse for a road, and then the bassy rumbling of loud music. Iron Maiden, if he’s not mistaken, and Jesus H Christ, he should not know that.
Eddie throws himself out of the van, and practically skips up the stairs, and oh to be fucking young. 
“Hey old man, what are you doing out here?”
“Drowning my sorrows,” he says, waving the beer and Eddie frowns, tilts his head.
“Why, what’s going on?”
“Just my back.”
“Okay, give me a second.”
“Eddie, I’m fine, got a beer, I’m good.”
Eddie scoffs, “sure”, before he heads inside.
Trailers aren’t sound proofed. Every cough, every fart, your neighbour hears it and you hear them. So listening to Eddie on the phone just the other side of the door isn’t prying, it just can’t be helped.
“Hey man… yeah I’m good but Wayne’s not so I can’t make practice tonight… no, it’s his back so I want to be here incase he needs me…”
Wayne shakes his head. The shit people say about that kid, they have no idea who he is. He listens as Eddie hangs up then potters around the kitchen, drawers clattering, kettle screeching. His boy is so many things, but quiet sure isn’t one of them.
“Heads up, old man.”
Eddie takes a seat beside him on the porch, painkillers in one hand, glass of water in the other and a hot water bottle tucked under his arm. Wayne smiles, takes his pills while Eddie places the hot water bottle behind his back.
“That okay?”
And he can’t help it, but it strikes him how fucking proud he is of this kid, and alright, it’s a little thing, but still. He hears it all day long from the guys at work, complaining about their kids, how they’re selfish, how they don’t listen, and you know Eddie’s not an angel, and he’s not perfect, but he’s good, and he cares and he’s not afraid to show it if you let him.
Wayne gingerly raises his arm and pulls him in, hears him squeal “don’t kiss me!” He pulls him close, and lays an exaggerated kiss on Eddie’s forehead, and gets a “not in public, Jesus Christ,” for his efforts.
“You’re a good kid.”
“I know. You’re lucky to have me.”
He laughs, despite the pain in his back.
“That I am,” he says, squeezing his boy tight. “That I am.”
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findafight · 8 months
For the STWG daily drabble prompt “accidental confessions” (I wrote this half in bed last night, half in bed this morning. Forgive some mistakes thanks) took it in a different direction.
It takes a full day for Steve to be released from hospital after they’ve confirmed he had broken ribs and a concussion amongst his other more minor injuries. Claudia is incredibly greatful she had the foresight to offer being the poor boys secondary emergency contact in the spring, seeing as Dustin had complained that Steve’s parents took a week to sign him out in November.
She got the call and was able to pick Dustin up and follow the ambulance to the hospital (Steve’s nervous friend had ridden with him, needing attention herself but refusing to let go of his hand). The smell of the smoke from the embers of Starcourt is something she doesn’t think she’ll forget, the stink sticking to Dustin’s hair and clothes. She’s sure it was the same for Steve.
He was under observation (and they did assist him in bathing, thank goodness) before being able to check himself out. She had swooped in and bundled him into her car as his friend’s parents ushered her away with the promise that the two could call, but needed to be home with family for a while to heal.
No one mentions that Claudia Henderson is not related to the Harringtons. If they had, she thinks she would have lost whatever composure she has been clinging to since she saw the sky burning red above the former mall and pulled up to be told her two boys had been caught in the chaos. Steve had been with Dustin when the Hargrove boy had threatened Lucas and protected them, had been coming around for dinner or to drive Dustin around, or to help him style his hair or countless other little things or no reason whatsoever. He has slotted into their lives easily, fitting into a place that neither Claudia nor Dustin realized they needed. He is her son in any way that mattered, and she needed him home. With her.
Finally pulled into the driveway, she opens the passenger door and holds her arms out, letting Steve grip her shoulders and securing a hand in his armpit. She hauls him out and supports him as he stumbles through the entryway.
“This way, sweetheart. You’re in the guest bedroom. Dusty helped air it out for you earlier, so everything’s fresh.” She says, nudging him towards the room. He nods and goes where she guides.
She helps him change into a matching pyjama set she had tucked away for him, as sometimes Dustin had horrible nightmares and could only be calmed by seeing Steve, awake and no longer visibly harmed, and he ended up sleeping on the chesterfield or Dustin’s floor. They were soft, and buttoned down the front, so everything was comfortable and he didn’t over exert or hurt himself trying to get the top over his head.
“I can do the pants myself, mrs. H.”
She smiles. “Of course. I’ll turn around and you let me know when you’re ready so I can help you get settled.”
“‘Kay.” There’s more shuffling than she would like, and more groans, but Steve gives her a “ready” before she gets too worried. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, loose pants the hospital provided kicked into the corner, looking a bit lost. His eyes are drooping, eyebrows slightly creased, and his mouth gapes a little, like he’s trying to figure out if he should speak.
Gently, she tugs the quilt out from under him, helping him lay back and tuck his feet under the sheets. She pulls everything up to his chin and kisses his forehead.
He hums contentedly and she brushes his hair further out of the way.
“Would you like me to turn the lights out?”
Steve slowly blinks his eyes at her, fingers curling around the edge of the quilt. His answer is a soft “yes please” followed by, “don’t leave?”
It’s so small, so desperate and resigned, it breaks Claudia’s heart all over again. She steps away from the bed, flicks the switch and turns right back around to sit on the edge of the bed. She’ll get a glass of water for him later, but now she just runs her hand through his hair, petting him soothingly.
He sighs, his body losing some of the tension he’s been holding, and his eyes droop. Humming, he burrows dirtying into the blankets but whines when she moves her hand away. She returns to petting. “There, there, honey. You’ll feel better after you sleep more, alright. And you don’t need to worry about anything. I’m right here.”
He nods just slightly, smacking his lips together and pressing his forehead into her palm. “Mmm. That’s good. I wish you were my mom.”
The admission is followed by another sigh and Steve losing the battle to keep his eyes open. It strikes Claudia through the heart, all this time seeing Steve as her own, trying to make sure he doesn’t feel smothered by her need to…well. Smother. And she had rarely considered that Steve would admit to wanting or needing the kind of support and warmth she was restraining (very badly) from throwing at him.
He probably only said it because of the concussion and the various pain or antibiotic drugs the hospital had given him, but it must have been true. He has asked her to stay, and whines when she moved her hand away. Over the past months he’d gotten more and more comfortable in their house and told her more about his frequently absent and disappointed parents. Steve needed support, and steady and reliable presence he trusted. And he saw that in Claudia.
If Steve wishes she were his mother, then his mother she’ll be. She’s been that for him probably since that first night they officially met in November, a beat up boy clutching her son’s shoulder in the Byers house and assuring her he didn’t let the kids get hurt, regardless of his status of also being a kid.
She leans down and kisses his forehead again, and says “well, that’s good, because you are my son.” Even if he can’t hear it. If he wants, she’ll say it everyday until he believes it. For now, she let’s him sleep as she pets his hair gently.
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medusapelagia · 5 months
Sea Storm
written for @steddiemicrofic (prompt: Top, wc: 510) and STWG Daily Drabble (prompt: Mermay) rated: T TW: no one
When Eddie asked the wizard of the sea to transform him into a human he thought he knew what he was asking for. In reality, he didn't.
He exchanged his voice for a pair of legs, renounced seeing his uncle Wayne anymore and now he can’t touch the water if he doesn’t want to be turned back in a merman. Still, the man who he did all of this for isn’t considering him.
Yeah, Steve took him to his castle, fed him, but that’s all.
Every time Eddie tries to spend some time with him, someone drags him away. And it would almost be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that Eddie needs a kiss: the sea wizard gave him three days, and two of them are already gone. 
If only Eddie had his voice, he could talk to Steve, telling him it was him who saved him from the storm weeks ago. But he can’t. So he sighs, sitting on a rock, waving at the two boys that are playing on the beach. At Eddie’s side, hidden between the rocks, his crab friend reminds him that making a pact with a sea wizard it's dangerous.
As if Eddie had ever had any other chance.
Steve kneels on the ground and grabs a few colored pieces of glass that shine in his hand when he turns toward Eddie to show him his treasure. 
The sad smile Eddie gives him it’s not enough, so Steve steps closer to Eddie asking him what’s wrong.
At that moment big black clouds appear from nowhere and the waves start to get bigger and bigger. 
Steve turns toward Dustin, who is on top of a big rock, just a moment before a huge wave crashes and drags him away.
Steve yells, running toward the rocks, and jumps in the water, screaming his brother’s name. 
From the shore, Eddie freezes. His eyes wide with terror while the waves get bigger and bigger. He glares at the waves’ white foam and then steps into the water.
“Go back to the shore!” He orders Steve when he gets to him, ignoring his questions about his magically regained voice, “I’ll find the kid. I promise.” He assures him, and then he dives into the water splashing Steve with his red tail. 
Eddie finds Dustin unconscious and brings him back to the surface where Steve is still waiting for them. He takes his brother out of the water and starts to breathe into his mouth until the boy wakes up coughing. 
Once Steve is sure that Dustin is ok, he turns toward Eddie who is hiding behind a rock.
“You talk!” He exclaims, and Eddie nods quietly, “Good. Because you have to explain so many things to me.”
“Aren’t you horrified?” Eddie asks, hiding half of his body behind the rocks.
“Horrified at the person who saved both me and my brother? No. I’m grateful. And maybe even a little bit in love.” Steve declares, stepping in the water before cupping Eddie’s face and kissing him under the rain.
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steventhusiast · 1 year
STWG daily drabble 15/9/23
prompt: forehead kisses
pairing/character(s): steddie
Steve hasn't cuddled someone like this in a while.
He and Eddie have been laying together on the couch for an hour, a shitty movie on in the background. Eddie's leaning against the arm rest, and Steve's laying in front of him, resting back against his chest like it's a pillow. At the beginning of the movie, they had been talking about everything and nothing, but it's late, and Steve's perpetually exhausted, and Eddie is so comfortable to lay on (despite the uncomfortably lumpy couch they're laying on).
So he's almost asleep, and he almost doesn't notice the feeling of lips against his hairline. But he does, and jolts slightly back into the world of consciousness.
"Mm?" He hums, and in response hears a quiet chuckle, and feels a hand brush his hair off of his forehead.
"Nothin', Stevie. Get some sleep." Eddie says, tone light and voice gentle.
Steve nods against Eddie's chest, too sleepy to even really process anything in his words other than sleep. He snuggles further into Eddie, feels those soft lips against his forehead again, and falls asleep.
And it's somehow the best sleep he's had in a while.
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sourw0lfs · 9 months
STWG Prompt: Ruby
Words: 479 | Rating: E | CW: blood, death, one mention of the cops
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve
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Steve decides immediately that he’s too hungover for this. His head feels like it’s full of cotton as he tries to make sense of the scene in front of him, but nothing about it makes sense. Not matter how long he stares. There are too many blanks, too many questions without answers, for him to puzzle his way through why there’s suddenly a dead body in his one-night-stand’s living room.
His stomach rolls again, and Steve barely manages to stumble back down the hallway and somehow find the bathroom before he actually throws up. Whether it’s from the hangover or from the dead body, he isn’t sure. Maybe it’s from both.
Either way, he spends several moments with his head rested against the cold tile of the bathroom floor, relishing in how it eases the ache in his head enough to try and figure out his next move. He oh so desperately wants to call Robin for help, because she always knows what to do, but the barely functioning logical part of his brain tells him that’s a bad idea, that he shouldn’t get her involved in whatever the fuck happened overnight.
He should call the cops, but that’s how he gets smacked right in the face with a murder charge that isn’t his. Maybe if he just… sneaks out really carefully? It’s not the best idea Steve’s ever had, but it certainly can’t be the worst either, right?
Hauling himself up and using the sink for balance, Steve glances in the mirror to give himself a pep talk. He might have the hangover from hell, but he can do this. The sight in the mirror nearly sends him to the floor again.
He’s covered in blood. And if the scene in the living room is anything to go by, none of it is his. But why the fuck is it all over him? His skin is stained so red it looks like he took a dip in a bath of melted rubies or something. No, Steve, that’s a dumb analogy. Focus!
Hand shaking, Steve reaches up to touch the drying red around his mouth, across the drips that seemingly rolled down his chin and stained his shirt. That’s also when he notices the same dark color under his nails, caked in under the bitten-down tips like they’d raked through the blood.
There’s no way he can sneak out looking like this. And he can’t take the guy’s clothes either because that’s also stupid. He is so, so, so, so royally fucked.
“What the fuck am I gonna do now?” he wonders to himself, eying the mess hopelessly. Cleaning it up wouldn’t be near good enough.
“I can help with that,” a voice from behind Steve says, making him jump and whirl around, as his heart tries to kick itself free from his chest.
“Who the fuck are you?”
tagging anyone that expressed wanting more: @chaosgremlinmunson @soaringornithopter @hbyrde36 @shares-a-vest @dreamwatch @quevadilla @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @tboyeddie @penny00dreadful @ent-is-indecisive
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
Starry Night
Something short and sweet for today's STWG daily drabble. Nice and fluffy, just for Lex. Happy Birthday @thefreakandthehair !!🎂🎉🥳🎈
“Hey you,” Steve says, voice honey warm and melting into Eddie’s ear as he presses a kiss to the side of his boyfriend’s face. He hums a reply, leaning into it, as Steve kisses his cheek again. Wraps his arms around his waist, squeezing gently, feeling the thin material of Eddie’s jacket underneath the palms of his hands. The subtle flex of Eddie’s muscles, the softness of his stomach.
He can’t help himself, he kisses Eddie’s cheek again, smiling all the while. Focuses on the scratch of his 5 o’clock shadow against his lips, the curve of his cheeks as he smiles. Eddie sinks into Steve’s hold, into the warmth of his arms, his chest. A steady balm against the wind chill that whips its way past their little apartment balcony. He sighs happily, a little wistfully,
“Miss me?” Eddie teases, turning to look at Steve, decidedly not moving out of Steve’s arms. Bringing his own hands up to rest on Steve’s. Rubs his thumb in gentle circles, pressing into the back of Steve’s hands. A simple, steady motion. One that says I love you, I want you near, all without him having to say the words. He doesn’t need to.
“Always,” Steve replies, eyes dropping to Eddie’s lips as his boyfriend leans in closer. Presses a kiss on his lips, soft and lingering. He can feel the remaining tension seep out of Eddie’s body, his muscles relax, leaning back into Steve.
Eddie pulls away from the kiss with a slick wet sound, mouth slack, but he doesn’t move far. Stays close enough that they’re breathing the same air. He doesn’t say anything, just breathes, just relaxes into Steve. Sometimes that’s enough.
Sighing, hooking his jaw over Eddie’s shoulder, Steve looks at his boyfriend out of the corner of his eye. Watches him breathe out the cold, watches as his eyes skim the city skyline. The streetlights, the cars, that bar down the road with the flickering neon sign. Squeezes him tighter, snuggles into him.
“You know the one thing I miss about Hawkins?” Eddie says quietly, suddenly, voice floating out into the open air. The wind whisks it away, and Steve almost doesn’t hear him.
“Obviously,” Eddie replies, rolling his eyes, but Steve can feel him smile. The gentle pull of his muscles as his lips curl up. Can hear the mirth in his voice, clear as anything. “But I meant the stars. There’s so little in the city.”
Steve turns his gaze upward, at the haze of the city, at the night sky above them. It’s not as clear as Hawkins, as it was out in the middle of nowhere.
He never noticed.
“Who knew Hawkins actually had something going for it?” Steve eventually says, tone light — aiming for teasing, playful, although it just comes out sort of wondering. Wistful. A pause. “I never knew you were into the stars.”
“Neither did I,” Eddie replies, leaning back against Steve, completely this time. Heads resting together, his curls falling over their shoulders. “Not until I left.”
It feels like he’s left the sentence hanging, let it drop off half way through, words falling off the edge of the balcony. So Steve just hums — he’s there, he’s listening — and hopes Eddie can feel the rumble of it reverberate through his chest.
“I used to sit on the porch with Wayne, or climb up on the roof of the trailer.” Eddie sighs, snuggling further into Steve’s arms as a gust whips past. “Smoke and look at the stars. When I was angry, or upset, or needed to chill the fuck out.”
“Did it help?” Steve asks quietly.
“Yeah.” Eddie eventually says. “Didn’t work miracles, of course. But it was nice.”
“I know it’s not the same,” Steve murmurs, squeezing Eddie gently. “But we could put a table and chairs out here, a nicer looking ashtray — so you can smoke and look at the stars again.”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighs, sounding a little forlorn. “Could do.”
“Or,” Steve starts, dragging out the word. Tilting his head so he can better look at Eddie, stare into his eyes, at the streetlights shining in the reflection of them. The corner of his lips curl into a smile. Something small, something playful, something to drag Eddie out of his funk. “We could get some glow in the dark stars. Stick them to the ceiling in our bedroom.”
“I’ve always wanted some of those,” Eddie says, a laugh tumbling out of his mouth. “Lets do it.”
“Yeah?” Steve smiles, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Fuck it.” Eddie laughs, before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend again, eyes fluttering shut. Sighing happily, Steve can feel Eddie smile against his lips. “Lets get some stars.”
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maxinemaxmayfield · 2 months
For the STWG daily drabble prompt: alarm ⏰ (gen, 100 words, implied steddie)
“Eddie! Eds – wake up!” 
Steve’s voice rouses him from a deep sleep. His eyelids are too heavy for this shit. It’s gotta be the middle of the night. He rolls over begrudgingly. 
“Wha’?” he mumbles, eyes still closed. 
“It’s almost noon.” 
His eyes fly open, heaviness be damned. “But the alarm–”
“–Didn’t go off,” Steve finishes for him.
“But we were supposed to pick the kids up–”
“–An hour ago.”
“We’re dead.”
“So dead.” 
Then he hears it, getting louder, more than just the usual midday trailer park sounds he’s used to. Bicycles on gravel. Voices shouting. Bells ringing. 
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steddiejudas · 1 year
STWG Daily Drabble 9/30/23
prompt: drunk talk
“Ssteeeve! Over.” Dustin’s voice comes over the radio, staticky and slurred.
It’s 1 AM, Steve has a shift first thing in the morning, and he really should be sleeping, but he’s been nervously awaiting this call all night. His kids are finally leaving the nest, going to their first party and he knew this meant they would be calling him for a ride at some point, so he kept the volume up on his radio. When he doesn’t answer fast enough, a whole chorus of clumsy voices crackle over the radio. 
“Steven Anita Harrington! Over.” Mike starts giggling like a mad man at the very incorrect middle name he’s decided to give Steve. In the background, Steve is pretty sure he can hear someone throwing up.
“Are you guys okay?” Steve asks, and then after a moment of silence, adds: “Over.”
“Thank you, Steven! We are great! Over.” There’s a cacophony of giggles and Steve is pretty sure they forgot why they even called,
“Do you need a ride? Over.” 
“To where? Over.” 
“Y- Dumbass, to your homes. Okay stay where you are, I'm coming to get you.” Steve zips a hoodie halfway up his bare chest, too tired and annoyed to put a shirt on, and grabs his keys on the way out the door. He’d had the good sense to make them tell them who was throwing the party, and a couple minutes later, he’s pulling up to a house that’s not too far from his own. He spots his gaggle of drunkards immediately, the lot of them huddled around the radio, shaking it and hitting the side like it’ll split at the seams and drop candy. “Hey! Dumbasses! Get in the car,” he hollers.
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas look up from the radio, dumbfounded. “Steve, what are you doing here?” Lucas asks.
“Dude, I just told you I was coming to pick you up.”
Mike scoffs and puts an arm around Will who, yup that definitely was puking he heard, because Will is doubled over in the bushes. “You didn’t say ‘over’, dumbass.”
“Just get in the car! You guys are sleeping at mine tonight, or your parents will kill me for letting this happen.” The boys stumble towards the car, fighting over the handle for the front seat when a large hand appears out of nowhere and pushes them out of the way.
“Nuh uh kiddos, respect your elders. I ride shotgun.” Eddie says, swaying only a fraction as bad as the kids. They grumble, but agree and help Will into the backseat. “And a good evening to you, boys.” Eddie says, staring directly at Steve’s chest. 
From the back seat there’s a chorus of “Boo! Weak! Do better!” Even from Will, who is barely holding his head up off Mike’s shoulder. Eddie takes the challenge as Steve starts driving back to his house.
“I’ve always wanted to live in the jungle,” he says. Steve has to swat Eddie’s hand away from running through his chest hair, desperately trying to be annoyed and not aroused in front of the kids. But Eddie knows Steve knows he has a thing for his hair, and Steve has a thing for anything that gets Eddie riled up. 
“What are you even doing here, Eds? I thought you were at home.”
“Team bonding?” Eddie tries.
“He was selling drugs!” Dustin hollers, absolutely zero control over his volume. 
Eddie whips around in his seat to yell “You motherfucker!” at Dustin.
“Nope,” the kid retorts. “Pretty sure that’s you.”
When they pull into Steve’s driveway, he orders the kids to go to the living room and go to sleep. The boys slowly fumble their way out of the car and through the front door, all the while Eddie stares at Steve with a lusty fire burning in his eyes. 
“You wore that just to torture me, didn’t you?” Eddie asks.
“Eddie, I didn’t even know you were at the party. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“OR we could stay out here and fog up these windows.”
“Nice try, my beautiful little distillery, you are far too drunk. Now be a good boy and get in bed, and maybe I’ll let you pet me you little weirdo.”
Eddie unbuckles and throws the door open so fast that he trips over his feet and face plants getting out of the car. He hops up, no worse for wear, and turns around to salute Steve. “Sir, yes sir!” He yells, and sprints through the house to Steve’s bedroom.
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miraculousmultifan · 11 months
would you love me if i was a lobster?
hi!! its been a while since ive done one of these, but inspiration struck hard for this one. so this little drabble was written for the November 10th STWG daily prompt: "I can explain!" ~~~
When Steve walked into the grocery store looking for ingredients to cook himself another dinner by himself, he really expected to just be in and out. Grab a couple things and go.
The problem arrived when he stepped into the fish section. He was just going to grab a filet of salmon and be on his merry way, but no. There was a man dressed like a lobster standing in his way. He had his face pressed up against the glass of the lobster tank, and he kept muttering things that Steve only caught short snippets of.
“I’ll… free… soon.”
“... claws… your master!”
Sighing deeply, Steve tried to maneuver around the guy, but it was like he suddenly developed a sixth sense for knowing when people were approaching him. Next thing he knew, the guy was whirling around to face him with an angry expression, only to flounder when he made eye contact with Steve.
He looked back and forth between the lobster tank and Steve like he was trying to figure out whether he should abandon… whatever he was doing and run away to avoid talking to Steve, or stay and… continue fogging up the glass with his warm breath.
Hey, now that Steve was paying more attention, the guy kind of looked like… Eddie Munson?
“Munson?” Steve asked and squinted, still not sure whether his eyes were deceiving him. “Is that you?”
Immediately, Munson stood up taller and raised his, uh… claws up in surrender. “I can explain! Just… um, give me a minute to figure out what to say.”
The longer they stood there, the more details Steve was slowly picking up on. For example, Munson’s eyes were so bloodshot that he was ninety-five percent sure the dude was incredibly high, and he kept squeezing the costume’s claws together like he was partly convinced he was a lobster. 
Everyone else in the store seemed to be giving them a wide berth, but Steve was uncomfortably arriving at the conclusion that the spectacle was kind of… endearing. He found himself having to hide a smile behind his hand while Eddie turned back to the lobsters in the tank and started asking them to help him come up with an excuse.
Deciding to play along and maybe have a little fun, Steve sidled up to the tank to crouch down beside Munson and whisper playfully, “Is this some sort of jailbreak thing?” Munson yelped and jumped back to gape at Steve, who responded only by grinning up at him and laughing at his reaction. “Aw. What, I can’t know about it? How do you expect to free a bunch of lobsters in broad daylight all by yourself?”
Munson seemed to think on that for a little bit (debating the pros and cons, Steve assumed) before he stuck his hand out for Steve to shake, a mischievous twinkle in his sweet brown doe eyes. “Alright, Harrington. You’ve convinced me. I can’t wait to raise a lobster army with you.”
Steve refused to acknowledge how Eddie Munson’s goofy antics were making him feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Sure, he’s funny, but in a weird way, not a cute way… Right? 
Steve tried not to let his growing blush show as he shook Eddie’s hand firmly. He’s just high, Steve. He’s not flirting with you. “It would be an honor.”
(Spoiler alert, past-Steve: he was totally flirting with you).
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