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y3sterdaysproblem · 1 month ago
I just read shifting, and I feel like I need leave this here because oh my god??!!! Pretty positive I'm now in love with you and him 😭
Invisalign Matt does wonders for me and so did that fic 😩🥰 Pls add me to your tag list queen😭🫶🏻
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OH MY GOOSSSHHH I love you stop im gonna cry. i’m in love with you and invisalign matt too
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sturnmeovr · 1 month ago
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♡‧₊˚ Babydaddy!Chris x Sweetheart!Reader – Emotional Support
Chris was a mess; it was three in the afternoon, and he was still in bed. Trapped under his thick comforter, hiding away from the sunlight that took over his bedroom. A groan leaves his lip whenever he hears light knocks coming from the other side of his room, “go away!” 
“C’mon kid,” Matt jiggles the knob, cracking the door slightly to poke his head in, “you gotta eat something — it’s been three days.” Nick abruptly kicks the bedroom door open with his foot, “you’re gonna eat these mini pizzas we cooked with love, just for you — or Matt is gonna hold you down while I shove them down your throat,” he spits out, stalking across the room and snatching the comfort off of Chris’ curled up figured. Chris fights his hardest to win the tug of war battle, but he loses, practically giving up, due to the lack of energy in his body. You’d think he’d be fully rested with all the 'sleep' he had gotten the last few days, never leaving his memory foam mattress unless his bladder told him he absolutely had to. Chris wasn’t sleeping his days away like his brothers assumed, a lot of the times he was up thinking about you and his unborn son. About how he ruined the only relationship he ever had with the girl who meant the most to him — the girl who was carrying his baby, the girl who he was certain he wanted to marry one day. 
The last conversation he had with you, he was telling you how sorry he was, how much he missed you, that he needed you home with him. Your only reply was that you needed more space, so that’s what Chris has been attempting to do. Only problem is — he can’t get you out of his fucking head. Chris often stays up all hours of the night, scrolling through your Instagram or the old snapchat conversations he had saved, looking at the old messages from when everything was normal and okay. He was absolutely gutted; he missed everything about you, and he wished he never took the bond you two shared for granted. 
“M’not hungry,” he croaks out, grabbing a pillow to throw over his head in an attempt to block the sunlight that blinds him. Matt lets out a lengthy sigh, “you have to eat something,” taking seat on the edge of Chris’ bed, and rubbing a hand down his back in a soothing manner. It killed him to see Chris in such a sad state, he was usually the life of the party, so it was odd seeing him moping around the house like he had been the last two weeks.
“Chris, seriously,” Nick chimes in, “it’s not the end of the world, kid.” Nick was a bit more insensitive to the situation than Matt because of how close he had gotten with you throughout yours and Chris’s relationship. You were like the little sister they'd never got, when Nick found out about Chris cheating on you, it broke his heart a little bit too. Nick didn’t pick sides, but he definitely showed you more support than he did his own brother. You were pregnant with his nephew for crying out loud. Chris was wrong and he knew that there was no excuse for his actions. Nobody wanted to see Chris in the state of mind he was in, but it wasn’t anyone else’s fault but his own. Nick definitely wasn’t the one to baby him, unlike Matt who loved playing the therapist role to both you and Chris. 
Chris dramatically throws his pillow back and glares at Nick, “it is the end of my world, Nick.” Nick rolls his eyes at Chris’ over-exaggerations, he knew you distancing yourself would last long since you were due in a couple weeks. Plus, you had been texting him the whole time you were gone, updating him on your plans and how you felt about the Chris situation. You were at a crossroads, but Nick knew you too well, he knew you'd crack once Chris applied enough pressure like you usually did.
The two brothers share a similar look, biting back smiles at Chris’ dramatics. Matt snatches the pillow away from him, ��c'mon you’re getting up.” He tosses the pillow across the room, adding it to the pile of dirty laundry and Chris’ thick comforter. Another groan erupts from Chris’ chest, the mattress making it come out a bit muffled, “I’m not leaving from his bed until my baby momma tells me to.”
“Fine,” Matt huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “I’ll FaceTime her so she can see how foul you look — seriously, man. I can smell your feet from the next room,” he tells him before tapping a few buttons on his phone. Chris lays there motionless, calling his brothers bluff. He didn’t think Matt would actually FaceTime you but when your voice sounds from the other side of the phone screen, “yes — Chris?” Concern weaved through your words like a tight braid, your tone makes Chris sit upright in one swift movement. As much as he wanted to cry out to you, confessing his true feelings and expressing how sorry he was, he didn’t want you to see him in the state he was in, he knew you'd feel bad. The last thing he wanted was you to be upset over his own fuck up. “What’s wrong with him?” your voice sounded worried. Chris would be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart warm, knowing you still cared made him feel like there was still hope to repair the relationship he damaged so badly. 
Matt opens his mouth to speak but Nick quick wittedly cuts him off, “let’s start with the fact that the kid hasn’t showered in days ‘cause he won’t leave his bed,” pinching the bridge of his nose in disgust. Chris knew his brother was just poking fun at him, only trying to lighten the mood by cracking jokes. A long sigh can be heard from your side of the phone, “well if he checked his phone then he’d know I’ve been texting him for over an hour.” As soon as the words leave your mouth, Chris' eyes widen and he's scrambling for his phone. He taps his finger against the screen a few times, only to reveal 6 unread messages and 2 missed calls for you. The last one reading - “I miss you 😑” 
Overjoyed with emotion, a bright smile forms, making his lips curve upwards. Chris stands up on his bed, tangling a hand thru his brown locks before snatching the phone from Matt, “you want to come over? I can pick you up, we can get dinner on the way,” he rambles on, desperately shooting out any suggestion, hoping and praying you'd take his offer. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see you. Your absence left him physically and mentally ill. 
“Yeah,” you squint at him, studying his expression. He looked thrilled and exhausted at the same time. Dark circles made their mark underneath his puffy, bloodshot eyes. His hair is messy and tangled like he hadn’t been using the apple scented conditioner you introduced to him while you were gone. Seeing him so unkept broke your heart, but not more than the revelation of him cheating. You shake your head, pushing the negative thoughts to the back of your mind before clearing your throat, “I need to talk to you.”
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
The sight of an all-black, tinted out Audi parked in front of your best friend's house makes you take an uneasy breath — you knew exactly who it was. You sigh loudly, tugging your jacket on to protect you from the cool night air. Your best friend, noticing the hitch in your breath, chimes in from the open living room, “he’s here?” 
“Yea,” you breath out, your voice barely audible as you look over at her, “I’ll be back soon. Jus’ gonna get some food and talk for a little.” If it was up to your bestie, she’d lock you up and throw away the key for good, hiding you away from him at all costs. You can tell she’s stopping herself from saying what she really wants to, “be careful and make good choices,” she forces a toothless smile before turning her attention back to the tv. She didn’t want you to go back to Chris; she hated the emotional damage he forced on you, mainly because she was always the one to pick up the pieces once you were shattered and broken. She was a great form of emotional support for you, much like Matt was for Chris. Regardless of anyone else’s opinions on yours and Chris’s relationship, your due date was right around the corner, and you were vulnerable. You couldn’t fathom the idea of raising your newborn son without his father. Each time you thought about it the idea made you sick to your stomach. 
You make your way to his car, pulling the passenger door open to reveal your babydaddy. The familiar scent of his cologne sends a chill down your spine, it was comforting in a way. You sink down into the passenger seat, setting the purse he gifted you last week on the floorboard of his car. Chris was determined to win you back. He made sure he still came in clutch whenever you were craving random food combinations, he left presents and takeout food on your best friends' doorstep with cute notes attached to them - “not a gift to win you over, just a gift to show my appreciation” and “Chinese food because I know Bear won’t let you live without it. I miss you. I love you. I’m sorry.” It was sweet how attentive he still was, even if you weren’t one hundred percent present, he still showed he cared and that meant something to you, aside from his prior shitty decisions. 
“Hey,” he stretches, a gummy smile plastered on his face. You could tell he was happy to be within a close vicinity of you. You set your eyes on him, taking his appearance; he was freshly showered and doused in his signature, making it obvious he was trying to look his best for you. As weird as it sounds, you missed the smell of him so much that it was always like a new craving for you. He shoots you a playful look, already reading your mind because he knew you that well. “You look good today,” he coos, placing a hand on your thigh to give it a squeeze. His firm grip sends tingles thru your core, his touch was another big thing you had been craving while you two were apart. 
You swat his hand away while a dark shade of redness makes its way to your cheeks, making Chris throw his head back to bellow out a laugh, “too soon?” He knew he still had a certain effect on you which is why you never stay around him too long, you’d fold under pressure quick. As much as you wanted to let your smile break thru, there was no time for games. Furrowing your brows at him as you desperately try to hide your red cheeks, “this is serious, Chris — we don’t have time for jokes.” 
His smile falls into a slight frown, and he shifts in his seat, “I know that. Sorry, I jus’ miss you.” Chris reaches down into the compartment of his door, pulling out one of your current pregnancy cravings, “I got you gummy bears,” he presses his lips together in an awkward manner. It was weird to him, not being able to touch and kiss you like he used to – like he really wanted to. A mix of emotions swirl through your gut. You felt guilty for putting him through the emotional trauma of not having his nearly due girlfriend by his side, you knew he was worried if you’d come back to him, worried if Bear would come earlier or not. At the same time, it was validating that he cared enough to go through all these lengths just to get you back – camping outside of your best friend's house, showing up with presents and food cravings. The most important part was him actually leaving you alone when you told him you needed more space. It gave you a lot of time to think about your next move. Was Chris texting another girl worth throwing all the work you two put in?
“I miss you too, but that’s not the topic of discussion right now,” you mumble, looking down to your lap, smoothing a hand over your bumps as Bear kicks repeatedly as the sound of Chris' voice, like always. You weren’t there to make Chris feel worse about what he did, your absence was enough to make him sulk in his own sorrows. By the way his brothers had been texting you nonstop about Chris not even getting out of bed to do his bare minimum daily routine, you knew it was time to stop distancing yourself and actually work past the problem, whether it meant going back to him or not.
A faint smile forms at his lips when he hears you finally say you miss him, “you do, really?” One thing about this whole fucked up situation, Chris never failed to expression his emotions. It was a big change for him, but then again, he acted like a new man ever since he found out you were pregnant. 
“Of course I do, but that doesn’t —,” you fiddle with the sleeves of your jacket, your small voice getting interrupted by his raspy one, “it doesn’t excuse what I did.” You watch as he gnaws at his bottom lip out of nervousness, his wet hair making water stains on his white t-shirt, “nothing will — I know that, Y/N.” 
It was known Chris loved to call you his Sweetheart, so anything less was gut wrenching to you. He was more serious than you had ever seen him. Chris turns his body towards you, his hard gaze fixed on you as his own way of letting you know he meant everything he was about to say, “but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you that I can be a better man for you and Bear.” His words make their mark on you, making you nod in agreement to everything he was saying. Maybe it was his convincing demeanor or maybe it was because you missed his company. Or maybe it was because he was saying all the right words, telling you everything you wanted and needed to hear. You open your mouth to speak but quickly close it, not knowing what to say, so he does it for you, “I have a therapy consultation later this week,” he starts, clearing his throat before he reassures you once more, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes – however long it takes, seriously.”
You raise a brow at him, staying quiet as your thoughts run rampant through your head, picking at the skin on your fingers as you try to muster up a response. Therapy; he was willing to go through therapy if it meant keeping his relationship afloat and his family together. Chris can practically hear the gears turning in your head. He knew you were thinking carefully, going through all the possible outcomes, and weighing out the future, not only for your relationship but for your unborn son. Chris watches intently as you pick at your fingers, he had picked up on the nervous habit of yours a long time ago. He knew you too well. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and stop you from damaging yourself any further, but he knew it wasn’t the right time. Hot tears brim the waterlines of your eyes, you suck in a deep breath before looking at him, your mouth gaping open to speak but the words get stuck in the back of your throat once again.
You could see the pain in his eyes as he watches you struggle to speak, his voice lower than before, “I don’t want to miss anything.” He sniffles, a stray tear escaping his eye and rolling down his cheek, only to get whipped away by Chris’ large hand rather quickly. The sight of him crumbling in front of you made your heart ache, you knew what he was implying, he didn’t want to miss out on fatherhood or the chance at a picture-perfect family. You didn’t blame him; you wanted Bear to grow up in a two-parent household as badly as he did. Both you and Chris knew nothing other than being raised by two amazing parents, and that was a long-term goal for the two of you. A family, marriage, a few pets, and a big house on a large plot of land built specifically for your family; it was something you talked about and planned with him for the last eight months. The thought of letting go of all those dreams and goals you and Chris shared together made you queasy. 
He sucks in a breath, “fuck – sorry, I told myself I wasn’t gonna do this in front of you,” letting out a deep breath and pulling sleeves over his hands to collect the tears spilling from his eyes. You sink back in your seat, his outburst felt like he drove a stake right thru your heart, he had never been this open with you. Of course, he expressed how badly he wanted you back and how sorry he was, but he never broke down crying and pleading for you back. The therapy consultation just topped it off, he was willing to work through his faults for his family. You look over at Chris, his body hunched forward while his head is buried in his hands, his wet hair still making water marks on his white t-shirt. 
“I’ll come home,” your voice is shaky and your hands tremble. Chris picks up his head in one swift movement, fixing those icy blue arctics on you. He wipes his face, sniffling once more, “you will? Y’really mean it?” His words come out pushed together as he fights back his sobs. You nod to him, holding your index finger up, “under one condition.” 
Chris’ eyes are puffy, his face red from crying, “anything – anything you want – y'name it.” The urgency in his voice tells you he’s serious, “I’ll sleep on the couch, diaper duty forever – anything, sweetheart.” He lets his intrusive thoughts win by scooping your hand up, interlocking your fingers and bringing it up to his mouth to plant a light kiss to the back of it. The feather-like feeling of his lips leaves goosebumps on your arms and a pool forming between your thighs, you bite back the smile pulling at your lips before looking him in the eye seriously, “couples therapy.”
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wc - 3163
♡‧₊˚ Cheys Note - Long awaited 🫣 I'm so sorry, I rewrote this twice and I still don't know if I like it or not 😩😩 I hope you guys enjoy, though!! Name reveal coming soon if you guys haven't figured it out already 😋😋🫶🏻 Lmk what you guys think, I apologized in advance to everyone I pissed off with this one lmfaoo. Love you guys <3
Babydaddy!Chris Masterlist
Taglist (comment to be added)
Sends me asks and suggestions <3
Check out my February Au Special 🥰
© sturnmeovr - Please do not copy my work. Please ask to use my work as inspo.
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trevorsgodmother · 17 days ago
𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮'𝓼 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 (M.S 🌪)
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☞ Masterlist
A/N: Inspo from a random ass line in this fic by @muwapsturniolo. Inspiration comes from the randomest things lmao. ALSO HAPPY VALENTINE'S HOESSS (lil late but whatever)
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Warnings: SmUt, MATT THE MUNCH, oral (fem receiving), fingering, swearing, overstimulation, PAIN KINK MATT POV: Reader Summary: Matt wants a little valentine's day treat...
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He ate her out until his jaw was sore...
My fingers ached from gripping his hair so hard.
Matt had been eating me out for... I don't even know how long. All that I know is that he'd been starving for his, quote un-quote, "Valentine's treat."
"C'mon baby, pleassee? Consider it your valentine's treat to me."
He had started off slow, with gentle licks and small kisses that relaxed me and my core instantly. Small shivers ran down my spine, goosebumps rising on my skin as I felt his locks slide across my hand. His hands joined soon after, holding my thighs apart with a slightly bruising grip for more of his my satisfaction.
But the small licks turned into drawn-out ones, and the kisses turned into sucking. As soon as his tongue made contact with my slick entrance with enough force to make me jump, I knew I was done for.
Matt had made sure to keep track of the amount of times I came, and he did this by pushing another finger in every time I did. Now we're up to three.
"Fuck- can't-" A small glance downwards shows me his proud smirk. Fucker loved his overstimulation. Whether it was giving or receiving, he'd take it anyday over 'normal' finishing. And I thought he'd be 100% vanilla.
One particular curl of his fingers caused me to cry out his name, tears beginning to gather in the corner of my eyes. My hands are completely tangled in his hair, pulling so hard he almost made me stop. Except he didn't want me to.
No, Matt liked the pain.
He liked how it showed him how good I felt. He liked how the vibrations from his moans caused mine to triple in volume (TRIPLET REFERENCE????). He liked feeling his strands get tugged, the tiny pricks on his scalp heightening the whole experience.
But then there's the other pain he's starting feel.
A dull ache in his jaw.
The repeated motions of his mouth working against me caused the muscle to strain a little. (dude it's 3am plz dont judge the truthfulness of this statement thank yew)
He'd thought about stopping, managing the soreness before it got too much, but he also didn't want to.
This man's pain kink was crazy.
So all of this together, my moans, taste, fingers grabbing at his hair, and his jaw hurting, was making him see stars.
His face burrows deeper in between my thighs, worshipping and drinking like I was the fountain of youth.
I'm crying out, back arching against the bed while simultaneously pushing him away and pulling him closer.
He keeps moving his fingers in and out, lapping at my cunt like he's been thirsty for decades. His tongue is working wonders, enveloping me like a warm hug. A warm, wet, and sticky hug.
And, for the 4th time, I come.
He swallows it all, not wasting a single drop. His red lips and chin are glistening with my essence as he pants. My moans die down to whimpers, relishing in the post-orgasmic bliss.
I sigh in relief, just starting to relax. But then my eyes snap fully open and a shriek is ripped from my throat when he adds all 4 fingers together.
He grins, watching my face contort in a mix of pleasure and slight pain. This man and pain...
"You didn't think we were done yet, did you baby?"
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TL: @hearts4werka @stvrnzcherries @spaghettislut1 @pvssychicken @snowysosturn @sllutty-sturniolo @sturnmeovr @courta13 @shadowthesim237 @scorpio1205 @chrepsi dividers by @bernardsbendystraws <3 -Ropitipop 👁👅👁
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shadowthesim237 · 23 days ago
tag game ! 🎮
what's your favorite funny sturniolo triplets pic and your favorite game??
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tags: @anyaa2s @alexturnersgooch @strnilolover @trevorsgodmother @bernardsbendystraws @stvrnioloslvt @sturnshood @chrislilcumslvt @nickgurl4life @loser41ifee @middlepartmatt @malsmind @muwapsturniolo @vxnitra @nick-stuxniolos-hg @sturnmeovr
-you don't have to be tagged to join! 💗
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sturnmeovr · 1 month ago
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Ty for the tag @sofisturns ♡
♡‧₊˚ Cheys Picks
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I don't have a Erewhon where I live but if I did Ik I'd go for anything blue lmaoo
No pressure tags - @sweetshuga @trevorsgodmother @leoslaboratory @shadowthesim @sturnshood @mattsbratt333 & whoever else wants to participate <3
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cuties tap in .ᐟ
we’re going on a date ˚。⋆. ♡
pick : a triplet, a jelly cat, and an erewhon smoothie
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ angel’s pick
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inspired by @bernardsbendystraws tags 🤍🪽
tag your fav you want to see blogs to do this!
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scorpio1205 · 28 days ago
HEAR ME OUT CAKE !!!! (viral TikTok trend)
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Summary: Nick, Bambi, Matt and Chris make a hear me out video
Warnings: swearing, nicknames, mentions of sex, odd hear me outs, kisses, teasing, and fluff
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Bambi sat in the backseat next to Nick as she tried to open her pink lemonade "Matty, I can't open this." She leaned over handing it to her boyfriend.
Matt tried to open it for a few minutes and couldn't get it opened, and sighed, turning to Nick "Can you open this for us, Pop-pop"
Bambi watched happily, she just really wanted her drink. Her smile slowly died turning into a pout as she realized Nick also couldn't open it. "Boo"
"Is this like cemented shut?" Matt sighed. "Nick don't spill it on yourself"
After a bit longer Nick leaned forward "OH MY GOD, are you guys pranking me?!"
"I wish we were" Bambi grumbled.
"You cant get that open?" Chris finally turned around with a snicker.
Nick immediately snapped back "Neither could you!"
"I could do that first try"
"Honest to God"
"Gimme it." Chris rolled his eyes taking it as Nick screamed
"You're not allowed to have this lemonade if you-" Nick was cut off by Chris opening it with ease before handing it to Bambi with a charming smile.
She smiled happily taking it "Thanks Chrissy." after taking a sip she handed it to Matt who took it and kissed her hand as a thanks.
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After Nick went on his rant about change, Bambi wasn't really listening, her eyes on Matt a majority of the time, specifically his jaw and lips as they started.
"Judy Hopps" Matt showed his first one, Nick, Chris and Bambi all screamed seeing the picture.
"That photo is crazy...."
Matt made a face "Whats the photo.." He turned it to him. "Oh wait! My bad wrong photo" He switched it out before handing it to Nick to put it in the water case as Chris pulled out a picture of Judy Hopps as well.
"That's fucking wild" Bambi giggled seeing this, she hadn't realized that Matt and Chris had similar taste in women.
"Mines like an obvious hear me out" Chris started as the three of them nodded he pulled out the picture "It's middle part Matt"
Bambi laughed leaning over Nick "Mines in the same boat..... it's not middle part Matt though" She pulled out three pictures "mines Stubble Matt, Matt in his pink bear shirt and Matt with glasses" She grinned.
"Baby that's literally insane." Matt laughed with a soft blush on his face. "Can I add to this collection though, cause I have comfy Nick"
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It was Bambi's turn "Okay, so technically this is a duo."
"A duo?" Matt laughed confused
"Yes...." She put the picture down in front of the camera "Fred and George Weasley"
"Oh my god"
Chris' mouth was agap "Both of them?"
"Honestly, yeah. I have no idea why. Especially the actors. Them with brown hair is even better"
Matt snickered "Okay, well I have more than one picture too." He pulled out the pictures. "Bambi with no makeup, high school Bambi, and Late night drive Bambi..."
She leaned over the case of water looking at the pictures, seeing an extra one and taking it from him with a shriek. "You're insane!" She turned red "No one needs to see that fourth one"
Matt snickered slightly leaning over and placing the three he named in the case before pecking her lips. "you're beautiful, Bambi"
Before she could respond Chris cut her off "I have one, I think Matt will enjoy" he pulled a picture out, Nick who saw the picture first gaped his jaw dropping. "Prom Bam-Bam"
Matt glared at his brother "Kid, what the fuck" he fought the urge to slap him.
"What, I can't put my date to prom on a cake.....case of water?"
Bambi cut in "To clarify, Chris and I went to prom as friends. Just friends"
"Yep. Just friends"
Chris went to speak but was cut off by Nick "lets just move on please"
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Dividers made by @bernardsbendystraws
@sturnmeovr @big-poppa23 @sturns-mermaid @mattsstarlet @colorthecosmos444 @iammattswife
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sofisturns · 1 month ago
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ᝰ appreciation !
@angeliolo suuuuuper sweet my angel baby best friend. ur the funniest ever and ur blog is sooo cute + i luv ur tap ins
@sonnysturns my qweeeeen. funniest evr deserve a red carpet my norwegian british bayby hope you get the emo lover you deserve
@livy4swift soooooo nice !! ur blog is super cool and i luvvv ur moodboards i hope we talk more
@sturnmeovr super super sweetie pieeee ! i loveeee your whole page sm
@13hoax we haven’t spoke a lot but i’m in luv w ur whole vibe and u seem the sweetest
@bernardsbendystraws your absolutely hilarious and you’ve been so sweet every time we’ve spoken laurvvvv u
@ariestrxsh loveee ur dealer chris series so far and ur so so talented !! also such a cutie
└ sooo much luv‹𝟥
♯ ⋮ ⋆˚࿔ sofisturns𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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chrisbrowser · 26 days ago
what are some blogs you would recommend to read from?
@strnilolover @sturnmeovr @slxt4chriss @slxtarchive @issysh3ll @rafespreciosa @camzeecorner @ifwdominicfike @mattybsgroupie @missmimii
these are the ones I read probably every single day. they’re godsent.
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y3sterdaysproblem · 2 months ago
taglist 3
@chratts-left-ball @shadowthesim237 @sturniolosblanket @userstfu11 @lvrsturniolo @whore4chris @mattsplaything @2muchofaslvt @sturnsrecord @aniesvision @matteatmeout @mattsbunnyxx @ellssturn @blushsturns @surprisecurlyfriesbackup @deadpoolissohot @chrissturniolossidebitch @hello-emma @nervoussagittarius @heartsonlyforchris @marrykisskilled @pompomprrin @gwennybenny @mattslilies @strnilolover @glitterybtch @http-bellaa @sturns55 @malsmind @candysturn @wh0remikasas @sturnmeovr @strangelife122 @evansturn @aaa-mi @skye-44 @whoreforchrissturnniolo @ladyy-whistle-d0wn @kriissy4gov @princesspeach0-0 @rylexarchives @kenziesturniolo54 @55sturn @sturniolotripletlover @pixie-sticks-are-good @madisonnxtdoor22 @yuh13lo @chrisslut04 @mxnsonn @ncm9696
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sturnmeovr · 1 month ago
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♡‧₊˚ Neighbor!Matt x Brat!Reader - No Sex in the Elevator
MDNI - 18+, long ass word count, strong language, p in v, unprotected sex, public sex, elevator sex, oral m receiving, face fucking, squirting, daddy kink, praise kink? walk run of shame
The day was cold and dreary, gloomy clouds took over the sky, making your afternoon drag on. Recently you had been getting out of the house more; avoiding your upstairs neighbor at all costs was a newfound mission for you. You feared that your one-night stand – resulting in Matt placing an order on Instacart for a plan B and half a gallon of orange juice the next morning before he nonchalantly slipped out your front door – would cause an awkward encounter the next time you spoke to him. It was something you didn’t want to go through, so you ran from it, and you were pretty damn good at running from any problem that was bound to confront you — unless you had alcohol in your system, it was a different story then.
“Stairs are out of order, Sweetie,” the building maintenance man pulls you from your daydreams as you walk through the entrance of your apartment building. The potent smell of wet paint wafts over you, your nose crinkles as the smell makes its way to pierce your brain, leaving you lightheaded and gripping the banister to keep you from falling out.
The building you lived in was old and ancient, taking the elevator was something you dreaded doing. In fact, you hadn’t stepped one foot on it the whole time you had lived in your building. The old, creaky staircases were enough to convince the place was haunted, riding in a barely functioning elevator was the last thing you wanted to add to your shitty day. A huff leaves your lungs, and you pull your sweet seductive charm from the bottom of your gut, as much as you didn’t want to, “I can’t just slide past you?” a few bats of your lashes were sure to get the old geezer to compromise to your wishes, “promise I’ll be real quick.” 
You knew any man was quick to crack under pressure when it came to your convincing demeanor, “just be —,” his words come to a halt, a familiar voice that always leaves a pit in your stomach speaks up, “since you’re letting her up that means I can sneak past too, right?” There was no need to spin on your heels to look the person in the eyes, you knew exactly who the deep, husky voice belonged to — your upstairs neighbor, Matt. 
Squeezing your eyes shut as the maintenance man stutters over his words, “no can do, you and little lady r’gonna have to take the elevator.” The best way you could describe it; he sounded like a man who got caught red handed flirting with a young check out cashier by his wife. It was pathetic. You push out another breath, rolling your eyes as you cross your arms over your chest and make your way to the prehistoric elevator. Seriously, it looked like it was one of the first ones invented.
A low chuckle echoes off the hallway walls, making you increasingly more irritated as you jam the button repeatedly, wanting to summon the elevator to your floor so you could end this nightmare as soon as possible. No matter how much he got under your skin, his presence made a gooey arousal form in your panties each time he was near you; almost like your pussy sensed when he was close. She couldn’t resist him if your lives depended on it. It was hard to believe a guy you knew nothing about – other than his habit of late-night video gaming and how big his dick was – had this type of effect on you after only sleeping with him one time.
Hooking up with him wasn’t something you wanted to continue, it was dangerous. Any guy you hooked up with never failed to get too comfortable and you’d be damned if you had your obnoxiously sexy upstairs neighbor pounding on your door because you weren’t replying to his texts or calls. You weren’t ready for a relationship, and it seemed like every guy you thought about giving the pussy up to always forced some type of commitment on you. It was better not to get involved with anyone at all, which is one of the reasons why you had been practicing celibacy for the last few months – up until he came along.
The chime of the elevator breaks your gaze that was glued to the door as it slides open, taking a deep breath before stepping on. Anxiety rose in your chest, making your heart thump vigorously, the saliva drying out of your mouth. You gulp down what seems like air as you press the button to the fourth floor. As Matt leans in to press the fifth floor button, his woodsy cologne takes over the air, sending flashbacks of that rainy Saturday night running through your head. You didn’t budge from your spot, instead a smile unknowingly pulls at your lips, “what r’you smiling for, kid?” he asks in a hushed tone. The rawness of his raspy voice makes your eyes gravitate towards him, his icy blue arctics piercing deep into you like they did every time he came across your path. Something about his gaze was so intense, so captivating; it was hypnotizing.
“Nothing,” you mumble, taking a step back and tightening your grip on the railing that outlined the inside of the small, enclosed room. Your breath hitching once the elevator jolts upward, a quiet squeal slips from your lips, making Matt look at you, confusion sunk deep into his expression, “scared?” he asks, a chuckle following quickly behind his question. Your face crunching in irritation once more, “no!” you spit out defensively, “m’not scared – I just don’t like elevators.” You watch as a mischievous smirk makes itself known on his lips, “ahh, I see,” he takes a step back to the middle of the elevator, looking up at the sign that illuminates the number ‘2’, and back at you. “Since you aren’t scared – you wouldn’t care if I do this,” he teases, making one big jump that sends the small, enclosed room rocking.
A gasp escapes from your lungs, “Matt, stop!” you snap, clinging onto the railing for dear life. His laughter bounces off the walls, your jaw clenched tight as you scowl at him, “it’s not funny, Matt! This elevator is old, it can —,” your angelic voice gets interrupted by the elevator jolting to a stop, the lights cutting out abruptly. You push out a panicked squeal before flinging yourself towards Matt's dark silhouette, colliding face first with his chest as you do so. His arms wrap around you in a matter of milliseconds, and he pulls you into his strong build, “shhh – it's okay. Jus’ a lil’ malfunction, yeah?” His voice is soothing if anything, but it doesn’t help much because the thought of never getting out of the cramped space hits you like a freight train, the paranoia placing itself deep in your gut. Your chest heaves up and down as you manage to get out staggered breaths, not attempting to form any sentences because you knew it was pointless when you were in a mental state like this. 
Matt’s grip tightens around you, rubbing a hand down your back, trying his best to calm you as hot tears stain his t-shirt, “s’gonna be okay – you have to calm down,” his words are as comforting as your favorite goose feather, satin covered pillow you slept with every night. You could tell he was trying his hardest to pull you out of your panic. You had to give him credit for trying, most men would be trying to pry the elevator doors open by now. You struggle over your own sobs, managing to get a few words out, “I ca – can’t. I can’t.” In a way, you were relieved it was pitch dark, he wouldn’t be able to see the fugly facial expression your face unwillingly made when you cried, and that saved you a lot of embarrassment.
“Yes, you can, Y/n. Deep breaths, okay?” he soothes, Matt pulls you from his grip, keeping his hands firm on each side of your shoulders for a few seconds before he does something you expected the very least; he smashes his lips into yours. 
Your lips move in sync against his so passionately; like two lovers who had been parted for a lifetime, like they had been missing each other their whole lives. Matt hands cup the sides of your face, his thumbs collecting your left-over tears as he holds you in place, your hands balling fists into his shirt the whole time. Unbeknownst to you, you hadn't left his mind since that lonely Saturday night when he came knocking on your door in hopes of calling a truce, instead he ended up biting off more than he could chew, having you pinned to your mattress with his cum leaking out of your pussy by the time he was done with you.
Every encounter since, whether it be a small wave when passing in the stairwell or an eye roll when he'd 'coincidentally' get the mail at the same time as you every day. Every interaction always left him struck for words, his heart pounding harder than it ever had over any pinch of attention you'd give him. Lately, he went out of his way just get a reaction from you – hence why he broke the fucking elevator. 
Matt glides his tongue across your bottom lip, pleading for access as his thumbs strokes the sides of your face. You hold out on him for a second, trying to be as teasing as you possibly could, but something about the feeling of his hands on you made you fold too quickly for comfort. You part lips slightly, allowing his tongue to dance with yours. You muffle out a moan as Matt walks you backward, the wall brings your bodies to a standstill, the cold railing prodding into your back.
Static sounds over the elevators intercom, making Matt disentangle himself from you, “Hello, this is New York City Fire Department, is the elevator you’re currently in malfunctioning?” You can feel the warmth of his body radiate off yours as he pulls away, making sure he doesn’t stray too far, “y-yea, we’re stuck,” his voice shaky, but not from what anyone would assume.
He wasn’t shaken up from being stuck in a tight space that felt like it was running out of oxygen, he was overwhelmed from having you this close to him again, his lips on yours like he had been manifesting since the first – and only – passionate sex session the two of you shared. He knew he couldn’t miss the opportunity of having you come undone on his cock one more time. He digs his fingertips into your hips, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses from your ear to your neck, and finally to the exposed cleavage spilling out of your shirt. 
“Excuse me sir,” the lady on the other side of the intercom chimes in, “is the elevator experiencing a power outage?” A groan flees his mouth before he gives your breast a light nip. The sting of his teeth sinking into your skins earns a whimper from you, “Matt — Matt,” you stutter, trying to pull his attention away from your breasts. 
“Y-yeah the lights — the lights are out,” his hands roam your body, spending the most time in the right places until they’re on your shoulders, guiding you down to your knees. Given your prior sexual experience, you loved taking control; seeing a man whimper under your own dominance always did something for you. Matt made you want to throw your celibacy and your dominant habits out the window, you couldn’t deny his touch if a million dollars was on the line. The way he fucked you was like nothing you had ever experienced before, and the best way you could describe coming on his dick was like an outer body experience; like a night out of partying and unknowingly stumbling across your soulmate on the street of New York City. Any time you were with him it felt like a movie, you and him being the main characters of the steamy rom-com. It was ecstasy to you. And him.
You fumble with his belt, tugging on it impatiently until you feel it come loose. The loose end coming back to pop you in the face, earning a hiss from you. The darkness makes you move primarily off touch as you yank his boxers down. You can feel the heat emanating off of his cock as it springs free, “fuckkk,” Matt drags out his words. You wrap a hand around his shaft, making him jump at your touch, too sensitive to the feeling of your ice-cold hands on him.
You give him a few pumps before taking his tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around his most delicate part as you stroke the rest that didn't fit in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down slowly, and coating his cock in your sweet, sticky salvia. A string of soft grunts spill from his mouth each time you take him further down your throat, only giving you motivation to please him more. The operator rudely interrupting over the intercom once more, “Sir, how many occupants are in the elevator with you?” 
“Ju — wait, wait,” he laces his fingers through your hair, gently caressing your temple to let you know he’s talking to you. “Nuht uh,” you mutter, coming back up for air with a popping noise at his tip, and running your plump, kiss swollen lips down his length in a teasing manner. Matt was folding under pressure sooner than you expected. Much like you, he was used to being the dominant partner when it came to sex. He knew what he was doing and what he liked. He recently noticed when it came to you, he found himself being a bit too possessive – if it was up to him, he'd be fucking you until you were sprawled out on the carpeted floor of the elevator, temporarily paralyzed in a puddle of your own juices.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t pissed that you had been avoiding him after how good he fucked you two weeks ago; he put his all into it, so he was quite shocked, and disappointed, when you didn’t send a simple text the following days. He wanted to put you in your place for all the times you bitched him out at random hours of the day and night for being too loud, for coming in every other weekend too drunk to walk up the stairs or unlock your door, for rejecting him after he fucked into oblivion. Matt knew you needed a man to put you in your place and he intended to do just that. His grip tightening on your hair as he bucks his hips forwards, pushing his cock deep into your mouth.
His actions pull a gag from the back of your throat, his hips slowing their pace as he throws his head back. When you show no reluctance, it only gives him more reason the pick his pace back up, “s'fucking good,” his voice lewd from the mind-spinning pleasure you were gifting him with. Wet squelches slip from the back of your throat, drool dripping from your chin, forming sticky ropes to your breasts that were spilling out of your shirt. Matt continues to fuck himself into your mouth at a steady pace, making sure to keep his grip tight on your hair so you don’t pull away. Your hands place firmly on his thighs as you try your hardest to take his full length.
“Sir?” the lady over the intercom chimes in for the fourth time, at the same time you break free from his grasp, gasping for air. “Fuckk what?!” he spits out at the operator, irritation and dominance weaved around his hoarse voice. 
“How many occupants are in the elevator with you?” she repeats the same question from before. You sit on the floor, attempting to collect yourself as he replies, “jus' me 'n my neighbor,” his tone was shaky and scattered. You’re surprised at how easily he finds you in the dark, snaking a hand around your arm before pulling you to your feet, spinning you around, and pressing you against the railing of the elevator. It was impressive how he didn’t care to ask; no questions – just do it. It was exactly what you looked for needed.
A fervid moan rolls off the tip of your tongue as he pushes your jean mini skirt up, letting it sit loose around your waist. His long fingers smooth over your clothed heat, making a throbbing sensation increase in your cunt, your slick arousal coating his index and middle finger as it seeps through your panties. His voice fiery as he groans out in awe, “already s’wet f’me, babygirl.” You didn’t know if it was his touch or his words, but one of them causes a carnal cry to erupt from your chest, rocking your hips towards him impatiently, “mph — all f’you, daddy.” 
You push the words out in such a pornographic manner, making it impossible for Matt to hold back any longer. The operator's voice comes out muffled thru the intercom, “sorry for the inconvenience, we have the fire department en route to get you out. Please remain calm and don’t panic.” 
Matt digs his fingertips into the lacy fabric that make up your panties, a faint ripping sound fills the room as he yanks them to the side roughly, causing a heaven-like moan to fall from your lips. He runs the tip of his cock along your folds, collecting as much of your juices as he can before lining himself up with your entrance, “ready, baby?” he asks lowly, not giving you time to reply before he thrusts into you with one long stroke. A gasp filled with a mixture of pain and pleasure creeps from the back of your throat, Matt leans forward to press a kiss to your shoulder, burying himself deeper into your pussy. “Fu — fuck, Matt,” you whine, flinging a hand back to push against his stomach. To your dismay, he’s intertwining your fingers in a matter of seconds, using your weight as leverage to catch a certain rhythm, not giving you much time to adjust to his thick size as he continuously plows into your sopping wet cunt. 
You let out a string of soft, submissive moans, he keeps his pace steady, your still fingers laced together while his other hand fists your jean skirt that pooled at your waist, “M — att, Matt, Matt,” you chant out in a lascivious mantra. The feeling of his long, girthy cock teasing your cervix each time he thrusts in and out of your wetness has you ready to come undone at any given moment. It amazed you how well he could manipulate your body when he was barely acquainted with your mind. He fucked you like he knew your body, like he had studied for years. 
You fall forwards once Matt unlocks his death grip on your hand, using the elevators railing for more support as he bucks his hips against you. His strong grip making its way around your neck, he gives it a light squeeze as his own way of signaling you to lean back against him. You do just that, letting your small figure melt into his tall build. His opposite hand slowly inches down your stomach until it's placed between your thighs, teasing circles around your sensitive bundle of nerves, earning soft whimpers from you, “what’s my name, baby?” his voice is dark and raspy like before, salacious if you could describe it. It only made you want to hear more. Arching your back against his frontside and bringing a hand up to lace through his hair, you tell him exactly what he wants to hear, “da — daddy,” you stamper over the moans refusing to let you form full sentences or even get a complete word out. 
The magic title triggers him, each snap of his hips makes him bury his cock deeper inside your cunt, earning loud repetitive mewls from you and low, raspy grunts from him, “Matt — daddy I — fuck!”
Matt keeps you pressed into his strong build, his grasp tightening around your neck as your thrash in his arms. He leaves a trail of wet, sloppy kisses down the nape of your neck as he places your orgasm in front of you; quite literally handing it to you like a present wrapped in a pretty pink bow. “I know, baby — mph! — me too.” His thumb still works tight circles onto your clit, applying just enough pressure to make those blissful moans roll off the tip of your tongue. He loved every minute of it – his cock ramming into you at a rapid pace, your sweet, sacred moans echoing off the ancient walls, the rocking of the box-like cubicle as he fucks you out. He thrived off every moment he shared with you, sexual or not.
The little ball of bliss piling up in your gut finally dares to break loose, making it unbearable to ignore or to keep quiet. Your knees go weak, and your body convulses uncontrollably as you collapse against him fully, “oh my god! – I'm cum –,” your chest vibrating as another lewd mewl erupts from it, cutting your words off as a small stream of fluid squirts out of your fucked out cunt, coating the carpeted floors of the elevator. Your body goes limp, your chest heaving while Matt gives you a few more thrusts.
Your mind spun at the feeling of your annoyingly handsome upstairs neighbor making you climax, in a matter of minutes, under his control again. He releases you from his grip, only to push you forward, his grip firm on your waist to hold you in place, he pulls his cock out of your stretched pussy as quickly as he can before painting your ass cheek with his own cum. Heavy pants from the both of you fill the room, “fuck — d’you jus' squirt?” You can feel the redness creep up to your face almost immediately. You weren’t sure if you did or not, but you knew it was something you had never done before. With that being said, you’d rather not talk about it, “mphh — I don’t know,” one last moan flees your lips as he gives your ass one final squeeze, the ghosting of his hands leaving a burning sensation on your skin. 
After collecting yourself, using one of Matt’s extra t-shirts he had stashed in his bag to blindly clean off the leftover residue of his cum; you just prayed you got it all. You and Matt sit in the darkness, your phone light reflecting off your face as the two of you sit in awkward silence. He clears his throat, his voice softer than before, “y’mad at me?” 
You let out a sarcastic chuckle, “am I mad at you for ruining my night and getting me stuck in a scary death trap of an elevator?” 
“Huh,” he spits out, matching your sarcastic tone, “I think the way I fucked you was a pretty good apology,” even though you couldn’t see his face that well, you knew a sly smirk was engraved deep in his expression. You look up at him, trying to make out the figure of his face in the dark before remembering you have a phone light to blind him with. You turn you flash on with one swift tap of your finger, shining it directly in his eyes, making him squint as you glare up at him, “savor it while you can because I will never fuck you again.” 
Matt rolls his eyes, not taking you seriously at all. You furrow your eyebrows at him, colliding your phone into the side of his thick skull, “and if you even think about telling anyone you fucked me, I will —,” your sweet, honey-like voice gets cut off by Matt pressing his lips to your once again. What was this kids problem?
He pulls away with a goofy smile plastered across his face, “I love it when you get aggressive,” he coos lightly, earning a forced groan from you as you fight back a smile that tries so badly to make itself known. 
A few moments later, the doors to the elevator gap open, allowing the bright hallway lights to peer through. You can see the fireman’s face as he peeks through the gap, “everybody alright? Nobody’s hurt?” 
Matt keeps his eyes stuck on you like glue, “yeah we’re both okay,” a goofy smile pulls at his lips, making the one you had been biting back the whole time finally let loose. You smack at his arm, “it’s not funny, Matt. You got us stuck,” snapping at him as you desperately try to wipe the ear-to-ear grin off your face, your cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as you look away from him.
The firemen work on freeing you from the dark prison you had been trapped in for the past two hours, queuing the both of you to crawl through the gap one at a time. Of course, your upstairs neighbor — being the true gentleman he is — made sure to give you a boost. He also made sure his hands stayed on your ass as he lifted you up through the gaped doors, “get your hands off my ass, you perv!” you snap at him as the two firemen in front of you help you to your feet. Your comment earns a muffled, “jus’ trying to help, geez,” from Matt who was still trapped in the dark space below.
Once you're finally on your feet, you can see the group of firefighters, along with Matt’s two brothers and the maintenance man, standing close by with knowing smirks etched on their faces. You can hear one of his brothers mumble something like, " there should be a 'no sex in the elevator' rule from now on," which leaves you running for your apartment like a deer caught in headlights. Your head hangs low, you don't dare to make eye contact with any of them as you do your walk run of shame up the stairs. Matt’s deep voice bouncing off the hallway walls once you’re on your designated floor, “m’never leaving you alone, y/n!” You fumble with your keys as his footsteps patter up the stairs, weighing in on you quickly, muffled laughs falling close behind as you unlock your door.
‘At least he didn’t cum in me this time,’ was the only thought running rampant through your mind as you entered your apartment. You let the heavy door slam shut behind you, pressing your back against it, dropping your bag as you slide to the floor. “What the fuck jus’ happened?” you murmur to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose of out stress. You had mixed emotions about the whole ordeal, being imprisoned in an ancient death trap the last two hours. Wendy doesn’t allow you to stay distraught for long since you were late feeding her dinner, she prances up to you, her repeated meows bringing serotonin to your soul. A smile makes its way to your lips as you give Wendy a few pets, pulling yourself to your feet to prep her dinner and place your doordash order in the process
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♡‧₊˚ Cheys Note - I'm making it a new goal to give you guys a longer fics every once in a while!! I feel like this add a lot of character development to Brat and Neighbor!Matt's dynamic. Let me know what you guys think?! And as always, thank you to my girl @sweetshuga for her expert opinions ❤️‍🔥
WC - 4618
Neighbor!Matt x Brat!Reader Masterlist
Taglist (comment to be added)
Check out my Pinterest boards and send me asks for my au's 😋
© sturnmeovr - Please do not copy my work.
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shadowthesim237 · 9 hours ago
one of my friends used to call me shadow cuz it has the same letters of my name😭 and i actually started as a sims4 blog in 2023 🧍‍♂️the numbers are the same friend's b-day since shadow was her idea back when we were 12 lmao 😭😭😭
@anyaa2s you already know 🫡
@stvrnioloslvt @ikyoudreamofme @vxnitra @sturnmeovr @sweetshuga @blushsturns
Tag game🎉
Tag your moots and ask them where they got the idea for their tumblr accounts name!
For my name it was a nickname I was giving back in middleschool! One of our teacher had a system where we worked with 'wifi' eachtime we talked in class we lost a bar of the "wifi" (was a weird joke and we never held count on that) All the kids usually joked if they needed 'wifi' , they would borrow mine if they wanted to talk more. (I was incredibly shy in middle school, I only talked to like 3 people at school;^;)
They called me Ms. Wifi because of that. I just thought it would be funny if I put 'miss' instead of 'ms' because of my terrible actual wifi connection I have at home lol.
That's my story! Now moots, only if you guys want to, tell us your story.
Tags-> @slipping-lately @firequeenofficial @noagskryf @twinklstarrrr @halfbakedspuds @polterwasteist @rokushi-san @mygedagtes +anyone that sees this and wants to do this as well
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shadowthesim237 · 30 days ago
☁︎ Let's play ☁︎
what's your favorite childhood song (not taylor swift or katy perry i mean actuall kids songs), fav cartoon, toy(or video game even if it's baby hazel:) and favorite snack?! 💗💗💗
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tags: @anyaa2s @stvrnioloslvt @sturnmeovr @trevorsgodmother @strnilolover @loser41ifee @middlepartmatt @sweetshuga @flouvela @chrissturnioloslvt @chrislilcumslvt @nvmsoph @ariestrxsh @muwapsturniolo @vxnitra @alexturnersgooch @alesturniolos @onevison @nick-stuxniolos-hg @thenickgirl @chrepsi @bernardsbendystraws @nickgurl4life
tag your friends! 💗💗
-you don't have to be tagged to join! 💗
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sofisturns · 1 month ago
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˚✧⁺˳༚ sofis pick !!
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this is sooooo cute
@bernardsbendystraws @livy4swift @55sturn @onevison @sturnmeovr
♯ ⋮ ⋆˚࿔ sofisturns𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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cuties tap in .ᐟ
we’re going on a date ˚。⋆. ♡
pick : a triplet, a jelly cat, and an erewhon smoothie
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ angel’s pick
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inspired by @bernardsbendystraws tags 🤍🪽
tag your fav you want to see blogs to do this!
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scorpio1205 · 17 days ago
Instagram Announcements
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liked by christophersturniolo, matthew.sturniolo & 413k others
BamBam1203 Almost 4 perfect years of dating this amazing man. Thank you for this amazing Valentine's day. I couldn't have asked for a better Boyfriend, oops I mean Fiancee. I love you, Matty Blue.
matthew.sturniolo The Beautiful Mrs. Sturniolo
BamBam1203 that made my heart flutter
matthew.sturniolo you make my heart flutter
Moon.Sturniolo AHHHHHH I'm getting a sister!
Christopher.Sturniolo: I’m not jealous, you’re jealous
Matthew.Sturniolo: Shut up kid
Nicolas.Sturniolo OMG! Bambi is officially gonna be my baby sister
nathandoe8 Holy Shit! congrats kid
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@sturnmeovr @big-poppa23 @colorthecosmos444 @sturns-mermaid @mattsstarlet @iammattswife @pinksturns @courta13 @conspiracy-ash @middlepartmatt @raesturns @mattscherries @emely9274 @harls-sturn @loser41ifee @trevorsgodmother
Dividers by @bernardsbendystraws
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chrisbrowser · 26 days ago
I’m gonna hysterically cry why are all my favourite tumblr pages reblogging MY STUFF. MY STUFF. I must be dreaming wtf.
@slxt4chriss @sturnmeovr @strnilolover ILY GUYS OMG
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y3sterdaysproblem · 22 days ago
new fwb!chris here
@chratts-left-ball @shadowthesim237 @sturniolosblanket @userstfu11 @lvrsturniolo @whore4chris @mattsplaything @2muchofaslvt @sturnsrecord @aniesvision @matteatmeout @mattsbunnyxx @ellssturnss @blushsturns @surprisecurlyfriesbackup @deadpoolistohot @chrissturniolossidebitch @hello-emma @nervoussagittarius @heartsonlyforchris @marrykisskilled @pompomprrin @gwennybenny @mattslilies @strnilolover @glitterybtch @http-bellaa @sturns55 @malsmind @candysturn @wh0remikasas @sturnmeovr @strangelife122 @evansturn @aaa-mi @skye-44 @whoreforchrissturnniolo @ladyy-whistle-d0wn @kriissy4gov @princesspeach0-0 @rylexarchives @kenziesturniolo54 @55sturn @sturniolotripletlover @pixie-sticks-are-good @madisonnxtdoor22 @yuh13lo @chrisslut04 @mxnsonn @ncm9696
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