#stupid sappy bullshit ass post
dogd0m-charlie · 3 months
yeah yeah sure rough freaky t4t gay sex where i mount you aggressively and overstimulate you by making you cum over and over until you're crying etc etc. but- hey, no, listen. take my hand for a second. what if. what if maybe um. you know, instead of that, what if you let me just lay back and kiss my neck gently and slowly jerk me off or maybe ride me for a little while and praise me for how much I've been doing lately and how good i make you feel all the time and tell me you're proud of me, because you know it's really hard for me to always just push through and make myself get things done and you want me to be the center of attention just this once, so you decide to make me cum this time while muttering praises in my ear to make me really feel as appreciated as possible. maybe. (please)
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stinger-shot · 6 months
Yey! Silly vent because I feel like shit!
Read under the cut if you want the juicy ass details
So basically, I gotta let this shit out.. its fucking me up a bit rn.
I met this dude around the start of 2021 on tiktok AND HE WAS SO TALENTED AND FUNNY but he always said he wasn't. Anyway time skip a lil..
We started getting into a few arguments near the middle of 2022. And they where just small disagreements then they gradually got worse and worse every time it happend. And it especially got bad when I made another friend on tiktok who loved doing art related things and drew my old persona back then.
And HE WAS NOT HAVING IT and he said quite alot of bad things to me. Did I stay friends with him? Yes I did. Did I also block the nice guy just trying to be my friend? Yes. I blocked them out of fear of loosing my best friend.
And near the end of 2022 we started dating because things had gotten a better.
Oh how I was so wrong. Everything just went downhill when he left high-school. He always needed attention. He got mad at me because I couldn't set an alarm BECAUSE he was up at 10am and I was up near 1pm. So I forced myself to do so mutch bullshit for him. Like draw him art as an apology and it drained me do badly I could hardly do my own personal art.
I didn't even have personal art at this point. Every time I fixated on something it was what he was fixating on because he'd get mad at me and argue with me if I wasn't.
But everything was calm when it was around April in 2023 and we where finally getting along like an actul couple because of a game called final fantasy. We where obsessed with it for months! And then around June or July I re discovered transformers.
I have never felt as happy in a fandom since 2019! Like holy shit the fandom is so sweet.
But I kept it a secret from him he still doesn't know. Then at some point I made this tumblr to get my stupid little urges out and now look at where I'm at. I haven't been this happy in a LONG while.
And just st the start of 2024 my ex got into an argument with one of his friends and I offered to talk to them. so he agreed and I spoke to them.
Im so fucking glad I did.
Because without their help I'd still be fucking miserable. They gave me the confidence to dump that bitches ass and I honestly feel like a weight has been taken off. Because it honestly felt like a chore every day of my life just talking to him.
And my other friend on discord had helped me out to. Including you silly fuckers on discord/tumblr. If your even reading this... if you are why are you still reading this?
But anyway. I just needed this off my chest. Because it does hurt a little spite how good i feel but I just have an off feeling. I haven't put down everything that happend while I was with my ex and some things might be in the wrong order or time but at least I'm forgetting it?
Just. I love the transformers fandom so mutch mutch really helped me pull through...
Fuck I'm ranting. Uh. Bye!
Also a big thank you to Avery and rex for helping me feel better (rex I've only known you for a little bit but jesus christ I fucking laugh my ass off because of you) jesus I'm sappy as fuck. (and avery your so fucking cool. You helped me alot.) And belyyvolks (I've had alot of fun messing around about ironhide XD) I'm not tagging because I don't want alot of attention on this post.
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
headcanon for when billy realizes he’s in love with reader? i’m such a sucker for romantic and soft billy😫
I love this. I'm going to go a little beyond just when he first realises too. You'll see. It's turned into more of a 'when Billy's in love with you' headcanon.
I'll break it down into sections once again. It's just easier that way 😌
When he first realises he loves you:
Oh man. Billy doesn't realise he's in love until he's so far gone he's drowning in it lmao
He has no idea why he gets crazy ass butterflies in his stomach every time he just thinks about you. No idea why his heart beats all funny when he looks at you or why his chest feels all warm. He doesn't know why everytime he's away from you his chest hurts and it feels like someone's punched a gaping hole right through it. The boy has no clue.
But then one day, he's out drinking with Frank, having a good time. And Frank's been going on and on about Maria, absolutely gushing about her. Billy being the good best friend he is, teases him of course. Sends him an offhand remark with a smirk. And Frank replies with...
"Yeah well. That's what happens when you're in love."
The words feel like a smack to the face. Suddenly, Billy feels like he's free falling, plummeting at record speed towards the concrete from a 50 story building. Because he relates. All the sickening gushing Frank had been doing, Billy got it. He does it himself about you. And Frank's words make everything click into place, Billy's world is suddenly tilting on its axis. Because what if you don't feel the same? Why would you when own his mother couldn't muster up any love for him?
He freaks out. His mind is going to dark places as his heart feels ready to give out. Frank sees him looking a second away from collapsing in a heap on the floor and takes him outside. After some brotherly advice and tough love, he feels a little better.
He still won't tell you though. Of course not, that's just fucking stupid. The fear of rejection runs far too deep in Billy to admit such a thing and he doesn't know how he'd cope if you broke his heart. If he lost the only person he's ever been in love with. So he resolves to keep it to himself. Its kind of nice though, to finally know just what it is that he's been feeling. It was obvious really. People write love songs about this bullshit. The same songs Billy's been listening to like a love sick fool because he gets it. He relates to the words.
How he tells you:
Billy won't outright tell you he loves you first. At least not on purpose. There are three likely scenarios that happen.
The first is you telling him you love him first. This is his best case scenario. He blinks warily at you for a moment, dark eyes rapidly scanning your face as he tries to find even the slightest hint of deception. It's not that he doesn't trust you, but he finds it almost impossible to believe anyone would ever be in love with him.
But when he realises you're telling the truth, he's dumbstruck. He's stunned but overwhelmingly happy and he tells you he loves you too. It feels like a weights been lifted, to finally tell you, to know you haven't turned him away. That you actually love him too.
The second way it might happen is him blurting it out randomly. This might happen during or after some amazing sex. Maybe you're both snuggled on the sofa and laughing about something stupid. He just looks at your wide and radiant smile and it strikes him how absolutely hopelessly in love with you he is. How lucky he is to be with you. And his mouth takes on a life of its own. The words tumble from his lips without his consent and he panics.
Total blind fear claws at his chest when he realises what he's said. He fears the worst. That you'll say you don't feel the same, maybe even laugh at him. Yet you don't do those things. You tell him you love him too. He reacts the same as the other scenario. Wary at first until he sees you mean it. And then he's overjoyed and shocked and confused but ridiculously happy.
The last scenario is similar to the other one in that it gets blurted out. Only this time it's during a heated discussion or argument. I made a whole headcanon post about arguing with Billy and another on the kind of things you might argue about.
This isn't a huge fight but most likely caused by something you did that he saw as reckless. Something like you walking home from work in the dark instead of getting a cab or calling him. Is he being overdramatic? Definitely. He knows this. But he's so terrified something might happen to you and it frustrates him that you don't see that. That you have no idea how much it would kill him if you got hurt. And in the middle of all the anger and the blind fear and intensity in the moment, after a biting remark from you, the words get ripped from his chest.
"Because I fuckin' love you, alright?! I'd die if somethin' happened to you! So you don't get to stand there and tell me it's no big deal!"
He's full of barely restrained rage at the mere thought of someone hurting you and he's sad and upset that you don't seem to care much about your own wellbeing.
But now it's a tense silence because he just blurted those words and worst of all, he yelled them at you. It was all going wrong and he hates it. But his panic was kept at bay by his anger, his only outwards reactions being the clenched jaw, the narrowed eyes and the roll of his shoulder. He's steeling himself for the inevitable. The searing pain of rejection.
But then you're yelling right back that you love him too and calling him an asshole and he's never been happier in his damn life. And with emotions still running high from the fight, he tosses you over his shoulder and takes you to the bedroom so he can show you just how much he loves you.
Ways he shows you he loves you:
Any of these that don't involve the words 'I love you' he's already been doing a while. But he continues to do so after that hurdle of first telling you passes and he gets comfortable with telling you verbally at every chance he gets.
He loves taking care of you. If he's off work he loves making you breakfast in bed. He loves cooking for you, he's actually quite good at it. He draws you relaxing baths, sometimes joining you and not even for sex. If you've had a hard day at work, he'll put your feet in his lap as you sit on the sofa with him and rub your sore feet.
He often buys you your favorite flowers, always accompanied by a sweet note. When you're both at work, he stops by your work for lunch because he can't stand a whole day away from you.
Since he wakes before you, he often just lays there and watches you. With the sun rising and bathing you in its glow, he watches in awe of how he managed to get someone as amazing as you. He doesn't dwell on these moments for too long though. His treacherous brain has a habit of poisoning anything good. If he lays there too long, his thoughts turn sour as the voice in the back of his head tells him he's not good enough for you. He doesn't deserve you, deserve your love. You'll leave him one day, realise you deserve way better than someone like him. He was an unloved and unwanted child, and that little boy is still there inside of him, hiding behind his bravado and his fancy ass suits. It's a downward spiral he finds it hard to come back from and he learned his lesson long ago. So instead, he allows himself a moment to admire you, appreciate you, and then he gets up for the day.
He doesn't wake you, you look so sweet and peaceful and he doesn't have the heart to. You don't need to get up as early as he does. Sometimes, if he's feeling particularly sappy, he leaves a note for you on his pillow. Letting you know how much he loves you and that he'll miss you while at work.
Gifts are abundant with Billy. It doesn't matter what it is, if you want it then it's yours. If it's expensive, it's yours. Cheap, it's yours. Weird and rare and very hard to get, he finds a way and it's yours. He's also a sucker for sentimental gifts. Jewellery that means something, maybe the date you met engraved on it. Some kind of photo gift with a picture of the two of you.
Billy has a lot of affection to give you. I've talked about this in other posts but he's a tactile person. He always needs to be touching you, reassuring himself you're real, you're safe and you're there with him. He often puts his hand on your neck, slender fingers feeling your pulse under them. It soothes him to do so. There's plenty of kisses on your head, temples, shoulders, neck, cheeks. He can't help it. He also loves stroking your hair. His hand are always attached to you like there's a gravitational pull towards you he can't resist. There's at least one hand on you at all times if you're near.
Billy doesn't fall for people easily. It's never happened before you. But when he falls, he falls hard. It's an all consuming kind of love that takes over his whole being.
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katsumiiii · 3 years
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I can’t believe I’m already at 1K bro. I honestly never thought my blog would grow to be what it is now I cannot thank you all enough for making it possible. I cannot explain the happiness I feel right now!!
To my followers: I wouldn’t have been able to have this moment if it weren’t for you. I appreciate each and every one of you all, to the silent readers to the ones who always like and reblog my stuff. I love you all and I thank you for rocking with me on this journey
To my mutuals: I love you all so so so much, you never fail to make me laugh on the daily. Seeing you interact with each other and being able to interact with you all will always be the highlight of my days. Thank all of you for putting up with the random bullshit I post everyday on here, I cannot explain how much I love and appreciate you
Now it’s about to get sappy !!
@mypimpademia @myhoodacademia: Without you I honestly would have never created this blog, your beautiful works inspired me to want to create my own blog. You made me feel wanted within the anime community and I wanted to share that with others, so I thank you so much for that
@lilsparkyswife @myhoodacademia: I just met you this year and it feels like I’ve known y’all forever. I enjoy our playful banters, you always seem to make me laugh even when I’m feeling like shit. You guys really are like my sisters and I wouldn’t trade y’all for the world. Thank you guys for rocking with me through it all, I love y’all so so much !!
@plutropica @denkisdurag @katsuflossy: Y’all deadass make me laugh every time you pop up on my screen. Y’all are like my badass cousins who are always getting into some sort of trouble (with the exception of ni!! she’s the older sista!) Thank y’all for making me smile with your weird ass jokes 💀
@ccxiia @manjirodni @hood-nami @plutosexc: Y’all really be making me crack up. From the dumbass comments some of you be making to the outta pocket jokes, you always always always keep me chuckling. I’m so glad you guys are apart of my journey and I love y’all
@blackweebtrash @yuujisbby @angiebug101: MY HYPE BABESSSSSS, y’all are always hyping me up whether it be with my writing or just in general. You guys make me feel so confident about not only myself, but my ability to write. Thank you guys so much for always giving me a boost when I need it, I love you sm <3
@ohstunnah @katsdni @luv-calcifer: Please I’m so in love with y’all. Y’all always feed my addiction to anime characters with your little scenarios and headcanons. You never fail to make me flustered in some sort of way. I love y’all’s energy and vibes, they make me feel at home. I love you guys sm <3
@lovelytetsuro @morosis-haze: YOU GUYS ARE THE SWEETEST EVA!! I love yawl to DEATHHHHH, you’re so sweet and kind no matter what the circumstance. You all deserve the absolute world and I love y’all sm
@0risha @wockeshaa: I love arguing with y’all it’s honestly so entertaining. You both support me endlessly and I appreciate you so so much for that. I love both of you to death
@reihara: REIIIIIIIII!!! I love making fun of your stupid ass, your reactions are hilarious bro. You’re always so kind and open minded, I love talking to you and I’m so glad I met you, love you babes !!
@asaincy: BESTIIIIEEEEEE, another one of the kindest souls I’ve ever met. You’re so sweet and so understanding, I could talk to you for hours and hours. I love you so much and appreciate you more than you could imagine
If I forgot anyone I’m sorry !! I love you all so so much and I thank you for always being here for me!!
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willowistic22 · 3 years
New jomike hc au!post college
I came up with this au in my head for awhile now some hc’s regarding this new au on a whim bcs i wanted to tell my friends abt it on a discord server. I thought it’s time it sees the light of day bcs i simply cannot keep it in me anymore. Also this is kind of inspired by the song Dorothea - Taylor Swift. 
Everyone is graduating so que the sappy goodbyes as they’re all gonna be scattered not just all around the us but also all around the world
The couples made a truce whether to do long distance or they share the same dreams so they do it together
But mike and jojo didn’t make things work in the end so they broke up before graduation but still went to prom together
y’know those kinds of high school hearthache
Bcs Mike stayed in new york but jojo flew away (like england or sumn idk) 
To some fancy elite school bcs he’s smart yknow
He wanted to from the start but he’s always been a bit torned bcs he knew from the start of the relationship mike was the one (call it stupid young love or whatever you want, i call it destiny:))
And mike never wanted to hold him down so he was the one that proposed the idea to him
For the most part it worked out
Jojo flew away to chase his dreams
Mike stayed and did the same thing
Both of them only kinda sorta moved on. Met new people but never fully stopped thinking abt the other. Wishing the other was by their side right now
And so they’ve gotten their degrees and gotten their dream jobs
Mike is a coder working in a video game company while jojo is in social media marketing after finishing business school (or whatever major required for that job field idk)
And they kinda hv their life together. Jojo living on his own in a studio apartment with a cat called Dorothea (see what i did there:)) money doesn’t concern him all that much bcs the job pays nicely and he’s good at handling his finances 
Mike lives alongside with his brother ike in a nice apartment too. He manages to get a position that allows him to work flexibly at home yknow. He also has a new kitten he saved from the streets named Honey (bcs his fur is orange like honey) and since his older cat had died of old age
But mike lives with ike who also lives with hotshot. So he’s like always the third wheel. Even worse when ike and hotshot are hving the occasional double date with race and spot. Mike feels even more worse at those time
Decides to hide away in his room or go out with the excuse being work
And its even worse remembering he used to go on double dates with ike and hotshot when him and jojo were still a thing
So ike is like ‘yknow what? I hv enough of this shit’ and hv one good brother to brother talk
‘Dude. It’s been years already. How are you not over him?’
‘Bcs he’s jojo...’
‘Ok? So why don’t you call him?’
It’s not like mike has never thought of calling him. Very much possible. They still follow each other’s social media’s so if his old number had changed he cld always just ask from a simple dm since mike knows jojo is still active in his social media accs
But mike is like ‘i can’t. He cld be taken for all i know. Even if he weren’t, he seems to be doing fine on his own’
‘You can’t really get to know a person through instagram posts. Remember how you tried that the first time you wanted to ask him out? You thought he didn’t like guys and yet still went on a date with you anyways’
That was a real slap in the face type of sentence yknow so mike is working up a lot of courage and planned a lot on what he’s gonna do
He first wanted to message jojo. Seeing if it’s still okay to call and all. But he cldn’t figure out what to say so he procrastinated on that part
Ike got sick of it so he took the phone from mike and messaged ‘can we call? I miss you’
Mike was hovering in between i will murder you or thank you @ ike
Either way jojo texts back with his new number. It’s gonna add up on his usual phone bill but he thinks it’s worth it.
Ok so they talked for like soooo long
Basically the whole night for mike
It felt like high school all over again
They were just catching up with each other and talking abt absolute bullshit at the same time
Till they got to the point where they mentioned how they’re both single and the air kinda shifts
Deep down mike and jojo knows what this means
As far as jojo is concerned, mike was the one that messaged him that he misses him
It’s easy now for mike to word out come home without indirectly saying it out loud in case that’s not what jojo wants
Bcs after that catching up, he knows that as much as it’s a dream for jojo to work at a big well known fashion brand (he’s pretty fashionable lmao) and get free products that are usually hella expensive from the brand, he hates everyone he works with. Real snobs and ruthless when it comes to getting a higher position
The other things abt his new life is pretty interesting and he loves it. But he admits there’s always been something missing and mike so badly wants to be that something missing in jojo’s new life
So it comes out straight forward. Not like how mike had planned, but it works in the end. ‘Come home’
And jojo does exactly that. He agrees to come home for the weekend. He books a ticket to new york then back with only a carry on duffle bag filled with a few assortments of clothing and booked it out after telling dorothea he won’t be long.
He rushes to the airport bcs he kinda booked the flight that leaves for new york as soon as possible. Perhaps deep down jojo really does know what he’s been missing in his life?
He lands in new york on a friday night new york time
Mike tells him not to worry abt what he’s wearing bcs he just wants to meet jojo at a central park bench that has long became an important spot for them
Jojo insisted on meeting as soon as he lands which is tonight. So the whole time he’s in the cab, he’s like soooo shaky and nervous it kinda drove the cab driver anxious as well. Bcs like jojo’s not talking and didn’t like say anything abt why he’s going to central park this late at night and not to some fancy hotel as most travelers wld do when they first arrive at new york
The moment the cab stops, jojo basically threw him a wad of cash. Probably too much than the actual price of the ride but he just called out from the back of his shoulder saying it’s a huge tip. Secretly, he’s thanking the cab driver for not asking him why he’s in new york and why central park at this time. It’d most likely make him even more nervous
He’s running on the path. He doesn’t reach full speed bcs his duffle bag is weighing him down. He doesn’t even know why he’s going so fast. It’s not like mike has anything else planned
Picture jojo frantically looking around the area like he’s a lost little boy in the dark. Barely seeing anyone else in ten vicinity, so any figure out at this ungodly time rn cld only mean is mike.
But he’s growing worried bcs it doesn’t seem like he’s around
Until ofc ‘jojo!’
Jojo whips his head around and sees Mike walking up to the bench from a different direction
They didn’t really do anythign at the start. They just stared at each other while standing in the dark approximately 10 feet apart. Jojo waits for a sign from mike to do anything else, though mike was doing the same thing for jojo
Until mike decides to break the 1 minute long silence ‘jojo-‘
But he didn’t continue bcs jojo was already running up to him the moment his mouth moves and tackles him into the tightest hug ever
His duffle bag was dropped halfway from the run so there was no holding back. The hug very much pushed mike’s soul out of his figure as much as it did to his body
Thankfully, mike hugged back just as tight. If not, it was a sign for jojo that it wasn’t okay to go in for a hug just yet and he wld pull back really quick
In time, jojo did end up pulling back to look at mike’s face up close and whisper ‘i still love you’
Which is really out of nature for jojo bcs he’s never really known to be the risk taker between the two
And mike was so happy at that moment that he just pulls jojo in for a kiss.
And that folks, is how they got back together:)
So everyone has agreed that airplane food sucks ass (for the most part at least. 
Jojo was forced to eat it on his plane back to new york but he didn’t like finish it
Probably bcs he was so nervous and it also didn’t look so appetizing
So after they’ve said their heartfelt ‘i still love you’s and etc mike took him back to his apartment after finding out he doesn’t hv a place to stay. He’d stay at his parents place but the de la guerra’s hv long moved out of new york. You can say the similarities between jojo and his parents are that they like to travel. They sold their house and ended up backpacking across the world to look for a place to retire inevitably. Last time he checked up on his mom, the old couple is driving to Netherlands.
So mike took him home and cooked him dinner. They hv the apartment all to themselves since hotshot and ike are out
Unknowingly, jojo had sat on honey’s favorite spot on the couch and earned a disapproving meow from the little cat
Not until mike had properly introduced them that honey started to be nicer to jojo. And so they eat dinne ron the couch and talked.
Mike admitted calling him has been on his mind for quite some time but was too scared to act up on it. And jojo said what he did just now was the most compulsive and adrenaline rush thing he’s ever done. The roles had reversed for the moment
But now they’re back where they’ve always belong. In each other’s grasp while looking out the balcony in the tiny living room to watch the sunrise and then getting surprised seeing ike and hotshot pile in the apartment
And so now they’re back. They make the most of the weekend to talk abt what they really want
Jojo wants to quit his old job. The firm is full of snobby and arrogant ppl
And it has him working almost 24/7. He doesn’t want that
Mike on the other hand wants to hv a period of his life where he’s traveling full time
So they took inspiration from ike and hotshot’s current plan : get a mini bus to convert it into a home
In conclusion jojo quits his job, moves back to new york along with his cat dorothea so he can live with mike to make that converted bus plan. After securing a proper job that let’s him work at home flexibly like mike’s, they get on with their plan and sets off to travel in their house on wheels with their two cats. They end up getting married ofc and lived happily ever after:)
Thank you and goodnight folks hsnsgsbssjshmshssmhs
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interstellix · 4 years
to those who made my 2020 a little better,
i just wanted to let each one of you know that you mean tons to me and that you truly have, in one way or another, made this year better. i’ll be honest, 2020 was just not it for me, a whole lot of shit happened and i’ve had countless of days where i’ve been too tired in ways i can’t explain. at the same time though, good things have happened as well, one of them being the people i’ve met on tumblr; some of you i’ve been friends with since before, some of you i got to know this year and some of you even very very recently. still, i can’t thank these people enough because they’ve all been part of making this year less shitty than it would’ve been otherwise. thus, i wanted to at least let the mentioned ones know that they’re the ones part of that
now, i’m really not good with words, and i absolutely Hate being sappy, yet that’s exactly what i’m being here fjkdfk. i’m deadass out here cringing at my own words but please bear with me this one time LMAOO.
tldr; ily and u’re all v v precious people to me
@ohmyhao i don't think i'll ever be able to explain just how precious you are to me, no joke :( i'm almost 100% you're the one who's been sticking around my blog(s) since the very start and i want you to know that, even if we don't talk as often, i'm grateful for each and every day knowing i deadass have someoone like you around. i mean, i'll be honest, i still question your choice of favorite haikyuu characters because oi🤮kawa bUT!! i'll forgive you bc!! you're literally among the cutest people i've ever come across (don't even think of arguing with me this time), you're no joke one of the reasons i continued staying on tumblr and getting to know you is something i'll always feel blessed over 🥰
@kachulein LOL OK i could go on for hours and hours here, mostly because of how many and all the different things we talk about stuff that just shouldn't see the light of the world included. talking to you is something that never fails to make me feel happy but also incredibly at ease; i really, really want you to know that something i’m incredibly grateful for is how i’m comfortable enough with you to be able to talk about things i otherwise just can’t :( aside from that, listen, 99% of our conversation have me wheezing my throat off, like it can get weird af but it still has me laughing. something else i’m really happy is when you put in your two cents in our conversation, i’ve said it before but as someone who struggles with seeing things from more than one perspective, i really admire hearing about your own! all in all, i love you tons and tons, you’re an incredible person through and through and i truly appreciate the time i get to talk to you!
@starryarles i don’t think i tell you this enough but?? mae?? i literally love you so much, legit l-o-mae-l??? i still laugh my ass of looking back at the time you found my other blog and i had to guess which one of my mutuals you were LMAOO listen the panic fjijfkjk. anyway, i absolutely adore every message, ask and comment i receive from you, no joke i always get really happy from each one of them and tbh?? during that long period of time we didn’t talk i genuinely thought you hated me or something HAHAH. turns out that that was not true at all or so i hope and not to sound like a sap but i’m deadass overjoyed that we started talking again. and really, you’re way, way too supportive, i literally don’t deserve how much love i’ve received from you even but please know that i’m grateful for every bit of it and that i love you stupid much and hope we can have another good year together :’)
@milkteandhan you?? are also?? one of the few who have been dealing with my ass literally from the very start?? because i seriously can’t remember having been on tumblr without you around?? BUT ALSO YOU LITTLE SHIT IDGI you bully me to the ends of the fucking world but for some reason?? i still love you?? >:(( ok but jokes aside, i really do love you a lot, i mean i love you as much as you make me suffer and that? that’s a lot :) you drop by my inbox with either the cutest/funniest message or pictures that make me wanna dig my grave but either way, they always make me smile like a fucking moron and listen LISTEN. i really wanna explain to you how much you mean to me but idk where to start bc i can’t. literally just can’t. find the words for that. but all i can say is that meeting you is something i’ll thank any and every damn god out there for and i’m not even religious, like at all fjkdjfkd so yeah. mwah
@astronomlns my god you bitch you bully me almost on the daily and then you?? have the audacity to deny it?? but! that said, i don’t mind lol. one of my biggest regret what goes my “”online-life”” is the awfully long time we didn’t talk but that’s also why i’m mad happy that we actually do now, almost every day even. i’ve already said this before but have the friendly reminder that you’re among the few that i feel really safe when talking. we’ve also pointed out this before but it’s almost been two whole years since we became friends and i hope you can stick with my shit for another whole year. again, you bully me a lot, but i still love you a whole damn lot, never forget that
@lixchannie i’ll be flat out honest, idk what the hell i’m supposed to say here. despite all bullshit that has happened you’ve been there with me this entire, entire time ever since we became friends and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to explain how thankful i am for that. we don’t talk every day and imy when we don’t lmao but tbh i’m fine with that because i’m genuinely glad knowing that i even get to have someone like you in my life. so yeah don’t leave me bc i’ll deadass hunt you to the end of the world
the rest of the “”kin-gang”” like some like to call it @bubbleskz @berryyyyyy @skzbbie we don’t talk as often, v v rarely actually but i want y’all to know that i don’t appreciate and love you any less than i did before we started somewhat losing touch. i don’t like sounding cheesy and shit fjkfkds but let it slide this time, the times we do talk are times i treasure more than i can explain, deadass. i feel like i don’t tell you this enough but you guys are better friends than i could ever ask for. again, we don’t talk as much, but 2020 would’ve sucked a thousand times more if we didn’t talk a lot, so thank you tons for being part of it and i hope you’ll be there for 2021 too :’)
@soulkhunscompass LISTEN. listen. i’ll say it, i’ll just fucking say it: i don’t deserve you at fucking all :///// you’re way too sweet to me, talking to you always makes me smile and laugh, esp when you promise making me food one day ffjdkfjkds. but somehow?? at the same time, and idk how you do it, but somehow SOMEHOW you never fail to make me feel appreciated whenever you tell me sweet ass things. ‘in return’, never forget that both that and you are something i appreciate way way more k >:( and also >:(( never forget that i love you so much, literally more than i love how the corner of felix’s eyes crinkle up whenever he smiles and that’s,,, that’s a damn lot tbh 👉👈
@chwe-yeeun honestly i’m lowkey sobbing while writing this. you’re one of those i only got to know this year, in fact just a few months ago but nonetheless, you’re still one of those i treasure a whole damn lot. like you said, you love making me suffer with pretty boys, it hurts but it’s still funny lmao, i appreciate but also feel bad whenever you have to deal with my bullshit whenever i come crying to you over eric those pretty boys, aNd ThE tImEs yOu SeNd ThAt CuTe HuG?? i return them all, like fr take my heart i don’t need it, it’s your for the taking like literally fuck it. moral of the story, i love you tons and thank you for being there with and for me :’)
@riskyrenjun i might as well start off and say that i fucking screeched when i saw you in my notifs and mention my content on your blog bc?? the queen herself?? noticed me?? wtf?? and i’ll be honest, i’ve been following you for a good while and for the longest time ever i wanted to hit you up bc you’ve literally always seemed so precious sO?? dO YOU EVEN KNOW??? hoW hAPPY i am?? that we actually?? are friends?? i’ve done nothing to deserve that but here we are fjkflkd. i saw your end-of-the-year post, i’m sorry i haven’t responded to it and that i’ve been so shit at talking lately, but i promise i’ll try to get better at it lmao so!!! i hope you’ll still stick around with me at that point because i can be really fucking damn annoying 🥺 long story short pray for a good 2021 bc you’ll probably regret ever even wanting to talk to me once we’ve become closer lol <3
there are a few other friends and mutuals i wanna include here; i don’t talk as much with some of y’all, others are people i’m still getting to know but nevertheless, i want you to know that meeting each one of you here on this hellsite is a blessing in itself and that it’s one of the things i’m happy 2020 has actually given me :’)
@0325-4419 @marculees @jwisungchan @stealerz @ciiikb @zoey-angel-istaeminsbitchnow @yangles @violethhj @littlefallenrebel  
alllso to dear dc servers: @planteii @joey-yellow-county @sakura-writes-stuff @bound-writings @koukounuts @classicalsylph  the rest of the server bc i’m struggling really hard to find them // @crimsoncitrus @everythingsinred and the rest of that server because again i’m struggling to find the url to the rest fjdkfkd; i’m not particularly active in neither but i still want you to know that i’m very grateful for being able to be part of two v v warm and welcoming servers, so thank you for that 🥺
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We are married now! ( 2019! Slaxl)
A/N: Here’s the sequel to this oneshot about Slash proposing to Axl. Because let’s be honest, current Slaxl deserves love too!
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Slash was smoking a cigarette, absently looking in the distance. They finally had a break from shooting, so he sat on the stairs of the church, frustration and tiredness rising in his chest.
He was so annoyed by Axl’s perfectionism, and by the whole storyline of that freaking music video. They were a rock band, they came from the streets, they were supposed to represent that, not filming about a love story and a wedding in a church in the middle of a desert!
But what irritated Slash the most was that he had to marry her!  He had to stand to watch Axl and that girl kissing over and over, watching her walking down the aisle and seeing the smile on his singer’s face. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he knew he was supposed to be the one looking at the redhead like that, he should have felt Axl’s lips on his, held his hand or call him his husband.
Slash was the one to deal with the other man’s mood swing, he was the one taking care of him when he couldn’t get out of the bed, he comforted him after a nightmare, or made him feel safe whenever they were in Indiana.
Usually he wasn’t bother by things, but all of that really was testing his calm. Because deep down, he knew he was in love with Axl.
He was in love with Axl fucking Rose!
“Can I have one?” His singer’s deep voice said, sitting next to him.
Slash handing him one, not even looking him in the eyes.
“Are you angry Slash?” The redhead asked.
“No, I’m not.” The guitarist answered with a neutral tone.
“Oh fuck you Saul, I know you! I can see when you’re angry.”
“Yes, I’m fucking annoyed, okay?! You know how I feel about music videos. Plus we are a rock band, born from the streets and we are shooting a video in a stupid church in the desert.” Slash didn’t sound pissed, just tired and indifferent, or at least he tried to look like that.
Axl took a drag from his cigarette, then he looked the curly man into the eyes.
“It’s not just about that. I know that you hate music videos but you never behaved like an angsty teen!”
Saul laughed dryly, moving his hair out of his face, so Axl could see him better.
“I hate her. I freaking hate that backstabber witch so much. But most of all I hate the fact that she has to be the bride, that she is the one to kiss you!” He admitted, biting his lip.
The redhead seemed surprised by his confession,  but happy at the same time.
“It is about you, do you know that? November Rain is about you, I wrote it thinking about you. Not about Stephanie or Erin or any other girl.”
Now it was Slash’s turn to look surprised and confused.
“Bullshit! Then why is she here? Why you look like a freaking puppy around her?” He replied, bitterly.
Axl took a big breath, clenching his fists. Slash thought he was about to hit him or scream, but the other talked in a quiet tone, surprisingly.
“If I could I’d let you be the one. Fuck… if I could I’d marry you! You know what? I’m going to marry you, one day I’m going to fucking take you to the aisle, Saul Hudson! You’ll be my husband.
Slash felt a warm sensation in his heart, however his thoughts quickly water it down. He knew that Axl was still scared, still ashamed of liking him, he knew how he was still tormented by his religious past. He would have never
his hand in public or kissed him, and certainly he would have never married him.
He didn’t matter how many times he could have said “I love you” after sex, it was not possible for them to be together. Did he even really love him? So he just laughed.
“Well I hope you can manage to do that before 2020!” He said sarcastically, stomping on his cigarette, then walking away.
But before he could, Axl grabbed his wrist.
“I know it’s not a real one, but that’s my promise!” He stated firmly, he took a ring from his pocket and put it on Slash’s finger, the one he used in the wedding scene.
The guitarist gave in and brushed his lips against Axl’s, but then he walked away with a sad smile.
A part of him really hoped, that the other keep his promise.
Slash was playing with the same ring Axl gave him years ago. He kept it with him after all this time, even when they hated each other or so they have thought.
Usually he was hardly nervous, but today he felt on the edge, probably the fact that he was about to marry the man of his life didn’t help.  But it was so useless to get worried : Axl loved him, most of the fans were supportive and even his two kids, London and Cash, were more than happy to have also “Papa Axl” with them!
Duff was his best man, and like the old times, he seemed to know the exact moment he needed to comfort somebody. He got in the room, and put his hands on Slash’s shoulder, feeling the other man tension.
“What’s wrong buddy? And don’t lie to me, I know you too well!”
“What if everything will go wrong, after we get married? Slash answered, still playing with his ring.
“Why should that happen? You both wanted to get married, and even your kids agree!” Duff said, calmly.
“Maybe I can’t be in a marriage? I’ve been in two and everything went to shit!”
“Yeah but your last one lasted 20 years! The point is that you two always loved each other, you probably wanted to do this since the early days! I know your brain is making you think shit but that’s not the truth!” Duff said firmly. “ Now just breathe and think about all the sappy things you two can do, as soon as you become husbands.” He added with a smile.
“We both want that and he loves me, everything will be okay. God, I bet Axl is so chill about this, while I’m the one freaking out this time!” Saul said with a laugh, ready to drive to their wedding location.
Axl was totally not chill. He was pacing the room, he felt anxious and worried, biting his lips.
“C’mon Ax, you’re being unreasonable right now. He proposed you! How couldn’t he want to be your husband?!” Izzy stated, sounding a bit annoyed.
Yes, Axl asked Izzy Stradlin to be his best man. Time passed and they were on good terms, at least enough to make Izzy accept to do this.
“What if it doesn’t work out? Fuck we haven’t spoken to each other for decades! We’ve been together for only three and a half years, what if it is too early?” The redhead shoot back.
Izzy sighed, rubbing his temples. Axl may have changed but some things about him didn’t.
“Look at me! You love him and he loves you, he proposed to you because he wanted you as his husband. He talked about you all the time, he was such a pain in the ass and we both know how your man is, if he doesn’t want to do something he won’t do it first!” The black haired man said, holding Axl’s shoulders steadily.
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck, yes Axl I’m sure! He came all the time in my hotel rooms, drunk as fuck, talking about how you were an asshole but also perfect and how we wanted you so bad! Now stop freaking out or I’ll call Beta.” He smiled and the redhead relaxed a bit.
“ It’s better if we go, because I don’t want to show up late this time too! And also because if I show up late, Slash I’ll say I’m the bride!” Axl said with a laugh.
Axl didn’t arrive late, however Slash was already there.
He stopped a moment to look at the beautiful  garden where they choose to marry, surrounded by red roses bushes, who made everything cheesy as fuck, but Axl loved it nonetheless. It was simply but also eccentric, just like him and Slash.
Then his eyes were fixed on his soon-to-be husband talking to Duff :he looked so good with his wild curls and his half open shirt, a little smile on his face and the ring he gave him years ago around his neck. They decided to use a replica of that as their wedding rings, because the redhead was that sentimental!
Somebody had to say something about the groom being there, because Slash turned around and he spotted Axl, his mouth slightly open and his eyes full of joy.
“You look stunning, my love. I really dig this suit!” He said smiling widely, eyes full of love.
“ I was very tempted to put on the same suit I had on during “November Rain” but unfortunately it doesn’t fit me anymore.” The other man replied, blushing and with a sad smile.
He was very self-conscious about his appearance, considering that Slash was still so fit and sexy to him. However his boyfriend wouldn’t never let Axl’s insecurities eat the man he loved.
“I like you better this way and if I wasn’t about to get married, I’d ask your number!” He joked with a smirk.
“You’re the same idiot I fell in love with. And your ass is still as great as it was in the 80s!” Axl whispered the last part, making Slash hiding behind his hair for a split second.
“Maybe we should go, or post marriage sex will become pre marriage sex!” The curly man grabbed his hand and led his almost husband  to the justice of the peace.
There were not many people, just their closest friends ( including Steven you was more than happy to join) and families. It was strange for two rock stars to save such a modest wedding, but they didn’t care, they just wanted it to celebrate their love with the people who accepted them.
“We are here today to celebrate the union of Axl and Saul, two men who decided to consolidate their love through marriage. Now you shall say your votes.” The judge said.
Axl stared it, taking a deep breath.
“I don’t think many of you know this but I promise to Slash that we would be married. It was 1992 and we were filming November Rain, and he was upset because he loved me too much to see him with another person. Little did he know that I was also totally in love with him, and if I could I was ready  to marry him right on the spot, and actually I said it to him but he was very stubborn that day, so he left me standing in the desert. Now almost 30 years later, he asked me to get married, with the same song I dedicated to him. Saul Hudson, you’re the love of my life. I’ve never been so happy until we got reunited and you decided to stay, you show me what a happy life was, you loved me with all my flaws, you never judged me but you were always there to help me. Sure we did some very stupid things back then, but I’d want nothing more than just be your husband and be at your side, in health and sickness and all that bullshit! Because me and you can’t be apart even if we want to!”
The redhead was trying his best to not cry, and honestly Slash started to have some difficulties with that too. He looked at Axl’s beautiful eyes and smiled softly.
“I thought that I wanted to marry you when I saw your smile during our concert in Austin, but that’s not the truth. Maybe I’ve always wanted it, or maybe when I saw you in that pirate style jacket, my heart went “marry him” while my head was “ he kind of looks like a douche bag”, but still I’ve dreamt this day for a while. People always think that I’m the one who saved you, that I tamed the angry and crazy beast named Axl Rose, but that’s not true. Axl Rose saved me too, he showed me how it was wonderful to be loved, because I didn’t know what love or happiness really was, until I met him, and not a single drug in the world can give me what my boyfriend gives me! So yeah, I will love you too in health and sickness, even if you don’t like much my snakes!”
Slash tried to laugh but he really felt the emotions taking the best of him, especially when he laid his eyes on the crying redhead in front of him.
“You can exchange your rings!”
Saul took Axl’s hand in his, and gently he put the ring on, a simple one but full of meaning for them. The other man did the same, kissing his future partner in life.
“By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss!” The judge said with a smile.
Slash’s lips softly smashed on Axl’s one, as all the crowd erupted in a round of applause. But for the both of them time seemed to stop, what mattered was only the feeling of their lips linked and their hearts joined.
“You’re my husband, you are really my husband!” The curly guitarist said smiling.
“Told you I’d make it before 2020. You didn’t believe me, but I could never let you go away from me. Maybe for 20 years you did, but now we are tied!” Axl joked, but then he got serious again. “ Thank you so much for being the love of my life, Saul Hudson.”
“Thank you for have let me be the one, Axl Rose.”
In the big ballroom where they would eat, cut the cake and do their first dance, friends and family were already sitting down, talking happily to each other.
The married couple finally arrived, and they find Steven, Izzy and Duff talking at their table. Beta and part of his family was there too, along with Slash’s kids, while the rest of the current band sat at a near table.
“Yeah man, he was a pain in the ass. He was constantly talking about him when he was drunk, always saying that he hated him but he couldn’t stop loving him!” Izzy explained to Duff.
“Yeah, well also Slash was like that. He would complain that he didn’t understand him, that  he was a fucking psycho but he loved him and he would make him go crazy, one day!” Duff replied, rolling his eyes.
“Hey, fuck you Duff, that was supposed to be a secret!” Slash shoot back, annoyed.
“No no, I want to know. I was always so oblivious until 91!” Steven said, very excited.
Axl laughed, then he felt somebody getting closer to him.
“You know at first I wanted to punch him in the face, but now I can see how much you love each other. But if he breaks your heart, I’m going to really hurt him!” Beta said firmly, and Axl couldn’t help but smile at her over the protectiveness of his adoptive mom.
The light were turned a bit down, and the familiar notes of “Love of my life” by Queen started playing.
Slash took Axl’s hand in his and led him in the center of the dance floor.
“Are you nervous, my love?” Saul asked, surprised.
“I think this is the first ever slow dance we two had together” He answered nervously.
“Wrong. ’88 in that weird hotel in Florida, we danced in your room listening to the radio.”
“ I was drunk and you were high and we fell on the floor before we could finish the song!”
Slash laughed and brought his husband closer to him, so that the redhead could rest his head on his shoulder.
“I know you love Queen and we like this song, but why you have chosen this one?” The guitarist was curious, he knew that November Rain was not their song to dance, it was for the more intimate and important moment, when they needed to tell the other how much they loved them, like he did during his proposal.
“Sweet Child O’Mine was not an option, one because you hate the riff and two because it was not about you. Like well maybe it was a bit about you, but still it was not our song, while this one used to be the one that would make me think about you all the time!” The singer confessed, playing with the other man’s curls.
Slash led him, even made him spin a bit, then he gulped and looked him into the eyes.
“When I thought I had four weeks left of living, I left you a letter at the bottom of your door. I begged Izzy to tell me where you lived and I left it there, I thought that I was dying and I wanted you to read the letter where I explained everything, but then the next morning I took it away.” Slash blurted out nervously, feeling vulnerable and exposed.
“I read it, I read it and I thought it was a joke, that it was not true. I cried and almost smashed something and put it outside. Then the next morning I read the news and I understand it was true, you were dying and that letter was yours, but it was already gone. Fuck we are such two idiots!” Axl laughed but he also started crying.
Slash quickly wiped his tears, hugging him tightly.
“Shhh don’t cry baby. It’s okay, it’s a happy day!” He soothed him.
“You could have been gone, and I was suck a prick. You could have died and I was too resentful to give you a proper goodbye! You loved me even if I was broken and I did that!” He cried.
“Shhh babe, I’m here and I’m not gone. And it’s okay, I was a prick too, but what matters is that we are together and married. You were not broken baby and you deserve my love!” Saul kissed him, feeling his eyes tearing up a bit, too.
It was a slow and passionate kiss, all their love, passion and insecurities were in it. They held it for a while, before they started noticing people coming to the dance floor.
“You two are so in love, it is almost sickening!” Duff stated with a laugh.
“Leave them alone Duffy, they are so cute!” Steven chimed in.
“Thank you so much for coming here guys, this mean a lot to me, to us.” Axl said, squeezing Slash’s hand.
“Don’t get all sappy on us, Rosie. But yeah we love you too, and I think you guys should cut the cake now.” Izzy observed, pushing them lightly.
When they finally arrived at their home, they were tired as hell much so much happy.
“Well, this is our wedding night…” Slash started, laying on the bed.
“And?” Axl knew exactly where his husband was going, but he wanted to tease him a bit. Also, he was trying to feel less insecure about his body.
“Oh c’mon Rosie, you know what happens on the first wedding night! And before you even think about it, you’re so fucking hot in that suit, that I feel almost bad to want to take it off. Almost.
The redhead smiled, and got on top of the guitarist.
“Let’s do something before you fall asleep, Mr.Rose!” Axl teased, taking off his shirt.
“But you have to promise that you’ll be quiet, Mr. Hudson!” Slash shoot back with a laugh.
Married life never felt better for both men.
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petri808 · 5 years
A Floppy Green Mess
Bakudeku Valentine’s story based on this adorably funny art piece by @corzev with permission.  https://corzev.tumblr.com/post/190847911389/dont-repostedit-uhhh-happy-valentines-day-lol
Seated in his desk chair, Bakugou braces his arms along the backing and rests his chin on top.  His eyes narrow and brows twitch as he stares at his bed… or rather what sat upon it.  Tomorrow…  tomorrow might be the death of him, and this reminder was all of his own making.  
He knew that Deku will love this stupid gift since the boy was a complete sap at heart, but coming from him, well, he had to really dig deep to pull it off.  Just sneaking it into his dorm room without being caught had been an undertaking.  He didn’t even want to think about carrying into the common room downstairs or dealing with all the gawking that was sure to come with it.  
Only one other person knew about his plans for Valentine’s day, and even that had been due to an unplanned and pure accident the blonde would have preferred never happened.  Damn that shitty hair for having a similar gift idea for Mina.  Traditionally honmei chocolates were given, but Bakugou could careless about traditions.  Kirishima’s excuse on the other hand, was that Mina hinted at wanting something other than chocolates too.  At least the red head came in useful for sneaking the gifts in, since he didn’t want to get caught either.
But why had he chosen this particular gift?!  He groans and swipes a hand down his face, sitting up in the process.  There were a lot of options at the store, and he’d spent the better half of two hours combing through it for the perfect idea.  
The most cliché gift for Deku would have been an All Might themed item, but that green-haired nerd had too damn many All Might stuff already.  Jewelry was out of his price range, plus he just couldn’t see Deku caring about such material things.  A cool new journal might make him happy, but that was boring.  Finally, when he’d been almost ready to give up and walk out, there it had been at the back of the store.  Propped on a display stand because of its size, it was perfect.  
One big ass stuffed green rabbit plush that was almost bigger than he was.  In fact, he could barely get his arms around it.  He swore the thing even looked like Midoriya, with its bright green eyes and freckles representing whiskers.  The right ear was flopped over, adding to its huggable adorability factor, but on the front of its chest were the words “My Hero.”  Bakugou wasn’t super thrilled with that message, but he couldn’t begrudge the fact the rest of the doll was perfect for his idiot little Valentine.  Deku was bound to adore it, squeeze it, probably snuggle with the damn thing, and it would be like Katsuki living through the doll even if the nerd doesn’t reciprocate his feelings.
‘He better fucking like me back!’  The blonde growls under his breath.  He wouldn’t be taking this embarrassing chance if he thought there wasn’t one.  Eavesdropping on the A-1 girl’s conversations had him pretty convinced that the guy had a secret crush on him.  According to them, Midoriya’s nursed it for years, and it was the whole reason he’s put up with the hot-headed blonde’s abusive attitude.  Bakugou didn’t want to admit that he was quite a bully to the boy their whole life, but he was an asshole to everyone.  Okay… so maybe he was worse to Deku, but the guy could be annoying too.  
‘Then why’d you fall for him?’  
‘Shut up!’  he growls at his conscious.  He had no idea why!  Somehow the damn nerd grew on him!  Yeah, the nerd was still the same annoying ray of sunshine he’s always been but watching the nerd develop after receiving One For All and go from a mouse to a powerhouse on par with him, well, it just happened.  He didn’t even notice the feelings developing, or how he’d started paying more attention to the guy, worried about, and even started acting nicer to him….  
Until one day after an exhaustive training session, they were in the communal showers, and seeing a half-naked Midoriya spiked his heartrate along with something else below the waist.  Thank All Might no one noticed the smoke coming off of his hands due to the level of steam in the room.  He’d quickly dashed back into a shower stall and took a very long cold shower to cope.  But the answer was as clear as a blow to the head.  He was in love with Midoriya Izuku.
Speaking of a shower, the waning light outside of his window signaled dinner would be soon.  He climbs off his chair and gives the stuffed doll one last look before grabbing his things.  A shower might calm his nerves and maybe provide a bit of respite to cool the other physical desires swirling in his brain.  
Bakugou reaches over and silences the alarm clock on his phone.  Unable to get a restful sleep, he’d already been up when the beep signaled the arrival of 8 am Saturday morning.  There wasn’t a rush to get out of bed, knowing that Deku was probably still out cold.  That boy has never been a morning person and on school days it often took a load of coffee to get him past the walking dead stage.  He on the other hand could rise before the sun breached the horizon and get a workout run in before heading to class.      
Another alert from his phone, but this time a message from Kirishima.  ‘I can hear Deku in his room, boy’s early today.’
The blonde sits up.  ‘Don’t panic,’ he tells himself, ‘just because he’s up early doesn’t mean anything.’  He swings his legs over the side of the bed, giving his arms and back a good stretch to warm up the muscles.  
Another alert.  ‘He left his room got his jacket and scarf on.’
“Fuck!”  Where the hell is Deku going this early?!  Bakugou hurries to throw on a pair of pants, a warm turtleneck, and his shoes almost tripping over the pants legs as he puts them on.  He then grabs the rabbit plush and races out of his room, not even stopping to close the door behind him.  This thing was so cumbersome to carry!  Hoisting it over his shoulder, he descends the staircase, figuring it would be faster.  He takes them two by two, practically throwing himself down the flights and slamming his shoulder against the open bar once he makes it to the bottom.
Crap! Crap! Crap!  The second he bursts through the stairwell entrance, Bakugou see’s Deku almost at the front door.  “Oi!  Nerd!”  He screams as he breaks into a sprint.
Deku hears someone calling his name and stops, turning towards the source.  “Oh, hey Kacchan!”  He waves with a beaming smile.
How is Deku so awake already?!  To Bakguou this was quite out of character for the guy to be lively in the morning.  He stops a couple of feet from the green-haired man.  “Where the fuck you headin’ so early?”  
“Um, well, you know my mom is all alone,” Deku flushes a little embarrassed, “so I was gonna meet her for brunch as a Valentine’s treat.”
‘That’s it?!’  Bakugou lets out an exhale of relief because deep down he’d feared his crush was about to go meet a potential rival.  Not that he’d ever admit that out loud.  “Oh.  Tch, sounds like the sappy kind of shit you’d think to do.”    
“Um, Kacchan, what do you have there?”  Midoriya points to the doll.  “Is that a gift from someone?”  His eyes crinkle, “do you have an admirer?!”
“What?!”  Oh, wait the doll!  How the fuck could he forget about the big ass plush rabbit in his arms.  “Hell, no this isn’t from anyone!  Who the fuck would give me a stuffed animal?!”
Midoriya giggles, he didn’t think so least they were ready to be incinerated.  “Then why do you have it?”
Immediately, the hot-heads blood pressure goes through the roof.  His cheeks heat up and burst into a dark reddish hue.  He averts his eyes, nervous and embarrassed.  “It’s for you Deku.”  Bakugou holds the doll out.  “You know for the holiday and crap.”
“What?!”  This surely wasn’t really happening.  Deku pinches his arm, for he had to still be dreaming. Waking up early was playing tricks on his mind.  “No way, y-you got me a-a gift?  Does that mean?”
This bitch was going to make him say it!  The blonde growls, “damn are you gonna accept it?” He tries again to thrust the doll towards his crush.  “Be my fucking Valentine Deku?”
There was no warning, no rimming of moisture, or light clouding in his eyes.  The moment Bakugou said the last three words, tears explode from Midoriya like the uncorking of a champagne bottle.  Even the hot head was taken aback by the sheer volume of liquid pouring out.  How was it even possible?!  And if that wasn’t crazy enough….  In the middle of the fountain action, the man goes limp and drops like a dead weight to the floor.  
“Stupid fucking nerd!”  Bakugou drops the stuffed rabbit, quickly slides onto his knees and pulls the collapsed man into his lap.  “Oi!  Dumb ass wake up!” he shakes his crush, but the guy was unresponsive.  Shit!  Did he hit his head or something?  “Deku this isn’t funny!” He slaps the unconscious man.  He could see the headline’s now: Pro hero dies from bunny shock.  “Wake up!”
Leave it to Deku to give him a heart attack on Valentine’s Day.  He can feel the eyes of observers on his back boring in, judging.  Of course, with his personality, it would be easy to blame him for hurting someone.  But there’s no way he’d ever hurt Deku!  Not willingly.  Who could have predicted this damn nerd would go into shock and collapse?!  Tears cloud his ruby red eyes and he cradles the man’s face against his cheek.  “This is bullshit!”  But his growls are a facade as the panic takes over.  “Deku wake the fuck up!”
Stupid rabbit doll!  Had the cute and cuddly plush toy been too much?  He’d figured Deku would love it.  Surely it wasn’t the fact he’s the one who asked the nerd to be his Valentine?  Was it really that shocking?  Okay fine, so it would seem out of character for him, especially with their history, but they’d gotten past all that and were on good terms now.  Even the crying was something he somewhat expected.  Maybe not the volume, but let’s face it, the man was a crier.      
After what felt like a million years yet in the flash of minutes, Bakugou feels his friend stirring in his arms.  He gives another shake.  “Get up nerd!”
Midoriya’s eyes open, blinking from the harsh glare that meets it.  “Ka…cchan?”  He looks around, “why am I on the floor?”  But then he notices the moisture in his friend’s eyes.  He sits up quickly.  “Oh no, what’s wrong?!  Y-You’re crying!”
“What?!  No!” Bakugou shoves the man off his lap and wipes away the tears he won’t admit had gathered.  “I don’t cry!”
“I wasn’t crying!  You just had me worried cause you fucking collapsed!”
That’s when the whole Valentine’s confession sweeps back into Midoriya’s mind like a blaring reminder alert.  “R-Right… Kacchan wants to be my Valentine,” he mumbles under his breath as if his brain is still processing the events before it short circuited.  The stuffed plush rabbit lay off to the side, so he pulls it over and hugs it close.  “I’m sorry I worried you,” he peers up at the red-faced man in front of him, smiling, sniffling, and tucking his chin into the dolls soft head.  “Of course, I’ll be your Valentine Kacchan.”
Bakugou looks away, embarrassed.  “I’m not forcing you to be you know.”
“Huh?”  Midoriya sits up straighter.  “I know you’re not!”  He scoots closer on his knees, placing the doll beside them.  He reaches out and takes hold of the blonde’s hand, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.  “I was a little surprised, is all to get a gift from you.”
“Tch, well don’t read too much into it.”
The blonde watches his crush deflate right before his eyes.  Shoulders slumped, and body hunched a little as if the man before him wanted to curl into a ball.  He can see the tears building again in Midoriya’s eyes.  
“…okay.  Thank you very much for the gift Kacchan, but I should be on my way.”  If his body hadn’t communicated how he felt from Bakugou’s words, his tone sure did.
A stinging arrow pierces the blonde’s heart.  He’d gone too far with the remark and the sensitive man was taking it hard.  ‘Idiot!’  he growls at himself.  Sometimes his mouth really needed a filter.  As his crush stood ready to leave, Bakugou grabs his wrist, still from a seated position.  He couldn’t bring himself to look up at the man and keeps his eyes glued to the floor.
He squeezes Midoriya’s wrist, “I didn’t….” a sigh escaping his lips, “...didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”  His brows furrow, annoyed and upset with himself for ruining the moment.  “I’m still coming to terms with the idea…. that I really like you.”  He can feel his entire body heating up from the proclamation being said out loud for anyone within range to hear it.  There was a mixture of fear, anxiety, melded with excitement and a feeling of liberation all seeping through his frame.  “Like… in a romantic way.”
“Kaachan, get up.”  Though Midoriya’s words were a demand, his timbre was gentle and lulls Bakugou into at least looking up at the man.  “Come on,” he reverses the grip on his wrist, taking hold of the man’s arm, and tugging gently, “get up.”
Once the blonde has allowed himself to be pulled up, Midoriya refuses to let go, instead switching to the man’s hand.  He intertwines their fingers with a smile.  “I like you too.  Would you like to come with me to see my mom?  I know she won’t mind.  We can say hi to your parents too while we’re in the area.”
“Are you sure, I don’t want to be a third wheel…”
“No way!  I’d rather you come along,” the nerdy man flushes red, “it can be kind of like our first date.”
Date!  Is what he wanted to scream.  “Okay fine, I’ll tag along but I’m not calling it a date cause dates are for saps.”  
That just makes Midoriya laugh, of course this man would think dates are sappy.
“But, what about the rabbit,” Bakugou motions to the doll, “you’re not taking that with us, right?  It’ll be a pain in the ass on the train…  trust me.”
Again, the man laughs, “I’ll put it in my dorm room.  Wait for me here in the foyer?”  
“I’ll come with you, gotta grab my jacket and wallet since I hadn’t dressed to go out.”
“Oh, right,” more laughter.
As they stop to part ways in front of Midoriya’s dorm room, and before letting go of the man’s hand, Bakugou leans forward hesitantly, then places a quick kiss on his crushes his lips.  “It’ll just be a couple minutes to grab my stuff.”  The green-haired man turns bright red and sputters out a few incoherent words.  The blond laughs, at least he didn’t faint this time.      
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heartofsnark · 5 years
A Hope County Christmas (Part One): The Resistance
Notes: Yes, this is late for Christmas and yes, that means the second part is gonna really fucking late for Christmas. But in my defense, I didn’t get the idea and started writing it until the 26th. It was originally suppose to be just one part, but it got real long and I lost some steam in the second part, so it’s gonna take me longer. So, have this and I’ll post the second part....maybe before 2020. I’ve been talking about my Deputy a lot over on my personal @morbidchild182 but this is the first writing I’ve posted with her. I’m still developing her and working on how I write the characters, so. 
Summary: It’s Christmas time in Hope County and as one might suspect, it can be hard to find any Christmas spirit to spare with Eden’s Gate waging their holy war. Junior Deputy Dahlia Hale fully suspects this holiday will be spent just as every last day has been spent since they tried to arrest Joseph Seed. But, between the Rye’s incurable optimism and the Seed’s...fascination with her, she can’t say she expected this. 
Word Count: 3032 
Warnings: Drinking, play fighting, dumb jokes, dumb christmas shenanigans, Ship Tease between Eli and my Deputy, Some sappy bullshit thrown in for good measure. There will be like Yandere Polyseed bullshit in the second part
A harsh cough echoes in Dahlia’s chest, a hacking noise and her lungs constrict. This is her first winter in Montana and it’s absolutely kicking her ass. Eden’s Gate could only hope of making her feel this shitty. Though, to her surprise the peggies haven’t been particularly active lately.
The Seed brothers are originally from Georgia, the deep south just like her, and she wonders if they’re as badly impacted by the cold as she is. Her leather jacket, uniform shirt and tee shirt under it are doing very little to keep out the chill as she rides her motorcycle through the Holland Valley wilderness. Nick and Kim called her over the radio asking her to head over. She’s hoping everything is alright, she’s not sure how much help she’ll be when she can barely feel her limbs.
She parks her motorcycle by the porch, pulling off her helmet and cringing as the cold air hits her face. There are little twinkling Christmas lights across their porch and the roof, even a few strings around the hangar. They’re beautiful, but a part of her worries about it just drawing in angels.
Dahlia rubs her hands together, trying desperate to regain some heat. Her red and irritated nose suddenly feels wet, is her nose running on top of everything? She goes to rub it away, but there’s a fleck of ice clinging to fingers. Something wet pats against her head, is it raining? She looks up towards the sky. Soft white flakes are drifting through the sky.
It’s snowing. She’s only seen snow in movies and TV shows, the white puffy flakes touch her cheeks. Ideas of catching snowflakes on her tongue or having snowball fights flicker through her brain, but she disregards it immediately knowing she doesn’t have the time for horseplay.
“Something interesting up there, dep?”
“Huh,” she startles for a minute, seeing Nick standing on the porch and staring up at the sky, “no, sorry, I just, never seen snow before.”
“What, seriously?”
“Louisiana doesn’t get a lot of snow, seen a few hurricanes though.”
“Shit man, that’s just depressing.”
“As is most of my life.”
“Well, come on in.”
“Sure, but, uh, Nick, do you think the lights are a good idea? Might draw-“
Her voice catches in her throat as she steps into the Rye home, it looks like a Christmas wonderland. A giant ornate tree, Christmas music playing on the radio. A tall tree that the top of which nearly scrapes the ceiling, though it’s bare for some reason. Friendly faces all around; Jerome, Mary May, Grace, Sharky, Hurk, Adelaide, Xander, and Jess in a corner hiding away with Cheeseburger nestled at her side. Peaches is getting ear scratches from Sharky. Everyone except Jess is wearing obnoxiously colored Christmas sweaters.
“Those peggies have taken so much from us, I’ll be damned if they’re taking Christmas too,” Nick declares and she can’t help but smile at his determination.
A few barks ring out and before Dahlia knows it two dog paws have landed on her waist, Boomer demanding her attention. He’s almost as bad as John.
“Hey, boy,” she coos scratching behind his ears and laughing as he gives her a few kisses.
“Deputy,” Kim makes her way over, Boomer moving so she can give Dahlia a big hug, “I’m so happy you could make it out here, I know you’re busy with…everything. It means a lot.”
“Uh, what’s exactly going on, I thought you guys needed my help with something?”
“It’s a trap, Rook,” Jess calls out from her corner and Kim rolls her eyes.
“It’s a holiday party, we have one every year and we aren’t letting the peggies ruin it, here.” Kim hands over a white fluffy sweater, the less ugly of any of the ones she’s seen on her friends. When she unfolds it, she sees a little polar bear face with a sprig of mistletoe by its ear.
“It’s Christmas, everyone has to wear a Christmas sweater.”
“Except Jess, she threatened to bite me,” Nick says, shooting a slightly fearful look towards the woman.
“I mean, I’d be happy to bite you too, hon,” Adelaide calls out with a flirtatious wink, Kim rolling her eyes as Nick visibly cringes.
“Please, dep, just put on the sweater.”
Dahlia shrugs her shoulders, if her wearing a damn sweater will make them even a little bit happier, it’s more than worth it. The couple has endured enough bullshit with Eden’s Gate, the least she can do is wear a damn sweater. She pulls off her leather jacket and uniform shirt.
“Woo, take it off!” Sharky yells out, grinning like a dumbass and Dahlia’s face flushes red, shooting her favorite pyromaniac a death glare before she tugs the sweater on over her tee.
It’s large, white, fluffy, and feels completely out of place on her. She feels like she looks odd without an outfit that’s at least ninety percent black.
“I can’t stay long,” Dahlia warns as she ties her hair back in a stubby ponytail.
“The lord does permit days of rest, Deputy.”
“Good for him, but I got shit to do,” She tells Jerome as she meanders towards a place to sit, eventually settling somewhere between Sharky and Jess, back tight against a wall and knees pulled up to her chest.
“You deserve a day to take it easy, here,” Kim hands her a mug of eggnog, an odd smell coming off it. It’s probably fine. She takes a drink and the burn of rum hits her, she nearly sputters. Kim laughing at her.
“Can’t handle your booze, Rook?” Grace asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Firstly, I legally can’t drink, secondly this is barely fuckin’ eggnog at this point.”
“Eh, who’s gonna arrest you, you?”
“You’re old enough to risk your ass for us, you’re old enough to drink,” Mary May says, taking a swig of her own drink.
Dahlia shrugs, she did drink a little when she was a minor, but stopped when she became a cop. Based on principle alone. But, fuck she’s never actually liked the taste. She’s not convinced anyone really does. At that same time, Nick steps into the room a Santa hat tilted on his head, where he’s stretched over his cap. In his arms are movies, games, and more booze.
“Ol’ Saint Nick!” Sharky yells out and a chorus of groans follow his stupid joke.
“Figure, we’ll watch a movie, get everyone in the spirit, before we play some games.”
“You mean get everyone drunk,” Kim teases, the only one not drinking the spiked eggnog.
“Same thing.” Nick grins and shrugs as he puts some Christmas movie in, Boomer lays against Dahlia’s side as the bullshit movie starts to play.
“What the hell is that woman doing?” An extra looks directly at the camera.
“Who the fuck talks like that?” The acting is awful.
“Oh god, child actors.” The child acting is worse.
“I’m like, pretty sure that’s a federal offense.” You can’t just look through someone’s mail.
“Eh, who hasn’t committed a federal offense.”
“Most people Sharky, most people.”
“Wait that’s the plot, getting her uncle a girlfriend, oh my god.” The plot is stupid
“Ooh, I wouldn’t mind him stuffing my stocking.” The main actor is easy on the eyes.
“Addie, no.”
“Wait, why the hell did he say it was done, if he hadn’t started cookin’ it yet?”
“Fantastic question.”
“What? What? What?!” This makes no sense.
“Holy shit, Adelaide in five years,” Dahlia blurts out when a perverted granny shows up.
“Five years!? How old do you think I am, Rook?!”
“No comment.”
“You don’t look a day over thirty.”
“She’s your aunt, Sharky.”
“Shut it.”
“Is she an elf? Oh my god, is she a fuckin’ elf?”
“Did she just realize she looks like she dressed in the dark?”
“She took her glasses off, so she’s no longer ugly, ‘cause…y’know.”
“The audio is so bad, holy shit, what are they even saying.”
“That looks awful.”
They’re about halfway through the movie, everyone finding every chance to chime in some comment about the crap on screen. She’s drained two mugs of the spiked eggnog, her cheeks red from booze and laughing. Dahlia’s lost count of how many cookies she’s crammed into her mouth.
The movie finishes and she no longer feel like she’s in any state to take on a cult. Not drunk, but tipsy as all hell. Judging by the flushed cheeks around her, no one is any better off except Kim who once credits are rolling suggest making ornaments and decorating the tree.
Trusting drunk dumbasses to decorate the tree, brilliant.
It’s a disaster. Of course, it is.
Jerome makes some decent angel ones, but the religious aesthetic of anything has been ruined for everyone lately. Mary May’s Santa is holding a beer. Jess’s just has ‘Fuck Off’ scribbled across it. Xander and Adelaide keep trying to have sex puns about crafts, too drunk for any of them to be subtle. Grace’s gun ornament is surprisingly well done, but not particularly Christmas-y. Nick’s attempt to make a plane looks like a lumpy disaster. Hurk and Sharky keep trying to put a dick and or flames on everything. At some point someone throws glitter.
It was her.
Sharky tried to draw a dick on her star, so she started throwing glitter at his dumb face. Now there’s glitter everywhere, the Rye’s home will never be free of it. Also, there’s gold glitter glue on her hands and hair where she tried to push it back, because tools are for fools.
Then her radio crackles to life, ah fuck, she tries to rub the worse of the glue off onto her jeans before grabbing it.
“Hey,” she manages to slur even the shortest word and everyone her is snickering.
“Deputy, it’s Eli from the Whitetails.”
“I don’t know any other Eli, you don’t have to clarify, Mountain Man.”
“Right, uh, sorry. Heard about the Rye’s party, knew you were over that way. I, uh, wanted to make sure you weren’t running yourself ragged.”
“Wanted to check in on his girlfriend,” Wheaty teases in the background and Dahlia’s face flushes brighter red, not from the booze. Everyone around her starts to laugh
“Don’t you have something else to do?” Eli retorts and she can practically hear the embarrassment in his voice.
“Don’t worry, Eli, I’m at the Rye’s being supplied with way too much booze.”
“That’s good, well not good that you’re getting drunk, not that I care if you get drunk, I don’t think. I just mean it’s good you’re with friends and y’know what, I’ll stop talking.”  
She can’t help but laugh, he hasn’t been this awkward with her since he talked about shaving his beard and wondering if it made him look crazy.
“Hey, maybe next time I’m in that area, we can see if we can convince Chad to make some Christmas grub and have a little celebration at the Wolf’s Den?”
Why did she make that offer, she didn’t even want one celebration, why is she doing this? It’s so impractical, why the fuck would Eli want that? She pushes hair back out of her face, she’s so stupid.
“That sounds nice.”
“It does? It does. Cool.”
“Well, uh, Merry Christmas, Rook.”
“Merry Christmas, Eli.”
The radio call ends, and Dahlia lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, all eyes are on her. Some confused and others smirking at the little exchange.
“Never knew you liked ‘em older, deputy.”
“Fuck off.”
“You really shouldn’t have done that to your hair either,” Jess tells her, smirking. Her bangs fall back in her face and Dahlia sees the gold glitter glue now clinging to the dark locks.
“God damn it.”
“Looks like you were too distracted drooling over your mountain man,” Jess mocks Dahlia with an overly sappy voice. Dahlia smirks back, revenge already in her mind.
“Aww,” she cups Jess’s cheeks in her two-glitter glue covered hands, “that was so cute of you.” Dahlia smears it down Jess’s cheeks leaving a mess.
Jess’s green eyes narrow, a weaker woman might freak out at the anger shown in them. But, Dahlia knows too well that there’s a hint of mischief there, it’s all in good fun. The Junior Deputy pulls her hands away from the Survivalist’s face.
“No killing in the house,” Kim warns and that’s all that’s said before Jess is launching over the table to try to grab Dahlia who’s already dropped down and jolted under it, the two switching sides before the deputy breaks into a run.
Their movements are clumsier and slower than usual, booze slowing them down. Dahlia takes the stairs two at a time, giggling as she tries to evade her friend. Jess’s hands nearly latch onto her sweater and Dahlia promptly jumps over the stair banister, boots hitting the floor with a heavy thud.
“No breaking your ankles in the house!”
“Sorry, Kim, oh god!”
Jess is on Dahlia’s back, bringing her down to the ground and laughing as the deputy collapses under her weight. She’s trying to put her in a headlock, as Dahlia attempts to wrestle out of it. The entire party laughing at their horseplay. She swears she hear Sharky or Hurk saying something about needing a mud pit, but she’s too focused on play wrestling to yell at the perverts.
Her radio crackles again and through the struggling Dahlia manages to answer it.
“Rook, heard the Rye’s invited you over for Christmas,” Whitehorse’s voice comes through.
“That they did,” she struggles to respond as she’s using one hand to fend off Jess.
“Hey, sheriff!”
“He can’t see you waving Nick.”
Dahlia cracks, a fatal mistake as Jess uses it to get the headlock.
“Good, I was worried about you, Rook, thought you’d be running around while everyone else took the day off. I know shit’s tough right now but taking time to celebrate the little stuff is what’s gonna keep you going. Merry Christmas.”
“You guys doing anything special at the jail?” She asks as she tries to squirm away, finally just giving up and trying to stand up with Jess on her back and arms around her neck. It’s a piss poor excuse for a piggyback ride, but whatever.
“Virgil’s trying to get someone to cut down a tree, Tracey ain’t having any of it.”
“I can do that.”
“You’re not chopping down a Christmas tree, Rook, Jesus Christ,” Tracey grumbles in the background.
“You’ve already done more than enough, hell, if it wasn’t for you…well there are a lot of people who wouldn’t be here to see Christmas this year. Enjoy your party.”
“Yeah…Merry Christmas.”
Dahlia feels her eyes sting, she doesn’t expect praise or even acknowledgment of the things she’s done. It still seems so foreign, the idea that she’s actually saved people. That people are here, alive and safe, because of her actions. She can never see herself as a hero, but to some people she truly is.
Jess’s arms on her loosen, before the woman just hops right off of her. A soft smile replacing the mischievous little grin. She squeezes Dahlia’s shoulder, a silent understanding that Jess is one of those people. If not for Dahlia, she’d be spending this Christmas in a cage, if she was lucky. But, now she’s spending it in a rare moment of joy and peace.
“Come on, we gotta decorate the tree..”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Jess and Dahlia rejoin the party, feral energy out of their system for the time being. The tree looks like a mess. Everyone’s ornament a disaster and the whole thing looking like an incomprehensible disaster. Nothing goes together. None of it makes sense, but it has…character. Dahlia goes to hang her own bad star ornament after hanging the last bit of tinsel. But, it’s nowhere to be found.
“Here,” Kim hands it to her, but the sloppily coated star no longer has a string, instead on a little cap to be used as the tree topper. It’s an extremely sweet gesture, but…
“I can’t reach.” Dahlia makes a show of trying to stretch her hand up to touch the top of the tree, only to come up embarrassingly short.
“Don’t worry, I gotcha bromigo,” Hurk declares before hefting Dahlia up onto his shoulders, she can’t help but laugh, but places her messy star at the top of the tree. Hurk putting her back down with ease.
“It’s certainly…different.”
“It always an adventure to see how it turns out every year.”
“I’m sure it.”
Another crackle from her radio.
“Who’s calling now?” Nick asks, taking another drink of eggnog.
“Eh, probably just Dutch checking in,” Dahlia answers it, “don’t worry, I’m at the party and I’m taking a break for Christmas.”
“That’s wonderful to know, dep-yoo-tee,” John’s voice sobers her, like a bucket of ice water’s splashed in her face, the entire party going silent as he drags out each syllable.
“The fuck do you want?”
“Easy now, Little Miss Wrath, I haven’t even done anything and you’re already foaming at the mouth.”
“Yet, you haven’t done anything, yet.”
“Someone who doesn’t believe in prophets, claiming to know the future, how ironic.”
“Get to the point, Johnny Boy.”
“I do hope, you’ll be more patient once you fully join our family.”
“You got five more seconds before I hang up and get back to drinking. One, two,-”
“While we don’t celebrate Christmas quite the same as sinners do, the holidays still marks an important time of togetherness.”
“Good for you…Can I go now?”
“Me, my brothers and sister like to spend this time of year together, as a family.”
“I’m gonna blow my brains out from boredom, Johnny.”
“A family dinner requires the whole family, dep-yoo-tee, even the members who’ve yet to accept their role.”
“Are…are you threatening to kidnap me for Christmas dinner?!”
“Depends, will you come of your own volition?”
“Fuck no.”
“Then, I’m afraid you leave me no choice. I’ll be seeing you shortly, dear.”
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rosaguard · 4 years
summer’s power hour of love(tm): kas edition.
    i feel like this post has probably been a long time coming. i don’t generally like digging into my feelings - whether positive or negative because...well i’m weird lmao. but tonight, i’m digging into the trashcan that is my feelings(tm) to show appreciate to someone who deserves it.
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 i generally don’t like being redundant so i won’t go into how our friendship started but i will reaffirm something you said before which is that i appreciate that our friendship felt natural. it wasn’t forced, we didn’t instantly become ‘friends’ - if anything it was the opposite. we were in some of the same circles and had a mutual respect for each other before we really started writing together in like late 2018/ early 2019. i probably don’t say it off enough but it makes me so happy that we’re friends now. like, really, really happy. i appreciate you lot even if i don’t talk to you constantly. so much so that internally, i keep a specific list of relationships that i’m very determined not to fuck up(tm) and my friendship with you is one of them. ( and no, i’m joking/memeing for once. i’m dead serious ). i won’t get too deep into main but there have been rare times where i’ve gotten more...personal(tm) i guess about my struggles, self-isolation being one of the biggest, so it’s nice to know i have a friend i can just...share stupid stuff with or whatever whenever i’m feeling lonely.
     for starters, you’re...probably the best writing partner i’ve ever had? i don’t really throw out compliments to people easily so this isn’t something i say lightly. in your words we just ‘vibe’. like i probably could talk constantly about our muses, dynamics, plot more, etc. but i do partially hold myself back because i don’t want to come off annoying ( which i know is dumb!!! b/c you’ve said it wouldn’t be annoying but!!! i’m an insecure lil shit man. it’s hard. i’m working on it lol ). anyway, the point is that i enjoy writing that builds towards something and i feel like every one of our dynamics is like that. i know you’ve gone into your feelings about being slow and it’s like...whatever to me lol. life > roleplay. plus, i’m cool with waiting because i know the payoff for whatever you write will be worth it. also you constantly indulge me in my bullshit. exhibit a and b:
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but seriously you’re great. whenever i come up to you with ‘i want to write this dynamic/ship/whatever’, you’re always open to and ready to give 100% no matter what. again, it’s something i appreciate and don’t take for granted at all. writing with you has pushed me to be a better writer, to challenge myself, and to get out of my comfort zone. i’ve been writing on tumblr since 2013 and didn’t actually start writing ships until 2018. i don’t really have experience with it like a lot of other people do but it’s never really been hard because there’s no pressure to be writing with each other all the time and whatnot. also anyone who can get me to actually write smut is well...they’re worth keeping around because i hate it!!! but also found it weirdly fun too lmao.  
me, first writing smut for kas:
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me, writing more smut later.
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    we call that growth kids. anyway, you’re also an extremely talented writer. you always put so much thought into your blogs, nothing feels half-assed and i commend you for that. there is always a passion for whatever character you choose to write - and it makes me even more interested even if i’m completely unfamiliar with who they are / what series they come from ( ex. gene ). you’ve also influenced my blogs  - both directly and indirectly. for instance, guess who encouraged me to make aeri.s brown when i was on the fence? you! you’ve always been so supportive of me and i feel like i wouldn’t be the same writer i am know without having had the opportunity to write with you.
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   i’ve already told you’re a good person - probably too good for a lot of people on this site - and i mean that. truly. you do so much for a lot of people here - whether it’s making blogs for your friends or offering to make themes for free ( and honestly, the price of your commissions should be appreciated because the amount of effort and work put into this is realistically worth more ). i can’t speak for anyone but myself but i just want to say that it’s a noticed and appreciated. always. you care and you give a shit about your friends wholeheartedly and it’s great? you’re fucking great kas. ( god, i hate getting sappy but i’ve come this far so i can’t stop now i guess ). but like seriously, you’re a special person who deserves the world.i can’t believe i’m admitting this shit but i really almost cried a bit today when i thought about how you actually listened to songs / playlists i send you for our ships. in the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal at all but it is important to me in a way i can’t properly articulate(tm). 
    i feel like...i’ve always been ignored / easily replaceable by friends so someone just...giving a shit for once, no matter how small, is nice. i’ve always gotten that sense of ‘i care’ from you. you’ve always made an effort to reach out when you didn’t have to, do nice things for me which you didn’t have, and matched my energy - whether it’s writing, venting, or just casually talking - which again, i appreciate more than you know.
anyway, i feel like this post still doesn’t fully cover exactly what i want to say but that’s probably just because i’m bad at expressing myself lol. but just know that i do really love writing with you and cherish all of our ships so much!!!  our friendship means a lot to me and i’m grateful that i got to meet you on here. love you 3000 @castershot​.  ❤
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kamechan98 · 5 years
Young, Stupid, Broke And Ridiculously Happy
Prompt: “When I picture myself happy… it’s with you.”
Tony sighed for the umpteenth time in the last fifteen minutes and looked down at his watch again. 17:48. A minute had passed since the last time he looked at it. He sighed again and took a sip of his coffee. It was his third cup of coffee and the barista had looked at him a little funny when he had come back for the third time for another one, but Tony just couldn’t bring himself to care. He’d been waiting for hours now and the coffee help his worry, if only a little.
The waiting had already been unbearable ever since Steve had left for 10 months; he had to make it worse by being late? And it wouldn’t be so bad if he was only a few minutes late, like ten minutes or so, and that was including the time it took to get off the plane, get through the arrival terminal and getting his bags. But he was almost thirty-seven minutes late by now and Tony was really getting antsier by the minute.
Sigh and groan.
Another sip of coffee.
Tony had always been told he needed to work on his patience, but considering Tony had been waiting for 10 months for this day to come, dragging it out like this felt really unnecessary, not to mention unbearable. And maybe it was the caffeine or his own inability to stay still for more than a few seconds at a time or a combination of the two, but he was practically vibrating in place and had to fight against himself so wouldn’t start jumping around or run back and forth between here and the gate or something else that would make him like stupid.
Steve had promised that this would be the last time. “One last tour, Tony. One last tour and then I’m here to stay. I promise, just give me these last 10 months and then I’m all yours. I’ll leave the army forever and we’ll build a life and home together. I give you my word.”
Tony had of course not liked this. How could he? Another ten months of his boyfriend putting himself in danger and possibly dying in some morgue in Syria, yeah wasn’t that the dream of every young man in the world? But of course he’d eventually been forced to accept it all and had driven Steve to the airport a few weeks later, followed him to the security check and hugged and kissed him goodbye. It had taken all of Tony’s strength not to break down into a sobbing mess on the floor when Steve had placed his dog tags around Tony’s neck, like he always did before leaving for a tour, and had given him one last kiss before leaving and disappearing into the crowd, leaving Tony to drive home to an empty apartment.
The first few days had been torture and had spent a lot of time in bed, on the couch watching TV or sleeping through his classes at MIT. But eventually he’d been forced to get off his ass and get his life back on track. He went to his classes, got his second PhD at MIT and started to work on getting a third one while also working his part-time job as a car mechanic. He hung out with his friends one occasion, as they graduated all college and started to live their own busy adult lives. He hung out with Rhodey and helped him pick out an engagement ring for Carol and eventually try to propose (she totally beat him to it!), he, Clint, Rhodey, Sam and Thor had their Guys’ Night once a week, either getting drinks at a bar or went bowling or whatever and he bonded with Natasha over having your boyfriend overseas while they were stuck at home not knowing what was happening to their significant other. Though Tony couldn’t help but feel jealous of her, since Bucky was still home had already left the army on account of his amputated arm from his last tour.
The months did pass, if slowly, and he did receive letters from Steve- he was old-fashioned like that- telling him what was going on (as much as he could, anyway) and reassuring him that he was alright and everything was going well. He would tell him how much he loved and missed him, how he couldn’t wait to see him and would give little details or ideas for the future they wanted together.
‘We’d have to take simple jobs for while, obviously, but when we get enough money, we’ll move back to New York. Both of us are born and bred New Yorkers, we both love it there and we could have a really nice- though probably small- apartment in our city.’
‘Imagine a view over Central Park. Obviously that would be years away, even with the best of jobs to offer for kids like us. But a nice penthouse in with view like that, wouldn’t that be something?’
‘How would you feel about getting a dog? Or maybe a cat? I know we haven’t talked much about pets, but I have always wanted a dog, so how would you feel about it?’
‘I know I’ve said it like a thousand times, but God I really want to marry you someday. And I know we don’t have a lot of money right now, but once we do, I’d love to marry you. We’ll have a great wedding and we’ll invite all our friends and family and have a great time. But I really just want to spend the rest of my life with you.’
Tony smiled, just a tad dopily, in the middle of the busy, crowded airport just thinking about those letters with his hand tightly clenching the dog tags around his neck. Steve always had that effect on him, with all his sappiness and lovey-dovey words and promises. And for all of Tony’s big talk of how ridiculous and overly sappy he was and how he needed to stop being so sappy, he really loved it. Maybe it was because of the lack of love his family had showed him over the course of his life, but Steve had always found ways to get through Tony’s tough exterior and the walls he surrounded his heart with, even back when they had first met in grade school and especially after they had started dating in high school.
He had dated other people before Steve, of course he had, but no one had been like Steve. Steve, who was loving, caring and kind and the sweetest and most amazing man on the planet. Steve, who was honest and sincere utterly devoted to Tony and making sure he was happy, either by making Tony coffee every morning before he went to class or making sure he ate and slept somewhat regularly. Steve, who told Tony he loved him every single day and kissed Tony good morning and good night.
Steve had been everything he ever wanted in a boyfriend and more; he was kind and caring, funny, witty and always seemed to be able to make Tony smile. He was one of the few people in the world that could out-stubborn him and wasn’t not afraid to call him on his bullshit or get into arguments- both light-hearted ones and more serious ones- with him and refuse to back down before Tony did or before one of them made a good enough point to prove that the other was wrong. He was also always there to ground Tony whenever he was getting lost in work or just needed to get his head out of his crazy ideas and reined him in when he was being reckless.
And while Steve had started out being skinny and shorter than Tony, he eventually hit a major growth spurt and shot past Tony and grew muscles in places Tony didn’t know had muscles, which not only made him very attractive (not that Tony hadn’t thought he was before, but c’mon, the guy had serious abs and muscles) but also developed a protective streak and would stand up to anyone who tried to hurt or bully Tony. Steve had always been an amazing friend, one of Tony’s best friends ever, but after having asked him out and eventually confessed his feelings, he had become the kind of boyfriend that only seemed to exist in those ‘Relationship Goals’ posts he saw on Instagram. But as sappy and lovey-dovey as Steve was, Tony had fallen head over heels in love with him and knew he never wanted to let go of him.
Howard had blown a gasket over Tony falling for the ‘broke, lowly nobody from Brooklyn’ he had met in grade school and that had been the point where he really wanted to disown Tony, which he eventually did once Tony went to college, moved into a small apartment with Steve and made it very clear he wasn’t going to do whatever Howard wanted him to do with his life, i.e. take over Stark Industries and make weapons like him. Tony, however, had never let that bother him too much. He was young and in love and who was Howard to tell him to live his life anyway? Steve was the best thing that had ever happened to him and Tony would be the biggest moron on this side of the universe if he ever let him go. Jarvis had told him on the day he had graduated college, after Steve had hugged him and kissed him and told him how proud he was of him, that “finding someone as loving, devoted and loyal this is a rare, once in a blue moon occurrence, especially at your age. Don’t waste it, Young sir.” And it was a piece of advice that he was very happy to follow, even three years later.
Tony smiled again, his eyes getting a little wet with emotion and still clutching those dog tags very tightly, when a voice broke through his thoughts, making his head jerk up and his breath got stuck in his throat.
Steve was coming in through the gates, running as fast as he could with all the people around him, more or less shoving people aside when he couldn’t run around them. He was looking around the airport, clearly looking for someone; his face was a mix of eager impatience and held back anticipation.
Steve. Steve was here, alive and whole and all right.
He was finally home.
Tony was running before he even fully realized he was moving at all. He bumped into some guy, the half-full take-away cup of coffee flying out of his hand and onto the floor and he almost slipped in the puddle of coffee as he ran faster. He heard somewhere behind him someone yelling at him for making a mess, but he couldn’t care less, because Steve was home and he was here, only a few feet away from him and fuck it if Tony was gonna waste another second waiting any longer. He cried out “Steve!” but just that second there was an announcement over the loudspeakers, which kinda drowned out his voice.
Steve must’ve heard the yell however, or spotted Tony moving, because he finally turned in his direction and the smile that spread across his face threatened to split his face in two. He threw his bags down and started running too and before Tony’s brain could fully process it all, he threw his arms around Steve, wrapped his arms tightly around Steve’s neck and pressed his face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent and letting tears of relief and happiness fall, the weight that he had been carrying around for a whole year now finally lifting and disappearing.
“Steve.” He whispered into his boyfriend’s neck, only barely keeping his sobs at bay, though when he heard, and felt, that Steve was also struggling to hold back his own tears it felt a little easier to release them.
“Tony.” Steve whispered back into Tony’s hair, his grip around Tony tightening and Tony gasped a little when he was suddenly lifted of floor and spun around like a girl in a romantic movie. He tightened his grip around Steve as he was spun around, more out of instinct than anything else, but whatever. The closer he could be to Steve right now the better.
“You’re here. You’re home. Oh my god, Steve, I’ve missed you so much!” Tony could barely speak through the tears and sobs, but he managed to rein them in enough to be at least somewhat understood while still crying. Though, given how Steve was shaking about as much as Tony was at the moment, he probably couldn’t talk much more than Tony at the moment.
Steve drew a shaky breath and sniffled loudly before finally talking. “Yeah, I’m here now. I’m home, oh Tony, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” He gently put Tony back down on the ground but pressed him close up to his chest, burying his face in Tony’s hair.
Tony sniffed and nuzzled his face into Steve’s shirt, wiping tears and snot on the fabric and finding himself unable to care in the slightest. “I’m not letting you leave again. You’re not gonna go anywhere near that shit again, you’re gonna stay right here with me forever from now on, do you hear me? That’s not a suggestion, it’s an order Soldier.”
Steve huffed a wet laugh and pressed his cheek against Tony’s head, his arms tightening around him, so much that it kinda hurt and made it a little hard to breathe. But, again, whatever, Tony could take it. He and Steve hadn’t seen each other for a whole year; he would take it all the attention and love Steve had to give him.
“Well, I guess I have my orders, General Stark. And trust me, I have no intentions of ever letting you go, ever again. I thought I made that clear when we were still in high school.”
Tony chuckled and pressed a kiss on Steve’s throat before gently pulling away to get a better look of him. Steve tried to keep him close, gently trying to push him back into his chest, but Tony eventually managed to pull back enough to get a good look of his boyfriend.
Steve was dressed in his army uniform, sans the hat, his blonde hair was a shaggy and messy and he had grown a scruffy beard in the time he had been gone. He had no visible injuries, bruises or abrasions on his person and though he looked a bit skinner than he had been since Tony last saw him, he looked fairly alright considering the circumstances, aside from his eyes and face being wet and red with tears.
Tony smiled widely and raised his hands to Steve’s face, gently stroking the apples of his cheeks and tried to wipe away his tears- though that turned out to be rather futile as more tears just kept coming anyway- which made Steve’s smile widen back at him and put his own hands over Tony’s as he leaned into his touch, squeezing them tightly and pressing them to his face.
It almost looked like Steve was trying to convince himself that he was finally home and with his boyfriend again just as much as Tony was.
Tony chuckled softy, stood on his toes to kiss Steve’s nose and then buried his fingers in Steve’s beard. “Okay, some real talk here, babe, what the hell is this? Do they not let you shave in Syria? Or are we trying to be the next Robinson Crusoe?
Steve laughed softly and squeezed Tony’s wrists, blinking away the remaining tears from his eyes. “No, no, they do. I guess I’ve just been busy thinking about other stuff to bother with things like shaving.”
Tony smiled teasingly at him with a raised eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
Steve smiled down at him with such adoration and unquestionable love that it made Tony’s stomach drop and his heart stutter and he almost teared up again. He gently let go of Tony’s wrists and reached out one hand towards Tony’s face, gently stroking his knuckles over his cheek and wiping a tear away with his thumb.
“Making it home to you.” He placed a kiss on Tony’s forehead. “I meant what I said before, you know. I’m here to stay, Tony, for as long as you’ll have me. You have to know that I adore you and I want to spend forever with you. I’m done leaving you behind for these missions, I promise. From today, I’m done. It’ll be just you and me from now on, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course I’ll have you. I love you more than anything in my life.” Tony wanted to say, but he couldn’t get the words out. His tongue was frozen in his mouth and he couldn’t get it to work for him.
Steve continued with a soft smile, but he also looked… well, kinda emotional. He let go of Tony’s face and took his hands, holding them tightly. “Tony, you know I mean it, right? I adore you, Tony. I love everything about you and don’t ever want us to be apart for this long ever again.”
He paused and looked down at the floor, suddenly looking smaller and not quite as confident as he usually did.
“I know my degree doesn’t count for much. There’s limited jobs for people with an Art’s Degree and I don’t have much as it is. I have absolutely nothing to offer you that is up to the standards that you are used to, but if you let me, I’ll do everything I can make sure to treat you to everything I can, especially after everything I’ve put you through with my tours and work in the army. Not to mention how your asshole father has treated you throughout your life. You deserve to be treated like a prince and I’ll dedicate my life to make sure you get everything you deserve.”
“Steve…” Tony’s mouth was suddenly dry as a dessert and he could barely move or talk, only stare up at his boyfriend.
Steve smiled and placed one hand over Tony’s cheek, stroking his thumb under Tony’s eye. “I mean it, sweetheart. You’ve had such a rough life and you’ve still turned out an amazing man. You’re smart, kind, brave, generous, funny and you’ve worked so hard to get where you are today and I’m so proud of you and to be your boyfriend. And I know we’re young and stupid and just a bit above broke, but I don’t care, I want you now and forever. I’ve thinking a lot of this and when I picture myself happy…” He leaned down and pressed a kiss on Tony’s mouth. “It’s with you.”
Tears were falling from Tony’s eyes by this point and he was just barely holding back his sobs and his smile was so big it physically hurt. He sniffed and tried to snark back at Steve but it didn’t come out quite as snarky as he had wanted and more like a sob.
“Man Rogers, you can’t keep giving me this much sap, you’ll give me cavities.” Not his best line, but it was the best he could deliver considering the circumstances.
Steve chuckled and pressed a kiss to Tony’s forehead. “Well, I’ll buy you a new toothbrush and toothpaste before we get home then. But before that, I have something I have to ask.” He squeezed the hand he was still holding before letting go and taking a small step back.
And then he got down on one knee.
Tony was vaguely aware of gasps of shock and anticipation from the crowd of people around them but he was stuck staring at Steve with wide eyes and his jaw hanging open, his hands flying up to cover his wide open mouth. Steve took out a small, black box from his pocket, popped it open and revealed a ring. It was fairly modest ring, nothing too extravagant or fancy, just simple golden band and a small diamond at the center.
It was the most beautiful ring Tony had ever seen.
Steve smiled widely up at him. “Tony Stark, you are the love of my life and I want you to be my partner in everything. Will you marry me?”
‘Oh my God.’ That was the only thing going through his mind at the moment. ‘He’s proposing. He’s actually fucking proposing to me!’
Tony hadn’t given marriage too much thought since before dating Steve, and even then it wasn’t until their relationship had started to become serious. But after having talked to Steve about it, after having read Steve’s letters and how much he loved him and that he really wanted to spend the rest of his earthly days with him.
And God, if it wasn’t everything Tony had ever wanted.
Tony was nodding with happy tears running down his face, saying “Yes, yes, yes!” over and over again before running up to Steve and throwing himself around his neck again. Steve wrapped his arms tightly around Tony before lifting him off his feet again and spinning him around. He heard cheers and applause around them, but paid them no heed; the only thing going through his head at the moment was ‘Oh My God, Steve Rogers just asked me to fucking marry him!’
Steve pressed kisses on every inch of skin he could reach, arms tightly wrapped around his waist spinning him around for a good minute before putting Tony down on his feet again, though Tony still had his arms around Steve’s neck and Steve placed his hands on his hips. He had a big, blinding smile and tears in his eyes.
He chuckled disbelievingly. “21 years old, son of one of the biggest minds and business men of the last century and has enough brains and passion to revolutionize the world one day, and you’d settle for a broke, art graduate and soldier from Brooklyn? One day you’ll have the entire world at your feet, able to take your pick, and you still choose me.” He pressed his forehead to Tony’s. “You still want me.”
Tony tried to smirk, but it looked less cocky and confident and more wide and joyous and tearful. “Steve, babe, two things: First, this is not me ‘settling’ for you. I have dated several people before you and no one has ever been as good to me as you. Even Pepper, bless her heart, had a rocky time with all of my broken parts and ugly history. Sure, maybe ten years from now I will be successful and rich and have a big house and ten cars or whatever, but no one in the world could ever be better to me than you.”
Steve’s smile widened and a few more tears fell down his cheek and Tony raised his hands to his face, gently wiping them away. “And two, how long have we been friends? Fifteen years? You have always been the best friend I could ever ask for, even before you asked me on a date, or confessed you loved me. You’ve looked after me when I was in trouble; let me cry on your shoulder after fights with my dad or when a boyfriend or girlfriend turned out to be a bust. And you’ve always been there for me to rein me in when I get lost in work or school or when I’m just being stupid, when I’m being an asshole or when I just need to get my head out of my ass. You have always been there for me, even before I was a genius and dad tried to exploit it.”
Tony smiled and had to clear his throat so his sobs wouldn’t make his voice crack. He stroked one hand over Steve’s bearded cheek. “So what kind of idiot would I be to let go of the best thing that ever happened to me?”
Steve’s eyes were overfilled with tears at this point and Tony pressed a kiss on his nose, leaning in close to his ear. “Now, let’s go home. We’ll pick up pizza on the way home.” He slowly started to pull away, but Steve grabbed his hand before he got too far away.
“Of course, but first,” He took the ring out of the box and gently put it on Tony’s ring finger. Tony gently pulled his hand out of Steve’s grip to get a closer look at it, and now that he wasn’t in complete surprise by Steve proposing and he got a closer look at it, he recognized it very quickly.
“Steve, this is your mom’s ring!” Steve smiled widely and placed his arms around Tony’s waist.
“Yes it is. She gave it to me when I told her I wanted to ask you to marry me. I had to go and have it a bit adjusted so it would fit your finger, but other than that it the exact same ring.” He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his head. “I… heh, carried it with me everywhere while in Syria. For motivation, I guess. I figured if I kept carrying it around with me it would help me remember what I had back home. That I had the love of my life waiting for me back home and I really, really wanted to marry him.”
Tony smiled and huffed a small laugh, a few tears forming in his eyes before blinking them away. “Yeah? And how did that work for you?”
Steve smirked and shrugged lightly. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’d say it worked out just great for me. Especially since I have you know.” He placed his arm around Tony’s shoulders and hugged him close, letting Tony rest his head in the crook of his neck.
Tony ran a finger over the golden band and the diamond and then looked up at Steve again. He smiled softly at him, and then he smirked and hip checked Steve in the side. “You realize that if dad ever finds out about this he’ll skin you alive, chop your balls off and turn them into Christmas ornaments, right? He hates your guts, probably blames you for my decision to turn my back on the company.”
Steve smirked back but there was a dangerous fire in his blue eyes. “Yeah I know, but fuck Howard Stark, I’m not afraid of him. If he has anything to say about our engagement or relationship he can say it to my face. If he has the balls that is.”
Steve smiled and his eyes softened, placing both hands on Tony’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes, his eyes are full of sincerity and love. “Tony, you shouldn’t think too much about Howard and what he’ll think. I have never cared about his opinion; I hate him just as much as he hates me. But I love you and I want you, and if that means I have to deal with him being a dick about it, I’ll gladly deal with that.” He lifted one hand and stroke it over Tony’s cheek. “I love you enough to handle anything. I’ve seen war at this point, I doubt there’s anything Howard Stark can say or do to keep us apart or make me stop loving you.”
Tony’s mouth was open, eyes wide and started to fill with tears again, but he started to blink, hoping to kill them before they could fall and he chuckled. “Fuck you, Rogers. You’ve made me cry like five times in less than thirty minutes today, you fucking asshole. I should give you the ring right back for making me this emotional today, you know I hate feelings.”
Steve laughed fondly and gently stroke his hand through Tony’s hair, pressing a light kiss to his temple. “Oh? Well, I guess I’ll have to change your mind then. How about I buy us some dinner, you pick a movie and we’ll have a nice long night together. And over the weekend, we’ll have some fun. You choose what we do, for the whole weekend, no work or anything like that. Just you and me, what do you say?”
Tony smiled teasingly and bumped his shoulder against Steve’s arm. “Well, I guess that’s a good start.”
Steve smirked and then crouched down a little, one arm around Tony’s shoulders, but when he tried to place his arm around the back of Tony’s knees, Tony stepped away and smiled.
“Uh, not that I’m against what you’re thinking at the moment, but don’t you think you need both hands for your bags?” Steve blinked, a bit surprised and looked back over his shoulders at the bags he had dumped on the floor. Then he looked back at Tony and then he stubbornly set his jaw and a determined look formed on his face and he quickly stomped over to the bags. He swung one of them across his back and then walked over to Tony with the other bag, a slightly smaller duffle bag, and had a mischievous spark in his eyes and dumped it in Tony’s arms.
“Hey, hold this for me, doll?” Tony took the bag, a bit surprised, but before he could respond, Steve grabbed him around the shoulders and knees again and swept him in his arms. Tony gasped a little and clutched the bag tightly to his chest (it wasn’t heavy, probably just some clothes and personal items) before laughing and hiding his face in Steve’s neck as he started to walk towards the doors.
“Steve, people are looking!” Not that Tony actually minded that people looked, they could stare all they wanted for all he cared, but he still couldn’t help flushing at Steve’s very open affections for him. PDA got nothing on Steve Rogers.
Steve grinned and rested his cheek against Tony’s hair, pressing a kiss against his forehead. His grip around Tony tightened slightly and adjusted his grip a little, so Tony could rest his head against his shoulder. “Let them look. I have been waiting to hold you and kiss you again for ten fucking months, so you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you go ever again.”
Tony shook his head with a small laugh before letting himself relax and rest against Steve’s body, pressing his lips to Steve’s neck. He suddenly felt drained of all energy after all the emotion that he’d gone through just now and was now more than okay with Steve carrying him out of the airport and to the car so they could go home.
They’d probably stop by the pizza place on the way home, or they’d order for delivery when they got home. They’d pick a movie to watch while eating but eventually start to pay more attention to each other than the movie. Steve would pull him close and hold him throughout the whole night, even when they would need to go to bed. Tony would cling onto Steve too, making sure to himself that he was actually home and this wasn’t some kind of dream. He’d probably finger on the engagement ring on his finger to make sure that was real too, because it still felt like a dream.
The whole weekend would probably be much of the same, but really, Tony was more than fine with that. Steve was here too stay forever now, away from the army and had asked him to marry him.
They could spare a few days to celebrate this before going back to real life.
Tony sighed and nuzzled his face into Steve’s shoulder, closing his eyes. “I love you.”
He didn’t see Steve’s face but he heard him chuckle fondly and held him a little tighter and kissed his hair. “I love you too, Tony.”
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zachsreaderinserts · 5 years
Crash ‘N’ Run
ship: basicallyidowrk x female!reader x fourzeroseven
warnings: homophobia, racism, it's the 50s babe what do you expect, inspired by a webcomic called rock and riot
"This is complete and utter bullshit." Marcel raged, kicking an empty can angrily. I watched him from the sidewalk as he stomped around. Scotty was attempting to calm him down, following him around as he paced.
I couldn't help the disappointed sigh that left me as I buried my head into my knees.
Being in a relationship with two guys wasn't as easy as it seemed. For one, there are many comments about me being a "whore" for dating two men, as well as Marcel and Scotty being called "cuckolds". Two, because we're an interracial couple, we get even more flack for breaking society's roles on us.
And because of those two reasons, we couldn't go to prom together.
We weren't the only ones either. There were Craig and Tyler, a gay couple; Evan and Jonathan, an interracial gay couple; and Anthony and Melina, an interracial couple. We all were rejected from being able to go to prom.
Unwilling to face the principal's wrath, we retreated to Marcel's cul de sac, where he currently was raging his ass off.
"Marcel, Marcel!" Scotty comforted his boyfriend, quickly calming him while I sulked on the sidewalk. After a quiet few moments, my boyfriends joined me on the ground.
"This fucking blows." Scotty murmured, holding my hand. I nodded solemnly, leaning onto his side. I felt Marcel's hand on my back, which meant his arm was around Scotty. "I wish people would just accept us."
"We knew what we were getting into when we got together," Marcel whispered, rubbing my shoulder lovingly. "I just wanted a night with the two most beautiful people in the world."
"Shut up." I grinned, slapping his chest lightly. "That's so cheesy." We all sighed together, enjoying one another's presence.
But that was when I got the idea.
"What would happen if we somehow got into prom and got caught?" The two of them gave me a confused look. "Like, what are the repercussions?"
"Suspension, maybe?" Scotty thought it over, moving his hand from my own to my waist, his letterman jacket providing warmth. "I mean, we aren't seniors, nor are we troublemakers..."
"Don't lie to her, Scot." Marcel teased, grinning softly. "She knows us enough to know that we're anything but angels."
"Then let's go to prom," I suggested, smiling in excitement. Marcel smile changed into a frown once more.
"You heard the principal. No dates that are homosexual or interracial are allowed." I turned my body to face my boyfriends, grinning with mischief.
"Since when did we decide some fat fuck was gonna dictate how we get to spend our Saturday nights?" Scotty's face lit up with hope while Marcel's lit up with boldness. "I'm sick and tired of being shoved around by some balding white man. I'm gonna crash the fuck out of that prom." Scotty sat up, grinning handsomely.
"What's the plan, babe?"
"I can't believe we're crashing prom together!" Melina sang happily, thumbing through dresses. "I mean, I knew you were rebellious, but I didn't think you were this rebellious!"
"We all want a night out, so a night out is what we're gonna get." I declared, finding a sparkly f/c dress. It puffed out at the waist, reminding me of a princess dress. "I want that one." I plucked it off the rack, holding it up to my body.
"Oh hell yeah." Melina chirped, looking me over. "Go try it on!"
After wrestling with the zipper, I looked in the mirror, pleased with how I looked. I normally looked like an innocent teenager, but this dress made me feel like a glamorous, rich woman. Give me pearls and I'll knock off the socks of every straight man in the county.
"Y/n, are you done yet?" Melina asked, knocking on my dressing room door. I peeped it open, seeing her yellow, sweetheart dress. "Oh my God."
"You look great!" I squealed, causing her to blush. "Anthony is going to pass out when he sees you."
"Shut up." She nudged me, shaking her head. "You're a riot."
"I know." I winked at her, closing the door.
"You look wonderful, Y/n." My older sister, Ryb, complimented me. "Mom would've loved to see you."
"I'm sure wherever she is, she's proud of me." I retouched my lipstick, looking in my vanity mirror. "I'll call you if we get arrested."
"Knowing you, you'll find your way out of it." She teased, taking a photo of me. The doorbell rang, causing me to grow nervous. "That must be your boys. I'll go let them in." As she walked away, I looked myself over one last time.
I was really about to do this. I was about to crash my junior prom. And somehow, the only thing that made me nervous was Scotty and Marcel's reactions.
But as I descended from upstairs and saw their reactions, I knew that there was truly nothing to be nervous about.
"Holy shit." Scotty cursed while Marcel just gaped at me. I couldn't help but gasp at their appearance.
Scotty's unkempt hair was brushed neatly, going very well with his grey suit and f/c bow tie.
Marcel's hair was gelled to create a masculine look, his scruff shaved which made him look older in his black suit and f/c skinny tie.
It took me a moment to remember that these handsome boys were dating me.
"Hey, guys." I meekly smiled, going down the stairs. They stayed silent, still staring at me. The flashing of Ryb's camera brought them out of their stupor.
"Y/n, you look stunning." Marcel smiled, visibly awestruck. "Like, damn."
"Wow." Scotty murmured, cupping my face gently. My face went hot at their attention and I began to giggle shyly.
"You guys clean up nice," I whispered, smoothing out both of their suits. Marcel held my hand to his heart, tearing up slightly.
"If you guys are done being sappy, I'd like to take some pictures." Ryb cut in, making us chuckle. After doing ridiculous poses with one another, we made it out to my car. As I turned on the engine, Scotty leaned in from the back seat.
"So, we're having post-prom sex after this, right?"
"Oh, hell yeah." Marcel and I nodded in agreement as I pulled out from my driveway. "My house?"
"Where else?" I quipped, speeding out of my neighborhood. After a few minutes of driving, we reached the school parking lot. Waiting there for us was Melina, Anthony, Evan, Jonathan, Craig, Tyler, and a lot more people. "Uh..."
"It's all our friends!" Scotty pointed out as we parked the car. I stepped out, recognizing the faces around me. Everyone went silent, smiling proudly.
Gay couples, lesbian couples, mixed couples, couples of all sorts surrounded the few cars in the parking lot. I couldn't help the excited smile that was on my face as I climbed onto the hood of my car.
"I can tell many of you are here for the revolution." Various cheers erupted from the crowd as they looked up at me. "That's perfect. Because we're done being docile. We're done listening to this stupid principal and what he thinks is right for us! I say fuck the norm!" The cheers were slowly becoming louder. "Fuck the homophobic assholes! Fuck the racist assholes! Fuck everyone who says what you can and can't do! Are we gonna take this bullshit or are we gonna riot?"
"Riot!" A booming cheer rose over the parking lot, causing me to giggle with adrenaline.
"That's right, baby! Let's go fuck this prom up!"
And with that, we burst through the entrance of prom, quickly slinking into the crowd. The teachers lost us as we all split up to go wreak havoc.
I spotted the picture booth and immediately grabbed Marcel and Scotty's arms.
"C'mon!" I squealed, dragging them over to pose in front of the cameraman. We did one normal picture before doing stupid poses with one another. I gave the man a twenty before swiping the polaroids off of him and continuing to dash through the prom. Students were watching as we all made our mark, cheering us on.
I made my way to the stage, getting ahold of the microphone.
"I want you all to know that this is a revolution! And we won't be stopped!" I yelled, before turning around and grabbing Scotty's face.
I gave him a forceful kiss before turning to Marcel and giving him an equally passionate smooch. After a moment, I turned back to the mic, slightly breathless.
"And to this stupid motherfucking principal, suck my left tiddy!" I sent out a graceful middle finger before the three of us ran off again. Though this time, we ran out of the gym.
I giggled happily as we circled the school and went back to the parking lot. Marcel was practically skipping, swinging his intertwined hands as we rushed out. Scotty's high pitched laugh pierced the air, his giddiness similar to a child's.
"Last one there's a rotten egg!" He squealed, dropping our hands to run. I followed in suit, picking up my dress so I wouldn't trip. Marcel and Scotty were easily further ahead of me, which was a telltale sign that I was gonna be the rotten egg this time.
As we reached the clean car, we all stopped to catch our breath again. I bent over the trunk, laying flat on my stomach to try and calm down.
"That's a pretty sight," Scotty smirked, looking at me. Realizing my compromising position, I gave him the middle finger.
"You're unbelievable." He laughed again, straightening up his suit. "What do we do now?"
"Let's go get milkshakes." I heaved myself up, stretching.
"Then victory sex?" I snorted, looking at the two loves of my life.
"Then we'll have victory sex." Both of them fist pumped the air before high fiving, making me snicker again.
"Get in the car, you dorks."
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Notebooks and post-it’s - chapter 6 - (Branjie) - thankyoumissvanjie
A/N: all aboard that smutty angst train. 🚂🚂
“Were you always such a bratty little bitch?”
“Were you always this stupid a hoe?”
When they had been on the show, the only place they could be together was in the van and in front of the cameras. That meant that they couldn’t do anything in private, they could not in any way talk it through behind closed doors. Not until after they left the show.
So it was kind of liberating, to be able to talk behind closed doors. To be each other’s secret. At least that was what Brooke told herself. That was what she reminded herself again and again, as Vanjie ignored her at the venue.
As she let everyone believe that the hickeys on her neck were made by some unknown guy from Seattle.
As she flirted with every good-looking guy at the meet and greet.
That at least they had the hotel room in the evening. That was theirs. Even if Vanjie didn’t want to address what they were doing. Even though it was only sex.
Even though Brooke was falling apart.
They had their fucking post-it booty calls for themselves with absolutely no audience.
Walking into her dressing room after the show made her immediately search for the yellow post-it that she had come to expect after the last three days.
Silk wants to party tonight, need to make an appearance. Room 349 at 2 AM? - V
The problem with being in hiding was that Brooke felt like a dirty little secret. As if she wasn’t even worth being acknowledged in public.
As if Vanjie knew that Brooke wasn’t good for her.
Taking off her wig, she found her notebook, the pages rapidly getting filled with everything from sappy love letters to angry messages and too real emotional spiels.
I wish I could stop. You deserve better. You deserve someone who can give you everything. Worship your beauty and insanity in the same way that you would give it in return. It has always been clear to me that you didn’t feel that I could do that. I don’t think you’re wrong.
But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. I hate leaving you every night. I hate how dismissive you are whenever I want to talk about this. I HATE THAT I CANNO-
Tears started to fall down on the notebook, Brooke stopping as her breath hitched. She looked in the mirror and saw the streaks of tears creating cracks in the perfect mask of Brooke Lynn Hytes. Staring back to the page she once again picked up the pen. Only to drop it as a sob wracked through her body, making her crumble in on herself.
This time the door was locked. This time no one saw her break down.
“Bitch, the guy to you left, mesh top, booty shorts and a dirty smile is looking at you like he wants to eat you up. Go get him!” Silky nudged Vanjie in her unsubtle style, probably letting the whole club know, that she was trying to set up her friend.
“Silk… I ain’t lookin’,” Vanjie groaned, not even looking back at the man at the bar, knowing that he was probably her type, but not caring about that right now. She would get her dick somewhere else tonight.
“Why? You gon go back to your tall piece of Canadian ice cream?”
“SILK! SHUT UP - don’t be broadcasting it to the whole goddamn bar!” Vanjie looked frantically at the people around them, trying to figure out if they had heard what her annoying but still good Judy had said.
“So you are?” The unimpressed look that silky was giving her made Vanjie feel like the jig was up.
“Bitch, I might?” Vanjie tried to shrug it off, not wanting to get into this with Silk at the bar. Especially because A'keria and Nina were having fun somewhere around here, and Vanjie just couldn't deal with the fact that they might overhear some of this.
“What the hell? What are you doing? America wants to know, miss Vanjie.”
“I am gettin’ that good dick like you said. Crunch crunch, munch munch, or whatever, bitch.”
“I meant one time, bitch. Good dick? That all you want from Miss motherfucking Hytes?” That raised eyebrow told Vanjie that Silky could smell her bullshit.
“Thought not. So you bein’ a dumbass hoe who wants her man back, but ain’t ready to commit to dealing with his sappy lil white boy commitment issues?”
“Silk, why you gotta be coming so hard for me?”
“You know this is stupid. Go talk with the trade over there. He won’t create any problems.”
“Silk…” She knew that Silk was right. That she should just forget about Brooke, go her own way and find a new man. But fuck, he was right there, and she... She just fucking missed him.
“Trust me. You going back to that pasty ballerina is going to bite ya in the ass. You better be motherfucking ready for that. This hiding shit will blow up.” Alcohol was like a truth serum to Silky, two drinks in and she was not holding back.
“I ain’t hiding, hoe!” She yelled, pointing her finger in her friend's face, causing a scene, but not caring anymore because she was annoyed.
“You is. You hidin', Miss Mateo.”
“Just let me live, Mary!”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because this be the only way. He don’t want to deal with my clingy ass. He wants to go all wham-bang-thank-you-ma’am. I be givin’ him that. If he wants Miss Vanjie on the down-low, I’m gonna give it to him,” Vanjie was willing to go through a lot of pain just to get some part of Brooke.
“And you’re just fine about all this?”
“Don’t matter.”
And before Silky even had a chance to say anything else, Vanjie left. She didn’t want to deal with the judgement and seriousness of Silky.
She was right. Vanjie was being an idiot, and there was no way that she wouldn’t be catching feelings for him again.
But… If writing these goddamn stupid yellow post-it’s were what she had to do to see just a glimpse of him, then she would keep on doing it.
This had become a pattern. It was the third time that they met. Always in José’s room, always at his request. Always just sex.
Brock was on day four of being sober, and he was managing.
It had been difficult saying no to the shots of tequila, but he had managed.
“So when’s your plane leaving?” José was lying, freshly fucked on the bed, still naked, toying with the duvet as he looked at Brock getting ready to leave. This was the last evening for Brock on the tour, and they wouldn't see each other for over a week before.
None of them really wanted to think about that or talk about it.
“At 7,” Brock looked up at him from the chair he was sitting on, tying his shoes. Knowing exactly where this was going.
“No, PM,” Brock could feel the trap, even see it, but did nothing to avoid it.
“Then get back in here, Mami. That was just round one!” He was slowly crawling to the edge of the bed, like a predator luring in its prey. Brock felt enticed, but still fought against the desire building in the pit of his stomach.
“Nah, Boo. You just won’t,”
“Vanjie… What the fuck are we doing?” The sigh from the bed was loud, as Brock once again tried to figure out what the deal was with this situation, knowing that José would probably stop any form of real conversation on the topic.
“Right now, not a whole lot, but you could be making me scream and get your jush if you would just sashay them toes over here,”
“Brooke…. Brock. Why you gotta be wanting to talk about this? What is there to say? We know we bad together, but the sex is good, so why not just enjoy it, mama?”
“Yeah… I-I need to pack,” José smirked at the stutter, knew that he only had to give one more push and he would win.
“Just say you don’t wanna get with this. No need to be lyin’. I know you packed all your shit before you even contemp-conteta… Before your ass even decided to go down and give me all the Canadian bacon.” José’s hands were running all over his own body, and Brock could feel himself let go. Could feel his resolve leave him, as he wanted to teach the smaller queen a lesson. His fingers already tingling with anticipation of what he knew was to come.
“Were you always such a bratty little bitch?”
“Were you always this stupid a hoe?” The wink in his eyes was what made Brock walk closer to the bed. Toeing off his shoes as he went.
“Really?” He stopped in front of José, grabbing his chin forcibly, making him gulp in anticipation. The tendons in his neck were strained, his eyes glazed over.
A feeling of power overcame Brock, as he slipped into the dominant role with ease. Part of him realised that José had played him, as he was now giving in to what he wanted, but he also knew that there was no possible way that he could walk away from the room just yet.
“I guess someone needs a little lesson in how to show respect,” He leaned down close, all up in José’s face, seeing the anticipation, want and pure glee at getting what he wanted. It made him smirk as he used the hand on José chin to push him back on the bed.
“All fours, middle of the bed. Now.” He took a deep breath, centring himself, knowing what he had to do, as José scrambled to follow his orders. Quickly settling on the bed, his skin already flushed with excitement, as his cock was slowly rising to the occasion.
“Yes, Mami,”
The slap to his ass was instant and the noise of Brock’s hand making contact with the soft skin filled up the otherwise quiet room. The gasp from José told Brock that he had guessed correctly in what the Puerto Rican needed.
“Don’t get cheeky with me. You’re being a whiny little bitch, and whiny little bitches get what?” All he got in response was shallow and excited gasps.
“Use your words, Papi,” he slowly caressed José’s soft ass, trying to rub away some of the hurt, knowing that it helped in building the excitement.
“Th-they get spanked,” The stutter told him that he had José exactly where he wanted him. Brock was in awe over the trust the smaller queen still seemed to have in him, despite it being over six months since they had last done this.
“Right. I am thinking... ten. That should be enough to remind you, hmm?” He walked around the bed, so he could look him in the eye, as he sat down on the bed. “Now I want you to count them out and say thank you after each one, can you do that?” He leaned in and whispered this against his cheek, letting his nose and lips softly caress the soft skin.
“Yeeeeeesssssss,” Brock smiled softly, the soft hiss portraying the desperation that José was feeling.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Mami,”
“Good, and you remember your colours, Papi?” This was important, he couldn’t expect everything to still be present in José’s mind, it having been so long since they last had played like this.
“Green, good, Yellow, slow down, Red, bad.”
“Good,” With a soft kiss to José’s cheek he got back up from the bed, walking back around, getting ready.
All that could be heard was the gasps from the bed, as Brock was feeling calmer than he had in ages. He waited.
For the right moment.
“One, thank you, Mami.” Brock relished the feeling in his hand, the light pink hue on José’s skin, and the choked ‘thanks’ he was given.
Softly running his hand over the soft brown skin, he took a moment to marvel at the contrast between them, how José exuded warmth, while Brock gave off an aura of cold.
Gathering himself, he started rapidly spanking him. The room filled with counting and “Thank you, Mami”, Brock feeling proud of how well José was taking this, wanting to stop this right, and take him right there on the bed.
“Ten, th-thank you, Mami,” He was almost shaking there on the bed, as he was almost overwhelmed with sensation.
"Colour, babe?"
Brock quickly unzipped his shorts, grabbed a condom and entered José, who was still slick and slightly stretched from earlier.
They both groaned, the feeling of their connected bodies almost overwhelming. Gripping his hips, Brock started thrusting hard, knowing that they were both close, that it wouldn’t take them long.
“You were so good. You did so well,” Jose ́s moans were getting louder as he was getting closer and closer to his release, the praise pushing him over the edge as he came over the sheets.
With two more thrusts, Brock followed leaning over the smaller man’s back, his lips softly gracing his ear, Brock’s mind was filled with a single sentence. Words he knew that he could never say to José.
I love you.
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blessedbucky · 5 years
Look. Okay. I’m really proud of this smut I wrote for the latest chapter of my Steve/OC/Bucky story on Ao3. I usually keep this stuff on the story blog, but @strawberrylovessebby convinced me to post it on here.
Warnings! Because this is just fucking filthy! Breeding kink, cockwarming, overstimulation, and just all around MEAN TOP BUCKY BARNES
Gently, someone takes Quinn’s arm and stretches it out, the skin tacky and itchy with something. Finally, she decides to take a peek at what’s going on. She has to blink to make sure it isn’t a hallucination. Let her eyes adjust to the dimness of the car’s interior lighting. Thankfully, she’s still so sleepy she doesn’t hold her breath like she wants to. She doesn’t want to let him know she’s awake.
Greedily, because this may be the last time that she’ll ever see him, she wants to take her fill of him.
Bucky rips open some antiseptic wipes—an even more familiar smell that helps calm her down. There’s a first-aid kit in his lap that’s loaded with all the top-notch shit. Memories start to swim back to the surface of her mind and she reasons he must’ve stolen it from the Hydra base or trucks since there’s blood all over the sides of it. Real question is why does he even have it? Is he hurt? She’s about to turn doctor mode on, but then…he presses the wipe…to her arm?
Something blooms to life inside Quinn’s chest. There’s an echo in her mind, Natasha’s voice. Hope is a dangerous thing to have in someone like the Winter Soldier. But how can Quinn not have hope? There’s a shadow there on his face, of the man he used to be. His brows are furrowed and his bottom lip is bitten between his teeth as he concentrates on his task. The task of tending to Quinn’s injuries. Probably absentmindedly, his thumb rubs circles into her wrist while he carefully wipes away the blood that stains the rest of her arm. When he has the area clean and clear, he stares at the bend of her arm where there should be a gash. There’s not.
Bucky still hasn’t noticed that Quinn’s awake now and that she watches him. Just as confused now as she’d been in the Hydra truck. This isn’t how someone acts when they don’t want to be near another person. She supposes it could be out of some…sense of responsibility? But…he could’ve left her there in the truck. And…and a jacket that is definitely not hers had slid off onto the floor. He’s caring for her. He’s touching her.
He prods at the bend of her arm and she decides to have mercy on him. “It already healed,” she comments casually, breaking the silence. She keeps her eyes to the front, so he doesn’t realize she saw more than he probably wanted her to. Saw his tender act. He instinctively squeezes her arm at being caught off guard. “I’m okay now. Don’t have a scratch on me. I—uh, my serum makes me heal really fast.”
“Which is how you’re here and not still in the hospital after I almost killed you,” he reasons flatly. “And since I couldn’t get the job done, you’re running around like a moron, trying to get the rest of Hydra to kill you by pulling stupid stunts like trying to play soldier with no backup.”
Quinn breathes in. Breathes out. For all she knows, Bucky still thinks she’s a nurse. Still, a little payback is in order. So, she turns her body toward him and grabs his metal wrist. “I have a super soldier serum,” she explains calmly and squeezes. Grips harder and harder until the metal creaks in protest and the plates shift restlessly. He breathes harshly through his nose, staying stone-faced, but his eyes flash with discomfort. She immediately pulls her hand away. “There ain’t no playing, either. I spent my time in wars.” She’s been in them on and off for almost fifty years. “I lead teams of men—”
“A civilian trying to play soldier,” he interrupts rudely.
“This was different,” she admits reluctantly, trying desperately to be patient. “I was pissed off. I shouldn’t have gone in there in that state of mind, I’ll say it.” There’s another snide remark on the tip of his tongue. She cuts him off before he can say it. “You really have room to sit here and lecture me when you’re on a one-man road trip of revenge?”
“I know how to keep my emotions in check.”
Annoyance flares and she grits her teeth. “Oh, really?” She raises her wrist in the air. “Funny you say that considering you got so pissed at me touching you that you nearly broke my goddamn wrist.” Calm down, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Steve whispers in her mind. You’re losing your temper.
“I had my emotions in check until you showed up.”
Temper officially fucking lost. “You sure are talking a whole lot of shit for someone that came to save me and just sat here trying to patch me up. Maybe youneed to do a better job at keeping your emotions in check!” His eyes narrow at her. “Yeah, you heard me. Don’t touch me, Quinn. Don’t come near me, Quinn. Yet, here we are! Make up your mind and cut it out with this hot and cold bullshit. By the way, cheap fuckin’ shot with tripping me last week.”
“It’s not my fault you’re so easy to see through. You thinking you were going to get a sweet little kiss was all it took to take you out.”
She sputters. “I’m not easy to see through! That wasn’t the reason why! That—that ain’t all it takes, asshole!”
“Yes, it is.”
“Well, why don’t you be a big fucking man and prove it?”
Bucky’s jaw clenches and sparks of anger light up his eyes. She smirks, smug that she’s annoyed him as much as he has her. Later on, when this all processes and she’s not as emotional, she’ll give an astonished little laugh about how they immediately fell into that same old routine. The only person that could ever truly match her in stubbornness was Bucky and they’d bicker like an old married couple all the time. Each with their own point to prove while Steve usually sat off the side and smiled at them like the sappy dope he is.
For now, Bucky snaps into action, sliding toward her to close the distance between them. Quinn, blood thrumming with the irritation and pride, mentally prepares herself to stay cool and calm when he’ll inevitably lean in close to pretend that he’ll kiss her. She won’t let him one-up her like that again, thank you very much. Goddamn Bucky, though, he knows. He knows she has a chip on her shoulder that’ll make her strive to prove him wrong. And he always needed to have the last word. Or…maybe it happens because of the charge in the air. It’s there and it’s more than their anger. It’s that old, familiar pull. That magnetic force. That same thing that’d always pushed them into bed during an argument, still spitting mad yet tearing desperately at each other’s clothes.
Bucky is the one that does it, she thinks. There’s no pretending this time and that’s how he wants to catch her off guard. He wraps a hand around the back of her neck and hauls her to meet him in a bruising kiss. Joke’s on him because this isn’t going to make her freeze up. This’ll only spur her on. Finally, after seventy years, she has her mouth on him and he honestly thinks she’s about to drop the ball? How many times has she dreamed about this? Oh, no. You bet your ass she’s about to savor this.
Bucky bites down on her bottom lip and she groans before she’s opening her mouth, letting him lick inside. She pulls away, taking a second to breathe. “Is that really all you got under your sleeve? You think you can kiss me stupid?”
A metal hand grasps her chin and Bucky runs his thumb across her swollen bottom lip. “I think I should fuck you stupid instead.”
“Your dick ain’t that magical,” she snarks.
“Like I said, you’re too easy to see through.” He grins and it’s a sharp, wicked little thing. “It’s cute watching you try to piss me off enough to fuck you. It’s written all over your face. You want it, but you’re too proud to beg. And if I just slipped my hand down here…” He unbuckles her belt and Quinn holds her breath as his hand dips underneath the waistband of her pants. She jerks and whimpers as he palms her pussy, her panties a thin barrier between his skin and her heat. “You’re so wet. You sure my dick isn’t magical?”
Quinn snarls wordlessly, grabs his shoulders, and shoves him back against the seat. She takes the chance to crawl into his lap and tries to kiss that infuriatingly sexy smirk off his face. She rocks her hips down against his, feeling the hard, thick length of him between her thighs. “You got a big ego, but you keep pushing my buttons, knowing I’ll take the bait.” Her hand skirts underneath the hem of his shirt and she scratches her nails against the hard plane of his stomach. He shudders, groaning in the back of his throat, and she purrs in satisfaction. “But I’m a nice little lady and I won’t play silly little games. You want to get your dick wet? Huh? You want to fuck me? Do it.”
Bucky’s metal hand fists her hair and forces her head back. She gasps, the sting making the center of her throb. His mouth travels across all that newly exposed skin, sucking bruises that she’s sad will fade before they’re even done. “Got a rubber?” His voice is a low rumble and it sends a shiver down her spine. They’re doing this. Holy fuck, he really does want to fuck her.
Right. His question. There was this same issue with Steve when he came out of the ice, after she’d went to see her OBGYN. Not really an issue. More that he didn’t know about yet another modern marvel. “No,” she breathes out and his noise is one of, what she thinks, is disappointment. That excites her. They’re doing this and it’s not only her that’s panting like a bitch in heat about this. “Don’t need one. I’m on birth control now.” Does he even know what that is? Birth control pills weren’t put on the market until the sixties. “That means you can’t knock me up.”
“Ain’t that a shame,” he husks into her ear. “Maybe if one of us put a baby in you then you’d stay out of trouble.”
Quinn jerks back so hard that she knocks her head against the roof of the car. “Jesus Christ,” she hisses and it’s not because of the pain. Heat rushes across her body at that…admittedly really attractive and pretty picture. She thinks the act itself may be the more alluring thing. She thinks about how she’d look on her hands and knees, Steve and Bucky taking turns holding her down and just fucking her until she’s dripping with their come. Nope. No. Stay away from that train of thought. “You can’t say shit like that,” she mutters.
Quinn lowers her eyes and hands to start working herself out of her pants. Get this show on the road and hope he’ll move on with it. Unfortunately, Bucky’s always had a sniper’s eye in every single way. Sharp. Pierces her down to the bone. He watches her now. Really watches her and her hands tremble the tiniest bit. From arousal or fear? Why is she scared? Oh, maybe because it’s literally been decades since they’ve been intimate and he doesn’t need to know that, apparently, she has a…a thing for getting knocked up. What the fuck, Quinn?
“Why not?” Bucky purrs and his hand settles above her heart. It beats underneath her skin, rabbit quick. “Why can’t I say it? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” He chuckles darkly. “You want me to put a baby in you?”
Is it possible to come from words alone? Dizzily, Quinn thinks she’s about to find out. She clutches his shoulders like they’re a lifeline. Swallows hard and tries to put on a stern face. “I want you to shut the fuck up and stick it in me already.” Too bad that comes out too breathless to be taken as a threat.
“What has you so shy?”
She stares at him blankly. “I’m ‘bout to fuck you in a car. I look shy to you?”
“Yeah,” he answers bluntly with a wicked little gleam in his eye. He has her number and knows it. “Rogers doesn’t know, does he? The magic secret to getting Quinn Hayden to settle the fuck down? I should tell him. All you need to do is hold her down and keep stuffing her full until it sticks. Get her all swollen with your kid, Rogers, and then she’ll think twice before she rushes off to get herself killed.”
“Oh, for the love of God,” she snarls before she quickly leans forward to crush her lips to his. “Give it a goddamn break already,” she complains against his mouth. They’re both desperate to get undressed now. He isn’t as unaffected by this as he tries to pretend to be. His hands are tight on her hips, lifting her up as she desperately fumbles to get her pants down and off. People with dicks have it so easy. A quick unzip and it’s ready for action. He already has it out. She wants to see, but she needs him to shut the fuck up. “Only you would try to turn fucking into a lesson—”
The noise that comes out of Quinn’s mouth can only be described as a squeal. Bucky doesn’t let her have a chance to take her panties off. When her jeans are out of the way, he pulls her panties to the side and shoves inside her. And Quinn…she’s definitely gone on all this. Gotten off on it. His filthy mouth, the rough and almost callous treatment, and holy tap-dancing Christ his dick has gotten thicker and bigger. It’s a recipe for disaster and by disaster she means to come. Easy as that, folks. She throws a hand up against the roof of the car, her eyes roll in the back of her head, her thighs tremble, and she’s crying out and grinding down against him to chase after the waves of pleasure.
Bucky tosses his head back against the headrest, grits his teeth, and the vein on his neck bulges. “Did you just come?” he asks incredulously through heavy breaths. “Fuck,” he moans and reaches down between their bodies. His fingers slide between her folds, brushing over her clit, and that’s way too much too fast. She tries to jerk away which means she raises up, about to let him slip out of her to get away from the oversensitivity, but he digs metal fingers into her hip and slams her back down on his dick. She shrieks. “Yeah, you did,” he grunts.
“It’s too much,” she gasps.
“Tell me you don’t love this,” he breathes out. Finally, his eyes slide open and she could come again from that look alone. Those stormy gray eyes, molten liquid and dark with lust. He shoves his fingers between her parted lips and she automatically licks them clean, tasting the brine of her own come there. “Lie to me. Say you don’t want it.” And he pulls his fingers out of her mouth, gently taking her chin in his hand instead, waiting for her to really tap out if she wants.
She ducks her head. “I want it,” she admits quietly. “I love it.” Her hands move back to his shoulders and she tries to lift her hips, but he still won’t let her move. She stares at him with wide, wet eyes. “Bucky, please. I’m still so—I need you so bad. Let me ride you, sweetheart.”
“No.” Her mouth drops open in shock because he can’t be serious. But, no, he actually is. He’s resisting the urge to thrust up into her. “You’re going to stay right here.” His fingers dig into the skin of her hips, keeping her from bouncing. “You’ll keep my cock nice and warm with that burning hot pussy of yours. You’re going to wait until I’m ready.”
Bitchily, she asks, “What? You need a minute so you don’t blow your load? You turn into a one-pump chump, Barnes?”
“Are you really asking me that? When you’re so desperate to get filled up with my load that you came just from me talking about it?” She flushes in chagrin, heat crawling down her neck. “I’ll take it away, Hayden. You want that? I’ll pull out and jerk off all over you.” He fists a hand in the front of her shirt. “Send you back aching and empty and with the reminder that you fucked your chance up. Stop being impatient.”
Quinn buries her head in the crook of his neck and bites down on the thick cord of muscle. Both in retaliation and as a way to stifle the sob that’s in her throat now. Stop being impatient. Does he remember? Back in the war, he used to say that all the time. First time he ever stuck his dick inside her, he’d said it. Seems poetic he should say it when he gets his dick in her in this shiny new century. “You’re a mean fucking asshole now,” she says miserably.
“You’re the one gagging for my cock.” Sweet Lord, have mercy on her soul. Not only did this man’s cock get fatter, but so did his mouth. He really isn’t pulling his punches here and if he’s trying to purposely be a dick-head to warn her off, it’s not working. This is only turning her on more. “Sweetheart,” he croons, sickly sweet. “You’re clenching. I think you like it when I’m a mean fucking asshole.”
“Bucky, please let me move,” she begs.
He hums, the absolute fucker. “What was I just saying about having some patience? I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet. Hasn’t even been that long since I’ve gotten you on my dick. Maybe I want to enjoy this a little longer.” God, she wishes he wouldn’t say little heartbreaking things like that. He’s teasing her, but she knows that this must be the first time he’s had pleasure in decades. She’s thinking too hard about this, but she wonders if maybe he wants to relish this. She’s already gone for this infuriating man and wants to give him everything.
Quinn stops and thinks. She wants to give him all the pleasure in the world and not to brag, but she knows how to work it. If only he’d let her have the chance to prove it. “Okay,” she murmurs into his ear. She traces sweet, little kisses along that sharp, chiseled jaw of his. “I’m sorry. I’ll be good.” She slides her arms around his neck, moving her hands up to thread her fingers in his surprisingly soft hair. That dream briefly passes through her mind and she blushes as she adds, “I want to be a good girl for you.”
He groans and she gasps when his hips buck up. “I know what you’re doing.”
Oh-so-innocently, she replies with, “All I’m doin’ is thinking before acting. Ain’t that what you want?”
“That’s one lesson. I’ll fuck you stupid, but you won’t get my come because you haven’t learned lesson two. I’ll just pull out and come all over your pretty little ass.” The future has spoiled her. When did she start needing to get come in so bad? Steve’s almost as bad as she is about instant gratification. He’ll tease her to punish her, but he’ll eventually give in and fuck her full. “This is your last chance, Hayden. Only reason you’ve gotten this many is because I want to soak your pussy in my come as bad as you do. Be good.”
Holy shit, she really is gagging for it. She does the one thing that it seems like only Bucky Barnes was ever able to make her do—she backs down. She has to force her body to relax when every single neuron is firing off with the urge to move. She tells herself she can handle it. All she has to do is sit there in his lap, close her eyes, and breathe. Focus on the fact that he’s here, underneath her hands and body. He’s finally close again and she can learn how to mold her body against his. Because they’re both so different now. Thicker and more toned from constant warfare. Edges sharp as knives. Is this what he smelt like before, she asks herself as she breathes him in again. She can’t remember.
Bucky then decides he wants to push Quinn to the brink of her sanity. It starts out innocently enough, to fool her. His hands slide down to palm her ass and she moans at the contact. Still, she doesn’t move. She does yelp and jerk when he smacks her ass, though. He laughs and does it again. “Stop cheating,” she hisses, knowing exactly what his plan is.
“I’m a mean fucking asshole,” he reminds her. One of his fingers rubs over her asshole and she squawks, more out of surprise than anything. She tugs on his hair as payback which only makes him chuckle breathlessly.
“How long are you going to do this?” Quinn whines. Maybe if she acts bratty enough, he’ll stop with this sadistic game and fuck her. “A normal person would be doing cartwheels in the street over getting to fuck their girl raw.”
“Yeah, I’m so normal.” He slaps her ass again with the motherfucking metal arm. She weakly punches the other headrest and sobs. She’s going to lose her mind. Hell, she already has. The pain and pleasure wires are getting all crossed and, Jesus, that simultaneously hurt so bad and felt fantastic. “All this arguing is getting boring. I’ll let you have it, but I’m not stopping. Doesn’t matter how pretty you cry.”
As what normally happens in Quinn’s brain, she latches onto can finally do good thing rather than thinking about anything else in that sentence. He plants his feet more firmly on the floor, she grabs his shoulders, and her brain whites out as she finally lifts her hips and slams them back down. His thick cock drags inside her, stretching her out, filling her up. “Oh, God,” she breathes out. She tilts her head back, eyes fluttering shut, and sighs with pleasure.
Bucky’s fingers find her clit and her nose scrunches up. The coil in her gut tightens and she moves faster, desperate to come. She bounces faster, knees scraping on the rough fabric of the seat. His breath is hot against her cheek and he’s moaning in her ear. The faster she moves, the more insistent he rubs at her clit. Pair that with the fact that he’s been stretching her out for however long and spanking her and it really shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that she comes again. She slows down, rolling her hips, walls fluttering around his cock, making these little, “ah, ah, ah,” sounds when her oversensitive clit rubs against his pubic bone.
Quinn makes to move off of him, if only for a minute or two to recover before she starts back up. Bucky’s arms suddenly lock around her and he crushes her against his chest. I’m not stopping, he’d told her, and she knows what his dastardly plan is. He keeps her pinned there and she wails at the first brutal thrust up into her. He was holding back before, lulling her into a sense of false security. He’s going to put his back into it now.
He really is going to fuck her stupid.
Quinn struggles against it, especially when he angles his cock at just the right angle that it hits that spot inside her. It burns. It’s razor sharp. It’s like touching a livewire. It leaves her raw and screaming and shaking. She really does start to cry, tears running down her cheeks. She begs him to slow down, slow down for a second, but she doesn’t ever ask him to stop. She doesn’t want him to.
The next and final time Quinn comes, she buries her teeth in his shoulder, muffling her piercing scream. Every muscle in her body locks up and her heart thunders so hard she can feel it against her skin. Bucky’s desperately rutting up into her and she feels gutted. It doesn’t take much longer before he’s stilling and flooding her with his hot, thick come. There’s so much. So much that it drips down out of her, down his cock, making the place where they’re joined together even wetter. She mewls. He’s there inside her now. Finally. After seventy years.
Quinn stays there, curled against his chest, feeling him soften up inside her. He shifts under her and she slumps off to the side. She tries to curl up in the seat, but he catches her knee and forces her to spread her legs. She tries to squirm away, too sensitive for more, but he simply moves her panties back into place for her. He cups her pussy again, humming. “I made a mess of you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” she agrees. His come is leaking out of her, soaking her panties. “Yeah, I love it. I love having a piece of you inside me like this.”
“Of course, you do.”
Then, there’s silence. She’s not sure how long or what she said that made him go quiet…until she jerks as the car starts back up. She dozed off. In the time between when she started to, Bucky helped pull her pants back up and draped his jacket back over her. She’s slumped back against the door. She’s floating high in the clouds. All the adrenaline rushes, the lack of sleep, the high of her orgasms, and now the warmth and smell of Bucky surrounding her? She’s shocked she even woke back up.
“Go to sleep, Quinn. We’ll be back at your hotel in two hours.”
“M’kay,” she whispers hoarsely. “G’night, Buck.”
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
Hello!! I would like to ask if you have any Pro Hero!Bakudeku fics with established relationship? I'm not sure if you already posted them, but if you did you can just ignore this ask XD
Hiya! We haven’t gotten an ask for this before, but we have gotten an ask for Pro Hero Bakugou/Quirkless Izuku and Pro Hero Bakugou/Fanboy Izuku! Enjoy!!
2 Series. 35 Works.
bakugou katsuki becomes a power bottom by writedeku ( E | 3,496 | 1/1 )
It is hard to describe what Izuku is doing to him, the extent of which he’s being — it suddenly occurs to Katsuki when he belatedly realises his nose is buried into his crotch — he’s being used. Him! Bakugou Katsuki, on the track to becoming the best hero in Japan, is being used. He pulls off to catch his breath, tears brimming in his eyes, his throat hoarse —
[Mildly Dubious Consent]
how much do i love you? by writedeku ( G | 1,994 | 1/1 )
“Get up, sleepyhead,” Izuku tries to roll out of bed to brush his teeth, but is suddenly stopped by the tightening of Katsuki’s arms. “Hey, you. We gotta go.”
Katsuki’s reply is a press of his face into his back and a kiss on the bare skin. It makes Izuku shiver. “No,” he pulls him back into the bed and wraps even his legs around him. “Stay.”
Utopia by Kanae_vR ( T | 2,079 | 1/1 )
In which Izuku worries that his and Katsuki’s relationship has become too domestic, and Katsuki proves him right. Not that either of them are complaining.
flipping the switch by bishounen_curious ( E | 2,510 | 1/1 )
Bakugou likes it when Deku gets angry.
[Series] Where did you go to end up right back here? by sensiblysilly ( G&M | 15,481 | 2 Works | Complete )
Main story with an optional alternative ending.
Passively Aggressive (or Aggressively Passive) by kagome_angel ( E | 4,991 | 1/1 )
None of it matters, none of it, except for the softly-murmured “Kacchan,” against Bakugou’s jaw and the way that that stupid nickname, spoken like that, Izuku’s voice rough with sleep, raises goosebumps all along Bakugou’s skin.
you’re prettier with your mouth shut by capncapnk ( E | 3,614 | 1/1 )
He hates how sensitive he is, how he arches up into the touch, how nice it is for Deku to keep running his mouth with whatever sappy, syrupy bullshit comes to his mind, even if he’d rather die than admit he likes this vanilla shit Deku has to offer.
In which Deku has a thing for Bakugou’s hands and Bakugou has a thing for nice words
let me see your red face by phix27 ( E | 3,451 | 1/1 )
It was a well-known fact to almost everyone who met him that Izuku was easily embarrassed. Whether it was from something he said that might be taken the wrong way, an action that he didn’t mean to make, or even something embarrassing that he saw on TV, everyone knew what would happen next. A red face and some stuttering were practically Izuku’s constant state of being, so everyone recognized it.
And Bakugo loved it.
Eyes, Blindfold by errant_rivalry ( E | 5,028 | 1/1 )
Pro Hero Deku is struck by a quirk while on duty and is without his sight for the following 24 hours. His fiancé takes care of him and then takes advantage of the situation.
Never Skip Leg Day by SecretKiwi ( E | 4,286 | 1/1 )
Deku loves leg day, and so does Katsuki- just in a different way.
Or, two gross boys bond over Deku’s ass.
[Series] All They Are by KingHugin, LacyLove ( T&M&E | 20,651+ | 3 Works | WIP )
De-Aged?! by anontigg ( T | 4,938 | 1/1 )
Izuku was enjoying his day off when a de-aging quirk hits his boyfriend, now his boyfriend is a 5 years old and somehow many secrets are revealed as he waits for his Kacchan to turn back into normal…
Let Me Know I’m Yours by osakakitty ( E | 1,335 | 1/1 )
They haven’t had sex in three weeks, and Midoriya is tired of waiting.
[Commissioned work for kap91]
For Izuku it was a Tuesday by Fluffy (JediMasterFluff) ( T | 2,731 | 1/1 )
They have become a perfect team. No words are needed to convey thoughts between the two. It’s like they both acquired a second telepathic quirk once they started dating.
Izuku didn’t actually know how they pulled it off but he didn’t care. They worked well together, on and off the battlefield.
SeriesPart 1 of KatsuDeku Week 2017
No More Lonely Nights by SecretKiwi ( E | 2,803 | 1/1 )
Izuku longs for when he can see his boyfriend on a much more regular basis, and Katsuki finds the solution to their problem.
Act Your Age by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 4,024 | 1/1 )
“I can’t believe you would ask to come with me and then throw a fit the entire time, how old are you? Five? You’re lucky you didn’t break anything or I would’ve had to pay for it. You’re so irresponsible.”
“Stop lecturing me!”
“Then stop giving me a reason to! Kacchan, I don’t understand this. I don’t understand why you feel the need to act this way.”
“You took forever!”
“And this is why I do things like this alone because you’re unhelpful and a brat.”
In which Bakugou throws a fit in the grocery store.
SeriesPart 5 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Chapter 1 & Chapter 7 of I Get to Love You by Funky Hanji (Temari) ( T | 1,712 | 2 out of 8 )
A number of short fills written for the different bkdk weeks/events/requests. :D
- He just wants to slide in beside Izuku, throw his protesting arms around the other’s waist to pull him closer, and bury his nose into wild green curls. -
- Izuku is used to hospitals […] Usually he’s the one sitting in a bed and receiving visits, though. -
i carry you in my heart by dumbdaisies ( T | 1,102 | 1/1 )
In the aftermath of a battle, Katsuki and Izuku tend to one another through the grief and guilt that come with the job.
Green-Eyed Beast by SecretKiwi ( E | 4,721 | 1/1 )
Everyone wants a piece of Katsuki Bakugou, but they should beware of the Green-eyed beast always lurking close behind him.
Grounded by tiprine ( T | 2,036 | 1/1 )
Ground Zero had garnered something of a reputation throwing himself headfirst into fights, though this time, he did so knowing all that he was doing was biding time until the other heroes arrived. Had Deku not gotten there when he did, it very well may have been his last battle.
Spring Has Come by crescendoh ( G | 3,010 | 1/1 )
Izuku felt serene. He had been sitting outside in the local park with a half-asleep Kazumi leaning against him. His relationship with her felt like a dream. After all, despite a tricky beginning, everything he had wished for came delivered to him on a silver plate. There would be nothing taking that happiness away from him anymore. Izuku had challenged fate more than once already and he was determined to keep fighting for the sake of his relationship.
“I love you Kacchan,” he whispered.
“Love you too,” she said, slowly opening her eyes. “By the way, I’m pregnant.”
Rumours said Pro Hero Deku was spotted vanishing into thin air in the park.
Alternatively known as “Very supportive husband”
SeriesPart 6 of Female Bakugou AU
Can’t Imagine Me Without You by ARC_Fangirl_0w0v ( T | 1,807 | 1/1 )
After witnesses a colleague laying in a critical state, Midoriya can’t help but worry about what would happen if it were Bakugou. If Bakugou left him far too early in their lives. The answer would be to move on, right? But to go on without the one you love…
During Midoriya’s endless worries, Bakugou shares his feelings about if that actually were to happen: “If I die and you’re already in some other person’s pants by the end of that same fucking day, I would come back to life just to beat your shitty ass.”
The Domestic Life Of Married Heroes by The_Crafty_Cracker ( M | 2,642+ | 2/? )
Izuku smiles at the messages, he adores and loves his friends so very much, of course, he’ll go and help them out-wait!
This was the week that he and Kacchan had specifically placed a holiday in for at their agencies so that they could go out on a few dates and spend some time together without interruption.
But right now his friends need him…
Kacchan would understand, right?
I Will Love You Forever More by Fluffy (JediMasterFluff) ( T | 2,422 | 1/1 )
“It doesn’t seem physically possible that it’s only been five years since I pulled my own head out of my ass to see such a ravishing creature was standing in front of me.”–A lot has changed for Katsuki but the biggest is the addition of a green haired nerd and Katsuki couldn’t be more grateful for it.
KatsuDeku Week 2017 - [Affection/Dates]
SeriesPart 3 of KatsuDeku Week 2017
More Important by paigetaylor ( G | 2,568 | 1/1 )
This was it;on the other side of that door is the most important person in my life. Katsuki thought to himself as he ran his hands along the sides of his slacks.
This moment was more important to him than when he got into UA, more important than when he graduated, and even more important than the day he was announced the #2 Hero.
One way or another to spend Valentine’s Day by SoraeMina ( E | 5,080 | 1/1 )
It’s Valentine’s Day and Izuku can’t wait to spend it with his boyfriend Katsuki. Unfortunately work calls and as a hero, he’s not in the position to object. Furthermore, Katsuki doesn’t seem to be as interested in spending Valentine’s Day together as Izuku hoped he would be. At least that’s what he thinks, until Katsuki proves him wrong.
Don’t Keep Your Hands to Yourself by Takkaori ( M | 5,060 | 1/1 )
When Katsuki expresses his desire to be spanked, Izuku just can’t believe it. Because it’s not like Kacchan… Is it? Of course, awkward conversation ensues.
It’s Like Copper by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( T | 2,040 | 1/1 )
Blood has a funny taste, very few people put their tongue to the red with the thought or desire of tasting it. Maybe it occurs through sucking gently on a paper cut on their finger, or the gentle sting of a cut inside their mouth. Yet there is that familiar taste all know, like you just picked up a coin and tossed it in your mouth. Everyone describes it the same: it tastes like copper. Metallic.
In which Bakugou has a nightmare.
SeriesPart 9 of Kacchan and Deku’s Hooplas
Do you Regret it? by MadamBlue ( M | 1,331 | 1/1 )
A rescue mission goes horribly wrong
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
here comes the night (this is the way i’ll remember you) by WatanabeMaya ( G | 1,538 | 1/1 )
“Welcome back, Kacchan,” Midoriya greets, trusting. He doesn’t need to open his eyes to know it’s Bakugou. He recognizes the sound of those footsteps more than anything else.
(Midoriya knows Bakugou well, or at least well enough considering the years they have had between them. Still, however, he is learning.)
BakuDeku. Oneshot.
Silence by Fluffy (JediMasterFluff) ( T | 2,156 | 1/1 )
When the world comes crumbling down, all that is left is silence.
[Major Character Death]
Time Limit by maiume ( G | 232 | 1/1 )
With the so busy schedule, they do their best to has time together.
How are we doing? We have a Submitter Feedback Form for anyone who wants to give us a piece of their mind! Thank you in advance if you complete it. If you have never sent an ask, but want to give us feedback, we have a Follower Feedback Form, too!
121 notes · View notes
xiaomomowrites · 6 years
Hopelessly Devoted to You
Attack on Titan | Erermika
Summary:  With every fallen titan, Levi thought of every choice he made to stay by Erwin. His stupid blue eyes was all he could think about, and suddenly he was hitting harder, flying faster, and cutting deeper. God, he was so whipped for a dying man. But what could he do? He was disgustingly devoted to him. 
She saw the Eren with bright, lively eyes that could pierce through the coldest of souls and the smile that could make the saddest person forget their troubles for a moment. And then now- he was unrecognizable, yet there wasn’t a day that could go by where she wouldn’t lay her life down for him. [Eremika, Eruri] 
Find this story here on Fanfiction.net | {mikasa-heichou}
A/N: I’m back from the dead! I know I haven’t posted in forever but school started last week and the work load has been piling on me. In case you were waiting for the series Sincerity That Can’t Be Given, I promise you it will be done and posted by chapter soon. I also have a lot of art project deadlines to meet so, junior year is really making me work, but this is the Ted Talk that no one asked for lol.
Anyway this is my favorite song from Olivia Newton John and I just had to write it! If you haven’t noticed yet, majority of my stories are inspired by music haha. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, leave me some love in the reviews~
“The reason I was able to take it this far was because I believed that the day would come,” Erwin looked down somberly at his hand and sat down, “That someday, I’d get those answers I’ve been looking for.”
He sucked in a breath before continuing, “There were so many times I thought dying would be so much easier. But I couldn’t get the thought of my father’s dream out of my head.”
Levi was quiet. He watched Erwin and could practically hear the internal conflict within his commander. He sighed tiredly, and the raven haired man sunk to one knee, placing a comforting hand on Erwin’s knee. He squeezed reassuringly.
“You’ve fought well, Erwin. It’s thanks to you that we’ve gotten this far.” Levi looked up from his position on the ground and his gaze hardened, “I will make the choice. Give up that dream and die, lead those new recruits into hell, and I will take down the Beast Titan.”
The commander lifted his gaze and looked at his captain gently. “Levi,” he said softly, “thank you.”
Levi reached up to grasp the back of Erwin’s neck and pulled him down until their foreheads knocked together. No words needed to be said, just a moment of silence and the sound of the other’s breathing was enough.
And Levi was off, whipping through the air the way he’s done countless times before and slashing his sharpened blades through whatever limbs came towards him. His mind was settled on Erwin despite the looming danger over his head; it was like his brain was short circuiting and kept cutting back to one image. Flashbacks played to when they first met, when Levi nearly held a blade to the blond’s throat, and when he sat by his hospital bed after losing an arm and berating him for being so reckless before saying “I bet I can beat you in an arm wrestle, old man.”
With every fallen titan, Levi thought of every choice he made to stay by Erwin. His stupid blue eyes, deep-ass voice and neat blond under shave was all he could think about, and suddenly he was hitting harder, flying faster, and cutting deeper.
The man let out an agonized battle cry when he took down the last titan before facing the beast angrily. He knew Erwin was going to die. It was inevitable with only one arm; the man could barely steer his horse properly. If anything, Levi had grown suspicious of how long he had survived and began counting his days with him long ago. Still, it didn’t make the sharp pain in his chest feel any better, because nothing could prepare you for a loved one’s death.
God, he was so whipped for a dying man. But what could he do? He was disgustingly devoted to him.
She couldn’t help but look at him with disappointment when his figure was still embedded within the titan. Eren looked so tired, so unwilling to fight a losing war. Yet he was here, in the middle of Marley, fighting the War Hammer Titan for “the sake of humanity”.
“Eren,” she called out softly. He didn’t even flinch at the sound of his name. “Let’s go back home, Eren. Please, come home.” Mikasa pleaded, but his eyes remained focused on the titan before him.
“Not yet,” he finally responded, “it’s not over yet, Mikasa.” Eren’s voice dropped to an octave she had never even heard before.
She sighed internally at the response and pursed her lips together. Of course it wasn’t over yet, it never was. Mikasa glanced down at him again and saw his unwavering will to fight. If it weren’t for that determination in his eyes that had been there since she met him, she would have never recognized him at a glance.
His long, shaggy hair tickled his jaw and it seemed like his eyes had sunken further into his face, making it look like Eren was more tired and older than he actually was. Mikasa figured years of Titan shifting had that effect on the human body, accompanied by the mental toll that also showed in his expression. His cheeks had hollowed out visibly and his lips had become perpetually downturned.
For a moment, she had seen Eren: the Eren she fell in love with. The one with short, fluffy hair and a boisterous voice that could echo in the longest of hallways. She saw the Eren with bright, lively eyes that could pierce through the coldest of souls and the smile that could make the saddest person forget their troubles for a moment. Mikasa remembered seeing the slight pink in his cheeks when he clumsily wrapped his scarf around her neck ten years ago, and she could almost feel the soft skin of his hand gently wrapping around hers when he took her home.
And then now- he was unrecognizable.
The young Ackerman was acutely aware she couldn’t do anything about it. Time was going to go on and in eight years time she was going to lose her best friend, the love of her life. But that wasn’t going to stop her from fighting by his side. In fact, she’d spend the rest of her minutes with him if that’s all he had left in the world.
And right now, he didn’t want to go home yet.
So Mikasa fixed her stare on the opponent. The War Hammer Titan stood menacingly and Mikasa knew what she had to do. With one last glance towards Eren, she leaped off his shoulder and swooped to the top of the nearest building.
What could she do? She was hopelessly devoted to him.
Mikasa trudged around the barracks aimlessly that night. She needed something to do. Without Sasha’s snoring or Historia and Ymir gossiping, she could almost hear the screams and the pleads of the comrades she had no choice but to leave to die and the loudness of the silence was driving her absolutely crazy. Mikasa simply couldn’t stay there anymore.
So she found herself silently padding into Eren’s room, only to see he was sound asleep. Sleep was something he never got anymore; she decided she didn’t want to wake or bother him before continuing experiments the next day.
There was only one more person that could be awake at four in the morning. She knocked on his door.
“Come in.”
She slipped through the doorframe and wordlessly padded over to the edge of Levi’s bed. The older Ackerman was seated at his desk fumbling with an empty tea cup, eyeing her knowingly.
“You’re up late, kid.”
Mikasa shrugged. “I had to get out of my room.”
Levi hummed understandingly, “Sometimes it gets so quiet, it starts getting louder.” Mikasa tucked her knees to her chest with her feet resting against the bed frame. Levi noticed her attempt to make herself smaller, yet he said nothing until she was ready to speak up.
And she did, eventually, after she found the sight of her scraped knees to be boring. She looked up with wet eyes and called out to him quietly.
“Levi,” It was almost a cry for help. Levi tried, he really tried, to stay rooted in his chair, but the sight of his only remaining family on the verge of tears seemed to strike a chord within him. Plus he always had a soft spot for Mikasa. He sighed dejectedly and went to sit next to her and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders. She immediately leaned into the warmth.
“Alright, what’s on your mind?”
“I don’t know,” she croaked, “everything. I’m just so sad for some reason and I can’t stop it. It’s like… everything I do is meaningless.”
“I mean,” she swiped away an unwanted tear, “I fight to protect Eren. It's what I've done for so long, it's all I know. But lately… I don't know, it's like he doesn't need me anymore. He has full control over his abilities, now. He can protect himself. I'm still gonna do it, you know, but now it feels… complicated.”
Levi was silent and Mikasa cringed to herself.
“I'm not even making sense, am I?”
He chuckled at that. “You are. In fact you're making too much sense, it's scary how similar we are.”
“I guess it runs in the family,” she scoffed.
“You know, when I joined the survey corps, all I wanted to do was live to see the light of day. Everyday. Until eventually, there was more of a reason than just to stay alive for the sake of survival. I was doing it to stay by Erwin’s side.”
Mikasa's chest squeezed painfully at the mention of her former commander.
“I didn't even realize how devoted I was to him. I knew he could protect himself- he was more than capable- but there was something I couldn't pull myself away from. It was stupid. I hated it. But I loved it at the same time.”
The younger woman felt herself nodding so aggressively at how much she could relate.
“Your need for Eren goes beyond what you think. It's more than just being 'head over heels in love’ or whatever sappy bullshit you wanna call it. Have you ever heard of soulmates, Mikasa?”
Her shoulders sunk at the term. “Yeah. Armin told us about it before. Gross, Levi, that's so cheesy.”
“I know, and I hate it. But what can you do? Us Ackermans have this gross need to cling to someone. Kenny experienced it, too. It’s stupid, but we’re just cursed to end up hopelessly devoted to someone else.”
Mikasa hummed, and they sat like that for awhile. His arm stayed draped lazily over her shoulder as they thought in silence.
“Why did you… why did you choose Armin? You loved Erwin, so why let him go when you had the choice to bring him back?”
Levi tensed for a minute.
“There's not a day that goes by where I don't miss him. I cared about him, which is why I decided to let him die.” Mikasa listened intently, “The man was tired, Mikasa, he held the weight of the world on his shoulders. Even if he was a broad son of a bitch, he had his limits.”
She chuckled at that.
“I guess you'll just know when the time is right to let go, huh?”
“Exactly.” He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “But you shouldn't worry about it so much. You can never be prepared for the death of a loved one, so don't bother trying.”
Mikasa frowned, his statement not sitting with her well.
“Now, even if you're my only family left, I have to kick you out now. I need to sleep, brat.”
She smiled up at him and stood up to leave. “Levi, thank you. For everything.”
He stopped at how familiar the thanks sounded. He swallowed thickly and forced the image of Erwin out of his head.
“You're welcome.”
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