#stupid pictures of Charles Xavier my beloved
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wishchip106 · 29 days ago
i haven’t posted about my wife in a hot minute..
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Charles please leave Erik i can treat you better 😿🙏
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2016 Year in Fic
I did this last here (here it is) and it was fun, so I did it again.  I’m not gonna tag anyone, but you should do it, too!
Fic List
(For me, I’m only counting finished works, but if you end up doing it, decide for yourself what counts.)
1. “...why would I care?” (Jon/Lin) This was a test the waters fic-  at the time there were less than 30 fics on AO3 for this obviously wonderful pairing, so the community was still pretty tiny.  I got butt hurt about the way they demanded my compliance on an intentional publishing choice, so even though I really like this pairing, I’m never gonna publish in it again. (I don’t know if that’s a blessing or a curse for the fandom- probably doesn’t make much of a difference at all)  Cute fic though.  I stand by the fact that it’s adorable. (2,167 words)
2. A Captain meets a Pilot (Chris Pine/Oscar Isaac)  Pictures of Chris Pine and Oscar Isaac at D23 together surfaced.   I will (and do) ship Chris Pine with anything, so this just seemed like a no brainer. (1,461 words)
3. A Study in Backlit Light (Pinto) Zach lives in New York and instagrammed a picture of him looking lonely at the same time that Chris was in NYC.  Why not? (448 words)
4. I have a type (Richlee and Rich/Lee/Raul Esparza) Raul Esparza looks a little like Richard Armitage.  And Lee and he were on Pushing Daisies together.  Then he and Richard were on Hannibal together.  It really makes perfect sense to me, Bryan Fuller was obviously creating a situation for Lee (and my) dreams to come true (6,221 words)
5. Legendary Weapons (RichLee) What the fuck did Richard name his penis? (197 words)
6. To Try for the Sun (Stucky) My first (and currently only) Stucky!  Based on the song of the same title. (1,946 words)
7. Five times Zach said “Goddamnit, Pine!” (And one time Chris did) (Pinto) I just re read this.  Zach’s such a dick to my poor Princess Whitelaw.  From the kink meme. (1,230 words)
8. Knights of Desire (Merthur- but really Merlin/Everyone) I actually haven’t finished this one yet.  But I will get that Merlin/Arthur ending scene done eventually. (9391 words)
9. Very Man-Crushy (Michael Fassbender/Chris Pine) My beloved Pie said he had a man crush (terrible phrase) on Fassy, so of course someone needed to write them fucking (of course!) (2,358 words)
10. Supporting Actor (Richlee)  This was a prompt!  Richard and Lee make a bet that if they win an Emmy they have to come out. I love coming out stories! (6,390 words)
11. I don’t know if I see it ~or~ 5 times Chris broke his glasses (and the one time Zach did) (Pinto) Another kink meme prompt. Are the 5:1 stories supposed to be snippets or are they supposed to be like mini chapters?  I can only make the mini chapters kind. (3,433 words)
12. Just a little more (RichLee)  Awesome tumblr fanart is awesome.  So I wrote something to go with it. (385 words)
13. Exactly the Right Mistake (RichLee)  This was supposed to be a short little thing for “take your fandom to work” day.  It kinda morphed. (21,121 words)
14. Cracked Love (Crack) My wife gave me a crack ship prompt (VCR/VHS) and I thought up some (Marble/Vacuum, Fork/Toaster) to see if I could do it. She says I did. (711 words)
15. Princess, Prisoner, Priceless (Greek Mythology) There was a writing contest- a really weird one that said “No fan fic need apply- just write about your favorite fairytales reimagined with smut.” and like… isn’t that exactly what fan fiction is?  I think they were looking for like, The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast (But they also said not beastiality, so wtf?)  but I went with the tale of Danae, Mother of Perseus (slayer of Medusa) because I’m a fucking dork. (4,924 words)
16. You’re Never Really Alone (Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr) I started to get into Cherik when Apocalypse came out. That is all. (2,113 words)
17. Teacher’s Pet (Peter Maximoff/Mystique) I started getting into Quicksilver when Apocalypse came out, too. (768 Words)
18. Prosciutto and Cheese (Hank McCoy/Peter Maximoff) There is not nearly enough fic in this pairing. (991 words)
19. How Peter Got His Groove Back (Hank McCoy/Mystique, Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr, Peter is all alone) That Father/Son dynamic between Erik and Peter is just too much.  I had to explore it somehow. (3,979 words)
20. Traveling Soldier (RichLee) *Le Sigh*  I try to rein myself in, I try to keep my stuff interesting, but just like Sex, Love and Rock’n’Roll the year before, I can’t seem to keep it interesting enough for an audience.  Oh well.  I’m still really proud of this Vietnam Era AU- and if everything I’m proud of isn’t popular, who cares, as long as I enjoy it- that’s what fic is really about, right? (10,621 words)
21. Daphne (Richlee) There really isn’t enough Richard and Lee kid fic, IMHO.  (1,641 words)
22. Blueberry Yum Yum (Peter Maximoff/Kurt Wagner, Jean Grey/Scott Summers/Jubilation Lee) Have you ever heard that song? I’m kinda in love with Nightsilver, I can’t believe I haven’t written more of it.  (751 words)
Total Word Count: 85,387 words
Overall Thoughts: Well, I’ve drastically reduced my word count for this year. But I also seem to have stopped writing at the same time that I’d gone prolific in 2015.  And we all know what a terrible year this was.  I’m going to try not to beat myself up for the word count.  If I’m counting this right, I wrote for 11 different fandoms and a lot more pairings, compared to 7 fandoms last year. And I did do a little original fic- though definitely not enough finished!  I even managed to write a little poetry (which is always a yay-but-ugh sort of feeling) So I’m maybe not doing as much, but I’m stretching myself in some new ways, and that’s always nice.
Personal Best Story: Princess, Prisoner, Priceless.  It’s almost an original fic.  I’m getting there.  Plus, it was a lot of fun to research.  I’m sad that it’s not going to go anywhere, and there’s not much of a fandom to find it, but I still think it was pretty well done- and there was straight (ish- I’m not gonna claim Zeus is straight because that fucker is the most pansexual deity in existence) sex, which I’m always worried about getting wrong.
Personal Favorite Story: Traveling Soldier I just really, really loved this whole idea.  I don’t know why I wanted to write it- We were doing a challenge for Richard’s birthday and it was a lot of fun in that respect, but I have no idea what drove me to write about Army doctors and their teen-aged boyfriends.
Most Underappreciated Story: Cracked Love This is a story about a VCR and a VHS Tape.  I can’t actually expect anyone to find that, can I?  Do people even know what those are anymore? I’m not as tore up this year about not getting any attention.  Hopefully, that means I’m growing up a little, lol.
Most Popular Story: So, Apparently it’s Knights of Desire (?) Which I guess makes sense, most of my pairings are so much more random and rare, where as Merthur is much more popular ship.  Yay for that- though I’m sure my story gets lost in the mix of everyone else’s, comparatively.  There’s a lot of good stuff out there for them.
Story with the Sexiest Moment: I feel like I wrote a lot of smut this year, but apparently none of it published (yet)  There’s some car stuff that happens in Exactly the Right Mistake that really worked on me.
Most “Holy Crap That’s Wrong Even for Me” Moment: I wrote about a fork and a toaster falling in love.  I don’t know how I’m ever gonna beat that.
Story That Shifted My Perceptions of a Character: How Peter Got his Groove Back is really just a character study between Peter and Erik, and I really enjoyed allowing myself to do that with those two.
Most Fun to Write: Cracked Love. Definitely.  I mean, once you just throw your inhibitions and your sanity to the winds and just start writing to see if you can, you’d be amazed at what can happen.  It’s fucking fantastic.
Hardest Story to Write: “...why would I care?”  It’s not that the story was so hard to write- Jon and Lin fic basically write itself.  It was the reaction I got to the fact that I had left it unlocked. This year not as much, but my primary interest is and always has been writing RPF.  And I almost always keep it unlocked for a very specific reason- people are nervous about RPF, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to read it.  So I want to make sure that anyone who doesn’t have an account and still wants to read about anyone I happen to write can still get to it.  It’s never been a problem in the other two fandoms that I’ve been in- Pinto and RichLee.  Some people might lock their work, but no one has ever come onto one of my stories and demanded that I change mine, and here I was within days of posting in this very tiny community, getting told by numerous people that I HAD to lock it, and that I was being over dramatic- not by making a big fuss over it (which I hadn’t even gotten a chance to do) but by not automatically locking the work.  The irony, of course, of a fandom getting nervous about RPF about LIN MANUEL MIRANDA, whose current success is 100% DUE to his SONG FIC RPF, and who has literally posted VIDEO of him doing the exact same thing as the “naughtiest” thing I wrote them doing (kissing, I wrote Jon and Lin kissing and apparently that needed to be hidden, lest either of them find it) is not lost on me. I know it’s been almost a year, and I should totally be over this, but I’m not.  Because it reminds me how hypocritical people can be about RPF, which is just plain stupid.
Favorite OC: Elpis from Princess, Prisoner, Priceless. I’m not really much for original characters in fic (I say that, but I honestly have no clue if my stats back that up) but Elpis is super cute and I love her.
Biggest Surprise: Honestly? Finding out that  Knights of Desire  was my most popular story right now just surprised me.  I didn’t expect that at all!
Most Unintentionally Personal Story: Well, this doesn’t count as “unintentional” because it was for the “Take Your Fandom to Work” Challenge, but Exactly the Right Mistake put Lee in a very similar situation to mine- alcoholic non-profit office drone with not a lot of prospects.  And while HE gets to go off with amazing billionaire Richard, I’m still stuck here for the rest of my life.  Kinda a downer, really.  Still, a lot of fun to write.  
Favorite Lines/Scenes:
Just a little more  The fan art this was based on was ~amazing~
Sir Mordred in Knights of Desire I really love Alexander Vlahos, but I also really, really love hate-fucking.
This is so cheesy, but I really love it: “A M67 hand grenade has a fatality radius of 16 feet.  Richard could throw one 100 feet.  The feeling of hearing a M67 go off, hoping it’s far enough, secretly hoping it hits nothing at all.  Kissing Joe was exactly the opposite of that feeling.”  (From  Traveling Soldier )
Lines/Scenes I’d Like to Change: I dunno.  I tend not to go back with fic.  Just forward and hopefully upwards in terms of writing.  But who really knows?  I’d like to go further with some stories.  There’s a whole second half to Exactly the Right Mistake that I’ll never write. And I’d love to do a whole series of sexy myths a la Princess, Prisoner, Priceless but time wise, I just don’t know that I’ll ever have it in me.
Top Five Scenes I Wish Could Be Illustrated:
Everyone laying around getting high in Blueberry Yum Yum
Richard and Lee holding their baby in Daphne
Depressed Chris in Five times Zach said “Goddamnit, Pine!” (And one time Chris did)
Bucky and Steve hiding from trouble Steve caused in To Try for the Sun
Peter and Erik playing basketball in How Peter Got His Groove Back
2016 Writing Ambitions:
O-Fic would be nice  Did some (but need to do more!)
Finishing those Pintos I worked on them, but I didn’t finish any of them.  
Finishing that RichLee threesome that’s staring at me angrily Done!
RichLee Divers AU I opened this up a few times, the ideas are still solid, but I don’t know if I’ll ever sit down and do anything other than fiddle with my outline.
RichLee 60′s NYC AU As god as my witness, this WILL happen… some day.  I just don’t know when.
Jon/Lin Fics (They practically fic themselves) Did one.  Never again.
Hamilton Fic I still kinda want to, but I’m not sure now if I feel comfortable.
Star Wars TFA Fic (Poe/Finn/Rey)  UGHHHH!  I am so mad I missed this.  I didn’t know I was going to get obsessed with X-men, that’s what really fucked me over!!!
I dunno, tie up all the rest of the shit I’ve been working on  God, I got barely anywhere with this.
2017 Writing Ambitions:
More O-fic
Finishing those Pintos  (a girl can dream, huh?)
RichLee 60′s NYC AU
The sequel to According to Plan is still sitting halfway done in my drafts…
Star Wars TFA Fic (Poe/Finn/Rey)
I’d really like to work on the Cary Grant/Randy Scott story in my head
Or that story about Mary Shelley’s half sister, Fanny Imlay.
And maybe one or two of the screenplays stuck in my notes folders?  It would be amazing to complete a screenplay this year.
I’m still really into Peter Maximoff, too.  I’d love to write a real full story about him- though I’d have to stop shipping him with literally everyone first.  (Or maybe not.  Hmmmm….)
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