#stupid anon
boreal-sea · 2 years
I don’t buy the “if you think all pedos should be shot, you also think that we should genocide *insert category of oppressed people*” thing. Just because the government says that trans people are pedos doesn’t mean I believe what they say lol
Cool, I'm glad you don't, but the governments of a lot of states and countries DO believe it, and they have power to make transphobic laws. Cis people murder us about this sort of shit, they fire us from jobs, they physically assault us. Just pay two seconds of attention to the fucking news and politics and you'll see that YOU not believing it is fucking irrelevant.
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how did you write out your pinned post without dying of embarrassment lol
How did your mother show you to your father without dying of embarrassment? 🖤
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mizz-sea-nymph · 6 months
Your Amphitrite oc is unbearable, why does she act like that?
Cause that’s the point, she’s supposed to be unbearable? She’s supposed to be horrible? She’s Poseidons wife for a reason honey? She’s a terrible person! I’m so glad she irritates you! I really am! cause that’s what I’m going for! Glad it’s showing already! 🦈🤌🏼
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Why is mod kralie still on the blog? Seems like a pretty hateful individual. -The anon in the suit
Why are you sending dumb asks like this? You seem like a pretty stupid individual.
-Mod Kralie
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gameguy20100 · 4 months
Yikes imagine getting triggered over what people think of FICTIONAL characters. Lmao get a life and stop psycho analyzing people over what they like in fiction. If you're online, deal with it instead of complaining. First world problems 🙄
Imagine having nothing better to do than leave anon hate in some arseholes tumblr inbox.
Look here dumbass, fiction DOES reflect reality. And bad stories need to be called out and analyzed.
I'm sorry the fact that I like to use my brain and analyze media as a hobby offends you so much.
Why don't you go do something productive? Like, go chop up some wood. Then, you can use that wood and build a bridge and get over it.
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daddynattt · 1 year
what’s good loser? look, i know how this goes, you’re bored and want attention it’s okay, you can have it, but the reality is you’re too much of a little bitch, hiding behind your screen bc you have nothing better to do which is really sad and honestly, you’re just pathetic 😂 bc i’d love for you to say some shit irl to my face and see what happens. but you won’t cause you’re a pussy. i hope you know everyone is laughing at you, but you’re probably used to it bc nobody likes you anyway. hop off our dicks, or at least be useful and choke on it or something.
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theangryjikooker · 9 months
That’s not jungkook in the video I don’t understand what’s so hard to comprehend? U think if it was he wouldn’t have spoke up about it the way someone sent a package to his house, that oh all of a sudden people r recording him having an intimate moment with a lady and he doesn’t give a shit. You all want it to be him, u want it to be him. The apartments were different and guess what people know jungkooks address (he literally stated that he knows ppl know n that it’s on yt go watch the frkn video urself) his windows from the outside perspective aren’t like that and his control system isn’t like that. N bam has been in the training facility since ages. Gosh free him from you all n JIKOOK arent fkn either but hey atleast those freaks don’t jump at any chance of shipping him w a woman like u taj lol. The teenagers yt he posted n u thought they could’ve hooked up ridiculous
The misogyny is real with you and to anyone who thinks it’s impossible that Jungkook could be interested in a woman. Never have I said that if it is him with a woman, that it suddenly means he only swings one way and one way only.
But that’s your fear. You should explore that.
Also, the obsessive defensiveness over a life that doesn’t belong to you. Cry more.
Don’t just touch grass; at this point, you need to fucking to eat it.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Max is a disrespectful prick even to his girlfriend. Following hall naked girls and having butt and pussy books on his living room.
Question are you dumb?😭😭
Go touch some grass you weirdo😚
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Kiss Leona with tongue
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Interesting how there is no male equivalent of TERF. It says a lot who is the "evil gender".
Do y'all have to like, train to pretend to be this ignorant? Is there a webinar or something?
Firstly, the "male" equivalent of a TERF is a TERF. Men can be TERFs because men can be radical feminists. I'd call any man who identified as a trans exclusionary radical feminist a TERF.
Secondly, there is another term. Gay men who are transphobes are using "TEHM", which stands for trans exclusionary homosexual male.
I have also seen "TERV", or trans exclusionary radical vaginist, (which isn't a word but whatever), which is another term used by transphobic cis women.
I've also seen "TIRF", which is allegedly "trans inclusionary radical feminist" but for the most part they're only "inclusive" of AFAB trans folks and still exclude trans women from their feminism.
But on a final note, I am careful that I don't call all transphobes TERFs, because not all transphobes are radical feminists. Plenty of women are transphobic without being radical feminists, and I wouldn't call them a TERF.
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pcktknife · 1 year
Nobody is obligated to write femslash as "activism." Actual feminism doesn't involve policing what women choose to create in their leisure time. That is actual misogyny.
Wrong writing femslash is actually mandatory and the only way society can progress forward
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Again, you actually CAN make a case that Chloe isn't racist, because if she were racist, she would at least be nice to her fellow white people like Adrien or Rose, and only target minorities, instead of being cruel to EVERYONE like she is now.
Oh, shut up.
No, I'm not being reasonable to such a stupid thing to say. Shut up, you idiot.
Chloe is a racist. And Racists aren't nice to their own race. If they don't fit the "correct" view of that race.
I'm white, and racists hate me because I'm with a Woc. Or hell, I'm a "race traitor" because I don't hate other people.
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I love when I see an incel trying to tell other people what to do with their sex lives. It's called bodily autonomy, consenting adults and most importantly none of your fucking concern.
Imagine caring about what other people do with their genitals as long as it's with a consenting adult or adults. Lol. Lawl even.
See, your mistake is thinking my lack of a sex life is involuntary. I don't want casual sex that's just going to leave me feeling empty after, just gets to be a stressor after awhile.
I ain't telling you that you have to do shit. I literally said "As an alternative" meaning an option. You don't wanna? Not my problem. I'm gonna continue to not have casual sex and risk getting some random person I don't care about pregnant or get an sti myself.
Enjoy having a much harder time finding a partner I guess though. Your body your choice. Same goes for my body and my choice. It's advice, not a command.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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skrs-cats · 4 months
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set after leafpool dies, before the bonus scene w jayfeather dealing w that grief gets resolved. guess who was bitter over a certain cardboard character bitch not being included in that
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