walkingstackofbooks · 6 months
Phew. Wow. It's far too late, but Keiko's chapter is done, now I've just got Julian's final chapter to do tomorrow and editing and I'll have finished it? Sounds easy when I put it like that 😅
Not quite sure how this has ended up spanning into a 10k word fic in the last 3 days, but sure, I'll take it. Keiko appeared and just started running the story, and who am I to say no to her, y'know?
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ao3feed-ds9 · 2 months
https://ift.tt/RgHfqct by stuffedtiger Sloan takes a drugged Julian to a meeting with his confederates. Written for AugustofWhump. Prompt: drugging Words: 300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of August of Whump 2024 Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Luther Sloan, Julian Bashir Relationships: Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan Additional Tags: drugged, Whump, Dark, Ambiguous references to possible rape/noncon, Interrogation, Truth Serum, Section 31 (Star Trek)
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the-last-dillpickle · 6 months
top 3 sloan stories you wrote
top 3 sloan stories other people wrote
Whoof, this took me a while to decide! Just three from others? 🫨 XD I decided to narrow it down a bit by only choosing one per author, and leaving out ones I feel I've talked about lots already. Still difficult tho. In no particular order:
Nightmare by ectogeo: Sloan gives a sleeping Julian a noncon handjob.
Imprisoned by walkingstalkofbooks: AU where Sloan uses Inquisition to imprison Julian. He then manipulates Julian into agreeing to wear a chastity device and allowing Sloan to jerk him off.
Dance of Fools by stuffedtiger: Humorous fic where Sloan forces Julian to pretend to be his boyfriend (for 'spy' reasons) at an event attended by the dastardly. Garak decides to attend with Sisko to thwart Sloan's designs on Julian.
My favorite Sloan fics that I wrote, in no particular order:
A Nocturnal Mission: crackfic about Sloan trying to entice Julian into doing a mission for S31.
New Lows: IAESL smut fic where Julian gets frustrated with Sloan during the conference and does a sexy lil powerplay.
The Jet-Setter: post-canon AU fic where Julian is depressed and living in the lap of luxury while playing to S31's whims.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months
for the 2023 in review ask game
1, 18, 23
Yay, thanks for the ask!! <3 (2023 in review ask game)
one. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I never thought I'd write about Garak dying in a fic because it makes me too sad to even consider, so that was a new thing for sure. As for how it turned out, the fic ended up amazing tbh (Julian goes full mad scientist and brings him back to life). <3 But I also don't plan to write that particular scenario again lmao. Anyway, the fic in question is save me from the dark (The Wire AU).
In terms of craft rather than content, in nothing to hide (holo!siskarak OMB AU) I used the format of switching back and forth between a series of flashbacks and a conversation about the events in those flashbacks to great effect. I managed to avoid writing all of the tedious descriptions of how characters got from point A to point B, as well as the rehashings of an episode everyone knows by heart, and ALSO skip over the gaps in the dialogue I didn't know how to bridge seamlessly. Felt like such a lifehack when I realized I could structure the fic that way. It won't work for everything, but I really am gonna try to apply what I learned from that experience to writing future fics.
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
home is wherever I’m with you (post-Second Skin garak exile angst + garashir first time). Pretty sure that I had that fic written and postable like weeks to a month before I had a title for it, like, that was the ONLY hold up. And I'm still not fully satisfied with that title tbh, but it's Fine.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
Hmm. One kind and helpful thing that my brain does for me is that I immediately forget all the details of the parts that I struggled to write and/or was not happy with, once I've posted the fic. XD
(I just went back into a fic to try to quickly find a part I struggled with and ended up making minor wording tweaks and typo fixes throughout the whole fic, so at least I can definitively answer the "Are you happy with how it turned out?" part of this question with a resounding "ALMOST, but not entirely," which is basically applicable to every sentence I've ever written+posted lol!)
Anyway, here's some sentences from a section of the world will never take my heart (In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light whumpy hurt/comfort) that I def struggled with:
Julian presses his cheek hard against Garak’s shoulder and greasy tufts of his hair brush the side of Garak’s chin. Under the sharp smell of his blood, there’s an additional sourness that makes it clear that Julian hasn’t had a chance to wash up since his stint in solitary, but Garak doesn’t even consider pulling away.
This bit in the first draft was originally much more focused on Garak enjoying the feeling of having Julian in his arms but I changed that (upon your excellent and much appreciated suggestions, stuffedtiger! <3) in order to better fit the tone that I was going for. I do think it still reads romantic but at least now the romance is not the focus, the focus is more towards the horrible situation they're in.
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Sloan Fuh-Q Fest 2024
Posted by: stuffedtiger   We are reviving the old Trek fandom tradition of Fuh-Q Fests by hosting one in honor of no one's favorite guy, Section 31 agent Luther Sloan from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! What is a Fuh-Q Fest, you ask? In short, it's a ficathon challenge focused around a particular character or ship. We are hosting our Sloan ficathon on AO3 and have written over 70 Sloan-related prompts that participants may claim and fill. The goal of this fest is to promote the writing of Sloan-centric fics in the year 2024, 31 years after the airing of the first episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Feel free to write shippy stories, smutty stories, or gen stories--all ratings are welcome. We do, however, ask that all participants be at least 18 years of age to participate, since many of our prompts are intended for 18+ writers only. The deadline to claim and fill prompts is December 31st, 2024. To learn more, check out our AO3 Collection page. comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/JkLAv6l
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ryojiokada · 6 years
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🍺Today’s Beer: Old Engine Oil🍺 #beer #todaysbeer #hackney #oldengineoil #oldengineoilbeer #london #stuffedanimal #thelastuesdaysociety #ryojiokada #stuffedtiger #coolplace (The Last Tuesday Society & The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMW_R1hMVo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d25n4ttdi5xu
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weehughie · 5 years
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Happy Birthday today to Bill Watterson, creator of the sadly missed and best ever comic strip full stop no arguments no none whatsoever it absolutely is the best, Calvin and Hobbes... • • #billwatterson #calvinandhobbes #comicstrip #calvin #hobbes #ilovecalvinandhobbes #comic #comics #stuffedtiger #spacemanspiff #tracerbullet #stupendousman #calvinball #gross #cartoon #cartoonist #anthropomorphic #johncalvin #thomashobbes #love #friendship #family #dreams https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzi9UhehjsT/?igshid=1m74c5fc0awh5
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kenhamazaki · 5 years
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寝画 / In-Sleep Drawing (ISD) ISD#2263(Green) 2019.5.22 06:01→11:52 Japan 新しい家に引っ越している。 古いビルのペントハウスでベランダが森のように広い。 引っ越し祝いにオレンジの丸い鉢に入った大きな木をもらう。 二日酔いで起きてみると引っ越しパーティーで酔っ払った人たちがそこらじゅうで寝ている。 トラの剥製の寝袋に入って寝てる人。 全身に純金を身につけたインド人の子ども。 https://kenhamazaki.jp/en/?cat=12 #kenhamazaki #red #redman #isd #nega #insleepdrawing #dreamjournal #green #penthouse #hangover #housewarmingparty #stuffedtiger #puregold #indianchild #japan https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxv-OuxDh0P/?igshid=uy1cxkzuiv6q
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Just hanging out with my friends! #emileesadventures #kidsgivemovement #NoSmallCreator #stuffedtoys #stuffedanimals #playtime #stuffedfox #stuffedtiger #stuffeddog https://www.instagram.com/p/BtI_jBpH95h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18ra1wfkh8dar
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walkingstackofbooks · 4 months
My Julian ships, ranked
So someone commented on one of my Sloanshir posts the other day "I don't ship Sloanshir, but..." and that started me thinking - do I ship Sloanshir? What makes a ship?
And then that spiralled into thinking about all the other/actual ships I enjoy and I always enjoy getting an insight into how other people conceptualise shipping, so this came about...
(Now that I've done this, I realise my basis for a lot of these ships is basically where can the best hurt/comfort stories be found? ... Yeah I really should have been able to predict that 😅)
Platonic ships
Jadzia&Julian - best friends, understand each other so well (but also sometimes not at all), there for each other and just so much love.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 6/10.
Kira&Julian - slightly awkward, not thinking they're that close to each other until suddenly they are and there's a lot of love and respect. What their post-canon friendship could become is 👌👌👌
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 7/10. Angst: 7/10.
Romantic (mostly) ships
Miles/Keiko/Julian (+anyone else) - just the fluffiest, all the group hugs, all the comfort, everyone loves Julian and I'm happy 🥰
Fluff: 10/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 5/10.
Miles/Julian - all the hurt/comfort, all the awkwardness and love 👌👌👌 top tier, I just love them.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 7/10.
Garak/Julian - there's a lot to be liked, but I can never quite believe that Garak's great at comfort, so it goes below Jiles, sorry. But all the parallels, all the mutual pining, an their arguments and banter and ridiculous fondness for each other despite everything - yeahhh that's the good stuff.
Fluff: 6.5/10. Hurt/comfort: 7/10. Angst: 9/10.
Leeta/Rom/Julian - I like Julian/Leeta well enough, but if you've got J/L you might as well add in Rom because as a trio they are just so cute. All of them having special interests and encouraging each other and listening to each other, all of them bent a little insecure and building one another up - idk, this is just really special to me (tysm to Udaberri's Fly Me to the Moon, this ship has never left my brain since).
Fluff: 10/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 3/10.
Martok/Julian - mmmm internment camp angst and a highly accomplished Klingon admiring Julian and looking after him? Yissss. There's so much to love here.
Fluff: 5/10. Hurt/comfort: 9/10. Angst: 9/10.
Ezri/Julian - I just think they're neat. Cute and adorable, both absolutely rubbish with their feelings, an oasis of messy fluff in the middle of the war.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 6/10. Angst: 5/10.
Sisko/Julian - I love the mutual respect, I love the desire overcoming Julian's insecurities and Sisko's doubts if his position makes this okay. I'm very here for them both looking after each other when everything gets too much, and both probably giving *too much* to each other and taking turns to overextend themselves and get scolded by the other.
Fluff: 6/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 4/10.
Odo/Julian - I don't think this is endgame, but I can see it when Odo is human and Julian is helping him figure out how to do it (stuffedtiger's fic, while platonic, left a mark on me here) and also I love their parallels in their treatment and upbringing by their parental figure(s). 10/10 if there are no romantic feelings but they both act as if there are because they're curious and lonely and aren't quite sure what the difference between platonic and romantic is anyway (arospec solidarity for the wiiiiin)
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 6/10. Angst: 4/10
Data/Julian - it's just cute. The most autistic vibing ever. 😘😘😘
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 5/10. Angst: 2/10
Worf/Julian - I'm so here for Worf grudgingly admitting he likes the doctor, and Julian being surprised but pleased. Youngpettyqueen's fic and Worf's "he takes the pain well" are FEELS. Actually I think this is more of a fluff pairing than I'd realised XD
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 4/10
Worf/Julian/Jadzia - I don't think it would work, but it would be fun to see them try. Everyone thinks they're more on board with it than they are.
Fluff: 6/10. Hurt/comfort: 5/10. Angst: 5/10
Not-ships... but I love to see it
Sloan/Julian - so creepy, so angsty, all the non/dubcon possibilities and Julian hates it. 👌👌 The mindfuckery that Sloan can bring is especially appealing.
Dukat/Julian - often brings a revenge-on-Garak vibe, again I enjoy it purely because Julian's not into it 😅
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ao3feed-ds9 · 1 month
Inside Man
https://ift.tt/cxYhUT7 by stuffedtiger Julian Bashir joined Section 31 and Sloan's life has never been better. Written for AugustofWhump. Prompt: betrayal Words: 300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 10 of August of Whump 2024 Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jessica Sloan, Luther Sloan, Julian Bashir Relationships: Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan Additional Tags: Luther and Jessica Sloan's son and daughter, Betrayal, Whump, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon
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twinturboturtle · 7 years
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A girl and her tiger! #kids #kiddos #kidsofig #kidsofinsta #instakids #daughters #stuffedtiger #fencesitting
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the-last-dillpickle · 2 years
ao3feed-ds9 seems to have been down for the last week, so I just wanted to point you Sloan fans over to stuffedtiger’s recent fic A Good Man, where Sloan lives out his fantasy of taking Garak’s place in Julian’s life via holosuite
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livethefuel · 7 years
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@shaunwhite takes his third straight Winter Gold! He loves his special tiger named Soohorang which is the official mascot of the Pyeongchang 2018 Games. 🏅❄️💥 - - #shaunwhite #2018olympics #pyeongchang2018 #soohorang #olympian #stuffedtiger #goldmedalist
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ahmerjamilkhan · 7 years
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A stuffed tiger in the Manchester Museum. #Tiger #🐅 #🐯 #StuffedAnimal #Stuffed #StuffedTiger #ManchesterMuseum #UniversityOfManchester #Manchester #England #UnitedKingdom #UK #🇬🇧 (at Manchester Museum)
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withoutshade · 7 years
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At Guinness World Records Headquarters to convince them to put Sabrina as the World's Most Talented Stuffed Tiger capable of performing 22 circus tricks in 60 seconds. #GuinnessWorldRecords #SonicSirens #WorldRecordHolder #StuffedTiger #NewYorkCity (at Times Square, Manhattan, New York)
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