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Okay @studyallure but your handwriting is perfect! How do I sign up for lessons?! <3

My study plan for an upcoming midterm on anatomy and physiology. Lots to do but it can be done! ✏ #study
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Shoutout to studyblrs part 2
Part one HERE
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10.10.16 ♡ Cranial nerves got me like 😐 A very interesting topic though hehe
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Got an A+ on my first anatomy and physiology midterm exam....!!!
HARD WORK PAYS OFF YOU GUYS! I’m so happy and proud of myself.
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hi(: how is ur studying routine like? what time do you start studying? & what time of the day do you think it's best for studying?
Hi there! I don’t have one fixed study routine, since it always changes depending on what I feel I need to revise the most. However, it almost always includes making and reviewing flashcards, drawing diagrams, and rewriting notes. I study 5-6 days a week and usually start as soon as I can after lectures, and on days I don’t have school I usually start studying in the afternoon. On days I don’t have school, I find early afternoon to be the best time to start studying since I’ve basically taken care of my hunger with breakfast and lunch, meaning I can focus a lot more on studying and not worry about food. Once I start, I find it incredibly easy to study into late evening and until I sleep. But really, there is no ‘right’ time to start studying because it really depends on you. A lot of the time people deceive themselves into thinking that there is only ONE way to study and that way is the BEST way. Discovering your perfect study routine is really a matter of trial and error.So please, do not compare your study routine to others. I’m sure people who don’t have the same study habits as me are just as likely to get amazing grades in their courses.Best of luck to you
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Hi, I'm curious as to how you manage to stick to your study schedule and do work even when you don't feel like it? I tend to study one day and then I'm unmotivated and do nothing for 2 weeks, do you have any advice?
Hey there. I know, studying can be very tiring and stressful. Never be afraid to give yourself a reasonable break, though. However, looking at your situation (studying one day and then break for 2 weeks), could there be some other factor playing a role in your inconsistency? Is the material difficult for you? Do you have a lot of things to catch up on? Are you not enjoying what you study? What kind of method do you use to study? Studying is not at all about motivation. Having motivation is effective but motivation itself is a very brief feeling, very short-term. Basically, there is no easy way to stick to your study schedule other than to ingrain it into your lifestyle and make it an everyday responsibility. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it! Giving up does not define a person. What defines a person is what they do when they feel most like giving up.
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I made my own font! ♡

Guys! This is so exciting. I made my own font! I am definitely willing to put this up for download, just let me know if you guys are interested by liking or reblogging this post! If it gets enough attention then I’ll upload it somewhere for you all! Happy studying! ♡
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Hiii! I would love to have your opinion on this, my problem is that in my school, the test are announced two weeks before (sometimes even one) so do you have any tips on how to plan studying? Love your blog and have a nice day xx
Hi there! Never ever EVER wait until the test date is announced to start studying. It will be much, much easier on you if you just study and review the material everyday. This is SO IMPORTANT for getting a high grade on your tests! In the one or two weeks before the test, most of the material should already be familiar, because you would have already studied and revised it way earlier. The one or two weeks should purely be review of what you already know. So study a little bit of the material everyday, you will rarely fall behind and you will basically master the topics before your test! If you haven’t already done this, I really recommend you do this for your future tests, so you won’t be shocked when the teacher announces there will be a test next week, CAUSE ALL ALONG YOU’VE BEEN STUDYING THE MATERIAL AS YOU GO AND THERE WILL BE VERY LITTLE OR NO CATCHING UP TO DO! Yay! And your classmates will be like mniemanie you’re so prepared!!! Teach me your ways!!!
Studying is a full time job haha :-)
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Can't wait to get this midterm over with ☕ #studyallure #mine #studyblr
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Take good care of your skin, guys. ♥♥ #studyblr #studyallure #mine #study
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Hey do you have advice on revision for exams ☺ More specifically for science (chemistry) and english (essay writing)
Hi there! As with any subject, the most effective revision method (at least for me) is to revise a section or two everyday. I always do 6 days of studying per week even if I don’t have a quiz or exam. And with each subsequent session of review, always go over the notes from all of your previous review sessions. That way, you are less likely to forget information while still learning new things. Plus, you get to benefit from feeling like each day is super productive haha. I rewrite chapter notes, and then I pluck out the key points in the chapter notes and make flashcards. I review my flashcards (usually 2 sets of 100-200 cards) on Quizlet probably 3-4 times a day. Really helps to get it in my head!For subjects like chemistry, memorization will not help you in the long run. Do not just memorize chemical reactions, know why they happen and how they happen. Doing this will build you a nice foundation for future chemistry courses (especially organic chemistry, trust me). Chemistry is really about understanding the concept and being able to apply the concept. Practice questions will be the most effective way of mastering chemistry. Finished an exercise? Do it again. When revising, make sure you are engaging your mind by actively making connections. Essay writing is one of my stronger points. If you are writing a paper on a novel, for instance, COLOUR CODE YOUR NOVEL. One of my English exams was an in-class paper and colour coding was what I did. Sit down and figure out all the main themes of the novel. Then, assign a coloured sticky-note to each theme. Using these coloured sticky-notes, mark the parts of the novel that support each theme. Oh, this will save you soooo much time! I didn’t even have to flip through each page of the book to find a quote to support a specific theme, because I created such an efficient system. Also, make a timeline for the novel and slap it on the inside cover. Laying out a timeline will seriously make the whole storyline a lot clearer and your paper will also benefit from accuracy!The most important thing in a paper, however, is having strong arguments, obviously! Always, always, ask yourself “so what?” with each point that you make. Try not to write sentences that do not contribute to your argument. Never make points that you do not have supporting evidence for.
I know this isn’t very detailed, but I hope it gave you an idea of how you can start your revision. It has worked very well for me in the past. :)
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Hi! What pens do you usually use for note taking?
Hello! I typically use my Pilot Dr Grip Retractable Gel Pen in 0.7mm. It writes rather smooth so I can take my notes pretty quickly and not fall behind. The barrel on this pen is a little on the bigger side, though, so it might be uncomfortable but you get used to it =)
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Integumentary system review. Remember, making your notes pretty doesn't necessarily mean you'll get good grades. #studyblr #studyallure #mine #study
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More flowcharts for A&P!
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