#study : dean winchester.
destiel-wings · 6 months
the craziest thing about the mixtape is it sets up a precedent, we had no idea dean gave it to him because it didn't happen onscreen, we only knew about it because we saw castiel trying to return it.
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so how many other gifts may dean have given castiel that he just kept?? whose gifting or returning wasn't crucial to the main plot and so we didn't get to see??
how many destiel scenes happened offscreen during all those years?? another example of this is them watching tombstone. so many little throwaway lines or moments here and there that basically confirm that for as much insane couple behavior we saw onscreen, there was a whole other level of offscreen insanity going on
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dreamsandcherrypie · 2 months
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SOMEBODY SEDATE ME pls an thank ya
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bluevallery · 8 months
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jensensitive · 8 months
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dean in his little Mint Condition outfit being attacked by a chainsaw ♥
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zer0expektation · 2 months
realism & lighting study with The destiel tomb scene™
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+ bloody ver.
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anntova · 4 months
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Надеюсь ты не против типо парной картинки к твоей, ну там, где они у окна стоят 😭🙏 Inspired by @kisris
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touchlikethesun · 1 month
dean was too busy focusing on surviving and taking care of sam to realise he hated john. he was stuck in survival mode and purposefully not thinking about it for the sake of his sanity up until john told him he’d have to kill sam, and that’s the point that dean finally let himself acknowledge just how much he fucking hates that man
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vendettasfanfictioning · 10 months
Ok so. "Why does this sound like a goodbye?" Was fucking heartbreaking, right; we have the full-on uninterrupted eye contact, the head tilt, Dean's already open mouth twitching before the scene cuts to Cas' "I love you," like he had more to say, but Cas beats him to the punch. It's great, we love that. But for the dialogue to be sequenced that way, and to have Dean reply with, "don't do this, Cas."
I'm only just realizing how fucking insane it was. And sure, I might just be coping here, at the end of the day who fucking knows, but look at it. Think about it. Now let yourself feel it all over again.
It's Dean's death knocking on the door behind Cas, and it's Cas' death emerging behind Dean. Like this, they're directly facing their own demise—but they're too stuck on each other, in their moment, to give a damn. And then Dean doesn't say, "I love you too." He says, "don't do this."
He isn't disgusted or ashamed or put off in the slightest by Cas' confession, because if he is then why is he on the verge of tears? In what world would it make sense for him to want to cry after his best friend confessed to him, if the confession was something he did not want. He says don't do this here, don't do this to me now.
Even if, and that's the most unlikely if to ever exist, Dean did not reciprocate Cas' feelings—don't do this is still so fucking powerful. Because Dean's connected the dots, happiness [...] is in just saying it, and Cas said it, so where does that lead Dean? That's right, with Cas dead again, trying to save him again.
Don't do this. Don't die for me, don't love me only to die for me, don't love me at all, just stay with me.
Don't let me watch you die again and not even let me follow you—because, at the very least, that was a consolation. She's gonna kill you, which Dean knows that Billie knows will hurt him more than his own death, and then she's gonna kill me.
"Don't do this," was actually so fucking powerful, I don't know how it slipped past me until now...
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mischieviem · 9 months
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Leyendecker but I made it destiel
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solarmidnight · 2 years
Supernatural: Dean is in heaven, a better place. He gets to drive around for forty years waiting for Sam to show! Isn't that great? Perfect ending for him! 😊
Dean, the very moment people took their eyes off him:
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destiel-wings · 1 year
Dean Winchester & hug dynamic analysis
I was thinking about how whenever Dean hugs someone he's almost always the one hugging the other and how this links to his psychological trauma of always being the caretaker of people, making himself bigger to protect them.
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Because that's how Dean sees himself, as a shield for others, and then I thought about how Cas actually is the shield, and he's HIS SHIELD, specifically, the only one who's really there to protect HIM, which is why it hits so much when we see this:
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The way Cas wraps his arms around him, trying to protect him with his whole body--that he'd use as a shield and give up in a second if he could spare him from any pain and save him.
(for context: Dean was about to go use the soul bomb on Amara there, it was a suicide mission)
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Bobby is another one that hits, he hugs him as the big hugger because he's his father, he loves him and he's actually here to protect him (and Dean LETS him -barely, but he lets him *and Cas* - in a way that he doesn't let Sam)
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I watched a compilation of Sam & Dean hugs to check if i was right about it, but it's almost always Dean the big hugger with Sam, except when he's about to die or Sam sees him alive again after losing him.
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Even then, Dean mostly tries to hug Sam as the big hugger anyway, with at least one arm, like a way to comfort him, making him feel protected, like his body language is saying "I'm here, I'm okay, I'm still strong, i can still protect you" (because their real father failed and Dean thinks it's his job).
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He rarely lets himself be the little one hugged with Sam, unless he's barely conscious. Which is why it kills me so much more now that in this moment (s14, when Dean was going to lock himself in the Ma'lak box cause he was possessed by Michael) and Sam has a desperate breakdown and punches him (to stop him) he forcefully hugs him as the little hugger, the way Dean always kept him, like a way of saying "I still need you to protect me, please don't do this to yourself".
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In the scene below he gives Sam his blessing to do a dangerous (possibly suicidal) mission, and one of his arms is down, but the other one tries to stay up--he's forcing himself to do it and he struggles because he still wants to protect him, but (as the seasons progress) he slowly becomes more prone to let go.
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So in this view the hug dynamic becomes an indicator of how Dean sees Sam (and himself) and his protector role, how adult and self sufficient he considers Sam, and how much he lets people around him take care of him, lowering his walls and letting himself be hugged.
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This is also why i think hugs from characters like Garth or Charlie are so special, because they're just like us: they see Dean and they just know that he needs to be hugged a lot, and that he's not used to it, so they just go for it-- and it's so normal and kind and spontaneous that Dean's just not used to it-- he doesn't know how to respond (especially with Garth, at the beginning, but as the seasons progress, he learns to, and he even initiates the hug eventually).
I love the hugs where they're 50/50 (one arm up, one arm down both), feels like they're equals, both taking care of each other. I feel like with Sam and Dean, this indicates a healthier dynamic, because Dean lets go a little of the role that was imposed to him and manages to see Sam as the strong individual that he is. But the same applies to 50/50 hugs with other characters, like with Cas, where I feel like it testifies how equals they feel in terms of being fighters, there's a show of respect of each other's strength that transpires by the gesture (which is even more astounding considering that Cas is literally a powerful angel).
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And just to end on a destiel note, I'd like to note the possessiveness and protectiveness of Dean (rightfully so) whenever he finds Cas after he thought he had lost him, and how that translates into his body/hug language:
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dreamsandcherrypie · 3 months
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what can i say, i’m a whore for a good paper texture
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princessmadelines · 8 months
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When you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not.
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vettelmeisterr · 6 months
To put it in the simplest words Castiel’s rebellion in regard to Dean was never about replacing heaven and God with Dean. It was about how now Cas belongs to Dean. Castiel’s role in heaven was as a soldier, his only purpose to serve. Being associated to Dean Castiel got what heaven never offered, unconditionality. Castiel doesn’t simply rebel from Dean. Dean chooses to remain with Castiel as an ally, a friend, as family. Castiel being off path or fishy wouldn’t lead to Dean lobotomizing Cas. It is made clear in Season 7 Episode 23 when Dean says, “I’d rather have you, cursed or not.” The dialogue has its own layers of interpretations, but one and perhaps one of the most positive ones can be, I know you fucked up and I know you are messed up in the head but you still belong with us. Interestingly the nickname Castiel earned from Dean in his most early episodes is Cas. Castiel is a Hebrew name roughly translating into “Shield of God”. Dean removed the suffix -tiel meaning “of god” from Castiel. Even unknowingly in the act of giving a little nickname, Dean literally removed God and heavens possession of him.
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melle-otterwise · 5 days
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"I'll just wait here then" scene, but there's a kiss
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bluevallery · 8 months
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