#studiostartup ship
inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
Do you have any studiostartup ship headcannons?
hmm, general studiostartup ship HCs I can think of, not related to any specific AU;
- henry and joey’s friendship made no sense to sammy until he found himself in the polycule, and then everything made sense.
- when trying to get the first cartoons done, there was a lot of very late nights spent together with little sleep to get things finished. sometimes the boys started making decisions with sleepy brains that were not thought through. this might have been how the first kisses happened
- joey is overly touchy with everyone, so he can get away with doing more gay things with his boyfriends and people not noticing because of that. 
- Henry can do this too, but mostly because he’s so chill and casual with everyone, nothing pings beyond friendship. (henry has the powers of eternally everyone thinking ‘he’s just pals’ with someone even if they see them kissing and holding hands.)
- Sammy can technically do this because his actions are so flamboyant and odd normally, the bigger problem is explaining why he is being affectionate when he doesn’t like a n y o n e.
- uhh just thinks of a pile of boys all passed out on eachh other after a long night of work
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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also some non-canon Call of Cthulhu boys..... I didn’t draw anything that actually happened in Session Three but I did make the comment “If Sammy were invited into whatever Joey and Henry have going on he’d be confused but thrilled” and then this image Would Not Leave my mind so, uh....... have...... an OT3......
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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for this month on my patreon, i’m currently taking requests that can be made with this ot3 prompt. one I got was just henry/joey/sammy, so here’s the rare sight of my ‘standard’ designs of these characters cause an au wasn’t specified.
( can add requests on my patreon at the 5$+ tier levels, patreon.com/stopboorider )
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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Bendy Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost
This AU is based off 5 friends playing through Call of Cthulhu scenarios as their favourite BATIMs. The studio had a fairly normal start up, except Joey got into occult magic for funsies, and ever since a weird work-vacation to Haiti, JDS is the only animation studio known to house a live version of it’s own star character? But otherwise you know, fairly normal... no traumatic incidents happening here.
Now we also have a Call of Cthulhu Tumblr where all related posts are in a single place!! Follow @batimcthulhu​​​ for updates!
Lore Keeper / Bendy: @haunted-hijinxer​ Henry: @inkcryptid​ Joey: @inkyvendingmachine​ Sammy: @inkdemonapologist​ Jack: @whatyouwantedmetosee​​
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Here’s a Quick Introduction of the Characters!!​
Last Updated: 7/11/21
Season 1
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Henry wakes up with Joey and Sammy in some military hospital, and none of them have any memories of how they got there. A dozen weird headaches and missing memories later, the trio start to realize that they might be a little in over their head with the occult... and it’s probably Joey’s fault.
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
~Quick Summery of Season 1~
✨ Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨
Season Two
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Cultists have broken into JDS, fatally harmed Bendy Lurker, and stolen The Stone for their own rituals. Joey gathers Henry, Sammy and Jack to accompany him down to New Orleans just in time for Mardi Gras, which is being celebrated this year with a new lucky symbol plastered all over the city...
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Tell Me, Have You Seen The Yellow Sign? scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
🌙 Call of Cthulhu Season Two Masterpost 🌙
Season Three
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Right before the premiere of the latest Bendy cartoon, one that has a whole sponsorship deal riding on it, the clock strikes midnight and the entirety of NYC has fallen under a weird silence. Music, acting, dancing... anyone who was skilled in those disciplines has lost their abilities to use those talents. With only Henry unaffected out of the group, everyone frantically attempts to figure out how they lost such defining aspects of themselves, unsure if they will ever come back--  And then the next night, everything is fine. Everything is more than fine. Everything is excellent, and it’s killing them.
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts. ALSO we are currently playing this, so please don’t spoil us either!! Thanks!
🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
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a collection of all the Cthulhu!AU posts that don’t relate specifically to a chapter of the game or anywhere in the time line exactly. Most are Post Season One though, so if you’re looking to not be spoiled, I’d say wait on this section. Please enjoy the wide selection of art, asks, writing, and more, including some?? fAN ART??? AND STUFF?? OF THE GAME???? wAH
☕ Misc. Call of Cthulhu Content Masterpost ☕
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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"We need to check on Tom... and uh, are we taking the Lurker back to New York? ... oh. And we should probably tell Dr. Northeast. We talked about calling him, but then we didn’t, we just passed out.”
BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Epilogue
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
So I split the last episode up until two parts, partially because at this point it’s mostly a lot of wrapping up and gay, and also because the last post was long enough already.
Joey and Sammy get Henry down to a cab, without cleaning up the house behind them, Lurker trailing. Convince the cab driver Henry just had a rough night of partying, (despite the fact they all look like they had a rough night) and get a ride back to the hotel. They are on high alert the entire time, waiting for gun runners to show up and try to kill Henry still...
But nobody shows face, so they drag Henry up into bed. Joey sets up his type writer for the Lurker to play with, Sammy tries to usher Joey to bed but he’s stubborn and wants to keep watch with Sammy. Of course, he’s not fine and ends up passed out on Sammy’s shoulder. Sammy goes to dump him into bed once he’s sure Joey is completely asleep enough, but Joey tries to hold onto him in his sleep (he’s clingy when asleep I have decided. if he is clingy when he is awake he is twice as much asleep,)
Sammy unceremoniously prys him off and shoves him into bed, goes back to playing his muted banjo until he can’t stay awake. At that point, he asks the Lurker to keep an eye out and passes out on the cot.
At some point in the night, Henry wakes up from a nightmare and goes over to sleep with Joey. When he puts his weight on Joey, it wakes him up and he panics, looking about the room for Sammy, who’s not in the other bed. When he locates him in the cot, he stumbles over and wakes Sammy up--
Sammy sNAPS AWAKE suddenly, surprising the lurker who bumps into the banjo and it strums, Sammy is VERY AWAKE NOW.
Joey grabs his face, "Sammy....?" "Wh... what do you need.?"  "... you're still Sammy." Sammy sighs. “And you're still sleep deprived, Joey," he grumbles, but it is fond. Joey nods in agreement, then tries to tug Sammy to the other bed. Sammy confusedly comes along with him. He pulls Sammy into bed and hugs both him and Henry close, and Henry re-wraps around them in his sleep. Sammy is super not relaxed... but he's also very tired, so once he falls asleep he will get more close to them,.. cause he is sleeping...
It’s later that evening when they wake up and get cleaned up again. They find Tom next door, and Joey talks to him about the gun running operations and weird cultist situations he was apparently dragged through, thanks to Gent. Joey even... admits he was not on his best behavior yesterday, since it had been a long day, so uh... If Tommy doesn’t want anything to do with JDS, that’s fine, but he appreciates him as an engineer and could probably easily find him some work if he’s going to cut ties with Gent.
Thomas says he’ll think it over, then asks about Joey’s... second black eye?? Henry steps in and covers for him, someone else totally also punched him in exactly the other eye and uhh before he asks about anything else they leave Tom back to his thinking...
Plans are made to update both the researcher that helped them and the people who were trying to kill them on the situation... Sammy suggests we could split up, but uh. Both Henry and Joey have insanities that keep them from wanting to be apart so, sorry Sammy, we’re all doing this together.
We head to Josephine’s place, the potion maker. The Lurker gets to hang outside cause even though he’s cute now uhh, probably won’t help our case. Joey walks in, hiding Henry behind him until he’s sure she doesn’t have guns drawn. They quickly reveal that Henry’s okay, and Joey gives just enough destroyed notes to her to prove he’s done his homework, demanding that she leave them alone. She asks about the stone, the other items they had encountered... and Joey tells her everything was used up in the ritual. She’s worried that the stone will just fall into someone else’s hands and repeat the process, but at that point, it’s not JDS’s issue anymore. The trio take their leave, scooping up a curious Lurker quickly and getting away before she catches them with it.
Next we head towards the hotel where Dr. Northeast was staying at. Joey arrives with a nice lump sum of money, as well as useless versions of his notes, only the pieces that could be interesting without finishing any spells. He starts asking about what happened, if it worked, and Joey just lets him know “There’s plenty left for you to research back in your house,” before they walk off. The Lurker waves to him as he yells after them “What-- what did you say about my house??”
With those ends tied up, work is over. We have four days in Haiti with no one chasing us or trying to kill us. The boys all are going drinking, and actually enjoying the vacation part of the work vacation. Henry’s done enough work, ten times over by now.
At some point, Sammy takes Henry aside, asks him about what we’re planning to do with the Lurker. Henry doesn’t know, we should probably consult him? Sammy admits that... he’s strangely been feeling like... there’s no way they could go back without him? Henry nods.  Sammy: “It’s.... I guess, it’s so strange, I... I can’t imagine going back without him...” Henry nods. Sammy: “Is... “ Henry: “It doesn’t feel like we should be able to just take him back to New York, but I’m with you. I don’t want to just leave him behind.” Sammy: “... Every time we’ve done anything for him I’ve, uh, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more excited. I... you... do you feel this too or am I going crazy?” Henry nods, not sure if Sammy is exactly feeling the same he is, but he gets it... being a father and all. Sammy’s reality check... uhh, maybe did not work as he was hoping. Needs tips from Jack... Sammy just nods uncertainly. “I don’t know, he’s not actually Bendy,” Henry: “No, but, we still care about him.” Sammy just nods again, as Henry pats his back. Sammy: “Well I don’t know how we-- ... well, I’m sure Joey has some scheme cooked up already.” Henry: “Heh, probably.”
Meanwhile Joey’s just been showing the Lurker around, talking to him, because the best time to sneak around Joey is when he’s busy talking. It’s a fun experience introducing the Lurker to the world outside of the Starpools, and finding out what things he knows nothing about or knows a wEIRD AMMOUNT OF INFORMATION ABOUT.
There was some talk of nightmares they might encounter... Joey and Henry are pretty quick to gather the other two boys near when they need help, aaaand, Sammy is least likely to ask for help... but, of course, if either of the other two wake up and see him panicking, they’re going to invite him closer, try to do whatever they can. There’s a lot of being touchy from Joey and Henry, between each other and of Sammy, making sure they’re still all actually there. Hugging, cuddling, sitting close, etc. A lot of reconfirming themselves on this world... Joey has realized throughout the shared body experience that he doesn’t quite know how to comfort people... so sometimes when he tries, he just ends up hovering awkward over them cause he’s trying to figure out how to pat their shoulder... correctly??? 
At another point, Sammy ends up going out to some venues that have musical events going on. He’s still interested in taking in the music, though he’s much more withdrawn than usual in these sorts of situations. Some nights, Joey ends up following him out, either because he’s too worried about Sammy being away from safety or because he wants an excuse to go drinking again... and Sammy is a great excuse. Joey totally ends up trying to make out with Sammy on one of the walks back, which Sammy chalks up as Joey being drunk... But still, Sammy will go for this far more than anyone might have expected and kiss him back, assuming that’s the end of it...
We get to the Party Time, and manage to have time to appreciate it more since we’re not having a personal chase scene through the middle of it this time. There’s a lot of dancing, drinking, partying, food... With how excitable and dressed up everyone is, the Lurker is pretty easily able to just ride on shoulders and blend in. Sammy is also able to wear his mask around, which while he’s been carrying it everywhere, has only actually been wearing it within the hotel room.
They avoid the area where they encountered the Masked Messenger. They do end up looking for the helpful spirit that got them back into their bodies, meeting with her and thanking her for her help.
The Lurker is pretty happy with just people watching, though does like to be up high for better views... Novel concept, being tiny but also tall?? FUN. They get him lots of snacks... and oh, he does want to stay for the full thing. While hesitant, the trio do end up lasting the entire night. Joey ends up drinking to get through it though, using alcohol to mute his brain from the everything that’s yelling in it now. 
The next morning, they end up asking the Lurker what he wants to do. Stay as the Lurker of the Starpools? Is he interested in leaving with them, heading back to New York? 
The Lurker admits he thought they were just keeping him around for protection, but is corrected: They were inviting him along because he seemed interested in doing more than just murdering. The first time they were just trying to get him back to the Starpools, so they hadn’t abandoned him in the middle of the city, but after that... The assistance was nice, but not the sole reason he was being kept around.
The Lurker admits that... well, he had been a bit down when he was thinking that we wouldn’t be hanging out anymore, so... sure! Why not!! Let’s do this!!!!! ... HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO THIS EXACTLY?
Turns out that they do have private accommodations on the boat back, so while some activities books might be needed to keep him in the room, uh, otherwise it’s actually not that hard.  
So, here’s where we’re ending. For now?? Dunno if we’re gonna continue this, though we’ve been talking some post-game ideas already.
But JDS doesn’t work with Gent anymore, but Tom is?? The Lurker runs around as Bendy and has taken on his pranking nature, Henry has taught him how to draw, and Joey just passes it off as Quirky Part of the Studio. Henry has also used this trip to get Joey to give him more time off, which Joey is fine to do, so Henry hasn’t quit yet. But he has let Joey know that he can’t cling to him so much. So now Joey has started hovering Sammy a lot more, which is ultimately how they end up secret dating... There might be some stargoo shenanigans, there might be some more magics... who knows... 
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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The Lurker gets kinda scary and steps up to Henry, but then like put his big claw hands on his shoulders or somesuch and answers that his job is to protect the host till they are ready for sacrifice...and he doesn't think Henry is going to be ready to be sacrificed any time soon. So he's doing his job. And then he parrots Sammy and says the actual sacrificing bit is "someone else's problem.”  
BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 8
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
So uh, here we are. Face to face with the big bad himself. Time to lay down all our cards and see what is really to come of this situation. I’m just gonna get into it, no sense in delaying
also like, we’re hitting the conclusion of the story here so IT’S GONNA B LONG,
This session actually started with like 40 minutes of us talking about What We Can Possibly Do, cause boy were we stumped. But when the actual time in game started again, it proceeded from our last stop where uh, the Doctor just noticed we had an actual living cartoon with us?? He’s uh, gonna go take a walk to buy some supplies... and think about his life. 
- He asks Joey about his face before he leaves, which Joey wanders into the bathroom alone to look at. Sammy and Henry chat and leave him be, until Sammy notices the LurkerSonBendyBoi seems interested in Joey’s forgotten sandwich? Well if he wants one, Sammy will go get him one!
- Right as Sammy leaves, Joey slams his face against the sink facet and knocks himself out. Henry quickly rushes in and pulls him over to the bed, grabbing a washcloth to hold over his new bruised eye. Sammy returns and presents LurkerBoi with sandwich. 
- The lurker eats the sandwich from top down,
- While Henry explains what happened, Joey comes to and checks his oen face again. Without answering any questions from Sammy or Henry he goes back to working. Neither of them are pleased by this, but they didn’t expect anything else really either.
- Joey brings up that books mention a “reality ink” that they need for the circles, is it the stuff in the starpools? Decide to run some experiments with the gunk coming off Henry’s arm and some sandwich wrappers in the bathtub (Sammy wanders in to watch Joey this time) and it doesn’t work so, no, we need some starpool juice.
- Neither Henry nor Joey can stand to be alone rn, and also Joey needs to keep studying and Henry shouldn’t be wandering around outside, so Sammy takes the LurkerSonBendyBoi on a fieldtrip up to the starpools. Also grabs a coffee and a soda so they have something to bring the juice back in. Lurker gets to have some soda!!
Sammy’s Adventure includes the following: - Being unable to figure out which French word for death means cemetery, gets taken to a morgue. - Gets knocked in the back of the head, with a gun, by the illegal gun runner dude - Gets into a confused yelling fight cause uhhh someone’s partner never filled us in on her plans, which apparently Mr. Gunrunnerdudeguy thought we HAD been filled in on... Tsk tsk, what poor communication skills. - The Lurker manages to transform big on his own!! We’re so proud of him. - The Lurker maybe did not do a great? First try?? All on his own? And fumbles over the gun runner guy instead of doing any actual damage. But Sammy got the gun from him first. - Eventually the Lurker catches him like a cat, - Sammy tries to ask questions but basically gets the same ol ‘u gotta kill henry, stab him in the eyes’ dialogue over and over again. - The lurker can sits in a starpools a little bit, as a treat. Keeps the humans out of it, like a good sonboi. - Sammy gathers the drinking containers of starpool juice, they knock gun runner dude out cause he wasn’t being helpful in the slightest, and start heading back. - On the way back Sammy buys the Lurker a cookie.
- Back at the Hotel, the researcher dr. guy finally shows back up with stuff and Henry and Joey catch him up on everything that’s going on now that he’s more like. Awake to what’s actually happening around him. Joey manages to fast talk him into believe he has everything under control and also a plan (he does not.)
- Sammy returns with the supplies just in time to catch Henry almost passing out. While they were originally going to try and get some final information first, it seems like they don’t have time now. Joey manages to get the researcher to offer up his house for them to do the ritual at, ‘in the back yard.’
- He gives the key to Joey, asking, “please, do not do the ritual in my house.” 
- (this tab intentionally left blank)
- Joey immediately starts moving aside tables inside the house with Sammy’s help when he realizes there’s like no nice surfaces outside. Henry leaves some money on the kitchen counter...
- While they set everything up, which involves Henry drawing the magic circles with Joey directing him cause he’s still better than Joey at drawing when they’re all sleep deprived, Joey admits that... okay maybe he’s done a little magic before this trip... back at the studio... which miiiiight be why when he and Sammy died, they attached to Henry....
- Obviously, Sammy and Henry are not pleased about this, but please, go on, explain yourself and why you’re telling us now.
- Joey informs them he learned a spell to help the entire studio focus on one thing, which he uses whenever they’re behind a deadline or in crunch time, to help everyone get done quicker so the crunch isn’t so bad. It requires focus on a single goal, which is why it won’t work all the time... but he can do it now, if Henry and Sammy are willing to lend some of their willpower to him for this. Sammy: ... fantastic. Henry: (sighs) Maybe... maybe ask us first next time? Joey: ..... I had a feeling that no one would believe me... Sammy: ... Henry: ... that’s fair. Sammy: nO IT’S NOT! Don’t do occult experiments on your employees!! Henry: I meant--!! ... I haven’t slept in two days, please go easy on me. ... ... Joey: ... technically I did tell you about it, and you did voluntarily donate items for it-- Sammy: (hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Henry: Ohhh my god that’s what that was? Joey: Joey: Joey: WELL TIME’S TICKING, LET’S DO THIS,
- Joey extra explains everything he’s doing this time, since clearly that’s what they’re mad about, not getting the details of the magic he’s doing and he’s ignoring all that other stuff,
- Before they start, Joey finds an out of the way spot for everyone else, as he’s the only one who has to be in the circle. He reaches out and hugs Henry, who hugs him back very tightly, and Joey kisses the side of Henry’s head and says he’s sorry, for everything he did before that they’re upset about.
- And then Joey goes over and does the same hug for Sammy, who freezes at first not knowing what... to do... And Joey also kisses him on the side of the head and apologizes for stuff before. He doesn’t wait for Sammy to respond, not really expecting him too, but as soon as he starts to pull away Sammy catches him and hugs him back very briefly, to which he hugs Sammy back tighter.
- And also he gives the Lurker a pat on the head before heading over to the circle. The LurkerSonBoi clings to Sammy’s side, Henry puts a hand on the Lurker’s shoulder, Sammy and Henry keep close... Joey starts casting the circle. Sammy pulls down the mask a little bit as the room starts to distort. 
- Eventually, Joey manages to contact the masked messenger, who takes the same top-hat-skull-with-eyes form he had at the festival under the mask. (Sammy is not looking this time.) It starts to give some monologue that Joey IMMEDIATELY cuts off and starts trying to make a deal instead, making sure not to let it get a word in.
- They go back and forth for a bit, and the horror is rather sure Henry is just gonna become a host, so all our offers are meaningless cause its already going to get what it wants. Henry reminds it that they know how to kill him to keep the ritual from completing, so that’s not going to happen, and like... aren’t you curious about what Henry wants? Weird, you’ve been asking us about this in our dreams and stuff... sure you’re gonna let that just never be answered?
- ... Okay, it is curious. It will take back the mark and leave Henry alone, for this piece of information... But also, surely whatever you want is something it can provide and make a deal with you over, right?
Henry: *sighs* Henry: I’m a father, it shouldn’t be that hard. I want to go home and see my kids, I don’t want them to grow up without their father. ... I want to be there for my kids.
(Joey’s heart is re-breaking in the background as he’s reminded of, yes, yes indeed everyone, Henry isn’t just already married but already has kids. No wonder Joey had been so scared to make a move and so frozen whenever Henry was close with him... how far is to far and would lose his friendship with Henry? How close is too close and lose his forever with Henry? And now he’s done this...)
Henry: ... That’s what I want.
The masked messenger thinks this over. Joey empties more of his magical will power into the circle as a threat for it to answer, which is when his one eye goes black. Sammy puts a hand on Henry’s shoulder.
It turns to Joey,
Masked Messenger: What about you? You asked to keep your friends safe, and here they are, you asked for your creation to come to life, and it seems to, you’ve already achieved so much this way! You’ve already dared to see the edges of truth that lie beyond you world an--
Joey: Shut up! Let’s rewind just ten seconds here, I believe you said I wanted Henry safe? You’ve not held up your end of the bargain. Masked Messenger: ... how’s that? He’s alive.
Joey: Did you not say earlier you were sure he would die and become the host? How is that safe. You have endangered him, and you have broken our deal. I want nothing more with you.
He turns to Sammy.
Masked Messenger: And what about you? You wanted direction, and certainty? A cause you could devote yourself entirely to without doubt? And you had it. 
Sammy: Hheeh... that certainly is a twisted interpretation of that-- I don’t remember having this conversation with you anyway.
Masked Messenger: No, we’re having it now. But I think you know you will never find anyone more worthy to follow than me.
 Sammy: ... you’re not inspiring a great deal of trust at the moment. 
Masked Messenger: ... is that a no? Last chance--
Sammy: of COURSE it’s a no!!
The Masked Messenger walks up to the side of the circle, to which Sammy yells at him as he approaches, “Are you going to release Henry or not?” Instead he converses with the Lurker, demanding him to bring Henry forth, because it’s his one job. But the Lurker tells him that no, protecting the Host until he is ready is his job... so he’s going to keep doing that.
Masked Messenger: ... so that’s it then? No more time for pleasantries? Fine, lets do this now then.
Shut your ears.
Sammy takes a mental hit, but with Joey and Henry’s connection backing him up, pushes through it. 
Shut your mouth.
Joey takes the next hit, but with Joey already baring so much of his raw, boosted will power, connected with the other two, it hardly goes anywhere.
... Shut your eyes, Henry.
Henry is weak from everything he’s gone through, but both Sammy and Joey back him up, Sammy mentally pushing harder than he has the entire rest of the game. The two of them step in front of Henry, and the Masked Messenger backs off.
“... none of you? You really are an interesting set, I’m intrigued. Well, I do suppose you deserve some consideration for all of this. Very well, I reclaim my mark.”
The goop recedes from Henry’s arm, which goes all pins and needles now that he can feel it again of course. 
“... is there anything else?”
Henry steps forward.
“... get out of my sight.”
The circle breaks, everyone is pushed back, though Henry loses his footing and accidentally tumbles the Lurker to the back of the room with him. Sammy immediately runs over to check on Henry. Joey hesitates, waiting and guarding them, ready just in case this really wasn’t the end... but once the room is calm, also runs over to Henry’s side and falls to his knees.
Henry is laying on the floor, making no efforted to get up, and just kinda looking over his hand. The Lurker pops up and Henry distractedly gives him a pat on the head. There’s a small chorus of, ‘is it over? is that it?’s from the group as they check themselves over, making sure there’s no weird cuts or inky goop bits on them. As they find everything in order... a small amount of tired laughter happens as both Joey and Henry at the same time bring all of them in for a tight hug. 
After a few moments of celebrating, Henry goes limp, falling asleep. Joey doesn’t notice at first but Sammy immediately goes to wake him up, which clues Joey in. But with some drastic shaking, Henry wakes up, to Sammy who immediately apologizes, and laughs tiredly in response. But also falls asleep as soon as someone isn’t actively keeping him up.
Joey gets under one arm, Sammy gets under the other, they start carrying Henry out. Joey looks at the Lurker who’s kinda shuffling around and asks him what he wants to do now.
The Lurker bounces on his toes and fiddles with his hands and asks, “Did we miss the party yet?”
–> Epilogue
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 7
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
i cannot decide on a single quote this time so, here’s just. here’s whatever is happening here. and a whole nother summary cause I GUESS IM JUST COMMITING TO THE SUMMARY LIFESTYLE NOW, SORRY ABOUT IT ALL BEING SO HECKIN LONG
OH ALSO I made a master post, so I can just link one thing instead of all the bits. It’s also sorted out to be in order by session!! since the tag isn’t like that due to the fact none of us keep a consistent posting schedule for this content lmao.
- so after important kisses and rejoicing, the jds crew decides to scramble before the potionmaker lady wakes up, since Gold Text says that “she” is going to kill us and we’d rather not like, wait around to confirm it’s her versus someone else.
- bendy lurker son boy has disappeared in the laundry room, though we quickly find him hiding to playfully pounce at us. Joey grabs him like a child and we skadoo out of there. (at some point Henry might have tried to take him from Joey but Joey just walked a lil faster cause he was enjoying carrying son boy too much.)
- decide that visiting the starpools and trying to rescue tom is best course of action, since we’re not sure if the lurker needs to be there or not and also we have no idea when Tom is gonna like... get sacrificed. So might as well get that settled first. Also the graveyard is pretty nearby, versus the hotel across town that’s hard to reach at 2am when no cabs are out and about.
- sneak up there just fine, nobody has been strapped to a monolith and carved open yet that’s great. the decision is made that 1. it’d be good to keep the amulet away from any cultists and hidden (so sammy takes it and puts it under his shirt, buttoning it up for the first time in forever (sad internal joey noises)) and since Henry is now the “host” he should probably not be crossing paths with cultists. So they’re gonna hide in the bushes with the Lurker Son Boy while Joey tries to sneak in and find Tom.
- This actually ends up being quite easy, cause he just checks where they were holding ‘joey’ last time they were up there and sure enough that is the ‘prisoner’ shack, and Tom is fast asleep in there and has a broken arm, but doesn’t seem to be chained down. aLSO there’s far less guards and cultists around wONDER WHY,
- Joey tries to sneakily way Tom up, to which instead he gets decked across the face. There’s a bit of snappish arguing where Joey offers to leave Tom behind if he’d like to get his full beauty sleep and, yeah okay fine lets escape. Joey gives a terrible summery of things that have happened to ally the Lurker with them (tom please do not attack it or this will all have been for nothing,) while they wait for a opportunity to sneak. (meanwhile Henry has started to scribble again and Sammy makes half an attempt to understand why)
- While sneaking out, Joey does fine but Tom manages to make noise and get everyone in the clearing to notice them. Quickly Joey grabs Tom’s less broken arm, angrily muttering about how he keeps messing everything up and runs off into the jungle, taking the same exact path they took the last time they were running off with the amulet. This is both cause he actually knows this path, and because he didn’t want to run a buncha cultists smack into the rest of the group who are hiding for a rEASON,
- Though when they hear the commotion, Henry and Sammy ask if the Lurker would like to go “do his distraction” again. He happily bounds off once returned to full size and entertains himself with swatting Cultists around. (Sammy and Henry make the mistake of going to check on the scene to see if they can find Joey and Tom, and uh. nope, just a whole lotta gorep,) ((Sammy did make sure to hide the lurker-controlling amulet first, which means he finally buttoned up his shirt.)) (((sad gay joey noises in the distance)))
- Meanwhile Joey manages to put enough of a distance between him and the one Cultist that has kept up that he can quickly shove and hide Tom in some bushes, before hiding behind a tree himself and preparing his gun. When the cultist rounds the corner, he steps out and shoots them in the shoulder, the only way he really knows how to deal with the problem right now and let Sammy and Henry know where they are located currently.
- (they do indeed hear it, and since the lurker seems to have things covered, so Henry and Sammy run off into the jungle to find Joey)
- The cultist runs up and manages to slash at Joey’s leg with a sword while he tried to swing a punch at them. Joey staggers, regains his composure for a single moment, then uses the fact that the cultist is rIGHT in front of him to push himself forwards into the cultist and shoot him point blank into the chest. The cultist falls over, revealing Tom mid ready to assist with a stick, which is no longer needed. Joey collapses.
- Sammy and Henry managed to find them rather soon after, finding Tom standing semi panicked over a wreathing Joey on the ground, who, despite not having an actual major wound, is acting like someone just sawed off his leg due to not being used to this kind of pain. The two take a moment to make sure the area is clear before going to see if they can help the Joey Problem. Henry starts trying to bandage up his leg with the ex-cultists shirt. Sammy’s just muttering insults at Joey (but it’s clear that he’s actually really worried.) Joey is not responding to either of them, he’s just trying to not scream cause he is aware enough to know not to do that.
- Henry mentally pokes the lurker (ARE YA WINNING SON?) to check in while he works on Joey. The Lurker is doing alright, so Henry offers him that he can either keep doing whatever he enjoys doing up there, or he can come along with them if he wants. tURNS OUT?? THE LURKER LIGHTS UP EXCITEDLY AT ‘COME ALONG’ (this is the start of murder) sO HE’S ON HIS WAY NOW
- Meanwhile, while everyone is distracted with Sammy trying to explain to Tom what the Lurker is, and Henry communicating while bandaging the one leg, Joey reaches over and grabs a knife off the murdered cultist and tries to cut his other leg open?!?? Henry grabs the knife out of his hand and puts to down, goes back to bandaging. Joey stupidly goes for it again, and this time Sammy steps in, grabs the knife from him, and asks Tom to help hold him down since sOMETHING IS CLEARLY WRONG WITH HIM,
- Meanwhile Henry is playing marco-polo with the lurker,
- Tom finally hears the Lurker approaching and freaks out at Henry, wHAT ARE YOU DOING THATS THE MONSTER?? OH IT’S HERE NOW?! BACKS AWAY VERY SLOWLY... Sammy you’re on duty for Joey watching now, and also communicating to the Lurker that Tom is friend not harm.
- It’s agreed upon that we should probably get out of here due to Joey being a lITTLE CRAZY rn, the Lurker offers to piggyback carry Joey, a thing it learned from being on Henry’s shoulders before!! ( ALL THE PLAYERS HAVE BEEN MURDERED ) Sammy picks up Joey and helps get him onto the Lurker’s back ( Joey has gone into tuned out mode and is just rag-dolling now as he Has An Episode ) Joey gets to ride piggyback on giant ink bendy like creature isn’t that gr9
- (also we find out the lurker is a little goopy since it probably jumped in one of the starpools while it was throwing cultists around. wHICH IS ALSO MURDEROUS, ARE U TELLING US THE LURKER IS LIKE A PUPPY THAT RUNS INTO A PUDDLE THE MOMENT YOU LOOK AWAY,)
- while walking back down to the graveyard, Tom asks about getting to a hospital. As we debate what the best course of action is (and Joey absolutely refuses to go to a hospital himself,) we get to the edge of the jungle, and Joey finally asks to be back on his own feet. Once down, he takes off his jacket, struggles to rip it cause it’s a good jacket, throws it to the ground, then takes off the bandage Henry made out of the shirt, rips that into two pieces and ties up both of his legs the same way. (Sammy helps him up and also continues supporting him. gaaaaaayyyy )
- When joey tosses his jacket out of anger, the stone pops out! Lurker is interested in it, they all think that they don’t need it so SURE BOY you can have it. lURKER EATS IT??? UHH OKAY GLAD YOU’RE ENJOYING SNACC
- We ask the Lurker if he’s interested in being small again, and he nods, so Joey and Henry assist in turning him back into a Bendy. This time it’s a lot easier and he kinda just pops into proper shape?!? but is up in the air, Henry tRIES to catch him but misses (maybe because he’s extremely tired) and BendyLurker makes a squeaky noise when he bounces, gives a thumbs up. (we’re all being murdered, constantly)
- As we go to leave, notice that Team Gun Runners is hanging out searching the cemetery that we entered through. Joey insists that he has an idea of how to get around them, and sends Tom, Henry and SonBoiBendy to go out the back and try to get a cab. He asks Sammy if he’d like to assist him, and Sammy freezes, caught between yes he DOES wanna go with them cause uhhh bendylurkersonboi he kinda worships now is in that party, but doesn’t want to leave Joey stumbling around on his own. Joey takes Sammy’s hesitation as an answer, pushes off of him, grabs his jacket and starts walking towards the group, not wanting wait long enough for them to find the group. 
- Henry asks Sammy about his feelings, Sammy does not answer, and they all skadoos out the back of the cemetery.
- The group notices Joey, who is doing his best to look completely normal. They started questioning him about what he’s doing there, if he’s seen anyone else?? Joey ignores their questions and brings up, hey, I have a feeling you’re looking for this (THE INVOICE THAT WAS GRABBED EARLIER AND I’VE BEEN CARRYING THIS WHOLE TIME) which I got off the Gent people, who we will not be working with anymore cause they made these arrangements behind our backs, and you can have it if you leave us alone! 
- ... the gun runners extremely accept this and scurry off. Joey tiredly and in lot of pain, manages to make it to the front gate himself and start walking around the side, finds his group struggling to call a cab. Maybe because Sammy is still wearing a bendy mask over his face, and they have a moving cartoon character on Henry’s shoulders??? Or maybe it was Sammy’s awful French,
- Joey manages to make it over to them, calls Tom a cab, tells him about where the tickets are kept and what to do, Tom tries to be uhh, grateful for being rescued? Joey just takes his gun back (and the sword but they’re not carrying that around, just Tom shouldn’t take it to a hospital) tells him to get out of his sight and sends him off to a hospital. Gets Sammy to take off the mask and the Lurker to play the fun game of “pretend you’re a stuffed animal”, gets a cab to the place Dr. Northeast is staying.
- We all grab very large and strong coffees and a little breakfast before heading up to the room. Dr. Northeast has been apparently up all night as well, studying, and Joey immediately forgets about his food and starts helping. Sammy and Henry hang with the LurkerBendySon while eating their food, making sure Henry stays awake...
- Sammy also gets to have a personal conversation with the BendyLurkerSonBoi, who wants to know... why we’re so bent on not sacrificing ourselves to the eldritch horror he serves? Less because he thinks they should now and more because... he’s never known it to go any other way. So maybe he wants to know if it can... and when asked, he admits he’s more interested in being more than just the jungle monster that swats people into starpools.
–> Episode 8
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
What is the senry like in your call of your cthulhu au?
I'm actually probably the worst person to answer this, since I play neither Henry nor Sammy, so @inkcryptid and @inkdemonapologist will probably have more insight on this.
But while all three boys cuddled up rather close in the first season, now that Henry has been home with his wife and processing trauma with her, the other two boys have become aware that they’re no longer on vacation. There might have been a talk because both Sammy and Joey’s refusal to talk about anything could have caused some confusion, but Linda and Henry’s family comes first.
Though I feel like Henry and Joey’s friendship has become better now that Henry was able to gently nudge Sammy and Joey a little closer to each other, thus Joey has been... less clingy to him.
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
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BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 4
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
hey. hey. hey. uhhh, unfollow me now this game is all im gonna think about for the next 30 years. 
... (or maybe uhhh just an entire summery)
okay okay okay, so,  WE HAVE THIS REVOLUTIONARY FIGHT THE GOV DUDE, who we are meeting up with to get information about the weird cult, but also the military has been watching us constantly so we need to do something about them. (Mostly because we’re afraid of like, military busting in and dragging them off before we get info lmao, the guy needs to deal with his own military problems that’s not on us,)
So, since Sammy is somehow The Least Sketchy, due to us learning that apparently everyone things Henry (h e n r y ??) is crazy, Joey takes a cab downtown to a bar. Then after he leaves, Henry walks downtown. This is so if only one of them chases after Joey thinking it’s a distraction trick, he’s right! Distraction is oBVIOUSLY for Henry, who is crazy, to sneak off. Sammy reminds them both before we go that iF YOU SEE ANYTHING WEIRD, DON’T LOOK AT IT, DON’T INTERACT WITH IT, THIS IS HOW WE PASS OUT, JUST DON’T.
Anyways, we get to our respective spots, Henry finding a nice cafe! And then Joey remembers he’s terrified of being alone now so, uh, instead of drinking this drink he just bought at the bar he runs across town to find Henry, ends up circling around for a bit (Just missed a roll so clearly he looked in the cafe at the same exact time Henry bent down to pick up a pencil that rolled off the table,) until Henry notices him and beckons him inside.
Sammy is having a chill time back at the hotel, just playing music and waiting,
Joey drinks Henry’s coffee while they wait and uh, maybe becomes Even Faster. He spends the next two hours chatting Henry’s ear off as they down more coffee (gotta make sure Joey doesn’t fall asleep) and walk around town to find some festival sweets for Henry to work on. 
Sammy is looking out the window to see if any of dudes he’s supposed to be meeting are showing up, nobody is out there. Including the military that’s good-- AAAHGHGH, WEIRD BLACK GOO ON BALCONY, CLOSES WINDOW. DOES NOT LOOK, DOES NOT INTERACT, TIME TO PLAY MORE BANJO, Henry and Joey have been wandering around for about 2 hours, they sHOULD be done by now, and even if not, they need to get up there before it gets too late, so they head back to the hotel.
Sammy is now hearing some songs in the distance, that haunting tune... sO HE’S PLAYING LOUDER AND IGNORING IT, HE WILL NOT INGAGE--
Joey and Henry walk into an empty Hotel lobby only to get a gun pointed at Henry, and be accused of setting up a military trap for em. Joey: ... Why Henry? Henry: why me...? Joey of course starts talking back to them and telling them how bad they are at their job, and they’re just like ok whatever we’re kidnapping you gun to ur back, bag over ur head, tied up hands, time to go. Joey of course, while saying he wants to keep Sammy out of this, also immediately lets them know hey Sammy’s upstairs can you bring him with us too?? They are confused but okay whatever, Sammy gets the same treatment too now.
Joey uhh still had a bunch of caffeine so, he is Talking. He is Talking A Lot in the car, while Henry disassociates and Sammy sits angrily, upset about all of this of course. Joey CONTINUES to constantly talk as they get tied to a chair and threatened by the guy they’re supposed to meet with because apparently we are hiding his guns too?? And also still thinks we’re trying to betray him??? Joey keeps talking though, and somehow manages to convince the dude that they just want to get to the cult and end all of this so they can go home, also there’s an invoice they had found at one point so maybe that’s where ur guns are?? idk
He gives us a map and a knife and some advice on how to kill the creature, then threatens us that he will destroy us if we lied to him. Henry also takes an axe because why not. We also get a ride to the graveyard which is kinda the starting point on the map. Joey sits in the back cause he’s used to being chauffeured around, Henry is tired and leans against Joey in the back for some comforting contact and to rest his head. (Joey has gently bluescreened)
Meanwhile Sammy took shot gun cause no way he was gonna sit in the back with ... with all that going on noPE. He will sit up front and look at this map in the meanwhile oH SHIT THERE’S A NOTHER TAROT CARD AND THE REST ALSO JUST FELL ALL OVER HIS LAP TOO, GREAT, FANTASTIC. Sammy audiably reacting causes Joey to snap out of it and try to help by just... taking things off Sammy so he’s not covered in spooky cards, while Henry looks at stuff with the mirror. Joey uses rest of car ride to study map,
And then, when they get out at the graveyard, with map and cards on hand, Joey tells Henry and Sammy to go back to the hotel and bOOKS IT. Of course Sammy and Henry immediately chase after him, Sammy yelling “OH NO YOU DON’T YOU IDIOT DON’T YOU DARE LEAVE US,” Henry isn’t saying anything, but you can feel him glaring.
wE GO THRU A WHOLE CHASE SCENE WHERE JOEY KEEPS YELLING OVER HIS SHOULDER AND SAMMY IS VERY GOOD WITH THE RUNNING FACTOR, finally grabs Joey and tries to just yell some sense into him. Joey manages to pull free, and tries to push Sammy back into Henry to try and trip em up from following him and, Sammy just grabs him again cause Joey is so bad at doing anything physical. Henry finally catches up and Gives Him a Stern Talking to, which... finally calms Joey calm down enough. They continue on together,
They past by the potion maker they met before, who’s not exactly herself? Henry sees a weird spirit person?? outlining her who winks at him, through the mirror, while Joey ‘distracts’ her by being acting up a excited tourist persona. (”Sammy is very impressed how Joey can weaponize his worst qualities.”) Eventually Sammy speaks up, is like okay time to go, to which we get, “Oh you have another one. Well take care of yourselves, enjoy the party.” which we’re all like o k a a a y u 2 ??????????
Come into a buncha dancing festivities, there one guy who’s wearing a tailcoat and a top hat and no shirt, and also uhhh a WEIRD ASS CORRUPTED LOOKING BENDY MASK??? Joey is offended that someone would beSMIRCH Henry’s lOVELY CREATION like this. Sammy nEVER WANTED TO SEE THIS. Henry is just doing due diligence and using the mirror to figure out what is-- 
Henry is knocked backwards by whatever he saw. Joey is at his side trying to help him up as he hands the mirror off to Sammy, who manages to keep himself steady as he looks at this guy with the weird mask through the mirror, but then uhh fREAKS OUT AT WHATEVER HE SAW AND COVERS HIS FACE AND BECOMES NON COHERENT. Joey tries to help him but he is gONE, while the masked dude shows up, says some foreboding things to Henry, then dances off leaving him with the last tarot card. Mirror time is over, Joey grabs the mirror and pockets it and grabs the card and pockets it and grabs Sammy with one arm and Henry with the other and tries to pull them away from the crowed and whoever the fuck that guy was. (he can drag sammy but is having difficulty with Henry, luckily Henry can stand up now and move with him,)
They hide around a corner to recover, Joey does mirror stuff and tries to comfort Sammy by being gently gay mostly awkward actually worried about Sammy. It works... only a little bit. Luckily Henry is there to be actually comforting. They press on, and eventually start finding a bunch of... weird stuff. The jungle goes silent, there’s rips of their clothing and audio logs dashed about, Henry finds his missing reading glasses, also everyone is gently sepia tone now?? great. Not concerning at all when we find a bunch of bendy masks spread across the ground in one of the clearings. even less concerning when sAMMY PICKS ONE UP. Joey and Henry stare at him, and when Joey angles mirror at the mask it reads “Say hello to Sammy!” This is only comforting, of course. While people get distracted with a figure in the distance, Sammy puts on the mask. When he tries to talk to them though, Joey is very stuck on the fact Sammy is wearing the mask, and starts arguing for him to take it off. “I thought you were the one who made these mandatory--” “I’m making them UN-mandatory now!” Joey they proceeds to explain that every time Sammy has died in a dream or a premonition, he’s been wearing the mask, so Joey would like to try and avoid that?? Sammy backs off, though Joey tells Henry to keep an eye on Sammy which starts the arguing again.
“I don’t need a baby sitter, Joey--”
“Then stop wearing the mask!!” 
... Sammy takes off the mask.
They find a shrine with another tape deck, and some candles. Turns out it’s a Sammy log, that starts off with Sammy Complaining Normally, and then halfway through corrupts into something far closer to Inky-Sammy, ending with that lovely “Can I get an amen?” line.
Sammy, has a moment to be embarrassed by whatever the fuck is happening, Joey swirls around to yank the mask out of Sammy’s hands because he’s pretty sure that if Sammy holds onto that he’s going to get kILLED, before we hear Sammy, from the bushes, repeat the line, and our Sammy just vanishes. 
There’s a broken, bloodied banjo down the path, next to some pools of that foreboding goop. Henry gRABS Joey and starts dragging him away while Joey madly breaks the mask into pieces, exTREMELY CONVINCED that he did not get it away from him in time and that’s why Sammy is gone now. There’s a displeased noise in the shadows, Henry takes out his gun, Joey takes out the knife, call out to see if it’s Sammy, but nobody replies...
Sammy, meanwhile, wherever he is, is remembering that... a lot of the events in the last 48 hours? Were not happening as he thought they were. Actually, they’re happening quite different, almost like he wasn’t really there for... any of them?
Joey turns to Henry, confirms that, “You’re... not going to go back to the hotel, are you.” When he gets a shaky nod, he takes Henry’s hand and starts RUNNING TOWARDS the Starpools, hoping they can outrun whatever is after them and stop this before they all die, annnnd immediately trips over a jacket on the ground, bring Henry down with him.
It’s his jacket. It also has an audio log. We pocket that audio log, get up and start running again because nO TIME FOR AUDIO LOG also EVERY TIME WE LISTEN TO AN AUDIO LOG SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS, but as they’re running Joey starts remembering things... Where he wasn’t quite there either, and that people had been treating him not exactly like... 
Joey disappears. Henry is left with a gun in one hand, a knife in the other, and an audiolog in his back pocket. Not knowing what else to do, he plays the log, which is Joey’s kind of... over excitement at an idea he had. When it ends, Sammy says “Joey, what were you doing.”
Wait, Sammy said that? And we all heard it. Henry looks around, no Sammy. 
... Henry throws the audio log against a tree, and after it breaks, sits down, leans against said tree, and has, just ... tries to process this. Joey starts mumbling about how it’s weird that they’re all here, and notices that some of the weird blackness that had been crawling up his arm (and that he had been hiding before) is now going up Henry’s... which is still his arm, when he looks down at it. After taking out the mirror and trying some ideas, a few more memories come back... all our medical charts were identical. Our guns all had the same serial number, Henry is def listening to both Sammy and Joey making background commentary and just murmurs to himself “I am losing it.” 
Suddenly remembers his sketch book, opens it and starts flipping through the pages back to the one that told him, “If I tell you more details, you’re going to lose them,” and tries to get the gold text to actually answer hOW TO GET THEM BACK NOW?? While waiting for a response, Henry finds that he has started hugging himself for some reason, and doesn’t know why (turns out Joey tried to put an arm around Henry)... just, has a full on meltdown. No wonder why he constantly felt like crying every time he was waiting for gold text responses in the sketch book before.
Whenever we were passing out it was because we had tried to do too many things at once, and kinda blacked out during the time that it ACTUALLY took for Henry to do these things, instead of 3 people doing them. From an outside perspective, Henry has been talking to himself A L O T.
ANYWAYS THIS IS A VERY LONG POST, I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP NOW SO HERE’S THE TLDR OF THE REST: - Henry grabs a bendy mask to leave on his belt to comfort Sammy - Joey lets this happen since, well, what’s the worst that can happen now. - Inky Sammy shows up and wants to sacrifice Henry, Henry manages to get away because when he touches him he melts. - Henry starts hearing aNOTHER VOICE in his head that uhhhh mIGHT BE BENDY?? - Turns out it’s the Lurker, the creature that we took the potion to be allies with, and yes, kinda looks like weird Ink Demon Bendy. - Lurker explains that we’ve been through this loop quite a few times, including one time we showed up with a tommy gun and just killed everyone!! 
- Everyone continues to try and process this all even a little bit.
--> Episode 5
✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
Absolutely love CoC; Haunted Hijinx! It’s so hilarious and never fails to brighten my day! I know it’s not canon, but the Henry x Joey x Sammy goes really well in this latest season; it’s absolutely perfect. Do you happen to have any more ideas on the wonderful threesome? And maybe another sketch?
OMG I’M DELIGHTED PEOPLE ARE ENJOYING IT cause it’s all I’m gonna talk about for the next 18 years. (proceeds to half type up this reply and then forget about it for a month,)
I’m actually working on a few more studio startup shipping filled posts, one being the epilogue post (hahaha i’ve already posted this) so I’m just gonna leave some Joey thoughts here on the other two:
Henry: Joey is in love with Henry, to the point he wants to be essentially a life partner. He doesn’t quite understand this though, he doesn’t notice that the partnership he wants from Henry is more like marriage. I don’t think he even gets it to the point that if he had a relationship and marriage offer from Henry he’d think he wants that?? Instead he just wants a very certain kind of attention from Henry, one that he pushes himself far further than he should to get. Because that attention has already gone to Linda, and any time he’s reminded of that, Joey is a little more gutted, realizing the empty hole in him he’s had ever since the two started dating.
Sammy: Joey has a crush on Sammy that he ALSO doesn’t realize. He just keeps Sammy really close to him for some reason. Constantly. He’s a good music director, aight? Totally a normal reason to keep him around. Always. But even if he doesn’t realize it, he’s actually rather actively pursuing Sammy, and this only gains momentum as Sammy lets him closer. The Time Period Aside, again, I don’t think Joey would take a relationship with anyone, dating/marriage just seems so full of needless gestures and requirements that Joey can’t fathom a reason for. but that won’t stop him from hitting a point where he’s essentially gone ‘this one is mine’ over Sammy.
And likewise, Joey still tries to take the same manner with Henry, claiming him as his own... but he does know better, so he doesn’t push it out of fear of completely losing him, and the moment Linda is around he backs off.
anyways i don’t have any more specifically shippy sketches preloaded, but i do have uhh these wips, if anyone was ever interested in the number of iterations I tend to go through for those Cthulhu pieces??? which contain the axed attempt at the kiss foreheads scene (switched out of it because I had taken it too far away from actual context to try and turn it into a single scene, since Joey’s interactions with them both were separate.)
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
Joey and Henry are essentially Bendy's dads, huh?
(Cthulhu au)
Kinda yes kinda no. There's def a... parental-like?? relationship at the start, as the entire group is caring for him with some subconscious idea in mind that he had not experienced a lot of the world. But it's less of a... Raising a kid, more of a taking your nephew to the state fair for the first time, feeling.
That, and this eldritch being is actually like ... Not a child. Thren has confirmed that while at first the Lurker is happy to receive the introductory treatment, there'd only be so much time until he'd want to be treated as an equal. Not like a son or a deity (that means you Mr. Lawrence,), just another at the studio, who also defied the Masked Messenger at some point I guess don't worry about it.
So yeah, this isn't happening. And if anything, Henry is the other parent, and Sammy is like the butler that Joey has claimed for himself whenever Henry is off with Linda. What a weird soap this is....
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
Did henry literally give his two boyfriends his sweaters? That is so cute!
(Cthulhu AU) Give.... have taken out of his suitcase while he slept.... same difference...
In the actual version of that scene, nobody had gotten changed at all because after being awake for wHO KNOWS HOW LONG and EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH, nobody was gonna give a shit about getting out of clothes or wearing something proper. Sammy apparently had enough of a pause to yank off the suspenders before passing out, but not the binder, bad sammy, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Joey and Henry still had like, their shoes on. pile of idiots in one bed, that’s what this is
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
Any thoughts on how Sammy x Henry x Joey would work out?
Y’know, an interesting thing happened between when I actually got asked this and now, when I am answering it, which is that Call of Cthulhu game I’ve been playing with this trio. 
So my normal thoughts on this remain about the same as the trio in pieces: Henry is smart enough to leave before things go nuclear or he loses himself to Joey; Sammy and Joey are intoxicated with each other and ignoring all the other stuff, which even if started healthy from the beginning because of Henry, would quickly become unstable once Henry walked out. Maybe Henry would make an attempt to have Sammy step out as well, but I don’t think he’d really push Sammy if Sammy was still actively stuck in what he had with Joey (and was staying at JDS), more like a one time offer, sorry then bud I need to breathe again, and a heartfelt goodbye that left Sammy wondering if he made the right decision but nO MORE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THAT CAUSE JOEY IS ALL OVER HIM MORE THAN EVER NOW THAT HENRY IS GONE
but now we have these weird AU versions of the trio made of taking younger than usual versions of the characters, throwing them into extremely out of the norm situations that they’re taking on mental taxes from that will now follow them for the rest of their lives, and having elements of the players sneak in due to only being able to think so fast when actively RPing. And I am in love with this ship in our Cthulhu ??AU?? now?? they’ve gotten to share extremely personal space, thoughts and feelings, which have broke down the barriers that would usually cause trouble. Henry is pan and actually returns attraction to Joey somewhat, but Joey is blind to it because he’s so focused on keeping Henry as a Partner by his Side Forever, and worried that falling into the temptation of pouncing on more is going to ruin that. But he’s also blind to his own intense attraction to Sammy, who is the complete opposite from Henry and thus gives him all the push he’s not getting from his bestie. Why did he bring the music director on this trip to a country where both gay and liquor is not illegal? Did Sammy really have to be on this trip, did Sammy really have to be dragged into a room Joey was already sharing with Henry?? If you ask Joey why he has a million answers the amount to nothing, because he’s not even fully aware of it himself. 
So Joey is probably still the problem child in terms of letting this relationship be a healthy one, because he will easily become a raging river that drags everyone along with him without realizing they’re being smashed against the walls along the way. Though where we are right now, it seems more like the problem child to getting the ship moving is Sammy, who is quick to leap to literally any excuse as to why this is happening other than accepting that the boys are attracted to him. 
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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Misc. Cthulhu!AU Content Masterpost
Welcome to the breakroom! Here we have a collection of all the Cthulhu!AU posts that don’t relate specifically to a chapter of the game or anywhere in the time line exactly. Most are Post Season One though, so if you’re looking to not be spoiled, I’d say wait on this section. Please enjoy the wide selection of art, asks, writing, and more, including some?? fAN ART??? AND STUFF?? OF THE GAME???? wAH
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 ✨ Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 🌙 Call of Cthulhu Season Two Masterpost 🌙
Quiz?? Quiz.
Which Call of Cthulhu Boy Are You? Quiz
Season One  - Personalized Bendy Tarot Cards (S1E4 spoilers) - All the Gold Text (Season 1 Finale Spoilers) - Extremely Important StudioStartup Ship Cuddles - Henry Stein - Sammy Lawrence - Another Another Studio Startup Ship Ask - Joey/Sammy Kiss - Secret Satan Joey/Sammy - Sammy Lawrence - Some light Senry - Some soft Sammy/Joey - Sammy Lawrence Timeline - Collection of Hilarious Text Posts - Sammy’s Drowning Season Two - Silly Time Sam w/ Laserpointer - Jack Fain - Ghosty Jack Fain - Joey / Jack Shippy - Joey and Henry almost look like real investigators - Joey and Bendy but leaning more into uhhh Lurker Zone - Prophet Sammy; Dark on Me - Jack/Sammy/Joey Cuddles, but like, sad, - Sammy: The Real One - What if Sillytime Goat - Sammy and Sheep Traits  - Terrified Peter Sunstram - Rogue’s Blink Sprites - Rogue’s Pixel Adventure - Soft Sammy - Art for Cthulhu Boy Quiz - The Lurker’s thoughts on all the Cthulhu bois - Holding Out for a Hero - Another Collection Of Hilarious Text Posts [Part Two] - Joey/Jack Glasses Shippy - Prophet + Sammy Convo - The Real Trial and Tribulations of Having The Prophet Around - Lost in the Sauce by applesauceofthegrave
Season Three - Sammy + Prophet + Home Misc. - Pixely Bois - Joey Uno Meme - Toony Boys [Sammy][Joey][Jack] - Haunted House Boys by Spook
Write Ups/Asks
- Writing/RP Archive
Season One - StudioStartup Ship Ask - Another StudioStartup Ship Ask - Henry is Ace/Aro (part 2.) - Hahaha wait who had the Laserpointer Season Two - Shitpost Time - Cthulhu Boys but Sims Time - Henry and Joey’s Relationship (part 2.) - Peter Sunstram Thonks - Cthulhu Jack Shippy Asks [Peter][Lurker] - Henry Asks [X][X][X][X][X][X] - How Cthulhu!Jack differs from ‘Canon’ - How does Joey feel about Jack Now? - Sammy’s relationship with Lurker/SillySam - Would Joey ever Propose to Sammy? - General CoC Jack Thoughts - Masked Messenger's Voice
Season Three - Sammy/Cracked Glass Thoughts - Beans Lore - Is Peter an NPC? - How Possessive Is Joey? - Sammy’s Character Sheets
Misc. - Translating the Call of Cthulhu Games to Bendy
Misc. Small Asks: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]
[Technically this is not Cthulhu!AU but it was inspired by it and is very cool so here also have a shout out to this amazing Norman art by Eps]
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