#studed boots
mumms-the-word · 4 months
in honor of that one post I can’t find for the life of me that’s like “not Gale with Tav but Gale with the Blackstaff librarian” please have this snippet of a thing I will never finish you’re welcome
Gale x fem!OC, no tags, just two academics being snarky with each other
When Gale approached the library, he found his way blocked by several—no, many whispering students and annoyed-looking professors all blocking the way. They were pressed as far as possible in tight packs around an open doorway, the library visible beyond, but not a single one would go inside.
“What’s going on here?” he asked, looking at one of the students he recognized.
“Oh! Professor Dekarios, it’s the new librarian. She just arrived today and she’s not letting anyone into the library.”
“No one? That seems a bit antithetical to the point of a library, don’t you think?”
“She says she’s reorganizing,” another student broke in, looking delighted by the chaos. “She’s already thrown out anyone who crosses the threshold and is threatening to seal the doors if anyone else enters to disturb her.”
“Is that so,” Gale said, raising his eyebrows. She sounded horrible. He couldn’t help but picture a matronly old woman, set in her ways, her hair in a strict and severe bun of gunmetal gray, jowls nearly to her shoulders. “Well, allow me to have a word with her.”
His announcement, though spoken at regular volume, sent a wave of tittering and excited whispers over his students. He ignored them as he waded between them to get nearer the door. One of the other professors saw him coming and quickly arranged the students around the door to get out of his way.
“You’ll not get through to her, you know,” his colleague warned. “She’s on a rampage in there and she seems to have focused all her magical study to the art of marching people directly out of her space.”
“Then I’ll try to be diplomatic and charming,” Gale said, a spark of his old hubris coloring his smile. He stepped over the threshold and into the library.
It was utter chaos, for lack of a better word. Nearly every shelf was empty of books, completely bare, while mage hands with dusters and cloths were busy dusting and cleaning the centuries-old wood. The books themselves were arranged in stacks of no real order or sense, some just three books high but many others towering as nearly as high as the first landing of the four-story room. Solitary books flew through the air at random intervals, coming to rest on top of one stack or another. The towering busts and statues of previous Blackstaffs and other wizards of note were also being thoroughly cleaned, though their bases also served to collect all the furniture in the room, apparently, save for the tables that were all but groaning under the weight of stacks of tomes. Gale had never seen the library in such a state of disarray.
No sign of the enigmatic librarian, though. He ventured further inside, glancing here and there to try and find her, again picturing the strict, no-nonsense older woman with a face like thunder.
At last he found a younger woman floating midway up a three-story set of shelves, her open robes billowing gently as her flying spell kept her aloft, her trousers tucked into her knee-length boots. She pulled a book from the shelf and turned it to examine the title on the spine, and then opened it to the first several pages.
“Excuse me,” he said, “I’m looking for the new librarian?”
She sighed and snapped the book shut with one hand, turning to peer down at him with a frown. “Yes?”
“The new librarian. Is she about?”
She looked at him as though he were being willfully deaf. “She’s floating approximately three feet and seven inches above your head, saer. Can I help you or are you simply here to complain about my methods like everyone else that has made it past those doors today?”
Gale blinked. “You? But I thought—”
“Did you need something, Professor?” she asked, cutting him off. “I’m assuming you’re a professor and not a student, since you’re wearing the academic stole and all that. Is there a book you require?”
A quick flash of irritation passed through him at being interrupted, but he quelled it. He’d traveled with more abrasive people in the past, he reminded himself, who were also prone to interrupt.
“Not one in particular,” he said. “I’m here to discover…well whatever it is you’re doing in here.”
“Whatever it is I’m—Oghma guide me,” she muttered. She sent the book floating away with a flick of her wrist and lowered herself to stand in front of him. “I am cataloguing. What does it look like?”
Gale paused. Now that she was properly before him, he couldn’t help but notice that she was rather lovely. And young, for someone put in charge of the entire library of Blackstaff Academy. She was several inches shorter than him, but that didn’t stop her from frowning up at him behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on her nose, her dark hair swept up into a mass of tight curls at the back of her head. Little curls were escaping here and there to frame her face or trail down her neck, but she didn’t seem to notice. Behind her glasses, her eyes were a curious shade of green and gold, the color changing slightly as she shifted her weight and a soft shadow from one of the shelves fell over her. The rest of her was still bathed in the warm light of early afternoon, a shade that complimented her dark olive skin.
She looked particularly irritated now and Gale realized he had been staring, rather than answering her question.
“I, um…” He quickly tried to recall her answer, and as he did, it struck him how ludicrous it was. “Sorry. Cataloguing?”
“This library was already catalogued. Thoroughly.”
“Correction,” she said, turning to pick up two books from a stack and glance at their titles. She sent them floating away in different directions. “This library was already poorly catalogued. I’m cataloguing it properly.”
She walked away, moving to another set of shelves that she hadn’t yet touched. Gale followed after her, speaking as he went.
“With all due respect, it looks as though you’re doing a great deal of unnecessary shifting around. The current system has served us well enough these past, oh I don’t know, three or four hundred years or more. There’s no reason to change a system that works.”
“So I’m to believe we should just let old systems lie rather than improve them with new ones?” she asked, tucking a few books into her arms. “Come now, saer, that goes against the very spirit of academic and magical progress. And you call yourself a professor?”
“I am a professor,” he said, irritable. “Professor Dekarios. And I have enough sense to know that Mordenkainen’s Magical Theory Across the Twin Worlds goes in the M section.” Here he grabbed a book from the shelf right before she could collect it, holding it up as if it were proof.
“In the old system, perhaps,” she said, snatching it from his hands. “But in this new system it will go under section 300, subsection 20, sub-subsection 4 point 17 for non-practical magical theory from authors located outside the realm of Toril—”
Gale’s jaw dropped. “Non-practical? How—”
“—and I’ll thank you to cease disturbing me so I can put it in its proper place,” she finished with a huff, blowing some of her curls from her forehead. She sent the book away, arcing it high over his head so he couldn’t make another grab at it.
“Now see here,” he said, struggling to remain diplomatic.
“No, Professor Dekarios, you see here,” she said, bowing up and shifting her books to one arm to poke a finger in his chest. “Blackstaff Varja has tasked me with the revitalization and re-categorization of this library, a job I take very seriously, and I won’t have pompous, big-headed wizards swanning about telling me how to do my job!”
Gale could barely get the words out. “Pompous? Big-headed? Madam, you—”
“If you require a specific tome to study, by all means, let me know so that I can locate it for you, but if your business is simply to bother and berate me then I’ll be forced to eject you from the premises.”
“Eject me? You wouldn’t dare.”
“You wouldn’t be the first, I assure you,” she said, her eyes flashing.
He shook his head, irritation warring with something like awe in the face of her ability to be unrelentingly annoying. “You are—infuriating. How will the students and faculty here get any study done if all the books—” he pulled another one from the shelf, using it to gesture, “—are in the wrong places?”
“They will learn,” she snapped, reaching for the book, but he held it high overhead, just out of her reach. She nearly crashed into him, nose-to-chest, reaching for it. She quickly stepped back with another huff. “Return The Many Multiple Uses of Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion to me at once.”
“Only if you put it back in the M section,” he said, keeping it aloft. “Where it belongs with the other Mordenkainen works.”
“But Mordenkainen didn’t write—oh for Oghma’s sake.” She slammed her armful of books down on a new stack and snapped her fingers, whispering a spell he didn’t catch. The book tugged away from his hand. Surprised, he let it go, and it flew directly into her waiting arms.
“I think that’s quite enough library time for you, Professor Dekarios,” she said sharply, hugging the book to her chest. “You are to be banned from this library for the remainder of the evening. Good day, saer.”
“You can’t—”
But apparently she could. All of a sudden he felt the back of his robes pull taught, as if an unseen hand were grabbing his robes like a tressym might grab the scruff of their kitten’s neck. The force pulled upward, nearly lifting him off his feet, and he was forced to take several awkward steps away, back toward the entrance of the library.
“I—you—unhand me!” He struggled against the hold as was about to cast something to dispel the magic when he felt something suspiciously like an invisible boot give him a kick on the arse. “Hey!”
“Good day, Professor Dekarios,” he heard her say behind him.
He was forcibly pushed out through the open doorway, nearly falling over into the waiting crowd of wide-eyed students. He adjusted his robes in a hurry, ready to march back in there and try again, but the library doors shut with a loud bang and soon the magical sigils to an arcane lock illuminated the surface.
No one would be getting inside now.
There was a hush behind him as he stared at the library doors, hot embarrassment turning his ears pink while his pride, unable to suffer total defeat, looked for ways to make light of the situation or diffuse it. After a moment, someone started to snicker and it caused the entire waiting audience to struggle to hold in their delighted snickers and giggles.
“Well,” one of his colleagues said, folding their arms, but Gale held up a hand with a sigh.
“Don’t,” he said. “The mortification speaks for itself.”
“If it makes you feel better, you’re the sixth faculty member she’s done that to today,” they said, unable to withhold a chuckle. “Though out of all of them, you’ve lasted the longest.”
“And we’re to endure her being our new librarian?” Gale asked, as other professors began to shepherd away the students, reminding them of their homework and studies. “Is it too early to consider a new teaching placement?”
His colleague just laughed and walked away. Gale was left standing in the hallway, watching the arcane lock sigils glow and glimmer against the wood of the door.
He wanted to be angry, even offended. The entire re-categorization of a library as old and complex as Blackstaff Academy’s would spell chaos and slow down every pursuit of study for months. But as he watched the sigils, as his minds eye placed him back among the stacks of books and empty shelves, his memory lingering on one dark curl resting against the curve of the librarian’s olive-toned neck, another bouncing at her temple, he realized he wasn’t exactly angry or offended.
He was intrigued.
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
Good luck to anyone reading this, I spent good 1.5 hour on writing this out instead of studing LMAO
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- She designed the jacket herself. There's a clover logo on the back with a hidden signature.
- One of the bracelets (the ribbon one) is a matching gift from Alya. She has a similar one.
- The red fade is a side-effect of the Wonder
- In her hero form, her irises or pupils aren't visible
- The symbol on her belt is the chinese symbol of luck
- She has two yoyos in the pockets on her sides - one is a spare one
- Her capette is supposed to resemble Tikki's "wings"
- She has small metal guards on the top of her hands/gloves
- The anthennas are tied into her hair
- His hair fade is dark brown. I chose a softer shade because black-black did not look nice
- Adrien is wearing clothes from his father's brand. It's most evident because of the butterfly logo on the front of the sweater
- Cat ears and tail real
- The tail has a little ball on the very end. It's in order to imitate Plagg's tail and It gives some personality to the design.
- He has three sticks attached to his belt
- The whiskers are barely visible but they're there!
- He's wearing darker clothes to reflect on his gloomy personality and in order not to stand out as he's trying to avoid attention outside of his home
- The coat was designed himself - similarly to Jiayi's jacket that she designer on her own
- His hair color is light purple and most of the time comes off as silver which is definitely to his advantage
- The hero form has little antennas that usually bend along his hair
- Transformation is definitely more combat-based despite the power being suiter for long-distance
- The back material resemble butterfly wings and allow him to fall slower If needed
- The additional set of eyes serve a purpose of supporting his eyesight as glasses don't appear in his hero form
- The ribbon on her wrist is matching with Jiayi
- She wears a beret sometimes
- The shirt is a reference to a video game character she's a fan of
- The sleeves of the jacket are made out of leather
- The mask resembles a fox with spiky parts under her eyes. It also has a white part running down from her forehead
- The brown shoulder parts are actually short fur. So are the side cuts on the pants, they're also fluffy
- While the tail takes a form very similar to the Wonder itself, it still functions as a regular tail
- Her ears are very pointy and long
- Mismatched socks
- She technically shouldn't be walking around with open shoulders, but she uses her father's influence to avoid following the dress code.
- The scrunchie she's wearing to make her bun has little strings that are meant to look a little like antennas
- All three of her designs have yellow-dark stripes, in hero form's case It's yellow-red.
- In her second design, she's wearing Wonderbug merch
- She has little fluffy cuffs on her wrists that are similar to Pollen's fluff
- Her boots are meant to look very similar to Pollen's legs, even with the weird "extension" at the back
- The "wings" have little hanging jewlers at the endings, making them look more decorative than functional yet It continues to serve a similar purpose to Monarch's wings
- The anthennas are a bit thicker at the end in comparison to Monarch's
- I don't have much about Nino yet, I still need to design his hero form
- I gave him a little braid on the side with colorful marbles at the very end
- He always gave me the skaterboy vibe so I went along with it and gave him knee guards (mismatched like Alya's socks :p)
- Ripped sleeve from an old fall
- Big headphones replaced with earbuds and a red hat to add more red
- Her first design is very similar to her original
- She's wearing a semi-formal attire with elements from the school's uniform
- Her second design is very opposite to Chloe's usual style/style that she chose to hold on to while in Chloe's presence
- It's a mix of everything, but motifs like mushrooms, suns, space. There's also a ton of accessories (like bracelets and moon-themed jewlery on the glasses) and things that let her personalize everything a bit more like patches on the pants.
- She's wearing a headband with a blue flower
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- I gave her a slight tweak to the outfit, but nothing very big so I'll pass on design notes
- She's wearing a matching necklace with Rose
- Lila's hair is braided into a long braid with front hair being stylized after fox's tails
- She's seen wearing parts of her school's uniform - most notably the red jacket
- Her eyes are green with yellow tints at the lower part
- Volpina's form might not look that far off, but there's a few very important parts to mention
- As Monarch's power isn't strong enough to actually make a form fully resembling a fox holder, Volpina looks more like a Jackal. Jackals from afar are generally similar to a fox with the exception of longer ears and muted colors. Her flatter tail, ears are supposed to look like that
- The shorts are simliar to the ones from the canon design
- Luka's style was revamped completely, giving him a more individual, indie-rock kind of style.
- The ripped jeans are matching with his sister :D
- He's got snake bites now
- I left the blue jacket from the canon, just making it bigger and worn only for colder weather
- Luka has freckles on his shoulders
- A bunch of changes made but I don't have too much notes about it
- He usually has his hair down whereas it looks very similar to canon, but occassionally the hair is tied up
- Half-star on the shoes
- Two chains pinned to the shorts: one is a regular chain, second is the thin, longer one
- Colors present on the T-shirt: purple, magenta, pink, yellow-y, muddy green + the star
- Her hair is a little shorter than in canon
- The hoodie is cropped while the shirt underneath is just plain
- Fingerless gloves that also act as hand guards for rollerblading are often seen
- She has a scar under her right knee
- Unlike the usual fade, Bunnix has a light/blue strike in her hair
- That round, fluffy, cloud-like motif is present along the entire hero form
- The mask has three freckles on each side
- A Gabriel-brand broch
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Dark shade fading from her lower limbs
Four arms
Little wings on the back - she can fly without them anyway
Long "eyelashes"
Much more fluffier
The tail has this off spiky part at the very end
Long long whiskers
Fluff at the chest and the ends of lower limbs
Similar fade as tikki, but a lighter shade instead
Also long "eyelashes"
4 Anthennas
Thin limb endings unlike other insect-like Kwamis
The wings are very thin
Points of bending (limbs) are bend backwards (see lower limbs)
Bird-like legs
Pattern on the tail are actually additional eyes
The chest is made out of colorful, small feathers
Hard to touch
Shell on the back is brown with green moss-like spots
Cloud-like theme present
Extremely soft to touch
Ears are deformed, they are naturally stylized and are supposed to look unrealistic
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v7knp · 9 months
Rivalryএ [a.a]
synopis: you and abby have been academic rivals since sophmore year in college, trying your best to beat her, you two dispised eachother, untill your friends make you go to a party instead of studing.
a/n: part 1/? also this is kinda long srry😭
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You hade a huge History test, it was worth 75% of your grade, your teacher reminded you guys to study after every class.
You were wating for class to end, watching the clock tick. You turn your head eyes darting the class room, out of pure boredom. Your eyes landed on your rival, she was typing away, on her laptop, you hated her, but not the way she looked, not her nicley toned arms, or her pretty face, or the way those couple strands of hair framed her face.
She glanced up and looked at you.
She smirked and mouthed "What?" You rolled your eyes and looked back at your notes continuing to type. Your teacher droned on for the next 30 minutes preparing your class for the test.
"Don't forget to study for the test on monday you guys, have a great weekend!" Said your teacher she was so sweet, but talked so much.
You packed up and walked out of class with your friends you guys talked about how you were nervous for the test.
----------------------Time skip----------------------
It was 10:35 pm you were studing but all the noise coming from your neighbors was too much.
Thats when you got a call from your friend.
"Y/n why aren't you out with us?"
"I'm studying, I'll party with you guys tommorow."
"No, put your pencil down, and come out with us, I dont care about your dumb compitition with Abby, if you dont arrive in about an hour I'm going to keep annoying you untill you do, okay?"
"Ugh, fine, send me the address"
You hung up, took a shower, styled your braids into a half up half down, did your makeup, and drove to the party.
When you arrived you felt the base of the music as soon as you stepped out your car.
You walked in, and looked around for your friends, you couldn't see them anywhere.
You texted your friend
"Where are u, I dont see u"
"Okay I'm by the dj look over here"
"I see u, Im waving my hand"
You walked over by the dj, you saw your friend, but you also saw Abby
Your whole mood changed, you brushed past her making her spill her drink.
"What the fuck!" She yelled, "Oh, sorry was that me?" You questioned inoccently. "Yeah, you fuckin' did so apologize" she furrowed her eyebrows angrily.
You shrugged your shoulders "No" you walked away quickly, you may do things to piss her off, but you would never fight her, she'd probably kill you.
You were having a nice time when you decided to get, you and your friends some more drinks. You walked over to the bar and sat down.
You heard strong steps behind you, boots hitting the ground in a harsh fashion. You heard the chair next to you squeak.
You turned your head, it was Abby. you scoffed and sat in silence wairing for the bartender.
"You're so pretty you know that?" She slurred her words.
"Abby you're drunk, you don't even know who I am right now." You stated
"Yes I do Y/n".
You looked at her in shock she laughed at your reaction. "What, suprised?"
She continued, "I've been dreaming of this moment, ever since I've laid eyes on you."
you sat there stunned your mouth agape, your breathing harsh, your shock got stopped short from Abby's soft, plump lips kissing you harshly.
You felt her sloppily make out with you, you'd be lying if you said you didnt enjoy it.
"Abby, youre drunk, you just cant think straight right-"
"I never think straight when I'm around you." she chuckled out.
She grabbed your arm softly, and guided you both through the crowd, you allowed her. She dragged you into the bathroom, and pushed you agianst the cool tiles.
She kissed you sloppily, and harshly. after a frw minutes she staryed to get impatient. she sat you on the counter, almost ripping your clothes off.
You took her muscle tee off, you starred at her beautifly toned abs, with freackles trailing down.
"It's rude to stare" she chuckled "Oh, shut up, you stare too."
She groped your tits through the bra, becoming umpatient once more she took your bra off quick.
Her eyes landed on your chest, the site to die for in Abby's eyes, she toyed with your silver jewlrey.
"When did you get them pierced?" she questioned flirtasiously.
"t's none of your buisness" you said breathly going in for another kiss, taking her pants off in a rush.
You saw the bulge in her boxers, why had'nt you noticed before?
"Is that..." you sat stunned
"Yup" she said she pulled her boxers down, and spread your thighs apart, she rubbed the dark purple strap over your clothed cunt.
You whined at the feeling pulling your panties down.
"Needy much, youre already wet"
You felt the wave of cockyness rush over Abby "Shut up" you said while grabbing her face forcing your tounge in her mouth.
She pulled back and hooked your leg over her shoulder. she thrusted into you harshly, your other leg wrapped around her waist keeping her in place, she slammed her hips into you agian and agian.
She thrusted it into your gushy cunt, the lewd sound of the friction area filing the echoing bathroom.
She held onto your hips making sure you couldnt squirm away from her, she kept you like that untill you where out of break saying her name like a prayer.
"Ab-" You tried to speak but she shut you up. "Be quiet" she commanded.
You gasped as you tried telling her agian, but it was too late, you squirted on her lower body.
She chuckled at the site. She let you go lowering herself to your heat.
She played with your clit, making you jerk your hips towards her, she latched her mouth onto your cunt cleaning you up. she sucked on your thighs leaving marks.
She kissed back up your body, making you shudder at her soft, warm touch.
You cleaned up and went back out into the party, you felt Abbys eyes on you burning holes into the back of your head, as you walked away.
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madamealtruist · 9 months
The cast for my Mortal Kombat high school AU, Mortal Kombat: Skool Days! The artwork for this series will be handled by my amazing friend @laismoura-art, so thank you so much! This project has been a long time coming, so I hope you all enjoy!
Xiuying Oniro/Frost, younger cousin of the Oniro Brothers and novice cryomancer (ice). Would never admit it, but she has a huge crush on Cassie.
Cassie Cage, younger sister of Johnny Cage and huge smartass. Social media addict.
Jacqui Briggs, younger sister of Jax and tough as nails techie. Has a dorky crush on Takeda.
Takeda Takahashi, strained younger half-brother of Kenshi and Hanzo’s best friend. Is completely oblivious of Jacqui’s crush on him.
Hanzo Hasashi, “apprentice” of Kuai Liang and unpredictable umbramancer (shadows). For reasons he doesn’t want to explain, he doesn’t trust Bi-Han.
Kung Jin, younger cousin of Kung Lao and talented archer. Openly gay, but doesn’t let the haters drag him down.
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, adopted brother of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and incredibly sneaky typhomancer (smoke, mist and vapors). HUGE dork.
Raiden Watanabe, humble optimist and focused electromancer (lightning). Liu Kang’s teaching assistant.
Fujin Watanabe, Raiden’s twin sister and unpredictable aeromancer (wind). Easily embarrassed by Kung Lao, who she has a dorky crush on.
Kung Lao, eagle-eyed dreamer and owner of a razor-rimmed hat. Too cocky for his own good.
Kurtis Stryker, son of an Earthrealm police chief and loyal friend. Hopes to one day join the police force.
Jaime Kabal, former Black Dragon lackey and speedy smartass. Has a specialized mask and apparatus as an asthma inhaler (he thinks it’s cool).
Erron Black, mysterious loner and owner of the “Big Boot” fighting style. Held back at least twice.
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, second son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and skilled pyromancer (fire). Has ways of making you get over here.
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, first son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and master cryomancer (ice). Bit too ambitious.
Harumi Shirai, Earthrealm’s first Umgadi student and owner of a supernatural garden. Part of a polycule with Hanzo and Kuai Liang.
Johnny Cage, former child actor and social media star. Ladies man waiting for the perfect girl to fall for him.
Sonya Blade, daughter of a Special Forces commander and Johnny’s crush. Has a strong hatred for Kano and ALWAYS suspects he’s onto something.
Jax Briggs, Sonya’s best friend and moral support. Incredibly defensive and loyal.
Kenshi Takahashi, rebellious son of a Yakuza leader and a blind swordsman. Owner of a magic sword that helps him see.
Sullivan Kano, leader of the Black Dragon and Sonya’s number one target. Particularly repulsive.
Sektor Zheng/Nine-Tee-Nine, son of the Lin Kuei’s Master Armorer and owner of an incredibly strong robotic suit. Hopes to take over the Lin Kuei.
Cyrax Braam/Four-Dee-Four, daughter of a Lin Kuei enforcer and owner of an incredibly fast robotic suit. Weary of her best friend’s actions.
Reiko, adopted son of Shao and newcomer to the sports team, the Wu Shi Tigers. Massive superiority complex.
Aylkra/Skarlet, adopted daughter of Shao and horrific gothic blood mage. Has been known to terrify most newcomers with a single glance.
Dairou/Havik, Seidan cleric and known anarchy fueled troublemaker. Despite his appearance, he’s not completely evil.
Zeffeero/Rain, Mileena and Kitana’s cousin (on Sindel’s side) and talented hydromancer (water). Gifted mage and will not let ANYONE forget it.
Nitara, Vaeternian femme fatale and has a particularly loud shriek. Beyond bitchy.
Ashrah, older sister of Sareena and repentant demon. In a loving relationship with Syzoth.
Sareena, younger sister of Ashrah and a demon attempting to repent. Has an obsessive crush on Bi-Han.
Mileena, older twin of Kitana and heir to Outworld’s throne. Has to take medicine to control her Stage One Tarkat, or risk going feral.
Kitana, younger twin of Mileena and heir to Outworld’s army. Is aware of Raiden’s crush on her, but is waiting for him to act.
Syzoth/Reptile, Zaterran loner and excellent observer. Uses invisibility to avoid bullies.
Goro, Shokan prince and captain of the Wu Shi Tigers. The kind of jock you want to be friends with.
Jade, Umgadi student and best friend of Kitana. Hides her depression behind cheerful optimism.
Tanya, Umgadi student and lover of Mileena. Carries some of Mileena’s Tarkat meds with her at all times, just in case.
Baraka, Daybreaker student and has Stage Two Tarkat. Loyal till the end to those he trusts.
Sindel, current Empress of Outworld and caring to all those under her care. Headmistress.
Liu Kang, fire demigod and infectiously optimistic. New history teacher.
Shao Kahn, general of Outworld’s armies and plays favorites. Gym teacher.
Shang Tsung, pretty shady alchemist and skilled sorcerer. Science teacher.
Quan Chi, mysterious former mortician and Eldritch sorcerer. Science teacher.
Li Mei, Sun Do’s guardian and former leader of the Imperial Police. School resource officer.
Sheeva, Shokan queen and proud soldier. Gym teacher.
Madame Bo, kind old soul with a feisty attitude. Owns the Teahouse on campus.
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While studing Ned's attire bc I'm considering him as a cosplay, and need better references anyway, I noticed this in a very short frame.
What the hell. He has riding SPURS on OXFORDS!? XD Not even boots, just Oxfords. WHAT PURPOSE? I need answers! He likes the sound they make when he walks? 🤣 Other than aesthetic, they could serve to deliver one nasty back kick or use them in whatever way he chooses to torment someone(heels some toes). 😬 Other than that... some kinky top energy so his tiny pocket-sized self can hang on I guess? 🤣
Spicy, fancy bastard is a mess.
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Tbh seeing them and knowing how close Stede was behind him, I'm suprised Ned didn't absolutely nail him with a hard back kick with those. It would have been horrible- but I mean- Ned knew he was going out anyway. Why not do it for the lolz?
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fangtasticgurl · 11 months
Keep Calm and Get Bitten
Ethan gets a vision when he lets Sarah drink his blood, and it changes everything…
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Chapter 4
Word Count: 1197
Chapter 1: ♡
Chapter 2: ♡
Chapter 3: ♡
You can also read it on ao3 here: ♡
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"I am so stoked to pick up my pre-order of the new Halo game." Ethan gushed, "You've got to come over and play it, I'm 99.9% sure I'm going to be spending the whole break on it."
"Sure beats playing nothing but COD for a whole week by myself..." Benny sighed, "Forever Alone."
"I'd come over if you didn't play games full of tryhard douchebags."
"COD players are not that bad."
"Easy for you to say." Ethan rolled his eyes, "You're not the one getting called slurs."
"Just turn off your mic!"
"And let you be the only one who can talk? Yeah, right." Ethan scoffed.
They noticed Erica nearby, digging thoroughly through Sarah's locker.
"You know that Sarah would definitely notice if you took anything from there?" Ethan smirked as he watched Erica shovel out handfuls of Sarah's cutesy school supplies.
Erica rolled her eyes, "Like I'd have any use for her stupid animal erasers. I'm just getting stuff for her while she's doing her makeup tests. She's gonna have to do a lot of homework during break."
"Oh, damn. That sounds rough. Y'know, maybe I could help her out over break."
Erica paused to side-eye Ethan.
"Yeah, no. She visits her auntie every fall break."
"Oh... I've never heard her mention that." 
Erica scoffed as she tossed mini highlighters with animal faces into Sarah's bag, "What are you, her boyfriend or something? She doesn't have to 'mention' anything to you."
Harsh, Ethan thought to himself, frowning. The hostile tension made Ethan avert his eyes away from Erica, to look at Benny, who looked back at him with fear in his eyes and a sympathetically pained expression on his face.
"Erica, what gives? What are you being so mean to me for?" asked Ethan.
"News flash, losers! I'm always mean."
"Well, you're meaner than usual, which is saying a lot."
"At least I don't lie to my friends about having 'good visions'. How gullible do you think she is?"
Ethan's eyes widened, "She told you about last night?"
"Duh! I'm her best friend."
"Well I wasn't lying, okay?" Ethan argued, his face flushing pink at the reminder of the day before, "I just don't know what it means."
Erica tightened her grip on the twenty or so glitter gel pens she was now holding in her hand. She squinted her eyes to glare at Ethan as if she were shooting a thousand daggers at him. A thousand glittery, colorful daggers.
"You better figure it out," Erica sneered, "Because the last thing Sarah needs right now is some false promise of something good from someone who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about."
"...What? I'd never do anything to hurt her like that."
"Yeah, well, some people already have."
Ethan's eyes widened at the audacity.
"Oh yeah? Like when you ditched her for her shitty ex-boyfriend?" he scoffed, "Because that's totally what best friends do."
Erica lunged forward at Ethan, eyes glowing and fangs protruding as she let out a violent hiss. 
"Shut the fuck up." she threatened. 
While it did make him pee himself a little bit, Ethan stood his ground. She could beat him in a fight, easily. But people were already listening in to their argument, phones ready to record the second it escalates. He knew Erica wouldn't be stupid enough to attack him out in the open. And he was right. Erica furiously chucked the last of Sarah's things into her bag.
"Nice to know Sarah hangs out with people like you" she hissed, slamming the locker hard enough to make Ethan and Benny jump at the noise, and loud enough to make some of the people in the hallway turn their heads to look at her as she stomped away in her studded, off-brand Doc Marten boots.
"Was just about to say the same thing." Ethan muttered.
Erica heard him from where she was, raising her hand to give Ethan and Benny the finger without looking back.
Erica tossed Sarah's hefty bag into a an empty student's chair, landing on the seat with a thundering boom. Sarah was doing some makeup work for AP History with one earbud in, and Erica could hear faintest sound of Neon Trees' Animal from where she stood.
"Those dorks you hang out with are so fucking nosy. How can you stand hanging out with people like that?"
"Hey, hey. Language." said the teacher.
"No, this is History!" Sarah joked.
Erica rolled her eyes.
"Un. Be. Lieveable. Those geeks are turning you into a person who makes puns. About school."
"Well one of those geeks got Habits, Picture Show, and the entire soundtrack of Pitch Perfect on my iPod without having to pay a single cent." Sarah told Erica with a smug smile on her face, "That's pretty cool if you ask me."
"Are you focusing on your work?" the teacher asked nonchalantly, without looking up from the papers she was grading, Twenty minutes left."
"Eek!" Sarah squeaked. The lead in her Domo-kun keychained mechanical pencil snapped off as she tried to write faster. Erica rolled her eyes and sighed as she sat down in the other empty seat next to Sarah.
"Can I just sit here and hang out while she does her thing?" Erica asked the teacher.
"Nuh-uh. It's already pushing it for me to let her listen to music while she does classwork. She doesn't need any more distractions."
"Well, for the record," Sarah interjected, "Music helps me focus."
"Right. Anyways," the teacher continued, "It was very nice of you to bring her stuff here, but I need Sarah to focus on her work right now. You can talk to her later. Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, it's whatever. I have a lot of important stuff I need to do, anyway." Erica scoffed, getting up from her seat. She grabbed her Dusk-themed backpack from Hot Topic and swung it over her shoulder, trying to look completely unbothered. 
Yeah, important stuff. Like using the school computers to argue with someone on the Dusk Til Dawn fanforums, Sarah thought to herself. 
Erica left the classroom and strut down the school hallway with an air of confidence she gained since becoming a vampire. She wasn't some dorky, Dusk-obsessed loser anymore. No, she told herself, she's cool now. She doesn't need to wait hand and foot for her friend like some kind of sidekick when she has tons of way cooler, way more exciting things in her life to do. 
She spotted Ethan and Benny down the hall, and when they noticed her, she gave them a deadly, yellow-eyed glare and a hiss. It was able to intimidate Benny, but Ethan seemed to react in a way that was more annoyed than scared. He was underestimating her power, she figured. Big mistake.
If only she had a Death Note. She'd totally put Ethan's name first.
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orchidsquare · 1 year
☠ kyle mendoza ☠
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one of the main characters
☠ physical appearance ☠
Height: 5 ft 9
Body build: skinny
Eye color: dark green
Skin tone: tan (mexican)
Distinguishing marks: an S carved into thigh, very faded, arms are covered in very old faded scars, jus barerly visible
Predominant features:
Hair color: black
Type of hair: thick
Hairstyle: long metal head hair
Voice: deep
Overall attractiveness: 8/10
Usual fashion of dress: metal head or goth
Favorite outfit: type 0 negative shirt with camo cargos, 2 studed belts, long black boots, lots of braclets
☠ personality ☠
Good personality traits: hes only nice to saint and oph'lieah
Bad personality traits: hes very toxic, hates mostly everyone, constantly tries to eat people, murdering people, incapable of comforting others, cant keep a relationship, cheats, (add more)
Mood character is most often in: neutral
Sense of humor: dark humor
Character’s greatest joy in life: eating people
Character’s greatest fear: saint or oph'lieah leaving him
Why? Their hes closest friends, and mean the world to him
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? saint or oph'lieah leaving him
Character is most at ease when: hes with saint or oph'lieah, listening to music, skating, smoking
Enraged when: grace does litterly anything
Depressed or sad when: grace is around, cant listen to music, cant smoke
Priorities: saint and oph'lieah
Character’s soft spot: his tickle spots, his kinks
Is this soft spot obvious to others? only to saint and oph'lieah
Greatest strength: eating/murdering people
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: anything related to his kinks
Biggest regret: letting his father abuse him, having internalized homophobia
Minor regret: being in rehab
Biggest accomplishment: how many people hes eaten
Minor accomplishment: his body count
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: -
Why? -
Character’s darkest secret: being gay/in the closet
Does anyone else know? no one knows
☠ goals ☠
Drives and motivations: -
Immediate goals: -
Long term goals: -
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: -
How other characters will be affected: -
☠ past ☠
Hometown: orchid square
Type of childhood: traumatic
first memory: meeting saint
Most important childhood memory: his abuse/truama that led to his cannibalism and murdering
Why: bc it competely changed him
Childhood hero: saint
Dream job: doesnt want to work
Education: junior in orchid square high
Religion: Christianity
☠ present ☠
Current location: orchid square
Currently living with: himself in a small apartment
Religion: satanist/atheist
Occupation: mc donald's
☠ family ☠
Adpoted mother: alyssa mendoza
Relationship with her: great (10/10)
Adopted mom: amya mendoza
Relationship with her: also great (10/10)
Adopted brother: nate mendoza
Relationship with him: ok (5/10)
Spouse: none
Relationship with him/her: -
☠ favorites ☠
Colour: black/dark green
Least favorite colour: yellow
Music: metal
Food: anything spicy
Literature: none
Form of entertainment: youtube lets plays
Mode of transportation: skate board/roller skates
Most prized possession: his slipknot masks
☠ habits ☠
Hobbies: eating people, murdering people, art, skating, smoking, drinking
Plays a musical instrument? drums
Plays a sport? skating
Spending habits: ok
Smokes: yes
Drinks: yes
Other drugs: would do anything you give him
What does he/she do too much of? eating and murdering people, hating grace
What does he/she do too little of? work at his job
Extremely skilled at: art and skating
Extremely unskilled at: anything hes asked to do at hos job
Nervous tics: yes
Usual body posture: sorta
☠ traits ☠
Optimist or pessimist? pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? both
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? both
Prefers working or relaxing? neither?
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? narcissistic
Animal lover? yes
☠ self-perception ☠
How he/she feels about himself/herself: he loves himself, very narcissistic
One word the character would use to describe self: metal.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: very cool and awsome and the best. (wouldnt feel like writing a paragraph)
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? being awesome
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? none bc he thinks hes the best
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? his hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His nose
How does the character think others perceive him/her: that hes so hot
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: nothing
☠ relationships with others ☠
Opinion of other people in general: doesnt rlly like anyone besides saint or oph'lieah
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? yes? no? maybe so?
Person character most hates: grace...
Best friend(s): saint and oph'lieah
Love interest(s): -
Person character goes to for advice: oph'lieah
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: saint
Person character feels shy or awkward around: -
Person character openly admires: any metal band members
Person character secretly admires: saint and oph'lieah
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: saint and oph'lieah
After story starts: -
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andriscoven · 2 years
a tenth| reiji sakamaki, naomi andris
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Reiji pride was hurt, he couldn't accept that such a lower human could beat him, especially one that was paltry enough to spend most of her time gossiping about insignificant matters such as her obscene hook-ups in the open where anyone could listen, it was truly a despicable behavior that he urged to correct the moment she stepped in their classroom for the first time, her presence being a nuisance since the very initial moment.
Naomi Andris, the new girl in town. Moved here from Vienna with her family looking for a quieter lifestyle than what a capital city could offer, although she didn't seem to follow those intentions as it wasn't long after their arrival when others started to comment about her night outs and mind games, and they seemed to have a lot to say.
Of course, he hadn't bothered to go after all that information but many times his vampire hearing made him aware of things he didn't really care to know. Maybe if wasn't for that he would've had more respect for her since the girl had also proven her intelligence by being accepted in the debate team as soon as she got into the school and having the second highest grade in their classroom, with him obviously being first. Or least it was until their most recent physics class.
All of his classmates became tense once the teacher announced that he would be handing back their tests, except for him who knew his grade would be the highest despite not being the maximum, everyone knew this teacher for his stritc ways and how I had been years since a student had been able to take a 100% with him, in fact most of them weren't able to make it to 60%. Although he fantasized about killing the man many times for all the unreasonable 98's and 99's, there was still a slice of satisfaction in watch his classmates struggle with their bad results.
When he said someone had finally been able to take a hundred in his exam Reiji straightened up even more in his seat, if that was possible, a smile emerging in his lips as he waited for his paper to be given, but when it did his smile quickly faded away.
"Congratulations miss Andris, it's refreshing to see somebody be excellent in this subject. And don't worry Reiji, it was only a teth of difference between the two of you, if you work a bit harder you'll be tied by next test."
"Thank you, i studied hard and I'm sure Reiji-san also did." She tried giving him a weak smile while he shot her a deadly glare.
"Did you actually studied?" Her friends asked after the teacher was already far away.
"No, I had more important things to do." If vampires blood could boil Reiji most certainly felt his do.
His throat closing and hands shaking as it used to when he was a child trying to show his mother his efforts and the maximum of acknowledgment he would get for her were questions about his brother, this feeling still haunted him everytime he failed to achieve his expectations or for the constant lack of regard for all of his hard work.
Now Reiji found himself unable to take her eyes of her, watching how unstable she walked in those knee high boots, how lazily she spoke with the obnoxious click she had formed in her short time there. How her eyes constantly looked hollow and disinterested; a pair of blue eyes that reminded him way to much of his mother and how she would always look disinterested whenever he tried to impress her. Naomi's blonde long hair to often put on a bun didn't help either, nor the did her tall figure and long limbs. So many aspects of the girl reminding him of his mother, however her behavior was nothing like his mother. His strict, disciplined, quiet and melancholic mother who wouldn't accept nothing but perfection. That mess was not even close to his mother's manners, getting involved in rumors about promiscuity in less than a month after arriving, constantly sleeping, spacing out or talking during classes, smoking in the school entrance and taking proud in her wrongs. Yet everybody seemed mesmerized by her, teachers and students no matter who nor how sloppy she was most of the time, all of them had open arms ready to put the useless human in a pedestal.
Reiji wanted to know why. How could they love her so easily? How did she managed to get such good grades and have all of the teachers in her good side? Maybe she truly was paying special attention to their needs as some of their classmates suggested.
Reiji had a burning desire for knowledge ever since he could remember, with ambition to learn more and more of everything he proposed himself to acknowledge and this wouldn't be any different.
"Hello." He was cautious with his approach, listening to how her heartbeat slow down with each blow of nicotine into her lungs.
"Hi." She answered offering him a surprisingly wide and white smile. They both looked at each other for a moment and then to their sides, Naomi waited for him to say something and Reiji truly planned to do so, thinking about how to perfectly put the words before coming to her, like he usually did any other time, but now he suddenly forgotten, so unusual. "Do you need something?"
"Yes, in fact I would like to ask if you could borrow me your physics exam? I would like to know what such minimal detail could cause to lose a tenth of my grade."
Naomi smashed the cigarette against the wall and then put in her pocket so she could throw it away later, she always been totally against polluting public places. And in same pocket of her school uniform blazer she took the exam and handed to him.
"Here you go." Reiji observed the the paper all folded and crumpled like it wasn't of any importance. "You shouldn't worry about it tho, it was pure luck and you'll probably be better than me next time, just like in chemistry and math but I'm coming for you in history, philosophy and sociology tho."
"You can always try and don't worry, you won't be the first person to fail." He said coldly.
"We'll see about that." She chuckled. "I'm Naomi by the way."
"I know, we are in the same class."
"I know but since we never talked before I figured you wouldn't recall my name."
Everyone knows your name at this point. He thought to himself bitterly.
Naomi looked behind her to see the car arriving and her little sister waiting for her from afar with a confused expression.
"I have to go now, you can keep this or throw it way, it doesn't really matter. Also have a nice rest of your night I guess." She said turning around before he could answer anything and walking fast to meet the other girl.
Reiji pressed the paper in his gloved hands as he watch the girls walking away holding hands.
No answers, yet.
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monavv8 · 1 year
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I have been on and off with ana since I was 13 years old (I believe I have EDNOS).
I have gained over 60lbs in weight since my lowest weight, I became very depressed and got an implant in my arm which screwed my metabolism so I gain weight a lot more easily now :(
I am on day two of the diet below, I want to lose 60lbs then more as I always wanted to get to double digits!!
I work in a boots in my hometown, I work on shop floor and training to be in the pharmacy, I am studying in college as well going to be doing a HNC in soical services this semester which means I will be working and studing so have to time for food :) But i want to reach my goal weight before semester start which is 115lbs (currently 169.8lbs) I am 5ft 5in so I need to succeed in this!
Height: 5ft 5
Cw: 169.8lbs
Gw: 130lbs
Gw for college: (115lbs)
Ugw: 110lbs
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utcampuslifeupdate · 1 year
Recognizing “Influencers” of the Longhorn Life
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(Front row, left to right) Pete Schaack, Cecilia Lopez Cardenas, President Jay Hartzell, Van Nguyen and Lisa Sova; (Back row, left to right) Randall Ford and Ryan Becerra
For 36 years, Pete Schaack has influenced students in living the Longhorn life and now he is being recognized with a President's Staff Award for Outstanding Supervisor. President Jay Hartzell honored him at an event on April 10.  
The awards event also included a celebration of the Staff Service Awards. Our Division has 58 staff members with a combined 1,125 years of service and the president gave a special shoutout to one of our staff members with 50 years. Read more about these awards below.  
Outstanding Supervisor Award  
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“Student affairs believes in students and in experiential education. We believe that the most important life skills and memories are developed on campus outside of the classroom. The greatest reward to influencing the Longhorn life is helping build those skills and create those memories that will last a lifetime.”
Pete Schaack Director of Facilities, Recreational Sports Facilities Coordinator, Division of Student Affairs
Ask Pete Schaack’s staff and they will tell you – he is an incredible supervisor, caring colleague, and always leads with integrity in a clear and confident manner. The university is recognizing his impact on generations of Recreational Sports professionals and student employees with the Outstanding Supervisor Award.
As Recreational Sports’ director of facilities, Schaack oversees the day-to-day operations in seven recreation facilities with 400,000 square feet of indoor space and 40 acres of outdoor space. Schaack’s team of 12 full-time staff and 300 student employees manages these student-centered spaces that support our students’ health and overall well-being. They assist with scheduling, maintenance, capital projects, renovations and new construction.  
Schaack came to campus in 1987 to run the department’s outdoor recreation program. Then, five years later, his mentors and longtime department leaders encouraged him to move into facility operations. He served as the “boots on the ground” during the renovation of Gregory Gym in the mid-1990s and has played a major role in many other Recreational Sports projects, while also serving on several university committees. He developed the plans for Division of Student Affairs facilities to reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic and navigated winter storm response plans that included keeping Gregory Gym open for students to warm up and power up.  
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RecSports facilities staff at Longhorn Run 2023
Even with these major projects on his plate, his nominators — all Recreational Sports staff that he currently supervises or previously supervised — shared how he’s  made lasting impacts on their careers. They noted that he always keeps students at the center of what they do, emphasizing the importance of listening to them and team members to effectively maximize the Longhorn experience.
“His office is always open, whether it be easy questions and answers, helping solve complex issues or to just chat about life. He's never too busy to take a few minutes to discuss whatever is on your mind, no matter the topic,” said one nominator.  
“Pete is the living definition of an incredible supervisor and colleague. He's always the first in the office and often the last to leave. His day doesn't end when he departs campus, as he is often checking in on staff, whether professionally or personally, to make sure everyone that reports to him, and their families, are doing well,” shared another nominator.
It's that care, camaraderie and work ethic that are core to Schaack’s leadership. He says his favorite part about working with Recreational Sports is the energy, always embodying the department’s mantra “education through recreation” with his dedication, mentorship, guidance and support.  
We’re grateful to have this servant-leader on our team, helping us impact our students’ success and academic journey for more than three decades!  
Staff Service Awards
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Cheryl Pyle, President Jay Hartzell and VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Soncia Reagins-Lilly at the awards celebration
The Staff Service Awards included a special shout out to the Office of the Dean of Students’ Cheryl Pyle – one of three university employees celebrating 50 years of service.  
“It was February 1972 when I walked into my first job in the Division of Student Affairs … Six positions, two departments, a lifetime of experiences and untold opportunities with absolutely no regrets. Thanks for the memories…” noted Pyle.
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Melinda McMichael, Mary Rhodes and Marvin Mackey, Jr.
Additionally, two staff members in University Health Services and Counseling and Mental Health Center celebrated 45 years – Marvin Mackey, Jr. and Mary Rhodes, and one marked 40 years – Melinda McMichael. Meet these three team members.
Congratulate your Division colleagues below!  
Counseling and Mental Health Center and University Health Services
Marvin Mackey, Jr., 45 years
Mary Rhodes, 45 years
Melinda McMichael, 40 years
Mitzi Henry, 35 years
Kevin Jones, 35 years
Andrew Mendoza, 30 years
Robert Reed, Jr., 25 years
Mark Zentner, 25 years
Ginger Bloomer, 20 years
Ericka Holms, 15 years
Nicole Lackowski, 15 years
Michael Andorka, 10 years
Monique Cortez, 10 years
Luisa Gutierrez, 10 years
Karen Hickey, 10 years
Sherri Knight, 10 years
Alyssa Ramirez, 10 years
Jessica Sanchez, 10 years
Office of the Dean of Students  
Cheryl Pyle, 50 years
Bob Vargas, 35 years
Melissa Jones-Wommack, 10 years
Recreational Sports
Peter Schaack, 35 years
Sarah Bubolz, 30 years
Derek Knight, 25 years
Lisa Sova, 20 years
Dixon Hankins, 15 years
Quincy Hodges, 15 years
Ruben Ramos, 15 years
Ryan Becerra, 10 years
Cecilia Lopez Cardenas, 10 years
University Housing and Dining
Alma Reynoso, 30 years
Michelle Thompson, 30 years
Juston Hairgrove, 20 years
Virginia Jaramillo, 20 years
Jeff Reed, 20 years
Dina Bricker, 15 years
Blanca Garay, 15 years
Christie Jenner, 15 years
Lucero Torres, 15 years
Monica Bacon, 10 years
Rudiger Bernard, 10 years
Calvin Kirts, 10 years
Tiana Lindberg, 10 years
Julia Matamoros Martinez, 10 years
Melinda Mendez, 10 years
Crystal Simpson, 10 years
Aaron Voyles, 10 years
University Unions
Robert Waters, 35 years
Gloria Munoz de Ramirez, 25 years
Steven Cook, 20 years
Bobby Veail, 20 years
Isaac Gutierrez, 15 years
Nick Parras, 15 years
Jeff Sladcik, 15 years
Bill Welford, 15 years
Sean Morrogh, 10 years
Vice President for Student Affairs
Carol Longoria, 10 years
Texas Parents Association
Susie Smith, 15 years
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medievalbutch · 2 years
Mcr mcr mcr mcr thissss weekend
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eelmachine · 3 years
I wanna make some external steel toecaps for some of my combat boots anyone have knowledge or experiencw with makin external toecaps lol
#i wanna weld spikes to them too lol#im just currious how ud go about attaching them???#my guess for forming them is to make a mold or wooden copy of the toecap and hammer steel onto the form#but it seems too easy to ruin a good pair of boots#and i cant find any good info online#hrrrmmmmm hrrrmmmm#i wonder if id be able to make it removable too cos then i could make differet caps for dif occasions#id want round studed ones and ones with big spikes and ones with demon faces or masks on them#the posibilities hhooo man but i just gotta figure out how to combine the caps with the boots in a good wah#y#rrhrjrmrmn#i wish i was a young aprentice in a little village or whatevr and i cul just go to the guy who does boots in town and ask him to teach me#yknow wa i mean??#like when i have a problem like this i culd just go to some guy and he would aprentice and teach me hands on#old people love doing that!@ i need more old peple#this old guy at work brought in his stick shift and wanted to teach me how to use it cos i was interested in manual vehicles! it was awesom#i pove to learn from passionate oldies#especially cos they usually have the materials or means to complete the tasks u want to do because finding the stuff to do it is always har#once you have the right materials and tools its smooth sailing for me i can usualy figure it out but having that suport and oportunityis ke#im about just go out and find some old punks or whatever and have them aprentice me in some awesome home mod techniques#or find some cool metal worker and have him show me how to make awesome toecaps and fasteners#ive actualy been meaning to find soemone to teach me more mask making techniques or more advanced wood carving#also id like to do metal casting and more welding i love that stuff#but i think the best thing atm would be to aprentice under a pond expert/ landscaper. espeically in natural pools#or a concrete sculptor#AAOUFH#so much!@ help#anyways combat boots... i wanna add metal...#and spikes#need help thanks
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mayasdeluca · 3 years
Ben and his doctor/surgeon thing in station 19 always kind of bother me a little bit because yes he was one but just a resident. Like for example what it pissed me off a bit during the christmas episode was when he used the prt to do that procedure and Carina was there to assist him, imagine! She should have led that 'mini surgery' not Ben, Ben is not even studing/practicing medicine anymore, and I know that a lot of people think that an obgyn just do visits and delivers babies but they are surgeons too, they have pretty big complicated surgeries instead, they know their shit, and she's an attending surgeon she should have had seniority over him, but nooo Ben the hero has to save the day, it's just like having Levi around as best surgeon! that no offense but look at what happened without an attending last episode. She was still badass tho because she was litterally holding a heart in her hands but still, Ben has a god complex that needs to be put down, hope Diane delivers her gems on him too.
Yes that was lowkey annoying...he's definitely not this big time surgeon/doctor considering he was just a resident lol. Carina would definitely have more knowledge/expertise/experience than him! Yet they probably did that because he's the one who has been on the show longer and is both a firefighter and doctor. *rolls eyes* Ben definitely needs to get knocked down a few notches, he's getting very annoying and going off the rails and taking up a ton of screentime to boot so I'm very much over it all! Hopefully Diane can set him straight.
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
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Riddle x Mouse!Reader
The reader is a mouse beast-man that is 7.5 inches tall in normal form.
It was odd going to a school completely designed for larger students, and it took a lot of convincing to get the crow man to let me attend the school.
The entrance ceremony was a little awkward cause the headmaster had to lift me to the mirror to be properly signed to a dorm. And wouldn't you know it, I was assigned to the Heartslabyul Dorm. I happily hopped down and climbed up to my seat, next to a redheaded boy. 
He looked so serious, yet he was shaking in his boots, so I thought I would lighten the mood.
I made it and into Heartslabyul dorm no less.
"Hello there," Squeaked a voice. 
I looked around looking for the source, but only saw Trey and a space next to me.
"Down here," It squeaked again.
I looked down at the chair beside me to see a tiny Person with Mouse Ears and tail. They looked no bigger than a teacup, why is such a tiny student doing here.
"I'm Y/n Angera, What's your name?" Y/n squeaked with a cute smile.
I could feel my heart start to quicken and pound in my chest as I stared at this tiny person, But why, why do I feel this way.
"Are you okay, your cheeks are red," Y/n said in a curious.
"I-It's nothing, M-My name is Riddle Roseheart," I said as I tried to recompose myself.
"It's nice to meet You Riddle," Y/n said as they held out their tiny hand.
"Likewise, So where do you come from?" I asked as I gently shook his hand.
"I come from Whisker Town," Y/n said squeaked proudly.
Riddle blushed at the tiny person's cuteness, as his heart fluttered in his chest. Riddle tried to compose himself as he looked away from Y/n while muttering something just loud enough for Y/n to hear.
"If you e-ever need help with something just ask, Okay," Riddle mumbled.
Y/n's eyes widened at the sudden offer, but They smiled none the less.
"Thank you, Riddle, that's very kind of you," Y/n squeaked.
"I-It's cause rule #543 of  Heartslabyul, help your fellow Dormmate. You should memorize all the rules," Riddle said with a snobby pout as his cheeks stayed a slight red. 
"well Thank you nonetheless, Riddle," Y/n smiled.
From that day on Riddle would help Y/n around the school, From helping them get to classes, helping them upstairs, Studing, and other big people tasks. The two would enjoy their study sessions and tea parties together. 
"Y/n that tea cup is too tall and big for you. Your going to fall in," Riddle warned, as he watch the tiny mouse person try to drink from the cup.
"NO, no I got it," Y/n said as he leaned over the lip of the cup.
And just as Riddle warned, Y/n fell into the cup of hot tea. Riddle gasped as he quickly fished out his tiny friend. Y/n coughed up some tea as Riddel craddled them in his hands. Riddle could feel his heart race as Y/n continued to cough up tea, and slowly sit up in Riddles shacky hands..
"I told you not to do that!" Riddle scolded as his heart slowly calmed down.
"In know, but.." Y/n paused, " That was some pretty good tea,"
Trey who was also at the table chuckled slightly as Riddle's face turned red from frustration.
"You could have gotten horribly burned you.. you idiot," Riddle mummled as he put his mouse friend down on the table.
"Sorry Riddle. I didn't mean to scare you like that," Y/n apologized.
"it's fine just don't do that again," Riddle mummbed.
As Riddle spent more time with Y/n, he would notice a few students from their dorm would pick on his favorite tiny friend.
But when he brought it up with the dorm leader, he simply shrugged his shoulders and did nothing. This angered Riddle, as he challenged the Dorm head the next day and won. Making him the youngest dorm head ever.
At first, things were pretty good, Y/n was thankful that Riddle put a stop to the bullying, and it helped them to get along with the other Dormmates. 
But naturally, things slowly started to go downhill. Riddle started to become more and more uptight and strict as the months passed. At first, it wasn't so bad, but then it started to get intense.
When Y/n would be a few minutes late to lunch and drank lemon tea passed a certain time, it was an Instant scolding. If Y/n was fooling around with fellow dormmates st a tea party, is punished by forced to write a 2 paged apology. No one was spared from Riddle's punishment, not even his close friends. Y/n soon found it harder and harder to keep up with all the rules that Riddle enforces.
"Hey Y/n are you feeling okay," Trey asked as he helped his underclassmen up the stairs.
"I don't think I can keep up with Riddle and his rules. Just look at me! How can any think sending a 7-inch tall student, to feed 4 feet tall birds, is a good idea?!" Y/n ranted.
"Well Riddle is just trying to uphold tradition," Trey tried to defend.
"I was almost eaten by a bird yesterday, Trey," Y/n said with an unamused face.
"Well, let's just turn in the apology paper," Trey said not knowing how to respond to that comeback.
"I don't think I want to come back to Heartslabyul anymore," Y/n sighed.
"Y/n don't say stuff like that," Trey whispered.
Little did the two know, Riddle heard everything, and Y/n's words caused Riddle's heart to ache. But he quickly shoved those feeling down and locked his heart as he begrudgingly excepted his Tiny Dormmate apology essay.
I can't show lenience towards anyone, rules are equal among everyone. If I have to feed the flamingos, everyone feeds the flamingos. I will show no favoritism to anyone, not even you...Y/n.
But it seemed that Y/n meant what they said, cause the next day was the next unbirthday And Y/n was no where to be seen.  They weren't hiding in the tea pots with the door mouses, or playing tricks on fellow Dormmates. They just vanished, but according to Trey he still sees them around and attending to his classes. They've been spending a lot more time with the nonmagic student Yuu and that trouble some first year, then...me.
No if they wishes to be a lazy traitor, fine. So be it. Yet Why do I feel like I've been abandoned?
"are you sure you can beat Riddle, Ace?" I asked as I held onto his magic blocking collar.
"He sounds pretty strong," Yuu said with a worried tone.
"I can totally could take on that shorty," Ace said with a cocky smile.
"This won't end well," I sighed.
And It really didn't; Riddle was able to beat Ace in a second. Ace being Ace started to spout off about the unfairness of Riddle's reign, while starting a miny revolution in the process. Then everything went to hell. 
"Riddle , I challenge you to a duel for the Drom head stautes," Y/n squeaked as they hopped off Yuu's shoulder.
"Haha, A tiny thing like you, Face me?" Riddle laughed with a Cocky smile, " Your just as much as a rule breaker as that first-year, and you will always need the help of others just to do basic student activities. I'm so many leagues above you Y/n. You amount to nothing just like Ace," 
Y/n simple glared at the taller boy, but Riddles gaze didn't go noticed from Yuu. He could see some sort of anger and sadness trying to be covered up with pride and regalness. Y/n just glared as Riddle kept on monologing on and on about the rules.
"What sort of lessons were you taught that you can't even understand that?" Riddle smirked, " Your home town, Whisker Town must be tragic. I bet that you didn't even receive proper education before you step foot into this school. Truly Pathetic".
Y/n's eyes began to water at Riddle's words as they started to try hold back their tears of frustration and anger. With a battle cry Y/n dashed towards riddle as their body began to glow and grow.
Suddenley Y/n was Trey's height, as he ran and punched Riddle square in the nose. Everyone was still in shock at Y/n's spontaniouse growth, but Y/n slowly began to shrink and just bearly met Riddles hip .
"It looks like Mantaining that form drains to much of Y/n's energy," Crowley said as he observes his students.
"So Y/n has to limit his magic use, or else they'll get to tired?" Grim asked.
Suddenly an egg was thrown at Riddle, and everything escalated, as Riddle's overblot took control. With a swift hand movement everyone was wearing Riddle's magic blocking collar, and Y/n was forced back to their 7 inch tall body. The sky turned dark and rubble started to float up into the air as Riddle changed and turned into a monster.
"R-Riddle," Y/n gasped at the transform class mate.
"I do not need anyone who defies me in my world. Or leaves me, I am the absoute ruler. My world itself submits to me!" Riddle laughed darkly as he grabbed Y/n by the tail," I will not tolerate any other answer except, "Yes, Lord Riddle."! 
Riddle tossed Y/n hard onto the ground and Y/n's world went dark.
"Y/n-san, Y/n-san are you okay?" A voice asked.
Y/n opened their eye's to find themselves in the infirmary, with their head ,left leg, and torso wrapped in banages. 
"Good, your alive. Thank goodness," Yuu sighed in relief.
"What... Happened to Riddle. Is he okay?" Y/n asked slowly.
"Yeah he's fine, You were out for 6 days. Oh and know that your awake, Riddle wanted me to invite you to the unbirthday tomorrow. He wanted to apologise to you," Yuu said.
"Well, umm..... It would rude to turn down an invitation," Y/n smiled wearily.
Riddle sat nervesly at the main table as he waited for Y/n and Yuu's arrival. A tiny tea set and table was set up for them. 
Soon Y/n and Yuu arrived, as Yuu set Y/n down on the table. Y/n held their minature cruches at their side as they sat down at the tiny set up for them. The two sat in an awkward silence till Riddle cleared his throat to call Y/n's attention.
"I-I wanted to say sorry... For the things I said and for hurting you. I let myself get out of hand," Riddle apologized as  tears ran down his cheeks.
Suddenly Riddle felt a gentle hand wipe away his tears. He looked up to see Y/n, but about his height and was smiling down at him with a kind and soft look.
"I Forgive you Riddle, just please don't cry. It doesn't suite you," Y/n smiled as Riddle blushed slightly.
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gryffindormischief · 4 years
First of all, happy belated birthday!! I'm late, i know but i was swamped with study! I was wondering, since the big exam i was studing for didn't go well, could you write me a consolatory, something? Maybe with "What happened this time? Do you need me to kiss your face until your forget about life again?” and hinny? merci ma belle
A/N: a bit delayed, but it’s here! I am so sorry your exam didn’t go well. I really do understand and just remember that no matter how big or important that exam feels, it’s not who you are and it doesn’t determine your worth. You’re amazing. Today’s a new day, you can start again, change your plans, go for it again, but whatever you do you’re more important than some test.
@fightfortherightsofhouseelves :)
Also on FF and Ao3
@petals-to-fish im putting out the bat signal
Ginny Weasley is never one to do the expected. In fact, Harry sometimes wonders if she’s so unexpected that it really is expected. It’s a concept he’d like to float by Luna and her out of the box brain. She’s probably the only person he knows who could puzzle it out. He got a little tipsy once and asked Ron, who proceeded to toss stale pretzels in his face. And one day out of a sheer desire to break the horrific silence that is working late with Hermione, he asked her. She blinked at him and told him to go take a nap on the couch. He did and ended up snuggling with Ron, definitely a less preferable Weasley to wake up spooning than his usual variety.
But all that’s really beside the point. Which right now, is the fact that Ginny Weasley attended a commiseration ‘we lost’ bash at the Harpy’s local pub, remained sober as a judge, and then came home and splayed herself on the kitchen floor like a starfish. A sad one. Ginny Weasley is the person who whips in like a tornado, who somehow is the center of everything without even trying or wanting to be. She's the life of the party and yet never looking for the spotlight. So finding her stone cold sober and lying on the floor like a lump is pretty much as uncharacteristic as she gets.
She doesn’t move although he definitely closed the door with a slam that usually earns him a half-assed talking to, kicked off his boots loudly, and then stumbled into the doorframe because he really needs a holiday and also a new pair of glasses.
With a half smile, Harry slinks over to Ginny’s side, her shirt rucked up  enough to expose the purpling bruise on her ribs, and melts to the floor, shoulder to shoulder. “What happened here?”
His fingers tickle the edge of the mark and a shiver runs through her. A shiver that turns to a shudder and suddenly angry tears are slipping down her temples and he finally sees her bloodshot eyes. “I blew the whole damn game and practically cost us the season that’s what happened here.”
“You got hit with a bludger, Gin, nothing to be done about that.”
“What kind of tosser can’t keep their seat when a damn bludger knocks into them?”
“This kind of tosser,” Harry says, injecting a bit of humor into his voice even as he twists on his side and swipes at her tears.
“You were a kid - I’m supposed to be a professional,” Ginny grinds out, “I let the whole team down acting like a gormless idiot.”
“Hardly,” Harry says quietly, “I assume logic isn’t what you want right now or you’d be having this chat with Hermione.”
“She’s actually a pretty good pep talker,” Ginny admits with a wet laugh, “But I was too ticked off to care much for it. Remind me to apologize.”
Harry manages to work them both into sitting positions with one of Ginny’s legs tossed haphazardly over his hip so they’re basically chest to chest. Or forehead to chest since Ginny’s not doing much in the eye contact department at the moment. He nudges at her chin and she complies, and hell if her watery brown eyes aren’t the saddest thing he’s ever seen. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“I’m not - it was a shit fest.”
“I love being the over invested fan boy,” Harry says, “And getting to be the supreme fan boy because I actually do get to take the hottest chaser home and let her, pardon my crudeness, ride me like a Harpy.”
Ginny laughs, a little more real this time, and her forehead drops against his shoulder. “Did someone tip you off that I was moping?”
“What a little snitch.”
Gently, Harry runs his hand up and down Ginny’s back as her breathing begins to even out, no longer the labored, shuddering breaths of held back frustration. He presses a kiss to her temple and murmurs, “Would you like me to kiss your face until you forget about life for a bit?”
Ginny’s lips find his collarbone, and then her warm breath tickles his neck as she answers, “And maybe some other things too?”
“Anything you like, dear.”
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
And A Kiss To Hide
Pairing: Stevebucky
Words: 2800+
Type: Fluff. Making out. Kissing to hide faces trope. Mutual pinning. 
Warnings: Making out. Language. Not proof read, sorry for the mistakes you find.
Summary: Steve was never as good at escaping trouble than he'd been at finding it. As he and Bucky try to hide from HYDRA's goons, they are enter a compromising position with their faces inches, rather centimetres apart.
A/N: This was inspired by the artwork below made by @its42kio​ . A huge thank you to them for letting me use it! Please check out their blog for more such beautiful fanart. Also, I’ve used It’s Been A Long Long Time as a song prompt. Hope you like it!
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Chaotic. That's precisely how Bucky felt. Inside and out. He didn't know why or how he was in this predicament. Didn't know what he'd do now. Didn't know if the odds were in his side today. And Bucky didn't like not knowing about things around him. He hated feeling clueless. Absolutely despised it.
It didn't make him feel safe; not being a few steps ahead of the opponent or the danger which lay ahead him. It meant there was a flaw in the planning. And it scared him, because the Winter Soldier was nothing if not perfect in planning and execution. It was ingrained in his nature, in each and every cell of his being to be so.
A blast of chilled air hit his baseball cap covered face as he entered through the automatic doors. Despite having entered the cool conditioned air of the mall, Bucky still felt hot. The shop lifted jacket he'd been wearing over his full body tactical gear did little to let his body heat escape after all the running. Steve was much the same beside him.
The lights inside shone brighter than the cloudy sun outside. Murmurs felt louder than when he'd speed walked past the pedestrians on the pavement. His own heart beat in his ears though, blocking out most other noises except for the constant thump thump of footsteps behind him he were trying to escape.
Eyes sharp and focused, Bucky looked around for a way to hide if not evade those HYDRA goons. People of all sizes with different kinds of dressing drifted here and there, creating a jumble of colours in his vision. His eyes roamed from one bright and flashy store to another, until it landed on the fire exit at the far corner of the building.
He turned to Steve and saw his own idea reflected in Steve's eyes. Face all grim and serious, Steve gave little nod to Bucky. Long legs clad in combat boots took slow yet purposeful strides towards the red large double doors. They tried to mix in with the crowd and not make their destination obvious.
Steve was never as good at escaping trouble than he'd been at finding it.
One look over his shoulder and he saw the goons coming their way. They hadn't been recognised yet, but he suspected the misfortune wasn't far away. Specially if they continued towards the only other exit like they were. The microchip they'd stolen felt heavy in his utility belt.
Scanning the options around him, Steve took a hold of Bucky's forearm and dragged him to a narrow stretch of wall underneath the escalator fixed near the wall. He hadn't thought things through; just did what his brain deemed convenient in that moment. There wasn't a supply closet like Steve had hoped. But he couldn't go out in the open and search for another place to veil their presence. It was too late for that. He cursed under his breath.
Two bulky men dressed in dark couldn't hide with an off white backdrop, Steve knew that. They were still visible from certain angles of the middle open area of the mall, but could be found only when inspected with a focused eye. Another look over his shoulder and Steve found quite a number of goons standing in many of those 'certain angles'.
Without hesitation, Steve manoeuvred Bucky to make his back press to the wall and stood in front of him, so that his own dimensions shield Bucky's and their faces would be hidden. Steve brought an arm up and placed it beside Bucky's head on the wall to block it's view from the side, unknowingly causing him to lean a tad bit into his best friend.
Never thought that you would be standing here so close to me
It wasn't just a tad beat for Bucky though, who was very aware of standing chest to chest with Steve; Steve's bulk pressing Bucky's into the wall. He could feel the rise and fall of Steve's voluminous pecs against him. The tip of their noses almost touched each other. His mouths were parted as he breathed hard. Bucky wasn't too sure if it was because he'd been running a few seconds ago or the blond man standing so close to him.
How long had Bucky been dreaming about something like this; praying for it even. Steve was his best friend, yes, but also so, so much more than that. He'd had to keep his feelings suppressed in the older days. The past was ruthless in this regard. Though now he didn't have restrictions to date whoever he wanted, his insecurities were barriers enough.
Sure, there were lingering touches and stolen glances every so often, but he didn't think Steve thought much about it. It'd been the same way since before Bucky was seventeen. The only difference was that while these gestures meant the presence of a strong platonic friendship for Steve, for Bucky it meant trying to hide his longing and find comfort in whichever way he was awarded to be with Steve. Or so he thought.
There's so much I feel that I should say but words can wait until some other day
Steve couldn't help but blush when he realised how close he'd gotten to Bucky. His lips were pressed into a thin as he tried not to think much about it. Eyeballs were kept in his peripherals as he kept looking over his shoulder to avoid looking into those of the man he'd pushed against the wall; to avoid letting him know of all the emotions Steve had kept inside him for so long. He looked behind him, yet his attention was on the fact how intimately he was standing with Bucky.
How he wished it was not because of a goddamn mission  but because their relationship was progressing into something more. He wanted Bucky. God, he wanted Bucky so much. But he couldn't dump his feelings on a man who may not reciprocate his feelings, in turn making him lose the love of his life and his best friend in a single day. Again.
He couldn't do that. He knew he couldn't cope with something like that. Steve couldn't lose Bucky. Not now, not ever. Not again. So he stayed just as he was. Not losing Bucky, but also not having him as he liked.
Really, Steve was never as good at escaping trouble than he'd been at finding it.
Steve was aware he couldn't keep looking over his shoulder. There would be no point in being the way they were only for someone to recognise Steve's side profile. Reluctantly, he turned his head towards Bucky, but not before schooling his expression to that of indifference.
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It's been a long, long time
Eyes blue and slightly wide were already staring into his own by the time he looked at Bucky. No words or hidden meanings were conveyed, but a heavy tension was surely felt by both the super soldiers. They'd talked with their eyes for the majority of the mission, but now they didn't portray any calculated decisions.
In fact what their gazes held were nowhere near 'calculated'.  A myriad of emotions wheeled in them. Neither could pinpoint what exactly they were in each other's eyes.
Their gazes were intense, yet neither dared break away from it.They didn't know what was happening, but what they did know was they didn't want to get out of the trance they'd gotten in.
Haven't felt like this, my dear   Since I can't remember when It's been a long, long time
Steve's eyes flicked down. Bucky was biting his plump lower lip. So soft, he thought. It was all pink and slightly swollen as Steve looked at it. Only he knew how bad he wanted to nip at it and ravish those lips. He'd do anything, give anything to feel Bucky's lips against his own. He didn't know where this hunger had come from, but he had a strong desire to sate.
Memories of Natasha hit him. More importantly, a very special lesson of her's. His throat suddenly felt too dry. His mind overworked as it glossed over the options in front of him. It wouldn't be considered taking advantage of the situation if they could complete the mission without any fight scenes in public areas now, would it?
Steve wreaked his brain to think about any logic to counter his assumptions. One another look at Bucky's lips and Steve decided that instant, of course it wouldn't.
You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you
Bucky didn't know how he felt when he saw Steve's eyes glance down at his own lips. Was it relief that Steve hadn't read his love for the man written on his face, or was it anticipation that he had? He could see Steve's pupils widen  as he heard a gulp. His own eyes flitted across Steve's face, studing each feature intently.
Bucky felt his breath hitch as Steve leaned down slowly.  Steve's head leaned to the side, bringing his lips closer to Bucky's but keeping them along his cheeks, halfway between his lips and his ears. Bucky's own curled slightly towards Steve. They could feel each other's breaths on their skin, both calming them and brewing up a storm of need for more.
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
"Buck," Steve said in a voice so low it made him sound gruff. The metal armed man struggled not to shiver hearing his name fall from Steve this way, "I know of a way to get rid of them."
Them? Bucky thought, who 'them'? He didn't know what Steve was talking about, having completely forgotten about the goons chasing them. When he did remember, he felt so dumb. He tried to pretend he was following Steve, but he couldn't speak anything except, "Uh huh?"
"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable."
If Bucky thought his heart had been beating earlier, his heartbeat was now booming in his ears. He couldn't concentrate on anything else as Steve shifted, yet again bringing his lips closer to Bucky's agonisingly slow but not touching them. He ceased moving forward only a hair's breadth away from his destination.
Steve didn't know why he had stopped. Maybe it was the fact though they hadn't kissed, their position was a clear enough indication to throw off prying eyes. Maybe it was because somewhere he knew their friendship would never be the same again after this; for better or for worse, he had no clue. Maybe it was because he was taking advantage of the situation; of Bucky. He didn't want Bucky to feel used by anyone, especially not by himself.
Anticipation gnawed at Bucky as he waited for Steve to show some much awaited public displays of affection, but none came. Instead, he saw Steve frozen in his spot, breathing heavily. Anxiety rolled in him as he waited for the kiss which didn't seem to come.
He waited patiently and tried to keep himself calm. Nothing happened.
He waited with jitters overcrowding his senses. Nothing happened.
He waited, agitated with a little more urgency. Nothing happened.
He waited, standing still, with worry in his posture. Still nothing happened.
He waited and waited and waited until he grew frustrated. And yet nothing happened.
Of course this little shit would do the most dumbest of things without giving any second thoughts but now when he is supposed to do the one right thing, his brain suddenly started working!
Bucky leaned forward and closed the bare distance between them. His lips softly brushed against Steve's, hardly touching. Everything seemed to still around them, as if everything had ceased to exist and they were the only ones present. It was only the two men and the feel of their lips barely touching yet warming up their hearts like never before.
Bucky's lips grazed Steve's with feather light pressure . He lightly tipped his head upward, and then downwards just as slowly, merely giving Steve a taste of what he could have if he showed some courage.
And Steve lacked anything but courage.
After overcoming his initial shock, Steve immediately pushed himself harder against Bucky and fully took his lips in a much needed kiss. Their lips moved slowly and gently with a side of eagerness, taking some from the lower lips and giving some to the upper ones. Their eyes closed without them even knowing it. They took in the moment with all its glory and savoured it.
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It's been a long, long time
The hand blocking Bucky's view immediately cradled his face and the free one wrapped around his waist, pulling him as close as he could. Bucky's arms came up and around Steve's shoulder, holding onto him as if the blond would disappear if he didn't.
Bucky's plump lips felt much softer than Steve had imagined. Soft and wet and just about the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. They kissed passionately as they clung to each other.
Steve tentatively licked Bucky's bottom lip softly and teasingly, asking for permission. He wasn't sure if Bucky was ready to take that leap, to go full on tongue with him, but his heart burst in joy when he parted his mouth.
Steve leisurely slid his tongue inside. When he found the tip of Bucky's tongue, tenderly circled it, taking in the taste of it and loving what he got. He lightly darted his tongue across Bucky's with gentle touches before retreating back, inviting Bucky to take the lead. And man did he take some.
Bucky's hand moved from around Steve's shoulder to the back of his neck as his tongue invaded Steve's mouth. The dark haired man immediately took control and tilted Steve's head to the side. The kiss turned heated soon.
Bucky's tongue danced around Steve's, he finally understand what Bucky's dates meant back in the day when they said Bucky had been the best kiss they ever had. He was delighted to get a demo firsthand.
Ah, kiss me once, then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It's been a long time
It felt surreal. To be like this, to touch each other like this, to kiss each other like this. They'd dreamed of it for so long and now that it finally came all true, they didn't believe it. Their hold tightened around each other, refusing to let go if it was a figment of their imagination by any chance.
It wouldn't be wrong to say that they were truly and wholly lost each other. Bucky didn't know how good it felt loosing yourself in someone, in the right one, until that moment. Because he'd never found anyone right until then. Words couldn't convey how glad he was now when he did find.
Neither Steve nor Bucky cared how inappropriate it might seem to others. None of them were fans of getting the show going in public, but they didn't care about it then.
Earlier the society didn't vibe with their preference of 'right', and then time. Like hell if they were going to let public intervene this time.
Haven't felt like this my dear Since I can't remember when It's been a long, long time You'll never know how many dreams I dreamed about you Or just how empty they all seemed without you 
There was one another thing though. Steve pulled back immediately, eyes wide and panicked. Bucky looked alarmed after watching Steve that way. He worried he'd overstepped a boundary, but let out a sigh of relief when he said, "Are they still on us?"
Bucky's eyes peered over their surrounding from behind Steve's shoulder covertly. None of the goons were in his direct line of sight. He doubted their attendance in the mall. After all, they'd been kissing, or rather making out for quite sometime.
Corners of lips turning into smirk, Bucky said, "We left 'em behind."
Steve exhaled. Hands still around him, His eyes looked deeply into Bucky's blown pupils before drifting down to his swollen lips and and then back up. He was at debate with himself internally, not sure whether what he wanted to do was right or not.
Bucky could see Steve at conflict. He softly spoke, "What is it, Stevie?"
Steve chewed of his lips, "Is it okay to keep kissi-"
Oh, over a hundred years old and still a dumbass.
"Just shut up and kiss me, punk." Bucky said, leaning forward with his love crazy grin.
"Jerk," Steve leaned forward too, lip locking once again.
They started from just where they left with renewed vigour. It was heated, and hungry. And passionate. And needed. And desired. And wanted - yeah, you get it.
Their hands roamed about each other until Steve's settled around Bucky's perfect round ass. Steve groped it and damn did it feel good. Bucky jumped slightly and curled his legs around Steve's waist, who kept quiet a hold of his beefy thighs and butt to keep him stable.
Steve pushed Bucky further into the wall and Bucky's one arm loops around Steve's shoulder while the other slid into his hair, lightly scaling his nails through his scalp. Steve shuddered under Bucky's touch as his tongue worked magic inside his mouth.
Though every fiber in them was aware of the other's presense; other's magical touch, it still felt felt dreamlike. They were glad it was their reality.
Truly, Steve was never as good at escaping trouble than he'd been at finding it.
Yet it was a trouble - if someone dared call it that - he never planned on getting rid of.
So kiss me once then kiss me twice Then kiss me once again It's been a long, long timeLong, long time
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