softboynick · 9 years
Happy birthday sweetheart!!
Thank you, love!
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tiny-peridot-blog · 9 years
Happy birthday!!
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greenbergsays · 9 years
I'll bet you anything Steve loves Bucky's giant muscles. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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1) STEVE MOST DEFINITELY LOVES BUCKY’S GIANT MUSCLES. Steve has probably created a religion for those muscles to properly worship them. Let’s just be honest there.
2) WAIT BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE BUCKY DOING THIS SHIT WITHOUT STEVE’S INPUT. Like he gets really into making things during his recovery. He learns how to knit. He takes cooking classes. He does little arts and crafts. It just calms him and lifts his spirits to know he can create and not only that but create something good. He enjoys all of it. So Steve wanders into the kitchen, all innocent and unknowing, and there’s Bucky. Tank top and sweatpants, barefoot, hair pulled back in a messy bun, and he’s kneading the fuck out of some dough. He’s got a glove on his left hand so dough doesn’t get in the grooves and he’s going to town on it and Steve just. I can’t. The bulging muscles and the way his metal arm ripples and Bucky’s harsh breathing, the little grunts he makes. Steve has a definite Code Blue moment and he has to get the hell outta Dodge before he embarrasses himself.
3) medieisme and I have come to an accord. She will write me kidfic and I will write her arm porn, so it is very likely to happen and it’s likely to happen in the near future. I don’t know if it will be a sequel. It might be a prequel, honestly, or just a companion piece of ridiculousness. Part of me really likes the idea of it being a get-together fic but another part of me likes the idea of them being in a relationship and Steve being so affected by Beefcake Barnes that he’s embarrassed by it and tries to hide it. Either way, I definitely am going in the direction of Bucky not being aware of the sweet, sweet torture he’s putting Steve through with those arms of his.
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softboynick · 9 years
Leika help I can't stop thinking about an A/B/O Shrinkyclinks AU
if anybody asks, he hates being coddled by his alpha. outside of their apartment, steve’s got the stature but he isn’t your typical omega. he’s spunky, scrappy, loud, stubborn, and gets into fights a lot, but that’s only because he hates bullies and is eternally resentful of the world. but once it’s just the two of them, steve is the perfect little omega for his alpha. he loves being taken care of, being filled, and loved by his alpha. 
but can you imagine them having pups though???
when bucky first notices that steve’s scent has changed, he’s absolutely thrilled and terrified. thrilled, because he’s always dreamed of starting a family with steve; and terrified, because he’s afraid he might hurt the pups with his metal arm. but that fear slowly begins to go away when steve’s belly starts to swell, and bucky’s so excited. he rubs his belly with gentle care, kisses it, sings to it, talks to it. and steve’s just smiling fondly at his alpha (”i’m absolutely in love with this dumb fool”) because just knows how good of a father he’ll be. and when their first pup is finally born, bucky’s almost in tears as he holds her in his arms, steve watching them with an exhausted but happy smile on his face. 
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forassgard · 9 years
thassrightputinwork replied to your post: Keep readingRead More Now!
Beautiful!!! ��
stuckytakethewheel replied to your post: Keep readingRead More Now!
Omg you’re so pretty!!
ek spluh rey shuhn replied to your post: Keep readingRead More Now!
you cutie pie ♥
sdkjhvkjdnjvdbdjks thanksss :33 not going outside for a week clearly works for me hA c:
must be mythtaken replied to your post: Keep readingRead More Now!
Wow so pretty! I get how you feel about hair though…been growing mine out for the first time since HS and it’s kinda horrible T_T How does Thor cope???
gdi i gave up tbh that was such a mess ohmg not only did it kinda look shitty but there were hairs everyfrickingwhere. like literally, you can still put your hand anywhere in my house and i guarantee you you will end up with at least two hairs of mine. idk man :c he mocks me with this gorgeous hair everyday from the poster i have of him on the wall >.>
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mochiimerica · 9 years
stuckytakethewheel replied to your post:mayugesplace replied to your post:do you have an...
Yo I call bull
you wound me
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softboynick · 9 years
Hey buddy, everything okay?
yeah, i’m fine. there’s really not much to worry about, though. it’s just family stuff that i tend to just block out because i hear it all the time
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softboynick · 9 years
Okay, imagine Shrinkyclinks. But with chubby Bucky and tiny Steve.
Imagine that besides being an incredible artist, Steve is an amazing baker as well–though, he usually tends to use his baking skills to help relieve the stress he succumbs to whenever his art commissions become too overwhelming for his tiny body.
And when he bakes, he bakes a lot. Almost enough for an entire army. Even though he’s already got ten tins filled to the brim with cookies and other little baked goods and pastries–he planned on giving those away to family and friends–he’s still got plenty left over. But he already knows he can’t be the only one finishing up all those leftovers. His tiny body won’t be able to handle that much sweets and sugar. So who does he end up giving most of them to? Ah, yes. His boyfriend, Bucky.
Bucky just lives for the days Steve’s flitting all around the kitchen, trying out new recipes and bring back old ones he’s learned from his mother way back when. His heart swells as he watches his boyfriend completely in his element. Watching him bake is different from watching him paint. Painting is silent, reserved, and more concentrated. But baking is loud, clattering, and carefree. He likes seeing that happy smile on Steve’s face. It tells him that the stress is gone without having to actually say anything. Bucky’s completely mesmerized, and he feels like he’s falling in love with him all over again whenever he takes a bite out of one of those delicious goods.
Eventually, Steve starts baking just because he feels like it, without the excuse of being stressed out; he just loves seeing the way Bucky’s face lights up so beautifully whenever he pulls out yet another batch of cookies or cake or pie out of the oven for his awaiting boyfriend. Steve happily indulges himself in the pleasure of seeing Bucky so satisfied when he eats. It’s a two way street.
Sam always jokes around with Steve, telling him that Bucky’s only sticking around for the food, but Steve knows that’s not true. He’ll never tell him about those days where the two of them spend hours in bed; with Steve slowly, tenderly, lovingly caressing Bucky’s slightly protruding belly with his lips and with his hands, listening to the happy grumbles that fall from his boyfriend’s lips. Because those moments are just between him and Bucky, and nobody else. Just the two do them. They’re just two fellas in love. And you know what they say, a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
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softboynick · 9 years
Snow-buck sounds cute!
i’m totally leaning towards that one
URL: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / hot chocolate
ICON: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / christmas trees
SIDEBAR: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / snowflakes
THEME: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / egg nog (sMOL CUDDLY BUCKY IN THE CORNER OH GOD)
POSTS: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / frosty the snowman
UPDATES TAB: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / santa claus
OVERALL: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / ugly sweaters
FOLLOWING: no(t yet) sorry / i am now / YES / i’m stalking you
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softboynick · 9 years
stuckytakethewheel replied to your post “omg i'm going as bucky this year”
Meanwhile I'm basically just Fem!Bucky
stucky triangle???? 
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softboynick · 9 years
"White" for the name thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
snow banks with the wind blowing the snow into nice swirls in the air
a forest in the midst of winter, barren trees covered in snow
puffy clouds, stark against a vibrant, blue sky, and a couple staring up as they cloud watch
marshmallows swirling idly in a cup of hot chocolate
sea foam
waves crashing against rocks
untouched beaches
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