Common courtesy among witches
Here are some key points we should all note when dealing with other witches. 
Their path is not your path, don’t act like it is. 
Don’t demand or feel entitled to others’ knowledge. Do your own research first before asking.
Don’t bash other witches paths. You don’t agree with what they follow? Don’t follow that path yourself. 
We’ve all dealt with spells backfiring or not working, don’t sit there and make someone feel like crap because their spell didn’t work.
Don’t bash other witches because you disagree with their morals behind certain spellwork. They want to hex someone? Unless they’re hexing you, leave them to it. 
Don’t bash witches who practice “dark” magic, there’s light and dark in everything. It’s all about balance. 
Most of all, be helpful, courteous and friendly. We’re all going through this path together and we’re all brothers and sisters of the craft who need friends alike. 
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I woke up this morning and grabbed my iPad and when I turned it on there were so many notifications,, It seemed like i was scrolling down for ages
Anyways I was happy stimming as I read every response to my acnl post so today is off to a good start 
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ACNL Witchcraft
I've gotten back into playing acnl recently and been noticing so much witchy stuff you can do!! A lot of it is up to your own interpretation & you have to make your own correspondences but I wanted to post about it so here ya go
-divination based on which gem you get from the gem rock each day -could also do this with fossils or gyroids but gems already have correspondence resources so they're easier -seashell divination!! -Katrina is literally a fortune teller built into the game, USE HER -you could especially use the lucky clothing piece of the day in a luck spell if you have a similar thing irl!! -using villagers as tarot of some sort, coming up with correspondences for each and depending on if they're moving out, in, or staying, use that for divination(ie if a lazy villager is moving out it could mean nows your chance to get shit done) -for the correspondences you could base it on their looks(color, clothing style), language(catchphrase, quote), species, personality(lazy, cranky, etc) & more, it should be easy to discover your own correspondences! (: -you could also time travel to do this faster/get readings as many times as you want per day -altars for deities in rooms!! You could even have specific characters for specific deities -eating fruit/anything else edible like cake in honor of deities or as an offering of sorts -ik I have a lot of divination on this post as is but divining with flowers!! based on the colors of them and/or what kind of flower it is!! you can even do this based on placement of the flowers(ie if it's near a river it can be linked to water correspondences, or specifically river correspondences) -I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST DIVINATION ONE divining with letters received from villagers,, gifts are bonus points -like sending them a letter with a question(gift included or not) and using the letter they send back as an answer to the question, the paper they used can also be relevant(lotus, firework, etc), and any gifts they give you -doing spells IN GAME!! like you can set up everything!! you have access to crystals, flowers, seashells(sea witchcraft anyone?), fruits(kitchen witchcraft!!), it's a cool way to do low budget witchcraft!! -you can also use fish and bugs in spells!! and literally anything really there's a ton of furniture and clothes and oh boy think of the possibilities?? amazing -candles are in the game too but you don't have a wide selection -if you don't have all the materials for a spell irl finish it in game!! -using lucky items as a boost in spells!! -the emotion things you can get(idr what they're called or w/e) for intent in spellwork -you could do things like curses by burying an object representing a person then burying pitfalls all around them -or a blessing but with crystals itself of pitfalls or something -you get the idea -SIGILS USING RELEVANT ITEMS. money sigil? place money bags(or anything else in the game you can get corresponding to money) in the shape of the sigil. love sigil? there's so many rose options and each color can mean different things, go for it -sigil fireworks -need to bury something in a spell but for example it's not biodegradable, or you can't bury something for some reason? just do it in game!! you could put it behind a house or something if you don't wanna ruin the aesthetic of your town -disposing of spellwork items by selling them to Reese -or by mailing them away -public works projects have so much potential i don't know where to start, I might come up with some specific ideas later but for now just think about it yourself, it ain't hard to figure out(fire pits, fountains, wind turbines, flower arches, there's stuff for all the elements and more) -yknow that thing where you can "report" villagers for being problematic? use that in curses, problematic language for a silence curse for example -transformation spell? go to shampoodles and get a makeover -turnips for anything money related as they are a popular source of money in the game -using npcs themselves in spells. need something to represent crafting? Cyrus. fashion? any of the able sisters or Gracie. anything youth or children related? Timmy & Tommy. so much more but I'll stop here. -you can customize so much furniture to have your own patterns, use this!! sigils, color correspondences, there's so many possibilities!! -sleep/dream spell? Dream suite. You could even perform spells while in the dream town and have it be kind of like the astral! -K.K. songs for any music magic, the names themselves can lead to correspondences -with the added option of the amiibo it makes it possible to make acnl magic more physical and present in this world. you could use the amiibo like a wand of sorts! -island tours as a base for spells -doing different initiatives in honor of deities(plant a tree for Demeter for example) -emoji spells but instead using the extra symbols you have access to in game(heart, star, etc) -multiple ways to implement this, for example have it be a villagers greeting/catchphrase and every time they say it in activates, you could send a letter to future you with it, put it on the bulletin board, etc -making a sigil pattern then displaying it at able sisters and for every villagers that starts wearing it, more power for the sigil
I never intended for this post to get so long but you can obviously see how much potential there is! This list was compiled over a couple of days, imagine how much more I could come up with if I spent longer on this!! If anyone wants me to make a correspondence list for anything acnl(especially villagers/npcs) lmk and I'll try to do it. (: If you want me to go in depth about any of the ideas above just ask and I can make a separate post about it. If you do anything based on these ideas please lmk!! I'd love to see what you did!! :D I might post about some of the things I do. ^-^  Some of these ideas could work in other versions of animal crossing but this is intended for acnl. do what works for you
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Hey everyone, I'm Z!! This is my new witchcraft blog. I wanted to introduce myself but wasn't sure how, so I looked up some witchy ask memes for ideas and I'll just answer some basic questions here so everyone can get to know me and my path. (: My main is @zsyth if you wanna learn more about me!! I'm part of a system but I'll be the one that posts the most, if anyone else posts something they'll specify who they are. This blog will probably be mainly original posts but we'll see!
How did you discover your path? Well my religious beliefs have always been a little wonky, I've always believed that all deities exist in some way. I don't really know fully how I believe that works, I just know I believe in the existence of any and all deities. Very loosely though. I call myself an omnist agnostic theist, if that makes any sense. I normally just go with pagan though. :p I found witchcraft from a mutual I had a few blogs ago who was a baby witchling and posted about witchcraft a lot. I ignored those posts for a while but eventually got curious and went around looking at witchy blogs on tumblr and was intrigued. Which leads me to today, where I am obsessed with witchcraft and it's even my special interest!! :3
How long have you been practicing witchcraft? September of 2016, so 7 months now. I've kind of been on and off with how much time and effort I put into my practice so I've really only been practicing extensively for a few months.
What kind of witch are you? Favorite question!! Elemental and cosmic are the big ones for me, but I'm also a fae and draconian witch. Because of the elemental part I also dabble in storm, sea, and green witchcraft. Might try to get into spirit work too. Ancestral work is also a big part of my craft. I might mention any of the three ancestors that I love and work with, Ruth, Estel, and Dewrell. I'm also a pop culture witch, mainly Pokemon though!!
Do you believe in anything supernatural/paranormal? Uh yeah, pretty much anything. Ghosts? Yep. Mythical creatures of any kind? Yep. Cryptids? Yep. Really anything you can throw at me, I believe in.
What are your beliefs on an Afterlife? I believe that there is heaven and hell, but more from a Hellenic perspective rather than a Christian one. I also believe that when you die, you get the option to go to one of the two(heaven or hell), stay at earth as a ghost, be a guardian angel of sorts for your loved one(s), or to reincarnate as something. Depending on who it is that welcomes you to the other side might affect which options you get too.
Patron Deity [If you have one. If not, list deities that you favor] Main one for me is Nyx. I also loosely work with/worship Iris, Hestia, and Morrigan. Fun fact: Morrigan came to ME in a dream. It was really cool, and branching out of the Hellenic pantheon has been a nice experience!! I also work with/worship legendary Pokemon but that isn't as prominent in my craft yet, since that's a lot of deities.
Favorite pantheon [Group of gods] Hellenic for sure!!
What are your Sun/Moon/Rising signs? Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini rising
Taurus/Venus dom 
What’s your Element? Earth/Water!!
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