#stucky x HR!Reader
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
#5 was sent to HR!Reader. Somehow Stucky found her personal phone number and this what usually she gets from them.
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Trying to ignore the sound of your phone buzzing on your desk, you paid as much attention to the agent sitting across from you as you could. With little interactions before the incident that landed him in your chair, you’d never really known one of the members of the STAR tactical team, until now.
“So I think-” buzz “-if you just wanted to-” buzz buzz buzz
You reached for your phone to turn it over and had a momentary pause as their names flashed across your screen and the messages had come in rampant succession one after the other.
“Do you need to get that?” The agent pondered, leaning forward to try and detect what urgent need was taking up his time.
Wanna do breakfast tomorrow?
Or brunch?
Or lunch?
Or I could eat you out?
Its up to you.
The phone slipped from your hand and you scrambled to pick it up again, your eyes growing wide as the flirtatious and erotic message had come just a few days after you agreed to give them your number if they needed to talk about anything. And during your conversations going back and forth with them, which started ambiguously, had quickly become entangled with desire and want.
“Kryczek,” the door opened and an imposing yet familiar figure had filled the open space, arms crossed over his chest, “training got moved up. You’re back on the rotation.”
“Captain Rogers-” The agent stood with force to knock the chair over, pivoting himself to face Steve with a look of surprise and respect.
You’re being kidnapped. Be a good girl, don’t fight it
“You’re late. If I were you,” Steve’s gaze flickered toward you, his lips quirking into a smirk, “I’d move my ass.”
“Yes, sir!”
Be a good girl, just follow Steve
The door shut with a forceful slam, and your office had returned to silence. With Steve standing between the only exit and your means of escape, you had resigned yourself to flipping your phone over and huffing.
“You can’t keep doing this. I have things I have to do.”
“Believe me doll,” Steve walked toward your desk and leaned forward to rest his palms against the surface, “we have things to do too but someone seems to be uncooperative.”
“You’re kidnapping me? Really? Isn’t that a crime?”
“I don’t have a record for following the rules, baby. You know that. Now let’s go, we’re leaving.”
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Cozy by the Fire
Summary: You and your winter loves enjoy a nice evening by the fire.
Pairing: Stucky x Plus-Sized Female Reader
Rating: 18+ / Mature
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Kissing, Implied Smut, People Being Assholes
A/N: This is a request from @saiyanprincessswanie​. We’re pulling for you, girl! Dividers are by the lovely @firefly-graphics​.
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“How do I look?” you asked twirling around in a Butterscotch sweater dress with a thick black dress belt. It was your boys’ favorite and you wanted to treat them to something special.
“You’re just saying that, Wanda.” Wanda telekinetically placed the last of the food on the table.
Somehow, you were able to convince Wanda to help you bake enough Butter Toffee Chunk, Glazed Lemon Ricotta Cookies, Black and White Spiral, and Peanut Chocolate Chunk Cookies to celebrate the Holidays since no one had the time (no one wants to go to the shed). You even spiked their hot chocolate with a few drops of Asgardian Mead (they love the kick).
“I’m not! You look amazing and those boys are damn lucky! Nat would totally agree.”
“Alright, alright,” you acquiesced, “Thank you so much, Wanda.”
“No problem,” Wanda waved the compliment, “They’re closing in, so I’ll leave you to it.”
“Thanks again!”
Wanda barely levitated out of your quarters before you heard their powerful footsteps.
“Ugh, fuck doll, is this for us?” Bucky exclaimed as he eyed the table.
“Of course!” you replied as you pulled him in for a kiss.
“You didn’t have to, sweetheart.” Steve pouted interrupting your passionate kiss with Bucky.
“Well, you said you missed having cookies by the fire during the holidays and I wanted to surprise you.”
“All of this for us, huh?” Steve asked incredulously eyeing the medley of luxurious Honey-Tenderized Boeuf Bourguignon, Creamy Mashed Potatoes, Spicy Honey Fried Chicken, Hearty Lasagne, Texas BBQ Brisket, Baked Ziti, and BBQ Ribs.
“I thought you would be hungry.” you reasoned smirking at their growling stomachs.
“Looks like you were correct.” Bucky conceded eyeing the lasagne.
“So, Wanda?” Steve inquired grinning at you lowering your head in embarrassment.
“Yes, but she used my recipes,” you huffed, “C’mon let’s eat before it gets cold!” you exclaimed skipping (yes, you read that right) towards the food.
“What did we do to get blessed with an angel like her?” Bucky wondered wrapping Steve in a side hug.
“I don’t know, Buck. I don’t know.” Steve cooed into Bucky before kissing him.
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  It all started with probably one of the worst jokes by some of your former classmates. Honestly, you should’ve seen it coming.
Natalie, your former college dorm mate, told you that Jacques Becker, your college crush and total babe, was interested in you. Anwen, your best friend, said to get over it, but you couldn’t quit the fantasy.
You put on your best clothes, actually putting makeup only to have him text you saying that he would be a few minutes late. It was okay for the first twenty minutes, you chalked up to bad weather. Then twenty became fifty, eighty, and so on.
After two hours, the bartender passed you a shot of bourbon on the house. Your eyes started to well up with tears.
He stood you up.
To make matters worse, it was pouring outside and you forgot your umbrella. You made it about 10 yds (9.144m) before you tripped on an uneven sidewalk.
A flash of light went off, but you ignored thinking it was a car.
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  To your absolute horror, Jacques posted the whole thing as a prank on Instagram. You could barely make eye contact at your place of work.
As if you needed another reason for everyone to hate you. You already felt out of place with everyone looking down at you for your apparent ‘lack of talent’ and ‘slovenly aura’ (?).
Patricia, your ‘hot’ co-worker, smirked at you while sharing the video with the whole floor knowing full well you wouldn’t do anything. Both your supervisor and the head of HR were always on her side and she knew this job was the best you were gonna get in this economy.
You went home in tears that day. Luckily, Anwen and Caterina came over for emotional support.
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  It wasn’t until you decided to leave the house for a junk food run to Trader Joe’s did your luck change. You were in the mood for Sweet Plantain Chips and Scandinavian Swimmers and seriously need the pick-me-up. You were three blocks away when you bumped into someone.
Apologizing profusely, you raised your head to find the person was Wanda Maximoff, one of the Avengers. She was also having a shitty day if the puffy red eyes and tear streaks were any indications.
You handed her a tissue and recommended a bakery a few blocks away. You told her to mention your name and they’ll give her some free sweets.
You had worked there a few years back and created half the menu, so it was no big deal.
She thanked you for your kindness and discretion and went on her way.
You felt a little better making someone else smile.
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  Unlike most people, you were satisfied with making an Avenger smile, which is why you stopped dead in your tracks while you were in the recommended cafe three months later.
Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, barged into the cafe with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes in tow. She insisted they try the cinnamon rolls.
The crowd parted in semi-reverence; some people took out their phones, someone even bowed (why?). Imani, the barista and an old acquaintance, almost dropped an espresso order at the sight of them.
You couldn’t blame her. They were the two of the most beautiful men on the planet towering over everyone in the bakery.
Wanda was about to leave when she spotted you in the corner booth. You wanted the ground to swallow you up you were so anxious. You didn’t need another reminder of how inadequate you are.
No one will ever desire a fat loser with no talent despite what your friends and sisters say.
So it came as a surprise that the two Adonises waved and strode towards you. Steve asked if you were the one who came up with the Butter Toffee Chocolate Chunk recipe.
You almost cursed yourself for your brain short-circuiting when Linda, the manager, finally got out of the restroom to proudly confirm that you came up with half of the menu. She even offered a tray of some of your creations.
Bucky grinned and said that the whole compound raved at goodies Wanda would bring during missions.
You peeped a thank you for the praise not wanting to draw any more attention to yourself.
Both of the devilishly handsome men chuckled and hoped they would see you again.
You smiled knowing that’ll never happen though you didn’t fail to feel the sorrow carve itself into your heart.
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  Your sorrow was short-lived.
Somehow one of them slipped a piece of paper with Steve’s number on it.
You stared at it for what felt like hours thinking that if you blinked it would disappear.
You didn’t tell anyone, not even Anwen or Caterina.
You didn’t know if it was another prank; if it would end up like last time. But maybe, just maybe, they were being sincere.
With a huff of newfound confidence, you said fuck it and dialed the number.
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  You were glad you did.
Being with Steve and Bucky has been nothing but a wonderful dream. They were incredibly attentive and loving, always giving you words of encouragement, leaving little gifts around your apartment, and not laughing at your dreams.
Especially after the ‘scandal’.
It seems that the fact that either Captain America or the reformed Winter Soldier wanting anything to do with a ‘fat slob who promotes an unhealthy lifestyle’ is baffling to the masses.
The tabloids and internet were strewn with horrible pictures of you from high school and college. The ‘prank video’ resurfaced to your ever-mounting shame. No matter where you went, you couldn’t escape the jeers, especially at work.
The final straw was when Patricia snatched your lunch and threw it in the trash and declaring that you didn’t need to eat such ‘fattening junk’ since you were already ‘ ‘such a blimp’. The worst part was that no one came to your defense. Some even sneered; whether it was envy or disgust, it still devastating.
You didn’t leave your room for three days.
Nat rushed your sisters and friends to your apartment for an impromptu ‘girls night’. Nat and Tony made sure to have a ‘chat’ with the leaker, and your WW2 hero lovers made sure you felt extra loved when they returned from their mission.
So much so that you didn’t leave their quarters for a week.
You gave as much as you got which was hard, but you tried your best. You made baked goods for when they returned from missions. You comforted Bucky whenever he had a nightmare along with Steve, and you cheered Steve up whenever he felt remorse about the time he’s lost.
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  “Fuck, that was amazing, angel.” Bucky sighed patting his satiated tummy.
They devoured the food because of course, your super soldiers would have black holes for stomachs.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“How did your interview go, sweetheart?” Steve inquired masking a burp with his fist.
“Well,” you stood and grabbed a piece of paper, “I got the job!!!” You squealed. You vowed to get a new job after the scandal deciding that you’ve had enough of your toxic workplace. So you decided to go after your dream job, a creative technologist at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Your father had dissuaded you from doing it earlier saying it was a ‘fanciful occupation’.
You wanted to get on your own despite both Tony’s and your lovers’ protests, not wanting the tabloids to have yet another reason to attack you. It took some time, but you got an interview after tacking down a lead through Linda’s friend’s cousin.
And after three months of lying in wait, you got the offer.
“Congratulations, doll!!” Steve resounded as he lifted you and twirled you around their quarter’s living room.
“We’re so proud of you!” Bucky exulted as he tossed you into the air.
“Bucky, please, no more!” you giggled. Tears streaming down your face from all the laughing.
Bucky acquiesced to your cries and set you down on an ottoman. Both super soldiers gave each other a sideways glance and grinned.
“What’s going on?” you asked, a bit put off by their sudden silence.
“Close your eyes, sweetheart.” Steve requested.
“Stop laughing! We’re serious!”
“All right, fine!” you chuckled as you closed your eyes wondering what shenanigans they would pull.
You soon felt a weight on your chest and ears as both your Brooklyn boys kissed the juncture between your jaw and neck.
“Okay, open your eyes, angel.”
“Oh...why...why’d you do this?” you gasped at what was before you. Both of them were holding a mirror showing you wearing a Winter Princess Snowflake Pendant and a set of Sparkling Diamond Tassel Earrings.
It was the nicest thing anyone’s ever gotten you.
“We wanted this to be your Christmas present, but we thought it would be best for this occasion,” Bucky explained.
“Don’t worry. We’re--what’s wrong sweetheart?” Steve queried noting the tears welling up in your eyes hoping they weren’t being too forward.
“It’s just...thank you for being so wonderful!!” you peeped, unable to hold in your happiness anymore.
“We just want to take care of you, sweetheart. You’ve been so good to us.” Steve purred into your skin as he made a line of kisses from your cheek to your collarbone between each word.
“You’ve comforted us whenever we had a nightmare, left us affirmation notes, always making us feel loved and wanted. It means the world to us!” Bucky hummed as he leaned in for a soulful kiss.
And they meant it. So many women threw themselves at their feet, undeterred by the polite rejections. It got to the point that Tony had to screen the reporters after an undercover groupie tried to rush them.
You on the other hand actually cared about them, not the titles or the fame. You made them feel seen and they could never repay you.
“Thank you, doll. You’re our angel and there are no words that can describe how much you mean to us.” Steve declared.
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  The rest of the evening was filled with your boys recounting tales from their childhoods, both of them taking turns being embarrassed.
Wanda had to rescue Sam a few times from being pummeled by Bucky for the crime of swiping some cookies from his pile even after you chastised him, but you couldn’t stay mad at him for long with those puppy dog eyes.
Both you, Wanda, and Nat pelted Tony for being obnoxiously off-key with his caroling.
All in all, it was a fun night.
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  “Goodnight, Bucky, Steve,” you whispered laying between them by the fireplace under a luxuriously soft throw rug.
“Goodnight, angel.”
“I know he took my cookies.”Bucky started.
“Give it a rest, Bucky!” you hissed softly not wanting to have today be upended by Bucky’s pouting.
“Had to have been at least a dozen-”
“We made enough cookies to satisfy 50 people!”
“I’ll get him tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t. Because if you do, I’ll tell Tony what happened to his second favorite watch.”
“Good.” you ended smiling to yourself for never feeling so complete as this moment.
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marvelmusing · 3 years
Cover Stars And Stripes
A Stucky x Fem!Reader Series
Part 2 (repost from @stuckymusings)
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
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The next morning you make your way up to the tenth floor and decide to wait near the Fashion Coodinator’s desk. You hear a couple of voices from around the corner but decide to wait where you are. Though you can’t help but listen to what the girls are saying.
“Did you hear about Mr Barnes and that girl from design?” “Apparently she’s his girlfriend.” “Seriously?” “They were both here yesterday, I saw them sneak into the storage cupboard.” “I saw them too, he had his arms around her.” “Mr Rogers' assistant, Sharon, told me he was in an awful mood yesterday afternoon.” “Looks like trouble in paradise for the Barnes-Rogers household.” “What’s the girl’s name?” “Isn’t it Wanda?” “No, she’s on maternity leave now. It’s her assistant, [Y/N] I think?”
“Can I help you?” Your heart races as the Fashion Coordinator, Clint Barton, appears behind you.
“Oh yes, sorry. Mr Barnes asked me to return these.” Clint thanks you as you hand the shoes to him. Mr Barnes didn’t ask you to bring them here but there’s not a chance in hell that you’d take them to his office. Your heart’s still pounding as you stand in the elevator. Does everyone think that about you and Mr Barnes? And does Mr Rogers think something’s going on? You’d hate for the two of them to fall out over a misunderstanding like that. Especially if you’re mostly responsible for it.
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The rest of the morning passes as normal. You’re halfway through your lunch when you hear a gentle knock at your office door. You head perks up to see Mr Barnes leaning on your doorframe. You give him a questioning look.
“I’m here for the shoes.”
“Oh, you didn’t need to. I gave them to Clint when I came in this morning.” His face falls for a moment. Was he hoping to spend time with you? Then he grins at you.
“You fall into anyone else’s arms on your way in, dollface?” You can feel your face heating up at his teasing.
“No, just you.” He pulls a shocked face, hand to his chest in mock surprise.
“Just me? Well aren’t I special?”
“Looks like it.” You say quietly, keeping your focus on your computer screen. He frowns at you,
“Aren’t you on your lunch break?” You nod at him, typing away, before sending a glance his way.
“And you’re working?” You smile at his concern,
“This needs finishing by the end of the day.”
“Doll-“ he sighs.
“Mr Barnes,” you interrupt, smiling at him. “Are you encouraging me to stop working? As my boss, I think you’re being rather counterproductive.”
“You getting sassy with me, dollface?”
“I am off the clock technically, I think I’m allowed.”
“Well since you’re off the clock, how about you call me James?”
“Hm, maybe.” He grins at you, but he drops his smile slightly,
“Do you usually work through your lunch?”
“Sometimes. Why?”
“You stayed in late on Tuesday as well.”
You frown at him,
“Have you been stalking me?” He laughs a little.
“No, definitely not. Pepper from HR noticed you clocked out around midnight. She thought it was the machine malfunctioning or something. Do you usually stay that late?”
“Not always. Okay a bit more lately. But I’ve been busy at the moment.”
“And you come into work around the same time as me and Steve. Those aren’t healthy hours, doll.”
“If they’re not healthy hours, why’re you and Steve coming in then?” You pause for a moment. “I meant Mr Rogers.” He shakes his head slightly,
“Because we’re in charge here, we have to be in early, besides we certainly don’t stay until midnight.”
“Mr Rogers always answers my emails that late.” He sighs,
“That’s because he’s a workaholic, do you want to be a workaholic?” You open your mouth to answer, smirking a little. He catches your smirk and quickly tells you, “Don’t answer that.” You both laugh a little, then there’s a quiet ding as the elevator opens. You hear Darcy and Jimmy returning from lunch. You look up at Mr Barnes.
“Just, look after yourself okay?”
“I will, promise.” He nods at this,
“See you round, doll.”
“Goodbye, James.” He smiles brightly at hearing you say his name. You hear him acknowledge Darcy politely as he passes her. Before the elevator door can shut behind him, Darcy’s poking her head around your door.
“So when did that happen?” She gestures between you and the direction Mr Barnes left by.
“Not you too Darcy!”
“I heard the fashion girls call me his girlfriend.”
She shrugs, in a ‘I don’t blame them’ kind of way.
“He called you doll. I’ve heard that’s what he calls Mr Rogers. And you called him James!”
“Seriously? He’s just being friendly. We’re not together!”
“Jennifer said she saw him pull you into a cupboard. And that you both came out pretty happy.”
“He’d just given me some shoes, of course I was happy.”
“Apparently that’s not the only thing he gave you.”
“What, I’m just reporting what the people say.”
“You know I’m not like that.”
“Oh yeah, I told them you’re way too old fashioned for that.”
“I don’t think they believed me.” You sigh.
“Thanks for trying Darcy.”
“Give us the deets then.”
You explain everything to Darcy and she’s convinced he’s in love with you. The rest of the day passes quickly, you manage to finish your work at a reasonable time and head home. It’s the next day when things get even more interesting.
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You’re walking into work, a bit earlier than usual. You step into the elevator, sending off some early morning emails before looking up to press the button for your floor. Then you notice who’s in there with you. Mr Rogers. Great. You exchange polite smiles, and the elevator pauses before taking you up. You take a deep breath, thinking about what the girls in the fashion office said. He deserves to know the truth. You really should say something.
“Mr Rogers, I just wanted to say, well. You might have heard some rumours going around about me and Mr Barnes, but I can promise you, they’re completely false. We didn’t do anything at all. Well, I did borrow some shoes. But he said it was alright. And I took them back the next day, and they were as good as new. I didn’t even want them, he offered and I just couldn’t say no. You don’t seem the kind to listen to rumours, sir, but I’d hate for me to disrupt your relationship in any way because you and Mr Barnes are so perfect together. And-“
You stop your rambling when you notice him chuckling. He smiles at you. These men and their smiles will be the end of you.
“I can see why Bucky likes you so much, you’re just as cute as he said.” You’re stunned. What? That was not the response you thought you’d get. Mr Barnes talked about you? They both think you’re cute?? But before you can react the doors open and a familiar face appears.
“You tattle taling on me, dollface?” You stare at them both. Well at least they don’t seem mad?
“Apparently everything is your fault, Buck.” Mr Rogers says with a smirk.
“Is it so?” They both grin at you. In your desperation to make things right with Mr Rogers you missed the elevator stopping at your floor.
Now you’re on the top floor with the two Editors in Chief.
Tagslist: @fckdeusername @vivalakatee @lharrietg @spookyparadisesheep
If you want to be added, just ask!!
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Say It With Flowers
A/N: HI! So I wanted to participate in the HBC's 24 Hrs Surprise Challenge - it was themed Secrets and this one is all about a secret crush! For both @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ and @the-ss-horniest-book-club​
Square filled @star-spangled-bingo: Flower Shop AU
Pairing: Stucky, Steve x reader
Word Count: 729
Divider by the awesome @firefly-graphics​
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“Steve! You’ve got a package at the front door!” you yelled. The delivery guy grinned at you as Steve’s feet thundered down the hallway. Steve gently pushed you out of the way as he signed for the package. It was long and covered in a plain brown paper; the handwriting was blocked so neither you nor Steve could tell who it was from. A recent memory tickled in the back of your brain and you couldn’t help the grin as Steve tore into the box.
“Flowers?” he whispered, pushing back the dark green tissue paper. The yellow tulips stood out against the paper and you clapped excitedly behind him.
“I know who they’re from!” you squealed. “I think,” you quickly amended.
“Who?” Steve demanded.
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The next day a knock at the door sounded; you quickly scrambled out of your seat in the kitchen and launched yourself at the door. Steve heard the knock as well and barreled towards the front door as well; the two of you collided, heads bumping, hands and feet tangling. Nat reached over both of you to open the door. “Dorks,” she muttered, shaking her head. It was the same delivery guy as before; he laughed at the two of you disentangling, handing another long, brown wrapped box to Nat, who signed. The delivery guy walked away still laughing as Nat read Steve’s name out loud.
Steve grabbed the box from Nat and gently pulled back the paper; you sucked in a breath as all of you stared at the pink roses. You grabbed the discarded paper and saw the same block printing again. “I’m pretty sure I know who is sending these,” you told Steve. “Wanna go shopping for some vases tomorrow?”
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Steve pulled the door to a flower shop; the tiny bell above the door jangled prettily. “Be right with you,” came a deep, gravelly voice from behind the counter. Steve watched as the man turned and straightened, staring into a pair of stormy blue eyes. Long wavy hair framed the eyes and a shy smile. “Nice to see you again Steve. Did you decide on which flowers you wanted for your girl?”
Steve tilted his head, thinking about the last time he was here. You had pointed to some fuschia peonies. “Those might look good in Tony’s garden.” Then you had spotted the blue hyacinth in the back corner and ran right to them, sticking your nose deep and inhaling. “OOOH!” Steve had chuckled at your enthusiasm as you wandered over to a large bush. “Steve! Come SMELL this!” He took the few steps and inhaled deeply, grateful for the millionth time the super solider serum had fixed his asthma. “You’re right, this smells amazing!”
Steve offered his own shy smile to the man. “She’s a friend, not my girl.” Steve tilted his head again. “Wait, you remember my name?”
“Easy to remember,” the man replied. His hand reached out across the counter. “I’m James.”
“James, nice to meet you.”
James made a face, but quickly smiled. “It doesn’t sound right. My friends call me Bucky; you should call me Bucky instead.”
“Bucky,” Steve tested the name out. Bucky’s grin grew. “So Bucky, I’ve been getting these deliveries. Would you be able to tell me who sent them?”
Bucky’s grin wavered slightly. “You mean you don’t know?” His arms crossed immediately. Steve watched his body shift from one foot to the other.
“Wait. Did… you…?”
The right corner of Bucky’s mouth twitched as he tried to keep his face impassive. He said nothing, letting the tension grow as the two men stood staring at each other. Steve’s left hand reached up to stroke his beard; he noticed that Bucky’s eyes followed the movement and he groaned good-naturedly. “Damn Bucky! You made me lose a bet.”
It was Bucky’s turn to tilt his head at Steve. “What? How?”
“My friend that was with me last time? She knew you sent the flowers and bet me on it.” Steve chuckled to himself. “Explains her terms too.”
Bucky chuckled along with him. “And her terms were?”
“She’d cook me dinner if I was right.”
“And since she was right?” Bucky prompted.
“She’s paying for our date.” Steve’s grin softened. “If you want to do dinner tomorrow?”
“Sure! Let’s make sure to pick some place expensive then, yeah?” Steve and Bucky both laughed at the thought.
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possibly-starker · 4 years
tagged by @msstarkerwhore :)
name; redievnieski (my nickname is red)
gender; female
star sign; i’m a libra !! which imo is the best sign dont @ me
height; 5ft 7
sexuality; i’m a lesbian ! which is weird bc i write about gay boys but boys irl make me want to vomit 💫
hogwarts house; gryffinfor
fav animal; raccoons
av hrs of sleep; i’m in college lmao the last time i slept was my graduation day in 2019
current time; it’s almost 8 here in stolkholm
cats/dogs; dogs! but big fucking mean dogs idk lol
# of blankets i sleep with; none we die like men
when i made my blog; like,, maybe a few months ago??
followers; 508 currently 🤠
why i made a blog; because i was bored and i liked starker
reason 4 url; i originally wanted to write a little bit of everything?? like stucky and natasha x reader (dksjfjen i’m so gay for her) but it kind of just derailed into a starker blog, which i’m ok with.
tags; idk man lmao just do this if u want and then say i tagged u.
i’m currently working on something but college is heavy rn, especially bc of corona and uhhh yeah but i’ll try to put it up later today. anyways 🥴
- red
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Can’t stop thinking about this!!!!
can we hear more about it? About them?!
“You lied to them-“
“I did not lie!” You slap your hand against the counter and huff, one hand on your hip and the other gripping the cheap surface. “I did not lie, I just…”
“Just what?” Your coworker raised an eyebrow in time with her coffee cup, sipping on the hot liquid inside. “What did you tell those two handsome brutes?”
“Listen,” you finally sigh and reach for your coffee cup when its handed to you, swirling the plastic in your hand, “I bent the truth. That’s all I did, and that’s nothing compared to the kind of bullshit he pulled-“
“You told them it was against HR’s policy to date within the building and they called you on it.” Her lips formed a small smirk, her gaze fleeting over toward the front doors of Stark Tower and the two super soldiers who had just walked in.
“Stark’s parties are legendary.”
“I’m not going.” You stood like a deer in headlights as Steve and Bucky looked your way, boyishly handsome smiles on their faces.
“They want to rearrange your guts-“ your coworker raised her voice, purposefully making people look your way.
“Will you shut up?!” You shrieked and tried to hide your face behind your hand, turning to find and escape and instead running into a chair.
“Hey Captain! Hey sergeant! Glad to see you back!” Your friend jeered, directing both men toward you rather than the elevator. “Staying out of trouble?”
“Kill me,” you smoothed down the front of your shirt, trying to evade their gaze, “or I’ll die of embarrassment.”
“Have you thought about our date, kitten? Joining us at Stark’s party?” Bucky spoke first, the two of them fixating their attention solely on you.
“I told you-“
“You lied.” Steve cut you off, chin tilted and a smirk on his face.
“Says the man who lied his way up and down the coast to join the army.” You snapped and steeled your gaze, glancing between Steve and Bucky. “You don’t get to judge me-“
“Hissy kitty, put your claws away.” Steve held his hands up in defence, side-eying Bucky.
“No offence Captain Rogers,” you stepped toward him and glared, “but go tuck yourself. You and Barnes.”
You pushed past them, huffing as you scurried toward the elevator, glancing over your shoulder once more.
“We’re gonna have a fiery wife, Buck.”
“Thank god for that.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Some examples of why Steve & Bucky are the best damn things to happen to HR!Reader (even with all her protests):
Reader, upon hearing Tony Stark bought P.P a $60,000 dollar ring: “He spent how much?! I can’t even get a guy to buy me flowers!”
Steve & Bucky, leave flowers on her desk to surprise her when she comes back from lunch with a note: "seems like you needed a pick-me-up"
Reader, making a statement that subway lines are crazy but its cheaper than driving: “driving would let me sleep in longer but I can’t afford to drive.”
Bucky, picking her up in the morning: “Hey sweetheart! Heard you needed a ride?”
Reader, complaining that she feels rundown and can’t always eat at the right time: “Sometimes I skip lunch all together.”
Steve & Bucky, either stealing her at lunch or dropping something off for her: “Can’t go hungry darling, brought you something to eat./Can’t skip lunch, doll. Come have lunch with us.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I can see hr reader and Steve both being huge stationary nerds. Like ohhh look at that notepad with a little kitty or at this really cool fountain pen. Do they ever get each other stationary as a little surprise?
He doesn’t bother knocking, none of them do and that’s just another small tick on the docket of things that annoy you. Though the annoyance feels more akin to playful banter and endearing flirtation, you still find the occasion to sigh as if its some great weight upon your shoulders.
And still, your annoyance is quick to fade.
Its easy to find yourself replacing annoyance with mystification for both Steve & Bucky, especially when they decide to bat their blue-green and blue eyes at you. The way these men are so chaotic and deadly in their every day lives when they depart on missions, dealing with fates worse than death more often than not, they’ve still managed to hang onto that boyish charisma and charm.
And still…still you know that they’re a complex and boyish charm is one of the many layers of their being, just as their tendency to be dominating men in bed. While you’d only seen snippets of their dominative tendencies with a secure and sturdy hand on your hip in the elevator and a stern voice when you’d verbally pushed them, you knew that submission and teasing had gone hand in hand.
Dominative but soft.
“You come at the worst times.” Your voice of indignation was raised before Steve could get a single word out and then he had cocked an eyebrow, the corner of his lips twitching as he feigned a smirk.
“I have a gift, doll.” Steve stepped toward the desk and set the box down upon the wood, his eyes concentrated solely on you while you squirmed in your seat.
Gone was the uniform, the shield and the cowl. It was replaced with a pair of dark wash straight leg jeans and a plain white shirt that was coiled tightly against his broad shoulders and powerful chest. He was an enigma of a man, so many complex layers woven within himself and Bucky. Both beautiful. Both immeasurably bulky and large.
“A gift? You didn’t need to get me anything.” Your protest contradicts your motion of movement as you lean forward and grab the box, tugging at the silky ribbon that’s tied around the lid of the box and the girth.
The ties fall and you drag them out from under the box, tucking them to the side while Steve watches you. After the lid comes off you’re able to see the stationary set that’s safely tucked inside allowing you to gaze at the hand-drawn flowers and fauna on the edges and sides a delicate detail that was making it hard for you to catch your breath.
“Steve this is…” you hesitated on saying too much and not necessary, instead you kept your tongue and simply smiled warmly. “Thank you.”
“For your journal.” He states the fact, another poignant claim that steals your breath again, and you feel your guard slipping to an all new low.
“You know I journal?” The thick stack of paper is set to your right, hands quickly picking out every new gifted piece of this set, until the box is empty.
“We know more about you than you think.” Steve leans in and turns one of two fountain pen closer toward you and then raises his hand to brush a piece of hair off your cheek. “Don’t forget to say thank you, doll.”
Its the way he speaks that hails in a part of his dominative personality, the urgency to thank him for the gift is both a soft command and a warning that he won’t leave until you do. You’re taken for a moment, your breath hitched in your throat until you get control of your mind and lick your lips, a subtle chance to further gather your thoughts.
“Yes, of course.” Your mind wanders, it wavers and then you speak softly and gratefully. “This is beautiful, thank you Steve.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Sexual tension crackles in the air, it threatens to bubble over as he starts to recoil and stand to his full height, garnering your attention and wide eyed gaze to take in his full stature. “You be a good girl this weekend.”
You e almost forgotten that you’re going to a bachelorette party in Vegas, the trip almost completely slipping your mind until Steve mentions it. And as he mentions the command to be a good girl your stomach flutters and your thighs shake.
“I will.” You relay in return, watching him as he moves toward the door and stands halfway in your office and halfway out.
“I know,” Steve calls over his shoulder, blue-green eyes alight with desire, “you’re always our good girl.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I know you've just posted the theme for tomorrow, but that headcanon for HR!Reader and mandatory attendance of the party made me giggle and think about something - Steve would know about ultimatum which Tony set for Reader and probably would 'accidentally' meet Reader somewhere in the office to 'chat' about the party. Since it will be his birthday he wants to share with her what would make him happy - from dresscode to 'gifts' (oh, he wants that pussy). After Reader tells Steve she would never consider and advice he gave her, the conversation leaves her hot and bothered - and it is enough for Steve 😏
I think I’d like to break this ask up into two days, the first (where I answer this today) and the second tomorrow (where Steve sees her at the party)
The invitation was modestly decorated with pieces of the traditional red, white & blue that both represented Steve’s birthday and the Fourth of July. It was a combination party hosted by Tony Stark to celebrate the man with a plan, and the greatest country’s birthday.
You turned it over in your hand, eyeing the card stock and decor that enhanced the simple black ink almost relieved that you hadn’t received one in person. Rather you had mulled over the invitation with other members of the HR team. They had been ecstatic to receive their invitations to the Stark party, finding themselves mulling with the superhero’s they represented, while you found yourself exhaling a sigh of relief at being left out.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were trouble. They were trouble by definition, and they made you feel innately overwhelmed with strengthening feelings for the two of them. Your emotional connection to the two super soldiers had long since transcended professionalism and yet you resisted every chance to let them in.
This party, had you been invited, would’ve surely broken your spirit.
“Have fun. I think a quiet night in is in the works for me.” You recalled your glee at being left out and handed the invitation back to your colleague, before ultimately heading to your office.
As you had stepped inside and closed the door behind you, you settled yourself in your desk chair and reached for the mouse of your computer. The screen loaded and you opened your emails, scouring through the inbox that heralded no real interest. However as you started to close one screen for another, a knock at the door interrupted your next task.
“Morning, doll.” Steve stepped into the office and leaned on the door frame, arms crossed over his chest with a toying smirk on his face.
You lifted your head and looked toward him, your eyes narrowing and brows furrowing. He looked as if he had just stepped foot off the training floor with his compression gear and soft beads of sweat rolling down the column of his neck. Regardless of his appearance from the training facility, he still looked commendably attractive.
And with this admission of beauty had come the flutter of your heart and increasing warmth between your legs.
“Can I help you, Captain?” You looked away and swallowed heavily, your eyes downcast and taking special interest in the notepad on your desk.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Steve, doll?” He stepped closer, drawing your eyes to his broad chest and thick biceps.
“Once more, Captain.” You responded softly, more than you anticipated. “What did you need?”
“Heard the HR department got invited to the party, thought I’d come talk to you about it.”
“I didn’t get an invite.” You replied with speculation, only now noticing the thick invitation in his hand.
“Are you sure?” Steve stopped in front of your desk, personally hand-delivering an invitation.
Although it retained the same information as the others, your invitation was simpler and less gaudy. It was more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and seemed more intimate than not, with each detail seeming as if it was hand picked for you.
“I wanted to give it to you myself.” Steve’s hand trailed along the edge of the desk until he had rest his hand on yours, fingers curling around the edge of your palm. “And since its my birthday-”
Heat coursed through your entire body, along with sexual tension. It was poignant, the way he looked at you as if he wanted to throw you across the desk and spread your legs to devour you.
Steve’s eyes had reflected intense desire and want, his lips pursed as he looked you over and drew closer to the desk. There was an unrelenting need to feel you pressed against him, to feel you quake as he filled you and fucked you, and made you scream his name.
“Captain,” your voice wavered as you legs shook, unable to truly breath when you noticed him walking around the desk, “what can I do for you?”
Steve pulled your chair out from under your desk, turning you to face him. He kept his hands on the arm rests and leaned in, trapping you between the chair and his chest. His eyes dropped to your mouth and back again, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip.
“Wear something pretty for me,” you knew exactly what he meant even before he lift a hand from the arm rest to toy with the buttons of your shirt, “something you think I’d like.”
Your breath wavered, your back arched against his father light touch and you swore he could feel the heat that was radiating from between your legs.
“What does a man like you want for your birthday?” Your asked airily, unable to catch your breath.
Steve hummed, the sound akin to a husky purr had stirred a reaction in your body that created wetness between your thighs.
“What I want?” His lips barely grazed yours, and his hand fell further down your chest. “You know exactly what I want, doll.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Something, anything about our HR hissy kitty and stucky?
One of her coworkers have been giving Steve & Bucky insider information on how to crack her walls and break her down, and one thing hissy kitty’s friend says is that kitty thinks chivalry’s dead
Steve and Bucky then take that information and make sure they cross her path as often as they can to be as chivalrous as they can. They open doors for her, they help her carry any files in or out of her office, they even drop off some iced coffee/sweets for an afternoon pick me up
Of course hissy kitty is suspicious of them, but they adore her
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
To kick off Stucky x HR!Reader ask day (tomorrow) I have a headcanon/idea of how reader met and potentially why she finds them menaces now
I think reader was hired for the new HR team after a woman left on maternity leave and at first she was really eager to work with Steve & Bucky because she looked up to them. Her eagerness (to them) was adorable and endearing and they were drawn to her
After something happens that kickstarts the animosity (I’m thinking that she may have caught them doing something in an elevator or office) that draw and that endearment turned to desire and complete want
They wanted her and they were going to have her
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Since tomorrow is July 4th, I’m taking asks today and for tomorrow that are gonna be centred around (one of) our favourite super-soldiers birthday & our favourite couples celebrating Independence Day with things like:
Tony throwing a party for old man Steve’s birthday, making it mandatory that HR!Reader go
Tony throwing Steve a party for his birthday, Steve dragging Jake & BB along to attend
Curtis & Mousey taking the twins to celebrations at the park, starting with a picnic and ending it with fireworks
Asylum or post-asylum Steve & Reader celebrating his birthday with small gifts
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
I can’t get it out of my head so…stucky x reader HR
The elevator doors opened to the first floor of the technical and specialized portion of Stark Tower. The housing complexes above the admin offices, logistics, HR and any boardrooms had retained the agents, and were usually off limits to anyone who didn’t officiate directly with SHIELD.
Of course, being HR you were allowed to come up if it was necessary. And since you were in charge of dealing with the dynamic duo, you were up more often than not.
“Here we go again” was titular to your life though you couldn’t remember who sung it, it was always seemingly on the back of your mind. Even before you stepped off the elevator and onto the training floor for agents, you could tell some other HR violation had been broken.
Just as someone had mentioned once or twice not to bother the HR lady when she came through. And that message was clearly well received since none of the male agents would look you directly in the eye.
“Why is it always you two?” You stepped into the training room to see them, the two troublemakers and the cause of your busyness, standing off to the side.
“Come on, kitten-“ Bucky grinned half heartedly, side-eyeing his partner in crime.
“I told you not to call me that.” You squared your shoulders and squared off against Bucky Barnes. “So what was it this time? Did you throw another agent off the roof because you know that last time-“
“No one fell off the roof, I promise.” Steve cut you off, holding his hands up in defence.
“You look good-“ Bucky cleared his throat and stepped forward just as other agents stepped back.
“Did you experiment with poison again? Because I’m pretty sure there’s Geneva conventions-“ you drew your attention from Bucky to Steve and back again, your arms crossed over your chest.
“You lied about the HR relationship guidelines.” Steve’s jaw ticked and he appeared to be cross, only for the expression to soften. “I get it.”
“We get it, but-“
“Wait,” you furrowed your eyebrows and drew in a sharp breath, “are you trying to ask me out?”
“Tony’s got a party, kitten. We thought you’d wanna come with us.”
“With you?” You looked between them, feeling cornered but not unsafe.
“As our date, kitten. We wanna take you out, take you to the party. Don’t you feel this connection between us?” Steve’s fingers briefly brushed against your side and you shivered pleasantly, warmth pulsating in your belly.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Todays asks are for:
BT or WD pack—specifically where alpha knows best and has to step in when omegas/omega isn’t taking care of themselves or doing something reckless
Stucky x HR!Reader
Jock!Ari Levinson x plus-size!Reader
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Stucky x HR!Reader- what was the first thing Steve and Bucky did (on purpose) to get sent to HR?
It starts out with minor things like you can’t threaten recruits in the hall with flawless Russian or you can’t threaten to throw recruits off the roof for asking stupid questions but it quickly becomes are you trying to make me go crazy? Don’t practice bungee jumping from the top of Stark tower and you can’t be caught in the elevator again
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Its stucky x HR!Reader ask day!
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