#stucky geek events
late-to-the-party-81 · 5 months
Sunshine and Gunsmoke
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Chapter 3 - A new dawn, a new day
AN: Here we are, the third chapter. Thank you for joining me so far on this wild ride and thank you for all your comments - they mean a lot. Also, the chapter count has gone up. I just could resist adding an extra chapter/epilogue for these two. I wouldn’t have got here without my cheer-reader @kahey2804, and my ever wonderful beta @zenaidamacrouras1 .
Catch up on Chapter 2 here
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Summary: WIth the imminent threat removed, Bucky needs to make a decision about Steve’s welfare, knowing neither option is ideal. How will Steve feel when he comes back to himself? Will he understand the choice Bucky made? Will he forgive Bucky for lying about who he was? Will either of them be able to recover from this trauma and move forwards?
Relationships: Platonic Alpha Bucky & Beta Clint, past Omega Steve x Alpha Stephen, FWB Omega Steve x Alpha Bucky
Chapter WC: 9k
Chapter CW: Omegaverse, Shrinkyclinks, Strip club AU, references to past abusive relationship, references to misogyny, inferred Mafia elements, Alternating POV, Panic attack,Trauma response, unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcohol abuse, angst, vomiting, therapy, healthy communication, feelings reveal, forgiveness.
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Steve’s head was spinning. His body was ready, pleading for relief, but there wasn’t any. It hurt so much. He needed an Alpha’s knot - Bucky’s knot! Why wasn’t Bucky giving him what he needed? Had he done something wrong? He must be a bad Omega. Bad.
Steve let out a tortured wail, and felt himself being pulled even firmer against Bucky’s body. His fingers tugged at Bucky’s clothes and he rubbed his face all over the scent gland in Bucky’s neck. For a moment he felt some relief, but it was like throwing an ice-cube into a raging inferno.
When he couldn’t access Bucky’s cock, Steve grabbed at the Alpha’s hand, hoping he might get some kind of relief from being fingered, but Bucky wouldn’t let him. Steve could hear the words, “I’m sorry, Sunshine. I really am,” but they made no sense and he let out another cry.
Beneath him, Bucky shifted, and a rumble in his chest alerted Steve to the fact that his Alpha was talking to someone.
There was someone in the room.
Near his nest. 
Steve’s head shot up, his top lip curled and he let out a warning growl.
“It’s alright, Stevie. It’s just the doc.” Bucky’s voice sounded as though it was coming from underwater. “She’s here to help, I promise. And she’s a Beta. She’s not gonna hurt you.” 
Steve turned his head and peered out from under hooded eyelids. The doctor was a woman with glasses, a kind looking face and dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.
“Hi, Steve,” she said in a low, melodious voice. “I’m Dr. Cho, and I’m going to help you feel better. Can I put this blood pressure cuff on you?” She held up the grey piece of equipment in front of her so he could see it. Steve cocked his head, confused. He didn’t understand how this would help him get Bucky’s knot. 
A set of strong fingers gently took hold of his chin and steered his head so that he was looking up into Bucky’s misty blue eyes. “Please, sweetheart. Let Dr. Cho check you out. I promise I’ll give you everything you need soon.”
With that guarantee, Steve gave a small nod and extended his arm. The doctor wrapped the inflation cuff around him and pressed the button on the unit. It whirred into life, pumping up to an almost painful point, before it suddenly deflated. With a pencil in hand, the Beta woman copied out whatever it was that had been recorded.
“Thank you, Steve. You just relax for a moment, while I talk to Bucky, yes?”
Steve nodded again, and buried his head back in Bucky’s neck and continued to rock his hips back and forth.
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It had felt as though he’d been waiting for the doc for hours, but in reality it had turned out to be about thirty minutes. But for Bucky, each whimper, each cry that had broken from Steve’s throat shattered his heart.
However, she was here now and Bucky watched, almost with a sense of pride, as Steve allowed his vitals to be recorded, before curling back up against him and starting to hump against him once more. Dr Cho, ever the professional, averted her gaze. 
“You said he’d been drugged,” she asked, her voice laced with concern.
“Yeah,” Bucky confirmed. “Check the trash can.” He jerked his head in its direction.
While waiting for her to investigate, he rested one of his hands against the small of Steve’s back, trying to slow down his movements, not because he was embarrassed or wanted him to stop, but mainly because he didn’t want Steve to rub himself raw. His jeans were soaked to the skin with Steve’s slick, the scent of aroused Omega making the air thick, but strangely, Bucky’s own initial reaction to the smell had worn off. At least for the most part. His cock was no longer straining against his zipper, so he guessed that his concern had overridden his natural instincts to mate.
“You’re right, Mr Barnes.” Bucky turned his head at the doctor’s statement, to find her holding a spent hypodermic in her gloved fingers. “He’s been injected with synthetic hormones to induce heat.” Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “So now there are two options. Either we let his heat run its course and you - an Alpha - provide whatever is necessary, or I can administer heat suppressants to counteract it, but he would need to be carefully weaned off them over the course of a month or so.” There was an apologetic expression on her face. She knew that she’d given him two less than ideal options. “I’ll give you a few minutes to think it over, but we need to decide soon. He can’t carry on in this limbo state for much longer.”
She was right. Steve was visibly tiring, and who knows what long term damage would be caused if he delayed making a decision much longer. Bucky screwed his eyes up, as if blocking out the light would mean that making a choice between effectively raping Steve or drugging him further would be easier. 
“Drugs,” he croaked out. “Give him the suppressants. I can’t…” He tailed off, knowing that he didn’t need to explain further. His eyes blurred with tears as he held Steve still in his arms while Dr. Cho gave him the initial injection, the frightened Omega just crying out for him, over and over. 
“He should drop off to sleep soon. When he wakes, he’ll need to take one of these tablets,” she held up a pill bottle. “And one every day for the foreseeable future. Give him my number so he can call me and we can sort out a regime for weaning him off them.” She gave him a wan smile. “He should be okay, Mr Barnes. At least physically. You’ve done the best you could.” With that, she packed up her equipment and supplies and Bucky and Steve were left in peace.
“Alpha,” Steve mumbled.
Bucky dropped a kiss to the top of his sweaty head. Steve’s rutting had already started to slow, but he supposed that could be from exhaustion as much as from the suppressants.
“Yeah, Sunshine? How can I help?”
“Feel strange, Alpha. Do I get your knot soon?”
“I know, sweetheart, but you’ll start to feel better shortly. Then, I promise, you can have anything you want.”
He watched as Steve smiled sleepily and snuggled impossibly further into his chest. Then, as his hips finally - finally - stilled, Steve started to purr. His eyelids drooped and his body relaxed, and Bucky felt a wave of relief wash over himself. He eased them both into a lying down position and covered Steve’s naked body with a loose corner of blanket.
“I’ll be here when you wake up, Sunshine. I hope you can forgive me.”
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His whole body ached, and his tongue felt thick in his mouth.
Steve blinked his eyes open, noting the bright sun shining through his bedroom window. Shifting slightly he became aware of an arm around his waist.
He sat up, panicked, twisting around to see Bucky sleepily blinking his eyes at him. A Bucky who was fully clothed, while he was entirely naked. What was going on? He searched his memory and it came back in horrifying Technicolor. His hand flew up to his neck expecting to feel a fresh wound as he gulped in lungfuls of air. And why wasn’t he still in heat? His head felt light, and the room was tilting sideways and…
“Stevie! Breathe!” Bucky’s hands had curled around Steve’s upper arms, stopping him from falling over and off of the bed. Bucky’s eyes bored into his, preventing him from looking away. “You’re safe. Just breathe in with me now, two-three… and out, two-three.” Steve followed Bucky’s directions, breathing in and out with him, and slowly the world stopped spinning. 
Bucky’s hands fell away and he gave Steve a soft smile. “I’m just gonna go and get you a drink and a snack, and I’ll be right back, okay?”
Still not feeling capable of speech, Steve just nodded and watched Bucky walk out of his bedroom. He looked around his private space, feeling terribly exposed. Stephen’s scent still lingered in the air, along with those of a few other people Steve didn’t know, and he launched himself up, crossing to the window and throwing it open with all his strength. He pulled some boxers, sweats and an oversized hoodie from his dresser, fighting his way into them, feeling as though he needed the protective layer they provided. Then, on wobbly legs, he returned to the bed, pulling all of the blankets and sheets from it. 
As each piece of fabric was thrown to the floor, Steve could feel the anger and humiliation building in his gut. Stripping his bed wasn’t enough. He picked up his favourite nesting blanket, one of the first things he’d bought after moving here after escaping Stephen the first time, and ripped it down the middle. He did the same with the next, his vision blurring with tears, and when Bucky returned a few minutes later, he was kneeling on the floor in a pile of remnants, sobbing his heart out.
In a heartbeat, Bucky was beside him, his arms wrapped around him, and Steve cried into his chest. “It’s gonna be alright, Stevie. It’ll be okay. I promise. He can’t hurt you again.” 
Bucky’s words flowed over him and eventually his sobs subsided, turning to small hiccups, until he self-consciously extricated himself from Bucky’s embrace. He swiped at his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
“What happened,” he asked. “I mean, I remember bits of it, but a lot of it’s still a blur. I remember-” His head shot up with a gasp and he turned his head towards the back wall, where the bullet hole, surrounded by chipped plaster, taunted him. “You shot at him! You shot at Stephen with a gun!” He stared back at Bucky. “And you - you’re… you’re.” He shuffled backwards, putting some distance between them. Bucky returned his wide-eyed gaze with a sad smile and a small open armed shrug.
“I am.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t really know.” Bucky said. “Maybe it’s because I’m selfish? Maybe because I didn’t want to frighten you away. Why didn’t you tell me?” He gestured at the bed and the ruined blankets.
Steve wrapped his arms around his own waist, but raised his chin. “I thought I could handle it. I didn’t want to have to have somebody - an Alpha - help me out. I never thought he’d take it this far.” He stopped for a moment, nibbling on his lower lip as a thought came to him. “Where is he?” Steve asked guardedly. “Is he - you know - dead?”
“Not yet.” There was a chilly rumble to Bucky’s voice that sent a shiver down Steve’s spine. He wasn’t sure if he was scared by it, or aroused. “My men have him. They’re waiting for me, but I had to make sure you were okay first. You were my priority, Stevie.” Bucky’s tone softened and for a moment Steve’s heart fluttered, but Bucky’s words reminded him of his other query.
“And how am I okay, Bucky? How has the heat gone already?” There was a soreness between his thighs, but it wasn’t what he normally felt after having sex. And it didn’t escape him how Bucky turned his head away at the question and wouldn’t meet his eyes.
“You gotta understand… you were outta your head from the drugs he’d given you. You weren’t in your right mind to agree to anything, so I had to make a choice. I coulda knotted you, but… I just couldn’t… it wouldn’t’ve been right. So I took the other option… and I’m sorry.”
Steve felt a sense of foreboding grow inside his gut. “What other option? Bucky, what did you do?” 
With an apology in his eyes, Bucky pulled a small plastic bottle from his back pocket, along with a business card. “Call my doc, Dr Cho. She was here. She’ll go through everything with you. It’s all paid for.” He held them out tentatively, and Steve plucked them from his fingers, knowing what he was going to see, but hoping against hope he was going to be wrong.
He wasn’t.
He let out a sigh. “Suppressants. Of course.” Tears prickled behind his eyes, and all of his emotions - fear, anger, frustration, disappointment - tangled around each other within him. “You knew how I felt about these! About how he’d made me go on them. And here you are…”
Bucky reached out a hand towards him. “Stevie, I-”
Steve knew deep down that he was being unreasonable, but his logical mind was not in control right now. “Don’t touch me!” he bit out as he jumped backwards, throwing his hands up in the air.
Bucky huffed. “I just did what I thought was best.”
“Best for who?” Steve shrieked. “For you, definitely. You don’t have a bunch of chemicals rampaging around your system, suppressing what you are. Who you are! God, I don’t even want to look at you right now.” He turned his back, emphasising his point, but he heard Bucky shuffling behind him. His inner Omega was telling him to turn back around and go to Bucky - get lost in the security of his embrace, but Steve was mad - mad with the world - and Bucky was the only person available to take it out on.
“Maybe I should go then?” Bucky mumbled from behind him.
Now it was Steve’s turn to huff. He shrugged his shoulders for good measure as well, feigning nonchalance. “Whatever you think is best, Buck. You’re good at making decisions for both of us. Do me a favour though. Don’t kill Stephen. He’ll be missed if he disappears without a trace.”
He heard a resigned sigh. “I promise not to kill him if you promise me you’ll call Dr Cho. Be safe Stevie and I’ll tell Clint that you won’t be in for a while” A heartbeat’s silence, then “‘bye, Sunshine.” Bucky’s feet padded across Steve’s threadbare carpet getting quieter as he walked away, until Steve couldn’t hear them any longer.
Steve sank back to his knees and the tears flowed again.
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Bucky slumped into the office chair, holding the open bottle of whisky.
He took a swig and slammed the bottle on the table. Resting his elbows on the arms of the chair, he steepled his fingers against his face. Never had he envisaged that things with Steve would play out like this. He almost regretted his promise not to kill Steve’s piece of shit ex. 
After leaving Steve’s apartment, Bucky had headed straight to where his men had taken the deluded Alpha. It had been cathartic to take out his frustrations on the sick fuck, but he’d stopped short of finishing him off. He had broken - no, shattered - the guy’s hands though. He wouldn’t be doing any surgery for a long time, if ever again. His men had then dragged the good doctor out, having instructions to make it look as though the Alpha had had a drink fueled car crash. That should explain away his injuries and he’d definitely think twice before harassing Steve again.
However, as satisfying as it had been, it didn’t solve the issue of the chasm between the pair of them. Bucky had known that Steve was going to be upset about the heat suppressants, but he hadn’t imagined such an extreme reaction. He’d wanted so badly to take Steve in his arms and tell him that he’d do anything for him - that he loved him. But Steve had been disgusted by him - by what he’d done and by who he was.
Bucky slumped further in the chair, his feet up on the desk and picked up the whisky bottle again, taking another large gulp. The burn was his just deserts for hurting the man he loved, but that pain would soon be dulled by the alcohol. It was a vicious circle and no less than he deserved. 
A knock at the door had him lifting his head. “Yes?” he bit out with more force than was strictly necessary. Clint opened the door and walked through, warily. 
“Hey, boss. I was wondering, are you gonna work tonight?”
Bucky took another drink. “Yes, but not behind the bar.”
“Okay,” Clint replied with a nod. “Cool. Cool. And Steve? He’s okay, isn’t he?”
“Physically? Better than he could have been - nothing debilitating. Mentally? A wreck. I wish I still had that knot-head fuck in front of me.” As he took another mouthful he thought that maybe he heard Clint mutter ‘that would make two of you’, under his breath, but chose to ignore it. “Make sure Steve’s pay and an average tip amount is deposited in his account until he comes back.”
Clint gave him ‘a look’ before shuffling out, but Bucky just pulled his phone from his pocket.
“Hi Dad. Yeah - I got my problem sorted. I was just wondering, cos I’m at a loose end, whether you had any jobs you needed me to do.”
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That’s all Steve could describe his current state as. It had been that way from the moment that Bucky had walked away from him. He’d held the bottle of heat suppressants in his hand, and had seriously considered flushing them down the toilet, but deep down he’d known that he’d end up in a worse way if he did that. Bucky had said that it was all paid for, and he couldn’t afford to look a gift horse in the mouth. If he ended up in hospital there’s no way he’d be able to afford it, even with his co-pay.
It had been four weeks now since Stephen’s assault, and Steve had taken the tablets religiously. He had an appointment in two weeks to discuss the withdrawal regime. Dr Cho was kind and understanding, and Steve almost couldn’t believe that she was mob affiliated. 
He also hoped that he’d get some of his mojo back as he came off the drugs, although that might be a false hope. While they were almost definitely affecting his mood, he hadn’t been like this last time, with Stephen, so he knew that his emotional state was being impacted by the trauma. Maybe he should take Dr. Cho up on the offer of connecting him with a therapist. She’d hinted that Bucky would cover that as well.
He continued to muse upon it as he walked home from his diner shift. He’d been lucky that they’d held the job open for him for the week he’d taken off to get his head in some kind of order. As he reached his front door, he couldn’t help but place his hand flat against the wood of it. To anyone else, it looked exactly the same as every other front door in this block, but he knew it was different, and on some level reminded him of how he himself felt. Identical on the outside, but still changed.
The afternoon of that day, a few hours after Bucky had left, there had been a tentative knock against the damaged door. Upon careful - and baseball bat protected - investigation, it had turned out to be a crew of workers, again, all paid for. They’d replaced his door and installed more secure locks on both it and all of the windows in the apartment - even the window in his bedroom that only someone who could climb like a spider would be able to get through.
He knew it should make him feel better, knowing that it was almost impossible for anyone to break in now, but his confidence was still shot, and he jumped at every strange noise. On top of that every so often he caught a whiff of gunsmoke in the air, despite how long it had been. Steve couldn’t decide if it was residue from the actual gun Bucky had used to scare Stephen, or whether it was Bucky’s own Alpha scent still lingering in the remaining fabrics of his nest, no matter how much he’d washed them. Every time it wafted through the air, he felt his heart lurch. 
He hated how he was caught in this limbo, missing Bucky like crazy, but also feeling sick at the thought of actually seeing him. It was one of the reasons he hadn’t been back to The Alpha Barne - he didn’t know if he was going to go running into Bucky’s arms or start shouting at him, letting out all the hurt and pain he knew was bubbling just under his skin. Because Bucky had lied. Hidden who and what he was, and it made Steve sick, just to think about it, although he wasn’t sure whether he felt that way because he didn’t like what Bucky did, or because he felt so foolish for not working it out. Whichever way it was though, everything, Bucky, the Barne, dancing, the lies, were all intrinsically linked to the assault and he couldn’t separate them as hard as he tried. 
Steve had been listening to the radio only last week, when one of the songs he’d danced to came on. It had all been fine when he’d been dancing along subconsciously, but as soon as he realised what he was doing, all his emotions had come crashing in. In his mind’s eye he saw Stephen leering at him from the audience, saw Bucky flirting and kissing other Omega’s. He’d felt himself pinned down and begging for something he didn’t want. He’d dropped to the floor of his kitchen, his arms around himself as he’d sobbed.
Frustratingly, it wasn’t as though Bucky didn’t care. He obviously did if the flurry of texts and voicemails Steve had received was any indication, but Steve couldn’t find it within himself to answer with more than a bland ‘Busy, speak soon’. He just didn’t know what to say - how to articulate how he felt. Hell, he didn’t even know how he felt, other than it was too soon to even think about going back to his other job, no matter how much he’d grown to love and enjoy it. For the time being he’d just have to be frugal and take every single diner shift he could. He’d plaster on his best customer service mask, despite how he felt inside, and hope for tips.
Ditching his work gear and toe-ing off his shoes, Steve shuffled to his kitchen cabinet, pulling out another pack of 50 cent ramen noodles. Hopefully when he went to see Dr. Cho she’d have that fruit bowl on her desk again. He was certain that the oranges he pilfered from her were the only reason he hadn’t developed scurvy.
He slumped onto the sofa, bowl of noodles in hand and idly turned on the TV for background noise. He wasn’t quite sure what was happening on the British cookery programme he was watching, but it was entertaining nonetheless. The one bright spot in the past few weeks is that he hadn’t heard anything from Stephen. Not a peep, not a sniff. No more break-ins. No more feeling of being followed. Bucky had promised him that Stephen was still alive, so whatever Bucky had threatened his ex with seemed to have worked in making him stay away. If only he could relax though. Logically he knew he was safe, but he’d let down his guard before and look what had happened. 
Steve whiled away the next few hours with mindless TV shows and an action movie, before dragging himself to have a shower and then collapsing into bed. The morning came all too soon, and Steve felt as though he hadn’t slept, despite not feeling as though he’d woken up during the night. He poured coffee down his throat to support the matchsticks holding his eyes open, and headed off for another day at the diner. He felt as though he was trapped in Groundhog Day.
A few hours in though, and something different happened. Or rather someone different walked through the door. Steve was having a chat during a lull with Stan, the line cook, when the bell over the door rang and Steve picked up the muted Beta scent of Clint.
He turned and flashed his old manager and  -almost?- friend a sad smile.
“Hey, Clint.”
“Hey, Steve. Thought I’d come and see how you were doing. And from the looks of it, you’re not so great.” Clint slid into an empty booth and Steve took a seat opposite him. “So, tell me. What’s eating you, kid?”
Steve let out a sigh. “What’s not eating me? It’s all fucked up, Clint. I’m fucked up.”
Clint let out a snort. “I hate to tell you this, but life, in general is fucked up. I don’t think I know anyone who isn’t off kilter at least a little bit. And we miss you. Me, the girls. Bucky. Heck, I think even the patrons miss you.”
Steve’s lips twitched up at that. “I can’t dance, Clint. Not yet at least. It’s all too raw. I don’t know how much you know, but I have nightmares. And when I do sleep I don’t wake up rested. I want to reach out, I really do, but I just can’t.” He sighed again. “I thought I had something good. With Bucky. I was starting to think that maybe… But he was lying to me the whole time. I thought I knew who he was, but it turned out he was this whole other person after all.”
It was Clint’s turn to smile wanly.
“I know you’re hurt by it all, and I take some of the blame - I didn’t know you didn’t know - but tell me this; how was one different from the other?”
Steve’s eyebrows drew together as he tried to understand Clint’s question. “What do you mean?”
“When Bucky came to your apartment that night, when he ‘became’ this other person, as you put it, what did he do that was so different? Did he treat you any differently to how he had before?”
Steve sat, looking at Clint wide-eyed as realisation washed over him. Through all the hurt and all the pain, he’d never really broken down what Bucky had done that night, what lengths he’d gone to. He felt a lump form in his throat and tears form in his eyes as he answered.
“No. He didn’t treat me any different. In fact, he saved me.”
Maybe it was time to meet that therapist.
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The rear door of the club banged on its hinges as Bucky shouldered his way through it. It was not in the mood for, well, anything. He stomped down the hall and into the office. His office. It was no longer just a place to do the odd deal, it was now the centre of the operations that his father had handed over to him.
Stalking across to the desk he yanked open the bottom drawer and pulled out the first aid kit and a part full bottle of whisky. He took a healthy swig of the latter before opening up the former. Ripping open an alcohol wipe, Bucky let out a restrained hiss as he swiped it across the bloody knuckles of his right hand.
It was strange how so much had changed in the past few weeks. While he had never shied away from the physical aspects of the business - knowing that sometimes it was the only way to deliver a message - he’d never actively sought out participation, quite happy for his father’s enforcers to do the majority of the dirty work. However, it now seemed that his mind was only ever quiet when he was beating seven shades of hell out of some snitch or rival punk. Or when he was deep in the bottle. Sometimes both.
George Barnes had been thrilled when Bucky had requested more involvement and responsibility, clapping his son on the shoulder and immediately drawing him into his traditional study and getting out his books. His mother, Winnifred, has known something was wrong though. Bucky could see it in her expression when she looked at him. He knew she was worried about what had prompted this change of heart regarding the business, but every time she looked as though she was about to start probing, he’d brush her off. Part of him wanted to pour his heart out to her, just as he had when he’d been a child, but another part of him told him that it was just life and he had to suck it up. Things got damaged and broken in their world, so he might as well get used to it.
Dropping the wipe, Bucky picked the bottle up again, tipping it up and just letting it burn down his throat. He didn’t even move when the office door opened and Clint walked through. Bucky did his best to ignore his friend, because if it wasn’t his mother trying to get him to talk, it was the stubborn Beta. Of course, Clint immediately noticed Bucky’s wounds.
“Sit down, Boss,” Clint said with a resigned note. “Who better to fix you up than the man who’s been there and had the blood splattered over his t-shirt?” 
Bucky rolled his eyes, but did as asked, although he didn’t relinquish the grip he had his bottle. Clint pulled out another alcohol wipe and got to work cleaning Bucky up. However, with Bucky now captive to him, it gave him a chance to start up on his new favourite topic of conversation.
“You haven’t gone to speak to him yet.” A statement, not a question. “You need to get a grip, man. Tell him how you feel.”
“He knows where I am,” Bucky snapped back. “I’ve texted him, but he’s barely responded. I’ve said all I need to say.”
“Have you?” Clint scoffed. “Have you really? Because if you had then I doubt you would be sitting here bloody and drunk, and Steve wouldn’t be sleep-walking through life as though he’s an emotionless automaton.”
Bucky tipped back the bottle again. “Butt out, Clint. It’s not your life. It’s mine. I’m just doing what I gotta do.”
“Yeah, and what you’re doing is ruining it.” He grabbed the gauze and started to wrap a bandage around Bucky’s knuckles. “Come on, Bucky. You were so happy before. You and Steve. But now you’re on the path to self-destruction. There’s a big difference between getting more involved with the family business and using it to block out your pain. Steve cares for you, I know he does, but he’s confused and traumatised. I’m thinking that maybe you are as well.”
Bucky let out a derisive laugh. “Me? I wasn’t the one who was attacked.”
“Yeah, but the Omega - the person - that you love was,” Clint countered. “You only just got there in time to stop it and then you had to deal with the aftermath. Had to watch him distraught and in pain. However, you only helped him through part of it. As soon as feelings on both sides got involved you ran away.”
“He asked me to leave, Barton.”
Clint raised an eyebrow. “Did he? Did he say ‘I want you to leave’?”
Bucky’s brain whirred, sorting through his memories of the last time he’d seen Steve. Had he asked Bucky to go, or had Bucky said that he was going to and Steve just went along with it? His head started to pound with it.
“You know what, Clint? Fuck off. I don’t need you trying to analyse me. I’ve got a shrink if I need to do that.” Bucky pushed himself up from the chair, knowing he shouldn’t be talking to his friend like this, but feeling just so full of frustration he couldn’t stop it from spilling over. He took a last drink and threw the now empty bottle into the trash. “Call Kate. She’s working tonight to cover my shift. In fact, she can cover them all until further notice.”
Without even looking at Clint, unable to meet his eyes, Bucky strode out of the office and onto the main floor of the club. He kept his gaze fixed forwards, not wanting to see the pity-filled expressions of the people he knew. When he reached the bar he stopped at it long enough to grab another bottle, tequila this time, before heading out of the main doors.
He wasn’t really thinking about where he was going, just knowing he needed a walk to clear his head. A little voice inside commented that it was difficult to do that if he was going to continue to drink while he crossed town, but he told it to shut up. He was aware that he was receiving concerned and cautious glances from other pedestrians, and even noticed a few folk going out of their way to avoid him, but he didn’t care.
His world had gone to shit. He loved Steve. His Stevie. His Sunshine. But he’d been stupid and selfish. Through his own actions and ineptitude he’d broken Steve’s trust in him and allowed him to get hurt. How different would the present be if he’d been straight with Steve from the beginning? Would Steve have still wanted to know him - have a relationship with him? Would Bucky have been brave enough to declare his feelings? Could they have avoided the whole Stephen thing altogether?
Finding himself in familiar surroundings, Bucky wasn’t even surprised to realise that he’d walked all the way to Steve’s apartment. He was even less surprised to note that it had started raining, and from the state of his clothes, had been for sometime. On top of that, dusk was falling and the street lights were turning on. Time always seemed to pass quickly these days, stuck in his own head as he so often was, and both his parents and Clint had called him out on a few occasions for blanking them when they were talking to him.
He crossed the street and made his way down the alley at the side of the building. Although he couldn’t see in from here, he could see Steve’s living room lit up at the top of the fire escape, and could make out shadows flitting around inside. Cautiously, tucking the tequila bottle into his pants, he began to climb up. As drunk as he was, he somehow managed to scale the metal rungs quietly, and he crouched on the platform outside Steve’s window, looking in through a crack in the curtains.
Bucky could hear music playing from Steve’s speakers and he shifted slightly so he could see where Steve was jigging along in his little kitchenette, cooking something up on the stove. God, Steve was so fucking beautiful it hurt. What he wouldn’t give to be inside with him right now. Dancing and singing along, cooking together. He imagined how after a simple meal for two, he’d pull Steve close, whisper sweet nothings in his ear and then take him to the bedroom and take him apart in the most beautiful way. His eyes burned with unshed tears and he pulled the bottle from his pants and took a drink. It was only as he righted it that he realised that he’d gotten down to the bottom.
He stared at it for a moment, his heart beating wildly in his chest, thoughts swirling and realisation starting to crystallise in his mind. He looked up at Steve again, seemingly happy or at least on his way to being so, and then back down at himself. His clothes were rumpled and smeared with dirt, blood and alcohol. 
What the actual fuck was he doing?
He was acting just like Stephen - mooning over Steve and making it all about how he felt. God, he was even creeping like the deranged Alpha, watching Steve from the shadows. He felt bile rise in his throat and retched, his stomach emptying the alcohol over the side of the fire escape and onto the concrete below. When no more came up, he scrambled down the ladder as fast his legs could safely take him and leant against the wall.
This wasn’t right. He wasn’t right. And if he stood any chance of rebuilding his relationship with Steve he had to fix whatever the hell was wrong with him. He caught sight of a dumpster a few feet away, and threw the empty bottle overhand into it, listening to the tinkle of glass as it smashed upon impact.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dialled a number he hadn’t called in months. As it rang he took one more look up at the windows of Steve’s apartment, before turning on his heel and heading towards the nearest taxi rank. When the phone connected, he had no time for pleasantries.
“Banner? Yeah, it’s Barnes. I need my head shrunk and I need your soonest appointment. Tomorrow at 10am? Yeah. I’ll be there.”
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Steve let out a sigh and stretched his arms over his head. He’d been lucky enough to score a lucrative night shift for once. Unluckily, it came as part of a double shift because one of the other servers had called in sick. Still, it would help to bolster his bank account and he could live with that, even if it came at the expense of feet ache, back ache and sleep deprivation.
There had been a rush on around midnight, when all the local clubs had kicked out, and Steve had kept his head down as much as he was able when he recognised some patrons from the Alpha Barne, but since then it had been fairly quiet. The only patrons they’d really had were a few of the local homeless who used their meagre scraped together coins to buy bottomless coffee and use the diner as a place to stay warm and safe overnight. Steve couldn’t begrudge them that, especially as he considered how close he’d been to being their shoes. However, it was now nearing 5am, and the night shift cook had told him to start expecting the early risers. They often got a lot of construction workers looking for a cheap and filling meal on their way to their job sites.
It was now two months since the attack, and he’d been seeing the psychiatrist, Dr Banner, who Dr Cho had put him in touch with. With a kindly face, and a soft spoken voice, the older Alpha had listened patiently to Steve’s story, his fears and feelings of betrayal, and while he knew he still had a long way to go, Steve knew that he was on the right path. He was looking forward to coming off the suppressants in the next few weeks, hoping it would make him feel even more like himself.
At Dr Banner’s insistence, he’d tried to dance at home again. “You shouldn’t let these incidents rob you of what brings you joy, Steve,” he’d said, and Steve had vowed to try again. Without a proper pole in his house, he’d tried to replicate his dance from that first night, and while he’d struggled to get through it, had finished in a puddle of tears, he had done it. Maybe some of the tears had been down to relief? But still, it gave him hope. If he could regain his confidence with dancing he might be able to find the confidence and strength to go back to the Alpha Barne - work there again and face Bucky. As he considered it all, Steve stretched out his legs, rotating his ankles to ease the ache, unconsciously going into a dancer’s pose.
The bell above the door rang and he grabbed his notepad. He turned to face his new customer with a smile which froze on his face. There, with the door closing behind him was Bucky. But this wasn’t the Bucky that Steve remembered. 
His Bucky had worn jeans and either plain black t-shirts or maroon or navy Henleys, his long hair casually tied up in a bun. This Bucky was an altogether different beast. He wore a suit; black with a subtle pinstripe check. His hair was still tied up, but it had been slicked back and tamed - something which caused a pang of disappointment to dart through him. This Bucky also had hollow looking eyes and bandaged hands.
Bucky stepped forward. “Hi, Stevie.”
Steve’s breath caught in his throat. “Hi, Buck- I mean, James.”
Bucky’s lips turned up, but there was no joyful smile in his eyes. “I’m still Bucky. Buck. That hasn’t changed. I was wondering if we could talk?”
Steve pulled his lower lip between his teeth as he looked around. There were two homeless guys sitting in a booth on the far side, doing yesterday’s crossword puzzle between them. They’d already been here two hours and were unlikely to order anything, but he didn’t know who was going to work through the doors before then.
“The next shift comes in at 6am, so I am sort of working until then. Do you want to wait?”
“Of course I’ll wait,” Bucky replied and this time his eyes did reflect his smile, albeit shyly. “But could I trouble you for a cup of coffee? I’m not used to seeing the day from this end.”
Steve couldn’t help but flash his own smile. “Take a seat. I’ll bring it over. And it’s bottomless.”
“Even better.”
Steve made his way behind the counter, finding the cleanest and most un-chipped mug he could, and filled it up with steaming coffee from the jug. Automatically he added a small spoon of sugar and dollop of cream, his hands remembering how Bucky liked to drink his joe.
When he turned back around, he found Bucky sitting in the opposite corner to the other two customers, and he was looking at something on his phone. Steve’s heart jumped in his chest as he took this opportunity to quietly study the Alpha who produced such conflicting feelings within him. He was so glad to see him, and his inner Omega longed to curl up in Bucky’s lap and trade lazy kisses until he was purring with contentment. However, he knew that to do so without clearing the air and saying what he needed to say would lead to disaster in the long term. The pair of them needed to be on the same page.
Squaring his shoulders, Steve walked over to Bucky’s table and placed the cup in front of him. Bucky tilted his head up, his eyes shining with emotion, and Steve opened his mouth to start to say his piece when the bell rang again. Looking over his shoulder, Steve saw a group of labourers, hats in hand and hi-vis vests tucked into their pants, crowd through the door. 
“Go do your job, Stevie. I said I’d wait, and I mean it.”
Over the next hour Steve served the customers who came in for early breakfasts, a mixture of labourers, early-rising office workers and first responders coming off shift. In between orders, he’d glance over a Bucky, who asked for a refill twice, but was more often than not still reading and typing on his phone. Eventually though Carol, who was scheduled to do the early shift, came through the door. After handing over to her, Steve returned to Bucky’s booth.
“So I’m done. You said you wanted to talk?”
“I do. I think we have a lot to say to each other, but if you’re anything like me, you’re famished. Would you mind getting me some pancakes? Maybe a double stack and you can eat too?”
Steve felt a blush make its way up his neck. Bucky remembered how much he liked pancakes. He’d eat them at every meal if he could.
“Sure, Buck. I’ll be right back.”
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[Image description: A moodboard. The background is a cityscape at dawn, the background different shades of orange. There are five picture frames. The first is the interior of a diner. The second is an external view of a diner in the morning. The large sign is turned off. The third is of a lit up, bent arrow sign at night, declaring a Diner, with the word “eat” underneath. The fourth is a quote - “Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to.” The fifth picture is of a stack of pancakes with a jug of syrup and a cup of coffee on a diner table.]
He returned a little over five minutes later, carrying a massive plate, groaning with buttered pancakes, and with a jug of syrup in his other hand. Placing it down, he slid onto the bench seat opposite Bucky.
They looked at each other and as Steve opened his mouth to speak, Bucky did the same.
“How’ve you been?” Steve asked as Bucky said “I hope you’ve been doing okay.”
They both stopped and Steve was pleased to note he wasn’t the only one blushing. Bucky gestured with his hand and Steve answered first.
“Not badly, all things considered. I mean, it was rough at the beginning, but Dr Cho has been great - explaining to me why I need to stay on the suppressants for so long before coming off them. I actually start the process of weaning off them next week, which I’m looking forward to. And I’ve started therapy. It’s probably something I should have done when I got away from Stephen that first time, but better late than never, I suppose. My psychiatrist is really good at helping me deal with all the anger I’ve been feeling. What about you?”
Bucky laced his fingers together and rested his hands on the table in front of him. His thumbs fidgeted against each other and his gaze was cast down.
“I’ve - umm - been working. With my father. Not behind the bar.” 
It seemed to Steve that Bucky was worried how he’d react to the news. To be honest, Steve wasn’t actually sure how he felt. He didn’t want to make a spur of the minute judgement. “And do you enjoy that more than bar-tending?” he probed gently.
Bucky did look up at that, cocking his head with a snort. “I don’t know if enjoying it is the right word. I mean, it’s good to get more involved in the running of everything. Working on logistics and planning. Although I can’t say that I don’t enjoy some aspects of ‘taking out the trash’.” He glanced briefly at his knuckles and Steve couldn’t help but follow his gaze. “But I do miss the club. Clint. The girls. It felt like a big family, you know?”
“Are you going to continue with it?” Steve asked
“Will my answer make a difference to what happens next?”
Steve gave a little shrug. “Possibly. I don’t know. I think I need to get my head around it.”
“That’s fair,” Bucky agreed with a nod. “But I think this change was inevitable. I couldn’t keep myself out of it forever. It is a family business after all.”
Silence fell between them and in order to stop feeling awkward, Steve grabbed his cutlery and cut off a wedge of pancake, dunking it in the jug of syrup.
“Heathen,” Bucky hissed in amusement, and Steve felt himself grin, unbidden, around his mouthful. For a few minutes they both ate, but the silence grew heavy again and when he finished a mouthful, Steve blurted out, “I never thanked you. So ‘thank you’. For saving me.”
“Oh, Steve,” Bucky sighed out. “You don’t have to do that. Not at all. And I’m so sorry that I didn’t get there sooner. I’m sorry he even had the chance to hurt you again.”
Without thinking, Steve reached out across the table and took Bucky’s hand loosely in his own. “It’s not your fault, Buck. None of it. I should have told you. I trusted you more than anyone, but I still didn’t say anything.”
Bucky smiled back at him, gently squeezing his hand back.
“I remember,” Steve continued, “when you came in, and you were facing off against Stephen, talking about how I got to choose who to fuck and love and trust. I remember you saying that you hit two out of the three.”
Bucky’s eyebrows rose up towards his hair. “You remember that? You were pretty out of it. I’m sorry that I don’t check any of your boxes now. I doubt you trust me any more, but I wouldn’t blame you. I lied about who I was.”
“Yes,” Steve agreed. “You did. I made assumptions and you didn’t correct them. Numerous times. And I am cross about it, but I still trust you. And when it comes down to it, you only lied about who you are, not what you are.”
“What do you mean ‘what I am’?” Bucky asked, obviously puzzled.
“You, James Buchanan Barnes, are a good man. You’re a good Alpha and a good friend. You are my lover and my hero. And you’re the man that I love. You don’t tick only two of my boxes, Bucky. You tick all of them. All three of them.”
Bucky’s jaw dropped. “Y-you love me? You never said anything, Steve, other than wanting to be friends.”
“How could I not love you? From the moment you took me home before my heat I was a goner. You looked after me. Cared for me. You weren’t disgusted…” unbidden memories of Stephen’s treatment of him came flooding into his mind and Steve stuttered to a halt, pulling his hand back from Bucky’s. He didn’t dare look at Bucky, and instead stared at the drips of syrup that were domed atop the melamine table top. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t think I was worthy of love, especially yours. So I kept telling myself that you wouldn’t want more than friends with benefits. Every time I said it out loud I think I was trying to convince myself more than anything. Anyway, I wanted you to know. It seemed only right. I don’t want to have any secrets from you anymore.”
In the following silence, Steve was sure he heard crickets chirping, and despite how awkward and embarrassed he felt, eventually he peered up from under his eyelashes. Bucky looked like he’d stopped working. His mouth was still open like a fish and he was blinking like he was trying desperately to process what Steve had just said. Worried about what he might say when he did get his wits about him, Steve pressed on.
“The therapy is really working though. I’m feeling a lot more myself. Better than in a long time, even though I know there’s still a long way to–”
“I love you too.” The words tumbled from Bucky’s lips, stopping Steve mid-flow as surely as the way that Bucky reclaimed his hand did. “And, fuck. Of course you’re worthy of love, Stevie. You’re worthy of everything. If anything, it’s me that isn’t.” He pulled Steve’s hand up to his face and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “I lied to you, over and over again. I knew I should tell you, but I was so scared that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me. You seemed so against this whole ‘family business’ thing, and while I desperately wanted something more, I wanted to respect the fact that you only wanted friendship.”
Steve couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “What a pair we are, Buck. And as for how I spoke about what you did, what your family does, I don’t know anything about that world outside of newspaper clippings and over the top films. For the most part I was just being silly - winding you up to watch you smile.” He shifted his hand within Bucky’s grasp so that their fingers were entwined. “I love watching you smile. Watching you blush. I love you, James Buchanan Barnes, but as I said earlier, no more secrets, yeah?”
“Yeah, no more secrets, Sunshine.” Bucky reached up his hand and swiped his thumb over Steve’s cheek. “I promise that whatever I do will have as little impact upon you as possible. You can know whatever you want to know.”
Steve nuzzled into Bucky’s hand, feeling a purr build in his chest at the closeness. “I don’t think I’m gonna be feeling some kinda way for a while, but I wondered, after we’ve finished here, if you wanted to come and doze in my nest with me. Maybe watch a movie or two?”
Bucky smiled at him adoringly. “Sunshine, I'm happy to do whatever you want.”
It was difficult for the pair of them to finish off the pancake stack with only one hand each, but Steve wasn’t willing to let Bucky go, and it seemed as though Bucky felt the same.
He knew they both had a way to go yet, but it was a new day and they were going to face it together.
Chapter 4
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Tag list:@christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796
Bingo and Challenge fills:
For the whole fic: @Buckybarnesevents Into and alternate June-iverse - Strip Club | April Babb - Pet names
For the Chapter:  @Stuckybingo -Pancakes | @steverogersbingo  - Worthy Steve | @Stuckygeekevents  - “How could I not love you?” | Alpha Bucky April - Purring
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blackwood4stucky · 6 months
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author: aspen blackwood | stucky geek events
event: stucky geek bingo
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call of the moon | 🅴
fill: laceration synopsis: A ruin is what became of the beast’s home, but beauty can still be found in the wilds.
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do you trust me with your scars enough to show me your heart | 🅼
fills: body image issues, tension series: wonder if it's room in heaven for savages synopsis: There was always a sweetness that lingered in Steve’s nose whenever he spent time with Bucky Barnes. It was a light floral scent with underlying honey and peach that followed Bucky wherever he went. Steve was never too far behind, low eyes and an intoxicated grin gracing his features every time. It was the look of a boy caught in a snare.
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freefall | 🆃
fill: forbidden love series: the call of darkness snippet: The cuisine is to die for, the drinks are strong, and the music is perfect. What’s not to love from a well-deserved night on the town during a spectacular vacation?
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page | 🅴
synopsis: There were turncoats on the Lemurian Star. ──────.·:·.☽✧ ☆゚ ✦  ☆゚ ✧☾.·:·. ────── fills by chapter ch 1: hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page ➳ captivity, kidnapped ch 2: why does it taste so bitter (when you’re the sugar that touches my lips) ➳ confusion
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maybe we’re just born with stardust in our blood | 🅼
fills: cold stare, mourning synopsis: Team Cap search for the one thing that could send Bucky back to where he started.
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something flickering in the night | 🆃
fill: on the run series: the call of darkness synopsis: Bucky doesn't understand why he's being called a sinner, certain things just aren't his fault
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something wicked this way comes | 🆃
fill: free space series: the call of darkness synopsis: Dreams can be omens and Bucky’s was unlike anything he normally has.
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aspen's vault: fics masterlist | aspen's world: bingo & events participation masterlist
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greekgeek24 · 4 months
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My piece for @stuckygeekevents Mermay Week! Prompt: pirates!
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stuckygeekevents · 4 months
Stucky Geek Bingo
Author: Kalee60
Work title: The prince's bride
Main characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Short summary As SHIELD and Hydra teeter on the edge of a faction war, a brainwashed Soldier, the Winter Prince is an unwitting pawn in a larger game and is forced into a betrothal to one Alexander Pierce. Kidnapped by mercenaries, then rescued by a pirate who is extremely familiar, the Winter Prince starts to regain his memories.<br> In the course of his adventure’s, he’ll meet Brock - a master tactician who will do anything to get ahead in life; Hulk - a gentle giant; Natasha - the Russian who thirsts for revenge; and Gravik - the skrull mastermind behind it all. Foiling all their plans and jumping into their stories is Steve Rogers, the Soldier's one true love and a very good friend of a very dangerous pirate.<br> Or the Princess Bride AU that literally no one wanted except me… (and maybe one other person…)
Additional Tags: Alternate universe - Pirates, princess bride inspired, pining, light angst, fluff and humour
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steverogersevents · 8 months
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A masterpost of Steve Rogers events! Please let me know if there are any that I missed - not all events are currently ongoing but you never know when one will come back :D
🌟 STEVE ROGERS-CENTRIC 🌟 ★ Bottom Steve Rogers Fest @bottom-steve-fest ★ Captain Bottom Bingo @cabottombingo ★ Happy Steve Bingo @happystevebingo ★ Man With A Plan Bingo @manwithaplanbingo ★ Silver Fox Steve Bang @silver-fox-steve-bang ★ Steve-Centric September 2021 @stevecentricseptember ★ Steve Rogers Appreciation Week @steverogersweek ★ Steve Rogers Bingo @steverogersbingo
🌟 STEVE ROGERS/TONY STARK 🌟 ★ A Second Chance @stevetonyisendgame ★ Cap-Iron Man @cap-ironman ★ Lights on Park Ave @lightsonparkave ★ SteveTony DarkFests @stevetonydarkfests ★ Stony AUniverse @stonyauniverse ★ Stony Loves Steve @stonylovessteve
🌟 STEVE ROGERS/BUCKY BARNES 🌟 ★ ShrinkyClinks Bang @buckybarnesevents (formerly @shrinkyclinksrb) ★ Shrinkyclinks Fest @shrinkyclinksfest ★ Stucky Bang @stuckybangs ★ Stucky Bingo @stuckybingo ★ Stucky Halloween @stuckyhalloween ★ Stucky Geek Events @stuckygeekevents (formerly Historical Fiction @stuckyhistoricalfiction) ★ Stuckyverse Bingo @stuckyversebingo ★ Stucky Week @stucky-week
🌟 STEVE ROGERS/PEGGY CARTER 🌟 ★ Steggy Bingo Bash @steggybingobash ★ Steggy Fan Events @steggyfanevents
🌟 STEVE ROGERS/THOR ODINSON 🌟 ★ ThunderShield Events @thundershieldevents
🌟 TEAM CAP 🌟 ★ All Caps Bingo @allcapsbingo ★ Cap Bang @capbang ★ CATWS Anniversary @catws-anniversary ★ Star-Spangled Bang @starspangledbigbang ★ Star-Spangled Secret Santa @starspangledsecretsanta
🌟 POLY / MULTI 🌟 ★ SteveTonyBucky Bingo @stb-bingo ★ Stuckony Valentine Cards @stuckonyvalentinecards ★ Superfamily Exchange @superfamilyexchange
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We've Moved! This Event Is Now Run by @stuckygeekevents.
We are so excited to invite you to the new home of Stucky Historical Fiction and Stucky Halloween!
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queenofthehaus · 7 months
「 ✦ Queen of the Haus ✦ 」
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「 ✦ Welcome to the Haus of Bingo ✦ 」
If you’d like to see what fandom events Aspen is participating in, follow the queen and turn the post notifications on!
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aspen's spicy darkfics
bingo & events participation
see masterlist #2
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↳ any fandom goes bingo
⟶⟶ angst
⟶⟶ au
⟶⟶ dark
↳ ↳ ↳ ↳ bingo announcement 1
⟶⟶ fluff
⟶⟶ kink
⟶⟶ mixed
⟶⟶ omega
⟶⟶ sebstan
⟶⟶ ultimate chris
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↳ au-gust writing challenge
⟶⟶ april flowers brings m-au flowers
⟶⟶ au-gust 2024 [coming soon]
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↳ bad things happen bingo
⟶⟶ card 1
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↳ bucky barnes bingo
⟶⟶ round 5
⟶⟶ round 6
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↳ bucky barnes events
⟶⟶ build-a-bucky-bingo
⟶⟶⟶ round 1
⟶⟶⟶⟶ monthly prompt edition
⟶⟶ connect 4: into an alternate june-iverse
⟶⟶⟶ round 2
⟶⟶ seasonal events
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↳ captain america: the winter soldier 10th year anniversary event
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↳ creatures & cryptids
⟶⟶ into the wilds bingo
⟶⟶ into the wilds flash
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↳ dead dove events
⟶⟶ the whole shebang
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↳ eclipsing bingo
⟶⟶ card 1
⟶⟶ card 2
↳↳ the rising moon flash event by eclipsing bingo
⟶⟶ flash card
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↳ fandom bingo
⟶⟶⟶⟶ mcu edition
⟶⟶⟶⟶ rpf edition
↳ fandom mini bingos
⟶⟶ the little prince bingo
⟶⟶ the martian bingo [coming soon]
⟶⟶ reverse: 1999 bingo | rpf edition
⟶⟶ wonderland bingo [coming soon]
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↳ fandom-free-bingo
⟶⟶ frosty edition
⟶⟶ flight edition
⟶⟶ maritime edition
⟶⟶ valentine's edition
⟶⟶ wild edition
⟶⟶ world book night edition
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↳ febuwhump
⟶⟶ feb five
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↳ #ficwip
⟶⟶ all ships week 2024 [coming this halloween]
⟶⟶ dark & cozy 2024
⟶⟶ ficwip5k 2024
⟶⟶ hey, sweetheart [coming 2025]
⟶⟶ level up 2024
⟶⟶ once upon a bang [a fairytale bang coming 2025]
⟶⟶ spitefest 2024 [coming this october]
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↳ julybreakbingo
⟶⟶ post july 23
⟶⟶ pre july 24
⟶⟶ july break bingo 24 [coming soon]
⟶⟶ post july 24 [coming soon]
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↳ kill-a-character bingo
⟶⟶ 2024
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↳ kinky-things-happen
⟶⟶ card 1
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↳ marvel-smash-bingo
⟶⟶ card 1
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↳ multifandom-flash
⟶⟶ april flash
⟶⟶ fear bingo
⟶⟶ halloween flash
⟶⟶ march flash
⟶⟶ may free 4 all
⟶⟶ omegaverse
⟶⟶ round 1
⟶⟶ round 2
⟶⟶ round 3 double flash
⟶⟶ taboo flash
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↳ scalding hot: consent issues bingo
⟶⟶ round 2
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↳ seasonal delights bingo
⟶⟶ language of flowers bingo
↳↳ types of love bingo
⟶⟶ card 1
⟶⟶ card 2 [coming soon]
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↳ slumberpartybingo
⟶⟶ ultimate sleepover edition
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↳ stucky bingo
⟶⟶ round 5
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↳ stucky geek events
⟶⟶ seasonal events
⟶⟶ stucky geek bingo
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↳ sweetspicybingo
⟶⟶ hurt/comfort bingo
⟶⟶ lyrical bingo [coming soon]
⟶⟶ sweetheart bingo
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↳ the-slumberparty
⟶⟶ february 2024 sleepover challenge: eight types of love
⟶⟶ sundae bar
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↳ year of the otp event
⟶⟶ 2023
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🩶 aspen writes ~ desktop preferred
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 21 Dec 2022
 Had another nicely productive writing week  - I touched 8 fics (3 WIPs & 5 new works) for a total of  2472 words, taking me over 115k for the year!  
On Ao3, I posted  an Avengers bonding fic (with bonus pining!Steve),  a fluffy Bucky vs Natasha, Sam & Steve drabble,  a Thor & Bruce post-Ragnarok ficlet,  A WinterIron meet-cute (with bonus Morgan!),  a semi-cracky Bucky & Sam & Nebula ficlet,  a semi-cracky Sam, Bucky & Steve ficlet and a Stony secret relationship High School AU ficlet. The Stucky Bingo December 2022 Round Robin  that I participated in was also posted. 
On Tumblr, I posted  a SamBucky Christmas getting together ficlet (that will be on Ao3 later this week)
Am down to 12 active WIPs  (with a couple of maybe TBCs)  with my current   deadline being  the  Man with a Plan, Starkbucks  and Bucky Barnes bingos coming in close behind!  
See below cut for the WIPs  (arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc) I am working on  -   feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects   (or any other WIPs I’ve got out there) – they really help feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Avengers Bingo [AvB] (Runs thru 24 Dec ) - ALL WRITTEN - Goal = BLACKOUT!
Fourteen fills posted (14 to Ao3)  and 0 WIPs -  Everything is written!!! I just need to edit and post to get my blackout on this 4x4 card!!! I decided to further challenge myself on this 16-square card by pairing up each square with a unique combo of 2 original MCU Avengers, with the final square being dealers’ choice. Thanks again to the STB Enthusiasts Discord folks for helping me match pairings to squares - I think they worked out pretty well overall!
* B4 - Age Gap    - Finished up Caught By the Rain and Blinded by the Lightning - a Thor/Tony  post CA:CW  PWP crossing over with TSB One Night Stand. It came in at  1256 words & is scheduled for Ao3 on 12/23.  
* D2 - Romeo & Juliet AU  -  Two Cliques: Alike in Dignity  posted this morning - Steve (jock) & Tony  (geek) trying out for title roles in R&J - despite their respective friend groups objections/grousing about the other clique. It came in at 327 words.
Man With a Plan (Steve Rogers) Bingo [MWAPB] (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Seventeen fills, two bingos (Row 5 & Col I) 3 WIPs - shooting for a Row 2/Column O bingo as well.  Since the event was pretty much abandoned by its creator (life happens, I get it),  I’m finishing this pretty much out of stubbornness and may carry some squares over for inspiration into the new year.
* I1 - Steve is here for TFAtWS  - Passing the Torch posted this morning - a moodboard for this square paired with a ficlet for  my  BBB  “Oh, hell no"  square - Bucky POV (with some extra insider info) of the events where Sam is given Cap’s shield.   It came in at 339 words.
* G4 - Canon Divergence post CA:TWS - possible  crossover with BBB  Kill List – Bucky wreaking havoc on Hydra bases and  Steve & Sam catch up with him. Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* G5 - Friends to Lovers -  claimed this with   Never Have I Ever (But I’d Like to With You)  a pining!Steve POV of the team playing NHIE where he manages to get one over on Tony. Chapter 1 came it at 1000 words even and posted last Friday. Chapter 2 will switch to Tony POV and make good on this square.
*  O2 - Sex Pollen  -  A Dusting of Trouble  is in progress - Steve and Bucky get curious when they learn Teenage Groot’s pollen is an aphrodisiac. It crosses over with my SRB  - Groot square and am working on a scene so I can use my BBB KINK: Aftercare square as well.  It’s currently sitting at 505 words, and is scheduled for  12/29.  
* O5 - FREE - Filled this with a self-referential item:   Man with a Plan Bingo Badges - fairly basic graphics based on photos of my Steve Rogers SWC figures - participant, bingo blackout and stealth (for anyone who posted 5+ fills without a bingo)
StarkBucks Bingo - Round 3  (SBB_R3) - Ends 31 Dec
Fourteen fills (13 posted to Ao3), 3 WIPs - One bingo (Col N) and shooting for  Row 3, Col G and Row 4.
* B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.“  - Possible crossover with  BBB - KINK: Seduction Mission?   Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* I2 - Mistaken Identity - crossover with TSB K5 - Protectiveness -  “The Mechanic, The Soldier & The Artist” - mob/assassin AU with a Mr. & Mrs. Smith twist?   Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.
* I3 - “Oh dear.” -  Wrote up a remix ficlet of  Leading Questions - Tony POV on the stressful interview and the immediate aftermath.  It came it at 255 words and is scheduled for 12/27.
* I4 - Canon: Avengers Academy  - will probably do Stuffed Marvels sketches of Tony and Winter, as I know very little about the game/canon.   It’s on my Bingo Attack plan list, but at the bottom, so don’t hold your breath.
* N3 - FREE - Filled this with An Act of Kindness, a fluffy meet-cute with Tony & Morgan needing a bit of help from the handsome stranger standing in line at the coffee shop.  It came in at 545 words and has a sequel coming as part of a stocking challenge that gets revealed on the 26th. 
* N5 - “Wanna make a bet?”  Used this in combination with the Day 18  Fictober (“I don’t think this is your problem.”)  and Flufftober  (Soulmate AU) prompts for  Marked-Up Soulmarks  - a soulmate AU where Tony discovers he and Steve have something (and someone) in common. I may expand on this before posting it to Ao3 and/or claiming it as an official fill. Currently coming in at 418 words.
* G4 - Pepper Potts -  continue  Open Up Your Heart (And Let the Truth Come Out) - Tony POV?  This is on my Bingo Attack plan list, but at the bottom, so don’t hold your breath.  
* O1 - Royalty - crossover with TSB - IronWidow  &  BBB   AU: Arranged Marriage -  pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up - the current chapter is sitting at 595 words and would need to be 800 min to fill all 3 squares.   It may not make this bingo’s deadline, but possibly BBB?    
* O5 - AU: Biker  - Grease 2  fusion  anyone?  😁  I watched the movie a month or so ago and took notes -  It’s not gonna be a faithful adaptation, but hopefully fun - had another mini-brainstorm on this  that led to last Friday’s  No Ordinary Boy ficlet, but that didn’t go far enough into the  story to count toward this square.   Will post this ficlet on 12/26 with the faint hope of getting more done before the deadline, but it’s  not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath!
Hero Hardships Bingo  [HHB]  (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Not really expecting to get anything more done on this card, unfortunately.  😔
* O3 - Dating a civilian -  this would fit perfectly with another chapter of Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) , for which I currently have a basic plot point or two rolling around in my head.   I do have about 1000 words on what would be the next chapter of TWTG, so… maybe I’ll whip it into shape and toss it out there? :: shrug::
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round 4 [BBB_R4] (Runs thru 7 Jan 2023)
Seventeen fills,  four WIPs  & ideas for everything except one square  - Row 1 bingo achieved - shooting for Column B, Column K and maybe Row 3 as well.  Hoping we can carry squares over into the next round. 
* B3 - Sam Wilson|Falcon -  Chapter 2 of After One Or Two False Starts   is in good shape. It switches to Bucky POV and is currently sitting at 315 words.   Targeting 1/6 to post it.  
* U2 - AU: Roommate  - Still wanting to use the Meet Ugly prompt: 02. I bought a house three months ago but I’m finally moving in and discover you’ve been squatting because you’re homeless    – probably WinterHawk with  recovering!Bucky being the squatter in Clint’s apartment building.  However, this is not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath.
* U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage - will probably pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up for this one.  See SBB Royalty for details.
* C2 - “Oh, hell no” - see MWAP  I1 - Steve is here for TFaWS
*C3 - FREE Filled this with  A Disarming Request  - a Bucky & Nebula fic written in response to (and therefore spoiling) the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.  It came in at 306 words and was posted on Tuesday. 
* C4 - KINK: Aftercare - see  MWAPB Sex Pollen above
*C5 - “This might as well happen” -  Used this for the Sept BBB Round Robin  (crackfic - Emperor’s New Groove inspired)  wrote 276 words toward it. Looks like I’ll get to count it, just need to submit a square fill form. 
* K1 - Thighs - Ended up expanding on a 3 prompts --> summary game response and ended up with  Card Sharks. It’s a drabble where Bucky is playing strip poker with Steve, Natasha and Sam - and things are not going well (or going extremely well, depending on your point of view). 100 words and posted on Sunday. 
* K3 - KINK: Edging  - working on Hanging By A Moment -   (Bucky POV with toy play and Tony as a power bottom)  crossing over  with  TSB   K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging  - - currently 639 words and just about done; it’s scheduled to post on 12/30. I might add an epilogue as a separate chapter to get  C4 - KINK: Aftercare square as well.
* Y2 - Never the fall that kills you -  this might be the title for a reverse hanahaki WinterIron prompt from @lacrimula-falsa ….   but is not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so don’t hold your breath.
* Y4 - KINK: Seduction Mission - crossover with SBB - B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.”  & “It wasn’t wasted”  Not on my Bingo Attack plan list, so probably won’t get done.  Hopefully I can carry squares over into the next round!
Sam Wilson Bingo - Mini Holiday Round (SWB_MH) - Ends 20 Jan
Picked up a 3x3 card for this holiday event and already have 1 fill posted and another ready to go.  Shooting for a bingo/crossover with BBB squares.
*A1 - Secret Santa  Sam’s bound and determined to figure out who keeps leaving little gifts for him around the Compound. 
* B1 - Under the Mistletoe  - Posted Things Are Looking Up here on Tumblr last Friday as a Flash Fiction Friday fill - Bucky gets included in a Wilson Christmas tradition.  It is sitting at  553 words and will go up on Ao3 tomorrow.
* C1 - Christmas Morning   Better Be Good (For Goodness’ Sake) is written - secret relationship fluff that’s coming in at 353 words and will be posted to Ao3 on the 24th. 
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 2  (SRB_R2) - Ends 31 Jan
Fifteen fills posted with 2 bingos (Row 3 & Row 1)   & 1 WIP at the moment   – aiming for 2 or 3 more bingos before the event wraps.
* A1 - Never Have I Ever -  see   MWAPB  FREE above.  
* A4 - Touch Attention/Denial  - I have an idea for this that will also fill (heh) my Stucky Bingo  KINK - Double Penetration square.
* B2 - Mile High Club -  This will be the second chapter of Never Have I Ever (But I Want To With You), picking up with Tony’s POV after the events of Chapter One. Rolling some things around in my head, but other projects are taking priority.   Possibly combine with TSB  Tony’s Poor Life Choices ?
* C4 - Groot - crossover with  MWAPB Sex Pollen - see above.
* E2 - Comics Nomad Steve  - SWC sketch of Nomad!Steve
* E4 - Mental Bondage - crossover with TSB KINK: Concubine -  Potential Title My Voice The Chain that Binds You
Tony Stark Bingo - Round 6  (TSB_R6)  [Ends 28 Feb]
Fifteen fills and three WIPs at the moment -    with  Vague Ideas for almost every other square.  
* T1 - One Night Stand - see AvB - B4 - Age Gap
* T2 - Doing Groceries - crossover with MWAP B3 - Farmer’s Market  - if I can bang out a  drabble/moodboard in time, otherwise will find something else to do with this.
* T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue -  some sort of remix of/inspired by sabrecmc’s  Indecent Proposal  from Pepper’s POV.  At this point, I think I need to re-read the fic & take notes …  
* T4 - KINK: Concubine - see   SRB  E4 - Mental Bondage?  
*A5 - Scott Lang  - 27dragons shared an interesting plot bunny during the Sept TSB Discord party that I may end up using; that or a follow up to A Piece of the Action
* R1 - Tony’s Poor Life Choices - see SRB Mile High Club above.  
* R2 - IronWidow -  next chapter of Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  see  SBB Royalty above
* K2 - Secret Admirer -  carried this over from last round so I could try my hand a remix of Seeds of Love  (WinterIron hanahaki fic by the super-talented @hddnone).  Potential title:  Wraps Around My Heart, Refusing to Unwind
* K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging -  see BBB KINK: Edging  
Stucky Bingo Round Four [SB_R4] (Ends 31 May 2023
Seven fills and one WIPs with a couple of other vague ideas.
* B1 - Mutual Pining - possible crossover with MWAPB - Friends to Lovers
* B4 - Artist/Muse - posted  A Work of Heart to Tumblr  on 10/29.  It came in at  at 650 words and filled Day 29 of   Fictober (”You love this, don’t you?”) , Flufftober (Leaves) and Whumptober (”Better me than you.”)  Coming to Ao3 on 12/28
* B5 - KINK: Double Penetration - see SRB   Touch Attention/Denial  above.
*I3 - “Open Wide” - used this in the Stucky Bingo December 2022 Round Robin  fic - managed a fluffy date  interpretation for this prompt  😁
* O4 - AU: Supernatural - got inspired by a dream to start a Stucky fantasy AU (magician!Steve/ensorcelled!Bucky) that @bill-longbow  is collaborating on with me.  This was supposed to fill my Man with a Plan Bingo Soulmates square, but I ran out of time on that bingo.   We’re currently sitting at 1640 words  (984-ish of which are mine).   Will probably continue on this sometime in January.   Current Last Line:  "My men will accompany you back to Brookline in the morning.”
I also adopted the Writing Format: Remix one of your fics  square  – am thinking of taking one of my Stony or WinterIron  No Powers fics and adapting it to a Stucky pairing – if you have any requests - hit me up!  
WinterIron - No Powers AU  –  Stony No Powers AU
On other creative fronts:  I have a a Gwenpool figure in progress -  still working on the figures for my three Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners (5 of 7 done so far) – thanks so much for your generous support!!  Finally, I am prepping for a superhero con in March - so am pretty well booked up through at least the end of the year.
That said, if you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations in 2023, check  out Stuffed With Character   over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 80!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
0 notes
epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years
Weekly Recap | September 2-8
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It seems this week’s rec is making up for the short one I had last week XD Enjoy!
PS: if you’re a writer/fanartist and I’ve tagged you on Tumblr, but not Twitter (or vice versa), and you have an account on both platforms, please let me know! It’s probably because I don’t know your username(s) on every platform. 
This Bucky with This Steve by debwalsh/ @debwalsh​ (Actors AU | 1,8K | Not rated): Ascendant star Bucky with washed up but hoping for a comeback Steve...
💙 The Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue (for Magical Creatures) by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Shrunkyclunks, witch Bucky | 5,6K | General): In which Steve Rogers stumbles across the Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue for Magical Creatures, meets a witch named Bucky, accidentally adopts a unicorn, and never wants to leave.
💙 You be yours and I'll be mine by verzacefatale/ @verzacefatale (Post-CW |13K | Explicit): “Oh, god. We got married, didn’t we?” Steve sounds like he’s trying not to panic. “Seems that way,” Bucky says, before he bursts out laughing at the bewildered look on Steve’s face. “Come on, pal. It’s not the end of the world.”
Keep Me by dixons_mama (Evanstan RPF | 1,6K | Explicit): After working endlessly on interviews for Disney, filming 355, and now attending GQ's Men of the Year event, Sebastian is tired down to his bones. Yet, he he finds himself wanting to just be near Chris.
A Pal in the Hand is Worth Two in the Jacuzzi by dixons_mama (PWP | 1,7K | Explicit): Bucky asks for Steve's help getting off, being the good friend (that's also stupidly in love) he is, Steve obliges.
Quicksand's Got No Sense of Humor by paperstorm (Canon | 2,6K | Teen):  And Steve will be okay, because he doesn’t have any other option. It’s only a million tiny cuts all over his body, his heart, his soul, slowly bleeding him dry. How could be not be okay, when Bucky’s been through so much worse. (💙 Part 1 of Under the Dome)
Through the Monsoon by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Post-CW | 3,1K | Mature): Steve’s expression is blank, empty, except for his eyes. A hardened, cold, unfeeling look is in his eyes, as they stare unseeing into the space in front of him. Bucky knows how this goes. It isn’t a regular occurrence, it's only happened a few times in the last half-year, but it isn’t good. Steve is an expert at shaking things off – which is either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on who’s asked about it – so when he can’t, it means things went really wrong. (💙 Part 3 of Under the Dome)
A Lifetime is Never Enough by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Post-CW | 3K | Mature): Bucky reaches for him with his hand, eyes still closed, and Steve curls up against his side. Bucky’s arm goes around him, fingers sliding up to tangle in Steve’s hair. The sleep-warmed skin of his neck is a heavenly place for Steve to rest his forehead, tension going out of his limbs and greedily breathing in Bucky’s smell, his warmth, the safety his bed offers. (💙 Part 4 of Under the Dome)
Chasing The Light by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Endgame fix-it | 7K | Mature): “The thing about you and me?” Bucky says, "is that the world isn’t as stubborn as we are. You’re right, I can’t promise it won’t separate us again. But I can promise we’ll find each other again if it does. Because we always do.” (💙 Part 5 of Under the Dome)
like rum on a fire by mcwho (PWP | 1,4K | Explicit): “You’re the one who wanted to see how far I could push you. You know how I like to follow orders, Buck,” Steve tells him, teasing drawl to his voice because Steve Rogers has never followed a goddamn order in his goddamn life up ‘til right about now.
Flaws by dixons_mama (PWP | 1,3K | Explicit): Steve catches Bucky scrutinizing his body, and while trying to reassure him, feels and smut ensue.
Recompense by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Endgame fix-it | 2K | Not rated): When Steve Rogers travels to Vormir to return the Soul Stone, he’s greeted with an unexpected choice that will change his life.
Warmth by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Modern AU | 5,3K | Mature): When Bucky Barnes receives the report that there is a guy lost on his mountain, he’s not prepared for the complications that ensue.
Wheels by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Modern AU | 2,3K | Not rated): Teacher Steve Rogers is ready to settle into a lounger and enjoy his neighbor Natasha’s pool when he finds himself staring at the most beautiful man he’d ever seen already lounging with intent.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Shrunkyclunks | 1,6K | Teen): Steve moves into an apartment with a Captain America impersonator, and Bucky is the building super, and gets them mixed up.
💙 it takes a lot to know a man by kittyandmulder, steebadore (Modern AU |39K | Explicit): Bucky flips to the next page, and the world around him grinds to a halt as his brain struggles to process what he's seeing. The noise of the train fades and static fills the inside of his head as he looks down at the sketches of the metal-armed guy without the mask. It's—that's him. It's Bucky's own goddamn face staring back at him from this stranger's sketchbook."What the fuck."
Double Trouble by HeroicPinups, kittyandmulder/ @kittyandmulder​ (PWP, Steve/Bucky/Steve | 2,7K | Explicit): Bucky finds himself stuck in a super soldier sandwich. How unfortunate.
💙 time on my hands (could be time spent with you) by thedoubteriswise/ @thedoubteriswise​ (Post-CW | 23K | Mature): There’s no reason to be nervous. Steve’s just going to go see his best friend. This is Bucky, for God's sake, what could there possibly be to be nervous about? It's only been a little over a month since Bucky went under. He'd practically seen him yesterday.
Reading in progress
💙 Servitum by justanotherStonyfan/ @justanotherstonyfan (canon-divergent, Shrunkyclunks | 43K | Explicit): Steve's affection can be huge, almost palpable. His desire to take care of James can be overwhelming. But James can't think of a point so far where Steve's been overwhelming that he hasn't enjoyed immensely - and if they can roleplay some lifelong memories out of a spanking session, a shibari tutorial, and a carefully lit table, he's pretty sure providing Steve with the opportunity to do something he may not even be aware of wanting should go down a treat, and make for a pretty awesome afternoon. ( 💙Part 28 of the Honey Honey series)
💙 Cakes & Balances by mambo/ @whtaft (POTUS Steve | 16K | 8/? | Teen): It’s kind of hard to date the cute baker from down the street when you’re the President of the United States of America. But Steve Rogers will make it work.
oh the glory of it all by hitlikehammers (Post-Endgame | 4K | 1/23 | Mature): They end up stumbling almost unexpectedly into the white-picket-fence, apple-pie life they used to dream of. Except it’s not like that at all.
💙 An Escort's Guide to Navigating Tricky Work Relationships by Hopeless--Geek (wuzzy90)/ @hopelessartgeek​, Mystrana/ @mystrana​ (Escort AU | 24K | 4/5 | Explicit): Steve is an outspoken leader of the fight for escort legalization. He wants to show the world that they have relationships just like everyone else, but hasn’t dated in the past five years because he’s been so busy with work. Bucky’s still not quite recovered from a bad relationship with a boyfriend who degraded his choice of work. And while he can define professional boundaries like it’s his job (it is), Bucky’s not great at handling his personal life. A story of navigating tricky work relationships.
💙 This Side of the Blue by notlucy/ @notlucy (Mermaid AU | 121K | 33/44 | Explicit): A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend. Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
💙 Political Animals by crinklefries/ @spacerenegades​, Deisderium/ @deisderium (Modern AU, politics | 29K | 4/9 | Explicit): Okay, so the real problem is that you shouldn’t fuck your arch-rival, political enemy, and the person you loathe the most in the world where you work. Or like, at least, you shouldn’t keep doing that.
💙 straight from your heart by luninosity/ @luninosity​ (Stucky in Wakanda | 10K | Explicit): Steve doesn’t mean to have the orgasm. Not exactly. Not the first time, anyway.
💙 Tinder Is the Night by rohkeutta/ @rohkeutta​ (Modern AU, Tinder | 7K | Explicit): It’s the quality that gets him first. The profile photo looks like it's been taken with a semi-professional camera: it's sharp and remarkably unposed compared to most people on Tinder. The guy in the photo is the size of a fucking fridge but with Marilyn Monroe’s waistline, accentuated by the way he’s standing half-twisted towards the camera. He’s also in the process of getting arrested.
💙 If Only In My Dreams by odetteandodile (Modern AU | 28K | Teen): Bucky is a highly successful cooking and lifestyle blogger, the gay New England Pioneer Woman if you will. He writes all about life in his Connecticut home with his D.H. (darling husband). Only problem? It’s all complete fiction. When his agent Sam informs him that he's been offered an exclusive sponsorship deal with Stark Media and a three book contract to go with it, Bucky's forced to fess up to Sam, who's predictably...displeased. But Sam's also convinced the deal is too good to miss—even if they have to put on a little bit of a show in order to get it. So Tony and Pepper descend on Bucky and Sam's fake home for Christmas with a devastatingly handsome War Hero in tow, and their already complicated plan quickly gets even more complicated as Bucky finds himself falling head over heels for Steve. Can he keep it together just for the holidays? Did he ever have it together in the first place?
💙 took my love, took it down by LaughsAtThunder (Post-WS | 31K | Explicit): The problem, Bucky thinks now that he has most of his memories back, is that his whole entire world has always revolved around Steve Rogers. Steve has been always been half of Bucky’s identity. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ best friend. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ wingman. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ teammate. And now, well, now Steve had other people to fill those positions. And of course, of course he’d always been a little bit in love with Steve. So when he overhears Steve telling Natasha that he’s finally found someone he’d like to date, someone with similar life experience, Bucky clings blindly to the hope that maybe, just maybe, Steve is talking about him.
💙 Sex, Drugs, & Needles by OhCaptainMyCaptain/ @ohcaptainmycaptain1918​ (Modern AU, tattoo artist Bucky | 38K | Explicit): Bucky's a bit of a masochist in that sense – needles and the buzz of a tattoo gun have always turned him on... It’s even worse that this client is what they call a ‘needle virgin’. Doesn’t appear to have a piercing anywhere on him, and he’s already made it clear that he has no prior ink. Bucky’s always found something inherently sexy about being the first person to introduce another to that experience. He has absolutely no problem popping this guy's needle cherry.
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Cassie’s 600 Follower Writing Challenge
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That’s right, this crazy chick hit 600 followers! I can’t believe so many of you actually give a fuck about my content! I figure I can host a challenge to celebrate. I’d love to read what you guys come up with for some of my favorite songs and quotes from my favorite shows and movies!
Here’s the rules:
1) You don’t have to be following me to participate, but it’d be shiny if you were.
2) Send me an ask with your chosen prompt and a backup, just in case. (And if you could reblog for a signal boost, that would be awesome!)
3) This is a reader-insert challenge. You can have ships, but they’re gonna be ships with the addition of the reader (Example- Destiel x Reader or Stucky x Reader)
4) This is a multi-fandom event! Supernatural, MCU/Marvel comic (X-men included), Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Buffy, Star Wars, Star Trek…. I am a well-rounded geek. I just have to know enough about it to recognize the characters and know enough about their backstories to know what’s going on. If there’s a fandom you wanna write for that’s not listed here, just shoot me an ask and I’ll tell you if it’s something I’m cool reading.
5) Any genre is welcome! You wanna try to make me cry? Hit me with the angst! You wanna write me some warm and fuzzies? I love some good fluff. Almost any kinds of smut are gonna put me in a good mood, send it!
6) I’m totally cool with dark fics (dub-con/non-con included), but underage is a no-no. Tag your triggers, people! Warnings make everything run smoother.
7) If you don’t use your READ MORE links, I will not reblog your post. I’ll link you in the masterlist at the end, but you won’t get a reblog.
8) The due date on this challenge is 3/14/2019. Masterlist will be posted 3/21/2019.
9) Tag me in your fic and use the tag Cassies600celebration. And hit me up if I don't respond within a week. ‘Cause Dumblr.
Prompts below the cut!
Movie/TV Quotes
1 “It’s only forever, not long at all.” @bamby0304
2 “Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I’ll be your slave.” @castielslittlestbee
3 “I don’t like boats. I don’t like water. I’m a man, not a fish!” @bamby0304
4 “I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.”
5 “It looks dead. It smells dead. Yet, it’s moving around. That’s interesting.” @brokencasbutt67-writer
6 “So, I guess it’s true: scythe matters.” @acreativelydifferentlove
7 “Sorry about the chains. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s… Actually, it is that I don’t trust you.” @bamby0304
8 “The moment you think you know what’s going on in a woman’s head is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked.”
9 “If you have something to say, right now’s a perfect time to keep it to yourself.” @mariekoukie6661
10 “Gimme a scotch. I’m starving.” @wegoddessofhell
11 “Why aren’t you wearing those pajamas I got you?” @winecatsandpizza
12 “You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?” @jerkbitchidjitassbutt
13 “Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough.” @deanwinchesterwitch
14 “Change your stars and live a better life than I have.” @brokencasbutt67-writer
15 “Rainmaker, how wet do you want it?”
16 “All hail the goddess of information.” @flamencodiva
17 “Who brings a gun to a knife fight?” “The winner?” @summer-binging-spn
18 “I can’t tell whether he’s brilliant or nuts.”
19 “Isn’t it against the superhuman code to use your powers to take advantage of we mere mortals?” @acreativelydifferentlove
20 “What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.”
1 Lips of an Angel- Hinder @deanwinchesterwitch
2 You and I- Jason Mraz
3 Written in the Sand- Old Dominion
4 Everywhere- Michelle Branch
5 Believer- Imagine Dragons @castielslittlestbee
6 Brokenheartsville- Joe Nichols
7 The Scientist- Coldplay
8 The Last of the Real Ones- Fall Out Boy @ gloriouslobster
9 Youngblood- Green Day
10 I Can’t Make You Love Me- Bonnie Raitt @allonsy-yesiwill
11 Bloodstream- Ed Sheeran @impala-dreamer
12 Present Time- Louden Swain
13 You’re Such A- Hailee Steinfeld
14 She Keeps Me Warm- Mary Lambert @peggingpadalecki
15 You and Me- Lifehouse @waywardnerd67
16 Come On Get Higher- Matt Nathanson
17 My Church- Maren Morris
18 Meant to Be- Bebe Rexha and Florida-Georgia Line @tumbler-tidbits
19 Stilettos- Kelsea Ballerini
20 Take Me Home Tonight- Eddie Money @covered-byroses
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late-to-the-party-81 · 7 months
Stucky Geek Events Bingo Master list
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Key: 🥰 Fluff 😭Angst 🍆Smut 🌑Dark 🩸Violence 🌶 Suggestive
L1 - Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch1 🥰😭🌶 Stucky
O1 - Happy Birthday, Yasha. 🍆 Cap Quartet
O2 - The Search 🥰 Stucky
V1 - Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch2 🥰😭🌶🩸 Stucky
L2 - Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch3 🥰😭 Stucky
V2 - For the very first time 1 2 3 4 5 6 🥰😭🍆Cap Quartet
V3 - Sunshine and Gunsmoke Epilogue 🥰🍆 Stucky
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blackwood4stucky · 6 months
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
author: aspen blackwood
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
masterpost | 🅴 | 🔞 | word count: 3,360 | complete
tags: alpha x alpha, drugged, forced sex, non con body bod, non traditional omegaverse, triggered mating, secondary gender modification, dark elements
"A peculiar scent fills Steve’s nose as he wakes slowly. He knows that scent, it is one that still haunts him, that whispers his failures in his ears like prayers." - There were turncoats on the Lemurian Star.
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bingo fills + event prompts
ch. 1: hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
@anyfandomangstbingo | barely conscious
@anyfandomdarkbingo | fuck or die
@anyfandomgoesbingo | possessive alpha
@anyfandomkinkbingo | handcuffs
@badthingshappenbingo | mutilation
alpha bucky april | breeding kink + purring + double minimum requirement babb 2023 | failed mission [april prompt] babb 2023 [babb060] | held down connect 4 [c4013] | c1: sex slave
@catws-anniversary | theme: bucky barnes - metal arm
frisky february | drugged sex monsterfcking march | shapeshifting: transforming during sex
@eclipsingbingo | trail of blood
@fandom-free-bingo: valentine’s edition | aphrodisiac, bound
@hurtcember | forced
@julybreakbingo: post-july | sex pollen
@kinky-things-happen | transformation
@marvel-smash-bingo | forced orgasm
@mcukinkbingo: open round | torture
omegaverse | forced mating round 2 [1028] | free space
scalding hot: consent issues bingo | non con body mod: extra fuck holes
@sebastianstanbingo | sex slave
@stuckybingo [5080] | kink: breeding
@stuckygeekevents: stucky geek bingo | captivity, kidnapped
@yearoftheotpevent | april: canon divergence
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read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
mini playlist
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What If…? Episode 9 Review: A Missing Puzzle Piece
This review contains spoilers for Marvel’s What If…? episode 9
In the season finale of Marvel’s What If…?, ‘What if… The Watcher Broke His Oath?’, we discover what happens when The Watcher finally intervenes in the MCU’s escalating multiversal madness.
As some of you may have assumed, the Guardians of the Multiverse do indeed assemble to stop Tony Stark’s godlike, universe-slaying murder bot, with Doctor Strange helping to pull Ultron’s strings as the team’s de facto leader.
There’s a lot to enjoy in the episode, but it stops short of greatness through no fault of Marvel’s own. Due to pandemic-related constraints, the season is missing a pretty essential Gamora and Tony Stark-centric installment that helps set up the whole ‘Guardians of the Multiverse’ vibe in the finale. We will likely see it all play out in Season 2, but that might be quite a while away from hitting our screens.
Our What If…? reviews adopt a different kind of format – more of a breakdown that we hope will satisfy die-hard Marvel fans but still help bring those less familiar with the MCU up to speed.
With that in mind, let’s dig deeper into ‘What if… The Watcher Broke His Oath?’
Required viewing
For this season finale, you’ll need to have seen pretty much all of the previous eight episodes to make full sense of these events. It also helps to have seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier at some point!
Voice cast
Jeffrey Wright is our Watcher, Hayley Atwell is Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Lake Bell (Harley Quinn) is Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Frank Grillo is Brock Rumlow/Crossbones, Georges St. Pierre is Georges Batroc (the Leaper), Chadwick Boseman is T’Challa/Star-Lord, Michael B. Jordan is Erik Killmonger, Chris Hemsworth is Thor, Benedict Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange, Toby Jones is Arnim Zola, Tom Hiddleston is Loki, Kurt Russell is Ego, Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury, Mick Wingert is Tony Stark/Iron Man, Ross Marquand is Ultron and Cynthia McWilliams (Bosch, Marvel Heroes) stands in for Zoe Saldana as Gamora.
What’s different?
In an altered version of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier opening, Captain Carter, Brock Lumlow and Black Widow begin their hostage rescue mission on the pirate-captured SHEILD ship the Lemurian Star. We discover that Peggy and Natasha have become BBFs in this branch timeline, with Natasha still attempting to play Cupid to a lovelorn Cap.
Peggy begins to scrap with Batroc the Leaper onboard the Star, but is interrupted by The Watcher, who tells her that she has been chosen for Doctor Strange’s new Ultron-stopping multiversal superhero team.
Meanwhile, as Star-Lord T’Challa rescues Dairy Queen Peter Quill from Ego, The Watcher recruits him too. We then hop to Nidavellir, where an alternate duo of Tony Stark and Gamora are helping Dwarf King Eitri melt the Infinity Gauntlet. We’re told that Gamora is a “survivor of Sakaar” and a destroyer of Thanos, but sadly we never got to see any of this transpire. The Erik Killmonger we saw take over Wakanda is also picked up, along with Las Vegas Party Prince Thor.
The Watcher and Doctor Strange explain the Ultron mission to their team – get the Infinity Stones away from Ultron and destroy them in Gamora’s crusher MacGuffin – even as Killmonger starts making some mental chess moves to betray them all. It turns out that his dark nature is built into their overall plan, so it’s fine I guess. Also, it turns out that Stephen isn’t as good as Cap or T’Challa at performing a rousing speech (which tracks) but thankfully he is really good at doing protection spells.
Ultron soon discovers the newly-assembled Guardians of the Multiverse thanks to Thor’s blundering, and a terrific fight ensues as the Guardians face off against him in the universe from the penultimate episode where Black Widow was the human race’s lone survivor. The aforementioned crusher doesn’t work in this timeline (whoops) but Strange captures Ultron and Killmonger in a pocket universe after Cap and Black Widow upload the Zola brain program into Ultron using Hawkeye’s trusty USB arrow.
How does it work out?
The Guardians of the Multiverse are all returned to the timelines from whence they came, except for Black Widow, who The Watcher takes pity on and drops off in the middle of an alternate universe that is missing a Natasha. We see her fighting Loki aboard a SHIELD helicarrier and saving the day in an Avengers team that includes Captain Marvel, and we can assume that this is the world from episode 3 where Hank Pym took out all of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes apart from Captain America. It’s nice!
In a post-credits scene, we see BBFs Natasha and Peggy discover the Hydrastomper in the Lemurian Star’s cargo, and it’s teased that Steve Rogers might still be alive inside.
Standout moments
I really loved seeing Captain Carter running the Lemurian Star mission with SHIELD! I feel a little robbed of seeing Peggy and Natasha’s banter in live action, as it felt like they had so much chemistry together. I did see Twitter explode with some mini slash fic after this episode began streaming, and if I were to, say, have a secret Captain Carter fan fiction blog that I regularly update, which of course I don’t and you shouldn’t try and find that because it absolutely doesn’t exist, then I could perhaps imagine some romantic stories for these two coming to life there, in that 100% imaginary and not real blog. Anyway, yes. Move over Steggy and Stucky, there’s a new MCU portmanteau in town: Pegasha. Nateggy? Eh, it’s a work in progress.
The finale also gave us one last Chadwick Boseman performance as T’Challa, and it was great to hear his voice here in a new little adventure with Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger, even if he still couldn’t get through to him when the stakes were even higher.
The animation and design was top notch, and there were lots of little Easter eggs to enjoy from past episodes, including the zombie-vomiting portal and Strange producing countless Mjolnirs instead of the copies of himself we saw in Avengers: Endgame. We also got an Alexei mention from Peggy, and the return of The Little Arrow That Could. I’ll admit it’s a little hard to swallow ‘HYDRA to the rescue’ as an MCU concept, but needs must where the Devil drives.
I’m looking forward to checking out Season 2 of the show in the future, and possibly seeing the continuation of some of the Season 1 stories. But by the time these arrive, the implications of the Marvel multiverse will have hit the MCU in a major way through the likes of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Hopefully, those won’t take any of the fun out of seeing alternate versions of the characters we’ve come to love.
If you want to dig deeper into What If…?, please consider subscribing to Marvel Standom on the Den of Geek YouTube channel, where we dish out weekly episodes on all the new Marvel TV series, trailers and movie releases. Can’t stand our faces? That’s fair! You can listen to Marvel Standom on Spotify and Apple, too.
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The post What If…? Episode 9 Review: A Missing Puzzle Piece appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3oHWD3X
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ao3feed-buckynat · 6 years
Good Enough
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JqqA4c
by Hopeless--Geek (wuzzy90), octobergryphon, QueenVee1
Set roughly between the events of Civil War and Infinity War (with a little time manipulation).
Under the watchful eyes of Shuri and a team of Wakandan scientists, Bucky Barnes goes back into cryostasis in the hopes they are able to erase what Hydra and Zolo created in his mind. Steve Rogers reaches out to Natasha Romanoff, needing her friendship. While they grow closer, feelings and desires that had been ignored begin to become more pressing.
When Bucky wakes up and begins to work through his past trauma and memories, things shift between the three of them. As more feelings are uncovered and revealed, the three must navigate their new reality.
Made for the Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2018!
Words: 49768, Chapters: 5/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Shuri
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, the slowest of burns, bring your aloe, Bisexual Steve, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, Smut, Swearing, UST, Sex, Threesome, Poly, Blow Jobs, Knives, Stucky - Freeform, Anal Sex, Fingering, Oral Sex, Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JqqA4c
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 2 Nov 2022
Another super-busy week IRL plus ruthless editing on my Reforged fic = teeny-weeny word count.  I touched 3 fics (2 WIPs & 1 new works) for a total of 412 words.  
On Ao3, I posted a trio of dirty Stuckony limericks,  and a Stucky --> Stuckony meet-ugly featuring were!Bucky.  
On Tumblr I posted a  pre-war Stucky ficlet with pining!Steve for my final October writing events fill as well as a @stuckybingo square & that event’s monthly challenge.
Am still at 12 active WIPs  (with a couple of maybe TBCs)  with my current   deadlines being  the @reforgedzine  deadline  and Avengers Bingo.
See below cut for the WIPs  (arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc) I am working on  -   feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects   (or any other WIPs I’ve got out there) – they really help feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Whumptober, Flufftober & Fictober [ Runs thru 31 Oct]
I managed to fill more prompts for these challenges than I thought!  I’ll be doing a separate masterpost with more details, but I ended up filling prompts for   Day 1 (Fic, Whump & Fluff),  Day 7 (Fic and semi-Whump), Day 12 (Fic, Whump & Fluff), Day 18  (Fic and Fluff), Day 25 (Fic and Fluff)  and Day 29  (Fic, Whump and Fluff)   I  may circle back and fill a few more belated prompts  at some point. 
Reforged - A WinterIron Zine [Deadline 12 Nov]
I got accepted to submit a  1k-3.5k fic for this project, and have submitted a basic idea &  belatedly completed the final checkin.    I am stressed and struggling, already up to 3404 words and still need to get the main plot wrapped up - I basically need to finish the damn thing and then ruthlessly edit to get down to the max word count… 
Comfortember  [Runs thru 30 Nov]
Taking on the @comfortember  writing challenge - I assembled a tracking doc and am aiming to complete one fill a week, preferably crossing over with a bingo fill.    I banged out  A Warm Memory   - a pre-war platonic Stucky ficlet yesterday for  Day 3: Warm Food that also fills my Stucky bingo 1930′s square.  It’s coming in at 382 words and will be posted on Tumblr tomorrow.  
Avengers Bingo [AvB] (Runs thru 24 Dec)
Ten fills posted (7 to Ao3)  and 0 WIPs - I decided to further challenge myself on this 16-square card by pairing up each square with a unique combo of 2 original MCU Avengers, with the final square being PolyVengers. With the help of the STB Enthusiasts Discord folks - I’ve got all 16 squares  planned out, at least in terms of who to write about, and half of them have some sort of idea or crossover square to go along with them. Feel free to toss other plot  bunnies my way…  
* B3 - Road Trip  -  Bruce & Thor  - Post Grandmaster, pre-Thanos  space shenanigans
* B4 - Age Gap   - Thor/Tony - possible crossover with TSB One Night Stand  (obvious title: Thunderstruck)
* C1 - Opposites Attract - Clint/Thor  - there was a fun Tumblr  headcanon going around about a Bumbling Foreigner whose ignorance of  local customs  results in him flirting with/proposing to the prince -  this seems like a perfect matchup!  
* C2 - Soft under Hard Exterior Trope -  posted Opening Up, Step by Step,  to Tumblr yesterday - it’s a Natasha & Thor kinda-sorta mission fic that also fills the @fictober-event prompt “You know I’d do anything.” and @flufftober First Dance prompts.   I’ll post this to Ao3 sometime before the bingo closes.
* C3 - Reincarnation AU  -  filled this with  A Unexpected Reunion as a crossover with  last week’s @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt [#FFF172 A Ghost from the Past]  It will get posted to Ao3  before the bingo closes.
* D1 - Friends w/ Benefits  - Clint/Steve - crossover with MWAPB Hawkeye/Clint Barton and possibly SRB - Never Have I Ever
* D2 - Romeo & Juliet AU  -  basic idea:  Steve (jock) & Tony  (geek) trying out for title roles in R&J - despite their respective  FWB groups thinking it’s a terrible idea.  Title:  Two Polycules, Alike in Dignity
* D3 - Bed Sharing  -  Bruce/Natasha - AoU compliant.
Man With a Plan (Steve Rogers) Bingo [MWAPB] (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Twelve fills, 1 WIPs and several Vague Ideas/potential cross fills with other bingos.  Prompts cheerfully accepted!  
* B3 - Farmer’s Market  -  crossover with TSB Doing Groceries. Moodboard + ficlet?
* I1 - Steve is here for TFAtWS  - this might go well with my BBB  “Oh, hell no"  square - Steve trolling  Bucky & Sam by sending the old man in with his shield?  (moodboard & ficlet?) 
* I5 - Dogsitting -  posted  Paws to Consider  to Ao3 on Friday.  It’s a Steve & Tony + Stucky –> eventual Stuckony fic featuring mutual pining and a werewolf. It crosses over with my BBB “Run”  square and came in at 1011 words.
* N1 - School AU/Teacher AU  - if I decide to continue on with Technicalities   - I could fill this square  :: ponders::
* N3 - Online shopping - this might be fun as a crossover with BBB Thighs  Sam buys a revealing swimsuit for Bucky as a gag that gets Steve in a tizzy.
* N4 - Soulmates -  got inspired by a dream to start a Stucky fantasy AU (magician!Steve/ensorcelled!Bucky) that @bill-longbow  is collaborating on with me.  This will also fill my Stucky Bingo AU: Supernatural square.  We’re currently sitting at 1640 words  (984-ish of which are mine). Current Last Line:  "My men will accompany you back to Brookline in the morning.”
* G4 - Canon Divergence post CA:TWS - possible  crossover with BBB  Kill List – Bucky wreaking havoc on Hydra bases and  Steve & Sam catch up with him
* G5 - Friends to Lovers -  might use this for Chapter 3 of Mutual Pinning
*  O2 - Sex Pollen  -  Teenage Groot pollen =  aphrodisiac  hi-jinks. Quill & Gamora  warn the  couple (stucky)/throuple (Stuckony)  ahead of time, so no  dub-con.
* O3 - Hawkeye/Clint Barton  -  see AvB - Friends w/ Benefits  above.
StarkBucks Bingo - Round 3  (SBB_R3) - Ends 31 Dec
Nine fills (six posted to Ao3), 1 WIPs and several Vague Ideas - soliciting plot bunnies or other kick-starters.
* B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.“  - Possible crossover with  BBB - KINK: Seduction Mission?  
* B3 - AU: Canon Divergence -  posted Clearing the Air on Monday as a crossover with  TSB Canon Divergent: Nobody Dies.  It’s a Bucky POV of a post-Endgame canon-divergent return to Wakanda where he has a chance to make amends with Tony.  It’s based on some discarded bits from “Ain’t No Party Like a ‘Saved the Universe’ Party” and came in at in at  790 words.
* I2 - Mistaken Identity - crossover with TSB K5 - Protectiveness -  “The Mechanic, The Soldier & The Artist” - mob/assassin AU with a Mr. & Mrs. Smith twist?  
* I4 - Canon: Avengers Academy  - will probably do Stuffed Marvels sketches of Tony and Winter, as I know very little about the game/canon.  
* I5 - Matchmaker Bots - possible crossover with TSB Occupational Hazard
* N2 - Blanket - Thanks to the July BBB Discord party , I have an idea for combining this with my TSB   AU: College square and BBB Funeral square.
* N4 - Crossroads -  Posted  The Old Dark AirBnB to Ao3 last week.  It’s a semi-spooky, mostly fluffy WinterIron ficlet that also filled some October writing prompts and came in at 426 words.
* N5 - “Wanna make a bet?”  Used this in combination with the Day 18  Fictober (“I don’t think this is your problem.”)  and Flufftober  (Soulmate AU) prompts for  Marked-Up Soulmarks  - a soulmate AU where Tony discovers he and Steve have something (and someone) in common. I may expand on this before posting it to Ao3 and/or claiming it as an official fill.
* O1 - Royalty - crossover with TSB - IronWidow  &  BBB   AU: Arranged Marriage -  pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up?
* O6 - AU: Biker  - Grease 2  fusion  anyone?  😁  I watched the movie a couple of weeks ago and took notes -  It’s not gonna be a faithful adaptation, but hopefully fun - tho am having a tough time deciding who is Michael (probably Bucky, tho a case could be made for Tony)
Hero Hardships Bingo  [HHB]  (Runs thru 31 Dec)
One fill so far  with a few Vague Ideas …  need to see what might play well with belated Whumptober prompts!
* I3 - Unimaginable Grief  – I‘m thinking an post-Endgame Rhodey POV would work nicely here…
* O3 - Dating a civilian -  this would fit perfectly with another chapter of Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) , for which I currently have a basic plot point or two rolling around in my head.
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round 4 [BBB_R4] (Runs thru 7 Jan 2023)
Twelve fills,  four WIPs  & ideas for everything except one square  - Working on a Column B bingo to start.
* B2 - Funeral - see SBB N2 - Blanket  above
* B3 - Sam Wilson|Falcon - this would be a good candidate for a continuation of After One Or Two False Starts
* U2 - AU: Roommate  - Still wanting to use the Meet Ugly prompt: 02. I bought a house three months ago but I’m finally moving in and discover you’ve been squatting because you’re homeless    – probably WinterHawk with  recovering!Bucky being the squatter in Clint’s apartment building.  
* U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage - will probably pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up for this one.  
* U5 - Kill List -  see MWAP  - G4 - Canon Divergence.  Post CA:TWS above
* C2 - “Oh, hell no” - possible crossover with MWAP I1 - Steve is here for TFaWS
* C4 - KINK: Aftercare -  possibly MWAP Sex Pollen or  TSB KINK: Concubine
*C5 - “This might as well happen” -  Used this for the Sept BBB Round Robin  (crackfic - Emperor’s New Groove inspired)  wrote 276 words toward it  - not sure if/when it will post,  but will add a link when it does.   😁
* K3 - KINK: Edging  - crossing over with TSB KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging & I finally got a start on the WinterIron PWP for this (Bucky POV with toy play and Tony as a power bottom)  Hanging by a Moment is sitting at 96 words at the moment.
* Y2 - Never the fall that kills you -  this might be the title for a reverse hanahaki WinterIron prompt from @lacrimula-falsa ….  
* Y4 - KINK: Seduction Mission - crossover with SBB - B1 - “I wouldn’t mind wasting my time on you.”  
* ADOPTED1 - Peggy Carter -  potential WW3some shenanigans ahead - another 3 prompts –> Summary inspiration   currently  395 words into a  Peggy & Bucky conversation at the moment.  
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 2  (SRB_R2) - Ends 31 Jan
Fourteen fills posted  & 0 WIPs at the moment   – happily accepting plot bunnies here as well.  
* A1 - Never Have I Ever -  see AvB  Friends with Benefits
* A4 - Touch Attention/Denial  - I have an idea for this that will also fill (heh) my Stucky Bingo  KINK - Double Penetration square.
* B2 - Mile High Club -  this seems made for Stony sexy shenanigans…
* E2 - Comics Nomad Steve  - SWC sketch of Nomad!Steve
Tony Stark Bingo - Round 6  (TSB_R6)  [Ends 28 Feb]
Eleven fills and five WIPs at the moment -    with  Vague Ideas for almost every other square.  
* S2 - Canon Divergence: Nobody Dies - see SBB AU: Canon Divergence
* T1 - One Night Stand - see AvB - B4 - Age Gap
* T2 - Doing Groceries - see MWAP B3 - Farmer’s Market
* T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue -  some sort of remix of/inspired by sabrecmc’s  Indecent Proposal  from Pepper’s POV.  At this point, I think I need to re-read the fic & take notes ... 
* T4 - KINK: Concubine - possible crossover with   BBB C4 - KINK: Aftercare?
* A3 - FREE  - Filled this with    Not Exactly Love Poetry   -- A drabble consisting of three dirty limericks written by Tony about his super-soldier partners and himself.   I blame a bout of insomnia....
* A4 - AU: College - see SBB N2 - Blanket
*A5 - Scott Lang  - @27dragons shared an interesting plot bunny during the Sept TSB Discord party that I may end up using; that or a follow up to A Piece of the Action
* R1 - Tony’s Poor Life Choices - @somesortofitalianroast had the excellent idea to turn this on its head - now that he’s with [partner of your choice] - he’s making fewer poor life choices?
* R2 - IronWidow -  next chapter of Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?
* R4 - Occupational Hazard - see SBB I5 - Matchmaker Bots
* K2 - Secret Admirer -  carried this over from last round so I could try my hand a remix of Seeds of Love  (WinterIron hanahaki fic by the super-talented @hddnone).  Potential title:  Wraps Around My Heart, Refusing to Unwind
* K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging -  see BBB KINK: Edging  
* K5 - Protectiveness -  see SBB Mistaken Identity
Stucky Bingo Round Four [SB_R4] (Ends 31 May 2023
Four fills and three WIPs with a couple of other vague ideas.
* B4 - Artist/Muse - posted  A Work of Heart  to Tumblr  on Saturday.  It came in at coming in at 650 words and filled Day 29 of   Fictober (”You love this, don’t you?”) , Flufftober (Leaves) and Whumptober (”Better me than you.”)  Coming to Ao3 before the end of the year.
* B5 - KINK: Double Penetration - see SRB   Touch Attention/Denial  above.
* O4 - AU: Supernatural - see MWAPB Soulmates  above.
* I1 -  1930′s - see  Comfortember Day 3 above.
I also adopted the Writing Format: Remix one of your fics  square  – am thinking of taking one of my Stony or WinterIron  No Powers fics and adapting it to a Stucky pairing – if you have any requests - hit me up!  
WinterIron - No Powers AU  –  Stony No Powers AU
On other creative fronts:  I have a Phantom of the Paradise Stuffed With Character figure in progress. Am also  working on commissions from the classic monster/horror con I attended earlier this month and prepping for a superhero con in March - so am kind of booked up.  Plus I have either five or seven figures to create for my Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners -- thanks so much for your generous support!!
if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for the holiday season, check  out Stuffed With Character   over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 80!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
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bi-e-ne · 7 years
Weekly Reading List #26/27
Hello there!
I’m so sorry to let you all wait for so long. I’m unbelievable busy right now, have a sort of street festival tomorrow (which I need to organize) and an examination for my job next Saturday, so I don’t really now where to take my free time from... can’t even think strait, hope there are not too much mistakes in this text.
Whatever, at least I’m able to read some stories before I go to bed every night and of course I love to share them with you. A special one, not a fanfiction, crossed my dashboard and I really want to share it.
4 Years by the lovely @soaringeag1e
This is another wake-up call for everyone outside there, struggling with whatever and being to afraid or anxious or whatever to talk to someone and ask for help. Please don’t feel unloved, please don’t hide your feelings, please talk even to someone or write someone, strangers may help too. Don’t think no one knows how you are feeling. You’ve got no idea what they hide themselves. If there is anything especially I can do and if it’s just listening, don’t hesitate to write me. I’m here, I’m there for you, no matter what. Trust, even try to. Maybe that’s all it needs.
Have a great weekend! All love xxx
I Wish (Part 4)                                @pinetree111
James “Bucky” Barnes
To Love Someone Broken (Part 1) @bladebarnes
Ship Out                                        @hopeless--geek
Star Trek
James T. Kirk
A Series of Unfortunate Events     @outside-the-government​
Date Night                                     @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Date Night Continued                    @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Homesick                                       @trekficsandbobs
I Do                                                @imoutofmyvulcanmind​
Screw You                                    @wickedsingularity
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Booty Call                                       @imoutofmyvulcanmind
CMO’s Log - A to Z                        @outside-the-government​
Desked                                          @bkwrm523
Green Blooded Matchmaker          @musikat18​
‘It’s okay. You’re safe now.’            @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Lattices are for Climbing                @dolamrothianlady​
Marked One                                   @wonders-of-the-enterprise​
Personal Grooming                        @bkwrm523​
As you were, honey                        @mccoymostly
Bad Day                                          @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Home                                               @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Marry Me                                         @imoutofmyvulcanmind
‘You can’t do this to me. Not now.’  @imoutofmyvulcanmind
Seduction                                        @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Supernatural
Dean Winchester
Imagine Dean finding out you’re bringing your new significant other with to Bobby’s...                                        @supernaturalfreewill
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