gracieheartspedro · 7 years
Stuck With Me (Steve Harrington x Reader) PART 3
NOTE: Hey guys! I’m so so so so 4739x sorry. I just got caught up with school and things at home have been hectic. The response to this story really blew my mind and I’m happy everyone is loving it. Please enjoy and rememeber to message me if you would like to be on the tagged list! xoxo -M
TIDBIT: After this, I won’t be including much more of Hopper, since he’s supposed to be secondary. I got carried away. Trust me, more of Steve and the reader soon! just had to fill in these gaps and plus hey! who doesn’t love a little Jim Hopper? 
Word Count: 3127
Warnings: cussing, fighting, slight slight slight violence, reader being clueless and have slight anger issues
Part 1  Part 2
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We pull up to the Byer’s residence. I only see Jonathan’s car, so I know Joyce must be out with Will. She took him everywhere, always hovering over him. I sort of felt bad for him. Steve parked the car, and we got out in silence. We approach the door, and Steve knocks. Jonathan comes to the door within a minute, looking at us up and down, confused. Inside, I see Nancy sitting on the couch in the living room.
“Hey guys…” Jonathan says, his voice unsteady.
“We need to talk.” Steve says bluntly. Jonathan nods, letting us in.
I smile towards Nancy, “Hey Nance.”
“What are you two doing here?” She says, standing up from her comfy spot. The couch was older, worn, but was comfy when I sat there when I came for dinner and movie with Hopper and Jane.
“We need to talk about Jane.”
“Your Jane?” Jonathan says looking towards me.
“Apparently Steve thinks her and her friends are mutants from X-Men or something and he said you two could explain to me what the fuck he’s talking about.” I explain, walking more into the house. Steve plops down on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees.
“Steve, why are you making us tell her?” Nancy tries to whisper.
“Tell me what?!” I yell, chuckling a little. This was ridiculous.
Jonathan swallows, his uncomfortable stance making me uneasy. “Jane is….”
“She comes from the same place that killed my best friend.” Nancy explains, “Did Hopper not tell you?”
My heart stops, “He told me about her mom.”
“Her mom, the crazy lady on I-65, who said her daughter was stolen by government officials?” Steve blurts out. I furrow my eyebrows, looking at Jonathan and Nancy for more.
“She said her daughter Jane was taken by higher ups in the government and said they planned on experimenting on her.” Jonathan says, tucking his hands in his pockets.
I let out a long sigh, “It’s all made up though, right?”
They all look at each other with serious expressions, “No… We don’t think so.” Nancy responds, putting my mind into a downward spiral.
All that Hopper told me? All that bullshit was made up? He has been lying to me and I haven’t picked up the weirdness I’ve been living in?
“When I first met her, Mike called her “El” short for Eleven. She has numbers tattooed on her, and you’ve never noticed?” Nancy asks, pointing to her wrist, where the tattoo I guess should be.
“She wears long sleeves! Guys…” I mutter, “This is outrageous. Why would my uncle lie?”
“To protect you from her?” Steve guesses.
“She’s not dangerous, you asshole!” Nancy yells, turning to Steve. He laughs, trying not to take her comment so seriously.
“She threw a demodog through that window!” Steve points to the huge window in the living room. What the fuck is a demodog?
Nancy rolls her eyes, “She was protecting all of us!”
“Guys!” Jonathan yells, realizing I was confused and absolutely shattered. My heart felt like it was going a million miles a minute and I could hardly pay attention to the conversation anyway. He walks closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”
I nudge him away, “No! I’m not okay! I’m living with a crazy girl and my uncle is hiding shit from me! And the only way I find out is because the guy I really fucking like acts weird in front of them! I’m not okay! I am really not!”
“You really like me?” Steve perks up. I shut him down with a glare and he retreats.
“Steve…” Nancy mutters. As soon as she says his name I instantly want to implode. I can’t cry. I can’t cry. I stifle a sob, and turn away towards the door.
“Let’s go Steve. You’re taking me to get food, and then home. I need to be home by midnight.”
The abrupt change in conversation made them all stare up at me, dumbfounded. I handle situations like this. I get news, I shut down, I want to think about something else. I couldn’t control myself and my tears any longer in front of them, so changing the direction of the interaction is my escape route.
Steve got up and nodded, “A-alright.”
“Y/N…” Jonathan began, wanting to begin again, but I shut him down with a wave.
“You guys shouldn’t have told me. I was better off in the dark,” I began, “But hey, now that I know and we are discussing family dynamics, we can start a conversation on why the fuck your mom hovers over your brother.”
I turn to Nancy, “Or why your parents don’t give a shit about where you and your brother are.”
Then, Steve, “Or why you think it’s okay to get involved in other people’s family shit when it’s none of your fucking business!”
I turn on my heels, opening the front door, without another word. I was furious, hurt, and mortified. I couldn’t believe this all transpired because Jane stared at Steve. I couldn’t believe that he thought he had the right to my family’s business. I didn’t know these people, and they didn’t know me.
Steve trailed behind me as I walked quickly to the car, talking under his breath. I decided to ignore him or else he’d have a black eye by the end of the night. I get in the passenger seat, slamming the door as I sit.
“You don’t need to slam things.”
Count to 5.
I do this thing when I’m upset. I count to 5 and by the end of it, I am either calm or ready to cry it all out. As Steve started the car and began to back up, I began to cry. I choked out a sob, holding my hand to my mouth. He huffs, but not in an insensitive way, but more in a “Man I Really Messed This Up, I’m A Shitty Person” kind of way.
It all came down to the fact that my uncle lied to me. The man who I believed to be the most truthful man in my life, ended up betraying that. I was torn. Maybe they are lying and playing a sick joke on me.
But in my heart, I knew that they wouldn’t do that. I knew they weren’t trying to make me mad, and they didn’t deserve the shit I said to them, but in the heat of the moment, it’s like a balloon. Blow after blow, you pop. And I popped.
Steve started driving towards town, not saying anything. The only sound was my occasional sob and the music humming softly. I stopped crying when he pulled into a space right in front of the local diner. It was called “Sally’s Stop and Dine Diner”. It was probably older than my uncle. I remember coming to it when I was younger and me and my mom used to eat here every time we visited. We sat in the same booth, got the same meals, and talked about the same things. I haven’t been since I was 13.
“I’m sorry.” Steve muttered, “I didn’t want to butt in.”
I licked my lips, turning to him. I can’t imagine how red my face is.
“You did, though. You assumed responsibility for something that was none of your business.”
“I couldn’t just… I couldn’t just watch you be lied to. You deserve better than that.” He says, trying to grab my hand. I pull away, shaking my head.
“You don’t get to decide that.”
I open the door, getting out. The diner lights illuminated the street, and I walk in without bothering to see if Steve was behind me. I smiled at the ladies behind the counter, their old faces sagging in defeat. I sat at my table and grabbed a menu. I scanned it, found exactly what I wanted, and waited. The doorbell rang, indicating someone was coming in. I look up and see Steve walking in my direction. He sits in front of me, not taking his eyes off my tear stained cheeks.
“Decided to join?”
“Yeah, you may hate me, but I don’t hate you and don’t want you to be alone.” He says, as the waitress with a white dress and red apron approaches our table. I tell her my exact order, and she smiles.
“You’re Diana’s daughter, right?”
Her name made me stiffen. I look up at the woman, who was smiling down at me.
“I remember you, Y/N. I went to school with your mama. You look exactly like her. Sound just like her, too.” The aged woman says, her eyes not leaving mine.
“Thank you…” Is all I could say. We had a mutual understanding in that moment. Everyone in this town knew about her, what happened, except maybe the people who didn’t know her.
She walks away once she takes Steve’s order.
The exchange shifted my mood. I fold my hands, looking beside me to the empty table.
“When I was 10, my mama took me up here to visit my late Grammy and Hop. She sat in that very seat you’re sitting in,” I look over to his tentative gaze, “And she told me that Hopper’s daughter Sara was dying. She was only 5. She told me the real reason we were here was because Sara had days left and we had to be here for Uncle Jim.”
He let me continue.
“I remember when Sara was born. Blonde hair, bright blue eyes. I remember thinking I wasn’t the only grandkid anymore. I envied her. Her mother was a bitch and said I was being dramatic and a brat. But Hop? No… He bought me a gift the day she was born. It was this doll that was terrifying and had this awful red hair. He told me that when I squeeze it, to imagine it’s him. So whenever I was sad, I would have him... He has always been the dad figure in my life. I never had one, I had my Uncle Jim.”
Steve smiled, trying to keep his gaze on me.
“That’s why I’m hurt. I’m not hurt that Jane isn’t who they told me she was. I’m hurt that my Uncle Jim lied to me to protect her and not me.”
We ate in silence, Steve not saying anything unless I asked him a question. Once we finished, he paid, and we left. The waitress told me to stop by more, and she’d love to see me again. I smiled and nodded.
Driving home, it was 11:26. I turned up the radio a little louder, trying to break the silence I created. I notice Steve’s hand on his pant leg. I just stared at it for a moment.
This wasn’t completely his fault. If I was in his shoes, I probably would’ve done the same thing. He was thinking of me. He wanted to ensure I was aware of my surroundings and safe. He may have not done it in the best way, and he may be stupid and unaware of things, but he tried. He didn’t want to hurt me or fight with me. And once he finally listened and shut up, I realized he was probably the best listeners next to my Mom.
I put my hand on top of his and squeezed.
“What are you doing?” He asks quietly.
“Thank you for listening.”
The music took over and the drive ended within a couple minutes. Pulling up to the house, I turn in my seat to face Steve. He just turns his head. My hand still softly placed on top of his.
“I’ll call you okay?” I say, trying to crack a smile. He nods. I let go, turning to open the door.
“Hey…” He softly grabs my arm so I’m facing him again, “I truly am sorry.”
“I know.”
Walking inside, everything was in slow motion. The lights were still on, which only meant that Uncle Jim was still awake. I walk up the porch, waving towards Steve as he drives away. I unlock the door with my key, cracking it open. His head turns towards me, before it snaps back to the TV screen. I shut the door behind me, kicking off my shoes. I creep over to the couch, plopping down beside him.
“How did it go?” He asks in a monotone voice.
“Honestly?” I turn to him, “Awful.”
His eyebrows furrow, finally glancing in my direction. “What did he do?”
I had a lump forming in my throat, my eyes welling with water. “It wasn’t him who did anything.”
“Well what happened then?”
“Where’s Jane?” I ask, quietly.
“She’s sleeping, I’d assume.”
“She isn’t moving things with her mind? She isn’t talking to her mom through the soundwaves surrounding us or something?”
His face drops, “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about.”
He leans forward, grabbing a lit cigarette from the ashtray in front of him. He ponders for a moment, not making eye contact with me.
“I wanted to tell you.” He mumbles, still not looking at me. The very statement made all those previous feelings rush back.
“Oh did you now? When?”
“When the time was right!” His loud, unexpected tone shakes the house.
“So, when exactly? When the guilt of lying to me took over? Or has that not happened yet.” I retort.
“No, when you were okay enough to talk to about serious stuff. You just lost your mom and I didn’t want to add onto your stress, Y/N. Cut me some slack!”
“No! No! You lied and you betrayed my trust for someone who isn’t even blood. I’m the last person on this goddamn Earth who is actually blood to you! How dare you? How dare you do that?!” I was irate now. All the anger was for this point. I stand up, looking down at his contorted face, “You told me this whole long fake story to protect her?! What about me?! You are supposed to protect me. You’re supposed to tell me the truth no matter how hard or awful it is!”
“Your mother had just fucking died! I am not going to just lay more shit on you! You got here what, a month or two ago? I was going to tell you, but when you were more…”
“More what?”
“More stable.”
We were both screaming, “Oh don’t pull that card!”
“You are just like your mother! You shut down when everything is too much. You act like everything is the end of the goddamn world!”
“I may look like her and talk like her, but I am not my mother! I am strong and capable! I can handle my fucking emotions.” Lie. Kinda.
“Then, what the hell are you doing now?!” His eyes widened as he waited for my answer. I was getting nowhere. He wasn’t seeing my point and I don’t think he ever would.
I stare him dead in the eye, “You are the closest person in my life, and you let me down. You fucking let me down for some random girl from a laboratory! You betrayed my trust, and you think I’m just going to be okay with that? Bullshit!”
With tears streaming down my face, I lean in closer to him, “What do you think Sara would think of you?”
As soon as it slips my mouth, a book flies across the room and right into my side. I lean over in pain, holding my rib cage. What the fuck?
“Hey!” Hopper yelled towards Jane’s door. I see her standing there, her arm extended, blood running down her nose.
I see red.
“Looks like fucking Magneto decided to join us!” I laugh maniacally, “How’s it going little one? Did you hear me earlier? About how you ruined my life?”
She gives me the deadliest look. “Don’t talk to him like that.”
“Tell me… What are you going to do? Throw something at me? Choke me? How about use your little abilities to fucking fight the Soviets or something and leave us alone? That’s what you were made for right?”
“Jane!” Hopper yells, “Go to bed!”
“Yeah J- Wait… Eleven. Go to bed. You have a playdate tomorrow.”
Her eyes soften, as she sees Hopper shift behind me, watching us closely. She’s controlling herself. She’s holding back.
“Stop!” The sound of his guttural and turbulent voice makes us both jump, “You both! Stop!”
His licks his lips, trying to think what to say next. He starts covering his eyes with his hand, letting out a soft groan.
“Can we just…” He inhales sharply, “Can we just breathe? Can we do that?”
I grow silent, as his hand pulls away from his eyes. He has tears streaming down his face. It was rare to watch him cry. I’ve only seen him cry twice. Sara’s funeral and when he saw me a month ago at the morgue. He was an ugly crier, to say the least. But hearing him sob and get choked up, only made me want to cry.
“Y/N… I’m sorry for lying to you. I fucked up and I’m sorry. I should've told you before I even brought you here. But…” He contemplates, “We are all you got now. Me and Jane. We are your family. We yell, we fight, yeah, but that’s family. At the end of the day, I love you and I never intentionally try to let you down. You just… Every time I look at you, I see your mother and it hurts. I’m still dealing with these feelings and raising you two girls. It’s an adjustment period right now, but we will figure it out. But from this day forward, I’m going to stop acting like you’re wounded and incapable, and be honest with you. Okay?”
I watch his demeanor change, he stands up and walks over to me. He extends one arm. As much as I wanted to push away, I let him pull me into a hug. After a minute, the tears fall down my cheeks and onto his shirt. I felt around set of arms wrap around me, holding onto me.
This was my home. My fucked up, dysfunctional, always a mess of a home. I didn’t have to say anything to know that words were forgiven. I just felt it. Maybe it was the adrenaline come down, but with their arms wrapped around me, I felt safe again. Something I hadn’t truly felt since my mom.
“Family doesn’t end or start with the blood in your veins,” Hopper starts, “It’s the people who would love you even when you want to fucking hate them.”
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gracieheartspedro · 7 years
Stuck with Me (Steve Harrington x Reader) PART 2
NOTE: IM SO HAPPY! The response on the first part had me so happy, I had to post quicker than I wanted to originally. Thank you all for the amazing comments! I don’t have a tagged thing up yet, so if you want to be tagged, please message me and I will add you. For now, I’ll just have to post and hope all of you see it. I will get a tagged list ready for Part 3!
Word count: 2348
Warnings: NONE (yet (-; muahaha)
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After school homework sessions were now me and Steve’s everyday routine. We would sit on the living room floor, eat whatever my uncle stocked up on, and help each other with our work. It was productive but also super fun. We would have breaks in between and talk about random stuff. Whether it was about school, life, anything, Steve was always up for conversation.
By Friday, his essay was ready to be turned in, and I was ready for the pop quiz we had.
The rest of my school days went well, except for the constant threat Billy would say something to me. On Wednesday, he asked me to go to the basketball game and watch him play but I said I had plans, which I did, technically, but I just wanted to avoid him. On Thursday, he stood outside my Physics class and walked me to my last period. He kept asking me when I was going to let him bring me to the movies. I told him when he turns into Tom Cruise and takes me to a movie premiere. He chuckled at my answer and told me I was “a piece of work”.
His laugh was kind of cute. His genuine laugh. I heard it once when I said something catty to him and he threw his head back. In that moment I thought I saw decency within Billy Hargrove. The feeling and realization faded when he told me I looked “hot” in my skirt as I walked into my classroom. Every time he said it, it sent a tingle up my spine. It wasn’t the adjective I was looking to be called and every time I heard his deep voice mutter it, I wanted to shrivel up into a ball and die.
Steve, on the other hand, called me “cute”. He said I was “unlike any other girl he’s hung out with” and that I made him laugh than other people in his life. He made me feel important and always complimented me, in a not-creepy-type-of-way. He smiled and laughed at my jokes, even when they were terrible. And when I sang in the car on the way home from school, he was always harmonizing with me jokingly.
We decided whatever was going on between us, needed to be taken slowly. I wanted nothing but to kiss him and hold him, and he made it pretty obvious he felt the same way, but we knew flying into things would end up making things awkward and weird. Taking it slow and being friends first was the best bet to make this thing last.
So for another week, he drove me home and we watched TV together. Sometimes we played wrestled and fought over shows we liked. He even started picking me up in the mornings, so Hop didn’t have to drop me and Jane off at school. He would bring me breakfast biscuits and we would talk about upcoming assignments in math and how we couldn’t stand Billy. As time went on, he started staying around longer. He would stay after school with me until 7, which was an hour before Hopper got home. He said he “didn’t have anything else to do” but I knew something else was going on. I could feel it as his demeanor changed when people were near us. Jane, people at school, whoever. He just shut down and got quiet. It was odd, but I decided not to question it.
He told me wanted to see some horror movie, which I gladly said we could go see together. He told me he’d hold my hand if things got too scary. I giggled and told him he could hide in my hair if things became too much for him. He didn’t laugh, just huffed and said he was fearless. We decided on Friday night and promised each other it was just a “friend date”, whatever that meant.
So when 8 rolled around and my uncle pulled up to the house, I was ready to present my case for a 9 o’clock movie with Steve Harrington. He walks in, huffing and puffing. He doesn’t notice my dressed up attire, as he headed to the fridge to grab a beer. He had one or two a night. I made sure he’d cut back, especially since Jane was around now.
“Uncle Jim, I got a question…”
“Does it involve me leaving the house?” He groans, sitting down on the couch next to Jane, who was reading a book she had for school.
“No, I’m just going out with Steve tonight and I was wondering if it was okay?” My voice started to go up in nervousness.
He chuckled, “You two dating, now? Do I have to scope him out?”
“Not dating, just hanging out.”
Jane looks up from her book, “No more homework here?”
Hopper furrows his eyebrows.
I didn’t really tell him Steve was coming over every day. He always left before he came home, anyway. I knew he wouldn’t go for it and probably yell at me.
“You have him over without me here?” He asks, his voice guttural and demeaning. He sits forward more, his elbows on his knees.
“Uh… yeah. We’ve been doing homework here after school.” I respond, nervously. Please don’t be mad.
“And were you planning on telling me or we just going to start inviting guys over all the time? Yanno what,” His voice twists. I know he’s about to be sarcastic, “Hey Jane, why don’t you invite Mike over for a sleepover? Maybe he can even sleep in your bed!”
Jane’s face twists, “Sounds stupid.”
“And what aren’t we Jane?”
“Stupid.” She turns the page of her book, her face deep inside it, her curls the only thing visible.
Hopper looks over at me, his face steady. “Bingo.”
“It’s not like that! We honestly just do homework, and sometimes eat your cracker jack bu-”
“I knew it was going too quickly!” He yelled, sounding more angry about the cracker jack than he was about me having Steve over.
“I’m sorry, I’ll buy you more!”
“Y/N… I need you,” He stops to think and collect himself, “I need you to be honest with me okay? I just need communication. I know ever sin-”
“Don’t pull that with me,” I say, my throat getting tight. Don’t bring her up.
“Just tell me what’s going on and I won’t get mad, okay? You can go out tonight but,” He scans my outfit, “Put on pants.”
I roll my eyes, “Madonna doesn’t wear pants with mini dresses, Hop.”
“You’re not Madonna.”
I return to my room to change.  
“Have a good night. Have her home before midnight, Harrington.”
The door closes behind us as we get into Steve’s BMW. It’s a little chilly tonight, so I was grateful I changed when I was told to. I changed into some black jeans and a simple red top, putting my jean jacket over all of it. I also touched up my lipgloss and mascara, ensuring I was a little more done up than usual.
I buckle up and glance over at Steve. He huffed after turning on the car, placing both of his hands on the wheel.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, just,” He stops, biting his lip, “I had to sneak out because my dad is mad at my Biology grade and we fought when I got home from school… it’s dumb don-“
“Why didn’t you tell me you needed help with Biology?”
“Because then it would’ve taken up more time with you that i’d rather spend just listening to you talk about other stuff,” I watch him curl his lips, trying to figure out what to say next. His eyebrows raise, “I mean you could talk about cheeses and I’d listen to you for hours, but..”
I blush, placing my hands in my lap, “I really like mozzarella.”
He snickers, putting the car in reverse. “Tell me more?”
“I would be I’ll have to find a cheddar time.”
We both grow silent before laughing loudly, filling the car up with our awful cheese jokes. We switch the conversation, Steve bringing up how my uncle sure went easy on him. I told him he found out about him coming over, and he shrugged.
“We didn’t do anything, anyway.”
“Yeah, but he thinks we are,” I reply, running my hand through my curls.
Steve was quiet. He seemed even more off tonight. When he came in to get me and say hello, he wouldn’t even look at Jane. He just silently muttered a hello, and continued conversation with Hop. I suspected he was hiding something from me. Maybe it was me being wary of letting people in, maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me, who knows.
“So how’s Jane doing in school?” He asks out of the blue, watching the road.
“Fine. She has problems with teachers because she’s kind of quiet.” I respond. Jane was a lot of things, but mostly to herself and silent. When I first met her less than two months ago, she wouldn’t even shake my hand. She either had something smart to say or nothing to say at all. She kept to herself, reading and watching TV. On the weekends, she got to go over to Mike’s house and hang out with her friends, but other than that she went to school and came home.
“She’s a really strong girl,” Steve says. It sounds like he’s trying to take the conversation elsewhere, but I’m not completely sure where he’s going with it. And it was a completely random statement. What are you hiding, Harrington?
“Yeah, her mom not telling my uncle about her and then watching her mother die? It’s awful. I think that’s why she’s quiet. She doesn’t really know how to take it all in. I’m just glad Hop stepped up to be a father again. I knew it was hard on him.” I say, watching Steve carefully to see if his expression changed. But it stayed steady and calculated. Like he was rehearsing the whole exchange in his head.
Steve cleared his throat, “Yeah, absolutely.”
I furrow my eyebrows, before returning my eyes to the road. “What are you thinking?”
The question was not apart of his script. He was thrown off that’d I’d even ask it.
“What. Are. You. Thinking?”
He was silent for a moment, “How great you look in that jean jacket.”
I stare down at my outfit, shaking my head. “Not the answer I was going for, love.”
“What was the answer you were hoping for?” He asks, almost annoyed.
I don’t look over at him even though I know he’s glancing over at me, “Maybe how you wouldn’t even look at Jane when we were back at my place. And now you’re bringing her up in conversation. Maybe that.”
“I’m just curious?” He began to get defensive, sparking our first argument.
“Well, it just seems a little weird and off to me.”
“I don’t know why. Do you think I know something you don’t?”
“Yeah, actually I do.”
“Well, I don’t!”
I look at him, a fire in his eyes I’ve never seen before. His face scrunched his hands tightly around the steering wheel.
“Pull over.”
“What?” His voice cracks, nervous at my request.
“Pull over!”
He slams on his breaks, pulling off the main drag of town, almost driving straight into a ditch. I huff loudly, crossing my arms. We sit for what feels like hours, in complete silence.
“If you know something about her that I don’t, I need you to tell me,” I whisper, looking down at my lap, before looking over at him. He’s staring down at me, his mouth opens a little like he’s about to say something.
“There’s weird shit happening in Hawkins, that I don’t understand. I know she and her friends are involved, and that whatever we all thought was over is back. And it came back as soon as you showed up.”
His statement took me aback. My heart started racing, my mind wondering.
“What kind of weird shit?”
He leans back into his seat, “Things you’d only imagine to happen in movies.”
I almost want to laugh at how stupid he’s being, but when I break, smirking a little, his face stays the same. He doesn’t laugh, he doesn’t smile, just a stern seriousness that almost scares me.
“And all this ‘weird shit’ began again when I showed up?” I mutter, trying not to piss him off. I keep my instinctual giggles to myself.
“Yeah… I know it sounds made up and stupid, but I am genuinely afraid of Jane. She can do stuff- I-I just don’t understand. I just…” He drifts off, “I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why I started driving you home. Because I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you. I don’t need help with English, and I am not acting weird because of my dad, I’m acting weird because when we left, Jane wouldn’t stop staring at me and I felt like she was trying to tell me something.”
“She was staring at you? Maybe it’s just because you’re extremely attractive and she’s questioning her love for Mike.” I smirk, going to grab his face.
He rolls his eyes, “I’m not fucking around, Y/N!”
His tone completely throws me off. I stop going towards him, retreating back into my corner.
“I wish I was. I wish this wasn’t happening again, but something is up. And I know you won’t understand this all from me.” Steve continued, his voice tamer.
“We are going to miss our movie.”
“That’s fine. I have a better idea.” He puts the car in drive, speeding off towards the outskirts of town.
“What are you going to murder me?” I ask, almost anticipating him to actually be an ax murderer who is completely delusion. This night couldn’t be any more of a disappointment, anyway.
“No, I’m going to bring you to someone who can explain it all, way better than me.”
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