tayylurking · 6 years
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Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you ♥️ - Art by sttateofgrace - @taylorswift @taylornation #ts7 #1989worldtour #taylorswift #reputationstadiumtour #reptournetflix #1989 #speaknow #red #fearless #newyearsday #art #watercolour #pretty #guitar #tay #reputation #swiftie #taylurking https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJBFEGgFWA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s7af28hmf541
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treachreous · 9 years
Follow back?
I’ll check out your blog.
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phoebe-buffay · 9 years
your url is so so so perfect
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everswift · 11 years
sttateofgrace replied to your post:sttateofgrace replied to your post:...
ye not rlly
i feel exposed i dont like this
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thisdress · 11 years
we're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.
blog rate: 10000000000000/10 :) ♥
send me a taylor song and I'll tell my favourite lyric from it and rate your blog :)
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timeerasingyou · 11 years
queen of unicorns
Yes yes yes!! i'm a judicorn hehe  you're the queen of ponies and rainbows hehe i love you
give me a title in my askbox :)
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unicornawards · 11 years
i wanna nominate swifth for "rainbow cake maker", sttateofgrace for "best muffin in da house" and staytaystay for "sparkly jam maker" :D (p.s.: this is super cute)
nominate your favorites
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lachendundleise · 11 years
sttateofgrace replied to your post:I’d be ashamed if I were Katy Perry that’s...
same omfg that was such a bad video just a throughly bad video with all the budget money she’s got how does she put out a thing like that
Omg yes it looks so cheap and just stupid and like just stay away from Cleopatra like, you don't touch that. Leave it be pleaaase. Or do a good interpretation and not some neon weird carnival costume
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ifelltomyknees · 11 years
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I would just like to put a little disclaimer to  say that this is NOT all of my friends!!! this is just the people i talk to most often and have shared somewhat of my life with. I'm so happy to say that I can call these people my best friends. In no particular order (except courtney being first because we all know shes perfect, here's a little something about each of my beautiful friends. (PS this isn't the order the pictures are in, if you want to know what url goes with which person, just hover over it!)
Courtney: Where do I start. I met you on September 6th, 2010. It was the first day of school and I was put in your class and I'm pretty sure I didn't even actually talk to you, but that's my first memory of you. In the first month or two of school, I had no friends. All of my friends had found other friends I wasn't comfortable with, and I didn't know anyone. One day I was heading to another lunch at a table I had found myself sitting at (it was in the back corner with a bunch of people I didn't know) often, when I noticed it was full. I kind of had a mini heart attack and all i could think was "oh god where am I gonna sit". Your table was just across from mine and I remember maddie offering me a seat (she had sat next to me on the bus a few times, so she knew my name). All i could think about while sitting diagnol from you and across from brittney was how absolutely kind and understanding you all were. For the first time in a long time, I felt at home. We became closer and now, 3.5 years later I still feel that sense of loneliness return. I only have to have a conversation with you to help me remember I have wonderful friends like you. You're one of the funniest people i know, and not to mention smart as hell. tbh you're probably the only reason I do this well in school because you get me to challenge myself and be better even when I'm good. You're one of the few people i could joke with after my mom died, because everyone else was so damn serious and you never were. I was there when your grandpa died and although it was extremely awful for you and for your family, I think it brought us closer. I love you now and forever, and I hope you never forget that. (ps i'm sorry this is so long damn everyone elses probably won't be that long aha it's just cause i know courtney in rl so theres a lotttt to talk about)
Sk: oh oh oh what can I say about Sk. You are so so sooooo funny. Your snapchats are so dorky and cute and you're like a little adorable puppy that no one can stop awwwing at. You are actually hilarious like when you were miley cyrus for halloween i almost had a heart attack. You've helped me through a lot i think without even realizing it. Some night's i'd be having a really bad day and just feel like complete shit but then I'd get a random vid of you singing in your car and dancing like you're just so happy and it literally brightens my mood for the rest of the day. Never stop being you, because who you are is so wonderful and i hope you love her as much as i do. 
Jordan: You are my husband and me and liz both luv you to bits. aha but no actually you're such a great guy like I can't believe i have you as such a good friend. You helped me through so much, especially with the whole relationship stuff and you always knew just what to say to make me feel better (even if all you said was nothing). You're funny and no matter what you always laugh at my jokes (even if they're the lamest shit ever - which they usually are). You get my teenage sexual frustration on a whole new level and i think thats a special connection between you and me bro idk. ps. your fro is hot.
Caitlin: ahhhhh boo you are so so so so sooooo pretty I can't even ddeal with it. You're one of the cutest and yet also most insane person i know (especially when it comes to hunter hayes). You snapchat me all these cute pictures and i just ask myself what i'm doing with my life because you're sooooo perfect and i respond with this like lame as picture of me with 8 or 10 chins and a bowl of icecream on my lap. you're so funny and cute and ily so much boo. I always know who to talk to if I'm bored or not having a great day.
Bo: Eyyyyyyy aha well hellp there. You're a relatively new friend but damn You're actually so cool like frick anyway idk why you talk to me like honestly i'm like a weird loser and you're this like swag sexy ass bro who has like a shit ton of followers and is in college like um i'm a 15 year old dork lmao bUT anyway, i think you're such a funny person like you make these sarcastic jokes and they're actually hilarious. A lot of people claim to not like you but tbh i think they just feel jealous/outsmarted by you. we both hate the same people too lmao so thats some great bonding material aha but yes ily don't ever change. (ps how do you deal with my teenage antics i'm actually confused).
Nareen: ahhhh nareen i can't even tell you how absolutely wonderful you are. you are soooo funny and cute and you actually LIKE ME LIKE LIKE ME AS A PERSON AND I THINK THAT'S REALLY RAD and i just became friends with you recently but you're so amazing and i really wish we could have been friends a lot earlier (like 6 years ago or something) cause our senses of humour are so similar and i just ahhhh i can't deal. 
Morgan: yaya!!!! canadian buddy!!! I remember when I first followed you and you were soooo cool and i never imagined i would become friends with you! You're so gorgeous even if you don't think so, and i love how amazing your advice. Your blog is perfect and your text posts are the funniest things I've read in a long time tbh ahaha. Ily girl and if you ever ever ever need help or advice or anything, don't be afraid to ask! seriously! :)
Liz: Liz omg liz my sister wife and my beautiful bestie. you are so so sooooo funny without even trying and i love it so much. You are actually so pretty and i love how we share the same horniness 24/7. ahahha we are sooooo not pg and i like that we can joke about things that should really be a lot more serious than we make them out to be ahaha. I will always love you and i really think we should get closer to hmu and we can talk and be super best friends *hugs and kisses* ily. 
Lyndsi: jyndsi jyndsi jyndsi jyndsi jyndsi lolol what else is there to say??? and omg jynden (aka french boy). I love how utterly adorable you are and your passion for boys lmao. We are both so awkward and i think it's hilarious how we try to give each other advice on things neither of us know anything about. I think one day you'll find someone amazing (possibly french boy) and get everything you deserve. You're just so happy all the time it really makes me feel better! 
Jaime: oh jaime man theres so much to say! you have become one of my closest friends because I can basically trust you with anything. There were things I told you that i didn't even tell my closest friends simply cause of the fact that I knew you wouldn't judge me and would help me get through it. You are so good at giving advice thats useful to me. i am a very selfless type of person, and i try to please everyone and you have been such a reminder that sometimes i don't have to please everyone, but sometimes myself too. I will always come to you for help and I hope you'll always be there! ily so much. 
Rachel: okay so we have been friends for a long while so I couldn't just not put you on this. You're so amazing oh god and even though you have your bad days and i have mine, we both try really hard I think to cheer each other up! I love talking to you, you're just such a good listener and you're so gorgeous and even though you're much older than me you never treat me like a stupid ignorant kid and that makes me happyy!!! Ily so much :)
Maria: Oh maria! I have literally been friends with you for as long as i can remember. You're such a fantasic person and tbh i don't even know what else I can say. you just have such a kind and thoughtful soul and i truly think the world is so much better with you on it:)) ily forever but we seriously need to talk way more lol. 
Katy: Ahh!!! hello!!! I really really really really love you and everything about you okay. You're always there, you never miss a tinychat and that makes me so happy. I'm so surprised that you even find it fun to talk to me. You're so pretty and you actually have such a cute kitten omg I might come take it from you in your sleep but shhhh. I think you're such a doll to talk to and i hope you always stay that way! Stay beautiful darlin<3
Gio: oh man gio gio gio you are so cute I can't handle it. tbh i think you're my brazillian twin or something because we have such similar personalities and i love how you can actually tolerate me. You are so absolutely wonderful and i think you're actually the cutest thing. I'm really sorry that this is so bad lmao it's taken a long time to write all of these buT I DO REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU HAVE THE GREATEST LIFE AND I HOPE YOU GET TO SEE TAYLOR BUT MOST OF ALL I HOPE I'M STILL YOUR FRIEND WHEN YOU DO! 
Yumi: last but not least, yumi. oh man its been soo long since i first befriended you and I honestly think you're such an amazing person inside and out. you're so gorg and we actually have such similar views on a lot of social issues which i think is really cool cause usually a lot of people don't. I love you soo so much and i hope you have a wonderful valentines day boo<3
woooo finally done! that actually took forever omg and half of them suck but oh freaking well yall can deal with it! I hope each and everyone of you has a great day tomorrow and you guys deserve the world and more. i love you to the moon and back<3 
(if i forgot you please tell me because lets just say i'm a major dork and i do have a shitty memory a lot of the time).
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flashbacksandechoes · 11 years
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wentmad · 11 years
Happy birthday!!! I hope all your wishes come true :))
aw thank you so much!! 
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swfift · 11 years
Url: sure | okay | cool | awesome | purfect | go awayIcon: sure | okay | cool | awesome | purfect | go awayBlog: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+Follow?: no sorry ily | I do now | yup | well duh
Send me ☁ for a blograte
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youareworldsaway · 11 years
he da king no but seriously like everytime he replies to me on twitter its so funny
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swiftpositivity · 11 years
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timeerasingyou · 11 years
White ahahahaha
Ahh Gio! ilysm :') you're so nice haha and yeah let's get married and elope hahaha
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usedtobemygirl · 11 years
If I met you... I'd get really happy and we'd have a hell of a good time yo
i know we’d have a f a b time we should talk more bc i love you 
Message me any of these and we’ll be practically BFFs
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