#structurally it is kinda like a square knot but Thiick
lobsterplush · 4 months
Day 27-28: Spectral line bar
This is a design I've seen online but haven't built before. Because of the shape I can't integrate it into larger projects but it's a fun design on it's own and I wanted to try it out!
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There's two strings that go straight through the center at 1PL each, three strings below that make the wave at 2.5PL each, and one string that weaves them together at 3PL.
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The sample I've seen online used flat-shaped synthetic cord but it works just as well with regular round cord. It looks really cool and builds fast!
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^ Turn the three wave cords beneath the center cords. Then move the weaving cord under the wave cords, over the center and through the armpit. Tighten and adjust.
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^ Here's what the back looks like.
Spectral Line Bar starters:
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A) From a row of lark's heads knots, this is the order the cords fall in naturally from left to right. This starter is nice if all cords are the same color, but looks weird if they're different.
B) This method gets the colors in the correct configuration. Putting all the cords into one overhand knot would make a starter cramped, this spaces them out and puts the colors where they need to go. In the over hand knot, add: 'Wave color' 5PL, folded in half 'Wave color' 2.5PL 'Weaving color' 3PL
After the overhand knot, gather the cords that are 'wave color' and tie a lark's head knot across it made of 'center color' 2PL, folded in half.
Colored, they look like this:
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Tying off the end:
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(Again, putting everything into one big overhand knot would not only make the ending cramped but would make the overhand knot weak. Larger overhand knots are easier to unravel, and four strings is my limit. So I suggest these finishers.)
A) In the first overhand knot the weaving and center strings are tied together and the center strings are trimmed. Then the weaving cord continues to an overhand knot with the wave cords. This method maintains a proper wave shape on the wave cords.
B) The first overhand knot includes the weaving and wave cords. Then trim the weaving cord and one of the waves. The other two wave cords become the base cords in a square knot, highlighted in blue. The outer cords for the square knot are the center cords; wrapped around the outside of the overhand. You can even build the square knot over the first overhand knot, to hide it. This method is good for a neat, symmetrical ending, or if you want to finish with a square knot sequence.
Colored, they look like this:
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For my sample I used starter type B and finished with type A:
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This design looked so cool I immediately made another:
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(Macre-May Prompt list)
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