katagawhatthefuck · 1 year
"He's yours now. Do as you wish."
The words are cold and blunt as his father utters them to Rhys Strongfork. The way he ends up scanning the barcode on his neck and changing the information to under Rhys's name isn't exactly very cuddly either. And yet, Katagawa Jr. cannot help but feel his heart flutter excitedly in his chest.
He's pleaded with his father and eldest siblings to figure out how to acquire Atlas by any means necessary, and fortunately, his father caved and handed him off to Rhys as a sort of olive branch.
Truly impeccable timing, if Katagawa's being honest, seeing as he had just invited his siblings onto Zanara for that weekend. He chuckles to himself every time he thinks about how close he had come to just killing everyone to get Rhys. And yet, nothing warmed the cockles of his heart quite like the time they had entered each other's lives.
He had only met the other man once before, but the warmth in the Hey! Nice to meet ya! at the concert was enough to resonate with him for the months it's been since.
As Katagawa Sr. leaves without taking Rhys's feelings about this into account, Katagawa Jr. sits in a silent but excited bliss.
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general-kalani · 4 months
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These are in reference to this gif
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lowerqualityrp · 2 years
“A roomba? That- heh- that’s hilarious. Really, super great. Now, uh, will you put me back in my FUCKING body?”
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therelignedstars · 7 months
//looks at a thread I have with Lance. Knowing that to do the scenario I want to do and that I might have to write as Jack in a modern verse this is going to be interesting.
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micsmasmuses · 2 years
@strongfuck asked : "It's you..." It doesn't matter that Rhys has seen Angel's name on the ECHONet. It doesn't matter that he knew of her before he even got her.
Seeing her in the flesh-- seeing Handsome Jack's daughter in the flesh-- stops him in his tracks, leaving him standing in the door way of her office in disbelief.
"...you're Angel."
And the way he says it, all stupefied and disbelieving, makes it clear he's speaking from a place of somewhere personal. But what else do you call Jack himself, AI or not, telling you about his little girl?
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Shes not a little girl anymore! That’s for sure! She looks up from where she stood, blue eyes meeting Rhys’s for the first time as she tilts her head curiously. She’s heard of this guy! He’s bringing atlas back up, and of course she knows of his name and face in the Hyperion data base. When your brain is connected to a computer of your company you tend to remember names. She smiles softly as he says her name only making her more confused. It’s how he says it that makes her fully turn to him. Her fathers old Hyperion jacket on and a satchel bag that’s carrying a few things and a gun holstered to her thigh.
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“Yeah that’s me, can I help you? And it’s Rhys right? You’re the one fixing up that old Atlas lab right?” She asks coming up to him. It’s true she really doesn’t get her looks from her father besides the freckles and the eyes.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
@strongfuck found the high priestess
For as long as Melissa could remember, there had only been darkness; all-enveloping and overwhelming absence of light, the oppressive shadow tendrils wrapping all over her limbs, consciousness and the beating heart. The woman would be unable to say how long she was kept there, a hostage away from her people and the world she knew as 'home'.
There was just one thing that kept Melissa alive - her faith. The unwavering certainty that Rhayeon would not abandon his loyal servant and that light would return one day. Such was the content of the scriptures that had dictated the girl's every step, from the moment she was taken in by the Sisters of Light and then raised to embrace the worship of the Sun. The dedication to the holy words, the everyday miracles granted by sunshine in form of warmth, food, security - these things had kept Melissa content and happy despite a tragic past.
Such unfaltering devotion raised her to the most honored position among those serving the Sun-God: high priestess; the very same fate that caused her capture and subsequent imprisonment, but not even then she rejected Rhayeon. Melissa wore her vests proudly, clung to the gold pendant around her neck during that time of distress and prayed feverously until she no longer had any sense of self.
Until that very moment - slowly, Melissa's eyes blinked and got reacquainted with a world that had something she had so desperately missed: light. It was difficult at first, as if everything surrounding her was too bright, too luminous even if she craved that sort of brilliant shimmer. Next, her skin felt warmer - the cold, damp feeling of the caves was gone, replaced by a familiar and comforting presence of heat, seeping through flesh and clothes to reach her very own heart.
Finally - the face. Although the notions of time and space were distorted and the battle which she had been captured at felt like both millennia ago and just yesterday, the priestess would recognize these features anywhere. Melissa had gone over the sacred texts too many times, talked to the elders and those higher in the sun circles to be confused or uncertain: peering back at her was the visage of the sun god himself - Rhayeon.
Melissa had always known that being trapped in darkness wouldn't be her ending; the Sun never abandoned any of his people, but the woman had not expected the god himself to descend to her rescue. It was not unheard of - there were moments where both Rhayeon and Ravina walked among mortals, but to be the honored soul to be so close and bear witness to his powers...!
"My Lord," the woman murmured, voice coarse and sounding broken given how long it had been since it was last used; but nonetheless, the dream-like quality of one in awe of immensurable glory dripped from her speech and in the way her hands reached for his face, protocol and decorum forgotten and replaced by the sheer need of confirming that it was all real and not an illusion from the cave, "Blessed be those who walk in the sun's path - I always knew you would come. I always believed."
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mxnro · 1 year
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I've had the song 'pink shoelaces' stuck in my head and instead of my ill brain doodling that I drew this instead.
Yeah it's DL and @strongfuck's uh.....some of their dynamic.
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munro-of-europa · 1 year
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I still need to do the animated version but for now please take this.
Based on this tag that @strongfuck left in the thread, hehe.
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finalslay · 2 years
@strongfuck asked : “ do i ask questions or do i just help you clean up all this blood? ” :-)
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finishing  hitching  his  horse,  arthur  turns  and  simply  stares  at  rhys.  the  gunsmith  stands  in  the  doorway,  looking  the  outlaw  up  and  down  with  what  looks  like  a  mixture  of  intrigue  and  slight  concern,  arthur  can't  help  wondering  —  what  the  hell  is  he  talking  about?  then,  it  dawns  on  him  :  the  blood  that's  on  the  back  of  his  horse,  that  covers  his  jacket  and  gloves,  the  cut  down  his  face.  the  remnants  of  a  bounty  job  gone  sideways.  there  hadn't  been  supposed  to  be  bloodshed  in  the  first  place,  but  then  the  guy  had  pulled  out  a  knife,  had  fought  back  and  ran  for  the  hills,  and  ...  well  ...  it  had  ended  up  being  a  bit  more  messy  and  involved  than  arthur  had  intended.  still,  he'd  brought  them  in  alive  —  but  they'd  been  beat  to  hell  and  back,  likely  to  end  up  dead  in  the  end,  anyway.  the  money's  in  his  satchel  now  though,  and  that's  all  that  matters.
arthur  glances  down  at  the  mess,  a  hand  awkwardly  rubbing  at  his  beard.   “  i  wouldn't  ask  ;  it  ain't  a  pretty  story.  ”    the  intention  of  this  visit,  after  all,  had  been  to  use  some  of  the  money  to  get  rhys  to  tune  up  his  rifle  —  and  sing  the  praises  of  the  last  adjustments  he'd  made  to  that  damn  revolver  of  his.  not  to  tell  him  about  a  job  turned  messy.  still  though,  for  some  reason,  when moving to walk  inside,  arthur  feels  the need to  add,   “  if  it's  any  consolation  though,  it  ain't  all  mine.  ”      after  all,  he'd  rode  up  looking  like  he'd  been  through  hell  and  back  ;  it  feels  like  it's  a  important  distinction  to  make.
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hcndsomejck · 1 year
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    he’s gonna kill him a rhys strongfork for touching his baby girl---
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auroradicit · 2 years
@strongfuck said: also [ slide ] — sender crawls under the covers to cuddle up to receiver | bed & sleep prompts | selectively accepting
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She'd like to say she snapped awake as Rhys entered the room. It'd be a better habit, if occasionally inconvenient. Truth is, Kalma rouses enough to make sure it's him before pulling back the hand that'd been brushing against the vibroknife under her pillow.
She's getting comfortable. Something to deal with in the morning later, just like everything else on the long and growing list. For now...
He pulls her close. She sighs as she shifts, tucking her head under his chin and bringing a hand up to skate along the line of his spine in quiet welcome. He's cool with the outside air and smells faintly like ozone.
"All alright?"
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failchamp · 1 year
"Hey, uh, Dad? Do you mind if Kira spends the weekend with you? She's been wanting to see you both lately and, uh.... Well, the timing works, let's just say that."
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general-kalani · 1 year
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“... I’m leaving Atlas again.”
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lowerqualityrp · 1 year
@strongfuck asked: “ yes. i am telling you what to do. i’m telling you not to pull something like that again because— ‘cause fucking hell. i care about you. okay? ” // bl3, rhys manages to warn maya in time that troy can phaseleech because of echo-eye BS and this is after everyone's evacuated the promethea vault properly; "stop impulsively making decisions and not asking everyone else first maya" typea beat
Maya falls silent for a moment, the fight in her dwindling and is replaced by the fear that's driving her. "Then what am I supposed to do, Rhys? I can't-" she cuts herself off, hating that her voice is wavering. "She has no one else, Rhys. If I hadn't gone to get her, who would have? The Crimson Lance? You?"
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therelignedstars · 1 year
Bob and Susan are now canonically Jackie's pets cause crabs are cute.
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micsmasmuses · 1 year
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@strongfuck asked : ❝  i don’t wanna stop touching you.  i just wanna be near you and close to you in any way i can.  ❞ // for timmy :3
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He stares wide eyed at the other. Backing up slightly he can’t help the deep blush that has him practically sweating under the mask. God did he always have to embarrass him like this? Making a noise he covers his face rubbing his hands down it so he’s only peeking up at him.
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“You can’t just say things like that- especially out loud.”
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