#stroker and hoop
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samuelyaboyy · 14 days ago
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jimmy falcone gay bachelors!
who do you think you will pick?
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adultswimshowspoll · 2 years ago
round 3
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popculturebuffet · 5 months ago
Don't worry. I actually do like adult animation and have interest in it. I mostly just held back on asking due to those shows not having as many unified studios or networks like Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Warner Bros, Disney, and The Hub/Discovery Family, I'm fine doing Adult Swim. Next up, favorite character from the mid-2000s Adult Swim shows: The Venture Bros, Stroker & Hoop, Perfect Hair Forever, Tom Goes to the Mayor, 12 oz. Mouse, Robot Chicken, Lucy the Daughter of the Devil, Minoriteam, and Moral Orel?
True but you can just do netwrok for some of those. Anyways... thank you. moving on to this one and including Aqua Teen since i somehow missed it last time.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Shake. It used to be carl but Dana Synder gives his best performance here and a lot of the series best lines are thanks to this asshole cup. The show itself is excellent. It skids a bit as it goes on but the first few seasons are just non stop joke factories and the dr weird segments are a treasured part of my teen years and even now still are fantastic. It's a great show with top notch voice acting, fun surreal stuff and lots of fantastic episode. There's even some great later ones like Bible Fruit and Totem Pole that live rent free in my head. The show kinda deserved to live it's horrifyingly long life and will no doubt return again. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever
The Venture Bros: Anyone who knows this blog or my history of crossover ships (I.e. maybe two people on the latter) willlikely be able to guess but
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It's the boy. Hank is a consitently funny characte rfrom the start of the series but grows from a mild jock who sucks at being a jock and bullys his brother, to a loveable weirdo who has no idea how to interact with people, wants to be batman, and yet has a lot of confidence and a genuine heart you just can't help but love. I need to write this character one of these days in fanfic and i've been working on batshit insane ideas like him being a dtective duo with sasha from amphibia that I will probably go with. Hank is one of my faviorite fictional characters and I miss him dearly.
Venture Bros is a show i've covered and PLAN to get back to next year, fingers crossed, after covering another show that flows through my veins. For now i'll say Venture Bros is one of the best adult cartoons period. It started in a simlar place with a lot of dick jokes, some transphobia and way too much stuff that hasn't aged well to get into, but grew into a show with a deep world, a heart and a lot of neat points about toxic masculinity and over obessing on your passoins long before the latter two were wildely known issues. It loves nerd culture but also makes a spectacle of the kinds of people who take it too far, is clever and despite being written by the seat of creators and sole writers Jackson Publik and Doc Hammer, they still manage to make a coherent saga with tons of character growth, humor and Hank. It's one of my faviorite shows period and the best show Adult Swim has done, and it has some stiff compettition.
Stroker and Hoop: The car, because he was hilarous. This show was one I didn't like a lot as a teen and care even less about now. It's a pretty bleh run of the mill adult cartoon.
Perfect Hair Forever: Not sure. The show itself is solid, but didn't last long, is vaugely racist in places and hasn't aged all tha twell. It was fine, but not really a great adult animated cartoon or an anime parody. It feels like a guy who hasn't watched a ton of anime's impression of what anime is which is right in some places, like perverted old men or characters claimed ot be teens being used for fanservice, but otherwise it's just kinda.. there.
Tom Goes to the Mayor; JEFFERTON ALIVE! While I like Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job More, we'll get to that, this was a solid start. My faviorite is the wizzard whose theme is stuck in my head
The show itself is solid.. but is hampred by the formula. You can only watch Tom's life implode so many times before it becomes hard to watch. But i've come to appricate the weirder gags and less cruel moments. It's telling the best parts are the live action commericals that tim and eric would perfect with their next show.
12 Oz Mouse: great theme song, barely remember this show. Some think it's a masterpiece, I think.. ti exists. I like the shark? I don't have much here
Robot Chicken:
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Protect the Environment or he'll fucking kill you! A show I haven't watched in seasons but have fond memories of the early days. Some sketches have aged like hot milk. Others aged so well I still quote them or will review pluto nash soley because of the pluto nash day sketch. A solid show with a lot of invetion.
Lucy Daughter of the Devil: One i'll have to give another look at.. and i'm shocked came BEFORE metalocalypse. The Devil probably. It's a show I do want to rewatch as it was not only Lauren Bouchard's last show befor ehis breakout with bobs burgers, but it's solid. Its' art style is hit and miss, but the concept, the anti christ dates Jesus whose an arrogant dj while the Devil tries to tempt him, is great stuff.
Minoriteam: This show sucks. I didn't like it as a teen and tween as an adult it comes off as horrible shock humor trying to be edgy but failing. There's a reason Adult Swim has mostly buried this thing. I don't think it should be.. but only so this failure can be stuided to avoid other racist shock stupidity.
Morel Orel: Hard to say these days as I haven't watched it in a while. But the show is excellent. I did'nt like it as a teen in seasons 1 and 2 but rewatching episodes when season 3 aired changed my perspective, and the show itself is awesome. In hindsight it's a great deconstruction of this sort of religious dogma, a problem the country still has. It also introduced me to the mountain goats, something that's paid off for years. I may not listen to every album but when one hits for me, it fucking hits. An excellent show that needs to be protected
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incorrectlooneytunesquotes · 5 months ago
[Bugs disguises himself as a woman to get inside David Zaslav's office]
Bugs: [reads a script] "Well, burn my biscuits! I guess the only person I've been running from is myself, Mr. Jickey".
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adultswim2021 · 30 days ago
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Childrens Hospital #5: “Nut Cutters/Punch It In!” (aka: “Nut Cutters?”) | August 8, 2010 - 10:30PM | S01E05
This one ends, I forget how because I didn’t take good notes. I haven’t been taking notes lately because I am a renegade. I eat dozens of Lifesaver Wintergreen mints because I’m a renegade. 
Okay, I remember. This one is about various plot threads ending or extending to a theoretical cliffhanger. Lake Bell “gets pregnant” from a six-year-old boy’s sperm, unthwarted by the retaliatory vasectomy he received at the hands of a spurned lover. Erinn Hayes’ non-existent tumor (remember that old gag) is operated on by Rob Corddry, who is trying to prove to the world that he can, in fact, practice medicine with nothing more than the healing power of laughter. And the other doctor (I think that’s John Ross Bowie [I looked it up and it is, nice]) cures Chief of her funnybone-itis. She emerges as a hot, young babe, clearly played by a different actress. 
Erinn Hayes dies, and we see her funeral, and then it cuts to her, at her own funeral, I guess as a prank. Did I say what the commercial was? It was NTSF:SD:SUV:: again. I coulda sword there was more variety in the fake ads, but four of them were for NTSF and one of them was Chris Elliott. Fine goofy jokes all around, I took a whiff of them and thought (french accent) “smells nice, ron hon hon!”. And that is the best I can say. Those are the best words I could possibly use to tell you how I feel.
A few nights ago I wrote, in an ironist's patois, "where the hell was Lake Bell when I was six". Kon quickly responded:
Hell where the hell is Lake Bell now lol???
Thank you Kon, I'm sorry I queued up my posts and forgot to check for your timely messages. Here's one I'm actually on top of:
Not only did the Adult Swim class of 2001 beat Dino to the "Time Machine" punch, but even got beaten to the "mocking Ron Howard" punch by Stroker & Hoop. Sad state of affairs
WOW, I forgot all about this. Anyway, I hate Ron Howard now. A true bald bitch through and through. And, if you don't like it you can e-mail me at ho.com
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toonabby · 1 year ago
Happy 70th birthday Curtis Armstrong!
I'm not much of a fan of celebrity voice actors, but I remember putting Curtis Armstrong pedestal primarily for his roles in animation including but not limited to: Snot Lonstein from American Dad!, Robot Default from Robot and Monster, Double-wide (and other additional voices) from Stroker & Hoop, Mr. Moleguaco from The Emperor's New School, Scooter from The Terrible Thunderlizards, and much more.
But one of my personal favorite roles from the actor, and the one that got me introduced to him, would undoubtedly have to be the title character from Dan Vs. Between him, Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and Beto from Underdogs United, he solidified my love for jerks with hearts of gold in Western Animation, and one of the reasons why I live Dan Vs.
Other than that he's known better for his live-action appearances in film and TV such as Risky Business (as Miles Dably), Revenge of the Nerds (as Booger, arguably his most famous role to date), and Supernatural (as Metatron).
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kahran042 · 4 years ago
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g4zdtechtv · 6 years ago
AOTS Classic - [swimming with adults]
All Kids Outta the Pool.
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beginningspod · 3 years ago
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to TV writer Casper Kelly. Originally from Burlington, North Carolina, Casper started working at Adult Swim in the early 2000s, writing for shows like Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Squidbillies, as well as non-Adult Swim shows like Archer. He's co-created two series, Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell and Stroker and Hoop, as well as the incredible Adult Swim infomercial Too Many Cooks. In addition to his TV work, Casper is a wonderful short story writer, and his book More Stories About Spaceships and Cancer is very much worth your time!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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adultswimshowspoll · 2 years ago
round 2
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simseez · 7 years ago
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this was entertaining at the time... def started smokin pot heavy around then
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incorrectlooneytunesquotes · 5 months ago
[Daffy wakes up in a hot boiling pot in a museum full of cult members]
Cult Leader: The sacrifice awaits. I suppose you want to know what we're going to do to you.
Daffy: Not really.
Cult Leader: What? Why not?
Daffy: Well, you're obviouthsly the leader of weird cult, and you're gonna eat me.
Cult Leader: Wrong, smart guy! We are the Order of the Kind-Hearted Cannibals.
Daffy: [sarcastic] Oh, right. My mithstake.
Cult Leader: Unlike our ancestors, we don't kill. We just eat the unessential organs.
Cult Members: Praise the appendix, the coccyx, and delicious tonsils!
Cult Waiter: Appendix? Coccyx? Napkin?
Daffy: Stho, you're not gonna eat me?
Cult Leader: Mmm, oh, no. We're making a exception for you because you're such a total jerk!
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adultswim2021 · 1 year ago
I'm done with a calendar year of Adult Swim originals, so I'll rank all the shows (and specials) based solely on their output up through 2008. Also, I literally forgot three shows to include in this list until I sat down to actually write each blurb, so it's somewhat likely I somehow forgot more. Please let me know if I fucked up big time. Here we go:
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45. The Groovenians (2002)
Not only is it unfunny, it's also simplistic, has shitty CGI animation, and is preoccupied with the abrasive trope that all creativity, no matter how tepid or unimpressive, is noble and worth celebrating. The fact that there's legendary talent involved doesn't even come close to saving it.
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44. The Finkel Files (2002)
Pathetically childish, terrible-looking, and in 2023 it puts me in the precarious position of making a very topical joke about Israel that will get my entire blog deleted and my residence drone-striked... by you-know-who :)
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43. That Crook'd 'Sipp (2007)
So bad that it's borderline incomprehensible.
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42. The Lewis Lectures (2002)
Merrill Markoe, Jack Black, and Laura Kightlinger come together to bring us what might be all of their worst work. And I'm including the time Laura Kightlinger kicked me and my friends out of a diner booth at a comedy show. This was worse than that! it might not be as bad as Jack Black's work with the Clinton Foundation, though.
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41. Minoriteam (2005)
Amateurishly written, ugly-looking, and for a show that's so outwardly "politically incorrect" (even for it's time), there are a surprisingly few transgressive laughs to be had. At 20 episodes, it spreads itself THIN. If racist/racial humor is your thing, you have better options.
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40. Penguins Behind Bars (2003)
Inoffensive, cute, and pleasingly cartoony. But it's more than a little boring, and doesn't feel like it belongs on Adult Swim.
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39. Saul of the Mole Men (2007)
The most charitable thing one could say is that it looked fun to make. But it only gets less fun after the first episode and struggles to come up with anything truly funny or worth paying attention to, even. Uh, that one girl is pretty hot.
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38. Robot Chicken (2005)
Patently not my sense of humor. But sometimes there's an interesting idea and once in a blue moon I laugh out loud. But these guys just get on my nerves.
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37. Captain Sturdy: The Originals (2003)
Pretty lame, but sometimes the animation is fun. Also, this ranking is based on me half-remembering both Captain Sturdy shorts (the first of these aired on Cartoon Network), so this ranking could be faulty.
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36. Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil (2005)
Trying to be edgy and Hot Topic cute at the same time. The animation was horrible, and it rarely made me smile even thought they stacked the cast with some of the funniest improvisors ever.
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35. Stroker & Hoop (2004)
Manages to coast on a modicum of charm because it resembled crappy animated shows from the 90s that young me would have enjoyed. But 4 out of 5 episodes were complete wastes of time.
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34. The Young Person's Guide to History (2008)
Sporadically charming in it's loosey-goosey crappiness; I'd argue the Saul of the Mole Men formula is a little more successful here. But it's still a pain to sit through most of it.
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33. Fat Guy Stuck in Internet (2007)
Has one GREAT episode. Most of it extremely mid. These kids were almost onto something. ALMOST.
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32. Stiff (2007)
Matt Maiellaro's comedic Evil Dead homage seemed like a good idea on paper. But it could've used more money and another pass on the script. An honorable flop, but a flop nonetheless.
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31. Saddle Rash (2002)
This one got lowered a rung or two for having an ugly youtuber icon in the corner of the one graphic that seemed suitable for use on this post. Unfair, but I've never been fair!
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30. Special Presentation/Anime Talk Show/Adult Swim Brain Trust (2004)
Maybe the worst thing involving Space Ghost to ever be on Adult Swim, which is a real feat.
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29. Sealab 2021 (2000)
The first season is good, with a few GREAT episodes. But after that, it takes a serious nosedive in quality and becomes one of the worst shows to ever air on Adult Swim. A remarkable fall from grace.
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28. Lowe Country (2007)
I could watch Lowe fart around for roughly 11 minutes. Maybe not every week, but this should at least have been an annual special. Harmless fun, unless you're a female receptionist at an Atlanta radio station.
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27. The Brak Show (2000)
Hyped at the outset of Adult Swim, this turned out to be a bit of a dud. But was always sorta harmless and occasionally managed to not feel like a waste of time. A few memorable episodes and jokes.
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26. Squidbillies (2005)
Has it's charms. Most episodes are duds, but it's very specific and I always root for it to be decent. Sometimes it is! Most of the time it's repugnant, which at least is interesting.
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25. Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law (2000)
I went from loving this show to hating this show, but by the time it was over I found myself somewhere in between. The old me would be shocked to see me rank this above Brak or even Sealab.
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24. Assy McGee (2006)
Uneven, but I consider this show a diamond in the rough, with a some really inspired jokes and a few great episodes. Bad, low-effort episodes drag it down, though.
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23. Frisky Dingo (2006)
Started a little lame, but it had little stretches where it picked up steam. The serialized nature of it will make the lesser episodes a sticking point.
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22. Let's Fish (2007)
Creative and fun. Am I sad it didn't get picked up as a series? Not really! Even though it's more deserving than some other shows, it still feels a little superfluous.
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21. Perfect Hair Forever (2004)
Not a lot of substance, but this one always felt like a fun treat despite being total nonsense. Also I am truly hoping that my ranking it this high will catapult the show's standing in the public consciousness that women will start cosplaying as Brenda.
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20. 12 oz. Mouse (2005)
More interesting than funny, but it is funny sometimes. It's also incredibly unique and has good vibes. Not worth overthinking it, though.
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19. The Drinky Crow Show (2007)
I began an early draft of this list before I rewatched the series; I'd only recently watched the pilot, and Drinky Crow was close to the bottom. But the series improves on the pilot considerably, and it's really grown on me. Deserved at least a second season.
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18. The Xtacles (2008)
There's only two episodes of this, but they are both laugh-out-loud funny, unfairly giving this show the highest batting average of any show involving members of 70/30 productions. Shoulda been more of them, man.
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17. The Boondocks (2005)
Brilliant at times, but sometimes it feels like it's going through the motions of being just another animated sitcom. But when it's good, it feels special. We need more shows like this.
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16. The New Big Ball With Neil Hamburger (2008)
Neil Hamburger should be allowed to do whatever he wants for at least ten episodes per year. Solidly very funny, better than some Awesome Show episodes.
Dang, only 30 images per post are allowed on tumblr. I wasn't planning to make this be a two-parter, but my hand has been forced. Join me tomorrow for the top 15. Or, go do anything else.
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nemmiril · 3 years ago
I saw your tags & I just want to say: I did Google the specific policy but I knew off hand that soil importation is regulated because my archaeology department has to jump through hoops to import the dirt containing our pollen samples from another country to the USA.
And because this is my third Dracula read through.
Thanks for message!
This is the specific brand of niche knowledge that I love.
I myself don’t really know about soil shipping laws BUT I do know there’s similar policies for ballast water. If Bram Stroker happens to mention that I’d be golden.
This is my first read through of Dracula and I’m enjoying the slow pace of it all. I hope you have a great week!
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mangamavericks · 2 years ago
Hello everybody and welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the show where we don’t talk smack about movies, we celebrate them, except for the rare occasions we do talk smack about movies, but that wouldn’t be very Christmasy of us would it?
Yes, it’s been a while, but we’re back to throw another log on the @ Movies fire just in time for Yule as a Christmas gift to our dear listeners, presenting our first ever special Manga Mavericks @ Movies interview with Casper Kelly, the creator of many adult swim classics like Stroker & Hoop, Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, Too Many Cooks, Final Deployment 4, and his newest special and first ever feature film, Adult Swim’s Yule Log (aka The Fireplace)! 
Yule Log was the wonderful wintertime gift we didn’t know we wanted when it premiered after the Rick & Morty season finale last Sunday night, it’s the kind of special surprise and creative novelty that I absolutely love [adult swim] for and why they’re still the best network around, because no other network would greenlight a feature film based around a Yule Log video gone horribly wrong like this. But the film is so much more than just an inspired gimmick, and we go deep with Casper to ask burning questions about what sparks his imagination and lit the fire of the themes placed in the film, and he lays down a lot of fascinating insights you’ll want to log! 
If you have not seen Yule Log yet I highly recommend you go to adult swim’s website or HBO MAX and watch it first, going in completely blind, and then coming back to this interview. I do not avoid spoilers in my questions and one of mine involves discussing the ending of the film and its implications, so definitely watch the film first, and don’t start a flame war with me if you don’t! But enough burning the midnight oil, let’s crawl into the fireplace and chat with the man behind this Yuletime jewel sublime, Casper Kelly!
Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at mangamavericks.tumblr.com, and subscribe to us on Youtube. You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumRanmaYasha and @VLordGTZ. Don’t forget to also like and subscribe to us on Youtube and iTunes and leave us reviews to help us curate the show and create better content! If there are any topics, series or mangaka you would like to see us talk about on the show, drop us a line in the comments below, or e-mail us at [email protected]! Thanks for listening!
Support us on Patreon!
Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Wanna Leave Us a Tip? LumRanmaYasha also has a Ko-fi!
Read Lum’s reviews on All-Comic! 
Watch Adult Swim Yule Log on Adult Swim or HBO MAX! 
Check out more interviews with Casper Kelly in this playlist!
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lumranmayasha · 2 years ago
ADULT SWIM YULE LOG Interview with Casper Kelly!
Hello everybody and welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the show where we don’t talk smack about movies, we celebrate them, except for the rare occasions we do talk smack about movies, but that wouldn’t be very Christmasy of us would it?
Yes, it’s been a while, but we’re back to throw another log on the @ Movies fire just in time for Yule as a Christmas gift to our dear listeners, presenting our first ever special Manga Mavericks @ Movies interview with Casper Kelly, the creator of many adult swim classics like Stroker & Hoop, Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, Too Many Cooks, Final Deployment 4, and his newest special and first ever feature film, Adult Swim’s Yule Log (aka The Fireplace)! 
Yule Log was the wonderful wintertime gift we didn’t know we wanted when it premiered after the Rick & Morty season finale last Sunday night, it’s the kind of special surprise and creative novelty that I absolutely love [adult swim] for and why they’re still the best network around, because no other network would greenlight a feature film based around a Yule Log video gone horribly wrong like this. But the film is so much more than just an inspired gimmick, and we go deep with Casper to ask burning questions about what sparks his imagination and lit the fire of the themes placed in the film, and he lays down a lot of fascinating insights you’ll want to log! 
If you have not seen Yule Log yet I highly recommend you go to adult swim’s website or HBO MAX and watch it first, going in completely blind, and then coming back to this interview. I do not avoid spoilers in my questions and one of mine involves discussing the ending of the film and its implications, so definitely watch the film first, and don’t start a flame war with me if you don’t! But enough burning the midnight oil, let’s crawl into the fireplace and chat with the man behind this Yuletime jewel sublime, Casper Kelly!
Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at mangamavericks.tumblr.com, and subscribe to us on Youtube. You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumRanmaYasha and @VLordGTZ. Don’t forget to also like and subscribe to us on Youtube and iTunes and leave us reviews to help us curate the show and create better content! If there are any topics, series or mangaka you would like to see us talk about on the show, drop us a line in the comments below, or e-mail us at [email protected]! Thanks for listening!
Support us on Patreon!
Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Wanna Leave Us a Tip? LumRanmaYasha also has a Ko-fi!
Read Lum’s reviews on All-Comic! 
Watch Adult Swim Yule Log on Adult Swim or HBO MAX! 
Check out more interviews with Casper Kelly in this playlist!
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