#stricklake Batb au
thatbitchmabel · 2 months
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There may be something there that wasn’t there before
FINALLY I have art of these two and Stricklake Month seemed like the perfect time to post! I know technically week one is myth, and this is more of a fairytale…but it originated from a myth so close enough! They just fit a Beauty and the Beast au so well 💚🩵
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the-nerdy-fangirl · 6 years
Arcadia is now like Amity Park. Nobody outside of the town actually believes anything they say is real, they just want tourism and are using FX to build mystery and suspicion and lore.
((this was specifically spurred by the Stricklake batb au because imagine out-of-towners coming in to see the show and stunned by the “incredible stage makeup” and “unrealistic costume change time”))
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