#strel internally: fuck
luxcollecting-blog · 6 years
@heartsguide liked!
It’s not that she’s following her, no matter how Chirithy likes to tease.  It’s not like that.  It’s just that --- they often end up in the same places.  And why shouldn’t they?  They’re both wielders, after all.
The difference is that, this time, she’s been caught watching --- oh!  Green eyes widen and fair cheeks darken and she looks down but it’s too late.  She’s been caught.  Scramble for something to say!!  Anything!!  “Y - You’re hair is really pretty!”  Not that!
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kyuremking · 3 years
Khux! Members of the Unions, a generation of children with OCD.
First of all I would like to clarify that I am not an expert in disorders or human psychology, I am not a doctor and never will be, this is just a thought born from a comment in one of my fanfics.
Let's start, OCD can be defined as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
This was all born from a fanfic comment, I'll explain, in the notes of the fanfic I wrote:
After writing this, I now feel like writing about the life of dandelions before they were dandelions. You know about their life when they were in their old orders and stuff like that.
Ventus is one of the ones I'm most looking forward to writing about.
I've also been wondering what Union each of the dandelions belonged to before.
So here are my thoughts on that.
Vulpes Union: Ephemerides; this one is if you ask me too obvious that the way they talk is too close for Ephemer not to be a member of their union.
Leopards Union: Ventus; I have the headcanon that Ventus is not only the youngest of the dandelions, but also the youngest of all the syndicate members. Not only that, but also for me, Ventus joined when he was 8 years old. Maybe Gula accepted Ventus even though he was so young because he was in the book of prophecies.
Anguis Union: Brain...I'm putting some of the dandelions just because of his personality.... the answer is yes. Dandelions are very young and I would venture to say that Brain copied some parts of Invi's personality because he admired her.
Lauriam, Strelitzia and Elrena are in the same Union, but I don't know which one to put them in. But I'll go out on a limb and say they were in Ursus Union.
Skuld, I don't know where to put her, although I would venture to say Skuld was in Unicornis Union. I think Skuld does pretty well as a leader (I forgot at the time that Skuld and Ephemer belonged to the same union and now I don't think Skuld does well in the leadership role).
I'm also starting to think about which kingdom each of the dandelions belonged to before, I'm not sure about that yet.
Then the reader commented this:
wwait im pretty sure lauriam and strel were in different unions but don't @ me.
this is,,,,, this fanfiction is just all of my feelings about kh3 with all of the context from union x I love this so much and it makes me internally weep you're amazing.
Firstly I loved this comment and secondly it made me think this and I replied:
Thank you very much for commenting.
The truth is that we are never told what union each of the dandelions were in and I went a little crazy in the notes and I forgot that Skuld and Ephemer were in the same union (The union of Ephemer and Skuld depends on which one you choose).
From what we were shown it seems that even within unions the members did not have much time to make friends but just obsessively collected Lux. So maybe Lauriam and Strelitzia didn't have much time to spend together.
Maybe that's why Ventus was possessed, he was a little boy probably the youngest of their union (Leopards) who wanted company but everyone was busy collecting Lux which is very sad.
If you want more feelings I have a fanfic where the Foretellers say fuck Luxu and MoM's plan. And they prove to be adults who can use their brains.
Then this made me think of the obsession that hundreds of children suffered because the only adults around told them to look for Lux. Let's also remember the cute and cuddly mascots that encouraged you to collect Lux and make you stronger. And this obsession with the search for Lux is what caused the Keyblade War, the death of hundreds of children, the possession of Ventus, the death of Strelitzia...
That and almost none of the members of the unions had real friends. Remember the child of "My friends are not my power" He is one of the major bases for this. The player collected Lux endlessly until he met Ephemer and even if they became friends they were still apart for a long time.
Lauriam and Strelitzia were siblings and not only did they not live together (I can understand that everyone needs their space) but they also didn't seem to do quests together or spend as much time together as they would like.
Elrena admits that you couldn't really say that she and Strelitzia were really friends, they just talked in between missions. Although Elrena seems to be a very shy person who is afraid to get too close to anyone.
And I end with Ventus, who as I mentioned earlier I think was the youngest person in Daybreak Town (not counting the Chirithy). Ventus was a boy who needed to be around someone to help him and guide him, but he found that everyone was obsessed with collecting Lux. The only company Ventus had was his Chirithy who kept telling him to collect Lux(possibly he tried to comfort Ventus when he was sad, but Chirithy are still creations of MoM and I still don't trust them). And that's what Ventus did, he collected Lux non-stop(and got a more powerful keyblade compared to others).
Ventus, a child without friends and obsessed with collecting Lux was the perfect victim for Darkness to use for his plans. And you know how that turned out. I won't forgive MoM, the Foretellers or Luxu(even if Luxu helped the dandelions) after all they've done and they deserve a punishment that I know Nomura will never do, because for Nomura his characters don't suffer traumas. (I'm talking about Sora and literally all the characters!)
The fanfic where the comments come from is this one.
And this is the one where the Foretellers use their brains.
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