#stream aquasonic
mica-pm2 · 10 months
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h2whoa from splatoon3
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splatooneng · 10 months
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From Greater Inkopolis comes H2Whoa, with some refreshing BGM for battles! Despite having just formed, this band has already attracted tons of attention. The rock-loving youths of the Splatlands are puzzled, but can't hide their interest, saying "The pretentious lyrics and visuals are kinda annoying, but the candidness of it is fresh."
ハイカラ地方出身、H2Whoa(エイチツーウォー)の爽やかなナンバーがバトルBGMに加わるぞ。 結成間もないが既に注目を集めている話題のユニットだ。 ラウドロックを好むバンカラの若者たちも「スカした歌詞とビジュアルがなんか鼻につくが、正直そこがイカす」と、戸惑いつつも興味を隠せない様子だ。
One radio station in Splatsville gave one of their songs a heavy amount of play, and H2Whoa began to garner attention. Time to introduce, that song, called "Aquasonic". Cool down from a scorching battle with those husky and transparent vocals and synths, and a rhythm that speeds like a gushing stream of water!
バンカラ街のあるラジオ局が彼らの曲をヘビーローテーションし、H2Whoaは注目を集めるようになった。 その曲「Aquasonic」をご紹介しよう。 迸る水流のようなスピード感のリズム、ハスキーかつ透明感のあるボーカルとシンセに乗って、灼けつくバトルを涼やかにこなそう!
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argumentl · 3 years
TFOE Radio InterFM version - fan summaries 2015 - 2017
(Topics of each show listed in the links)
Ep 1 Concept of show
Ep 2 - A.I, Military expansion protest, Revenge porn
Ep 3 - Dokugen, Agnes Chan/online liability.
Ep 4 - Dark fashion, Kawashima Naomi/Erotic movies, Igarashi Megumi/Censoring obscenity.
Ep 5 - Taiwan, Doraemon movie, Male only/female only live controversy, Weak school kids.
Ep 6 Mexico, Arche cover design, Honda Keisuke, Playboy magazine.
Ep 7 - Arche cover design, Murder case in Tokyo
Ep 8 - Photography at overseas lives, Doppelgangers, Osaka's Lupin, Celebrities using drugs
Ep 10 - Arche cover design, Shadow art, Murder case, Actor denying fatherhood of child.
Live special #1
Live Special #2
Ep 13 - Banned album covers, Murder case, Sexually suggestive poster.
Ep 14 - Photography, air guitars
Ep 15 Movie recommendations, Grumpy sports personalities, Japan-South Korea relations.
Ep 16 Kaoru's talk event, David Bowie, New Years tv
Ep 17 - Amp simulators, Coming of Age, Trust in staff
Ep 18 - Death row in Japan vs USA, Kim jong-un's shoes, Bionic penis.
Ep 19 - Fukushima Daiichi visit, Baseball player caught doing drugs.
Ep 20 - A.I. Technology, STAP cell/Obokata Haruko controversy.
Ep 21 - Budokan impressions, Questions from listeners, First Japanese politician ever to attempt to take paternity leave caught cheating days before wife gives birth.
Ep 22 - Q and A with Kaoru, Kiyohara drug scandal, Celebrities becoming politicians.
Ep 23 - Fan comments, Child killer identity leak, Politician suggests shutting down politically biased content.
Ep 24 - 5th Anniversary of 3/11, Human canvass artwork, Kyo hayfever, Actress childless by choice, Celeb Instagram spat.
Ep 25 - Old live houses, Censoring of smoking scenes, Beat Takeshi, Arrest of celebrity doctor.
Ep 26 - Ideal female body shape, Child daycare shortage, Ban on beards
Ep 27 - Instant yakisoba, TV/radio presenter faked academic record, New jingle appeal.
Ep 28 - Opposition Party name change, Madonna late to own concert, Baseball players caught illegally betting on games.
Ep 29 - Taboo surrounding disabled sex, Former AV star Dan Mitsu entering politics?
Ep 30 - Internet regulations, Unfair treatment in relation to drugs offenses, Tax hike controversy/criticism of Japanese bureaucracy.
Ep 31 - New jingle campaign, UFOs, French comics/Bandes dessinées.
Ep 32 - Domestic violence, Racial discrimination in USA, Chiba legend 'Jaguar', Ancient mummy wearing Addidas.
Ep 33 - New jingle campaign, Panama Papers leak.
Ep 34 - Death-row art, Man mistakes bear cub for puppy, Japan's place in World Press Freedom Index
Ep 35 - Live-streamed suicide, Tokyo Governer Masuzoe Yōichi scandal, Celebrity Becky's apology for affair, Idol stabbed over 20 times by fan.
Ep 36 - The status of cannabis in Japan, Tokyo Governer financial scandal, Hillary Clinton's promise to reveal UFO info if elected president.
Ep 38 - Subliminal messages, Japanese comedian takes on Cambodian nationality to compete in Olympics, The appeal of Japanese women overseas
Ep 39 - Naked living, Tokyo Sports 'Lowlife Awards', Muhammad Ali's death.
Ep 40 - Time cover showing pregnant rape victim, Hiranabe's bad luck, Brexit
Ep 41 - Underwater band Aquasonic, Tracking a spouse with GPS, Ichiro beats Pete Rose's world record.
Ep 42 - Mode of Vulgar tour finished, Security issues at Rio de janeiro Olympics, Actor Ishida Junichi running for Tokyo Governor?
Ep 43 - Inadequate media election coverage, Increase in motiveless crime.
Ep 44 - Announcement of another live special, Pokemon Go, Palm reading/Palmistry.
Ep 45 - Dobashi in Brazil, 'Crush the NHK' election broadcast, Shark movies.
Live Special #3
Ep 46 - Pokemon Go, Celebrity lawyer in trouble
Ep 47 - Hierarchy in groups/bands, the language barrier overseas.
Ep 48 - Judge posts pictures of himself in his underpants on Twitter, Olympic marathon runner Neko Hiroshi, PM Abe as Mario at Olympic closing ceremony.
Ep 49 - Diverse beauty pageant, Sex doll theft.
Ep 50 - Public reading of erotic literature in library, Dobashi returns from Brazil (with condoms).
Ep 51 - Illustrated guide to poo, Bust reducing bra
Ep 52 - Image of the 'perfect face', Celeb makes AV debut, Thai red-light districts facing destruction.
Ep 53 - Elaborate bentō boxes, Dubious assault on hotel worker by actor, Weekly mag Shūkan Bunshun.
Ep 54 - Playing pre-recorded songs at lives, thought provoking messages, PR video portraying eel as girl in swimwear.
Ep 55 - Fan feedback, Thoughts on Mode of DSS tour, Security cameras in schools.
Ep 56 - Jumping on the Halloween bandwagon, Futon maker-turned-fashion maker.
Ep 57 - Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize, Headlines taken out of context
Ep 58 - Unique tap/faucet designs, Gang rape carried out by Keiō University students
Ep 59 - Looking at works of art from different perspectives, Sinkhole opens up in Fukuoka.
Ep 60 - Illustrated stationary guide/Kaoru's love of drawing, Shin Godzilla.
Ep 61 - Pun art, Nikkatsu erotic movies revival.
Ep 62 - Retouched/Photoshopped images in magazines, Musician arrested for drug use a second time.
Ep 63 - German dinner projection art, Abe-Trump discussing PikoTaro
Ep 64 - Van Gogh animation 'Loving Vincent', Buzzword of the year.
Ep 65 - Christmas, Controversial Fabreeze CM, Rocker Uchida Yūya.
Ep 66 - LAST EPISODE - Looking back at the show.
The radio versions were uploaded to Youtube by Kie, I have simply summarized the content in English. Take a look below!
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
txt reactions. || 👾👾
I saw a national children’s day post earlier and got inspired so I’d like to bless ya’ll with some fluff!
(yes I included the maknaes,, even though they are still young I think they would make amazing fathers in the future🥺)
TXT finding out you’re pregnant ....
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soobin; it was the same time around soobin’s birthday. you’d been getting so nauseous and sick the past couple of weeks and you had an idea of what was going on, you just weren’t sure. gathering up your courage you decide to buy a couple of tests from the drug store, trying to settle the issue once and for all. you’re heart sunk to the floor once the two small lines appeared on the mini screen. you checked the box a thousand times to make sure the two lines meant you were pregnant. you read it over again trying to make sure you weren’t losing your mind. but you weren’t. you were pregnant. you were kind of freaked out about it so you didn’t know how to tell soobin, in words especially. once he went off to work on songs and dances with the boys, you went out to the store and bought a small t shirt. a baby one that snapped cutely at the bottom. you bought a gift bag and some tissue paper and piled it to the top so soobin had no idea what he was in for. once soobin came home your palms immediately became sweaty. you tried your hardest not to show your nerves. “hey baby. you okay? how was your day today?”. he’d ask. “it was good. I still feel kind of sick though. I bought you something while i went out”. you’d say, shoving the bag in his chest. he’d grasp it smirking, “what’s this?”.  “it’s a shirt that kind of reminded me of you. I thought you’d like it”. you explain with your heart pounding. soobin throws layers and layers of tissue paper on the floor until he got to the very bottom of the bag. he clutches the t shirt and unfolds it in the air to get a better look at it. his eyes widened once he saw that it was a baby’s shirt that read, “I’ve got the best daddy ever”. 
“are you really-?”. he trailed off with his mouth agape. 
“yes soobin”.
soobin drops everything and hugs you, kissing you on your cheeks. “I love you and we got this alright? don’t be scared”. he was trying to be as affectionate as possible but he was jittering on the inside. a little soobin? oh he couldn’t wait.
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yeonjun; yeonjun tried to be as patient as he could with you. he thought maybe you were on your period so that’s why you’ve been grumpy these past couple of weeks. the funny thing was, your period had already passed. you couldn’t explain the reasons for your emotions. they were just there and you had no control over them. you cried over every wrong thing yeonjun did. he bought you the wrong flavor ice cream, the wrong sized shoe, the wrong sized clothes. usually you’d shrug these types of things off so you couldn’t believe yourself when you actually began tearing up. you thought maybe you were going through an early menopause or something, you were quite terrified of what was happening to you. you went to the doctor’s office as soon as yeonjun was out of sight. you couldn’t believe your ears when the doctor told you that you were two months pregnant. you told him he had to be lying to you. but it was kind of hard to lie once he rubbed the aquasonic gel on your tummy and placed the probe against it. you saw a tiny being growing inside you on the screen. you also heard some weird sounds to which the doctor was telling you it was your baby’s heart beat. you could cry; as emotional as you were. 
your nerves were already wrecked and to make matters worse you didn’t know how you were going to tell yeonjun. he enters the house that night and you glare over at him. he immediately sighs, knowing you were going to cry over something stupid once again. “you know what babe? maybe we just need some time alone from each other”. he finalizes. “i don’t need time alone. why don’t you want to be with me? you’re supposed to be there for me through everything not just leave”. 
“I’m not leaving. but your attitude is really getting the best of you and I don’t want to lash out on you”. 
“then don’t”. 
“see? it’s smart remarks like that that pisses me off and you know that”. yeonjun snaps. you didn’t know why his attitude grew another type of anger inside you. you took the envelope from your lap and threw it at his head. 
“and now you’re throwing things?”. yeonjun complains while picking the envelope up off the floor. he was going to toss it to the side until he realized it was from the medical office and it had your name on it. “wait what is this?”.
he questions before opening it and sliding the folded ultrasound pictures out of the slot. once they were out for him to see all of them unfolded and he saw it with a full view. his eyes were as wide as moons and he pushes his lips together humming frantically. “baby! you serious?!”. it was kind of cute how his attitude had went away. you folded your arms. 
“two months”. yeonjun smiles and punches the air. “yes!! yes! you know what? I should tell the guys. nah first i’m going to tell my mom. or my grandma. as a matter of fact i’ll wait until we know the gender I hope it’s a boy. he’s going to be a sexy beast like his daddy. if it’s a girl she’ll be so spoiled i swear--”. 
yeonjun babbles, going on and on about his plans. you wanted to continue being angry. but your new soon to be father was just too cute for your eyes.
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beomgyu; you knew already. from the constant peeing to the puking you knew what was up. beomgyu didn’t though so it was kind of hard to keep letting him cater to you day after day. he’d leave work early just to come home to you and make sure you were well fed and taken care of. he’d even stop by the store and pick up some medicine to help you feel better. whatever was wrong with you he hoped to god it wasn’t anything serious. more than anything else he loved spending time and having fun with you and it was kind of hard when you were sick like this. well at least, he thought you were sick. you were thankful for everything he was doing so there was no way you were going to keep this secret from him any longer. however you didn’t want to tell him with your own words. you decided to call yeonjun. “hello?”. he answers, “hey yeonjun i have to tell you something”.   “listen if beomgyu once again turned the washing machine on forgetting he had to put clothes in it, that was his own stupidity and i’m not in charge of controlling him”. 
you laugh, “what? no. that sounds like something he’d do. and it kind of worries me considering what I’m about to tell you”. 
“what is it?”. 
“I’m pregnant. alright? what I’m going to call for a delivery to the studio to surprise him. I want you to record everything. don’t tell him”. 
“holy shit he’s going to be a parent? god bless you”. you laugh again, “yeonjun record it!”. “I will”. he promises. 
beomgyu had been practicing really hard today. trying to get the moves correct before the soon to come show. all the members were against the wall on their phones or carrying on. they had the moves down already so there was no need for constant rehearsal for them. but for beomgyu this was the peak of his stress. he watches himself attentively in the mirror until a delivery guy walks in out of the blue. 
“delivery for Choi Beomgyu”, he informs, with a big box of diapers in his hand. beomgyu turns around confused. “diapers?”. the delivery guy nods and the members are on the wall staring with just as much confusion. all except for yeonjun who was recording like you’d ask. the guy hands beomgyu the box and he instantly shoots a look to the rest of the members. “quit trying to be funny. this was a weak joke”. 
“it wasn’t from us”. yeonjun smiles with his phone camera pointed at a frustrated gyu. “oh yeah? then whose it from?”. “your girlfriend”. beomgyu looks back at the box in his hands and think for a moment. “why would she send me a box of---”. and it was clear that his lightbulb had went off. he dropped the box and started jumping around like a lunatic. “babe! baby! is she on the phone with you yeonjun?! is that her?!!”. he screams while the rest of the members clap and laugh. “she told me to record your reaction”. 
“I’m going to be a fucking dad!! holy shit!!”. he screams to the top of his lungs.
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taehyun; oh boy. it was a battle between you and taehyun. it was you trying to figure out how you were going to tell him that you were, versus him trying to figure out how he was going to tell you that he already knew. either way it goes, you both knew there was soon to be a little taehyun on board. you’d get all the symptoms, fatigue/exhaustion, cramping, peeing and vomiting. taehyun would do his research on how to comfort you better or how he typed it in his search bar, “how to comfort a pregnant woman”. for some reason taehyun was very knowledgeable on this type of thing. to taehyun it was easy. you were acting out of character way too often and it was often companioned by a stream of odd emotions that he couldn’t explain. something was definitely off about you and it wasn’t hard for him to know exactly what it was. he wouldn’t get angry at anything, he’d rather hold your hands and calmly tell you to relax and that things were going to be okay. he’d ask you if there was anything you wanted from him and if you wanted him to cook your favorite foods before he was off to work. you weren’t far along but you were feeling fat already. you felt yourself get kind of heavier and as a result you ached more than normal. taehyun would run you warm baths and compliment you often. you only let a couple more weeks pass by before you gained the courage. you woke up one saturday morning determined that he was going to know. but there was way too much noise in your house and before you did anything you had to know what it was. you painfully walked to where the noise was coming from and there was taehyun in a black sweat suit with his hat turned backwards. he was sweating and you were trying to figure out what he was doing. 
“taehyun? why are you making so much noise?”. 
“I’m moving things”. 
“for what?”. 
taehyun pushes the dresser in the hallway to the side. he pushes open the door that was behind it. once you saw the view you could just cry. he was turning one of the empty rooms inside your house into a nursery. He already started painting it grey and yellow and adding elephant teddies on the furniture. you held your heart in awe.
“yes i know already”, he laughs. “you’re going to be such a good mommy”.
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kai; you have been missing kai like crazy. and even more with your hormones raging now that you know you’re 3 months along.  you couldn’t believe that you guys were going to be parents. it was insane. kai, the chaotic and you, his sidekick? you didn’t know how this baby would turn out. maybe just as crazy as kai. maybe just as crazy as you. maybe a little bit of both. either way you didn’t mind. kai had been touring these past three months and it was especially hard for you receiving the news on your own. he’d face time you quite often and you had to try your best to be normal and to not let your emotions get the best of you. it would be another couple of weeks until he came back but you couldn’t wait any longer. the secret was eating you alive and you figured he had to know one of these days. you and taehyun had been working together to figure out a plan for the surprise. yes, you picked taehyun because you figured out of all the members he’d probably be more organized with this. 
and you were definitely right. it was late and the boys were performing in Kai’s hometown. Honolulu, Hawaii and what a better feeling was it to get this news while he already felt at home? After performing more than half of their newest album, The Dream Chapter: Eternity the boys were more than exhausted. But they couldn’t forget their end of show ritual of talking with MOAS and having a good time with them before they were back on the road. each of the boys gave a separate small speech about their love for moas and how they appreciated them. Taehyun however, assured MOAS that he loved them but he had an even better speech in mind, and that his was especially for kai. The lights in the stadium dimmed at taehyun’s command like he planned, and the giant screen behind them glowed a soft yellow color. There was baby footprints, and a poem that read, 
“Mommy told me your name was kai, so I wanted to tell daddy that I said Hi!”.
within an instant the members were screaming and jumping around along with moas. Kai was shocked. but he was so happy he’d be raising a child with you. he raised the microphone to say something but he couldn’t. his lip trembled and he immediately started crying out of pure joy. 
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A Little Connor/ Drabble
You and Jordan was a few minutes  away from finding out the sex of you’re baby when Jordan spoke “i wonder if its a girl. no wait boy. no girl no bo” you cut him off before he can “calm down Jordan don’t be nervous because you’re making me feel nervous”.
”sorry y/n its just that i’m so excited to have a little me or you running around i’m kinda on edge i’m sorry Princess’’  after 5 years together and two of those years being married that one little nickname sends you’re heart into overdrive.
“Mrs Connor” when the gynecologist said you’re last name you and Jordan stood up and walked up to the lady “are ya’ll ready” “nervous but yes we are” she laughed and took you both  to the room. “so do ya’ll have any names picked out yet for the little one” she says “yes if its a boy y/b/b/n and if it’s a girl y/b/g/n” jordan beamed  the gynecologist smiled and told you to lay on the bed.
she lets you know before squeezing the  Aquasonic jelly on your baby bump then taking the Transducer probe and rubbing the jelly in.
you look at Jordan to see him looking at the monitor with tears streaming down his eyes and the worlds biggest smile on his face “there is the head, the  the legs and look right there” she said pointing at the baby “is that a penis” jordon burst  you laughed then looked at him with tears in you’re eyes “baby are you sad” “no i’m just happy to have a little you running around” 
he laughs and kisses you on the mouth “i love you princess” “i love you too handsome” he kisses you one more time then thanks the doctor before y'all leave happy to know that you’re lives just got a whole lot better
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/black-friday-deals-you-can-still-get-on-sale/
Black Friday Deals You Can Still Get On Sale
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November 29, 2019 3 min read
Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.
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Black Friday has impressive staying power as these deals hope to prove. While billions have already been spent and people are exhausted from spending the day shopping, here you are gracefully stepping in late to find the same deals. Now, that’s savvy consumerism. Check out the deals.
TREBLAB Z2 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Wireless headphones will often run you over $100. Wireless headphones with active noise-cancellation built-in may cost double, which these ones normally do. However, you can save almost $200 off for Black Friday.
Get the TREBLAB Z2 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones for $63.19 (Was $259.00) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout.  
AquaSonic Black Series Toothbrush and Travel Case With 8 Dupont Brush Heads
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
This Sonicare electric brush alternative is less than half the price. With 40,000 brush strokes per minute, this brush will obliterate plaque while remaining kind to sensitive teeth. Plus, it comes with a travel case and replacement brush heads.
Get the AquaSonic Black Series Toothbrush and Travel Case With 8 Dupont Brush Heads for $32 (Was $139.99) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout.  
Altec Lansing ALT-500 Turntable
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Got a bunch of old records lying around? Play them with modern enhancements thanks to this beautiful turntable from Altec. Plus, it even connects with devices via Bluetooth, so you can still stream Spotify and other modern music sources.
Get the Altec Lansing ALT-500 Turntable for $60 (Was $150) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout.  
Martha Stewart 8-Qt 7-in-1 Digital Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Martha Stewart’s answer to the Instant Pot has a higher capacity, allowing you to prepare food for a larger family. Pressure cook, saute, cook rice, and much more in this remarkably flexible pot.
Get the Martha Stewart 8-Qt 7-in-1 Digital Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker for $64 (Was $109.99) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout. 
Genius Pack Aerial Hardside Carry On Spinner
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
This special deal from Genius Pack has taken an even further drop as Black Friday sales have gone on! Built to be a durable, hyper-organized carry-on, this rolling bag will be a great ally on your next trip.
Get the Genius Pack Aerial Hardside Carry On Spinner for $124 (Was. $298) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout. 
SolarJuice 26,800mAh External Battery
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
This external battery packs enough power to fully recharge a MacBook Pro multiple times without a power outlet. It also recharges via solar power so you will literally never need an outlet when you’re out all day.
Get the SolarJuice 26,800mAh External Battery for $37.59 (Was $99.99) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout. 
BodyBoss 2.0 Portable Home Gym
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
A gym membership may cost you $300 or more every year and it’s possible you’re not going enough to justify that price tag. The BodyBoss 2.0 allows you to get a full body workout without the commute or fees.
Get the BodyBoss 2.0 Portable Home Gym for $143.20 (Was $179) with promo code “BFSAVE20” at checkout.  
Prima 1080p HD Pocket Projector
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Pocket projectors allow you to bring movie night everywhere or set up a presentation when you don’t have a screen available. They’re extremely handy, which is why high-resolution ones like the Prima typically cost a pretty penny. Thank goodness for Black Friday, right?
Get the Prima 1080p HD Pocket Projector for $299.99 (Was $799) 
LG B8 Series 55″ OLED 4K HDR Smart TV
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Like the previous deal, this one keeps dropping! This 55″ smart TV features the absolute pinnacle of television technology with OLED lighting and 4K HDR resolution and it’s over half off now.
Get the LG B8 Series 55″ OLED 4K HDR Smart TV for 
ECOVACS Deebot Robot Vacuum Cleaner & Canister Vacuum Station
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Nobody enjoys vacuuming, which is why this robot vacuum is such a handy assistant. With the app, you can schedule cleanings, block off regions of your home you don’t want the vacuum to go, and much more. It’s like having a personal cleaner on hand at all times.
Get ECOVACS Deebot Robot Vacuum Cleaner & Canister Vacuum Station for $439.99 (Was $799). 
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Actual Seapunks: This Underwater Band Plays Music in Fish Tanks
It sounds like a lullaby composed to calm Cthulhu, but in reality, the music in AquaSonic is made for human ears. Created by Danish art group Between Music, the performance submerges five musicians and their instruments under water for an eerie, unsettling, and beautifully fragile concert.
The idea first emerged in 2004 while vocalist Laila Skovmand was exploring new vocal techniques. "I had this idea that, if I sang into the water, I might get some reverb or other kinds of sounds," she tells Creators. Skovmand experimented by just barely pressing her lips to the surface. "I got so excited about this water and started to gradually put my lips down and explore it further," she says. Two years later, she had the chance to fully dive in to explore her voice and instruments, but discovered it was more difficult than expected.
"I couldn't sing and the instruments I tried didn't work, but I was hooked," she says. "There's this border between [...] this easy fluid element, which is nice and sensual, and [...] the obstruction of singing and playing instruments underwater."
Photo by Jans Peter Engedal
When Skovmand attempted to sing, her voice was drowned out by the air bubbles that streamed from her mouth, so she tried other techniques until she settled on the one that was least inconvenient. "We go under and keep one little air bubble in the mouth and sing through that air bubble," she says. "When the bubbles want to come out of the mouth, we kind of swallow it into the mouth and sing through it again."
Photo by Katia Engel
But musical instruments are harder to modify than breathing, so Between Music collaborated with inventors to create new ones. Among them is a custom-made crystallophone, inspired by Benjamin Franklin's 18th century glass harmonica, which is played on glass tuning bowls turned on an axle.
"There are a lot of challenges underwater," says Between Music co-founder Robert Karlsson, "especially with acoustics. The percussion instruments are very sensitive, so if you just move them even ten centimeters inside a tank, you get a different tambour and sometimes even different notes."
Photo by Morten Thun
Despite the challenges posed by water, the medium also offered a unique way for the musicians to manipulate their sound. In one song, a percussionist strikes an underwater gong and moves the microphone closer to the instruments to create a wavelike effect. "I'm actually inspired a lot by computers, but you can't hear that because we have no sound effects in water," Skovmand says. "We have to create our own effects."
Photo by Jans Peter Engedal
AquaSonic is the first of four performances Skovmand has planned to explore human evolution. The others will touch on themes of life's emergence from water, instincts, emotions, and intellect. The last may even take place in space, she says in jest. It will be a simple concert, since there's no sound there.
Photo by Katia Engel
Check the AquaSonic calendar for upcoming concerts.
Hyperrealistic Water Nudes Swim for Female Empowerment
Artist Figured Out How To Control Water With Her Mind
This Drinkable Water Bubble Could Kill the Plastic Bottle Once and For All
from creators http://ift.tt/2t0JN4R via IFTTT
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/black-friday-deals-you-can-get-now-without-breaking-the-bank/
Black Friday Deals You Can Get Now Without Breaking the Bank
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Save on Black Friday goodies without wasting time in lines.
November 23, 2019 3 min read
Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.
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Black Friday is a great time to get your holiday shopping done, but it virtually always comes with drawbacks. Long lines, crowded stores, deals that just aren’t as good as you were expecting. Right now, however, we’re offering you a solution to all of those problems. There are no lines for these online deals, and they’ve already been marked down for Black Friday so you can start checking items off your list. Check it out.
TREBLAB Z2 Bluetooth 5.0 Noise-Cancelling Headphones
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Take advantage of this deal while it lasts! This Amazon Choice Product features Bluetooth 5.0, noise-cancellation built-in, and an incredible 35-hour battery life. Those are extremely high-end features, all for less than $100.
AtomXS 3+ Hour Emergency Keychain Charger
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Don’t want to carry a full portable battery around? Ensure you always have backup power on your keychain with this clever keychain charger.
AquaSonic Black Series Toothbrush and Travel Case With 8 Dupont Brush Heads
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
This cost-effective Sonicare alternative makes the perfect stocking stuffer. With as much power as a Sonicare electric brush, the AquaSonic Black Series cleans your teeth effectively and has modes for every type of teeth.
blurams Dome Pro 1080p Security Camera with Facial Recognition + Night Vision
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Give the gift of elite home security without breaking the bank. The Dome Pro has a number of AI-enhanced features like facial recognition, motion detection, and stranger recognition and streams everything to a chosen device in 1080p HD.
Brio SkyBorn S4 True Wireless Earbuds
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
These high-powered earbuds are completely wireless, letting you enjoy your music without dealing with tangled or caught wires. Plus, they’re significantly more affordable than other wireless earbuds on the market.
ONE Mini Pocket Multilingual Assistant
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
For the adventurer, this pocket translator will be a lifesaver. With just the click of a button, this pocket-sized device will translate what you speak into any of 12 different languages in real-time, making it much easier to travel around new countries.
MFi-Certified Complete Charging Collection
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Charge your Apple devices on-the-go, at home, and in the car with this bundle of charging accessories. All are MFi-Certified, guaranteeing them to work with your Apple device.
ZeroLemon AmazingSound Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Amazing sound, amazing price. This Bluetooth speaker will bring the party anywhere — even in the pool — and you won’t have to tell anyone it was just $20.
RAVPower Fast Wireless Charger with HyperAir Qi-Certified 10W Charging Stand
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Know somebody with a new iPhone? Help them charge it faster with this minimalistic, fast-charging wireless charging pad. It works with any Qi-Certified phone so it’ll work for your favorite Android user, too!
GO-TOUGH Power Bank with LED Flashlight
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Image credit: Entrepreneur Store
Another great gift for the outdoorsy types on your list, this rugged power bank packs 5,000mAh of battery power and works with virtually all devices. Plus, it has a built-in flashlight for use at night and in emergency situations.
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