lest-i-forget · 6 years
It’s Me Again! || [[Lest/Sonja]]
The Founding Festival. 
It was a pretty interesting festival. Like celebrating the birthday of a pair of islands. That was a pretty cool thing. Still, it was a little strange to think about. The islands had a birthday, but Lest didn’t. Of course, that was entirely on him, for dragging his feet in picking one- but it was still strange, when he really thought about it. 
Walking among the booths, Lest wondered what he could afford to buy. He didn’t have a huge budget, after all. Spending money on food was always nice, but that meant he couldn’t buy things that he might actually use... 
Stopping to look around, he spotted a familiar face among the crowd, not too far away. “Ah...!” It was the girl who’d helped him pick out a name, several months ago- Sonja, if he remembered correctly.
“Hey there!” he greeted with a smile. “Didn’t expect to run into you here.”
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thefairestrose · 6 years
Sweetie Pie || Rosalind & Sonja
@strawberrypriestess 700g to @strawberrypriestess
Rosalind liked food, she came from a family of chefs and culinarians after all, but she had a particular penchant for the sweeter things. Cakes, cookies, pies, you name it, she probably liked it. 
Recently she’d discovered the Starry Sky Café, which, alongside delicious bubble teas and hot drinks also served some of her favourite selection of sweets in the archipelago, and today Rosalind was in the mood. Arriving at the café she ordered a hot chocolate, it was particularly chilly that day, and a slice of red velvet cake. The café wasn’t so busy that day, and Rosalind noticed a girl she’d met a few times at Starry Sky, who she understood to be the owner.
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“Excuse me? Mademoiselle?” She called to her, “Sonja, right? I just wanted to compliment you on how delicious the cakes are here!” She smiled, taking a sip of her drink.
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vagabondkyle-blog · 5 years
not counted as activity
founding celebration interactions - meg, lillie, sonja
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Heebie-Jeebies (BttP) || Sonja & Forte
The day following her return to the island, Forte had an odd feeling she couldn't shake. It pricked at her skin, making the hair on her neck stand on end. Goosebumps covered her arms intermittently throughout the day, but... she didn't feel ill or anything. It had been quite the ordeal, but she kept telling herself it would be okay. She was alive, and that's what mattered.
Something was off, though, and she couldn't ignore it. Dealing with death, in any capacity, was intense, but who knows what returned with her. Maybe some curse followed where the dragon bit her? Maybe some ghost attached instead of moving on? She couldn't deny their existence now... a shiver surged down her spine, radiating through her.
There was no shame in being checked out, she told herself, and headed to the dragon shrine. She didn't go often since moving to Arcadia, but she knew the priests and priestesses there would be able to help her if anything unnatural attached itself.
It was quiet inside, and she almost felt guilty breaking such calm. The words almost didn't come, as if her body wanted to keep all that trauma and experience to itself. Hide it away.
"Excuse me," she said to the only other woman there, hoping the pinkette was indeed a priestess, "I-I am aware that curse dispelling services are offered here? Is-is there any way to," she hesitated, clearing her throat, "check for unknown curses, or... spirits... on a person?"
She almost immediately regretted asking. What would people think if they found out an officer of the law was scared of ghosts?
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thenervousnurse · 6 years
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
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“U-Um...I-I...um...i-it was...u-um...to...F-Ford...”
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Heyo mods, i'd like to drop micah. Sorry for everyone that had threads and connections with him, his muse just kinda got lost in the 5million hiatuses i took. But in his place i'll slam a reserve on my boi YUZUKI HERE WE GO!!
Farewell, sheep boi... but hello, Yuzu! You have until January 17th to send his blog in.
Everyone, please unfollow Micah!
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demetersblizzard · 6 years
Wandering Stargazers || Jamie & Sonja
@strawberrypriestess Jamie was bundled up in a huge oversized sweater and rather flimsy leggings- but the chill never did bother him as much as it should.  He was just getting off of work at Celestia Church- he usually worked night shifts there, so this wasn’t unusual for him.  He trekked along the way and climbed a little bit to make his way into a crook of Mt. Reinier- a personal spot he had found for looking at the stars that was rather optimal- almost no one came up here. 
As he sat down, blinking and huddling a blanket close to him- not really around him, just sort of holding it. He looked up at the sky, no less in awe than he had been any other time he looked up at the night sky. The view from even just a little further up the mountain was phenomenal; galaxies swarmed together to make up beautiful hues, making him feel small- which, in a strange sense, could be comforting.  Tonight though, he felt something...odd.  His head swiveled slowly to the side, and he noticed that someone else had found his spot quite optimal as well. Damn it. He cursed internally. But he couldn’t say anything this time- she had been there before him tonight, from the looks of it. 
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His icy eyes that glowed in the night blinked at her. “Oh. Someone else is here too.” He muttered aloud in acknowledgement, and simply nodded his head to her before looking back up at the sky. If he felt more argumentative he might have been more snide about it, but honestly, he just wanted to relax. 
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[ Expenses for KitTea | 12/31 ]
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    "Thank you for your impeccable service-- we shall be returning, in the future.”
Coffee (Reg., Hot) [325G]
Black Tea (Reg., Hot) [300G]
Strawberry Shortcake [400G]
Chocolate Cake [400G]
Tip [1,000G]
Subtotal: -[2,425G] Balance: [23,545G]
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violinsnotheanswer · 6 years
Maidenhair: Tell us a secret.
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“Let’s play a little game, shall we?” He held up three fingers– off his right hand– the amusement dancing in his eyes. Who was he to deny a whisper in the ear and notes passed under the table? Secrets made the world revolve around its axis. “Out of these secrets. which one is the lie?” Tapping his temple with his other index, Mikhail chuckled under his breath.
“One. I’m married.” 
He placed down one finger for dramatic effect.
“Two. I’ve interrupted a vital sacred ritual by stealing their most valuable piece.”
Next finger, down.
“Three. I walk through blizzards for thrill of it all.”
To feel something, so to speak. Besides, it gave him muse and was just the right amount of dramatic to tell people off-handedly. Especially when they were expecting a docile conversational piece. Clasping all three fingers down on his palms, he laughed.
“Can’t guess? Well that’s fair, hahaha! I suppose you’ll have to simmer on that a little longer.”
The truth was, none of those were lies. 
And well… no one ever asked about the last secret, hidden behind the finger he used to tap his temple.
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therunefarmer · 6 years
Catching Up || Raguna & Sonja
[✿] — Something was up.
Or at least that’s the impression Raguna was getting from the girl in front of him. All he’d been doing was manning the front desk while on shift at the guild. Taking calls, accepting requests and voyage forms--- basic secretarial stuff, really. It was nice to be out of the line of danger for once, but also got pretty... boring, after a while. A little action was refreshing now and then, though he doubted he’d get any of that today.
At least until Sonja practically came marching into the guild, purposeful, like she had some sort of mission, and right up to the desk he was seated behind.
Raguna blinks at her, wondering what was wrong. Just from the look in her eyes, he could see that her need to say something was glaringly apparent.
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“Uh... hey, Sonja. What’s up?”
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phlllip · 6 years
Zinnia: Who do you miss right now?
Flower Ask MemeZinnia - Who do you miss right now? (Also asked by @bravenvixen)
“Definitely all my friends,” he admitted. “It might have only been a couple of months since I’ve left, but it feels like years since I’ve last seen them.” Sure, he might’ve texted them while he was away, yet it hadn’t been the same as seeing them in person.
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“I guess you could say that I’m the kind of guy who can’t stay on his own for too long.”
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37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Chase blanks. There are a few ways he could go about replying to that, and each one is unfavorable. Wow. he really didn’t realize just how much he runs from his problems until he’s confronted with it openly.
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“I think... it’s easier to forget. But if you love someone, forgiveness is the better option, even if it might be hard to say out loud.” The appropriate reply, but what he wants to say is neither.
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oaktreeweathergirl · 6 years
Orange Blossom: Do you consider yourself pure?
Flower Ask Meme↳ Orange Blossom: Do you consider yourself pure?
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“That’s a weird question... I mean... I guess so...?” She’s never even kissed anyone, let alone held hands. And when it came to other aspects of life, Lillie was straight as an arrow. Vanilla. A goody two shoes, some might say.
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lachryma-awakening · 6 years
Oxlip: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
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“Could I handle that?”
He pauses. Being someone who doesn’t use the internet or even have pen pals, he doesn’t even know how he’d enter a relationship like that. Could he handle not being around his loved ones and having limited interaction with them?
... Yes. Even though his Aunt and Uncle didn’t remember him and haven’t spoken to him since the incident, he still loved them dearly. Fingers tap the wood at the desk he was sitting at, hesitating on answering for a moment.“... I would. I’m bad at romance but... If someone loved me... And I loved them... I’d do anything to preserve our relationship. No matter how many letters I’d have to write, as many calls I’d have to make, the texts I’d send and the texts I’d wait for... I think it’d be worth it.”
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Boyage Preparootions
[3050G] to @crystalball-predictions for 2x Navigation Potions, 2x Antidote Potions, & 1 Life Bottle
[6000G] to @gun-nun for "Bon Voyage" blessing
1x Nav Potion to @strawberrypriestess for le booyage
NEW BALANCE: 407,127 G
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Speaking of jobs, would like to throw sonaj into the oakwood restaurant kthaaanks will update the doc :wonk:
Sure thing! Have fun~
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