#strangeworlds travel agency
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cloudyappleart · 2 months ago
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Still playing catch-up after posting mainly on twitter for years, and since I just made a Strangeworlds side blog I thought I'd focus on some of that fanart for a bit.
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draggingyoutothedust · 1 year ago
do you wanna know what I’m crazy about today. The Strangeworlds Travel Agency. Go READ that shit. Please I want to found a fandom. It’s so good. Please. It’s gay i promise. It’s not just me this time it’s really gay I promise. I’m so autistic about these charactyers.
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potentially-explosive · 2 years ago
Things I liked about strangeworlds travel agency book two the edge of the ocean in no particular order
 Spoilers many spoilers are under the read-more read at your own risk (also I’ve not read book three yet so please don’t spoil anything!)
alright first of all I love Nyfe as a character. bestie gave herself the title Pirate Queen, estranged herself from her father because he wouldn’t give her command of all his ships (all of them???) and is named Nyfe. Did she name herself at some point? Did her (scary, but) gentlehearted parents name her that? Either way it is hilarious and I love it
Pirates I just really like pirates
Just.. all of Jonathan’s outfits
Avery and Flicks like crush/romance thing going on that was very cute 
When Jonathan gives Flick a pep talk and Avery is like “ugh I thought you were going to kiss” and they’re both absolutely disgusted 
the expression “the chamber pot was about to hit the propeller.”
I love the merpeople and how different they all are in terms of fishness
I love the way Flick describes magic, it’s so beautiful
I love the cover art (I have the North American edition I think? The one with Flick, Jonathan, and Avery on it)
I love how Jonathan basically flatters Flick’s mom into letting her go back to the travel agency
oh and how Flick and Avery try their best to help Jonathan when he realizes his dad is dead, even though neither of them really know what to do
and how Jonathan and Flick desperately are looking through the suitcases, trying to find a suitable one, before they run out of time 
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF that I will probably add later 
I just love this series a lot 
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ijustkindalikebooks · 1 year ago
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I've been listening to a lot of middle grade, but the kids are getting so many good books these days.
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she-wolf-writer-58 · 1 year ago
A Journey into Imagination: L.D. Lapinski's Strangeworlds Travel Agency
Strangeworlds Travel Agency – L.D Lapinski Book Review In the realm of children’s literature, a magical gateway to adventure and whimsy awaits readers in the form of L.D. Lapinski’s enchanting series, “Strangeworlds Travel Agency.” This imaginative and captivating series has captured the hearts of readers young and old alike, inviting them to explore the limitless possibilities of parallel…
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aaaaaa-musical-trash · 1 year ago
(this post is a bit long sorry it’s early and i’m kinda pissed off)
the problem with me is that i become wholly enthralled and obsessed with a piece of media that has no fandom whatsoever. anywhere. over here it’s all aesthetic bookblogger posts or just nothing at all and on AO3 there would be like 10 fics per fandom
i’m just kinda annoyed because i went to go see if there was a fandom for song of the last kingdom and there was nothing
and i am specifically talking about YA books but this also applies to certain musicals that just. they have no fandom. and i can’t single-handedly start them.
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cosmic-nia · 1 year ago
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if ya’ll are looking for book recommendations i highly recommend The Strangeworlds Travel Agency. i’m on book 3 rn and i love it sm waaghh😭💕💕
if yall are curious on what the book is about, basically its a fantasy adventure with dimension hopping but with suitcases lol (the main characters i drew here are Flick Hudson and Jonathan Mercator :DD)
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transbookoftheday · 2 years ago
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency by L.D. Lapinski
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At the Strangeworlds Travel Agency, each suitcase transports you to a different world. All you have to do is step inside . . .
When 12-year-old Flick Hudson accidentally ends up in the Strangeworlds Travel Agency, she uncovers a fantastic secret: there are hundreds of other worlds just steps away from ours. All you have to do to visit them is jump into the right suitcase. Then Flick gets the invitation of a lifetime: join Strangeworlds' magical travel society and explore other worlds.
But, unknown to Flick, the world at the very centre of it all, a city called Five Lights, is in danger. Buildings and even streets are mysteriously disappearing. Once Flick realizes what's happening she must race against time, travelling through unchartered worlds, seeking a way to fix Five Lights before it collapses into nothingness - and takes our world with it.
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amalgamatedmuses · 3 months ago
{{ -- Jonathan literally canonically travels the multiverse so he's perfect for crossovers. I have so many half-written fics }}
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that-bookworm-guy · 2 years ago
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A rainbow stack of Trans Books
I've rewritten this caption over & over. I've researched & written stats for trans, as well as queer hate crime. I've written about my own experiences. I wanted something with impact, to make people think & hopefully make a tiny difference. Except I won't make a difference, & that's okay
I'm tired of hearing about all the anti LGBTQ+ bills. I'm tired of hearing about trans hate. I'm tired of experiencing hate. I'm tired of my family being scared for me every time I go out. I'm tired of constantly fighting between being a proud queer person or living stealth. Both have their pros & cons, but I shouldn't have to pick, I should be allowed to just be
I was trying to write about how just 1 person supporting us makes a difference, how calling something out for being transphobic, homophobic, ableist, racist, etc, can help. But I've written about it before, other people have said it too. We can keep trying. We will never give up, but right now, I'm tired from it all
This pride month, I'm tired. I know others are too & that's okay
But we have 2 of the most powerful tools, books & social media. There is power in reading banned books. They are banned for reasons. We can have a quiet revolution. Read queer books all year. Read queer books from different countries, read fiction, non-fiction, read poems, & fan fiction. Read & share books. Read about different identities & different experiences. Educate yourself, because right now, that knowledge is power. Don't let them erase us. I've seen how this community can pull together.
So, bookblr, I ask 1 simple thing. Please keep reading & sharing queer books all year, not just pride month
For those reading this, you are never alone 💙
Books in stack:
1. The Strangeworlds Travel Agency - L.D. Lapinski
2. The Transgender Issue - Shon Faye
3. Trans Like Me - CN Lester
4. Top to Bottom - Finlay Games
5. The Gender Games - Juno Dawson
6. Trans Britain - Edited by Christine Burns
7. A Trans Man Walks into a Gay Bar - Harry Nicolas
Books standing to the left of the stack:
8. Gender Euphoria - Edited by Laura Kate Dale
9. What's the T? - Juno Dawson
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codexnuminous · 6 months ago
MISS CHEERY? my beloved home train driver from the nevermoor books???
codex pal buddy how do we keep being into the same things. seriously. i.
anyways uh. so. uh. silverborn.
Silverborn. Slightly less than a year now! (Here's hoping - fingers crossed )
The most likely answer is - I read a LOT of books, plus- we're both on tumblr, so we clearly have at least somewhat similiar tastes. It is very fun to keep on finding out interests in common, though!
And speaking of which - Jonathan Mercator? My beloved, rather stressed interdimensional travel agency owner-ish from the Strangeworlds series?
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cloudyappleart · 2 months ago
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sketchydoodle idea for a strangeworlds tattoo
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draggingyoutothedust · 2 years ago
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency by L.D. Lapinski
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semper-legens · 2 years ago
71. Jamie, by L. D. Lapinski
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Owned: No, library Page count: 260 My summary: Jamie Rambeau is just trying to live their life - but that’s hard when you’re a nonbinary kid, and your school options are severely limited. Torn between two bad choices, Jamie decides to take matters into their own hands and raise awareness of their identity. They don’t expect what happens along the way... My rating: 3/5 My commentary:
Well. This arrived on the shelves at work and I had to do a double take. Look, I know I picked one of the most common nonbinary names, and that (when I had shorter hair and could pass for male more often) I had the same default Mii aesthetic of the kid on the cover here. But still. I've encountered Lapinski's work before, as a friend leant me her copy of the first Strangeworlds Travel Agency book, so I thought why not check this out, since it seems to be about me. Like, it's not (I didn't know I was nonbinary until the age of 17 at least) but look, let me have this, okay? Maybe if this book had existed when I was eleven, I would have figured myself out a lot sooner.
So what's the story? Jamie Rambeau is an eleven year old nonbinary kid from Nottingham, who has to choose which high school they go to. Unfortunately, there's only two options - a school for boys, and a school for girls. One of their best friends is going to the girls' school, the other to the boys' school. But either choice would entail Jamie misgendering themself, something they don't want to do. Jamie's a pretty good character for this kind of middle-grade fiction. They're brave enough to stand up for themself and start campaigning against institutionalised transphobia, but still have their insecurities and can be bullheaded and single-minded, not thinking about their friends' needs as well as their own. They're plucky, but not annoying with it or anything. It's a good balance!
What's less of a good balance, however, is the story of this book. I get it. This is Baby's First Trans in quite a literal way, being that it's intended for children and all. But that doesn't mean the one-dimensional side characters and plot convenience that abounds are particularly interesting reading. All of the characters seem to be either Cartoonishly Bigoted or Supportive, ironically in a binary. The only possible exceptions are Jamie's parents, who are introduced as being supportive but are clearly uncomfortable with Jamie's identity and want them to stop making a fuss. They come around over the course of the story, but that's the only nuance here. All of Jamie's school is on board with Jamie's identity bar a few teachers, and the headteacher of the boys' school even brings his students to Jamie's Pride at the end, which...I dunno, I've never met a secondary school student who would willingly hang out with a bunch of primary school kids, you know?
I'm not saying the book was bad. Far from it. I very much acknowledge that I am not the target audience for this thing - I'm over twice the age of the target audience, in fact! And as I alluded to in the intro, I'm really pleased that a book with this subject matter exists for kids, either to introduce them to trans and nonbinary identities, to help them if they're not cis, or to broaden their horizons a bit. It just...didn't blow me away, I'm sad to say.
Next up, adventurers retire to run a coffee shop.
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strangeworldstravelagency · 2 months ago
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Welcome to the Strangeworlds Travel Agency!
Andrew Mercator, he/it, 28, Cymru.
I met LD through cosplay and followed them on twitter, and then discovered Strangeworlds through their tweets in the lead up to the first book being released and immediately fell in love. Jonathan is my favourite guy. I've cosplayed him, I rp as him, and my surname is legally Mercator because of him! I am also the Andrew mentioned in the acknowledgements page of TEOTO! I have a whole Strangeworlds shelf which is basically a shrine at this point, and it's my favourite book series, overtaking GO after 8 years of that being my no.1.
I saved a couple of Strangeworlds URLS and decided to make use of this one when I finally got desktop access to my Tumblr account again. Expect to see art, quotes, reviews and just general Strangeworlds vibes.
You can find me on the following accounts; 💼Main: @governmentgoldfish 💼Art: @cloudyappleart 💼Multimuse RP (Including Jonathan): @amalgamatedmuses
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Strangeworlds Travel Agency (a series)
It's definitely also for way younger readers, but I loved the world. It was a very fun read.
i tried reading the percy jackson books recently and realized young fiction isnt for me anymore, but my cousins are almost the right age so i can read it with them to get me back in.
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