#straddled to slow his rotation and reached up to get height
zahri-melitor · 8 months
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Oh Scott McDaniel. No matter what anyone says about your art, you are one of the few artists I can generally rely on to have heroes flipping in a manner that makes sense in terms of physics. I can actually track two different possibilities from this art and neither is horrible. (Also? CREATIVE dismounts too)
Also Babs plushie sighting my beloved. A super cute one too.
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duuhrayliegh · 4 years
watch your six - part four
pairing: eventual bucky x reader (still a slow burn but it’s getting closer)
warnings: some violence but not really, men being creepy, language (one f bomb), also badly written speaking while crying, aaand i think that’s it
word count: a little over 2300
a/n: aaaah it’s part four babes!!!! the response to this has been so positive i’m in love with y’all!!! <3 <3 <3 i’m still way behind on my classwork and going through a terrible break up but we’re pushing through here
p.s.: my requests are still open if y’all want me to write yall something! aaalso, there’s a bucky short coming tomorrow ;)) <3
series m.list
ray’s m.list
This strange man’s hand was still caressing my hair as he smirked down at me. Running has hands up to the root and then yanking my head upwards to face him directly. “When I speak to you, you look me in the eye, little one.” Not one to show my fear, at least not to men like him, I scoffed. Thick brows shot towards his hairline and a twitch in his jaw as he clenched it. The hold he had in my hair gave him leverage over me. I winced as he lifted his arm to bring my face closer to his. A small whimper escaped the back of my throat, saliva gathering in my mouth. “Don’t test me, little one.” I sneered then spat in his face, the wet substance sticking to his face across his nose and cheek.
Bringing a hand up to his face to swipe the thick liquid from his skin, he glowered as he pulled his palm away. Then several things happened at once. The man forced a harsh breath out and then I was facing the ground with a sting on my left cheek. A gasp left my lips, he just slapped me. Who the hell does he think he is? I shook my head and then leveled my gaze with the man’s. I’m almost positive that my cheek is sporting a bright red handprint that does nothing for my complexion.
“What the hell man? What was that for?” I groaned while attempting to soothe my throbbing cheek on my shoulder. I mean, was it kind of justified? I did just spit in this man's face. No, he totally deserved that. After releasing his grip on my hair, he transferred his hands to the sides of the chair I was chained to. The metal scraping along the concrete floor caused a loud screech to reverberate through the small room.
“I said not to test me, bitch.” the man growled out as he pushed my chair onto the back two legs. I’m starting to think that this is a bit more serious than I originally thought. “Now, you’re going to sit here like a good little bitch and tell me what I want to know.” He retreated only to grab the chair that Suits used. Slamming against the pavement he straddled the chair with his forearms resting on the back.
“How many missions did you participate in?” I released a groan and rotated my head, leaning my head back.
“I already told your friend,” I tilted my head to speak directly to the absolute jerk-wad of a man in front of me, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The man quirked an eyebrow and clenched his jaw. He rolled his neck, causing the bones in it to crack and then stood. He walked to the other side of the metal table that sat in the middle of the room. The sound of a zipper caused me to snap my head to where he was standing. The tactical vest he was wearing dropped to the metal surface allowing for a loud thunk to flow through the room. He stretched out his shoulders and swung his arms out in front as if he was trying to increase the blood flow. I’m the one who’s literally tied to a freaking chair, what does he need blood flow for? My breathing quickened,  calm down, don’t show any fear. He popped the knuckles of his hands and approached me.
“I’m not a patient man.” He bent at the knees and leaned his face closer to mine. Exhaling into my face, he maintained eye contact with me. “And you’re not acting like the good little girl we both know you oh-so-desperately want to be.” I rolled my eyes at that, apparently that was the wrong thing to do in this man’s face. His left eye twitched as he stared at me.
“Do you think you could back up? Your breath reeks, man.” I have no concern for my own well-being do I? The man’s head tilted to the side and then he wolfed out a gruff laugh. He shifted his weight to land on the heels of his feet and threw his body into the laugh. It was a bit disconcerting to see this man laughing so wholeheartedly in a situation that didn’t feel funny to me. Another blow to the side of my face was issued, however this time he didn’t stop. Several open handed hits were delivered, all the while he was resetting my head back by grasping my chin. My breathing was becoming labored, my chest heaving up and down in a frenzy. He gripped my chin and jerked it upwards so he could stand at his full height to tower over me.
“How many missions did they send you on?” He demanded, increasing his hold on my face surely leaving sickening bruises that would match his fingers perfectly. At some point, tears began running down my red cheeks.
“I don’t kno-ow what you’re talking ab-about!” Tears streaming down my swollen face, “I s-swear to god, I don’t know wh-what you mean!” Choked sobs were preventing me from breathing correctly. The man grabbed my shoulders and shook my body.
“Calm the fuck down and speak clearly.” Small hiccups were escaping my mouth without permission. Why am I letting this guy get to me? What the hell is happening? “How many missions did they send you on?” I broke down again, fat tears leaking out of my eyes.
“I ju-just want to go h-h-home. I s-swear I don’t kno-ow anything!” I shouted in his face. He glowered at me and lifted his hand from my shoulder. My whole body tensed as I readied myself to the impact.
“Johnson.” The door burst open, stopping Johnson from landing another hit. “This is not what you were supposed to be doing.” Suits walked back in the room. Johnson backed down, lowering his hand and turning to the new member in the room. “Sir, I was told to interrogate the prisoner.”
“Yes, Johnson, interrogate her. Not beat her to a pulp.” He gestured wildly with his hand. “If the boss found out you were doing this, he’d have your head on a platter.” Suits took steps closer toward us and Johnson shrunk into himself. “Get out of here before I call him about this.” Johnson nodded quickly and left the room quickly, leaving his tactical vest on the table.
I was still quietly crying while strapped to the metal frame of the chair. Suits approached me while pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket. He raised it to my face and I jolted backwards away from his touch. “Easy now, I’m only here to help.” Is he seriously pulling a good cop, bad cop routine on me right now? He wiped my cheeks of the salty remnants, ��Now, how can I help you besides that?”
“You co-could let me go h-home.” I tried to say without stuttering, clearly unsuccessful. I didn’t want to show my emotions but really at this point, could it get worse?
“Awe, girly. You know I can’t do that until you tell me what I want to know.” He began to drag the chair next to me, back to the opposite side of the table. This created an obstacle between the two of us, which made me slightly more comfortable knowing he wouldn’t be able to reach me as quickly.
I heaved a sigh, “but I don’t know anything.” My weeping had come to a definite end, making way for frustration. My face heated for a different reason than being struck several times.
“See, this is where we disagree because I know that you’re lying to me.” He shook his finger in my face and I scrunched my brows together, flicking my eyes between his finger and face.
“You’re kidding me. I told you I don’t know about any missions.”
“Oh really? Then who’s Gemini?” He reclined in his chair, looking smug. “Actually, you know more importantly, who is Libra? The whole thing is just fascinating to me.”
“I don’t know what any of that is. I swear to whatever you want me to.”
“Then why do I have this that says you do.” He held up the manila folder that he first walked in with. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Whatever is in there is lying to you.” He cocked his head to the side and flipped the folder open. He removed a photograph from the folder and placed it on the table in front of me. Staring back at me, was a slightly younger version of myself with shorter hair. A large X was drawn across the whole picture and underneath it read the words ‘Agent Libra.’
My eyes widened, “I have never seen that before, in my life.” Suits sighed heavily and then began flipping through the rest of the papers.
“So what is the Svengali?” He threw out another paper and I glanced down at it. It looked like a typed report of some kind. Much of it redacted by thick black lines. The words Libra, Gemini, and Svengali were visible amidst the sea of dark ink.
A ping sounded throughout the room causing the screen of the phone to illuminate. A metal hand reached for the thin device.
New mission alert. You’re needed. Meet at the compound.
Great, this is just what Bucky needed to keep him distracted. Sleep never came easy to him so he was spending copious amounts of time trying to catch up on what he missed out on. Steve told him to make a list and Sam kept rambling on about some gay Marvin man? Bucky much prefered to do things on his own. He hasn’t had help for over ninety years, why should he need it now?
Throwing on his leather jacket as he began to leave his apartment, he checked the pockets for the keys to his motorcycle. He also made sure to grab his gloves. Even though T’Challa and Shuri were good enough to give him a new vibranium arm, Bucky still wasn’t too keen on being stared at in public. It was better for everyone if he just kept the arm tucked away as much as he could while around strangers.
He did one last once over of his apartment before locking the door behind him. He jogged down the stairs towards his bike. It definitely was his pride and joy, it was the first thing that he bought with his own money since 1943. His apartment was courtesy of Pepper Potts, no thanks to Tony’s complaining. Tony and Bucky had eventually worked out their differences, to say the least. Tony still hadn’t fully forgiven the Winter Soldier for killing his parents, and neither had Bucky so they were agreeing to disagree.
The ride to the compound from Brooklyn wasn’t a hard one. It gave Bucky time to appreciate the scenery around him. Slowing to a stop at a four way stop just outside of the compound, Bucky dropped his feet to the tarmac below, stabilizing the bike between his legs. He tilted his head back and felt the warm rays of the sun on his face. Warm was something that Bucky was still getting used to, it was easier in Wakanda. He had his own hut, voluntary therapy sessions, and easy-going check ups with Shuri in her lab.
Everything was simpler in Wakanda, but what Bucky missed most from Wakanda was the stability. He didn’t have to worry about missions, or keeping up with Steve, or the crushing guilt that he felt whenever he saw Tony. After parking his bike at the facility, Bucky made his way to the meeting room. Dark wooden tables in an L-shape appeared in his view. Steve and Sam were standing in front of the large monitor that was displaying images of an unknown, yet familiar looking woman.
“Tony, we don’t know if she knows anything.” Natasha said, apparently trying to rationalize with someone else in the room.
“Natasha, we don’t know that she doesn’t not know anything.” Tony shot back, Sam turned slowly and opened his mouth with a confused expression on his face.
“Tony, we aren’t in an episode of FRIENDS. This is serious. We need to decide if this is worth pursuing or not.”
“Wilson, that’s all well and good but we have to acknowledge that this woman could get us our first real break in our search.” Tony explained while taking deep breaths.
“What are we deciding?” Bucky interrupted as he plopped into one of the chairs. Now that Bucky has been given his freedom back, he’s able to display a difference between his mission self and his regular self.
“This woman here,” Steve gestured to the woman on the screen, “is a member of the Virago. It’s an international branch of SHIELD that was believed to be infiltrated by HYRDA years ago.”
“This is the agent code named Libra. Her last mission was with another agent code named Gemini. The mission report has since been lost to us. All we know is that Libra and Gemini were instructed to watch a Svengali safehouse. Apparently something went wrong and only Libra made it out alive.” Tony added, “Which is why we need to find her and see what she knows.” “Tony! There’s no guarantee that she has any knowledge of this mission.” The redhead stressed as she leaned over the table towards the man she was speaking to.
“I think we should find her.” The words left Bucky’s mouth before he could stop them. All motion in the room stopped.
“Um, did the Manchurian Candidate just agree with me?” Tony questioned as the rest of the room remained quiet.
“Look, I’m not necessarily agreeing with you.” Bucky started.
“Nope, can’t take it back.” Tony mused, “Already said it.” Bucky sighed and shook his head.
“Why do you think we should go after her Buck?” Steve inquired. Bucky’s brows furrowed and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I think I know her from somewhere.”
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Another Night Like This
Summary: This was just meant to be another drunken fuck, a heated session between two men that have spent the last few years sticking by each other's side. Maybe that's why it turned into making love?
Pairing: Javier Escuella x Bill Williamson
Word Count: 2130
Rating: NSFW
Tags: Accidental making love, Making out, Praise kink, Dirty talk, Drunken sex.
Notes: Had a few requests for more Willscuella hehe. This is set just before RDR1 :0)
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The air in New Austin is crisp, blazing down onto everybodys skin, turning their mouthes dry, and burning the back of their throat. If you're short of water or whiskey, then you're fucked; but in this case, it's the dead of night, cool enough to keep the sweat away, but still dry and almost uncomfortably humid. Luckily, for a pair of unexpected lovers, dehydration isn't the case here, as tongues are sliding against each other as Javier pushes Bill down, grabbing his wrists as he falls back and pinning them on either side of his head. Their lips only leave each other for a brief moment, but when they reconnect, they're as hungry as ever. Javier adjusts his legs, swinging them over Bills lap as he straddles him, pinning his crotch against the much larger man. It's easy for Javier to over-power Bill, usually because Bill will submit to the other man with a click of his fingers, but how could anyone not submit to a well-dressed, golden-toned man, who's dark hair is currently falling a little too close to their mouths and getting caught up in their kiss.
Javier lets out a sigh as he breaks the kiss, sitting upright and pushing his hair from his face. Bill makes his usual comment, "you're gonna get fed up with it one day 'n' just cut it all off," he tells Javier, looking up at him with blown-pupils. "Maybe..." Javier replies, his eyes looking back down into Bills. He smirks softly, an expression that he pulls whenever he sees Bill like this; patiently waiting for Javier's orders, hands now resting on his stomach, visually struggling to restrain himself from pulling Javier back down onto him. The pair had been running together ever since the gang broke up a good few years ago; The wounds will never heal, but at least they have each other to keep themselves sane, or as sane as they can be whilst roaming around the dry sands of the desert. They've been camping at this same spot for a while now, just above the shore of the San Luis River. It's the perfect campsite, far enough from the main road that they don't get bothered, yet not too far from the closest town. There's also the flawless view of Mexico, its shores seeming so close yet still so far, and Javier spends every morning watching the sunrise over his homeland before prodding Bill awake, so they can get on with their day. In a few hours from now, Javier would be waking up early, ready for his daily routine. But Bill had dragged him to the saloon last night, and the pair could barely ride back, stumbling into camp and onto each other, spending another night with each other's company, as if they haven't been doing that for the last few years. They'd not bothered with hiding in their tent like they would at previous campsites, instead, finding each other beside their campfire, hands trailing across each other before Javier made his usual bold move of straddling Bills hips. "You gonna get these off for me?" Javier questions, his hand tugging at the light pants Bill recently brought. "Sure," Bill replies. Javier de-mounts him so Bill can begin to undress. He unbuttons his vest, letting out a sigh as begins to unbutton his shirt; it was Javier's idea that Bill tried adding a vest to his outfit, and as much as the outfit suits Bill, he's far too lazy to do up so many buttons every single day. However, he's even lazier to go and buy another outfit. At least Javier was smart enough to stop bothering with wearing vests, picking out the same white shirt that Bill now wears, along with a jacket that he barely buttons up. Bill had commented that Javier was getting as lazy as he was with his appearance, to which Javier sighed and said "guess I've spent too much time around you, huh?" Javier's hands are back on Bill before Bill can barely finish peeling off his shirt, discarding his shirt into their shared tent. Javier goes straight to fondling Bill's balls, biting his tongue to try and hide his smile as Bill lets out a whimper. "Why you always gotta do that?" Bill comments, and pouts when Javier chuckles. "No reason," Javier replies, biting his tongue in an attempt to hide his grin. As always, Javier's hand begins to trail south, prodding at Bill's entrance after slipping two fingers into his mouth. Bill relaxes against him, leaning back on his elbows and lets his legs fall apart; he's not a stranger to having Javier see him like this, and vice versa. One of his hands trails over Bills stomach, thinner than he used to be, but still coated in thick, dark hair. "Shit," Bill murmurs as Javier slips a finger into it. He doesn't bother going slow, pushing all the way up to his knuckle, knowing Bill can take it. "Still loose from last night, eh?" Javier comments as he slips another finger in, rotating it slight as he begins to fuck Bill with his fingers. "Shuddup," Bill grumbles, his eyes flicking away momentarily. The pouting of his bottom lip disappears as Javier finds that spot inside him, brushing over it with his fingers, making Bills cock twitch. "Shit, Javi-" Bill whines as he falls off his elbows, laying back in the dirt. "Good boy," Javier purrs. He catches Bills eyes as the larger man looks up at him with flushed cheeks, chewing at his bottom lip; Javier knows damn-well what praise does to him, and he's happily to send hoards of it Bills way, considering that this man has gone his entire life without any. A third finger is slipped in, and this time, Bill moans, rolling his head back in the dirt. Javier adjusts his position, lying down on his side beside his lover, propped up on his elbow. He continues thrusting his fingers in and out of Bill, all the whilst dipping his head down to catch Bills lips with his own. The kiss is messy, sloppy, seasoned with whimpers and soft words of affection. "You're doing so well for me, Bill," Javier sighs against his lips, and Bills cock twitches yet again. "You're hard for me, aren't you, Bill?" Javier asks as he moves his lips away, his dark eyes staring directly into Bills hazy ones. Bill manages to let out a soft "uh-huh," nodding his head at the same time. "Good, touch yourself," Javier commands, and chuckles as Bill darts his hand down to begin pumping his length. "Eager," he says with a smirk, and yet again, Bill tells him to shut up. "You think you're ready for me, big guy?" Javier asks. "Y-yeah," Bill sheepishly replies with a nod. Javier softly laughs at his timidity, shifting his weight to lie on his side comfortably, still propped up by his elbow. "We've fucked how many times? and you're still so shy around me?" "Oh, come on, you know what I'm like!" Bill defends. "Yeah, I do, Bill," he laughs, placing a soft kiss to his lips. "But you know I wouldn't want you any other way." The words slip from Javier's mouth, and it takes him a moment to process what he's just said. His eyes meet Bills, wide as always, and Bill stutters out "you wouldn't?" "I wouldn't," Javier confirms, and slips his fingers from Bills entrance. He wipes himself off on his pants before placing the same hand on Bills hip, caressing him, kneading his skin. This time, Bill reaches up to tug at Javier's hair, pulling him down to his height, and kissing him deeply. Javier has to bite back a laugh, knowing how much his words of approval mean to the larger man. Without breaking the kiss, he shuffles onto his knees, settling between Bills thighs, and begins to unbutton his pants, tossing his gun belt in the direction of their tent. Javier feels something tug at his chest, soon realizing that Bill's helping him undress, unbuttoning his shirt. Large hands trail up to help slip the fabric over his shoulders, before entwining with his hair. The kiss is soon broken, and as Javier sits upright, he pulls Bill by his hips, wrapping his legs around his waist, and positions his cock at the larger man's entrance. They sigh in unison as Javier pushes in, rolling his hips in short and quick movements, before settling on a long and slow pace. "Good, Bill," Javier sighs, watching his length disappear and reappear. He leans forward and picks up where the two left off, with open mouthed kisses, and soft moans shared between them. Bill's hands don't seem to settle, kneading at the smaller man's waist, gripping his biceps, trailing over his back; Javier doesn't mind, he's perfectly used to this, and takes pleasure in Bills neediness. He moves his lips from Bills, brushing over his turning-grey beard with light kisses, and settles on his neck, leaving his mark as the last one has finally faded away. Once Bill's neck is covered, satisfying Javier's standards, Javier sits mostly upright, turning his focus onto rolling his hips perfectly. The sight of Bill beneath him, a total whimpering mess, isn't foreign to Javier, but it's a sight that he takes in every time. "That's it, that's my Bill," Javier praises, smiling softly when Bill lets out his flustered whine as a reply. Bill's still tugging at his cock, but Javier politely swats his hand away, replacing it with his own. One hand rests on the dirt, propping his body over the larger man's, whilst the other pumps his cock in time with his thrusts, leaving Bill to grip onto whichever part of Javier's body that he can. "F-Faster... please," Bill mumbles. "What was that?" Javier asks with a smirk, stopping his thrusts completely. He pushes his cock as deep as it can go, hitting Bills prostate and making the larger man squirm beneath him. "I said faster, dammit! ....please," Bill corrects his barking, his pout being wiped away as Javier does exactly what he's asked, picking up the pace. The sound of skin against skin echoes through the thick air, possibly trailing over to the main road, but it's nobody's business but their own. As always, Bills moans are deep and gruff, with the occasional soft whimper, whereas Javier's are light and soft, mixed with words of praise. "Javi- you've gotta..." Bill attempts to call out. "Gotta what?" Javier replies. "S-Slow down," he whimpers, making Javier raise his brow. "A second ago you were asking me to go faster. Which is it, Bill?" he questions, biting back a laugh. "S-slo... Fa-sl... Aughh," Bill grumbles, indecisive as always. "Faster? again? alright, Bill. If that's what you want," Javier chuckles, picking up the pace once more. It's hard to pump Bills cock at the same speed, but Javier does what he can, taking in the sight of the larger man mewling beneath him. "I'm gonna.... if you keep-" Bill attempts to call out yet again, and Javier doesn't slow down his pace so Bill can talk. "Cum then, Bill. Go on," he urges, his own orgasm sitting on the fence, awaiting Bills arrival. Bill half opens his eyes, nodding in agreement, before letting them fall shut again, moaning away as Javier continues to fuck him. He spills his load on his stomach, coating his dark hair, his hair turning even whiter as Javier pulls out and let his load entwine with Bills. Javier mutters "mierda," whilst Bill mutters "shit." Javier falls limp across Bills chest, paying no mind to the sticky mess between their bodies. They spend a few moments coming down from their highs, panting, groaning, licking their dry lips, until Javier shuffles his head up to kiss Bill once more. There's tenderness in the kiss, not that there isn't always; his hand cups the back of Bills head, and eventually trails down his body, settling on his thigh and eagerly squeezing him. Bill's trying his best to grip at Javiers waist, but his hands are falling weak, exhausted and still slightly drunk. The kiss eventually breaks, and the pair squint their eyes as they turn, noticing the sun slowly rising in the distance. Another night spent together, not that it's been any different for the last few years, but tonight definitely felt different. "Come on, come to bed with me," Javier says as he turns back to Bill, giving his thigh another squeeze as he nuzzles the larger man. "Alright, old man," Bill chuckles, his hand reaching up to tuck one Javier's many greying hairs behind his ear. "Says you," Javier laughs, prodding at the grey patch on his beard. "Yeah, says me," Bill smiles.
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suituuup · 4 years
I’ve got a prompt. Established Bechloe, one of the girls suggests doing a passion painting kits for couples and frame it as an inside joke at their big house. The one who suggests it it’s obviously embarrassed but it turns out to be a really passionate activity 😅 Write it if you can, your work is amazing :)
the bob ross of sex painting
Rating: E
Word count, 1,7k
ao3 link
  Wanna stay in instead of going out with the girls tonight? I bought us a little something...    😏
 Beca’s attention is pulled away from the meeting as her phone lights up with the incoming text, and she nearly chokes on the water she just sipped from her bottle.
 “You alright, Beca?” Her boss asks, pausing in his speech as Beca nearly coughs up her lungs.
 “Yep,” she manages, her face flaring from both nearly choking to death and the imagery of Chloe wearing the little something she just bought. “Yep. I’m cool. Went down the wrong pipe.”
 She shoots her wife a quick text once the meeting ends, wishing she could just head home right now.
 Hell yeah. Be home around 7. Love you.
 “Chlo?” She calls out when she steps through their front door around seven, dropping her keys into the bowl by the entrance and shrugging off her jacket.
 She’s picked up dinner on the way home; sushi from Chloe’s favorite place.
 “In the kitchen!”
 Smiling, Beca toes off her shoes and tucks them away in their specific spot before padding across their large living room towards the kitchen. They bought this brownstone in Brooklyn when Beca signed with Virgin Records, halfway between her studio and Chloe’s clinic. It’s got two living rooms, a large kitchen and dining room, an office, three bathrooms and four bedrooms upstairs that they intend on filling in the years to come.
 For now though, they’re perfectly content enjoying married life before they start a family.
 “Hello,” she mumbles into Chloe’s neck as she wounds her arms around her waist from behind.
 “Hi,” Chloe murmurs, leaning back against her. “How was work?”
 “Mm, okay. My devil of a wife made the afternoon seem pretty long though,” she says, brushing a series of kisses along the side of Chloe’s neck.
 Chloe giggles. “Whoops?” She turns in Beca’s arms and captures her lips in a proper, if not slightly more heated hello kiss than usual. “Missed you.”
 It kind of blows Beca’s mind how they’re still in the honeymoon phase two years and a half after their wedding. Don't get her wrong; they argue here and there, but it’s pretty much been domestic bliss.
 “I can tell,” Beca husks with a smirk, her head slightly spinning from that kiss. She runs her palms up and down Chloe’s sides. “Missed you, too. So what did you buy?”
 Chloe laughs. “Eager much?” She slides out from Beca’s embrace to walk to the kitchen island, grabbing the plastic bag laying on the surface.
 Furrowing her brow, Beca takes it and pulls out the tube. “Love is Art?” She reads the inscription in a perplexed tone, her gaze flickering back to Chloe.
 “It’s a passion painting kit,” Chloe answers with a grin.
 “A… passion painting kit,” Beca drawls out, her confusion only growing. “Okay?”
 Chloe chuckles. “Basically, we cover each other in paint and… do it.” She nods towards the tube. “On that canvas.”
 Beca’s eyebrows fly up at that. That sounds… messy. “Huh?”
 Chloe nods again. “We’re gonna be the Bob Ross of sex painting. I bought blue and gold for, y’know, Bellas colors. Wanna try tonight?”
 Still utterly confused, Beca purses her lips. “I thought the thing you bought was a sex toy.”
 “Oh, that too. It’s already upstairs, sanitized and everything. The one you’ve been looking at online.”
 Beca feels her face heat up, which draws another chuckle for her wife. “O-okay. Cool. Cool cool cool. Let’s… have sex with paint.” Realizing how that sounds, she quickly adds. “On us.”
 They enjoy dinner first, along with one too many glasses of wine, and are both pleasantly buzzed by the time they decide to give the project a try. Chloe is clearly excited about it and while Beca’s still a bit dumbfounded by the whole thing, she’s curious to see the end result. She heads upstairs a few minutes after Chloe to find her spreading out the paper canvas on the floor, over a large plastic sheet that she supposes protects the carpet underneath from any paint splatters.
 “Need any help?” She asks, amusement leaking through her tone.
 “Nope!” Chloe straightens and pads over, setting her hands on Beca’s hips. “Hi.”
 “Hello wife,” Beca husks, the thought that the paint might never come off afterwards and they might forever look like smurfs dissipating as soon as Chloe looks at her like that. She cranes her neck, crushing the slight height difference between them to capture Chloe’s lips in a slow, deep kiss.
 Chloe hums, opening her mouth further to skim her tongue over Beca’s bottom lip.
 Inhaling through her nose, Beca lets her hands slide up Chloe’s back, pushing their bodies closer.
 Their make out session quickly turns hot and heavy thanks to their yearning following a busy week without much sex, and pieces of clothing soon add on to a pile on the floor.
 “Am I wearing it or are you?” She murmurs into Chloe’s ear. Their new skin tone strapless strap-on sits on the bed, ready for use.
 “You know you want me to wear it,” Chloe rasps with a light laugh. “But paint first.”
 “Paint. Right.” Beca gives her wife a salute and grabs the tubes, smearing some blue across Chloe’s chest, then gold. It’s sloppy and messy, but they manage to get themselves mostly covered.
 Chloe squirts the last of the paint directly on the canvas next, then looks at Beca expectantly.
 “Go on, I want your cute butt print on it,” she says, grinning while Beca rolls her eyes.
 Beca gathers her hair up in a bun and yelps as she sits down on the canvas. “Fuck it’s cold.”
 “Don’t squirm, you’ll mess it up!” Chloe cries with another laugh.
 “Stop being so bossy!” Beca cries back, glaring at her as she reclines on her elbows. “Now get      your     butt over here.”
 Chloe giggles, applying some lube on the appendage before she kneels at the bottom of the canvas and hovers above Beca. She kisses her lightly, the tip of the strap on bumping against Beca’s clit and pulling a groan from her.
 “I love fucking you with this,” Chloe rasps into her ear, taking the lobe between her lips and suckling. While Beca was unsure about them being able to set the mood with this whole paint scenario, those words definitely make her arousal soar. “You’re ready for me baby?”
 “Mhm-mhm,” Beca breathes, kissing Chloe languidly as she grips the base of the strap on, giving it a light tug and swallowing Chloe’s moan. She guides the tip to her entrance, her hand moving to Chloe’s hip and squeezing to get her to tilt them forward. The length of the toy easily slides in, its tip reaching a heavenly spot inside her that makes her vision blur for a second. “Holy shit.”
 “Good?” Chloe asks, pausing in her motions.
 Her head bobs up and down. “Fuck, yeah.”
 Their noses bump together as Beca fuses their lips in a sloppy kiss, her hand leaving a blue imprint on Chloe’s cheek. Chloe starts with a slow rhythm, alternating between long strokes and rotating motions of the hips, effectively working Beca towards her peak without rushing her to it and extending her pleasure.
 “Let’s switch it up,” Beca suggests after a little while, pushing a quick kiss to Chloe’s lips and waiting for her to pull out and roll on her back before she shifts to straddle her hips.
 One of Chloe’s hands wraps around Beca’s left breast, giving it a generous squeeze as Beca slowly lowers herself on the dildo. She tosses her head back, tilting her hips forward and back while keeping her gaze locked on her wife’s.
 Chloe whimpers, her hands possessively gripping Beca’s hips. “Oh my god, keep going.”
 Beca knows the motion repeatedly drives the other, shorter end of the toy against Chloe’s clit, and the pleasure on her wife’s face makes Beca never want to stop. She selfishly doesn’t want Chloe to come without her though, and resumes her vertical thrusts, steadily picking up in rhythm as minutes tick by. The oily paint makes her knees a bit slippery every time she pushes onto them, but she’s too far gone to really give a fuck about her precarious balance.  
 “Fuck baby, I’m close,” she croaks out, her fingers curling into the canvas for lack of something better to hold onto as she feels herself nearing her release.
 “Me too,” Chloe rasps, pushing on her arms and sitting up, wrapping them around Beca’s waist and pushing a sloppy kiss to her lips. She drives her hips up and into Beca, that final thrust enough to send Beca tumbling over the edge.
 She comes with a hoarse cry, her nails digging into Chloe’s shoulder blades as spasms make her body twitch. “Holy fuck.”
 Chloe hums against her skin, holding Beca close as she comes down.
 “How do we get to the bathroom without making a mess, now?” Beca asks after a little while, huffing a chuckle.
 “They provide plastic slippers. Here,” Chloe stretches to grab the two pairs, handing one to Beca. “Round 2 in the shower?”
 “Hell yeah.”
 After a thorough clean and another round of lovemaking, they pad back into the bedroom clad in the matching bathrobes Beca’s mom got them as a wedding gift.
 “Kinda looks like we murdered Smurfette,” Beca muses aloud as she takes in their piece of art.
 Chloe laughs, bumping her shoulder against Beca’s. “I think it looks pretty cool.”
 “Me too.”
 “Where should we hang it?”
 Beca glances at her wife in surprise. “You wanna hang it?”
 “Well, yeah. That’s kind of the point of the whole thing.”
 “Not in the living room,” Beca grumbles. “Stacie will definitely know what it is and I’m      not    having that conversation with her.”
 “She’s the one who suggested it,” Chloe admits next, biting on her bottom lip.
 Beca groans. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to the fact that Chloe and Stacie often talk about their respective sex lives. “Of course she is.”
 “We could hang it above the bed?”
 Chloe always has the last word when it comes to decorating their home, so Beca rarely argues.
 “Sure, whatever you want, honey.”
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hyungwonmyheart · 5 years
Of the Sun - Three
Group: ATEEZ Pairing: Seonghwa / Female Reader Genre: Fantasy!AU (D&D inspired) Words: 2,197 Tags: dungeons & dragons, fantasy!au, high-elf!Seonghwa, human!reader, rescue story, smut, a teensy bit of dom!Seonghwa, light thigh-riding, vaginal sex, major feels Summary: After drinking a bit too much ale, you awake to find yourself sharing a room with Seonghwa. The first time he truly smiles at you revealed a painful truth from his past, which blossoms into a passion you least expected.
“How much ale did you have? An entire barrel?!”
You barely recognized Seonghwa’s voice while your body felt heavy and your equilibrium was thrown. Then, the warmth of his embrace was enough to lull you to sleep.
You stirred. Squinting through the darkness, you discovered you were in a room of the inn. Your head felt fuzzy, but you figured that was from all the ale. They served a strong brew. You blamed it on that.
It soon became apparent that your light armor had been removed to help you sleep comfortably, which left you in a loose blouse and pants. Grimacing a bit, you moved onto your side with a yawn, but it cut short at the sight.
Seonghwa was lying beside you. He was clad in a thin undershirt and trousers, and you marveled at his slender figure, hardly fitting on the length of the bed.
You were in shock. What was he doing there?! You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. His sleeping face was so serene, so captivating; you were entranced. Every fiber of your being was screaming not to touch him, but you slowly reached over and tenderly brushed away the black hair that covered his left eye. Your palm cupped his cheek as you continued to merely gaze upon him.
You weren’t expecting him to grab your wrist, so you nearly squeaked when he did. His eyes found yours through the darkness, only illuminated by the very dim candlelight on the nightstand. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked gruffly. That sleepy voice was utterly adorable, but you could never say that to him, especially not now.
“U-Uh. Nothing,” you declared as innocently as you could. You had to bring attention to the matter at hand. “Why are we in the same bed?”
Seonghwa turned to better look at you. “I wasn’t going to leave you alone with that creep staying in the room next door,” he explained, letting go of your wrist to rub his eyes.
The face of the half-elf, San, flooded your hazy mind as you were getting your memory back. “Oh. Oh, that makes sense…”
“Why were you touching me?” He asked, straight to the point.
Your body stiffened. “I just...wanted to see your whole face…Your hair normally hangs over your eye.”
“Why couldn’t you have just asked?”
“Would you have let me?”
“...Probably not.”
You snorted. “Point made.” You laid down flat on your back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Was my face everything you thought it would be?” He sneered.
You scoffed half-heartedly. “Actually, yes, it was just as handsome as I thought,” you teased.
“Was it now?” He asked, flipping onto his side, propping his head up with an arm.
“...You’re so full of yourself,” you remarked, rolling your eyes. They landed on his face and you felt like the air was sucked from your lungs.
Seonghwa was smiling.
At you.
You forced a deep breath, though your chest still felt like it was too shallow.
Seonghwa caught on. He lifted a hand to his face, caressing his chin, as if shy about the expression he held. His lips pulled tight, returning to its usual complacency.
When he hid his emotions again, you immediately reached over and poked at the corner of his mouth. “I like it when you smile,” you admitted.
He pursed his lips even more, finally gathering the courage to say, “Smiling doesn’t suit me. At least, that’s what I was told growing up.”
You frowned. How could anyone ever tell a child that? Your eyes softened. “Whoever said that was wrong.”
It was saying something so complex so simply, that very honesty that Seonghwa knew he needed in his life. Perhaps, that was why he was so drawn to you. Wetting his lips, he faltered only a few seconds before seizing the opportunity. He leaned forward to capture your mouth with his.
Your eyes were blown wide, positively stunned with this sobering turn of events. Once you felt his tongue at your lips, your eyes fluttered shut while allowing the deeper kiss. You absently hummed in approval, leaning back onto the bed as he maneuvered to hover above you. Your hands glided under his shirt from his abdomen up to his chest, finding solace on his shoulders, bringing him closer after you tossed the cloth aside.
As soon as you guided him down, his lips parted from yours to place fleeting kisses along your neck to what was exposed of your collarbone. The sigh that poured into his ear was heavenly, and he desperately needed to hear more of your sounds. Seonghwa toyed with the hem of your shirt just long enough for you to hastily lift it yourself, revealing your breasts to him.
He was enraptured by your flesh, gazing upon you with what remained of the candlelight. His breath was heavy while he sucked on one of your nipples, pinching the other with needy fingers.
You whimpered his name, digging your nails into his arms as you drew your bottom lip between your teeth.
Seonghwa’s senses were aflame, and hearing you say his name so ardently only urged him along. His mouth moved to your other nipple, sure to perk this one up just as the first. His teeth gently rolled the tender bud between them.
You stifled a moan, not wanting to be too loud as to disturb others.
Grasping your wrists, he drew your hands away from your mouth and gave you a sinfully sweet smile.
For someone who claimed to not smile often, he sure did know how to make you go weak with one.
“I want to hear you,” he soothed, placing a kiss on either of your calloused palms, proof of your loyal heart. “Don’t hold back.”
Your face flushed. “But--”
Seonghwa crawled back up to hold your hands above your head. “If I give an order…” He nipped at your lips and growled, “obey it.” He tugged your shirt off over your head.
Your body felt like it was on fire, just from those same words you had heard earlier that day. “Yes,” you answered, running your fingers through his hair. You gripped onto it and brought him back into a sensual kiss.
He groaned into your mouth, clumsily searching for your waistband. He helped you out of your pants, and then kicked his off as well. His hardened length rutted against your thigh while he pressed his to your heat, slick with arousal. He ground his leg against you, issuing another moan, which you let echo around the room this time.
The anticipation was making your blood rush. A tentative hand dipped low between your bodies to close its fingers around his cock.
Seonghwa gasped softly, hissing at the pleasure his body was craving. So much for patience. “Spread your legs wider,” he grunted, moving between them as you did as you were told. He rubbed his head through your wet folds, drenching himself in your juices. “Can I…?”
His question was answered by your legs wrapping around his waist. “Please,” you breathed.
With a slow push of his hips, he eased inside you, wanting to melt from your warmth. His eyes found yours, gazing into them with such fervor that your chest hurt just from the sight.
You rolled your hips against his, already panting from ecstasy. He filled you more than you ever had been; his elven height wasn’t the only thing he had going for him.
Seonghwa withdrew his length and slowly pressed back in. His hips trembled as he attempted to keep himself in control. “Are all humans this tight?” He asked, not really expecting an answer.
“No, only me,” you taunted slyly.
He raised his brows, letting out a laugh. “Is that so?” He asked, one hand finding your clit. He rubbed it leisurely, though the pressure was enough to make your hips buck against his.
“Right,” you said through gritted teeth, arching your back. “So...don’t go finding out…” You drifted off, covering your face with your arm.
Thrusting as deeply as possible, he remained there, grinding his hips into you. “That sounded mighty possessive…” His voice was mocking, yet held no malice. “What are you saying?”
Instead of answering properly, you inhaled sharply and rotated your hips with his.
“Ahh, too embarrassed to admit it?” He hit the nail on the head. “Move your arm,” he said.
You refused.
Hooking an arm under each of your knees, Seonghwa spread your legs wider and pressed them toward you as he slammed into you. “That’s what happens,” he exclaimed, his voice dropping half an octave to add, “when you don’t listen.”
You cried out, immediately lifting your limb to glare at him with teary eyes. “I understand, please, just don’t leave me,” you rushed, fear in your stare. You legs quivered in his hold.
Seonghwa’s heart nearly stopped at these words. Then, it occurred to him. You had been alone for so long, without companionship, carrying on a journey with tears where there once was laughter. If you were as trusting as he thought, there was no doubt you would be traveling with another group by now. Was it by chance that he saved you, or fate that would open up both of your hearts?
Letting your legs fall to his sides, he cupped your face to bring you into a loving kiss. You were enveloped by his arms, his hips thrusting just as passionately. “I’m not going anywhere without you,” he spoke against your lips.
A choked sob and nod was the acceptance he needed. He felt you tighten around him and groaned.
“Can...Can I...be on top?” There was a nervous shake to your voice.
He heard your apprehension, but he wasn’t going to stop you from your desire. “Of course.” Lifting onto his knees, Seonghwa slowly pulled out of you and rested on the bed.
You wiped your eyes. This elf was more than a savior. It was like he gave you life again. You sat up and perched yourself atop him, straddling his waist. Dawn was approaching as the faintest glint of sunlight peeked through the window, splattering across your heaving chest. You teased the head of his cock against your entrance before languidly lowering yourself onto it.
There was no denying the smitten way you looked down at him.
He hoped you could see that he was just as taken with you. “Stay with me,” Seonghwa exclaimed, resting his hands on your thighs as you bounced on him.
Your smile brightened, just as your body did with the rising sun. You interlocked your fingers with his and brought his hands to pin beside his head. Your lips ghosted over the skin on his neck to ever-so gently nibble on the lobe of his pointed ear. “I will,” you whispered.
Seonghwa’s hands slipped out of yours to clasp tightly on your ass, supporting you as he pounded up into your pussy. You clung to him, so close to the edge that you cried his name once more and shattered around him. Your warmth clenched, becoming tighter than he’d ever experienced. He buried his face in your neck, biting down on the sensitive skin as he came within you. His teeth were sure to leave a bruise.
You were left breathing heavily, enjoying the moment of euphoria lingering over your bodies. Carefully sitting up, you felt him fall out of your heat. You went to lay beside him, but he stopped you to admire the sunlight gracing your skin.
“So beautiful,” he praised, and for a moment you thought he meant the rays of gold until he caressed your cheek with his hand. “You remind me of the sun. Bright, warm, inviting. That must be what drew me to you.”
Smiling down at him, you managed to lower yourself beside him and curled into his side. “I was thinking the same thing about you,” you confessed. “It makes more sense for you though, being a sun elf.”
“I’ve never felt like I’ve possessed any of those traits…”
“Really?” You asked. “I thought that you did as soon as you saved me. When you cast firebolt, and then reached for my hand, your touch was like the sun, and yet I didn’t burn.”
The slightest blush tinged his cheeks. “Well...I’m glad you followed me after all.”
You nipped a kiss upon his nose. “Me, too.”
The gentle sign of affection almost set Seonghwa’s libido off once more. He pressed another kiss to your mouth. The hunger he felt for your lips was frightening. He’d never felt this way for a human before. He almost felt bad for mocking San’s dirty lineage. He had a thought for a split second about apologizing to the half-elf if they ran into each other again, but then he remembered what San’s intentions were. He growled and slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You returned the kiss for a long moment, but then pulled back with a giggle. “What’s gotten into you?”
“You, my sweet-love,” he declared, kissing down your chest and trailing further south. “It will always be you.”
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hello-bangtanboys · 8 years
Husband & Wife (M)
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Pairing: Namjoon x OC
Genre: Sweet Smut, Fluff
A/N: I was in my Namjoon feelings...I still am. I’ll never leave my feelings!!
P.S. I wont be posting until later this week due to all the test I have! Be good, eat well! Take care of yourselves!
P.S.S. I know where I want to take Love in Time now! So after I come back, I’ll start to write again!!
-Admin Moon
Namjoon’s gaze slid to her mouth. He raised one hand and brushed his knuckles across her cheek, it sent shivers down her spine. The gold wedding band on his ring finger caught her eye, as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. When his other hand move to her curls, Eunbyeol touched his cheek. She couldn’t help but to think about all the great memories he gave her before they got married. Even before they started dating, they were best friends in high school. She supported him when he wanted to make music, and he supported her with her studies in college. They never left each other’s side, she took care of him and he took care of her in return. And now she was finally about to give herself completely to him.
Even though the she had burning tears in her eyes, Eunbyeol held his gaze. “…I’m ready, Namjoon,” she said but paused. “I’m sorry for making you wait all these years. I’m yours if…” Her apology was cut off with a sweet tender kiss. This kiss was filled with promises of the future and tender love. Namjoon wrapped his arms around her body and cradled her to his chest as he continued to kiss her. As his mouth explored hers, his hands began to make their way down her body. He caressed her shoulders, her back, the sides of her hips and finally came to rest on her butt. Eunbyeol could feel herself pulse between her thighs, and her breasts cry for release.
Eunbyeol thrust her hips forward, connecting their groins together. Namjoon held her there with the firm hand on her butt. She began to move against him, as the sound of their unsteady breathing filled the air. Namjoon glided his tongue across her upper lip, as his erection pressed against her sensitive clitoris. The felt familiar shivers shoot down her spine. Eunbyeol dug her nails into Namjoon’s chest and screamed his name, as a powerful wave crashed over her body. He groaned, and shifted her body so she was on top of him. “My sweet baby,” he whispered as he held her close to his body. His chest rose and fell rapidly, as if he struggled to breathe. Eunbyeol looked at his eyes and only saw passion within them. “Namjoon…”
Before she could finish he cut her off, “No talking. All I want to do is make love to my wife.” Before she could say anything, he sat up with her straddled across his waist. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. Eunbyeol whimpered when his fingers grazed across her thighs towards her nightie. She raised her hands, before he could tell her. He pulled her nightie off, and tossed to close to his shirt. Namjoon let out a deep sigh of pleasure when his eyes landed on her breast. The light from the full moon outside lit up her body, giving her an angelic glow. “Beautiful,” he said as he reached for her. Eunbyeol sighed and arched her back when his hands closed over her breast. His touch was gentle and tender, as if he was taking his time to show her how much he cherished her. That alone melted her heart.
Eunbyeol clutched his shoulder as he bent his head to her chest. He pressed his lips against her chest then licked her swollen nipple. She threw her head back when he opened his mouth, and sucked on her breast. She then let out a moaned as her body responded to his mouth. Namjoon’s erection was settled underneath her body. Eunbyeol dug her fingers into Namjoon’s shoulders and began to move against his erection, trying to drive herself to another orgasm. As she bucked against Namjoon, he sucked harder. “Come for me, my sweet wife,” he whispered around her nipple. Once again, Eunbyeol raked her nails across his back and shoulders, as she felt herself let go.
After she came down, Namjoon fell back onto the bed and pulled her along with him. He wrapped his arms around her and placed her kiss on her forehead. “You’re beautiful when you come. I should film you next time…so I can watch you over and over again,” he said as he pushed her curls away from her face. “Kim Namjoon, don’t even think about doing that.” She slapped his arm. Namjoon replied with a chuckle, “Did you enjoy that?” All she could do was nod. “Want have to give you more?” Eunbyeol nodded again. “I just want to pleasure my wife. Tonight is all about you.” This time she smiled at her husband. “Now, take off your panties,” Namjoon ordered, holding her gaze. Her heart started to race inside her chest. Without looking away from him, she hooked her thumbs around her panties and maneuvered them down. “Now remove mine.”
As she removed the last barrier, she felt nothing but love. But when his hard length hit her thigh, fear gripped her. “Namjoon…” He cut her off, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” His words soothed her. She trusted him, she been trusting him for years. Namjoon smiled at her, then rolled her off of his and placed her on her back. He crawled over her body, trapping her body underneath hers. “I love you so much, Eunbyeol. I need for you to spread your legs when I move off of you.” He paused, before she nodded and waited for him to get off of her. Once he was off of her, she spread her legs and waited for him to get between her legs. Once Namjoon was settled between her legs, she wrapped them around his waist. Eunbyeol stiffened when the tip parted her lips slightly, just sitting at her entrance.
“I promise, it will only hit just a little bit. Okay?” Namjoon said as he held her eyes and smiled at her, revealing his dimples. As he used his hand to slide the tip slowly inside her, she felt something inside her unlock. She wanted to cry and laugh, but her breath was caught in her throat. Tears welled up in Eunbyeol’s eyes, as she became overwhelmed with emotions. She had waited twenty-two years for tonight, for this sensual journey she was about to do with her best friend and husband. Namjoon leaned over her body, without moving inside her and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Are you ready?” Eunbyeol bit her lip and nodded her head.
Namjoon groaned and thrust gently, testing her. Eunbyeol’s eyes widen in fear as the tip stretched her opening, her muscles screaming from the pain. Just as Namjoon touched her cheek she closed her eyes to absorb the pain. “It’s okay,” Namjoon said gently as he pressed inside her more. “Namjoon, it hurts.” Eunbyeol cried out as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “I know, and I’m sorry.” He kissed her lips, not moving inside of her. “Breathe deeply and slowly, relax. Think of me…your husband, loving you, cherishing you, taking you to passionate heights like you’ve never known.” His warm voice, soothed her. Eunbyeol gasped in sweet agony as she felt Namjoon thrust deep inside her.
The pulsing fullness of his manhood moving inside her with slow thrust let her know, she was no longer a virgin. Eunbyeol opened her eyes to look at her husband, whose face was painted with raw passion, his eyes gleaming at him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as she gave herself over to the delightful fire burning through her veins. She was so happy she waited for Namjoon. She’d given him something she could never give another man. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through Eunbyeol’s body as Namjoon’s thrust grew stronger and deeper. She clung to his shoulders and raised her head, pressing her lips to his collar bone. Eunbyeol let go of Namjoon, when he pressed her into the mattress. His body against her body, man against woman as time hung suspended around them.
Eunbyeol’s world began to spin around, she was losing control. “Namjoon,” tears dripped from her eyes. “My sweet wife,” Namjoon groaned. He moved his hand up to hers and brought them above her head. Their weddings rings joined with a soft click as he laced his fingers with her, and pinned their hands to the mattress. The moonlight bathed Namjoon’s passion filled face. Namjoon slowly withdrew from her, then slammed into her harder and deeper than he had before. He rotated his hips in a circular motion against hers, as the room began to spin. Eunbyeol’s closed her eyes and opened her mouth to let out a silent scream. Namjoon let out a furious roar as he gave into his own orgasm.
Namjoon collapsed against her, when he was done with his orgasm. Eunbyeol wrapped her arms around Namjoon’s back and ran her fingers down his spine. Both of them have waited for this moment for years. And now that it had finally happened, they were both spent. Namjoon lifted his body off of hers, and looked straight into her eyes. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you too much?” he asked. “You were gentle and nurturing as a man could possibly be in a situation like that... What about you?” she asked him in return. “God, yes. I’ve been waiting for that moment for years.” He said with his dimpled smile. “I love you.” Both of them said in unison, causing them to laugh together. That night her husband and best friend had loved her to death. And it was sweet.
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