madsjohanogaard · 2 years
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Frem til lørdag 26 har @oiteater Utstillingen «In search of democracy 3.0» på @knutepunkt_stromso 🤩 i går var det åpning med Drammens ordfører @monica_berg, @drammenvgs og mange fler! Det er vert å gå å få med seg mye tøffe og rørende tegninger👍 Også shout out til @foggyelgrande & James Moore for all passion og kjærlighet dere har gitt dette projektet🥰👏 ✨illustratører: @sarahjardar @simenlangeland.kunst @kjerstisynnevamoen @madsjohanogaard @caskas @aktuba Og flere! ———- #oit #insearchofdemocracy #knutepunktstrømsø #drammen #strømsø #kunst #art #utstilling #madsjohanogaard #teater (at Knutepunkt Strømsø) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTBMnWM1zR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vintagenorway · 5 years
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Church book from Strømsø, 1752-1791: Registration of the marriage between Anne Kristine Mortensdotter and Jens Andersson in 1781. 
Next to it is noted: “N.B. this couple Jens Andersson and Anne Mortensdotter were found to both be women.”
Jens Andersson was born in Gran as Marie Andersdotter. In 1778 they moved to Strømsø. Now presenting themself as a man, they married the young weaver Anne Kristine. The marriage seemed harmonious, but one day the bride came to the priest with startling news: The bridegroom was supposedly a woman, which medical investigations confirmed. After Jens was examined, they were imprisoned and questioned. Asked whether they were male or female, Jens replies that they “believe to belong to both.“ The authorities were uncertain how they should deal with this information, should Jens be convicted of sodomy or something else? Meanwhile, Anne Kristine died, and shortly after, Jens escaped from captivity. No one heard from them since.
The case is regarded as either Norway’s first documented same sex marriage or very early documentation of the life of a trans man or non-binary person.
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crossdreamers · 3 years
Being a Transgender Man in 1781
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Being transgender is definitely not a fad. Here’s the story about the dramatic life of an 18th century Norwegian trans man.
In 1781 Anne Kristine Mortensdatter and Jens Anderssen got married in the Strømsø church in Drammen in Norway. She was a weaver. He was a coachman and a farm laborer.
Live Vedeler Nilsen writes that two year after their marriage Anne Kristine told the parish priest that Jens was not a man at all, but “a woman”. The priest alerted the bishop, who in turn told the county governor. 
Jens was arrested and forced to undergo a medical examination. The doctor concluded that Jens was a “perfect maiden”.
Same-sex relationships were not tolerated in the kingdom of Denmark-Norway at the time. The worst case scenario was that both of them would be burned at the stake.
There are two versions of what happened next. 
According to Anne Kristine she had not known that Jens was “a woman”. She did not realize until he came home drunk one day and she had to help him undress. (Yes, it is strange that she had not discovered this before.) She added that Jens had started beating her when he was drunk.
Jens on the other hand said that Anne Kristine had known from the beginning. He had wanted “someone to work for, for the common good and advantage”. 
Everything had gone south when they decided to rent one of their rooms to a sailor.  Anne Kristine and the sailor fell in love. She wanted a divorce, but a divorce was hard to get, so she outed Jens instead. She was never arrested.
Jens was put in jail. He did not give them his legal name. When he was asked about his gender, he answered:
“I do not know. I think I can be both.”
Which is an amazing answer, given the time and place.
Anne Kristine died in 1784. Jens then asked the governor for a pardon. He did not get one. But he did manage to escape, so maybe he found a better life somewhere else in Norway or beyond.
You can find a Google translation of the original article here.
Top image: Illustration of Norwegian farmers by Johan F. L. Dreier, late 18th/early 19th century.
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The Church of Strømsø, photo by Sigrid Christie/Riksantikvaren CC.
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In the Stømsø Church Book the priest has added the following text to their wedding entry: «NB: This couple Jens Anderssen and Anne Mortensdatter were both found to be of the female sex.»  (Skeivt arkiv)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 6 August 1839
7 ½
much rain in the night and till 6 this morning – fair or nearly so at 7 1/2am F71 ½° at 9 am breakfast at 9 ¼ in about ½ hour+ - then had Smith giving us a lesson in Norsk till about one – afterwards till 1 40/.. talking to me – wish him to draw up a little grammar –
name                    navn                     a name                      et navn
the name             navnet                 a good name             et godt navn
names                  navne                  the good name          det gode navn
the names           navnene             the good names         de gode navne
when the crown price is here he is viceroi – Comte Vedel [Wedel] Jarlsberg is Stadthooder and as such is respected but his nobility is nothing – Smiths’ is-to-be father in law is noble but not titré – he is allowed to keep his nobility for life, and so are his children allowed to keep theirs they that were bron before the new constitution (made in 1814) because the constitution is not retrospective but nobody could be born noble in Norway after 1814 S-‘s father in law has sent his papers (documents vouchers of nobility they being 1st allowed and signed by the storthing) to his nephew Glöcker to be kept at Copenhagen the nephew being in the Danish royal guard – many here in a fit of enthusiasm burnt their documents of nobility -  a new large excellent map of Norway, very dear, in progress – See this and Krafts’ (Krofts) account of Norway – any English copper mining company at [Talvigoes] N.L. 70° in Finmarkens amter established about 4 years ago – the Fins are pagans and nomads – are mountaineers – come down into the vales in winter – a steam boat goes between Xtiania and Bergen and from Bergen to Talvigoes – the Sirius large London Petersburg  
Tuesday 6 calls at Xtiansand 40 miles by water (=3 days) from Xtiania and .... miles by Drammen and by land – a Storthingsman has 3 ½ species a day.  then inking over accounts till off at 3 12/.. from Drammen the suspension bridge the only one in Norway – Drammen consist of the 3 towers Bregĕnes [Bragernes], Strumsöe [Strømsø?], and Tangen = 7000 to 8000 inhabitants  Drammen the Liverpool of Norway on account of the enterprise of its merchants – they had the 1st steam boat – just out of D- barley harvest – sheaves hung to dry round (from top to bottom) a pole 6 or 7ft. high – looking like sheaf-coloured cars downwards at Sjellibeck (pronounced yellibek) single house at 4 ¾ - off at 5 and at 6 7/.. at Ravnsborg single house for the scattered village at a little distance – beautiful drive all the way from Drammen here – and fine afternoon – at 6 54/.. turn (left) from the Xtiania road to Jonsry [Jonsrud] to see Crokleaven [Krokkleiva?] tomorrow morning – beautiful drive – the road good but evidently a by-road – about 7 ½ close to a little cascade and mill and bridge poor Smith thrown from his but not hurt – I could not reach the reins – the lad behind sat unmoved in spite of my signs to him jump down and stop the horses – they got to the middle of the bridge then got the rein (at 7 55/.. Barum) round the near fore wheel, backed and we might have been in a scrape in the water or over the wall several feet below the road but S- gathered himself up and came A- behaved very well – a man in a spring cart behind us came up and helped to get all right – at 7 55/.. Barum [Bærum] picturesque good village belonging to comte Vedel [Wedel] Jarlsberg where he has an iron foundry – the mineral chiefly comes from Arendal by water – very little of it get here – but the foundry here on account of the great quantity of wood – his property said to = a million of species, but he is said to owe as much – now things so better with him – he is stadhoulder and is doing better – he fait un grand commerce en fer et en bois –
August Tuesday 6 Norway buys coal of England (stein cöel as pronounced) charbon de terre - gives us wood, but only the large wood the smaller pays too much duty i.e. pays the same as the large sold last year 500,000 species worth of herrings – the anchovies caught chiefly in the Xtiania fjord – caught in autumn – S- paid last year last winter in a private house (très bien) breakfast dinner and coffee and supper and well lodged 8 species per mois ½ species for wood and ½ species to the garçon = 9 sp. per mois – if he should die, his widow would have a pension – 80sp. a year on his having paid 300sp. all at once or by little and little to government – the highest pension given by government = 350sp. a year which must be paid for in proportion – our bill this morning too much – and 4sp. per day at the hotel du nord at Xtiania enormous – at Jonsrud at 8 ¾ - nice large comfortable room rez de chaussée – 1 bed and the sofa made up into a bed – It was just beginning to rain as we alighted but has held off – pancakes and tea at 9 50/.. then till 11 finishing inking over accounts fine day F71° now at 11 pm no rain but the drop or 2 that frightened us on our arrival at 8 ¾ pm
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normannphotography · 6 years
Drammen by day II by Bjørn Normann jr. Via Flickr: This is Drammen and the river Drammenselva. A long exposure (221 sec) during daytime, using the Super Stopper from Lee Filters. The photo was captured from a small park called Holmennokken.
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bahainorge · 2 years
Nordisk ungdomskonferanse på Fjell i Drammen 12 - 18 juli
Igjen er det duket for en nordisk ungdomskonferanse for ungdommer mellom 15 og 40 år 12.. - 18. juli, i nabolaget Fjell i Drammen. Bli med!
Forhåndsregistrer deg her: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3kYOq-_DbLsq6krzPW4Pf5rgpYHwsQEMXr5v0shMABi26Hg/viewform
Ved annonseringen av de 95 (senere 114) ungdomskonferansene verden over i 2013 skrev Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus følgende om ungdommens rolle:
«Til hver generasjon av unge troende kommer det en anledning til å bidra til menneskehetens skjebne, en anledning som er unik for deres livsfase. For den nåværende generasjon er øyeblikket kommet til å reflektere, til å forplikte seg, til å stålsette seg for et liv i tjeneste, et liv som vil avføde et rikt monn av velsignelse.» Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus, 08.02.2013
Ungdomskonferansen tar sikte på bringe visjonen til Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus videre og gi ungdom en anledning til å nå ut og lære sammen, skulder ved skulder med fokus på handling og tjeneste, og instituttprosessen som verktøy. Konferansen vil vare i 10 dager og bestå av meningsfylte samtaler, forvandling, kunst og musikk, vennskap, tjeneste, bønn, studie og glede. Vi håper også at forberedelsene og aktivitetene som leder frem til konferansen selv vil kunne bringe grupper av ungdom sammen i ulike sammenhenger slik at man ser på konferansen som en del av en prosess som også vil fortsette etter sommeren. Den er ikke bare en begivenhet.
Vi vil gjerne invitere alle ungdom mellom 15 – 40 år å delta, og ber om alles støtte til å oppmuntre til deltagelse. Noe praktisk informasjon:
Start:  Ankomst Tirsdag 12. juli før 12:00 (konferansen starter kl. 14:00)
Slutt:  Mandag 18. juli kl. 14.00
Sted:   Galterud Skole (Solsvingen 80) i Drammen, nabolaget Fjell
Hvem: Juniorungdom og ungdom f.o.m. 12 t.o.m 40  år
Konferansen angår alle, uansett alder. Alle kan bidra til å hjelpe ungdom «til å bli klar over det bidrag de kan yte for å forbedre sitt samfunn». Det kan skje ved at vi alle informerer ungdommer i familie og vennskapskrets om ungdomskonferansen og at vi deltar i samtaler med ungdommer, ikke minst ved lokale sammenkomster for ungdom «som har vist seg å være ideelle anledninger til å gjøre denne løpende samtalen mer intens».
Det er ikke tvil om at Bahá’u’lláhs visjon om en rettferdig og fredelig verdensorden appellerer til samfunnsengasjerte mennesker som ønsker å bidra med uegennyttig tjeneste for fellesskapets beste. «Det største navns samfunn er i stand til å gi form til unge menneskers høyeste ambisjoner,» slår Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus fast. Vi gleder oss til dette og håper at så mange som mulig har anledning til å sette av tiden til å delta! Ungdommer fra Danmark, Færøyene, Finland, Grønland, Island, Norge og Sverige er velkomne til å delta på Nordisk ungdomskonferanse 2020. (Sitatene er fra Det Universelle Rettferdighetens Hus.)
Påmelding kan gjøres ved å fylle ut påmeldingsskjemaet her.
Forhåndsregistrer deg her: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3kYOq-_DbLsq6krzPW4Pf5rgpYHwsQEMXr5v0shMABi26Hg/viewform
Påmeldingen er gjennomført når den endelige registreringen og betalingen er mottatt.
Mer informasjon om muligheter for overnatting kommer så snart som mulig! 
Det vil bli arrangert transport til og fra hotellene og Galterud Skole i løpet av konferansen. For å komme til Drammen med fly må du fly til Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen (OSL+).
Flytog: For ankomst og avreise med fly er det mulig å ta tog til og fra togstasjonen i Drammen (Strømsø Torg 1) til Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen. Det enkleste er å bruke flytoget som går hvert 20. minutt. Reisen tar 1 time fra Gardermoen. Det er gratis for ungdom på 15 år så lenge de reiser med noen som er minst 16 år. Ungdom fra 16 til og med 20 år betaler halv pris (113 NOK, ca. 11,5 Euro). Studenter opp til 31 år betaler også halv pris ved å vise gyldig studentbevis (113 NOK, ca. 11,5 Euro). Vanlig voksen pris er 226 NOK, ca. 23 Euro. Det er 10 minutter å gå fra Clarion Hotel Tollboden til togstasjonen, og 15 min å gå fra Comfort Hotel Union Brygge.
Merk at dersom du velger ta flytoget fra Gardermoen, sørg for at du tar toget som går helt til Drammen (det er to andre som stopper tidligere).
Lokaltog: Det er også mulig å bruke lokaltog, men det tar 1t og 21 min og man må gjøre et bytte. Prisen er litt billigere for voksne (ikke mye), men for ungdom og studenter er det dyrere.  Sjekk NSB her.
Buss: Det er også mulig å ta flybuss. Sjekk NSB.
Verge Dersom du på 3. april 2020 ikke har fylt 18 år må du velge en person over 21 år som kan være din verge. Denne personen har formelt ansvar for deg i løpet av konferansen dersom det skulle oppstå noe spesielt. Det foretrekkes at det er en annen eldre ungdom eller søsken som også deltar på konferansen, eller en person som er tilordnet deg av det nasjonale åndelige rådet i ditt land. I tillegg må du ta med deg et ferdig utfylt foreldresamtykkeskjema.
Ettersom det også vil være et leir for juniorungdommene i år, ønsker vi å invitere venner fra alle landene til å støtte juniorungdomsprogrammet ved å tjene som mentorer. En mentor, som helst er en person eldre enn 32 år, kommer til å støtte juniorungdommene i løpet av konferansen med samtaler, emosjonell og praktisk støtte og ta godt vare på velferden til juniorungdommene ved å gi råd og støtte i ulike situasjoner. Det ideelle er å ha en mentor for hver 5. juniorungdom som deltar. Det er fint om de respektive instituttrådene kan hjelpe til å identifisere og invitere individer som kan tjene som mentorer. De vil da altså ikke delta i selve programmet til ungdomskonferansen, men inspiratorene til juniorungdomsprogrammet som har et ganske strukturert program.
Det er noen regler og retningslinjer for konferansen som må følges. Vennligst les gjennom dem her:
Regler og retningslinjer
Dersom du har barn kan du også ta de med til konferansen. Det vil bli arrangert barneklasser for barna. Programmet vil passe barn fra 5 - 11 år.
Ting som skal tas med
·       Bønnebok
·       Studentkort for rabat på tog, buss osv.
·       Sovepose (For de som velger å bo hjemme hos lokale venner)
·       Vedlagt foreldre samtykke (For de som er under 18 år)
·       Håndkle, tannbørste, shampoo osv.
·       Medisiner
·       Dine favorittskrivesaker/ kunstmateriale
              ·      Vi har bestilt sol, men det kan regne. Så ta med nok klesskift, ettersom vi kommer til å tilbringe en del tid ute.
             ·       Sportsklær/ utstyr
             ·       Dine musikkinstrumenter eller annet kunstutstyr
             ·       Bamsen din (hvis du vil)
Det vil bli utdelt notatblokker 
Vil du hjelpe til?
Dersom du ønsker å hjelpe til for å gjøre frivillig tjeneste på konferansen (f.eks. lage mat, vasking, helsehjelp o.l) kan informere logistikkteamet (se kontaktinfo under).
Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt dersom det er spørsmål!
Nærmere info: 
Telefon: +47 980 23 599
Registration and practical information in English
*** Information regarding accomodation and prices will be provided as soon as possible!
Nordic Youth Conference 2022! 
12th July- 18th July
The National Spiritual Assembly of Norway in consultation with Counsellor Sabà Mazza has the pleasure of extending an invitation to youth and junior youth between the ages of 12 and 40, in your countries to the Nordic Youth Conference of 2022 which will be held in the neighborhood of Fjell, in the city of Drammen, at Galterud Skole from July 12th to 18th 2022. What is new this time is that the conference will have a component for junior youth as well. Classes for children will also be facilitated during the conference, so that youth participants who have children of their own can bring them to the conference. In its message to the friends gathered at the Nordic Youth Conference, the Universal House of Justice writes that:
“In every part of the Nordic region are to be found a multitude of souls, young and old, who yearn for the spiritual values inherent in the Bahá’í teachings, the fountain from which flow enduring happiness and fulfilment.” and “As the Cause of God advances along the path traced out for it by its Divine Author, each stage of the process opens up to a new generation of youth challenges unique to that historical moment. Indeed, you convene at a time of unprecedented opportunity and need.” The Universal House of Justice, April 2019
The youth conference and junior youth camp aim to continue the vision of the Universal House of Justice and give youth an opportunity to reach out and learn together, shoulder by shoulder, with focus on action and service, and the institute process as a tool. The conference will last one week and consist of meaningful conversations, transformation, arts and music, friendship, service, prayer, study and joy. We hope that the preparations and the activities leading to the conference will also be able to draw together groups of youth and junior youth in different contexts so that one can see the conference as a part of a process that will continue after the conference- and not seen just an event.
We would like to invite all youth between 12 - 40 years to participate, and ask everyone’s support in encouraging participation. Some practical information:
Start:  Arrival Tuesday 12th (conference starts at 14:00)
End: Monday 18th at 14.00
Venue: Galterud Skole (Solsvingen 80) in Drammen, neighborhood of Fjell
Who: Youth between 12 and 40 years old
The conference matters to everyone, no matter their age. Everyone can help to support the youth to “become aware of the contribution they can make to the improvement of their society”. This can be assisted through informing youth in our families and friends about the conference and that we partake in conversations with the youth, especially in local gatherings where youth are that have “have proved to be ideal occasions for bringing an intensity to this ongoing conversation”.
There is no doubt that Bahá’u’lláhs vision of a just and peaceful world order appeals to engaged people who wish to contribute selflessly with service to the common good. “the community of the Greatest Name is able to give shape to the highest aspirations of young people,” the Universal House of Justice states. We look forward to this and hope that as many as possible have the possibility to set aside the time to participate! Youth from Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are all welcome to the Nordic Youth Conference of 2022. (Quotes from The Universal House of Justice, 29.12.)
Date and time
Start:  Arrival Tuesday 12th July 12.00 (conference starts at 14.00)
End: Monday April 18th at 14.00
It is preferable that you participate in the conference for the whole period. 
The conference will be held at Galterud Skole, (Solsvingen 80) in Drammen, the neighborhood of Fjell.
Registration can be done by filling out the registration form below. Please read also read through the rest of the practical information on this page.
Pre-register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3kYOq-_DbLsq6krzPW4Pf5rgpYHwsQEMXr5v0shMABi26Hg/viewform
Registration is final when the final registration and payment is completed.
More information regarding accomodation will be sent out as soon as possible! 
Financial support
If you need financial support, you can apply for this. We recommend that you first apply to the Local Spiritual Assembly in the city you live (if there is one), and then the National Spiritual Assembly in your country. In the registration form it is also possible to specify how much of the cost you can cover yourself, which is going to help the different National Assemblies know who is in need for support, but you still have to apply for it.
Note that the registration fee must still be paid in full even if you apply for financial support.
There will be arranged transport to and from the hotels and Galterud Skole during the conference. To get to Drammen (the city where Galterud Skole is) by airplane, you need to take a flight to Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL+).
Airport Express Train: For arrival and departure it is possible to take a train to and from the train station in Drammen (Strømsø Torg 1) to Oslo Airport Gardermoen. The easiest is to use the Airport Express Train which departs every 20 minutes. The journey takes 1 hour from Gardermoen. It is free for youth/children younger than 16 years old, as long as they travel with someone who is at least 16. Youth from 16 to 20 years pay half price (113 NOK, approx 11,5 EUR). Students up to 31 years old also pay half price by showing valid student ID (113 NOK, approx 11,5 EUR). Normal adult rate is 226 NOK, approx 23 EUR. It is 10 minutes to walk from Clarion Hotel Tollboden to the train station, and 15 minutes to walk from Comfort Hotel Union Brygge.
Note that if you are taking the Airport Express Train from Gardermoen, make sure to take the one that goes all the way to Drammen (there are two others that stop earlier).
Local train: It is also possible to take the local train but it takes 1 hour and 21 minutes and you have to make a switch. The price is a little less for adults (not much), and for youth and students it's actually more expensive. Check NSB here.
Bus: It is also possible to take the Airport Bus. See NSB.
If you by 11th July 2022 are not 18 years old, you have to name a person over 21 years old who can be your guardian. This person has formal responsibility for you during the conference in case any special circumstances should arise. It is preferred that it is an older youth or sibling who is also participating at the conference, if not a person will be named for you by the National Spiritual Assembly in your country. In addition, you have to bring with you a completed Parental Consent Form.
Since there will also be a camp for the junior youth this year, we would like to invite members of the different communities to support the junior youth by serving as mentors. A mentor, who can also be an older person above the age of 32, will have the role of supporting the junior youth throughout the days with conversations, emotional and practical support, to ensure their wellbeing by being a wise advisor and support in different situations. It would be ideal to have one mentor for every five junior youth. We would like to ask for the help and support of the institute boards in identifying and inviting individuals whom they think can serve in this capacity. The mentors can then also register in the same registration link, and choose the option of mentors. The mentors have to be someone who is not participating in the Youth conference program. They will rather support the animators in carrying out the camp for the junior youth, and their program is very much structured.
There are some rules and guidelines for the conference that has to be followed. Please read through them here:
Rules and guidelines
If you have children, you can also bring them to the conference. There will be children’s classes for them. The program will be suitable for children between 5 and 11 years old.
Things to bring
·       Prayer book
·       Student / school ID for discounts on trains, buses, etc. 
·       Sleeping bag (for those in home-stay accommodation)
·       Attached parental consent form (if you’re younger than 18 years old) 
·       Towel, toothbrush, shampoo etc.
·       Medicines
·       Your favourite writing tools/arts materials
              ·      We’ve ordered sun, but it might rain. So, bring enough change of clothes as we’ll be spending some time outdoors.  
              ·      Sports clothes/equipment
              ·       Your musical instrument or items for arts performance
              ·       Your teddy bear (if you like)
Special notebooks for the conference will be provided. Do you wish to help?
If you wish to volunteer for service at the conference (f.ex. help with cooking, cleaning, medical care assistance etc.) you can inform the logistical team (see contact information below).
Don’t hesitate to contact the logistical team if you have any questions:
General questions: 
Phone: +47 980 23 599
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jgmac1106 · 3 years
Cognitive Bias Reference List
<p>An older list of research on cognitive bias. Most sources before “fake news,” and “misinformation” were hot topics.</p> <p>Also derives heavily from the intersection of educational psychology, cognition research, and reading comprehension research.</p> <p>I need to update it but the whole fake news thing kinda bummed me out. It was like you told everybody to get ready but nobody listened.</p> <p>Agosto, D. (2002). Bounded rationality and satisficing in young people’s web based decision making. Jornal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.</p> <p>Baron-Cohen, S. (1995) Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.</p> <p>Birch, S.A.J. (2005) ‘When Knowledge is a Curse: Children’s and Adults’ Reasoning About Mental States’, Current Directions in Psychological Science 14(1): 25–9.</p> <p>Birch, S.A.J. and Bloom, P. (2003) ‘Children are Cursed: An Asymmetric Bias in Mental-State Attribution’, Psychological Science 14(3): 283–6.</p> <p>Barrett, H. C., Todd, P. M., Miller. G. F., & Blythe P. W. (2005). Accurate judgments of intention from motion cues alone: Across-cultural study. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26, 313–331.</p> <p>Bråten, I., Strømsø, H.I., & Britt, M.A. (2018). Trust matters: Examining the role of source evaluation in students’ construction of meaning within and across multiple texts.</p> <p>Brown, J. D. (1986). Evaluations of self and others: Self-enhancement biases in social judgments. Social Cognition, 4, 353–376.</p> <p>Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32-42. doi: 10.3102/0013189X018001032</p> <p>Camerer, C., Loewenstein, G., & Weber, M. (1989). The curse of knowledge in economic settings: An experimental analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 97(5), 1232-1254.</p> <p>Campione, J. C., Shapiro, A. M., & Brown, A. L. (1995). Forms of transfer in a community of learners: Flexible learning and understanding.” In A. McKeough, J. Lupart, & A. Marini (Eds.), Teaching for transfer: Fostering generalization in learning. Mahwah, NJ: ERlbaum, 1995.</p> <p>Cervetti, G., Pardales, M. J., & Damico, J. S. (2001, April). A tale of differences: Comparing the traditions, perspectives, and educational goals of critical reading and critical literacy. Reading Online, 4(9). Retrieved from <a href="http://www.readingonline.org/articles/art_index.asp?HREF=/articles/cervetti/index.html">www.readingonline.org/articles/…</a></p> <p>Chiesi, H.L., Spilich, G.J., & Voss, J.F. (1979). Acquisition of domain-related knowledge in relation to high and low domain knowledge. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 18, 257-273.</p> <p>DeSchryver, M. & Spiro, R. (2008). New forms of deep learning on the Web: Meeting the challenge of cognitive load in conditions of unfettered exploration. In R. Zheng (Ed.), Cognitive effects of multimedia learning (pp. 134-152). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.</p> <p>Ekstrom, R. B., French, J. W., & Harman, H. H. (1979). Cognitive factors: Their identification and replication. Multivariate Behavioral Research Monographs, 79(2), 3-84.</p> <p>Ennis, RH. (1962). A concept of critical thinking. Harvard Educational Review, 32, 81-111. 228</p> <p>Ennis, R.H. (1987). A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions and abilities. In J. B. Baron & R.J. Sternberg (Eds.), Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practice (pp. 9–26), New York, NY: W.H. Freeman.</p> <p>Fischhoff, B. (1975) ‘Hindsight Does Not Equal Foresight: The Effect of Outcome Knowledge on Judgment Under Uncertainty’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1(3): 288–99.</p> <p>Friedman, S.A. (2006) ‘Cloaked Classification: The Misdirection Film and Generic Duplicity’, Journal of Film and Video 58(4): 16–28.</p> <p>Fogg, B.J., J. Marshall, O. Laraki, A. Osipovich, C. Varma, N. Fang, et al. (2001). What makes web sites credible? A report on a large quantitative study. Presented to the Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Seattle, Washington</p> <p>Fogg, B.J., Soohoo, C., Danielson, D.R., Marable, L., Stanford, J., & Trauber, E.R. (2003). How do users evaluate the credibility of Web sites? A study with over 2,500 participants. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Conference on Designing for User Experiences, San Francisco.Available at: <a href="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid_997078.997097">portal.acm.org/citation….</a></p> <p>Fox, S., & Rainie, L. (2002). Vital decisions: How Internet users decide what information to trust when they or their loved ones are sick. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from <a href="http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Vital_decisions_May2002.pdf">http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Vital_decisions_May2002.pdf</a>.</p> <p>Funder, D. C. (1995). On the accuracy of personality judgment: A realistic approach. Psychological Review, 102, 652–670.</p> <p>Goldstein, W. M., & Hogarth, R. B. (1997). Research on judgment and decision making: Currents, connections, and controversies. New York: Cambridge University Press.</p> <p>Gopnik, A. and Wellman, H. (1994) ‘The Theory-Theory’, in L. Hirschfeld and S. Gelman (eds) Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture, pp. 257–93. New York: Cambridge University Press.</p> <p>Hagerty, M. R. (2003). Was life better in the “good old days”?Inter-temporal judgments of life satisfaction. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4, 115–139.</p> <p>Hogarth, R. M. (1987). Judgment and choice: The psychology of decision. New York, NY: John Wiley</p> <p>Johnson, D. (2004). Overconfidence and war: The havoc and gloryof positive illusions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress.</p> <p>Kahneman, D., Slovic, P., & Tversky, A. (Eds.). (1982). Judgement under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press</p> <p>Kintsch, W. (1988). The role of knowledge in discourse comprehension: A construction- integration model. Psychological Review, 95, 163-182</p> <p>Langer, E. J. (1975). The illusion of control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 311–328.</p> <p>Langer, E. J., & Roth, J. (1975). Heads I win, tails it’s chance: The illusion of control as a function of the sequence of outcomes in a purely chance task. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 951–955.</p> <p>Liedtka, J. (2015). Perspective: Linking design thinking with innovation outcomes through cognitive bias reduction. Journal of product innovation management, 32(6), 925-938.</p> <p>Maynes, J. (2015). Critical thinking and cognitive bias. Informal Logic, 35(2), 183-203.</p> <p>Nünning, A. (1999) ‘Unreliable, Compared to What? Towards a Cognitive Theory of Unreliable: Prolegomena and Hypotheses’, in W. Grünzweig and A. Solbach (eds) Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context, pp. 53–73. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.</p> <p>O’Gorman, R., Wilson, D. S., & Miller, R. R. (2008). An evolved cognitive bias for social norms. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29(2), 71-78.</p> <p>Pronin, E., Lin, D.Y. and Ross, L. (2002) ‘The Bias Blind Spot: Perceptions of Bias in Self Versus Others’, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28(3): 369–81</p> <p>Sanchez, C.A., Wiley, J., & Goldman, S.R. (2006). Teaching students to evaluate source reliability during Internet research tasks. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Learning Sciences (pp. 662-666). Bloomington, IN.</p> <p>Rieh, S. Y., & Belkin, N. J. (1998). Understanding judgment of information quality and cognitive authority in the WWW. In C. M. Preston (Ed.), Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the ASIS (pp. 279-289). Silver Spring, MD: American Society for Information Science</p> <p>Spiro, R. (2004). Principled pluralism for adaptive flexibility in teaching and learning to read. In R. B. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading (pp. 654- 659). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.</p> <p>Spiro, R. J., Coulson, R. L., Feltovich, P. J., & Anderson, D. K. (1988). Cognitive flexibility theory: Advanced knowledge acquisition in ill-structured domains (Tech. Rep. No. 441). Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Center for the Study of Reading. Retrieved from <a href="http://eric.ed.gov">eric.ed.gov</a></p> <p>Spiro, R. J., Feltovich, P. J., Jacobson, M. I., & Coulson, R. L. (1991). Cognitive flexibility, constructivism, and hypertext: Random access instruction for advanced knowledge acquisition in ill-structured domains. Educational Technology, 35, 24-33.</p> <p>Spiro, R. J., Feltovich, P. L., Jacobson, M. J., & Coulson, R. L. (1992). Cognitive flexibility, constructivism, and hypertext: Random access instruction for advanced knowledge acquisition in ill-structured domains. In T. Duffy & D. Jonassesn (Eds.), Constructivism and the technology of instruction (pp. 57-76). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.</p> <p>Spiro, R. J. & Jehng, J-C. (1990). Cognitive flexibility and hypertext: Theory and technology for the non-linear and multidimensional traversal of complex subject matter. In D. Nix & R. Spiro (Eds.), Cognition, education, and multimedia: Exploring ideas in high technology (pp. 163-206). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.</p> <p>Spiro, R., Vispoel, W., Schmitz, J., Samarapungavan, A., & Boerger, A. (1987). Knowledge acquisition for application: Cognitive flexibility and transfer in complex content domains. [Electronic Version] In B. Britton & S. Glynn (Eds.), Executive control processes in reading (pp. 177–199). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.</p> <p>Taylor, R. S. (1986). Value-added processes in information systems. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.</p> <p>Tillman, H. (2003). Evaluating quality on the net. The Selected Works of Hope Tillman. (Online, Unpublished Paper) Retrieved September 14, 2009 from <a href="http://www.hopetillman.com/findqual.html">www.hopetillman.com/findqual….</a></p> <p>Wang, Z., Jusup, M., Shi, L., Lee, J. H., Iwasa, Y., & Boccaletti, S. (2018). Exploiting a cognitive bias promotes cooperation in social dilemma experiments. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-7.</p> <p>Wilson, P. (1983). Second-hand knowledge: An inquiry into cognitive authority. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.</p> <p>Wineburg, S. (1991). Historical problem solving: A study of the cognitive processes used in the evaluation of documentary and pictorial evidence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 73-87.</p> <p>Wolf, W., King, M.L., Huck, C.S. (1968). Teaching Critical Reading to Elementary School Children Reading Research Quartely, (3)4.</p>
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wiadomosciprasowe · 8 years
I dag åpner Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen
I dag åpner Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen
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Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen Dato: 09-01-2017 09:00 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: I dag åpner Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen Kategori: , Hotell Nye hoteller Scandic Scandic Norge Svein Arild Steen-Mevold Med åpningen av Ambassadeur Hotel tredobler Scandic kapasiteten i Drammen og sikter på å bli Drammens største og beste konferansehotell.
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Med åpningen av Ambassadeur Hotel tredobler Scandic kapasiteten i Drammen og sikter på å bli Drammens største og beste konferansehotell.
– Allerede fra første dag vil gjestene merke at Scandic har tatt over, selv om fasaden forblir den samme. Vår nyutviklede konferanselunsj serveres fra i dag sammen med vår prisbelønnede Scandic-frokost. Vi skal skape Drammens beste hotell, og jeg er veldig glad for at vi nå er i gang, sier hotelldirektør Jostein Sveen.
Dette betyr at Jostein Sveen nå er hotelldirektør for begge Scandic-hotellene i byen, og med satsingen på mat og drikke vil han snarlig rekruttere flere nye personer på kjøkken og restaurant.
Renoveres for 70 millioner
Ærverdige Ambassadeur Hotel, med historie tilbake til sent 1800-tall, samt Globus Hotel, ligger rett ved Strømsø Torg, bare 50 meter fra Drammen stasjon. Renoveringen av hotellene, som i dag er to frittstående hoteller, er allerede påbegynt og vil ferdigstilles i løpet av 2017. Sammen med huseier investerer Scandic ca. 70 millioner kroner i oppussingen, som slår hotellene sammen til ett hotell med nærmere 300 rom, 13 konferanserom, restaurant og bar.
– Hotellgjestene vil knapt merke renoveringen ettersom driften ved hotellet vil gå som normalt. Vi tar etasje for etasje, og får et moderne, flott hotell, som vil oppleves som nytt, sier Sveen.
Drammen er Norges femte største by og sentrum i en av de raskest voksende byregionene i Norge. Kommunikasjonsmulighetene til Oslo og videre til Oslo Lufthavn er svært gode, med tog til Oslo sentrum hvert 10. minutt og seks tog i timen til Oslo Lufthavn.
– Drammen er et av de raskest voksende hotellmarkedene i Norge. Ambassadeur Hotel er et klassisk hotell, med en god beliggenhet i byen som vil styrker vår posisjon i regionen og det norske markedet, sier Svein Arild Steen-Mevold, administrerende direktør i Scandic Norge. 
For mer informasjon, kontakt:
Jostein Sveen, hotelldirektør Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen og Scandic Park Drammen: +47 906 15 585, [email protected] Svein Arild Steen-Mevold, administrerende direktør Scandic Norge, +47 951 79 390 [email protected]
Kilde: Pressekontor Scandic Hotels Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Hotell Nye hoteller Scandic Scandic Norge Svein Arild Steen-Mevold Hotell Nye hoteller Scandic Scandic Norge Svein Arild Steen-Mevold
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dyrsavnetfunnet · 5 years
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Grå/hvit katt funnet i #Strømsø, #Drammen, #Buskerud siden 19.07.2019. Registrert 20:06 20.07.2019. https://dyrebar.no/85480/ #katt #katt #funnet — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/bab667eaaee2380070e9b211268f31ba/5DEAA360/t51.2885-15/e35/66158291_229002281394300_1059015277397061181_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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serenitysally · 6 years
My Maternal 5th. Great Grandfather, Hans Jacobsen Neumann, Norway
My Maternal 5th. Great Grandfather, Hans Jacobsen Neumann, Norway
Name: Hans Jacobsen Neumann Birth: 6 August 1745
Strømsø, Buskerud, Norway
Strømsø is a brough of Drammen, in Buskerud county, Norway. Strømsø is located at the southern side of the river Drammenselva. Until about 1600, Stømsø was an island surrounded by the Drammenselva, but was later made landfast. Wikipedia
10 Aug 1745 Stromso, Buskerud, Norway Married:…
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nordiclndscp-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @cathriis (@get_repost) ・・・ Halleluja, der er Strømsø kirke🖕#amen 😇 🙏 😁 #høst #kirke# #drammen #norway2day #dtavis #opplevbuskerud #visitnorway #thisismycountry https://www.instagram.com/p/BpSkzqcneNS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yvnvn2thrnjf
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Sirens på Elvefestivalen lørdag 26. aug
Lagene våre fra vårsemesteret skal vise seg fram under Elvefestivalen i år også. Første oppvisning blir fra kl. 13.30 på Strømsø Torg og andre oppvisning blir fra kl. 15.00 på Bragernes Torg på scenen. 😃
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 6 August 1839
7 ½
much rain in the night and till 6 this morning – fair or nearly so at 7 1/2am F71 ½° at 9 am breakfast at 9 ¼ in about ½ hour+ - then had Smith giving us a lesson in Norsk till about one – afterwards till 1 40/.. talking to me – wish him to draw up a little grammar –
name                    navn                     a name                      et navn
the name             navnet                 a good name             et godt navn
names                  navne                  the good name          det gode navn
the names           navnene             the good names         de gode navne
when the crown price is here he is viceroi – Comte Vedel [Wedel] Jarlsberg is Stadthooder and as such is respected but his nobility is nothing – Smiths’ is-to-be father in law is noble but not titré – he is allowed to keep his nobility for life, and so are his children allowed to keep theirs they that were bron before the new constitution (made in 1814) because the constitution is not retrospective but nobody could be born noble in Norway after 1814 S-‘s father in law has sent his papers (documents vouchers of nobility they being 1st allowed and signed by the storthing) to his nephew Glöcker to be kept at Copenhagen the nephew being in the Danish royal guard – many here in a fit of enthusiasm burnt their documents of nobility -  a new large excellent map of Norway, very dear, in progress – See this and Krafts’ (Krofts) account of Norway – any English copper mining company at [Talvigoes] N.L. 70° in Finmarkens amter established about 4 years ago – the Fins are pagans and nomads – are mountaineers – come down into the vales in winter – a steam boat goes between Xtiania and Bergen and from Bergen to Talvigoes – the Sirius large London Petersburg  
Tuesday 6 calls at Xtiansand 40 miles by water (=3 days) from Xtiania and .... miles by Drammen and by land – a Storthingsman has 3 ½ species a day.  then inking over accounts till off at 3 12/.. from Drammen the suspension bridge the only one in Norway – Drammen consist of the 3 towers Bregĕnes [Bragernes], Strumsöe [Strømsø?], and Tangen = 7000 to 8000 inhabitants  Drammen the Liverpool of Norway on account of the enterprise of its merchants – they had the 1st steam boat – just out of D- barley harvest – sheaves hung to dry round (from top to bottom) a pole 6 or 7ft. high – looking like sheaf-coloured cars downwards at Sjellibeck (pronounced yellibek) single house at 4 ¾ - off at 5 and at 6 7/.. at Ravnsborg single house for the scattered village at a little distance – beautiful drive all the way from Drammen here – and fine afternoon – at 6 54/.. turn (left) from the Xtiania road to Jonsry [Jonsrud] to see Crokleaven [Krokkleiva?] tomorrow morning – beautiful drive – the road good but evidently a by-road – about 7 ½ close to a little cascade and mill and bridge poor Smith thrown from his but not hurt – I could not reach the reins – the lad behind sat unmoved in spite of my signs to him jump down and stop the horses – they got to the middle of the bridge then got the rein (at 7 55/.. Barum) round the near fore wheel, backed and we might have been in a scrape in the water or over the wall several feet below the road but S- gathered himself up and came A- behaved very well – a man in a spring cart behind us came up and helped to get all right – at 7 55/.. Barum [Bærum] picturesque good village belonging to comte Vedel [Wedel] Jarlsberg where he has an iron foundry – the mineral chiefly comes from Arendal by water – very little of it get here – but the foundry here on account of the great quantity of wood – his property said to = a million of species, but he is said to owe as much – now things so better with him – he is stadhoulder and is doing better – he fait un grand commerce en fer et en bois –
August Tuesday 6 Norway buys coal of England (stein cöel as pronounced) charbon de terre - gives us wood, but only the large wood the smaller pays too much duty i.e. pays the same as the large sold last year 500,000 species worth of herrings – the anchovies caught chiefly in the Xtiania fjord – caught in autumn – S- paid last year last winter in a private house (très bien) breakfast dinner and coffee and supper and well lodged 8 species per mois ½ species for wood and ½ species to the garçon = 9 sp. per mois – if he should die, his widow would have a pension – 80sp. a year on his having paid 300sp. all at once or by little and little to government – the highest pension given by government = 350sp. a year which must be paid for in proportion – our bill this morning too much – and 4sp. per day at the hotel du nord at Xtiania enormous – at Jonsrud at 8 ¾ - nice large comfortable room rez de chaussée – 1 bed and the sofa made up into a bed – It was just beginning to rain as we alighted but has held off – pancakes and tea at 9 50/.. then till 11 finishing inking over accounts fine day F71° now at 11 pm no rain but the drop or 2 that frightened us on our arrival at 8 ¾ pm
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dyrsavnetfunnet · 6 years
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Gråstripete hunnkatt savnet i #Strømsø, #Drammen, #Buskerud siden 05.11.2018. Registrert 15:19 07.11.2018. https://dyrebar.no/80029/ #hunnkatt #katt #savnet — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/890427bfa019d8f3ac46092509c21e8e/5C74A4FA/t51.2885-15/e35/44178587_299425700666367_104552914845262128_n.jpg
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dyrsavnetfunnet · 6 years
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Svart og hvit katt funnet i #Strømsø, #Drammen, #Buskerud siden 13.10.2018. Registrert 23:44 24.10.2018. https://dyrebar.no/79731/ #katt #katt #funnet — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/664a63b74f890485bb2a2584fd504163/5C682D13/t51.2885-15/e35/44210034_720415884977460_4379516586326281639_n.jpg
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dyrsavnetfunnet · 6 years
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Grått katt funnet i Ved #Bjørnsonstjerneparken i #Strømsø området #Drammen., #Buskerud. (link: http://dyrebar.no/78530/) #katt #funnet 04.09.2018 02:59 — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/1b2ae5e01070fc44ebfcf42ae8d4460c/5C286C03/t51.2885-15/e35/40413296_242082006649190_7690912961019248640_n.jpg
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