<pre> Feet locked Driven by flames Of eternal delight There Just there Warmth radiates in Spring before The Canopy hides first Shards of light. Covering the world in darkness Of forever hunger #smallpoems </pre>
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<pre> Feet locked Driven by flames Of eternal delight There Just there Warmth radiates in Spring before The Canopy hides first Shards of light. Covering the world in darkness Of forever hunger #smallpoems </pre>
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<pre> #smallpoems Glean of new Dreams bounce Atop aluminum Chambers of past Tubs washing Memories in Laughter Cast in rafters Of glory long Gone. Boards of The newly found In sounds of spring Popping in town New sounds of the Already found. </pre>
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<p>I just finished the midpoint class of Ukulele Underground 102</p> <p>We had to write a song in Key of F.</p> <p>I chose to go with I, ii, V for the verse and I ,vi , and ii for the chorus. In the key of F this means</p> <p>Verse F Gm C and for the verse F, Dm and a Dm for the chorus.</p>
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<p><span class="p-name">Checked in to <a href="https://ukuleleunderground.com/courses/ukulele-102-2017/ukulele-102-mid-way-review/" class="u-checkin h-card">Ukulele Underground 102 Lesson 11: Mid-Way Review</a></span></p> <div class="e-content">Putting it all together to write a song</div>
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<p>#tdc3727 #ds106 Rats in the Index</p> <img src="https://stream.jgregorymcverry.com/uploads/2022/504d97a4f5.jpg" width="600" height="450" alt="" />
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<pre> #smallpoems #clmooc Before a long could cross a face Heaven's Great General fell. Plowed under in shifts of red fury spiraling across space To the Delta of gas and dust that gather as gravity grows an embryo below the frost line Then, in time. The skies burst with our brightest light then gone traveling for eons on an endless mission </pre>
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<p>#silentsunday</p> <img src="https://stream.jgregorymcverry.com/uploads/2022/fe8012b8f3.jpg" width="600" height="450" alt="" />
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<pre> scavengers among the last species to feed on carrion. life histories poorly known motionless behavior of decomposing carcasses #clmooc #foundpoem #responsepoem #smallpoem </pre>
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<p>Flyers without Giroux. Feels weird The 2010 Stanley Cup run will be history. Not Recchi and Lindros has a player had this kind of impact. Only Bobby Clarke outscored. Cheering for the Panthers this season.</p>
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<pre> #smallpoems Stuck in my internal frame Curving under tidal forces of lookback time pieces losing grip on falling photons finding their energy trapped ever deeper in the well </pre>
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<p>A favorite rendition sticking closer to the heart with world events.</p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOb5w_Sz8aQ&list=OLAK5uy_kWxL17a9ndUKIvjA9okh6oStmrTEazNsU">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOb5w_Sz8aQ&list=OLAK5uy_kWxL17a9ndUKIvjA9okh6oStmrTEazNsU</a></p> <p>Saints or soldiers. Hold the line</p> <p>Freedom Is</p>
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<p>With a fiddy-I-O and a POW and a do and a fiddy I O I A I hope your Saints stand with you today</p>
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<p>I bought cheap furniture a decade ago. Realize drawers stay fastened On stolen history A rock my kid painted Lay’s a top a 1948 Fitzgerald reprint And a 1935 Hammett Omnnibus Old words on new fallacies Paper weights blowing around In broken pasts</p>
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Stop Fetishizing Failure
<p><img src="https://stream.jgregorymcverry.com/uploads/2022/cd87bc0a63.jpg" width="600" height="450" alt="16 pawns carved with a knife in front" /></p> <p>Failure isn’t cool. I don’t want to move fast and break things (as someone with two broken ribs I mean this metaphorically and literally). I don’t like blown deadlines, bad demos, and insignificance.</p> <p><img src="https://stream.jgregorymcverry.com/uploads/2022/06aae10a3e.jpg" width="600" height="450" alt="16 good pawns and 12 bad ones" /></p> <p>It took me 28 attempts to end up with 16 pawns that met my quality standards. Twelve ended up in the reject pile.</p> <p>Each failure hurt.</p> <p>The pawns whose mistakes come at the beginning by breaking the rule, “measure twice and cut once,” hurt the most. I also made the mistake of assuming a supplier sent raw materials to spec. A 6 inch block of basal may really mean 5.6 inches.</p> <p>Failure cost time and money. We do not celebrate failure. We expect it, control for it, and try to reduce it through a process of iterative design and learning.</p> <p>In statistics, we call this the “null hypothesis.” This assumption is that there will be no difference between the sample we study and the population we draw from. Our research, in other words, went bust. You have to expect to be wrong.</p> <p>We do not celebrate failure. We expect it. We then revise our models, tweak a variable, or give up on the hypothesis.</p> <p>Everyone wants to reject the null hypothesis. Few do.</p> <p>So do not celebrate failure. Instead, learn from it.</p> <ul> <li> Risk-based decision-making and perfection standards vary across populations and people. We control for failure by diversifying the decision-makers.</li> <li>Perfection is also an engendered practice in many cultures and we should make failure acceptable and inevitable to some and encourage others to consider the cost benifits</li> <li>Have procedures in place so data about failures gets analyzed</li> <li>Map out design and learning cycles</li> <li>Reflect on failures; or repeat them</li> </ul> <p>Now I hope to do something with the 12 rejects. The wooden blocks I can repurpose and I am sure these will not be my only no-go decisions. Maybe I will eventually have enough to make a “spooky deformed” set.</p> <p>Failure can also be a new beginning. We should celebrate those.</p>
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