#stos graffiti
sizzlerseth · 8 months
Halloween Together
Summary: A bit tired after trick or treating, you lay down at the park.
You grabbed your hat, pulling it onto your head with your white-gloved hands. You grinned, excited to get out of the house finally, and show off your costume. Your wig was a bit itchy, but it calmed down after a minute. Adjusting your Mad Hatter coat, you walked out of the bathroom and outside the house.
"Woah" I stared at you for a moment.
I was waiting outside your house because my costume was real easy to get into. The costume I was wearin g was from my newest phase, Hamilton. The coat was dark blue velvet, and the lace around my throat seemed extremely itchy, and you wondered how I wasn't scratching.
"You look amazing- How'd you get the costume to look so well made?" My jaw was still down as I turned, leading you down the stairs.
"What house do you start with?"
"mhmm" You mumble.
"Fine, if you insist on being indecisive, we can go back in."
"Okayyy." You slouch a bit as we turn to the house on the left, knocking, getting candy, leaving, etc.
It starts to get a bit repetitive after a while, so we go to a park in the neighborhood.
The park is obviously made for kids, being less than 3 feet off the ground, and is less like a playground, and more like a single slide and climbing toy. The plastic is extremely bleached from the sun, with a bit of graffiti. All around and under the park are woodchips, and a little further away, grass surrounds the whole thing.
We flop down on the grass, and you spring up almost immediately.
"Ew, it's wet." You attempted to wipe your coat, eventually giving up, setting it on the wood chips to prevent it from getting any wetter.
I took off my lace neck tie, giving my burning neck a well deserved scratch.
The stars are glistening above us, but it's a bit hard to see with all the lamp posts around the park. The barking of a dog could be heard nearby, but as it was getting late the owner most likely took them inside, since barking stopped.
I turned to face you on the grass, stretching my arms. I had overestimated the space between us, because my hands accidentally hit your side.
"Hugh-" You made a small squeak.
"What was that? Are you alright?" I grabbed your side, looking to see if something had happened.
"Stop-" You attempted to move my hand, but instead of falling down, it moved toward the center of your stomach.
"O-Okay, now you definitely know what you're doing-"
It was a bit hard to see my grin with the yellowish lighting from the lamps.
"You're a bit more sensitive tonight? Maybe because you're tired. Go ahead, you can try to sleep."
You obviously didn't believe me, so you scooted a bit farther away.
"Aww, come on." I followed, going a bit behind you.
There was a feather-light touch on your shoulder, slowly reaching down toward your armpits. A couple giggles were reaching your throat now, but you fought the urge, not willing to reward me.
"Doesn't the giggle bank already own enough already? Can't I just have a few?" I said. The grass wasn't helping at all, basically acting like way too many extra fingers to help my cause. Everywhere you touched the grass was a bit tingly.
My fingers dragged down your sides, and you tensed up immediately, sticking your stomach out and away from me, trying to avoid my fingers.
An invisible wall in your throat crumbled, and my fingers suddenly reached your stomach. There were no rocks in your stomach anymore, and a ton of laughter broke out.
"There's that precious smile!" I pinpointed your worst spots, and you couldn't hold back anymore.
You felt like you both didn't want to stop, but also that it was unbearable at the same time. The more you struggled the worse of a spot you seemed to be in.
Another attack, this time with something else? What was it? You couldn't look at the moment, but you could tell it was definitely doing its job.
Finally you caught a glimpse of a bit of white and curled cloth. The lace I had been wearing moments ago was following my fingers on your stomach.
Having this moment to think made you forget what situation you were in, and the lace made contact again.
"Stop! Stop!!" It felt like you couldn't breathe, but you were definitely breathing fine.
Again the grass and lace and fingers overwhelmed you, attacking from all directions. You were breathing hard enough to be able to see your breath, but you definitely did not get a breather.
Little squeals of joy and silent laughter among other things made my smug smile wider each time.
Your arms finally had the bright idea to cover your stomach, and they did so as soon as you had the smallest amount of control.
"Finally had enough?"
You blushed and mumbled something.
"What was that?" I forced you to look at me.
"N-no..." You were quieter than a mouse, but I grabbed your arms right off your chest, and behind your back.
I slowly dotted my finger down your neck, and it reached your side. A small touch at your side turned into a full on bomb, making your side hotter than the sun, as if your face wasn't already on fire.
Finally getting my so-called well deserved and not stolen reward, I gave a few more random squiggles on your stomach, helping you up off the grass. I picked up your coat and my neck-lace, half-leading, half-carrying you down the neighborhood. You had lost most of your directionality, and all of your balance, relying on me to give a soft ride home.
You rested your eyes a bit, relaxing a bit, but you definitely did not trust me enough to relax completely. A tiny smile made its way onto your lips. A night well spent.
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cbsxreader · 1 year
Can you please make platonic mercenaries with a teenage girl reader? She's originally from Russia. Y/n is a big fan of horror movies and other creepy stuff. Her favorite hobby is walking around abandoned buildings and diggerism, she likes to take things she finds in buildings with her as souvenirs. One shot as all mercenaries go with her to the abandoned hospital, if it's not hard. They have fun, have wheelchair races, scare each other, play catch-up, draw graffiti, until they hear some strange noises, the mercenaries think it's y/n since she moved away from them, but she stands next to them. Y/n as the bravest decides to go into the room where the strange sounds are coming from, dementia and courage, She enters the room, but there is no one there, only children's drawings and toys, y/n is alarmed by the find and she runs out of that room screaming to the mercenaries that they need to get out of there. When the mercenaries and y / n start to leave the hospital, they hear the clatter of feet, as if someone is running after them, and when they have already run out of the hospital gate, everything is silent, and there is no pursuer
Okay this is a long ask, I'll try my best!
You and the mercs exploring an abandoned hospital
Cw: (Horror elements)
''Where is it, where is it!? How long is it until we get there!?'' You exclaim, looking all around.
''Calm down, you bugger.'' Sniper reaches over from his seat. He grabs your shoulder and pulls you back in the camper, not taking his eyes off the road. ''Oi know you can't wait, but we're nearly there!''
Sniper was the one who told you about an abandoned hospital he had stumbled across when he was out hunting. He knew you would love it, so the first thing he had done was tell you all about it.
The news made you overjoyed. You immediately told the rest of the team about your destination.
Heavy had other plans though, he didn't want you going there. I mean, how could he not worry about you? You were like an another little sister to him. But, just like a big brother, he couldn't stand there and see you so desperate to go and being denied.
He let out a small sigh and smiled. ''Okay, as long as I come with you.''
''Большое спосибо, Хэви!!!" You hugged him tightly.
(T: Thank you so much, Heavy!)
Medic seemed to like the idea too, asking you if he could come along. This triggered a chain of all the others, except for Scout and Spy, also wanting to join in. Spy said something about being too fancy for such an event and Scout said that he thought it was boring, hiding his fear.
''If we all go, then you have to come too!'' You cheerfully announced.
''Yeah!'' The rest of the team agreed.
''It's been a minute since we've done somethin' like this as a team!'' Engie noted.
''I wonder why..'' Spy said to himself.
''Can't we watch a movie or somethin'? Like, what's there to see in an abandoned hospital?'' Scout tried to chicken out, trying to make it not seem so obvious that he didn't want to go.
''Scout, what's the point in watching a horror movie, if you can experience it yourself?'' You tried to convince him.
''See! That's the point, I don't want to be in a horror movie! I don't wanna die!''
''First, you die and get brought back to life on a daily basis, second, we're all going to be there, so whatever is there, we'll fight it off!''
End of Flashback
You finally see a metal gate that is overgrown in vines and grass. A large fence surrounds a large concrete building, clearly the hospital Sniper had told you about.
You can't hold your excitement. You are finally here! You lean out of the window again, despite Sniper's protests. You let the corners of your mouth rise, revealing a wide, happy smile.
''Calm down, Y/n..'' Sniper says in a more stern tone.
He knows you want to start exploring as soon as possible and hoped you wouldn't hop out of the car while it was still moving. He presses his foot on the brakes. You can't keep still as you watch the wheels of his camper eventually come to a stop. You hadn't opened a car door so quickly in your life. You quickly step on the ground and slam the camper's door, running towards the tall gate.
''Oi!'' An irritated Sniper sticks his head out of the window, calling you out on your careless behaviour towards his dear vehicle.
''Sorry, Sniper!'' You look back for a moment, quickly apologizing to the angry aussie before focusing on your path once again.
Sniper grumbles something to himself before getting out of his camper. He turns to look behind him as his teammates step out of their van one by one. Medic is also excited for the adventure and quickly makes his way past Sniper and towards you, humming a tune as he walks. Soldier and Scout are already bickering about something, most likely Soldier calling Scout a baby because he is afraid to come. Demo had decided to bring a few beers, it was a team bonding after all. When he is about to pass Sniper, he stops and slightly tilts the crate of drinks towards him, his eye showing kindness in the offer. Sniper's face doesn't show any emotion though.
''No thanks, mate.''
Demo shrugs ''Alright, but don't complain when there's none left.''
Demo continues forward, the drinks in the crate slightly clinking together. Sniper's eyes follow him. His thoughts seem to have made him lost, he hadn't noticed Heavy coming up behind him. A large hand being placed on his shoulder startles him.
"Bloody hell.."
"Is Sniper upset?" Heavy asks, concerned for his teammate.
"Nah, mate. Just waitin' to walk behind everyone."
"You won't be in the back. Not unless you help Engineer with Spy." Heavy tells Sniper.
"Heavy!!! Could you please bring us the big pliers??" You shout.
Both Sniper and Heavy turn to look in your direction. You had pushed some vines off of the gate, revealing a lock and a chain keeping the gate shut. Heavy looks to Sniper again before coming over to you, while the marksman goes to help Engie convince Spy to come along.
Heavy takes off his backpack from his shoulders and takes out a pair of large pliers. You clench your fists and smile widely as Heavy goes to the chained lock. He places it in the jaws of the pliers and- snap! The lock, along with the chain, falls to the ground, making a small thud as it hits the grass.
You try to push the gate open. The vines keep the gate shut. But you are determined to get in, nothing was about to stop you. You push with all your might, your family of mercenaries lending you a hand. The vines can't handle it and snap. The sound of the gate being moved for the first time in ages grates everyone's ears. But you could care less, you could finally explore!
"Urrrraaa!" You call out and run as fast as you could to the hospital door.
Heavy's eyes widen and he calls out "Y/n! Wait for Misha!"
"You heard Heavy, Y/n! Don't go in zhere without us!" Medic adds, but you are already far enough to not hear them.
"Scout, please go get her.." Heavy asks, worried for you.
"Hey, Y/n, wait for us!" Scout takes off. He easily catches up with you when you have already entered the hospital.
You feel his hand on your shoulder "I'm not going anywhere far!" You said to him.
"Yeah, I get it, but it's better if you stay close to us, alright?" Scout sounds strangely serious.
This kills your mood a bit, sometimes you wish they wouldn't worry so much about you "Alright.."
You wait for the rest of the team to catch up with you two. Since you can't just run off, you ask: ''What do we do now?''
''I dunno, you're the boss!" Scout simply shrugs and everyone looks at you for guidance.
You look around and spot a fallen over wheelchair by the reception desk. You smile at your idea.
● ● ●
''Ready, set,'' Engie counts down as you and the others get ready. You decided to have a race, but in wheelchairs. Not all mercs were willing to participate, but just the right amount for entertainment were sitting in the wheelchairs. Demo was up for it to compete with Solly, Pyro seemed excited by the idea and joined in and Scout wanted to show himself off, claiming he could consider it as a workout. Sniper had a camera along with him which he turned on and pointed in your direction.
''Go!" Engie eagerly announces as the rest of the mercs cheer on.
Soldier and Demo easily get in the lead, already fighting for who's gonna be first and it is basically You vs Pyro vs Scout now. Pyro seems to catch up for third place, getting ahead of you and Scout. Despite the onlookers cheering you on, you can feel your arms burning and getting tired. Scout takes this advantage and gains on you, surpassing you. You pretty much accept that you had lost, only to suddenly pick up speed, surpassing all the other competing mercs and going across the finish line.
''Hey, that's no fair, Doc!'' Scout calls out.
Your eyes widen in surprise as you look up. Medic is looking down at you with an innocent smile, holding your chair.
''Scout has a point you know.'' You say.
''Yes, but I could not vatch him be so confident about vinning against you.'' He replies, looking directly at Scout with a smile.
● ● ●
''Oi, Y/n!'' Sniper quickly catches your attention ''Look what Oi found!''
He comes up to you with something in his hand. As Sniper comes closer you can tell it's a wallet. Noticing your curiosity, he opens it and reveals it belonged to a man called Josh Hand.
''Are we allowed to take this?'' You suddenly realize.
''Eh, the bloke's probably dead and if he isn't he didn't bother coming back for this, so yeah, you can take it.''
You decide to inspect the wallet further, only to find plenty of cash. The dollar bills look strangely intact. You look up at Sniper again.
''Woah, this guy had some dough!'' You say, remarking your discovery.
''He didn't.'' Sniper bluntly states.
A sneaky smile spreads across the sniper's face and he leans down to your level ''We're goin' to buy groceries tomorrow, just wanted you to get somethin' noice for yourself.''
Sniper once again proves himself to be your cool uncle.
● ● ●
''Mh hm hm hmh hm mh hmm, mh hm hm hmhm!'' They mumble.
Though you had spent years with the mercs, Pyro was still a bit noncoherent to you. Engie knew how to understand them and often translated them to you. When Pyro saw that you couldn't understand them, they'd often act out what they want or draw it. This was one of those times.
Pyro acts out as if they are holding something and writing something on their hand. You're confused. The firebug then puts their hand to the wall and presses against it. Something clicked. Your eyes widen and a smile grows on your face.
"Everyone! Pyro has an idea!" You cheerfully announce.
A bit later
"Alright, everyone ready?"
The mercs nod. Each of them, except for Spy, have one of their hands covered in paint. You decided to leave your handprints and make a sort of murial. Pyro had painted a big heart outline in red paint, everyone was about to put their hands inside it.
"Раз..два..три!" You count down.
You and the mercs place your hands on the wall, keeping them there for a few seconds. Everyone takes their hands off, revealing the colourful prints that were now on the previously blank wall. Pyro claps and happily mumbles.
"Nice one, fellas! Ah think we should save this for the album!" Engie's voice caatches everyones attention as he brings out a polaroid camera.
Eversince you arrived to the team, Engie always brought a camera with him because you brought such joy to the team and he couldn't resist taking photos of it. This lead to the creation of an album, he could capture the brightest moments and put the pictures in it.
But this isn't a bright enough moment. Yet.
"Engie, wait!" You stop him "Spy hasn't put his hand on the wall..."
Spy seems annoyed, standing by the wall with his arms crossed "I already told you, I'm not participating in such foolery."
"Is it really foolery if even Engie and Heavy did it?" Demoman smirks.
Your eyes light up and you smirk as well "Yeah, is it?"
Spy avoids eye contact, only to be suddenly picked up by Heavy.
"Oh, this should be fun.." Sniper adjusts his hold on his camera and looks through it, ready to record what was coming next.
"Ah, just leave him alone, fellas." Engie gently says, he already had to convince Spy to come along and now everyone is ganging up on him.
"Negative, Engineer! Spy must know how to apply paint on his body for camouflage! No sergeant is going to allow him to put it on with a fancy paintbrush!" Soldier scolds Spy.
Medic leans closer to Engineer's ear, trying to blur out Soldier's talking. "Vhen vas zhe last time Spy participated in an activity like zhis? I zhink zhis vill do him some good.." his tone seems more malicious by the end of his sentence.
"If we all do it, you have to do it too.." You cheekily smile and slowly pull off Spy's glove.
"Yeah, Spy! Don't be such a fancy pants!" Scout mocks him.
You firmly hold Spy's wrist and lift it up. You smile at Pyro and wait for them to come closer. They lift up a paintbrush covered in paint and put it to the frenchman's hand, the hairs slightly tickling him.
"STOP ZHIS INSTANT!!" Spy raises his voice.
It is too late, Heavy carries him closer to the wall as he squirms around with all his might. You keep his arm straight. You feel him pulling his arm out of your grasp, but to no avail. His hand hits the cold wall and the team rejoices. Heavy's grip on him loosens and he pulls his arm back from you.
Engie walks up to Spy with a dirty handtowel "Here ya go-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence before Spy quickly snatches the towel in silent anger.
Spy takes a few steps away from the team. In an attempt to annoy him even more, you shine your flashlight at him. He quickly shuts his eyes and turns away from you. Something else catches your attention though, a dark doorframe behind Spy seemed so ominous, yet so interesting. Your eyes widen in curiosity and you look into the room from afar.
The gentle sounds of chatting between the mercs are cut short by a faint laugh. Everyone goes silent, carefully listening to their surroundings, their eyes darting in all directions. It sounds like a little girl. They track the source of the sound to the direction of you and Spy. Scout quickly connects the dots.
''Y/n, was that you?''
You look back at your team. Staying calm, you silently shake your head. Another laugh echoes through the corridor, this time, everyone could see it isn't you. You turn back around, shining your light in the dark room again. The sound is definitely coming from there.
Without saying anything, you signal your teammates to come along with your hand. You start to take silent steps towards the door, as does everyone else.
As you step closer, you start seeing more and more of the room. It has bright, pastel walls with drawings of animals and flowers. Clearly the kids room. Toys and drawings are all across the floor. You stop in the door frame for a bit, waiting for everyone else to catch up with you. You shine your flashlight in every direction, only to see a wall covered in children's drawings.
''Let's go in.'' You say, not hiding your curiosity, already taking the first steps.
''Wait, we just heard some little girl laughing and you decide to go where we heard it from??'' Scout is shocked at your willingness to go in.
''Yeah, that's what exploring is all about!'' You reply, approaching the wall.
You inspect the drawings, they seem like they had been drawn by a little kid, which was fitting to be found in a kids room. But upon closer inspection, you notice something odd. The faces on the people in the drawings appear sad, what you assumed was blood is bleeding from characters, one consistent character starts to smile from ear to ear. You feel a bit uneasy, but your worries skyrocket when you see the picture at the very top. Ten characters, on the ground, bleeding, with that one character, once again, smiling ear to ear.
Everyone almost jumps out of their skin when they hear you scream. The team immediately jumps into attack mode, ready to defend you from anything that made you release such a blood curdling cry, but they get quickly cut off by you appearing again.
''WE HAVE TO RUN, NOW.'' With your face full of fear and your voice nearly cracking, you warn the team.
Just then, a louder, clearer laugh stings everyone's ears. Now there was nothing holding you back from running.
The footsteps of the team fill the empty hospital as they try to find a way out. You had accidentally angered something that considered the hospital it's home and now it was better to get out of here.
As the team make a sharp turn, Demoman gets disoriented and falls. The bottles from his crate fall out and break as they hit the floor, their contents spilling everywhere. Demoman looks out to find the good alcohol wasted.
"Даваи, Demo!!!" You call out to him.
(T: Come on, Demo!!!)
The scotsman rises up from the ground, only to freeze up. A cold shiver runs up his spine, his senses suddenly sharpen. He knows this feeling. His whole team knows this feeling. The feeling of uneasiness when you sense a spy behind you. He looks behind him, only to hear footsteps.
You can only look forward as you run but Demoman's voice almost made you stop in your tracks. He speeds past all of you, gaining the lead. You recognize this, people in horror movies ran like this when their lives were on the line.
"SOMEONE'S AFTER US!!" He cries loud enough for anywhere in the hospital for him to be heard.
Just then, you can hear something stepping on broken glass and some sort of liquid. The scrumpy bottles. But no one is that far behind. This only encouraged you to run faster.
Your rapid and uneven breaths make your side hurt, the adrenaline makes you run but at the same time seems to give you a headache. You feel yourself slowing down, seeing the others get more and more ahead of you. Before you know it, you are behind the mercs.
Suddenly, it feels like you ran into something and are about to trip, instead you get quickly lifted up and feel yourself being placed on some sort of surface. After processing what happened, you realize you are on Heavy's shoulder.
''Всё хорошо, Y/n..'' You hear him say amidst all the others' panic.
(T: It's alright, Y/n..)
You look back up and look down the hallway you were running through, you can still hear footsteps. And, as if whatever it was that was chasing you could sense your eyes looking at them, the same laugh echoes through your ears.
''Миша, Я боюсь...'' You can barely speak, whispering into Heavy's ear.
(T: Misha, I'm scared...)
Heavy silently responds by holding you tighter and picking up his speed. Scout, being the fastest of the bunch, reaches the door first, only to pull on the handle and..
''IT'S LOCKED!'' The Scout yells to his team.
''WHAT!?'' They say in unison, finally reaching the door that was so close to freedom.
''I CAN'T GET IT OPEN!!'' Scout pulls and pulls on the door, the others joined him in hope of getting the door open.
''Прочь с дороги!!!'' Heavy calls out to everyone.
(T: Out of the way!!!)
Heavy thunders towards the door, the sight of him making the rest of the mercs step out of his way. He releases a war cry before turning to his side and slamming into the door, bursting it open. Heavy nearly falls from the impact but manages to stay on his feet. The rest of the mercs run to the open doors, catching up to you and Heavy.
You still continue to run even after making it past the gate, getting to the vehicles you arrived in. Finally, you can rest. Everyone is panting and their hearts are beating out of their chests, still wide eyed at the sudden chase. The team members make eye contact with eachother, silently checking if everyone is alright.
"Please tell me we're goin' home..." Scout breaks the silence with a thought that was on everyone's minds.
"Yeah..we are.." You answered him, still in shock.
● ● ●
After a rather silent dinner with the mercs, you had gone to your rooms, hoping to get some sleep. But you are still awake. The howling wind and the shine of the moon keep you unsettled. Horror movies never made you stay up like this, but that was because they weren't real and you knew it. Well, except the ones that told you they were based on true events. No one ever told you an actual experience would be so impactful.
You reach over to your nightstand and take your pocket knife instead of hiding under your blanket. Whatever it was that chased you definitely wouldn't care about a piece of fabric covering you. You look around your room, keeping the little knife close. Every single shadow makes the hairs on your body stand. Every time you look somewhere, something else appears in the corner of your eye only for it to seemingly disappear when you look around. Your breaths are shallow and you are covered in goosebumps, despite the room being warm, you shiver. There's a good chance you won't fall asleep.
You softly knock on the workshop's door. You had taken your pillow and blanket, hoping to get some sleep with Engie and Pyro by your side. Engie opens the door, looking strangely awake.
''Oh, hey, Y/n.'' The texan speaks in a soft voice.
''Hey, Engie..I can't sleep...I was wondering if I can sleep here with you...'' You reply in a sleepy yet worried voice.
''We can't sleep too. Pyro was squirmin' and mumblin' in their sleep and I couldn't even fall asleep.'' Engie explains.
Oh no... ''I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have dragged you all into this...'' You apologize.
Engie's expression quickly turns worried ''Y/n, don't blame yourself! You just wanted us to have fun! Come on, I was thinking of makin' us some hot cocoa.'' He softly says, heading into the hallway, his hand remaining on your back.
Pyro gets up as they see Engie leaving and you follow the pair to the kitchen. Your blanket drafts over your body as you walk and you pull it closer.
You arrive at the kitchen, only to see Medic, Heavy and Sniper sitting around the table with a dim light from the kitchen counter illuminating them. They sleepily look up at you. They had already prepared warm drinks for themselves, coffee for Medic and Sniper, some tea for Heavy.
''What are y'all doing here?'' Engie asks in a confused tone.
''Same reason as you, probably." Medic yawns right on cue "Ve can't sleep..'' he slightly rubs his eyes and takes a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah, it didn't help that Oi watched back the footage that Oi filmed roight before bed and Oi swear Oi saw...something chasing us...It wasn't just a pair of eyes or somethin' you could make out an actual person.." Sniper seemed to shiver a bit.
"...can I see it?" You softly ask.
"Sorry, mate. Oi got so scared Oi ripped the wheel off the projector, threw it and saw it roll away to some corner of the rec room. You'll have to wait till mornin' to foind it." Sniper sleepily replies.
"..oh." You say, a bit disappointed.
Upon hearing more footsteps, everyone turns around to the entrance to the kitchen, silently preparing for anything. Scout, Demo and Soldier appear. The team members make prolonged eye contact, staring at each other in confusion. The sound of Spy uncloaking catches everyone off-guard.
''So, we're all paranoid and can't sleep?'' He spoke as he reveals himself.
Sounds of agreement fill the room.
You want to say something. You feel like you needed to say something. You are responsible for the entire team losing sleep. Maybe you owe them an apology..
''How about we watch a movie together?'' You suggest.
''No horror!'' You quickly clarify. ''I promise no horror!''
● ● ●
''Adelaide, what's that music ? Sounds like a gang of swinging hep cats.''
''That's exactly what they are, Georges. They're the start of my new foundation.''
''What foundation?''
''My home for all the alley cats of Paris.''
Jazz softly plays from the Tv, mixing with the light snores of the team. Some of them had fallen asleep on the couch, some were on the floor. Their weapons are next to them, all it would take is for one of them to hear a small noise to wake up and defend themselves. It didn't matter where or how they were sleeping, what mattered was that they were together. They were safe. You were safe.
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rpgsandbox · 2 years
25 Volcanic City Adventure Seeds
by Robb at readytorole.com
Below the city, magically protected boats cast fireproof nets into the lava to try and catch some of the small creatures that dwell within. Just yesterday a boat capsized dumping the crew into the lava while those on another vessel claimed they saw a large form rise out of the lava and push the boat over.
The magic that keeps the city habitable has been slowly wearing down over time and the citizens are beginning to suffer from the extreme heat. The city is desperately seeking adventurers need to go to plane of fire and harvest some phoenix essence to restore it.
Within the city is a blacksmith renowned for his magmaforged armor using a secret method. In his old age, he has begun a contest to find a suitable apprentice to teach his methods to.
Small fire elementals keep appearing and causing mischief in the city, from burning food to scorching graffiti into the rocks. These have begun getting more serious with people suffering burns and other harm but the fire elementals disappear back into the lava before they can be reprimanded.
The lava levels in the volcano have been lowering steadily over the past few months and some have been afraid that the goddess of fire is upset. The lava has gotten so low that the entrance to a mysterious cave below the lava is now visible.
The chief export of the city, obsidian, has been booming lately as more uses for it have been found. Ogre thugs outside city who also want it are now blocking trade routes unless they get to buy it discounted and before anyone else.
Due to the magic inherent to the volcano, a mage college specializing in teaching pyromancy has opened. Many aspiring spellcasters have come from all over, including some brutish types who are stirring up trouble with the natives.
The three large chains that hold the main platform of the city up and stable are starting to show age and need some repairs. The problem is that if even a single chain is removed to be fixed the city will swing wildly and dump the people into the lava.
The land outside of the volcanic city has been growing greener with time, and this actually has the druids of the magma upset. They are at odds with the other druids who are ushering in this growth and are planning on doing something drastic.
Miners underneath the city accidentally sprung a leak into the lava that is quickly filling the tunnels. It must be rerouted to prevent further damages to the mine, but the only two places it can go are to the forests outside the city or to a grouping of small settlements at the base of the volcano.
Natural and manufactured hot springs have become a go to destination for travelers who are seeking to relieve some stress. Some of those who indulged have begun noticing some side effects, from suddenly being able to cast firebolts to getting hypothermia in anything but the hottest of places.
The clerics of the city maintain a magical lock on a portal to hell that would otherwise let in all sorts of demons and devils. They’ve now caught three magical rogues attempting to break in and undo the lock.
A week ago the lava in the city began slowly rotating underneath the city. Now, it is a whirlpool of flame and sounds of otherworldly screaming can be heard at all hours throughout the city, unsettling the citizens.
A rare fruit that only grows inside volcanoes and within the city is facing a shortage. Its main property of giving those who eat it temporary resistance to fire is a hot commodity as two warring nations vie for the supply to protect from flaming arrows and boulders employed by both sides.
One of the noble families, the Firebloods, have a ritual to prove their bloodline by stepping into lava unharmed. The matriarch was challenged by her daughter to be an imposter in her mother’s place and reluctantly took the challenge, dying upon taking the challenge. Now the main question is, where is the real matriarch?
As a means of protection, the treasury of the city is stored in a lava-proof vault that is magically submerged and hidden in the depths of the volcano. Upon retrieving it to deposit some money, it is discovered that it has been cleaned out entirely and all the of mages used to retrieve it have alibis.
The volcano used to be surrounded by forests, but slowly over time the magic from the city inside the volcano destroyed them. Now a few treants known as the Barkcharred, tainted by the fire magic, roam the forest remains swearing vengeance on all who they come across.
Days after an imprisoned necromancer swore revenge on the city, zombies filled with lava began a slow ascent up the walls of the volcano, spewing the molten rock at the guards who have tried to stop them. It is only a matter of hours before they reach the city.
A gnomish tinkerer has debuted their newest invention: a crossbow-like vessel that spews a spray of lava out of a nozzle. The city’s armory has already placed a large order for these lavaspewers, but the design is still in a dangerous prototype stage likely to blow up.
An embassy for the elementals of the fire plane resides within the city as a place for them to meet with mortals. A heated argument has ensued over the placement of a direct portal within the city with those in the city fearful of what horrors could step through.
The city woke up to find a layer of ice forming over the lava as it darkens and cools down. The mages are frantically trying to find cause and cure for this change, especially as many in the volcano are also becoming ill as a result.
A lava mill transfers lava down a shaft to a pool where it is sold to other cities for moats and other uses. Recently someone has been buying much of it anonymously and reports of lava attacks on small towns has caused the sell of lava to cease until the attacks stop.
Gems known as firestones grow around lava and create a powder that can be used in potions to become immune to flames. The stores of powder are depleting and the seeds that grow into the gems must be harvested from the closed down depth of the mines under the volcano.
The top of the volcano has been sealed for safety after wyverns have been seen attempting to nest there. Now they swoop down at the entrance, ridden by bugbears who demand they reopen the top and allow them to live there or they’ll attack the city.
After days of rumbling, a gargantuan skeletal dragon has climbed out of the lava, breathing fire and speaking in the dragon tongue of taking over the world. He is immediately confused by both the fire resistance that protects the city that renders his breath harmless as well as his inability to fit around the city to get out.
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E sparirò,Dio,non dirle dove sto
Disegno un mostro coi tuoi occhi sul metro
Non mi vedrai mai perché tutto è andato in pezzi
C'ho i graffiti sui palazzi dentro
Graffiti sui pensieri
Graffiti i miei problemi
Graffiti sopra i treni
Piove e sono alla stazione però tu non vieni
Non chiedi,ma pretendi
Mi chiami e poi ti penti
Graffiti che m'hanno imbrattato l'anima,indelebili
-GRAFFITI,Rose Villian feat Bresh
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nonamewhiteee · 2 years
sto treno è infestato da ritardati maranza minorenni (i loro discorsi sui piedi, la puzza di iqos e di deodorante, parole fuoriluogo e totale assenza di rispetto) provo a gestirmi e a rimanere calmo e mi focalizzo sui pochi elementi belli: il sorriso della bambina che saluta con la manina, la melodia dolce della musica che a malapena riesce a coprire le urla di sti microbi, il cielo grigio che sovrasta il verde delle campagne, i graffiti sulle stazioni.
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suicideinthewonderland · 11 months
Mi spiegate il senso di andare in palestra, spaccarvi per 3/4 ore di esercizi vari e poi andare dritti a mangiare da McDonald's..? A sto punto andate da American Graffiti, quantomeno sapete che cazzo mangiate ed è tutto più buono 🥰
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mccek · 2 years
Ho scritto la mia vita in bella senza usare se, ma o forse
Che non esiste un correttore di borse
Che cancelli le botte che ti danno le stronze
Ho perso amici che sto ancora sognando
Cercando di capirne il senso tramite i versi di una canzone (tu)
Tu che per me sei stato eroina e metadone
Siamo uomini a metà, vite archiviate in un faldone
Ed ogni batteria che suona lascia colpi nell'addome
Ho fatto 1000 passi e visto 1000 facce
Lasciato 1000 tracce lanciando 1000 sassi
Fasciandomi le braccia dopo ogni ferita
Scavando e scovando nel muro una via d'uscita
Anche se c'hai il cuore puro devi fare il duro
Disegnare con le mani legate una bozza di futuro
Nascondere i sorrisi dentro i vaffanculo
Quando la tua debolezza rende un altro più sicuro
Prima di lasciarmi andare ho capito che amare
Vuol dire lasciare andare il resto è cartastraccia
Come i giorni che ho lasciato incenerire in questo focolare
E poi un giorno mi ha bussato la vita e mi ha chiesto il conto
Stavo a casa che aspettavo parole per le canzoni
Come il giorno in cui ho messo a lavare i miei pantaloni
E c'ho lasciato dentro il passato e le delusioni
Ed oggi che un tramonto ed un'alba sono sinonimi
Se puoi evita i film in cui vincono sempre i buoni
Sì se puoi esci di casa pure con la pioggia e i tuoni
Perchè più stiamo sul web più ci sentiamo soli
Racconto cronache di vite a metà
Dove la gente dei pensieri che fai cazzo ne sai
Tocca essere guerrieri Masai lasciami stare
Perchè ho perso tutto e vivo in freestyle già da qualche anno fa
Io con la musica mi lavo i vestiti
Perchè nel cuore ho un dolore che non va via come una macchia d'olio
E mentre lei chiede pensi al matrimonio?
Io distratto faccio ancora l'amore con gli spartiti
Il fumo e la paura nei miei occhi ingialliti
Da quel giorno in ospedale nel reparto dei falliti
Il treno sta passando resto fermo a guardare i graffiti
Coi vostri occhi nel cuore scolpiti e cuciti!
L’abc del rap italiano pt.26
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Hi everyone i'm from the devilman fandom and while listening to music i noticed that the song Diavolo by Night Skinny, an italian song, aligned with some of the devilman crybaby themes, this is just my opinion though. Just to clarify i didn't like crybaby but the existence of a song that reminds me of devilman, moreover written in my first language makes me really happy :)
I put in bold the parts that to me fall under the themes of devilman
Also i interpret it from akira's point of view
Here is the lyrics and the traduction in english (I made it myself so it might not be perfect) :
Caro amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò Amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò, oh (ehi) Il diavolo è un infame, fa l'amico Ti sta vicino, non mi fido Ho sempre un Corano nel taschino, parole di Dio Lui mi parla sottovoce Proteggo un fratellino che fa il segno della croce L'energia in periferia non va sprecata nelle droghe Noi abbiamo le forze, sì, per sconvolgere le cose Quando piove Giove, quando è sole cuoce Il tempo qui non passa mai, se passa, è troppo veloce Milano è come una scuola divisa in gruppi E se sappiamo io e te una cosa, la san già tutti (tutti) Skinny sa con chi sto e con chi bazzico Vuole da me del rap perché sa come lo mastico E c'è un tramonto eccezionale, ma io sono al cellulare A controllare le entrate, mia madre vede le uscite Cifre, continuo a sgranare, gli occhi si deve abituare Ho triplicato mio padre, Goddamn Caro amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò Amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò, oh La mia casa di scatole rotte, Milano Senza balcone, senza un soldo bucato C'era la polvere prima di quei trofei Qualche turista finito nel mio quartiere Mi sentivo in un microonde, non nella mia testa Non conosco un volo senza turbolenze Un punto senza un foglio, fai un buco in un ostacolo Figlio di puttana, penso dovresti strisciare Il diavolo, l'orgoglio, andiamo, lo conosci Vuoto e paranoico, allora il diavolo riprovo Due amici per andare avanti Cantan note differenti anche se nella stessa stanza Ho sempre fatto da me per farti un dispetto Niente da perdere, ti aspetto all'inferno Ma non posso più stare da solo Dove sei? Caro amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò Amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò, oh Milano conduce a bollette scadute Mollette cadute sulle magliette sotto la luce Il sole non passa, i palazzi filtrano i raggi Neppure un cuore può scaldarsi fra le impalcature (pah-pah-pah) È il giusto gusto della city, fra', tori impazziti Fiori appassiti, edifici grigi con i graffiti Lei mette pantaloni griffati, ma è un retroscena Gli anni Novanta con tribali sulla schiena, baby Come ti pare, fai quel che vuoi, ma non farmi domande Skinny è con noi che controlla il volante Michael J. Fox, questo diavolo vuole la mia anima in fiamme Caro amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò Amico, ti chiamo, ma non mi rispondi Guardati, guardati, guardati, sembri il diavolo Forse non richiamerò, forse non richiamerò
Dear friend, I call you, but you don’t answer me Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back Man, I call you, but you don’t answer Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back, oh (hey)
The devil is an infamous, he pretends to be your friend He's close to you, I don’t trust him I always have a Koran in my pocket, words of God He speaks to me quietly I protect a little brother who makes the sign of the cross Energy in the suburbs should not be wasted on drugs We have the strength, yes, to upset things When it rains Jupiter, when it’s sunny it's sultry Time here never passes, if it passes, it’s too fast Milan is like a school divided into groups And if you and I know one thing, everyone already knows it too (everyone) Skinny knows who I’m with He wants me to rap 'cause he knows how I chew it And there’s a great sunset, but I’m on my cell phone Checking the income, my mother sees the outflow Numbers, I keep staring, eyes must get used I tripled my father, goddamn
Dear friend, I call you, but you don’t answer me Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back Man, I call you, but you don’t answer Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back, oh
My house of broken boxes, Milan No balcony, no money There was dust before those trophies Some tourist ended up in my neighborhood I felt in a microwave, not in my head I don’t know a flight without turbulence A point without a sheet, make a hole in an obstacle Motherfucker, I think you should crawl The devil, pride, come on, you know Empty and paranoid, then hell I'll try again Two friends to carry on Sing different notes even in the same room
I’ve always done it myself to spite you Nothing to lose, I’ll wait for you in hell But I can’t be alone anymore Where are you?
Dear friend, I call you, but you don’t answer me Look at you, look at you, Dear friend, I call you, but you don’t answer me Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back Man, I call you, but you don’t answer Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back, oh
Milan leads to overdue bills Clothespins fall on t-shirts, under the light The sun does not pass, the buildings filter the rays Not even a heart can warm between scaffolds (Pah-Pah-Pah) It’s the right taste of the city, bro, mad bulls Faded flowers, grey buildings with graffiti She wears designer pants, but it’s a backstory The nineties with tribals on the back, baby
Whatever, do what you want, but don’t ask me questions Skinny is with us controlling the steering wheel Michael J. Fox, this devil wants my soul on fire
Dear friend, I call you, but you don’t answer me Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back Man, I call you, but you don’t answer Look at you, look at you, you look like the devil Maybe I won’t call back, maybe I won’t call back
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fidgetdrawgraff · 2 years
Day 28 ~ Camping
Sto fisso nei miei pensieri ultimamente ed è un viaggio ancora lungo. Spero di vivere una storia
#inktober #inktober2022 #inktober2022camping #ink #illust #digitalillustrations #camping #monochrome #blackandwhite #graffiti
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koufax73 · 4 months
Mattia Faes: la vita dell'artista indipendente è un bel tetris
Graffiti è il nuovo singolo di Mattia Faes, che prosegue la ricerca di un pop contaminato da arie folk e jazz, in equilibrio tra stimoli esterni e pulsioni interiori. Lo abbiamo intervistato. Ciao Mattia, innanzitutto come stai e come sta andando la tua vita recentemente? Ciao!! Sto bene dai, la solita baraonda. La vita dell’artista indipendente è un bel tetris, cerco di farci stare dentro un…
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scentedsharkdragon · 7 months
Classic Flame Logo Graffiti Black Sp5der Tracksuit
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Ignite your style with the Classic Flame Logo Graffiti Black Sp5der Tracksuit. This urban-inspired set is a canvas of self-expression, featuring a dynamic flame logo graffiti print on a sleek black backdrop. Crafted for streetwear enthusiasts, the tracksuit boasts comfort and flair. The Sp5der Clothe logo takes center stage, embodying a rebellious spirit and timeless style. With premium materials ensuring a comfortable fit, this tracksuit is perfect for making a bold statement on the streets or expressing your unique identity. Elevate your urban fashion game with the Classic Flame Logo Graffiti Black Sp5der Tracksuit — a must-have for those who dare to stand out.
Product Specification:
Style: Classic Flame Logo Graffiti Black Sp5der Tracksuit for urban-inspired self-expression
Design: Dynamic flame logo graffiti print on a sleek black backdrop
Purpose: Crafted for streetwear enthusiasts seeking both comfort and flair
Logo: Prominent Sp5der logo embodying a rebellious spirit and timeless style
Material: Premium materials for a comfortable and stylish fit
Statement Piece: Perfect for making a bold statement on the streets or expressing unique identity
Versatility: Suitable for urban fashion enthusiasts who dare to stand out
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pooltilecleaners · 1 year
Get rid of rust, grime, and even graffiti.
Do you want to give your building’s exterior a fresh start? Media blasting will remove dirt, rust, and grime from the surface of outdoor stone, brick, or cement. Pool Tile Cleaning Vegas offers professional media blasting services in Las Vegas & Henderson, NV. We can also remove graffiti from walls, walkways, or other exterior surfaces.
Get in touch with us today for a free estimate on graffiti removal or media blasting services.
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What is media blasting?
Media blasting is a technique used to remove the top layer of a hard surface in order to clean it. When using chemical cleaners doesn’t work, media blasting will give your stained or damaged features new life. Pool Tile Cleaning Vegas uses glass beads in our media blasting equipment to resurface your features.
We can clean any type of exterior surface, such as:
Brick walls
We can remove tough stains, such as oil stains, from the exterior of your property. You can also count on us for effective graffiti removal in Las Vegas, NV.
Pool Tile Cleaning Las Vegas 5777 Palm Street Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-605-6936 https://pooltilecleaningvegas.com
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gattonefabio · 2 years
Buongiorno a Voi sto cercando per motivi di lavoro degli street artists che siano di Milano e che possano eventualmente fare dei lavori su palazzi che normalmente sono devastati dai graffiti. Se qualcuno fosse interessato alla cosa mi dia un segnale!
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massimosirelli · 2 years
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“Zeus”, 2023 Questa è la prima illustrazione di una serie di muri che sto realizzando in alcuni paesi della città metropolitana di Reggio Calabria per celebrare il Cinquantesimo anniversario dal ritrovamento dei Bronzi di Riace. Il tema richiesto è la Magna Grecia, un argomento lontano dal mio linguaggio e la mia poetica, ma ho trovato divertente arrivare ad un punto di congiunzione tra colore, illustrazione e iconografia pop. Qui siamo a Cinquefrondi, ci vediamo presto a Locri, Monasterace e Bivongi. • #massimosirelli #sirelli #zeus #magnagrecia #calabriastreetart #streetartcalabria #graffiti #massimosirelliartist #massimosirelliart #sirellipop #sirelliart #sirelliartist #arte #art #contemporaryart #popart #illustration #walls #calabria #calabriabellissima #graffiticalabria #lamiacalabriaèbellissima (presso Cinquefrondi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnltZp7txRw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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20 ottobre 2022
Stamattina in stazione è arrivato un ragazzo che aveva un mullet fighissimo e pure dei vestiti che avevano un vibe che andava bene coi capelli e la sua faccia. Era come se fosse uscito da un manga o da una webtoon I swear. L’ho quasi fermato per complimentargli il taglio e bho non so dirgli che ha un volto disegnabile. Poi è arrivato il treno e non sono riuscita a dire niente. Probabilmente è più piccolo di me. Poi in stazione all’arrivo è andato dalla parte opposta a me e quindi nada. Se prendo il treno domani allo stesso orario quanto possibilità ci sono che lo ritrovo? Oppure devo tentare stesso orario e stesso giorno della settimana, quindi diventa una missione da next week.
Stamattina con ile abbiamo iniziato subito a lavorare, abbiamo fatto due metashape che però bho hanno dei problemi che dobbiamo capire come aggirare. Poi ci siamo rimesse a disegnare le facciate e quando Daniele si è fatto sentire gli abbiamo detto di portare dei cornetti. Quando poi ci siamo arrese ad aspettarlo e abbiamo iniziato a mangiare una mela è arrivato e scopro che non è un fan del burro di arachidi con le mele perché troppo salato, unbelivable. In mattinata passa pure Maurizio a trovare ile e chiacchieriamo un po’ con lui. Non vuole entrare mai nessuno nell’ auletta, non hanno capito che il banner ‘please do disturb’ appeso alla porta va preso seriamente. Oggi ho anche modificato il banner a rombo che copre il vetro della porta cancellando la scritta di sotto, aggiornando il nome della città di studio e aggiungendo ‘alla tesi piace cambiare’ in un font da graffiti. I’m a genius. Almeno è piaciuto perché è più fai da te rispetto all’essere stampato preciso.
A pranzo abbiamo finito la prima stagione di aot. Quando poi sono scesa a riempire la borraccia alla fontana ho trovato Bobba che parlava con Serena e Leo, incredibile, inimmaginabile, never seen in the last 10 years. Quindi vado ad abbracciare lei e parlare con loro. Non so cosa sia successo tra Leo e il gruppo loro, ci sono state delle liti ma non so il perché o il come. Fatto sta che stavano parlando abbastanza tranquillamente e che poi la sera so che si sono visti, me sono contenta. Leo sembrava un po’ titubante anche nei miei confronti al che ho cercato di fare domande anche a lui e di fare la scema facendo vedere gli orecchini fai da te che avevo indossato e li ho fatti ridere. Spero non pensa che io sappia qualcosa che non devo perché davvero sono fuori dai giri e che non ho ulteriori motivi per parlare con lui se non per il semplice fatto che ho passato un terzo anno fantastico grazie a loro. You’re still the friend I could rap Nicky Minaj with. Poi Bobba dice che sarebbe salita in auletta dopo ma ovviamente se ne è scordata.
Daniele dice che questo weekend va a Roma e io ancora non gli ho girato le credenziali di Netflix ma oggi a fine giornata lo faccio così non me dimentico. Cate mi dice che domani mattina viene da noi a studiare e magari a pranzare insieme, io le dico che sto facendo vedere aot a Daniele e lei ride. Poi le dico il fatto del ragazzo di stamattina e lei tipo fraintende che è una meraviglia. Questa però me la sono andata a cercare. Non ho mai parlato a lei o bobba di ragazzi in generale e appena ha sentito una cosa microscopica dovuta alla mia impulsività di prima mattina si è appesa come un pesce all’esca. Ile quando gliel’ho raccontato l’ha presa a ridere e non ci ha pensato su per niente. Colpa mia. Spero solo riesca a stare in orari compatibili oggi da noi perché voglio che conosce Daniele.
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callmeku · 4 years
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"Ma sai che sei la ragione per cui sto bene finalmente, sto bene finalmente."
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