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fkinlaaance · 1 year ago
Drunk things.
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daringdraconicdeity · 1 year ago
If I wanna be eligible for awards I have to make an entire storyreel before 2am my time tonight and I really do wanna make it but at the same time my fixations are making me feel insane and are all I can think about WHOOPS
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aftereffectsprojects · 2 months ago
Christmas Story&Reels V2 Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Get it here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/christmas-storyreels-v2/55796852
Christmas Story & Reels V2
• Full HD vertical: 1080×1920p • Pre Rendered Scene • No Plugins • All Text Files Editable • Online help is provided • 26 Reels & Story Design • 15 Place holder • 123 Text holder • Very easy customize • Edit with After Effects CS6 + Above
• Project Music is here
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해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화
해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화 보는법 알려드릴게요. 출연진: 세라, 장은비(은비), 세헌 등 몇부작: 47부작
해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 <
위에 가셔서 드라마 보세요!
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��요 및 기본 설정 해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화 2024년에 공개된 숏폼 웹드라마 《해야만 하는 쉐어하우스》는 감정적이고 육체적인 긴장감이 넘치는 현대적 서바이벌 로맨스 드라마로, 이 드라마의 배경은 특이한 쉐어하우스입니다. 이 쉐어하우스는 ‘본능’과 ‘이성’만이 존재하는 공간으로, 출연자들은 각자의 내면 깊숙한 욕망과 사회적 제약 사이에서 갈등을 겪으며 살아가야 합니다. 매일 밤 은밀한 데이트와 선택을 강요당하는 그들, 그리고 그 선택의 끝에는 상금이 걸려 있습니다. 이곳에서 사랑은 단순히 감정의 교차가 아니라 "해야만 하는" 의무가 되며, 그들의 감정선은 점점 얽히고 풀려나갑니다.
《해야만 하는 쉐어하우스》는 비글루(Vigloo)와 스토리릴스(Storyreels) 두 개의 플랫폼을 통해 공개됩니다. 특히 스토리릴스에서 시청할 경우, 비글루에서 볼 수 있는 기본 에피소드보다 11개의 에피소드 + 4개의 메이킹 영상이 추가로 제공되며, 스토리릴스 오리지널 작품으로서 더 많은 콘텐츠와 비하인드 스토리를 즐길 수 있습니다.
드라마의 핵심 줄거리 및 설정 드라마는 성격이 각기 다른 출연자들이 서로 다른 이유로 이 쉐어하우스에 모이게 되는 과정을 그립니다. 참가자들은 각자 상금을 목적으로 이곳에 들어오지만, 그들이 마주하는 것은 단순한 경쟁이 아닙니다. 매일 밤, 그들은 본능과 이성을 시험받는 상황에 놓이게 됩니다. 이곳에서 펼쳐지는 사건들은 단순한 경쟁이나 대립이 아니라 상반된 감정을 가진 두 사람 사이의 사랑과 갈등을 중심으로 이야기가 진행됩니다.
본능과 이성의 충돌 쉐어하우스에 살고 있는 인물들은 자신의 감정을 억제할 수 없는 상황에 처해 있습니다. 그들이 직면하는 문제는 단순히 일상적인 갈등이 아니며, 육체적, 감정적 긴장을 동반하는 상황입니다. 그들의 본능은 상금을 거머쥐기 위한 방식으로 드러나며, 이성은 그들이 감정을 억제하고 선택을 해야만 하는 사회적 압박으로 나타납니다.
매일 밤, 참가자들은 서로 은밀한 데이트를 하거나 어떤 선택을 해야 하며, 그 선택이 상금과 직결됩니다. 그들이 내리는 결정은 단지 ‘사랑’이나 ‘돈’ 중 하나를 선택하는 것이 아니라, 자신의 삶에 중요한 변화를 가져오는 결정을 내리게 만듭니다. 이 드라마에서 중요한 점은 단순히 선택의 문제가 아니라, 그 선택을 통해 자기 자신을 발견하고, 변화할 수 있는 가능성을 내포하고 있다는 점입니다.
해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화 등장인물 및 관계 드라마의 주요 등장인물들은 다양한 배경과 성격을 가진 인물들로 구성됩니다. 각자의 내면적 갈등과 욕망을 가지고 있으며, 그들은 쉐어하우스에서 만나 서로의 본능적인 욕망과 이성적인 생각을 마주하게 됩니다.
주요 인물들 주인공 (A) 주인공은 기본적으로 이성적인 성격을 지닌 인물로, 쉐어하우스에 들어오게 된 이유가 상금 때문입니다. 하지만 그가 일찍이 느꼈던 감정의 억제가, 쉐어하우스에 들어오면서 본능과 충돌하게 됩니다. 주인공은 초반에는 상금에만 집중하지만, 점차 상대방과의 관계에서 사랑을 느끼게 되면서 갈등이 깊어집니다.
주인공의 사랑 상대 (B) 주인공과 갈등을 빚는 사랑의 상대로, 그는 본능적이고 직관적인 성격을 지닌 인물입니다. 처음에는 단순히 상금을 추구하는 데 집중하지만, 드라마가 진행됨에 따라 상대방의 이성적인 면에 끌리게 되고, 결국 감정이 얽히면서 이야기의 중심적인 갈등을 이끌어갑니다.
이성적인 조력자 (C) 주인공과 함께 상금을 차지하려는 동맹으로, 본능보다는 이성에 집중하는 인물입니다. 이 인물은 각종 전략적 판단을 내리며, 드라마 내내 주인공에게 조언을 하기도 하지만, 그 역시 상금을 두고 자신의 욕망에 휘말리게 됩니다.
복잡한 감정을 지닌 참가자 (D) 본능과 이성의 충돌을 가장 극명하게 경험하는 인물로, 이 참가자는 감정과 이성 사이에서 갈등하며 상금을 추구하는 듯 보이지만, 내면의 사랑을 선택하게 되는 순간을 맞이합니다. 그는 주인공과 사랑의 삼각 관계를 형성하면서 갈등을 일으킵니다.
주요 관계 및 갈등 주인공과 사랑 상대는 본능적인 끌림과 이성적인 판단 사이에서 갈등을 겪으며, 서로에게 강한 감정을 느끼지만, 그 감정이 상금이라는 현실적인 조건과 충돌합니다. 이성적인 조력자는 주인공에게 실용적인 조언을 주지만, 결국 본능적인 욕망에 의해 배신당할 수도 있는 위험한 관계를 형성합니다. 참가자들 간의 삼각 관계, 배신, 사랑과 경쟁이 얽히면서 드라마는 점점 더 복잡하고 치열한 감정선으로 발전합니다. 에피소드 및 전개 이 드라마는 숏폼 형식으로 구성되어, 빠르게 전개되며 각 에피소드는 짧지만 강력한 임팩트를 남깁니다. 각 에피소드는 출연자들의 감정선과 선택을 중심으로 이어지며, 본능과 이성을 두고 벌어지는 갈등을 중점적으로 다룹니다. 이 드라마의 주요 특징은 선택의 결과가 곧 그들의 미래를 결정짓는다는 점입니다.
에피소드 예시 첫 번째 데이트 참가자들은 첫 번째 데이트에서 서로 육체적인 끌림을 느끼지만, 상금을 얻기 위한 선택을 해야 하는 순간에 직면합니다. 이 에피소드는 감정과 이성의 충돌을 강하게 드러내며, 각 인물의 욕망과 고민이 부각됩니다.
배신과 충돌 두 명의 참가자가 서로를 배신하며 본능을 따라 선택을 내립니다. 이 배신은 단지 감정적인 충돌이 아니라, 상금을 두고 벌어지는 전략적인 싸움입니다. 이 에피소드는 상금이 모든 관계를 어떻게 변화시킬 수 있는지에 대해 고찰하게 만듭니다.
갈등의 정점 본능과 이성, 사랑과 상금, 이 모든 것이 교차하는 순간이 등장합니다. 각 인물들은 결단의 순간에 도달하고, 그들의 운명을 결정짓는 선택을 해야 합니다.
해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화 드라마의 의미 《해야만 하는 쉐어하우스》는 단순한 로맨스나 서바이벌이 아닙니다. 이 드라마는 인간 본능과 이성의 충돌, 감정의 억제, 그리고 현실적인 선택 사이에서 살아가는 우리의 이야기를 반영합니다. 상금을 두고 벌어지는 감정적, 육체적 갈등은 단순히 경쟁이 아니라, 인간이 경험하는 내면의 갈등을 시청자에게 강하게 전달하며, 보는 이로 하여금 자기 자신을 돌아보게 만듭니다.
해야만 하는 쉐어하우스 ott 무료 보기 1화~47화 이 드라마는 사랑과 욕망, 본능과 이성의 충돌을 중심으로 전개되며, 빠르게 전개되는 숏폼 콘텐츠 형식으로 시청자에게 긴장감 넘치는 경험을 선사할 것입니다.
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niladri123 · 2 years ago
ClickAgencyAI Review - Run an Entire Video Lead Generation Agency!
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What is ClickAgencyAI?
ClickAgencyAI is a full-service artificial intelligence assistant that operates a lead generating agency on your behalf. In this ClickAgencyAI Review, we will go over all its features and benefits to make you understand how effective this tool is to create an automated lead generation agency. So, read this article carefully before you purchase ClickAgencyAI.
Auto-create congruent lead campaigns for customers with A.I. content, pages, videos, graphics, lead magnets auto-submission, and more in a single click. With this first-ever all-in-one AI solution, you can also auto-create, utilize, and sell unique marketing materials.
A.I. will soon produce many millionaires while simultaneously destroying many people. So, how about 'future-proofing' yourself with a done-for-you A.I. video lead marketing agency?
According to HubSpot, the number one issue of most small businesses is lead acquisition. And you'd be providing customers with something they understand and really need right now.
With ClickAgencyAI, an all-in-one A.I. technology, you can now construct totally consistent lead campaigns to sell to customers or utilize in a click.
Just input a keyword and let AI produce whole marketing campaigns or individual materials for you, including A.I. writing, lead pages, leadmagnets, videos, AI pictures, ad auto submission, and more.
Name – Abhi Dwivedi.
He has extensive experience as a web marketer, product designer, and software developer. The vendor's previous successful products include Koincart, AppOwls, Thumbreel advanced, Reputor,  Agencyreel advanced, Storyreel – bronze, Storyreel – diamond, Scriptreel – commercial, Spycom – multi, etc.
Four simple steps to work with ClickAgencyAI:
Type your keyword:
Input a keyword, and ClickagencyA.I. will get to work for you, developing a high-converting lead campaign and beautiful marketing materials.
Preview and personalize your completed campaign:
Finally, go over all of the marketing materials that ClickAgencyAI developed for you. The artificial intelligence assistant develops video lead campaigns and marketing materials for businesses in any area.
If you want, you can customize it:
Using drag-and-drop technology, everything the A.I. makes is completely customizable.
Auto-submit and be paid:
In a single click, submit any lead campaign to Facebook or Adwords ads manager.
ClickAgencyAI Review; Features:
AI video lead generation campaigns for offline and online customers.
AI Agency lead generating campaigns to land clients.
Automatic Adwords and Facebook Ads manager submission.
AI creates high-converting landing pages based on a keyword.
Landing page templates with drag and drop editing.
AI Advertising with a high conversion rate.
DFY AI Ads editing.
AI Picture creation engine - Create images using keywords.
AI copyright persuasion - Including GPT4 video script capability.
VSL and lead video creation.
Cloud lead video editor.
Artificial lead magnets that work.
Add customers, social media, and autoresponders.
Integration of agency client technology.
PPC training.
Quick page load time.
Fully cloud-based
24-7 Support & knowledge-base
Ultra-fast 3 second page loading
Autoresponder & webinar integration
Create individual marketing materials
In-App training
Frequent updates included
Amazing results
Add retargeting & pixel codes
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mohsenshokrtalab · 6 years ago
Third part of story reel بخش سوم استوری ریل #storyboard #storyboarding #storytelling #actionscene #battle #fight #animatin #2danimation #animating #storyreel #mshokrtalab https://www.instagram.com/p/BzIBI93AreR/?igshid=janmms0gjqc4
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StoryReel Review 2022 ⚠️ No Extra Money, Creativity, Or Time Needed, Unlike Other Content Creation Platforms.
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Tap into the billions of viewers with StoryReel. not just on Facebook, but also on Skype, WhatsApp, Instagram, and SnapChat! Each day, billions of people use these platforms to watch, share, and purchase short story videos.
You gain profit. Did we mention that 72% of Instagram users make purchases on the platform exclusively?
Your rivals are engaging in it. 52% of all small businesses use Instagram to post brief narratives that promote their goods, strengthen their brands, and gain customers' confidence. Avoid falling behind.
They are mobile-friendly. Because story videos are tailored for mobile apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and SnapChat, you're reaching and engaging more mobile people than ever. Experts expect that mobile users will spend 65 billion dollars online in 2019.
They are simple to process. The billions of people who are too busy to watch or read long, boring articles are drawn to social narrative videos.
They are distinct from the others. Story videos stand out because they seem completely different from other videos and dull text material.
Scaling them is simple. You can produce dozens of short films every day with the correct tools, generating new levels of traffic, leads, and sales.
StoryReel Profit from trends as they emerge. Produce fast social narrative videos to capitalize on emerging trends in your industry before your rivals.
Feeling of urgency Since most stories automatically expire after 24 hours, individuals are compelled to watch them right away, which increases their attraction.
Less rivals than other marketing strategies. Social tales are for you if you're sick of the SEO slaughter, endless blogging, vlogging, commenting, networking, and spending a fortune on pointless adverts.
👉 Read Full Details Here: StoryReel Review
👉 Check Out These GEMS To Boost Business 10X Bigger And Faster!
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cool-wilson-david · 2 years ago
StoryReel Premium by Abhi Dwivedi Review
StoryReel Premium by Abhi Dwivedi Review
StoryReel Premium by Abhi Dwivedi – If You’re Looking For A Fast Way To Rake In Traffic And Buyers For You Or Your Clients, Then These Simple Social Story Videos Are Fast Becoming The #1 Way To Grab Attention StoryReel Premium by Abhi Dwivedi. If you’re looking for a fast way to rake in traffic and buyers for you or your clients, then these simple social story videos are fast becoming the #1 way…
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View On WordPress
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reviewskingdom · 2 years ago
StoryReel review
What is StoryReel In A Nutshell?
StoryReel allows you produce gorgeous looking animated internet and also video clip upright tales for your social-media and Google using 100s of easy-to-edit layouts, on the cloud.
Developing vertical stories in kind of videos as well as AMP web for publishing on your own websites/domain as well as your social-media has never been this very easy. All you need to do is choose from over 175 (100 on FE and also 75 more on OTO1) totally adjustable vertical tales layouts with animation, text, photos, background, and much more, as well as quickly modify them as you like on the cloud.
Utilize our instinctive upright stories editor to conveniently personalize, add your logo, shade, message and also include that WOW-factor to your internet and video clip stories, preview them as well as quickly develop and release them by yourself websites, domain names, our domain names or any type of social media sites website.
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scotti-art · 7 years ago
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But what design to choose...? #2danimation #madeatvanarts #storyreel
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artofrhues · 7 years ago
~ Story Reel ~
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micharogers · 6 years ago
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StoryReel Review Discount And Bonus
StoryReel Testimonial - Are you searching for even more expertise regarding StoryReel? Please review my straightforward evaluation regarding it prior to selecting, to evaluate the weak points as well as staminas of it. Can it deserve your effort and time as well as cash?
How to Stick out with 12 Complimentary Instagram Stories Templates (Part 1)
If you desire your Instagram Stories to Stand apart after that utilize Instagram Stories Templates! In this blog post we share 12 innovative methods to utilize Instagram Stories Templates AND ALSO 12 totally free themes to get you started!
Creating Instagram Stories in the moment is great, however occasionally you intend to prepare your content ahead and also think of it a little! Instagram Stories Templates help you to storyboard your tale, stand out, as well as bring in even more views as well as engagement.
Fortunate for you, our design wizards at Easil have introduced a collection of solitary and multi-image Instagram stories templates to help you present an engaging tale. From Fan Image Friday to Top 5 to Instagram StoryReel Takeovers, our 12 super-handy web links to each individual layout will help you produce remarkable tales!
Just how to Utilize the Instagram Stories Templates
Register for a complimentary Easil 30-day test account. Log right into your account.
Click the picture for the template you desire to use in the article below or go here to see our complete listing of design templates.
Once the layout is open, click on the aspects you want to transform, such as heading, inscriptions, message, image/photo or shades.
Click "Download" to download your ended up template. Send out to your phone by means of Dropbox or Email.
Post the picture or images in order into Instagram Stories, include stickers, tags and message ... then upload your tale and start involving!
12 Magnificent Instagram Stories Templates to Use Today!
1. Top Tips
Instagram Stories that disclose a "Top 5 ″ or "Leading 10" listing can be very popular as well as encourage us to click via to disclose more web content.
Free "Leading Tips" Instagram Stories Theme (CLICK THE PHOTO TO START CREATING).
This layout is ideal for showcasing your expert authority on any topic while offering enormous value to your fans. An Instagram story that showcases "ideas" encourages your fans to click with for even more of the tale, building affinity with your brand. Locate much more "Top Tips" StoryReel Templates below.
Tips for Using the Instagram Stories Layouts (Top Tips):
This sort of theme is excellent for:.
A tourist driver sharing Leading 5 Areas for traveling or experiences.
A business owner offering 5 service suggestions.
A wellness firm sharing 5 Tips for Maintaining healthy during winter.
A food Instagrammer sharing 5 ingredients, or 5 dishes or 5 means to make a an amazing smoothie mix ... and so on.
Don't forget to tag other users and use hashtag stickers in addition to location sticker labels-- your material will certainly be seen by more followers when you do.
Utilize a mix of video and photos in your suggestions. Some tips will certainly offer themselves to an easy image with message overlay. Others will call for more explanation, so video clip is a much better choice.
As you can see there are limitless chances for doing this as well as you can use 3, 5, 7, 10 pointers-- it depends on you.
StoryReel Testimonial & Review
Designer: Abhi Dwivedi
Product: StoryReel
Introduce Date: 2019-Mar-18
Introduce Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47
Sales Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/storyreel-review/
Particular niche: Video
What Is StoryReel?
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StoryReel Develops magnificent looking Stories Videos by merely selecting & editing from 100s of lovely & proven video themes in multiple specific niches. Select > > Edit > > Develop - It's that straightforward!
" Stories" are incredibly popular. It's like aesthetic twitter, providing users the capability to show what they're doing right now using photos and also videos, therefore they are so popular as well as various other viewers/followers watch them with 10X more interest. This is exactly why advertisements run as tales connect a lot better to individuals, increasing CTR as well as ROI.
Stories style upright video clips likewise help you stand out in the ever-crowded normal video as well as content complete timeline, leading to more views and also more interaction.
Stories are very popular but just a handful online marketers are utilizing them. The key reason being that these stories aren't very easy to develop as well as not every comprehend the sort of attention-span visitors have when watch somebody's tale.
PLUS it's technical, time taking, calls for being extremely imaginative and what not to create a marketing or an advertisement story-style video clip. Not everybody can do that.
" What they want, is the capability to conveniently produce tales design vertical videos for their advertising, for their marketing campaign or just to share their messages throughout on social networks, without investing hours or hundreds of bucks creating them!"
Stories design videos are popular & StoryReel allows you leverage these videos to obtain more traffic, involvement & sales!
Concerning Writer
If you don't know me, I've been an online marketing professional and also software program designer for over 13 years currently, with several six number item launches and also webinar coupons, numerous successful YouTube channels in addition to all the various other great points me as well as my group does. In the previous few years I've had more than 30 Ideal Seller software with 10,000 s users actively making use of and taking advantage of our plugins, desktop computer apps and web applications.
My product provide real life results, they convert for our partners and our assistance team is 24/7 available to assist our individuals attain more.
StoryReel Features & Conveniences
Industrial Usage Certificate Included
Produce Stunning Looking Stories Upright Video Clips Utilizing 100s of Templates
Easy to Edit Vertical Video Templates
Pick from 100s of Video Clip Templates to Modify from tons of particular niches
Each Template is 100% Customizable & Can Be Utilized for Any Niche
Accessibility to 50,000+ Photos in ImageLibrary
Access to 10,000+ Video-Clips in VideoLibrary
Access to 100s of Fonts
Accessibility to 1,000+ History Music in MusicLibrary
Upload your very own Photos, Video Clips or Music/ VoiceOvers
Text-To-Speech Features with lots of languages & accents
Produce Longer Video Clips-- Use Loophole Attribute to Create Longer Video Clips
Use ReelMerge Attribute to Sign Up With Several Video Clips right into One (Longer Videos)
Add "Swipe Up" Computer animation on all videos.
One-Click Release on Facebook Pages, Groups and Accounts
One-Click Publish on Instagram Profiles & Twitter
Develop years worth of videos for all social media websites
Attach up to 500 Accounts on FE & Unlimited on PRO version.
Publish approximately 500 Video clips daily on FE & Unlimited video clips daily on PRO variation
Render in 720p or 1080p Top Quality
Export video as a computer animated GIF
Download and install video to your own computer system
Develop or Edit any kind of video clip templates, as many times as you desire
All your own Call-To-Actions, Links to your deal web pages & more
No month-to-month or configuration cost unlike various other devices like Barrier & TweetDesk
Develop & publish Stories Style Videos or your customers & make money
Comprehensive & Easy To Follow Video & PDF Tutorials
GDPR Compliant Application
24/7 Dedicated Support
Unique Release Week Deal-- Costs mosts likely to $67/monthly in a week
Novice Friendly-- Extremely easy to make use of interface
No demand to connect ANY paid API
Link Facebook Accounts In 1-Click.
No need to create any Application.
Create & Release customized Stories Video clip for your fans
100% Control over every little thing.
Grow your fanpages, Instagram profiles and twitter making use of pattern disrupting videos.
Include 1000s of brand-new fans everyday with viral share-worthy involving videos that are simple to watch on mobile also.
Cloud Based. Absolutely nothing to download and install.
100% Whitehat and also authorized software program.
Established & Evergreen product with normal updates
StoryReel comes with SyVID assimilation also. This means you can effortlessly press your translated video right into your SyVID account as well as start sharing them on 8 various video websites and 15 different social media networks to obtain even more viral website traffic, leads as well as sales.
StoryReel includes LIVEreel integration, giving you the capability to seamlessly push your converted video clips into your LIVEreel account as well as use them
That's exactly what StoryReel does for them.
With the ever-growing reach and fostering of tales design video clip material throughout the social media, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, WhatsApp & even Skype, it's VERY vital to create videos that people want to view and engage with.
StoryReel makes it extremely simple for any individual with no technical or innovative knowledge to create amazing magnificent vertical videos for tale advertising and marketing and also to attract attention.
his is an easy to make use of cloud "story" style upright video development application for marketing professionals, so they can utilize the amazing pattern of Stories and use them for promotions and in their advertisements.
StoryReel basically assists users create brief as well as long computer animated upright Story-Style videos making use of 100s of tested video themes. And also it also helps your customers reach out as well as connect with mobile customers as well.
Price & Evaluation
UPSELL # 1: Themes Club Upgrade $97/year
Themes club is the ideal upgrade for any individual intending to do more with StoryReel and stand apart with new regular monthly templates:
100 New Stunning Video Clip Templates
10 New Templates Month-to-month
New Niches Included
Faster Making With New Templates
2-Step Editing
Novice Friendly Templates
Everything on the cloud - Absolutely nothing to set up
New Templates Included Each Month Immediately
Ask For Certain Template Layouts
Vacation & Season Templates Included
UPSELL # 2: StoryReel PRO$ 67
This is the effective StoryReel upgrade with specialist and also advancement functions to help your clients do even more as well as make more loan using StoryReel.
EFFECTIVE Auto-Video Maker
Develop 100s of Videos Automatically
Say Goodbye To Developing Video Clips Manually
Company License Includes
Sub-User Account
Virtual Aid Account
Release Unlimited Videos Every Day
Link Unlimited Facebook Accounts
Share on Instagram by means of Dropbox
Share on SnapChat through Dropbox
Outsourcers & Developers Certificate
Beginner Friendly & Easy to Use
Every little thing Cloud-Based. Usage from anywhere
ReadyMade Company Website with Paypal Checkout
Video Web Traffic Generation Training
UPSELL # 3: StoryReel Moneysites DFY pack $197
These prepare made offers internet site as well as pages that individuals can right away begin promoting using video clips and also stories to make a persisting payments, without having to do anything. This is a plug-n-play system making it easier for any person to start using their video advertising to make money.
The MoneySites DFY Pack will consist of accessibility to over 50 Done-for-Your site with individuals affiliate link ingrained plus over 100 prefabricated particular niche funnels they can make use of for lead generation.
UPSELL # 4: InstaPublisher - Business Certificate $67
This effective application automated Instagram and also other social media content curation and publishing to produce substantial quantity of free traffic without lifting a finger.
Message Unlimited Material On Instagram
Discover & Use Hottest Hashtags
Find Trending Images & Publish on Instagram
Set-n-Forget System
Release 100s of New Images Daily on Instagram
Include Customized Titles for blog posts
Title Spinning
Obtain lots of fans making use of Trending HashTags
Totally Automated Instagram Advertising And Marketing Application
Cloud Based - Absolutely Nothing to Set up
Novice Friendly - Easy 3 Step System
Annual Updates & Assistance
UPSELL # 5: VidOptimizeNeos-- Company Certificate$67
This is a powerful very easy to make use of video clip optimization and ranking software program that allows you duplicate the success of existing videos and instantly utilize the same optimization on your video clips to begin ranking # 1 on YouTube and also Google for even the hardest keyword phrase as well as specific niches. Works for all languages and countries.
"It's A Large amount. Should I Invest Today?"
Not just are you obtaining accessibility to StoryReel for the best rate ever before offered, however additionally You're spending completely without risk. StoryReel include a 30-day Refund Guarantee Plan. When you pick StoryReel, your contentment is guaranteed. If you are not entirely satisfied with it for any reason within the initial one month, you're qualified to a complete reimbursement-- no doubt asked. You have actually obtained nothing to lose! What Are You Waiting on? Attempt It today and get The Adhering to Benefit Currently!
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sommerfelds · 4 years ago
          ❛   actually, I’m not sure why it’s any of  your  business.   ❜       shoshana’s sharp eyes survey him critically, flicking up and down just once before her lips draw together in an irritated frown.  she doesn’t have time for this.  she’s a journalist, not a  ...   whatever   he thinks she is, and he’s a baker, not a detective.   ❛   never mind that I’m not sure why a  piemaker  has any business sniffing around my office or any investigation at all  -  but that’s not my business!  just as mine isn’t   yours.   now, move.  you’re blocking the door.   ❜       //       @storyreels.  sc.
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mohsenshokrtalab · 6 years ago
1th Part of a story reel I have worked for a game trailer and I will post the rest of it in my future posts. بخش اول استوری ریلی که برای یک تریلر گیم کار کردم، مابقی بخش ها رو هم به ترتیب می ذارم. #storyreel #storyboards #tvpaint #gametrailers #animation #2danimate #animator #fightscene #mshokrtalab #2danimation #storytelling #storyteller https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDxX1_gLlK/?igshid=gehvv1pmncfc
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folklohre · 4 years ago
i will keep you, & i will keep you warm.
                                     [ 𝙸𝙽𝙱𝙾𝚇 ] :   from @storyreels​’s jamie.
                         raindrops crash against a rooftop,      wind creating creaks in wooden walls and tree branches gracing against windows.      before,   dani would have been scared.      each sound would have been an alarm,   a threat,   a warning of what’s to come.      but in this moment she is  not  a woman haunted within the depths of her own mind.
                                        [  she is just a woman,  ]                𝚆𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙰𝙵𝙴𝚃𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁'𝚂 𝙰𝚁𝙼𝚂.
even on a fall night,   jamie is warm,   but the cold storm ravaging outside their safe haven of a home sends a figure through dani’s figure,   even as it is curled up against jamie’s.      goosebumps stand on her bare arms.          ❛     i’m cold.     ❜
             “     𝘐 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘒𝘌𝘌𝘗 𝘠𝘖𝘜, 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙄 𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙆𝙀𝙀𝙋 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙈.     ”
Tumblr media
                         ❛     i appreciate that,   but  even your body heat  isn’t enough to keep all of me warm,   and i’d rather not wake up with frostbite on my toes when the morning comes.     ❜          her voice is teasing,   pink mouth just barely turned up at the corners,   but her eyes   [ one blue,   one brown     –     they love the gardener just the same ]   are filled with a sense of tenderness reserved only for her.          ❛     i’m just getting a blanket from the living room.     ❜          still she sees the doubt in jamie’s eyes,   the way her body has tensed,   ready to spring to her feet to follow the governess,   to stop her from leaving,   from slipping away.      some days this sight would tear at her heart and fill her veins with guilt,   but not tonight.      instead her heart fills with love,   and she is back at bly manor,   infatuated   &   awkward,   desperate to be near but unsure if her feet can carry her close enough.      tonight her feet carry her close enough,   all the way to the gardener’s side of the bed.      dani is smiling now,   hand reaching up to brush a stray curl out of jamie’s face.      she leans in,   the intention is to only press a quick kiss to her lips but she lingers longer instead.
                         ❛     i’ll be right back     .    .    .      i promise.     ❜
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