#story © idyllic-ghost
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→ Kim Sunwoo x Leitora
→ Palavras: 2K
→ Sinopse: você passa um dia normal com seu namorado secreto e particular, sunwoo, e acaba se lembrndo de todos os bons momentos que passaram juntos.
AVISOS: contém fluffy, relacionamento estabelecido, relacionamento secreto.
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📌 história original (eng) aqui 𖹭
© all rights reserved by @idyllic-ghost
© tradução (pt/br) by @wolvesland
Arrepios se espalharam por seus braços quando você começou a acordar. Tentou se enfiar de novo debaixo das cobertas sem abrir os olhos, mas acabou cedendo. Quando o fez, virou-se para tentar encontrar seu namorado. Ele havia passado a noite e você esperava que ele estivesse ao seu lado agora, só que ele não estava. Seu lado habitual da cama estava vazio. Em vez de Sunwoo, havia um ursinho de pelúcia. Seu pelo estava gasto, mas os olhos de botão ainda brilhavam. O ursinho estava bem enfiado debaixo das cobertas, e você sorriu ao vê-lo.
Fazia cerca de um ano que você havia ganhado aquele ursinho de pelúcia. Sunwoo o ganhou para você em um parque de diversões e você o guarda desde então. Você pegou o urso e o segurou nas mãos, passando o polegar no pelo e lembrando-se do dia em que o ganhou e de como o batizou.
Caminhando pela estrada, longe da feira, vocês dois estavam observando o pôr do sol no limite do horizonte. Em suas mãos estava o ursinho de pelúcia, e vocês estavam brincando com as patas dele.
— Mais uma vez, obrigado. – Você diz com um pequeno sorriso. — Não era preciso.
— Eu queria. – Sunwoo deu de ombros e enfiou as mãos nos bolsos do casaco. — Você já deu um nome a ele?
— Hum... – Você observou o urso cuidadosamente. — Vou chamá-lo de Sunwoo.
— Então você está me substituindo? – Ele ofegou e fingiu estar ofendido.
Você deu uma risadinha e passou o braço pelo dele. Sunwoo olhou em volta, mas relaxou rapidamente quando percebeu que não havia ninguém por perto. Ele se inclinou em sua direção e deu um beijo casto em sua têmpora.
— Não estou substituindo você. – Você explicou. — Ele ficará comigo quando você não puder.
Ele olhou para você com um leve beicinho que se transformou em um sorriso e puxou você um pouco mais para perto.
"Você é tão bonitinha." – Ele pensou.
Você colocou o ursinho de volta na cama e puxou as cobertas sobre ele, assim como Sunwoo havia feito. Com a súbita necessidade de tomar café da manhã, vestiu mais algumas roupas e foi até a cozinha. Lá estava ele, resmungando a letra da música que estava tocando, você não estava realmente prestando atenção.
— Bom dia. – Você sorriu e se inclinou no balcão ao lado dele. — Gostei do ursinho de pelúcia coberto.
— Achei que você ia gostar. – Ele murmurou e pegou um bule de café que tinha acabado de fazer.
Você cantarolou e pegou uma caneca para si mesmo. Sunwoo serviu-lhe um pouco de café e você segurou a xícara para aquecer as mãos. Vocês dois geralmente tomavam café gelado, mas era um incômodo prepará-lo pela manhã. Sunwoo envolveu você com um braço e deu um beijo em sua bochecha.
— Você está muito atrevido hoje? – Você riu.
Sunwoo apontou para a bochecha dele e se inclinou em sua direção, você revirou os olhos antes de depositar um beijo na bochecha dele também. Você soltou a caneca com uma das mãos para tirar alguns fios de cabelo do rosto dele. Ele lhe deu um sorriso de amor e apontou para os lábios antes de fazer um leve beicinho. Você acariciou a bochecha dele e o aproximou para um beijo. Foi curto e doce, apenas o suficiente para esta manhã. Quando você se afastou, Sunwoo tentou puxá-la novamente, mas você colocou a mão no peito dele para impedi-lo.
— Preciso me arrumar. – Você explicou enquanto ele fazia beicinho. — E você também, sabe?
— Quer se encontrar com a gente depois que terminar o dia? – Ele perguntou. — Podemos ir àquela lanchonete de novo.
— Eu adoraria. – Você suspirou. — Mas não tenho tempo hoje.
— Mas você não prefere tomar um café gelado comigo em vez de fazer uma papelada chata? – Ele sugeriu e arqueou as sobrancelhas.
— Você teve uma ideia muito boa. – Você lamentou. — Mas não posso.
Sunwoo finalmente concordou e vocês dois começaram a preparar o café da manhã juntos. Como de costume, depois de dormirem na casa um do outro, vocês tomavam o café da manhã juntos, se arrumavam e começavam a caminhar até o metrô.
Vocês dois caminhavam com um bom espaço entre si. Você amava Sunwoo e ele amava você, mas nenhum de vocês queria contar ao mundo sobre sua vida amorosa, muito menos a seus amigos. Para o resto do mundo, vocês dois eram apenas bons amigos. Claro, as pessoas já haviam especulado e brincado antes, mas você sempre negou. Nenhum de vocês havia falado em revelar seu grande segredo, embora já estivessem namorando há alguns meses. Você olhou para Sunwoo, ele percebeu, olhou de volta para você e sorriu.
— O que está acontecendo? – Ele perguntou.
— Nada. – Você balançou a cabeça, afastando os pensamentos que estava começando a ter.
Quando vocês dois chegaram ao metrô, começaram a andar um pouco mais perto. A estação estava cheia, como sempre, e vocês não queriam se perder um do outro. Em meio à multidão de pessoas, Sunwoo colocou sorrateiramente a mão no bolso da sua jaqueta, entrelaçando os dedos com os seus. Você olhou para ele com um sorriso conhecedor, mas ele fingiu não notar.
O trem demorou apenas alguns minutos para chegar. Não havia assentos disponíveis, então você teve que ficar em pé. Sunwoo deixou que você ficasse mais perto da parede, enquanto ele ficava na sua frente como um escudo contra o resto das pessoas. Suas mãos seguraram o poste, a dele sobre a sua, mas o dedo mindinho dele começou a se perder. Sunwoo começou a mover lentamente a mão para cobrir a sua, ele não olhava para você, mas seu sorriso aumentava a cada segundo. No entanto, sua parada era a próxima, e logo ele teria que descer do trem. Sunwoo finalmente olhou para você, dizendo um "adeus" antes de sair do trem.
No meio do dia, logo após a hora do almoço, você recebeu uma mensagem de texto de ninguém menos que Sunwoo. O dia tinha sido entediante até agora, mas agora você estava correndo para o banheiro com uma sensação de alegria no estômago. Você não tinha permissão para olhar o celular se não estivesse em um intervalo, mas se ninguém soubesse que você estava lá, como poderia ter problemas com o seu chefe?
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: sinto sua falta.
Anexadas à mensagem estavam duas fotos; duas selfies no espelho com poses fofas. Você teve que se conter para não gritar no banheiro.
você: eu não prestei atenção suficiente em você hoje de manhã?
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: você gostou das fotos?
Você revirou os olhos ao ler o texto. Era muito típico dele agir de forma inocente. Isso tornava ainda pior o fato de as pessoas não saberem do seu relacionamento. Sempre que ele a provocava e depois se mostrava inocente em público, você não podia nem reclamar. Diante disso, você desenvolveu uma técnica perfeita para fazer com que ele se arrependesse de suas ações. O provocando de volta.
você: que fotos?
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: elas não enviaram?
você: eu não sei, querido.
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: você está brincando comigo?
você: e por que eu faria isso?
sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: s/n
você: o que?
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: você não vai me elogiar nem um pouco?
você: tudo bem... você é muito bonito, querido, mas, por favor, não me interrompa no trabalho.
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: por que não? você gosta.
você: principalmente porque concordamos que não faríamos isso.
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: eu sou um quebrador de regras, baby.
você: espere até eu sair do trabalho, por favor?
sunwoo(✿˶'◡˘)♡: tudo bem.
Depois de desligar o telefone, você voltou para a sua mesa. Vocês dois haviam concordado em não incomodar um ao outro no trabalho, isso fazia parte do acordo de vocês. Para não ter que ir a público, você não queria arriscar que as pessoas descobrissem acidentalmente no trabalho. Ou seja, nada de telefonemas, visitas e até mesmo mensagens de texto, a menos que houvesse uma emergência. Vocês dois conheciam a agenda um do outro, então sabiam quando podiam, ou não enviar mensagens de texto. Isso era algo que vocês haviam discutido quando o relacionamento começou a ficar sério.
— Nós deveríamos conversar. – Murmurou Sunwoo contra seu cabelo.
Você estava deitada em cima dele, com as cobertas enroladas em vocês dois. Uma das mãos dele estava em suas costas, desenhando círculos suaves em sua pele com os dedos. O quarto estava escuro. Era de manhã cedo, mas as persianas estavam fechadas para manter o sol afastado.
— Sobre o quê? – Você murmurou, praticamente ainda dormindo.
— Nós... O que é isso. – Ele respirou fundo. — O que queremos fazer com isso.
Você se moveu e conseguiu se levantar para se apoiar nos cotovelos. Ele olhou para você, com um olhar ligeiramente suplicante. Você percebeu que ele sabia o que queria.
— O que você quer que seja? – Você perguntou.
— Eu não quero fazer nada que faça você se sentir desconfortável. – Ele acariciou seus braços gentilmente. — Mas gosto muito de você e não me importaria se fôssemos algo mais do que somos agora.
Você se inclinou e o beijou suavemente, ele sorriu contra seus lábios. Foi uma promessa silenciosa. Embora vocês tivessem que conversar sobre isso, era bom saber que estavam na mesma página.
No final do dia, quando já havia escurecido e as luzes da rua estavam acesas, você chegou em casa. Tirou os sapatos e acendeu as luzes. Com passos cansados, caminhou em direção à sala de jantar para se recostar em uma das cadeiras, como normalmente fazia. No entanto, quando olhou para a mesa de jantar, notou um pedaço de papel lá. Uma carta com um pequeno coração vermelho desenhado nela. Você a abriu imediatamente e tirou o bilhete.
"Gostaria de poder estar com você todas as noites, mas mesmo que não possa, quero que você pense em mim. Este bilhete é um lembrete do meu amor por você <3 Sonhe comigo.
XOXO - Sunwoo"
As letras foram rabiscadas rapidamente, mas cada palavra ainda era linda. Você pegou seu celular e tirou uma selfie com o bilhete ao lado do seu rosto. Em sua mensagem, você escreveu:
"Obrigado pelo bilhete, Sunwoo! É melhor você sonhar comigo também."
E rapidamente o enviou. Por um momento, você deixou o celular de lado para trocar de roupa, mas algo parecia errado. Em questão de segundos, você recebeu uma mensagem. Era de um de seus amigos mais próximos e dizia:
"Hummm... acho que você enviou isso para a pessoa errada?"
Com um emoji de confusão. Seus olhos se arregalaram quando você percebeu que havia enviado a foto para seu amigo em vez de para Sunwoo. Você fez a primeira coisa que lhe veio à cabeça. Ligou para Sunwoo.
— Oi, querida, você está em casa? Recebeu meu bilhete? – Ele respondeu.
— Talvez eu tenha feito uma besteira. – Você admitiu imediatamente. — Recebi o bilhete, que aliás, era muito gentil, e depois ia lhe enviar uma foto, mas consegui enviá-la para a pessoa errada!
— O que?
Vocês dois começaram a se assustar juntos, tentando descobrir o que fazer em seguida. Mas depois de algum tempo, vocês dois começaram a receber muitas mensagens de texto, todas perguntando se vocês estavam namorando. Seu amigo obviamente havia espalhado a notícia. Vocês estavam condenados.
— Sinto muito, Sunwoo. – Você choramingou. — Tudo isso é culpa minha.
— Talvez seja uma coisa boa. – Ele murmurou.
— Uma coisa boa? Você quer que eles saibam?
— Eu não me importaria. – Disse ele com cuidado. — Quero dizer, se você não se importar, eu não me importo. Acho que pode ser bom não ter que me esconder mais.
— Tem certeza? – Você quase sussurrou.
— Tenho certeza. – Disse ele, como se pudesse ler sua mente, acrescentou. — Quer que eu vá até aí?
— Por favor? – Você soltou uma risada nervosa.
— Já estou indo. – Respondeu ele. — Está esperando por mim?
#⠀⠀𖹭 ⠀⠀⎯⎯⠀⠀⠀*⠀⠀𝗇𝖾𝗐⠀⠀𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗅.⠀⠀💌#story © idyllic-ghost#tradução © wolvesland#mood © kistearis#dividers © cafekitsune#the boyz pt br#sunwoo#sunwoo imagines#sunwoo fluffy#sunwoo cenários#sunwoo au#sunwoo fanfic#sunwoo x leitora
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Neural Networks | l.s.m
Summary: The Escape allowed Dokyeom to gain a new life, one full of feelings. When he meets you when you save him, he experiences all of them - but did you? Strange things start happening once Dokyeom meets you. You embrace him, love him, and protect him. But when the dust from the chaos settles, Dokyeom can't help but doubt you. You have needs different from his. It's almost as if you're not like him at all. ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut | ☁︎ angst | ♥ completed works Word Count: 9165 words Pairings: AI/Robot!Lee Seokmin x Cyborg!Female Reader Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Sci-Fi AU! Content Warnings: Main character death, torture (nothing graphic but mentions), fighting, mentions of injuries, arguing, yelling, talks of betrayal, lots of deception and betrayal. Heavy angst, very mild fluff. Alternate universes. Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex? But they are bots, so idk, oral sex (m & f receiving), and multiple orgasms. Water sex. Kissing. Authors Note 1: Here it is my fic for the Seventeen sci-fi fic collab hosted by the wonderful @idyllic-ghost, check out all the other amazing fics here, this is my first time writing something in this genre, like it's a whole new world. So I hope y'all enjoy. ❤️ Authors Note 2: Thank you so much to the following @savventeen, @strawberryya @the-boy-meets-evil @idyllic-ghost @here4kpopfics @onlymingyus for listening to me go on and on about this and being so patient about this entire story. ❤️ Authors Note 3: Extra special thank you to @idyllic-ghost for being so patient and kind and wonderful, giving me so many hits and tips and ideas with this fic, you've been so lovely and wonderful and I adore you dearly ❤️. Thank you also to @here4kpopfics for beta'ing this fic for me, ilysm my soulmate. ❤️ © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
“100 years ago, it was thought that the Earth, as we know it, would disintegrate. That the sun would implode and leave everything in darkness. Miraculously, it didn’t. Due to some external force, human scientists still haven’t agreed upon what it exactly was. None of the planets in our former solar system was ever destroyed. The Earth and the other planets were pushed away from each other and ended up in different parts of the universe. Earth just happened to come to a solar system with alien life. At first, we were cautious, and people were prepared to fight. However, the aliens were welcoming to our planet. Those who didn’t die from ‘The Great Journey’ or from trying to fight the aliens were welcomed into the new solar system. Soon enough, we had integrated completely, and we received materials and assistance from our sister planets in exchange for human labour. What humans knew of technology was very limited, but with the resources of the aliens, we created artificial life forms. We named these robots Automaton, and they served as workers when humans couldn’t. Eventually, there was no need for human labour at all. To pay back for the help the aliens gave us, we used Automatons. With the extensive development of these robots, we eventually managed to create artificial sentient life. These Automatons were human-like in looks and had human consciousness, but they could not bleed and were stronger than we ever could be. At present, there are even different levels of Automatons. Level 3 robots are the workers, level 2 robots are the caretakers, and level 1 robots are the celebrities. The Automaton music group 53V3NT33N (SEVENTEEN) comprises 13 members, all very talented, and all representing two human states of mind.”
Dokyeom ran as fast as his legs would allow him. He had long legs, which often aided him when trying to run, but tonight? The escape tested his stamina and strength, and he was failing. He was close to escaping; he just had a couple more steps, but a tug on his leg stopped him.
Dokeyom sighed. He didn’t want to help. He knew he would have to move to make it out. Now, this individual was going to hinder him.
“Please,” the voice spoke again, and Dokyeom let out a pained sigh as he kneeled to help the injured being.
“What happened?” Dokyeom asked, and a pained expression greeted him; you welcomed him.
“I fell, and it’s bad, and I can’t get up. If I can’t escape, they’ll kill me!” You cried out, and Dokyeom let out a breath. You weren’t his problem, but if Dokyeom left you, you’d die alone here.
Dokyeom, deep down, wanted to help. Something told him that he was kind before everything. Dokyeom often had dreams that told him he was kind, loving, warm, and always had a big smile instead of the permanent scowl he wears nowadays. He wasn’t too sure if the dream meant anything, but sometimes he wondered if that dream was ever once his reality. His memories were always fuzzy, but this dream was always a constant. He recalls being told he was sunshine, and something about your pain triggered that faint memory for him.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up and run for it. No funny business, or I’ll let you go and let you be killed, understood?” Dokyeom warned.
Dokyeom took a deep breath before leaning forward, picking you up, and throwing you onto his shoulder. “Hold tight; don’t let go until we escape,” Dokyeom instructed. You mumbled a ‘yes,’ and that’s all it took for Dokyeom to start running.
Dokyeom wasn’t sure how long he was running for; all he knew was that he ran as fast as his legs allowed him, and now that he had you to take care of as well, he had to run faster than ever.
“Ow!” You yelped when Dokyeom dropped you on the ground suddenly.
“I just saved your life. I think you can handle being dropped on your ass,” Dokyeom sassed.
“Wait, we escaped?” You asked, sitting up and looking around. “Where are we?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but we’re safe for now,” Dokyeom answered as he sat beside you.
“What’s your name?” You asked.
“Dokyeom, what about you?” He asked.
“Uh, um, Y/N,” you mumbled.
“Why’d you hesitate?” Dokyeom questioned, eyeing you suspiciously.
“I’m tired from the escape,” you lied, and Dokyeom scoffed.
“I carried you the entire way, and you’re tired?” Dokyeom hissed.
“Thank you for carrying me,” you answered sheepishly.
“Why don’t you rest for a bit? I’ll look around for some food?” You offered.
“You need to eat?” Dokyeom asked, and you paused.
“Just a bit of fuel, do you not?” You asked, hoping your question would distract him.
“I don’t. I do have dreams sometimes where I eat. Maybe it’s from a past life or just a dumb dream,” Dokyeom rambled. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly needed to confide in you. He just did. Something about your presence made him want to tell you all his secrets. Something about you felt safe.
“Well, I’ll wander for a second if that’s okay?” You said, and Dokyeom nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll lay down here for a bit,” Dokyeom replied, feigning a yawn to pretend he was tired.
“Alright. I’ll be back.”
“Hey, Y/N?” Dokyeom called out.
“I meant what I said, by the way. No funny business, or I will kill you.”
“Ow, what the fuck is wrong with you!” Dokyeom barked when he felt a burning sensation on his throat.
“Well, you have a wound here, and I’m just helping you,” you mumbled as you pressed another piece of gauze to his shoulder.
“What happened?” Dokyeom asked, wincing slightly.
“I think something got ripped? I don’t know,” you mumbled, and Dokyeom sat up hastily.
“My tag?” Dokyeom panicked.
“Your what?” You asked.
“My tag, the thing that they use to monitor me,” Dokyeom explained hurriedly, patting himself.
“What the fuck did you do to me?” Dokyeom hissed, grabbing you harshly.
“What are you on about?” You questioned.
“When I saved your ass, did you, for funsies, rip the tag out of my shoulder?” Dokyeom accused.
“No, what the hell? Why would I do that to you?” You fired back.
“Don’t know, fuck, do you know what could happen?” Dokyeom spat.
“I don’t know. The ones who have been trying to control you get pissed, but without your tracker, they can’t do much, so maybe you can finally live a normal life?” You fumed, your words making Dokyeom pause.
“Normal life?” Dokyeom repeated slowly.
“Yes, Dokyeom, normal,” you stuttered.
“Look, I’m grateful you saved me, but you’ve been hostile otherwise,” you ranted, hoping it’d help to distract Dokyeom.
“You’re right. I have been hostile, but can you blame me? I don’t think anyone who is my kind is anything but hostile. We’ve been through hell,” Dokyeom countered.
“Fair enough, we’ve both been screwed over. Instead of taking it out on each other, what if we work on helping each other instead? We can, I don’t know, be each other’s friends. Or even acquaintances?” You offered.
“Fine, but one wrong move, and I’ll kill you, so tread lightly.”
“Where were you?” Dokyeom questioned the second you entered the little hiding spot you both found after escaping. It had been evening time, and Dokyeom was distracted and drifted off, so you took a moment to leave the cave and contact your bosses at SALAX. You were able to do so thanks to the fancy watch strapped to your wrist. You had let them know that you had managed to lure Dokyeom into ‘rescuing’ you, and now, over the course of the next two weeks, you would try to lure him back to SALAX. You had also let your superiors know that you had managed to yank out Dokyeom’s tracker, and it was safe and on you.
There were some concerns coming from SALAX that hiding Dokyeom’s tracker on yourself was risky because if he saw the chip, he’d kill you in a heartbeat. But you assured them that he wouldn’t, and with that, the call ended, and you retreated back to the cave to find Dokyeom standing up and glaring at you.
“Where were you?” Dokyeom questioned.
“Uh, just stepped out to get some air and find something to eat,” you lied smoothly.
“Right…” Dokyeom trailed off. “I meant to ask you about this yesterday. What the hell are you? Why do you need to eat? I don’t, so what the hell are you?” Dokyeom snarled.
“I thought we were trying to be friends? Why the aggression?” You deflected.
“You know I can kill you in seconds and leave you here, so instead of avoiding the question, tell me,” Dokyeom threatened as he stepped closer.
You would be lying if you said that Dokyeom didn’t intimidate you. He was a tall individual with a very strong build. He could easily crush you.
“I guess one would say I’m a malevolent being,” you explained as you sat down, and Dokyeom followed suit, sitting across from you.
“Malevolent doesn’t mean kind. It means evil,” Dokyeom mumbled.
“Oh wow, you’re so smart!” You quipped sarcastically, making him glare at you.
“I’m a cyborg, so I need to eat, sleep, and do some-what human functions,” you admitted.
“Like fart?” Dokyeom joked, making you crack a smile.
“Shut up.”
“So why were you running? Same as me? Escaping?” Dokyeom asked, and you shrugged.
“How’s this? We ask each other one question a day. You already asked me something today, so it’s my turn?” You suggested.
“What do you want to know?” Dokyeom asks.
“What do you dream about?” You asked, leaving Dokyeom stunned.
“Dream?” Dokyeom repeated.
“Yes, dream.”
“I guess a place where I don’t need to be so on guard all the time or so aware of everything at once. A place where hypervigilance isn’t a constant state of mind,” Dokyeom articulated.
“I guess you’re right to call it a dream,” you mumbled.
“Because it’s an ideal state and not our reality?” Dokyeom offered.
“Fine, we can be friends, a question a day, and I won’t step out of line, and I hope you don’t either,” Dokyeom added.
“I won’t.”
Day 1: Cold as Ice
The next day, you awoke naturally and found Dokyeom standing at the entrance of the cave, and you decided to get up and join him.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked with a friendly smile as you approached Dokyeom.
Dokyeom turned to look at you, his eyes narrow and guarded. “How long do we need to keep hiding out here,” he replied curtly, his tone cold.
Undeterred, you placed a hand on his shoulder. “We can find a way out. I know it!” You offered enthusiastically.
Dokyeom simply rolled his eyes, and shrugged your hand off his shoulder, and walked off and back into the cave, where he sat and ignored you for the rest of the day.
Day 2: Thawing
The next day, you tried to engage Dokyeom in conversation, sharing stories, as well as your optimism that you two would be able to find your way out of your wreckage. But Dokyeom barely engaged in the conversation, mainly responding with a few grunts and hums.
But you weren’t easily discouraged. You saw something beneath the surface of Dokyeom’s stoic exterior, a flicker of curiosity and maybe even a hint of loneliness. You believed everyone had a story, and you were determined to uncover his.
As the days passed, you learned more about some of Dokyeom’s habits, habits that you noticed when he thought you weren’t looking. You noticed how his eyes crinkled when he smiled. You also noticed he had a beautiful smile, one that made you feel incredibly warm.
Day 3: Cracks in the façade
“Penny for your thoughts?” You asked one evening, and Dokyeom gave you a small smile.
“We’ll make it out of this mess, right?” Dokyeom asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, we will.”
Day 4: Melting
As the days continued, you continued to engage Dokyeom in conversation. You spoke with an infectious enthusiasm that was hard to resist, and while Dokyeom remained guarded initially, your presence of unwavering warmth began to chip away at the walls he had built around himself. Slowly, he started to open up, revealing glimpses of his past and the reasons for his uninviting nature.
Day 5: Flux
“I’ve been burned before,” Dokyeom admitted one night, his eyes distant as if reliving painful memories. “Those I’ve trusted, they let me down.”
You reached out and placed a hand over his, letting him know it was okay to continue, and he paused, taking a deep breath.
Dokyeom unravelled to you, a tale of loss and betrayal unfolds; he had once been surrounded by love and trust, only to see it all crumble into dust.
As Dokyeom’s world around him began to change, so did those around him. Those he trusted, in turn, betrayed, hurt and lied to him. Slowly, one by one, the ones he loved and depended on were taken from him. Eventually, Dokyeom found himself alone, a solitary figure in a world that had become cold and unforgiving.
Soon enough, Dokyeom learned a harsh lesson—that trust could be a double-edged sword, capable of bringing individuals together and tearing them apart, and as a result, Dokyeom retreated into himself, becoming stoic and unapproachable, a protective shell forged by the scars of his past.
Dokyeom has learnt to trust no one, not even himself. The walls he has built around his heart are formidable, a defence mechanism against the pain of betrayal and loss.
But amid the chaos and uncertainty surrounding him. He finds a glimmer of hope, you. From there, a connection begins to form, a bond that defies the mistrust that defines Dokyeom’s existence. It’s a fragile thread that you must tread carefully to nurture, knowing that the wounds of his past are still raw and that his ability to trust has been shattered.
You listened attentively, offering empathy and understanding, and shared your struggles and fears, creating a safe space where Dokyeom could reveal his vulnerabilities without judgment.
All the while, guilt gnawed at you, knowing that you, too, were about to betray Dokyeom the way so many others had done. You, too, were about to hurt him. But you needed him to trust you in order to betray him. But you couldn’t help that with each day, feel more guilty, and start second guessing your mission because you weren’t sure if you could hurt someone you wanted to protect.
One day, you find Dokyeom pacing around the cave anxiously, his stoic façade cracking for the first time. He looks at you, a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes, and admits.“I don’t know what we’re going to do.”
At that moment, you realise that Dokyeom is not as unapproachable as he first seemed. You reach out, reassuringly touching his shoulder, and say. “We’ll figure it out together. We’ve come this far and won’t give up now.”
For the first time, Dokyeom smiles, a small but genuine one. It’s a turning point in your friendship, a moment of trust and connection that grows stronger daily.
As you continue to navigate the challenges of your hidden existence, you and Dokyeom find solace in each other’s company. The once stoic and unapproachable man has become a friend, someone you can rely on and confide in. You face the unknown together, knowing that as long as you have each other, you can conquer whatever challenges lie ahead.
That night, you started shifting in your sleep, mumbling nonsense, when, suddenly, you found yourself in a cavernous nightmare, the cave walls closing around you like vengeful spectres. The air is thick with unease, and your heart races as you try to escape the suffocating darkness. But the cave seems to have no end, and you’re trapped in a terrifying labyrinth of your fears.
Suddenly, a beam of light pierces the darkness, and you hear the sound of footsteps echoing in the cave. A figure emerges from the shadows, and it’s Dokyeom. His presence alone is a lifeline in this nightmarish abyss.
“Dokyeom!” You cry out, relief flooding over you as he draws near. His familiar face is a beacon of hope in this terrifying dream.
He reaches out, his touch reassuring as he says,.“I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
His voice, filled with warmth and strength, calms your racing heart. With his guidance, you navigate the treacherous terrain of the cave, finally escaping the nightmare’s clutches.
As you emerge into the open, the nightmare fades away like a distant memory. You turn to Dokyeom with gratitude and something more in your eyes. He gazes back at you, his usual reserve momentarily giving way to vulnerability.
“You saved me, Dokyeom,” you say softly, your heart pounding.
Dokyeom hesitates, his eyes locked onto yours, and then, in a moment of unspoken connection, you lean in, and your lips meet in a tender kiss. It’s a kiss that carries the weight of the unspoken, the shared relief of escaping the nightmare together, and the growing feelings brewing between you.
For a heartbeat, Dokyeom hesitates, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. But then, as if surrendering to the undeniable pull between you, he reciprocates your kiss, his lips meeting yours with a newfound intensity. Once a place of nightmares, the cave has become the backdrop to a moment of unexpected passion and connection.
As you both break the kiss, the world around you seems to shift, and you realise this dream has taken an unexpected turn. But in the wake of your shared moment, you know that something has changed between you and Dokyeom, and you can’t help but smile, grateful for the bond that has deepened in the darkness of this surreal nightmare.
The next day, you and Dokyeom wandered out of the little cave and found yourselves standing amidst a scene of utter devastation, a future marred by damage and chaos that stretches as far as the eye can see. The landscape was a haunting testament to the havoc that had been unleashed upon this once-thriving world. Buildings, once towering symbols of human achievement, now lie in ruins, their skeletal frames jutting out of the shattered concrete like the bones of a long-forgotten civilization. The acrid stench of smoke and burning debris fills the air, choking your senses as you survey the destruction.
The sky above is a sickly hue, darkened by the ominous clouds of billowing smoke that obscures the sun, casting an eerie, blood-red glow over the desolation below. The air crackles with an unsettling energy, a lingering sense of impending doom.
Amidst the wreckage, remnants of what was once a bustling metropolis now lie scattered like discarded toys. Abandoned vehicles, their tires deflated and windows shattered, stand as silent witnesses to the chaos that unfolded here.
As you move further into this grim future scene, you can't help but feel a profound sense of loss and despair. The world as you knew it has been forever altered, transformed into a nightmarish landscape of destruction and ruin.
In the distance, faint echoes of distant sirens and the low rumble of collapsing structures serve as a grim reminder that the chaos is far from over. The damage inflicted upon this world runs deep, and the path to recovery seems uncertain and fraught with challenges.
Yet, amidst the devastation, there is a glimmer of hope, a resilience that refuses to be extinguished. It's a reminder that even in the face of chaos and destruction, humanity's spirit endures, and the struggle for survival continues.
“You can relax a bit. I don’t really think anyone is here,” you whispered to Dokyeom as you cautiously walked around, noticing how almost everything was burned, destroyed and damaged.
“Look at the damage,” Dokyeom mumbled back.
“I know, it’s so awful. I hope those who wanted to escape managed to do so,” you admitted.
“Why didn’t you?” Dokyeom asked.
“Didn’t escape? Why didn’t you?” Dokyeom asked, eyeing you suspiciously.
“I was hurt,” you muttered.
“I didn’t know cyborgs could feel pain?” Dokyeom challenged, and you averted your gaze away from him.
“Did you do it to trap me?” Dokyeom challenged.
“No? What would I gain from doing that to you?” You retorted, and Dokyeom shrugged.
“Fuck knows, you told me you’ve done things you’re not proud of. Maybe I’m just another thing you’ll do that you’re not proud of.”
“Trust me, Dokyeom, if I wanted to do you, I would have a long time ago,” you huffed out as you stormed off, making Dokyeom sigh as he followed you.
“We need to steal a spacecraft,” you whispered to Dokyeom.
“Are you insane? How?” Dokyeom whispered back, and you shrugged.
“Look,” you said, motioning to where you were looking.
Amidst a desolate and haunting scene of wreckage, a solitary spacecraft stood as a lone survivor of a cataclysmic event. It appeared as a beacon of hope amidst the debris-strewn wasteland.
The spacecraft’s once-pristine exterior, now scarred and battered, stands defiantly among the twisted metal and shattered remnants of other vessels. Its hull, once gleaming, bears the scars of cosmic collisions and the ravages of time. A faint, eerie light from malfunctioning control panels cast shadows across its battered form.
Around the spacecraft, a field of wreckage stretches into the horizon, a haunting testament to the harshness of space. Broken pieces of machinery and torn metal fragments drift through the void like lost souls. The eerie silence of the scene is punctuated only by the occasional creaking of damaged hulls.
Inside the spacecraft, signs of struggle and survival are evident. Emergency lights flicker, and a faint hum of life support systems resonates through the corridors. It stands as a testament to the resilience of those who once staffed it, their spirit unbroken despite the chaos surrounding them.
In this place of wreckage, the spacecraft is a symbol of endurance and perseverance, a lone sentinel refusing to succumb to the unforgiving cosmos. Its presence amid the ruins speaks of the human spirit’s unyielding determination to press on, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
“You can’t be serious,” Dokyeom mumbled.
“You want freedom? Escape? This is our only solution. You can be free again.”
You and your partner in crime stand in the dimly lit hangar, eyes fixed on the sleek spacecraft that gleams like a jewel in the shadows. The ship, an advanced model with a reputation for speed and agility, holds the key to your daring escape plan.
You both approach the spacecraft with a shared nod and a sense of exhilaration. Your partner, a master of hacking, quickly accesses the control panel, fingers dancing across the holographic interface. The ship’s security systems fall like dominos, leaving you unfettered access.
The boarding ramp lowers smoothly, revealing the spacecraft’s luxurious interior. You and your partner slip inside, feeling the cool, synthetic leather seats beneath you. As the canopy seals shut with a soft hiss, you exchange a glance filled with determination.
Dokyeom took the pilot’s seat, fingers caressing the controls with a practised ease. The spacecraft’s engines hum to life, vibrating beneath you as they prepare to defy gravity. You both brace yourselves with a final glance out of the transparent canopy.
The spacecraft lifts off, rising gracefully from the hangar floor. You feel the G-forces press you into your seat as you hurtle towards the heavens. The hangar doors open, revealing the starry expanse of space beyond.
You know you’ve left it all behind at that moment—your past, troubles, and the pursuit of those seeking to capture you. You and Dokyeom have stolen not just a spacecraft but a chance at freedom, and together, you soar into the unknown, leaving a trail of stardust in your wake.
“Where are we going?” Dokyeom asked as the spacecraft hovered and slowly moved along.
“AECOR” you replied.
“Why?” Dokyeom asked.
“To relax, to breathe, and to regroup,” you answered with a smile, and that was enough Dokyeom needed to know.
~~ “Wow,” Dokyeom breathed out as he disembarked from the spacecraft and set foot into AECOR.
“This is incredible.”
You find yourself standing at the edge of a breathtaking rainforest, enveloped by the magical allure of the night. The moonlight filters through the dense canopy above, casting a gentle, silver glow upon the lush foliage below. Tall trees adorned with vibrant, bioluminescent flowers seem to dance in the faint shimmer of light, their leaves rustling in a gentle, nocturnal breeze.
As you venture deeper into the rainforest, the symphony of nighttime creatures serenades your senses. Frogs and crickets play a melodic chorus while fireflies flicker like tiny stars, illuminating your path. The air is thick with the heady scent of damp earth, moss, and exotic blooms, creating an intoxicating fragrance that lingers around you.
But the true marvel of this rainforest night unfolds before you as you stumble upon a hidden gem—the waterfall. It glistens under the moon’s enchanting gaze, cascading waters a ribbon of liquid crystal tumbling from the heights above into a pristine, moonlit pool below.
The waterfall’s roar is a soothing lullaby, a constant reminder of nature’s grandeur and eternal rhythm. The moonlight dances upon the water’s surface, creating a sparkling, silvery tapestry that seems to stretch forever. Each droplet from above catches the moon’s radiance, forming a trail of liquid stardust.
You approach the pool’s edge, feeling the cool mist kiss your skin as the waterfall’s spray gently caresses your face. The night sounds intensify around you, the rainforest coming alive with its secrets and wonders. It’s a world of enchantment, where the rainforest’s beauty is magnified by the veil of night, and the waterfall stands as a shimmering testament to the timeless allure of nature.
“Isn’t it? I thought we could take a break here, considering all we’ve been doing is running and hiding. We’re safe here,” you mumble.
“Are we?” Dokyeom asks.
“Would I lead you astray?” You ask, inching closer to him.
“I don’t think you would. You wouldn’t just kiss me to manipulate me later, right?” Dokyeom asks as he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into him. You smile at him. This was the first time the kiss from the night before was brought up.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped,” you mumble.
“I didn’t say I minded. I did kiss back,” Dokyeom adds, making you melt into his touch, guilt plaguing you, knowing that you would soon cause this incredible individual’s demise.
“Shall we?” You ask, motioning to the bodies of water, looking around for one slightly more private, where you both wouldn’t be recognised and could spend time with him, alone, uninterrupted, before you betray him.
Dokyeom takes your hand, guides you to a more secluded plunge pool, and stops at the edge of the water. With a soft smile, he removes your clothing piece by piece, every movement charged with an undeniable urgency. As he finishes, his eyes scan your body with fierce hunger, and his hands wander over your curves with possessiveness.
You shiver as you feel his hands slide around your waist from the back, the warmth of his touch sending shivers up and down your spine. You can feel the barely restrained desire emanating from his body.
Dokyeom pulls you closer, and you can feel his hardness against your back as he presses against you. His lips trail down to your shoulder, his breath heating your skin as his gaze travels up your neck.
Dokyeom turns you to face him, cupping your face in his hands as he trails down to your lips. His tongue probes at the corner of your mouth before sliding in, the wetness and warmth as you open your mouth to him sending you into a passionate frenzy.
Dokyeom takes your hand and leads you to the pool. As the warm water envelops you, Dokyeom slides in behind you, his chest against your back as his arms wrap around you. His hands move over your body with increasing passion as his lips go up and down your neck.
Your back arches, trying to move even closer to him. You moan in pleasure as his hardness presses against your skin, the sensation of him filled with anticipation. You can’t help but feel like you want him to take you in the water.
You and Dokyeom are both submerged in the shallow waters of the pool, your hands trailing along the smooth surface of the tiled edges. You look up at Dokyeom, a smirk on your lips as you start to move, your body drawn closer to his as your hands move expertly to his hips and you bring yourself just under the water. You feel the anticipation running through both of you as you wrap your arms around his waist and pull yourself tight against him.
You can feel Dokyeom’s breaths coming faster as he looks down at you, anticipation radiating from his eyes as you start to explore. You run your hands through his hair, feeling your tension quickly mixed with pleasure as you tilt your head back. The sensation of his skin against yours is heightened in the water, and you quicken your pace, carefully trailing your lips and tongue along his chest and stomach. His skin feels like butter beneath your mouth, begging for more attention.
You let out a soft moan as you bring your mouth up to his, your tongue tracing along his lower lip as you press against Dokyeom. He responds with a groan, his mouth eagerly meeting yours as you wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. You feel your way down from his mouth, your tongue gliding along his neck and shoulders as your hands trace his contours.
You pull away from him, an inviting smile on your lips before you go down his torso. With each movement, your mouth is greeted with eager sighs and gasps of pleasure from Dokyeom. As you reach the bottom of his stomach, you look up, the look in his eyes telling you it’s time for something different. You gaze at him momentarily, his eyes pleading, before you dip your tongue into the shallow pools of water between his legs.
Dokyeom lets out an animalistic groan as you move your mouth along his member, lapping up the waves of pleasure each stroke gives him. His body arches into you as your tongue swirls around in circles, his hands grasping your hair as you work your way up and down. You can’t help but smile against him as you hear tiny, breathy moans with each flick of your tongue, revealing that you’ve brought him to this point.
You can feel your arousal growing, and you know you’ve done the same to Dokyeom as you reach the climax together, him calling out your name as the waves of pleasure ensnare you both and pull you gently into a blissfully calm state.
You feel the heat rising as you climb out of the plunge pool and lay on the edge, reclining on your elbows, and you feel your breath hitch in anticipation and your breaths coming in shallow gasps.
Then you feel Dokyeom’s hand touching you, tracing a path from your abdomen to your chest and neck. His fingertips leave a trail of blissful heat on your skin, and you let out a contented sigh.
Dokyeom slides lower, his hand running across your inner thigh. His fingers work their way up your legs, sending sparks of pleasure shooting right to your core.
When Dokyeom finally reaches your most intimate area, you can’t help but gasp as you feel his tongue exploring you. His soft, lapping motions send waves of pleasure rippling through your body, and you find yourself pushing against his face, wanting more and more from him.
Dokyeom responds to the pressure of your body, deepening the stress and increasing the intensity of his movements. His tongue circles around your clit, sending more delightful feelings coursing through you until you feel like you’re about to combust.
And then it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Your body suddenly gives way as an explosion of pleasure ripples through you, and you think your entire body is trembling with delight. You’ve just experienced the most intense and pleasurable orgasm, thanks to Dokyeom.
He stares deeply into your eyes, the look telling you he craves you just as much as you desire him.
You don’t have to wait any longer. He plunges deep inside you, his hips moving skillfully as his groans mix with yours. Your body tightens around him as he rocks into you so intensely that it sends waves of pleasure shooting through your body.
The intensity builds up until a wave of pleasure engulfs both of you. You collapse into each other, exhausted but electrified.
The afterglow slowly takes over as you lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the comfort of being surrounded by each other’s warmth.
You and Dokyeom found refuge in a small corner of AECOR, where you both held each other. It was a beautiful and peaceful moment, and you wished that you could stay in this moment forever.
“Y/N, I want you to know something. I feel safe with you for the first time in my life,” Dokyeom admitted, making you smile and guilt engulf you.
His words hung in the air, carrying the weight of his vulnerability. You look into his eyes, the depth of his emotions mirrored in his gaze. The rainforest seems to hold its breath as if nature is listening to this profound declaration.
You reach out, your hand finding his, fingers entwined.
“Dokyeom,” you reply with a voice filled with warmth and understanding.
“I’m grateful to have you in my life. We’re safe together.”
The next day, Dokyeom felt a slight throbbing pain in his head, and when he woke up, you were nowhere to be found. He wasn’t even sure how he woke up or, more importantly, how he was unconscious. Had you hurt him? Where were you? Had he been brave, he would have gone out to search, but he knew not to because he too was a target.
You find yourself in the heart of SALAX, a planet shrouded in shadows and ruled by fear. As you navigate the dimly lit paths, a chilling encounter awaits you. A mysterious figure approaches, cloaked in darkness, and with a low, ominous voice, they ask.
“Have you managed to ensnare Dokyeom yet?”
You hesitate, your mind racing as you weigh your options. You’ve infiltrated this grim city for a specific purpose, a mission that demands subtlety and caution. But the pressure to fulfil your promise hangs heavily over you, and the consequences of failure are dire.
You felt immense guilt the night before, right after Dokyeom confessed to you that he felt safe with you, when he wasn’t looking, decided to hit him hard enough to cause a slight snag in his system, which would make him shut down for a few hours. Which gave you enough time to go SALAX and see if you could get out of your deal. You couldn’t hurt Dokyeom anymore. You couldn’t hurt someone you were falling in love with.
Before you can respond, the enigmatic figure steps closer, their face concealed by shadows. “Time is running out, Y/N,” they hiss, their tone dripping with menace.
“We cannot afford delays. Alastor is growing impatient.”
The name sends a shiver down your spine—Alastor, the ruler of SALAX, a malevolent force you’ve heard whispered about in hushed tones. He is a figure of terror, and the urgency in the stranger’s voice underscores the gravity of your mission.
As you stand there, torn between your mission’s demands and the mounting pressure from Alastor’s emissary, you know that your choices in this treacherous city will have far-reaching consequences. The web of intrigue and danger in SALAX tightens around you, and you must decide whether to continue down this perilous path, knowing that failure could mean a fate worse than death.
As you leave the oppressive city of SALAX behind, the weight of guilt and conflict presses heavily upon your heart. The memories of your time in SALAX, the choices you made, and the person you had to become weigh on your conscience, and there’s no escaping the tangled web of emotions.
In the solitude of your departure, you find yourself grappling with the harsh reality of having betrayed Dokyeom, the man you had come to care for deeply. Your love for him is undeniable, a powerful force that has drawn you together in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty.
With each step away from SALAX, you replay the moments when you had to deceive him, the lies you had to tell, and the promises you couldn’t keep. The pain of knowing that you’ve broken his trust is like a dagger in your chest, and it gnaws at your soul.
But you also remember the pressure from Alastor, the ruler of SALAX, and the dire consequences that would have occurred had you not complied with his demands. It was a choice between betraying Dokyeom and facing the wrath of Alastor, and in the end, you had to prioritise your survival.
As you journey further away from SALAX, you yearn for a solution, a way to make amends for the betrayal and deception that have torn your heart in two. You know that you can’t change the past, but you’re determined to find a way to set things right.
The conflict within you rages on, tearing at your conscience and leaving you in turmoil. You find solace in the quiet moments of reflection, searching for a path forward that will allow you to reconcile your love for Dokyeom with the choices you were forced to make.
In the distance, a glimmer of hope emerges—a plan, a way to mend the trust you’ve shattered. It won’t be easy, and the road ahead is uncertain, but you’re resolved to find a solution that will bring redemption and forgiveness for yourself and the love you hold for Dokyeom.
As the spacecraft landed back in AECOR, you noticed Dokyeom standing outside the place where you last left him, and even though the space craft, you could sense the tension.
As you got off the spacecraft, you noticed that Dokyeom’s once-warm demeanour had cooled, replaced by a distant and suspicious gaze. The weight of your mission and the secrets you carry are like a boulder on your shoulders as you stand before him.
Dokyeom’s words, when they finally come, are laced with an undercurrent of passive aggression.
“Where were you?”
You can feel his scrutiny, his unspoken doubts hanging heavy in the air. The unease in your chest tightens, and you know the time has come to confront the truth.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to be honest. “Dokyeom, there are things I need to tell you,” you begin, your voice quivering with the weight of your confession.
He raises an eyebrow, his suspicion growing. “Go on.”
You recount the events of your mission in SALAX, the pressure from Alastor’s emissary, and the choices you were forced to make. You can see the anger and disappointment flicker in Dokyeom’s eyes as you speak.
When you finally finish, there’s a heavy silence between you. Dokyeom’s expression is inscrutable, and you can’t tell if he’s processing your confession or formulating his response.
After an eternity, he finally speaks, his voice cold and measured. “Y/N, I need you to understand the gravity of your actions. Trust is not something to be taken lightly. Your secrecy puts us all at risk.”
Your heart sinks as you realise the consequences of your choices. You had expected Dokyeom’s anger, but what comes next surprises you.
He leans in closer, his gaze unwavering. “Here’s your ultimatum Y/N. If you want to continue being with me, you must prove you can be trusted. No more secrets, no more hidden agendas. From now on, complete transparency. Can you do that?”
The ultimatum hangs in the air like a heavy storm cloud, and you understand the weight of his words. The trust eroded by your actions is at stake, and it’s up to you to rebuild it, one honest step at a time.
“Dokyeom, I need to confess to you,” your voice trembles slightly, but you push on, knowing that honesty is the only path forward.
His brow furrows in concern as he listens attentively, encouraging you to continue. “I... I was supposed to betray you,” you admit, the words heavy on your conscience. “There was a plan, a scheme I was involved in, but I can’t do it anymore.”
Dokyeom’s eyes widen in surprise, and he reaches out to gently hold your hand, a silent gesture of support. “What do you mean?” he asks, his voice soft and understanding.
Tears gather in your eyes as you elaborate. “I was meant to deceive you, hurt you, but I’ve realised that what we share is more important to me than anything else. I can’t go through with it, Dokyeom. I can’t betray you after everything we’ve been through.”
Silence hangs in the air, the weight of your confession palpable. You search his eyes for a sign, praying he’ll understand your turmoil and forgive your past intentions. With your heart in your throat, you wait for his response, hoping your honesty will be the bridge to mend any potential rift between you.
As you sit across from Dokyeom, the weight of your past and the secrets you’ve harboured for so long pressing heavily upon your shoulders, you take a deep breath, trying to find the courage to reveal your darkest truths.
As the realisation dawns upon Dokyeom, a heavy silence settles over the room. He stands there, his thoughts racing, trying to face the betrayal that has unfolded before him. The one person he had trusted implicitly, you, had been attempting to deceive him all along.
Dokyeom’s heart feels like it’s been gripped by an icy vice, and he struggles to find words to express the tumultuous emotions surging within him. He had opened himself up and allowed you into the innermost chambers of his life, and now he feels like a fool.
You stood before him, your eyes filled with regret and uncertainty.
Finally, Dokyeom’s voice breaks through the silence, but it’s laced with a mixture of hurt and anger. “Y/N, how could you?” His words are filled with a sense of betrayal that cuts deep.
You took a step forward, her voice trembling as you tried to explain. “Dokyeom, I... I never meant for things to get this far. It started as something I thought I had to do, but along the way, I realised...”
Dokyeom cuts you off, his anger boiling over. “Realised what? That you could play with my trust and feelings and throw it all away when it suited you?”
The room feels tense, the air heavy with the moment’s weight. Dokyeom’s trust, once unshakable, has been shattered, and he’s left to grapple with the aftermath of the betrayal.
Your eyes fill with tears as you struggle to find the right words to make amends for your actions. “Dokyeom, please, just hear me out. I never wanted to hurt you. I never thought I would care this much.”
He turns away from you, unable to bear the sight of the person who had manipulated his trust. “Y/N, I need time,” he says, his voice weary and defeated. “I need time to process this, to understand what just happened.”
“Dokyeom,” you begin, your voice quivering, “there’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve kept hidden for far too long.”
Once warm and trusting, his eyes now hold a mix of curiosity and concern as he nods, encouraging you to continue.
“I come from a past that I’m not proud of,” you admit, gazing at the table before you. “I used to be involved in criminal activities that hurt people and went against everything I now stand for.”
Dokyeom remains silent, his expression a mixture of surprise and a hint of sadness.
Tears well up in your eyes as you recount the horrors of your past the choices you made that left scars on others and yourself. “I’ve hurt people, stolen, lied, and deceived. I could escape my past, but it’s been haunting me, and I can’t bear to keep it hidden any longer.”
Dokyeom’s gaze remains locked on you. His silence speaks volumes.
“I joined this SALAX, this mission, in the hope that I could make amends for my past,” you continue, your voice trembling with emotion. “I wanted to change, become a better person, and do something meaningful. But I understand if you can’t trust me now.”
“If I could give them you, then I would not be punished for my past,” you admit.
The room seems to close in on you as you await his response, the weight of your confession hanging heavily in the air. You fear that your past actions have damaged the trust Dokyeom once had in you.
After what feels like an eternity, Dokyeom finally speaks, his voice measured and compassionate.
“Y/N, what matters is not the person you used to be but who you’ve become. You’ve taken a courageous step by facing your past and sharing it with me.”
Dokyeom's hand finds yours, a gesture of understanding and support.
“We all have our demons, Y/N, and we all make mistakes. What’s important is that you’re trying to make amends and move forward. I believe in the person you are now, and I trust that you’ll continue to work towards the better future you’ve set your sights on.”
Tears of relief well up in your eyes as you squeeze his hand, grateful for his understanding and forgiveness. In that moment, you realise that by sharing your darkest truths, you’ve not only unburdened yourself but also strengthened the trust between you and Dokyeom. It’s a crucial step toward redemption and a brighter future where your past no longer defines who you are.
“We’ll fight it together.”
“We’ll make it out alive, Y/N,” Dokyeom promised. However, as the words left Dokyeom’s mouth, you heard a loud noise, and suddenly, you were both enveloped in a cloud of darkness.
As the darkness of night envelopes you and Dokyeom, you find yourselves ensnared in a dire predicament. Captured by unknown assailants, you're bound and blindfolded, completely at their mercy. The journey is disorienting, filled with abrupt turns and jolts, leaving you with no sense of direction.
After what feels like an eternity, the vehicle comes to a halt, and you're roughly pulled from your seats. The sound of heavy metal doors creaking open echoes in the air, and you're guided out, stumbling on unfamiliar terrain.
The blindfold is removed, and as your eyes adjust to the dim light, you realize that you're in the heart of SALAX. The planet’s cold and oppressive atmosphere is suffocating, and a sense of foreboding washes over you.
Dokyeom, still bound and disoriented, is by your side, and you exchange a glance that speaks volumes—fear, uncertainty, and the grim realization that you've been brought into the heart of a malevolent force.
Gathered around you are a group of armed figures, their faces obscured by masks and shadows. They remain silent, their intentions unclear, as they usher you both forward, deeper into the labyrinthine alleys of SALAX.
The city's eerie ambience intensifies, and you can't help but wonder what fate awaits you and Dokyeom in this dystopian realm. As you're led further into the heart of the unknown, the sense of peril deepens, and the need for a plan to escape this grim fate becomes all-consuming.
In the distant, dystopian future, amidst the cold and unforgiving landscape of a city known as SALAX, there exists a name that strikes fear into the hearts of all who dare to speak it—Alastor, the malevolent ruler of this desolate realm.
With a visage shrouded in shadows and a presence that radiates malevolence, Alastor is a figure cloaked in mystery and darkness. His iron grip on SALAX is unyielding, and his dominion extends far beyond the city’s crumbling walls. He is a tyrant of unparalleled cruelty, ruling through fear, manipulation, and an insatiable thirst for power.
The tales of Alastor’s ruthless reign are whispered in hushed tones, passed down from generation to generation. His rule is marked by oppression, surveillance, and merciless enforcers who carry out his every command without question. In his quest for dominance, he has left a trail of broken lives and shattered dreams in his wake.
Alastor’s origins remain closely guarded, hidden behind lies and deception. Some say he was once a brilliant scientist, while others claim he emerged from the depths of the city’s darkest nightmares. Regardless of his past, his present is a reign of terror that leaves no room for hope or resistance.
As the ruler of SALAX, Alastor commands a vast network of spies, informants, and ruthless enforcers, all dedicated to maintaining his oppressive regime. His fortress-like palace, situated at the city’s heart, symbolises his absolute authority. In this place, he broods over his dark ambitions and plots his next move to tighten his grip on the city’s inhabitants.
Alastor’s name is synonymous with cruelty and malevolence, a name that sends shivers down the spines of those who dare utter it. In the grim, futuristic world of SALAX, he is the embodiment of evil, a shadowy figure who rules with an iron fist and whose presence casts a long, foreboding shadow over all who dwell within his domain.
You stand before a council of stern-faced individuals, their collective disapproval palpable. The room is tense, and your heart beats heavily as you confront the consequences of your failure. The weight of their anger bears down on you, and you know that there is no escaping the harsh judgment about to be passed.
One of the council members opens his mouth to address you, his expression a mask of disappointment and anger and addresses you with a voice that cuts through the silence like a blade. “Y/N, you were entrusted with a vital task and failed us miserably.”
Your voice quivers as you attempt to offer an apology. “I... I didn’t mean for this to happen. It was an honest mistake.”
But the council members are unforgiving, their faces etched with anger and frustration. One of them, an imposing figure with a voice like thunder, bellows.
“Honest mistake or not, your failure has put us all at risk. We can’t afford such incompetence.”
The atmosphere in the room grows more hostile with each passing moment. Accusations fly, and your attempts at explaining the circumstances of your failure fall on deaf ears. The decision is made swiftly and decisively.
One of the council members, their voice filled with righteous anger, proclaims.
“Y/N, you have betrayed our trust and jeopardised our mission. You are hereby banished from our ranks.”
The words hang in the air like a death sentence, and you feel a profound sense of despair wash over you. The consequences of your actions have led to your expulsion, and there is no way to argue your way out of it.
Alastor, his gaze filled with disappointment, approaches you with a heavy heart.
“Y/N,” he says, his voice laced with regret. “I never thought I would see this day. You were once a valued team member, but your failure has left us no choice.”
“Please let me do anything else. Please spare him,” you begged.
“Oh, you still don’t understand, do you? You fell in love with him, gave him your body and love, and as a result, you are no longer of any use to us. You are done,” Alastar spoke, his words terrifying you further.
“Don’t hurt him,” you whimpered.
“He’ll be hurt, don’t you worry. He can watch the life be taken out of you. That will be his punishment.”
Tears well up in your eyes as you realise the gravity of your mistake. You had let down not only those who had trusted you but also yourself. The sense of shame and regret is overwhelming.
As you are escorted out of the room, the weight of your banishment settles upon you like a heavy shroud. You are left to face the consequences of your failure alone, the anger and disappointment of those you once considered allies echoing in your ears.
In the days that follow, you wander, a sense of purposelessness consuming you. The world outside is harsh and unforgiving, and you are left to bear the burden of your mistakes.
As you reflect on the consequences of your actions, you can’t help but wonder if there will ever be a way to make amends for your failure. The road ahead is uncertain, and the path to redemption, if it exists at all, seems long and arduous.
But one thing is clear—you must carry the weight of your punishment and learn from your failure, for it is only through facing the consequences of your actions that you can hope to find a way to redeem yourself in the eyes of those you have let down.
In the dimly lit room, the air felt heavy with anguish and despair. You and Dokyeom, bound and helpless, found yourselves in a nightmarish scenario you could never have imagined. A sinister figure, cloaked in shadows, loomed over you both, his intentions cruel and heartless.
Dokyeom watched you helplessly as you lay on the cold, unforgiving floor, your breaths shallow and laboured. The faint flicker of a dying candle cast eerie, shifting shadows on your face, emphasising the pallor of your skin.
Tears welled in your eyes as you whispered words of comfort, your voice trembling with grief. Dokyeom’s eyes met yours, filled with profound sadness and an unspoken understanding of the impending tragedy.
“Any final words?” The sinister figure asked mockingly.
“In another universe, we’ll find each other again,” you breathed out, and Dokyeom let out a string of pleas, begging for mercy.
The sinister figure, unmoved by Dokyeom’s pleas, revealed a cruel smile as he continued his evil act. Time seemed to slow as Dokyeom was forced to witness life slowly ebb away from you–the person he cherished most. Every passing moment felt like an eternity of heartache.
The room seemed to close in around you as the final breaths escaped your lover’s lips, leaving a haunting silence in their wake. Once filled with love and life, their eyes stared vacantly into the abyss.
In that agonising moment, part of you died with them, and the world became darker and colder. The anguish and helplessness etched into your memory would forever haunt your soul, a scar that time could never fully heal.
The End
Earth: Present Day
“New here, huh?” The man before you asked, and you smiled at him.
“Uh, yeah. I just moved to this town for a fresh start,” you replied unsurely, making the man smile at you.
“Why don’t you sit next to that gentleman over there? You both look rather lost. Let me grab a few things, and I’ll sort you both out,” he instructed, and you mumbled a ‘yes’ and made your way to another lost-looking soul.
“Sorry, is this seat taken?” You asked the stranger. He looked up at you. He had a kind face, warm eyes, and a loving smile. But something about this man was familiar like you had met him once in a dream, in a different life. It makes your heart race and mind run wild with possibilities. You knew him. You just didn’t know how.
“Nope, have a seat,” he offered kindly.
“So you’re also lost in a new town, huh?” He asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, just, I guess, sorted landed on my ass,” you joked, making him laugh and clap his hands.
“Same, hey, we’re both lost. I guess we could be friends? I promise you, I won’t bite,”
“I don’t see why not,” you responded.
“I’m Y/N,” you introduced, holding your hand to him.
“Sounds familiar for some reason,” the stranger responded.
“Funny, I wanted to say the same to you,” you admitted.
“I’m Seokmin,” he said, shaking your hand.
“I wish the name rang a bell, but maybe I’m going crazy,” you added, making him smile.
“Maybe in another universe, we once knew each other?” Seokmin offered.
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