coldtortelloni · 19 days
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happy pride!
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evillexieart · 1 year
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bi pride time with my favorite bi couple 💪
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collectivedirective · 2 years
JatH Characterization Masterpost
-Eldest daughter 4.2 gpa syndrome
-She was raised believing she would be a foster mom and has come prepared for all that entails; that means she is responsible and disciplined, but pushes herself to always think of others before she thinks of herself
-She loves music, but that comes second to her parental responsibilities, so even though she and her sisters are very skilled she never thought music would be a viable option for them
-So when Synergy offers her services, the first thing that comes to her mind is to start a band!
-The rockstar persona was a spur of the moment idea, though it came from a subconscious desire to escape her responsibilitie. Jem is everything that Jerrica represses in herself
-Since Jem is more outgoing, she feels more confident around Rio. I personally think Jem is drunk when she tries to kiss Rio during the yacht scene, she wouldn't put Rio in that position while she was sober
-Middle child syndrome 01, subcategory eldest daughter syndrome
-She is the most emotionally intelligent, and the best at reading the room. She is always the one that distracts Rio when Jerrica needs to transform.
-In the rare scenario that Jerrica isn't taking charge, it is Aja who picks up the load
-Aja, like Jerrica, thinks about others needs and desires before her own, though Aja has this to a lesser degree.
-She sympathizes with Jerrica for taking on so much burden, and so she is not critical of Jerrica for wanting to keep her identity a secret from Rio, and will defend her when her sisters criticize her.
-Middle child syndrome 02
-I just checked the wiki and it says shes the bass guitarist and thats basically all you need to know about her characterization
-Shana is reserved and shy, and I am 95% certain she has RSD.
-She is more easy-going, allowing her sisters to make the big decisions
-She and Kimber are closest with each other, and she'll go to her first for advice. These two are the creative masterminds behind JatH, generating 75% of their music while Jerrica and Aja edit the drafts
-Shana quietly agrees with Kimber that Jerrica should rip off the band-aid already and tell Rio that she is Jem. No dick is worth his cheating ass!
-But shes too nice to confront Jerrica directly, and too empathetic to Jerrica to back up Kimber during an argument. But once the dust settles she will validate Kimber and reassure her of her logic
-Shana knows that her advice will only make Jerrica feel worse. She knows from experience that RSD hits like a bitch and she doesn't want to inflict that on Jerrica.
-The youngest of the Bentons, her whole life she's relied on Jerrica for behavior inhibition. Also tutoring, thats the only thing keeping her grades up
-Kimber is the Anna to Jerrica's Elsa
-While the lack of behavior inhibition makes her more distractible and impulsive, it also allows her to explore paths that would have otherwise been dismissed by Jerrica
-Winx Stella syndrome: Kimber is very blunt in her relationships; she will tell you exactly what she is thinking about if you ask her, and she will tell you even if you dont ask
-Regarding Stormber: Stormer will always let Kimber take the lead in their adventures. After Kimbers decisions for both of them wind them up in trouble, Kimber will FINALLY gain some much-needed behavior inhibition
-Winx Aisha syndrome: she is the only hologram that isn't a Benton foster girl, and thus has known the rest of the band for the least amount of time.
-She is afraid of being left behind, of losing her place in the band because she is so new, so she does her best to be kind and sweet and appealing and low-maintainence
-This would make her quick friends with Shana, and instinctively reach out to her when searching for companionship. Unfortunately Shana is frequently with Kimber
-Kimber bluntly tells Raya that she would rather Raya be upfront about herself and her values; after all, Raya knows much more about them than they do about her
-Of course, if Raya decides to open up to Kimber about her fear of abandonment, Kimber would immediately empathize with Raya. She might see some of Shana in Raya.
-This communication would not be made directly; rather, Raya would tell Shana and Shana would tell Kimber
-Owns the netflix account
-Her father gives her money instead of love and attention, so she looks for those things elsewhere- ie stardom and lawsuits
-She and Riot are very similar in this way, though I imagine they would bring out the worst in each other. In the scenario where they team up, these two would be a formidable opponent.
-If she were ever to team up with the Stingers it would not be by Riots invitation. Either Minx or Radish whatever her name is would have to take an interest in Pizzazz.
-Eventually she graduates to hanging out with the Stingers, and by proxy Riot, who eventually warms up to Pizzazz. Think TommyInnit and Wilbursoot.
-Maybe she one day joins the polycule who knows. This is an alternative ending to the "Lovesick" arc, and here Pizzazz would not rejoin the Misfits
-Shes the smartest of the Misfits, but doesn't realize it because she is blinded by her insecurities: she didn't finish high school and is illiterate. Dyslexia?
-Roxy also has RSD, though where Shana recoils inward, Roxy lashes out in defensiveness
-My hc is that Roxy meets Pizzazz while skipping school. She sneaks into Pizzazz's old money debutante ball and they become fast friends.
-Roxy is probably the one who sets up the gear for the Misfits. Not because shes selfless like that, but because shes the only one who knows how.
-Stormer tries to help out but this irritates Roxy more than anything, because she has to give Stormer instructions and its more distracting than helpful
-Too nice to be a bad girl and too spineless to be a good girl
-She is a borderline good guy, but when caught between an objectively moral choice and the Misfits, she will choose the Misfits.
-Do not mistake this for loyalty.
-She might object to a lot of what the Misfits do but her inaction enables it (compare to Aja?)
-Stormer subconsciously understands that the things she does as a Misfit are harmful, but she can usually frame herself as a victim to peer pressure and thus dodge the blame.
-This charade only holds up so long as she is in proximity to the Misfits validation; without their reassurance she cannot deny the awful things she has done.
-Cue Stormber!
-Kimber would be a good influence on Stormer. She openly condemns things she disagrees with, and will criticize what Stormer has done in the past. This will be a harsh confrontation, but paired with healthy communication it will make Stormer a better person.
-She will learn that its okay to vocally disagree with the people you care about (ie the Misfits), and that conflict doesn't mean the relationship is over
-He is a hothead and posessive over those he loves, which works as both a protective instinct and a destructive one
-When Rio reciprocates the kiss to Jem he establishes himself as a huge jerk, because he is technically cheating but not really??
-Because in his mind he is under the impression that Jem is a different woman than Jerrica, so he believes that he is cheating. In another world the mistress would have actually been a different person.
-The solution to this is not my own idea, I saw it somewhere else:
-Jerrica and Rio were never dating, but have been pining for each other since they were in high school.
-Jerrica feels confident enough to court Rio as Jem, but Rio feels like he is betraying Jerrica by accepting Jems advances
-The love triangle between Jem and Rio and Riot is very much like Malina versus Darklina: does the female lead choose her childhood friend and longtime crush, or follow the mysterious seductive stranger?
-" The Perfect Man"
-Headcanon poly relationship with Minx and Radish. Weaponize the evil power of friendship you manwhore!!!
-I am skeptical of his backstory. Yes I know the show's tone indicates that he is telling the truth just hushshh shhhh shh.
-To refresh, his claim is as follows: he comes from humble beginnings, and his passion for music was suppressed by his abusive father. The Stingers struggled financially for a long time, and it is implied they became homeless. They reached the top purely by hard work.
-What we know about his backstory is purely of what he tells us: it could very well be that he was lying about his rags to riches journey
-The reason I think this is because of the Stingers behavior in the show: their frequent destruction of property, their sense of entitlement to everything and everyone, their scams, their mind games and manipulations, and other irresponsible, destructive behaviors that could only have been enabled by old money paying off the lawsuits.
-That is my first interpretation: Riot is a narcissist and lied about his backstory.
-Second interpretation is that Riot is only pretending to be a narcissist, and is telling the truth. He may be compensating for his jealousy of old money with faux self-importance. He frequently states that he is the "perfect man," after all. He might be trying to convince himself.
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tehloserprince · 5 years
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woke up feeling a bit sick yesterday, so i spent the day sleeping and reading comics. i'd forgotten that the IDW comics made Kimber and Stormer gay. but c'mon, their whole "friendship" in the 80's cartoon was honestly pretty gay.
truly outrageous, indeed.
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panickygoblin · 4 years
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i made this a few days ago
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bonibat · 6 years
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Here’s my fake Jem cover :)
The theme was family so here’s Jerrica and the pajamagrams, ft. Stormer since she’s practically married into the family. Only the most glam sleepovers happen in Starlight Mansion.  
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Sure as there's a moon and stars above I believe in happy endings, I believe in love
Okay, I made a similar edit before but like an idiot, I deleted it from Tumblr and my computer for some reason. So I remade it for valentines day. 
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zordonmlw7 · 7 years
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As my resident expert on female-female romance, on a scale of 1-10, how pure is this couple?
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kishibewave · 7 years
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some pics of me and my gf @wezza-report as Stormer and Kimber at mcm london 💖
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tehloserprince · 5 years
I'm p sure their ship name is Stormber! Their relationship is so pure 😭😭😭
This is good info! Thank thank. :)
They are very pure and wholesome. I really enjoyed all the updated/new designs, too!
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vaishino · 7 years
Tagged by @keialaar
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Taken
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither. I kind of hate stuff on my lips.
Last song I listened to: They Might Be Giants - They’ll Need A Crane
Last movie I watched: I think it was Iron Man? Random netflix background.
Top 3 characters: Leonard Snart (comics not TV show. Old continuity not New 52), Shingo Yabuki, aaaand lets say Daria Morgendorffer.
Top 3 ships: Korrasami, Stormber, and of course, disaster lesbians ( @playerprophet knows what I’m talkin about)
Tagging: @hellomynameisandiam @lordcephalopod @red-valentine @empty-knight @adries @miraculous @dodostad @weegboi @solarine
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