#store Circus Performing Arts circus
nemesyaaa · 2 months
here's a list of obx au's that i think of often and that I hope can help with writer's block bc i will never write them :)))
rafe cameron : lawyer!rafe, sadistict!gladiator!rafe, joker!rafe, momma’s boy!rafe, grim reaper!rafe, blade runner!rafe, sniper!mask!rafe, blue beard!rafe, older!creepy!taxi driver!rafe, purge!leader!rafe,...
jj maybanks : graffiti artist!jj, stuntman!jj, urbex!youtuber!jj, pervy!video club x!coworker!jj, bad!teacher!jj, theatre!student!jj, pickpocket!jj, butler!jj, con artist!jj, depressed!rich!drug addict!jj, creepy! obssessed!fan!jj...
pope heyward : scientist!pope, zookeeper!pope, video game!store!manager!pope, doctor!pope, dark!plastic surgeon!pope, strict!class president!pope, marine scientist!pope, nerdy!detective!pope, mathlete!pope, aerospace!engineer!pope, geek!hacker!pope, pervy!computer scientist!pope, cult!scientist!leader!pope…
john b : pool!lifeguard!john b, music store!manager!john b, firefighter!john b, old!guitarist!john b, gravedigger!john b, dog sitter!john b, sadistic!dom!john b, drug sitter!john b, con artist!john b, animal rescue!john b, banker!john b....
reader: muse!reader, dentist!reader, circus performer!reader, academic!weapon!reader, goofy!loser!reader, art!student!reader, brothel!reader, fashion designer!reader, nurse!reader, pet store!reader, famous podcast!reader, fortune!teller!reader, swan!reader, veterinarian!reader, vigilante!reader, wedding!planner!reader, stand up comic!reader, sailor!reader, cosplayer!reader, sex shop worker!reader, hairstylist!reader, pin up galore!reader, activist!reader….
fantasy female!reader :succubus!reader, wish!granting!genie!reader, tiny!fairy!princess!reader, whimsigoth!witch!reader, egyptian!goddess!reader, cursed!angel!reader…
done ! you can use freely, i don't care about credits but i would like to read and support your work, so tag me anywhere, or tell me<3333 hope it helps 😁
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 10 months
Have you watched the Amazing Digital Circus? It is an animation about some random girl trapped inside a computer world where is a circus performer in a crazy circus led by a maniacal pair of dentures in which she can never hope to escape. I think I seen another favorite Yuri couple I like to see drawn in your art style? Have you seen Pomni and Ragatha? Living forever in a virtual world with no hope of going back home does not seem so bad if you have someone else there who cares about you, right
I've seen it (considering the view count in a month, who hasn't seen it? lol). I even bought a Caine pin from the store to help fund the show get more eps, every little bit helps. I've seen the Ragatha x Pomni ship pics and it's pretty cute. I'll need a bit more time to fully ship it but it's a front runner
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golden-web · 6 months
“Knox right?” Ivy says as I walk up to the counter. She’s in a black top and an apron.
“You applying for the job?” She grins.
“Uhm yea, I typically have done like news stuff, but I’m kinda applying everywhere.” I look down nervously.
“Cool! This is me and my mom’s shop. Wait, are you good at like advertisement?” I shrug.
“Don’t know never really tried… I bet I could though.”
“I’ll be right back.” Ivy dashes off quickly. A few people move around me, getting drinks and what not. Ivy comes back in with an older woman in tow. Her skin is lighter than Ivy’s, but still a beautiful rich brown. Her curls bounce as she walks in.
“Hi Knox, I’m Camilla, would you mind coming on back for us to have a little chat?” Her voice reminds me of birds singing. I nod and follow her behind the counter. “Are you 18?”
“Yes ma’am. I promise.”
“Got ID?”
“Runaway?” She asks bluntly.
“I… I’m 18, my guardians know where I am but I guess…”
“That’s okay, just checking.” She shakes her hands at me and takes a sip of coffee. “In case you don’t know, this a coffee slash book store. We also do show nights.”
“Okay, I don’t-”
“I don’t want to know to much. I want to help you. Okay? What can you do? What experience do you have?”
“I was a photographer and like newspaper person. Uhm, I’m good at art and stuff. I pick things up pretty good…”
“How strong are you?” She asks leaning forward.
“Very.” I reply not really thinking. She raises an eyebrow like a challenge.
“Can you pick up that chest?” She motions towards a chest at her feet.
I stand up and get my hands around it nicely. Proably a solid 90 pounds, not to bad but I pretend to struggle for some effect.
“Perfect. Have you ever been a performer?” I set the chest down carefully.
“I’ve been in band?”
“Ever been to the circus?” She asks, a little gleam in her eye.
“Can’t say I have ma’am.”
“That’s okay. Are shows are circus performances. Ivy did trapeze for a while. On of our performers quite to start a new life. I think you could learn quickly.” My tingle sizzles slightly. But I need this job.
“I’ll try anything ma’am. Safely of course.” I add. She puts on her bread winner smile again and stands, putting a hands towards me.
“Well Knox, let’s see what you can do.”
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inkbone-phalanges · 7 months
In His Shadow Part 1 (OC/Buggy)
I watched carefully from my spot crouched behind the long, wooden bench full of people. I peered out from between two audience members and made sure that no one noticed my presence. I have been following and sneaking into this circus for a while now as I don't have a job to be able to afford tickets and I'm not fond of the idea of being held captive alongside the current crowd and those before them. Luckily enough, my frightening appearance has trained me well in the art of stealth.
Tonight's show is different to the others; tonight, a large wooden crate sits in the centre of the stage. I watched as the performers danced and milled around it with fluidity as they performed their usual tricks and acts. I felt the anticipation building as the performers more or less ignored the crate, waiting with bated breath to see what the ringleader had in store tonight. As I theorised about what could be in the crate, my curiosity was sated as it started falling apart panel by panel and was carried off by several performers.
Three people were revealed in this process. A stoic green-haired man, a smiling and applauding brunet and a displeased ginger girl. I noticed the routine for the ringleader’s entrance wasn’t playing out as well as he planned, something which has happened more often than not, it seems…
"No! No, no, no!" The blue-haired clown prince of piracy stormed in, berating his subordinates for their poor coordination and other missteps. The smiling prisoner interrupted the clown's intimidation by misremembering his wanted poster. Hearing the name 'Binky' had me rolling my eyes. Imagine being a pirate of the East Blue and not knowing Buggy the Clown. Or even one of the other names the captain listed.
(Authors Note: I am not entirely happy with this but I have rewritten it four times now so I'm just going to post it as is. Most of my fics are mixes of anime/manga and OPLA)
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cirqueduroyale · 2 years
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Some cartoon clowns + @hobbittastic's oc Zone Cirque Royale style
What they'd be doing in CR-verse or whatever under cut:
Jojo: A sweet young adult who works at Craftacular arts and craft store.
Krusty: a former circus producer. He...cut a LOT of corners to save a few bucks. People may have died...
Dr. Rockzo: a washed-up former rock star, who now does weddings and birthday parties.
The Rainbow twins: Hybrid clown/mime twin actors. They're most known for their performance in a kids show as a recurring were-mime villain. This character is greatly disliked by both mimes and clowns. :D
Zone: Owner and mascot of Zone Skating!
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lackablazeical · 2 years
What are some of the favorite places that the kids like to go? Markets, theme parks, movie theatres, arcades, etc.
Leo: he likes to just walk/explore the city! But he also loves the outdoors, and just staying home to relax and Lounge. Really he just likes being able to chat and chill out. Also really likes train stations.
Mikey: loves arcades, the circus, and seeing street performances around NY. he will also go to the Nexus hotel if he just wants to chill and have fun, because he can hang at the bar or watch broadcasts. Also absolutely LIVES for concerts
Donnie: likes staying home for sure, but will also go to scrap yards, April's school, chem labs, and warehouses. He also likes train stations and along highways, he likes people watching and he can often find interesting trash/test subjects.
Raph: He likes going swimming!!! He's not one for crowds, they stress him out, lol. He will also just hang on city rooftops with Cuddles for a bit of quiet, and actually does enjoy being in empty stores/libraries!
April: likes sports games (baseball and hocky being faves), movies, concerts, abandoned buildings, small restaurants, and things like laser tag.
Usagi: he likes nature walks, orchestra, plays, and art galleries! He likes to just be able to enjoy art for a whole and not think about anything but the violins or the painting in front of him.
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parfumieren · 2 years
Breath of God (LUSH/Gorilla Perfume)
There’s a painting in the Philadelphia Museum of Art that simultaneously haunts and infuriates a friend of mine. No matter what special exhibit she's bought a ticket to see, she invariably ends up in the permanent collection wing, fuming in front of this one work of art. She loves it. She hates it. She marvels at its audacity. She grits her teeth at its arrogance. She claims she’ll keep going back to look at it until she finally understands it... or rips it off the wall in frustration.
So it is destined to be with me and Breath of God.
My decision to obtain a decanted sample of it was based on two prompts-- Tania Sanchez' enraptured five-star review of it in Perfumes: The A to Z Guide (in which she described it as "a triumph, a walk through an autumnal landscape in shades of pencil gray instead of painterly gold...") and the heads-up that LUSH's B Never Too Busy To Be Beautiful division would soon B Going Out of Business*. If Breath of God really was so astounding, I wanted to experience it before it vanished for good. So I ordered a sample sprayer from The Perfumed Court and readied myself for a religious experience.
A trip through a circus funhouse would be more like it.
As soon as the perfume hit my skin, I was struck by the scent of... something burning. Seriously, I thought I had left a dishtowel on the stove. Before I could reach for the extinguisher, this scent suddenly morphed from house fire to fruit salad to Old Spice. I believe I may have actually uttered “Fuck!” out loud.
Muttering and shaking my head, I sat down on the couch and received a whiff of honeydew melon from the region of my bosom. At the same time, the pulse points up under my jaw were radiating mesquite as if I’d marinated myself in Liquid Smoke. So to recap: my wrists smelled like aftershave, my chest smelled like the produce section at the grocery store, and my throat smelled like a Kansas City barbecue. What kind of alchemical funny business was going on here?
Five minutes elapsed, and we suddenly entered upon a bizarre medicinal phase. All the aforementioned disparate odors came together and turned into BenGay on my skin. I stuck my wrist under my husband’s nose, and he expressed a hope that I would feel better—or at least take another shower—soon. Moments after the words left his mouth, the whole shebang geared down into a fresh men's deodorant scent-- woodsy, musky, almost affable; in other words, MILES away from where it had been a moment before.
Now it is evening, and I'm still muttering, "What the...?" I feel exhausted, put-upon, vaguely duped. Yet -- god help me -- I'm interested.
Damn you, Breath of God! In twelve hours, I've gone from planning to offload you onto the first passerby, to vowing to never ever let you go. My rating has veered from top marks to no marks and back again, and still hasn't come to a complete stop. I think I'll wear you the next time I accompany my friend to the art museum. She'll stand in front of her painting, and I'll keep sniffing myself and cursing under my breath, and together we'll create what I secretly suspect you already are: an amazing piece of performance art, alienating, off-putting, and impossible to deny.
*Though BNTBTBB announced that it was calling it quits in 2009, parent company LUSH absorbed the line and relaunched it in 2011 as the "Exclusives" collection under the new Gorilla Perfumes label. Breath of God remains its familiar, weird and brilliant self, priced affordably and in ready supply. Bless the Constantines, père et fils!
Scent Elements: Neroli, lemon, grapefruit, melon, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, vetiver, sandalwood, cedar, cade, black pepper, amber, musk
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nadircozy · 11 months
What does music mean to you?
"A life without music isn’t a life worth living.” I’m not quite sure who said that (I said it) but that is something I can agree with wholeheartedly. As long as we’ve all been alive, music has been apart of our lives in some capacity. The songs we hear in retail stores that we can’t get out of our heads, throwback tracks that make us reminisce, cleaning the house on Saturday mornings, long drives, gym sessions, and more. Even if you’re not an avid listener in your free time, music is always apart your life serving a purpose. For music lovers, it may be a soundtrack to their lives, an outlet, their passion, etc. Today we’re speaking with musician of many talents Papa Mbahwe, to discuss essentially what music means to him.
Me: What was your introduction to music?
Papa: My introduction to music was after I got cut from my middle school basketball team. I needed something to keep me busy since athletics wasn’t it. I never anticipated it being a huge part of my life.
Me: Is it something that were interested in prior?
Papa: I was definitely always artistic, whether it be writing, drawing or storytelling. Music was always somewhat of a background of my life. I found that music or specifically the saxophone was the vessel of expression that I was the most proficient at
Me: The sax. That seems like an instrument that you have to have a vivid memory of. Do you remember the first time you heard it?
Papa: My dad would play miles Davis’ kind of blue in the car when I was a kid. My conception of the saxophones sound was formed by cannonball adderley and John Coltrane. Of course I’d be hearing smooth jazz sax all over the place, but their sound resonated with me more
Me: Would you say this is what made you fall in love with music?
Papa: What made me fall in love with music was not by hearing its pleasant sounds, but rather its ability to articulate the inarticulable through sound
Me: Sounds like you don’t like to just hear music but feel it. How does that translate to your own music?
Papa: When I was younger I lacked the discipline to play tastefully and listen to what was going on around me, I was filled with circus tricks. Nowadays I learned to put my ego aside and play for musics sake rather than some ulterior motive (unless I’m trynna get a check ya dig)
Me: Would you say the way you play music is parallel to your personality?
Papa: Id say the way I play parallels my mood—which is fluid— or my interpretation of a memory or an aesthetic that im trying to capture
Me: Being as though you have your own playing style, how do you like to create, solo or collaboratively?
Papa: With hip-hop, I adore the process of writing, hunting samples and listening by myself. However with Jazz music, I find it almost impossible to improvise without the help of others— not even from the point of playing in a band. It’s as if the audience is also apart of making the music.
Me: Do you enjoy playing music or writing music more?
Papa: Mmmm that’s difficult, playing allows me to just be in the moment. I don’t have an abstract or artsy way of explaining it like some musicians typically do.
Me: Speaking of being in the moment how does it feel to perform?
Papa: Performing feels great when you’re well prepared. But really it depends on the situation, sometimes you’re playing at a cocktail hour and it feels like a job. But when you’re at a club or festival there’s a feeling of community, self reflection and at times catharsis
Me: You’ve mentioned family, expression, storytelling, emotion up to this point. What does music mean to you?
Papa: Music is a language used to honor heritage, create community, and impose order on our rawest unstructured thoughts and emotions.
Furthermore, an art form such is subjective. Art is subjective as a whole regardless of the type. You can’t put an exact definition on what it means, what it’s suppose to make you feel, if it makes you feel. But, that’s the beauty of it. Getting a inside look of the mind of an artist definitely has had a profound effect on how I think about music. I hope this helped you ponder what music means to you.
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eidolonartt · 1 year
Hey! I just wanted to say I really love your character art! I might have said it already and straight up forgot, but that just means you get to hear it again, right?
I was wondering, could I possibly hear some fun facts about Ulrich and Finnick? I love Tieflings so much! Also, what is their dynamic like?
Ulrich: - He's not necessarily anti-magic or anything that severe, but he prefers fighting people who don't use it. He feels like dueling with blades only is more fun, and what he can't articulate as well is that he enjoys the connection between him and the other people. He can determine more about them as a person based on their fighting style, but he feels that's not as easy when they're a mage bc he's just not familiar enough with magic - He's a pretty good baker overall and his favorite things to make are regular breads! He's a good enough cook as well. - He doesn't eat most meats because of issues with texture, but fish somethings is an exception. If it's meat in other forms, though, he's usually fine with it (ground red meat in particular is a-ok) - His parents are circus performers who have not talked to him since he was 16 mostly because they couldn't be bothered Finnick: - Wasn't originally born a grey tiefling, at a young age he stumbled onto his parents performing a ritual that went awry, killing them and leaving him drained of his color. He doesn't know why and is still trying to figure it out - As such he doesn't HAVE to dress in greyscale but its something he's embraced as a way to come to terms with the outcome. His blood is black as well, and he does have a gnarly scar on his back - I DID design some of his tattoos with the explicit intent for them to be magic. You can see the tattoo sheet here! I don't even fully remember what I was going for, but the ones on the right from top to bottom I believe are detect magic, identify, find familiar, and sending. His chest piece and other arm are just decoration, and I designed those too :] - He runs a magic store and the hours are kind of ???? ?? heehee <:3 because his sleep schedule is nonexistent. He half-jokingly claims he doesn't keep consistent hours to make the shop seem more exclusive
Dynamic: - Finnick and Ulrich generally get along because they're both kind of jaded and sardonic in similar ways and it led to them understanding each other off the bat more than either of them normally do with new people! They both do the thing where they're kind of prickly and difficult to deal with but they're not earnestly mean or cruel - At the same time they're also both stubborn and difficult to deal with so they butt heads because of that too lol - What brings them together more is Finnick showing thoughtful, unprompted kindness to Ulrich and Ulrich being very stubborn about getting Finnick to improve his own circumstances (eating regularly, not just hyperfocusing on magic books and leaving the house a mess) and helps him through that. - Ulrich is more extroverted between the two of them but in a weird way Finnick has more charisma and is better with people lol
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terrimotors · 2 years
Junkit mix martins
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The cabaret superstar and winner of the 2012 Edinburgh TOAST Award returns for a third time to the Afterglow Festival. In A Voice and Nothing More he unveils brand new pop songs, old stories and contemporary absurdist arias.
With v's inimitable sandpaper tongue Mx Bond purrs, scratches and sprays in this jazz-inspired rumination on the power of instinct and how to land on all four feet after a real hard fall-even without opposable thumbs! Have you been spayed or neutered? With Matt Ray.īeckoning the audience into a labyrinth of memories and visions, acclaimed singer and performing artist Joseph Keckler brings the banal to an operatic intensity through a distinctive blend of narratives, media and music. Dan Fishback's Socialist Queer Utopia Family Circus will make you want to start an anti-capitalist non-biological outlaw family of your own. Featuring deadpan stand-up comedian Becky Eklund, computer virus/drag disaster Chris Tyler and politcial cabaret songbird Santiago Venegas. Songwriter and performance artist Dan Fishback ringleads a team of scrappy emerging queer performers in a bratty DIY roadshow of songs, stories, complaints, screeds, manifestos and failures.
Dan Fishback's Socialist Queer Utopia Family Circus.
Starring Justin Vivian Bond, Dan Fishback, Lady Rizo, Joseph Keckler, Amber Martin, Jill Pangallo, Erin Markey, Chris Tyler, Becky Eklund, Santiago Venegas, Greg Potter & Enid Ellen, Paul Dawson, PJ DeBoy, musical director Matt Ray and revelatory surprises." Dan Fishback Everything you know is wrong and S + C set the Akashic record straight. Taking names and dropping them like their hot will be the divine order of the evening.
A full festival pass, plus admission to the opening-night benefit party is $500.Ĭosmic comics Stella Starsky + Quinn Cox rip back the veil to reveal some universal truthiness and provide a privileged peek into what the stars of this year’s Afterglow Festival have in store. Single tickets for all shows are $30, while two-show passes are available for $54, and a pass for all 15 shows is $360. Participating artists include authors and astrological consultants Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox, Matt Ray, Dan Fishback, Chris Tyler, Santiago Venegas, Becky Eklund, Bond ( Kiki & Herb: Alive on Broadway), Joseph Keckler, Lady Rizo, Yair Evnine, Ray Rizzo, Molly Pope, Max Steele, Erin Markey, Mike Albo, Amber Martin, Brett Every, Nath Ann Carrera, Jill Pangallo (directed by Mike Albo), Penny Arcade, Lance Horne, as well as MATTACHINE with Angela Di Carlo, Paul Dawson and PJ DeBoy. Afterglow offers a mix of established and under-the-radar performers who push the boundaries of innovative art. 15, the annual festival is conceived by John Cameron Mitchell and Quinn Cox.
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tagg-magazine · 1 month
What's On: Collection Store Tours, Dear Evan Hansen and Esperanza Spalding
Collection Store Tours Weekends Beneath Hamer Hall, discover a hidden door to Australia’s largest performing arts collection. Now open to the public, explore over 850,000 items from music, circus, dance, opera, and theatre. Learn about Arts Centre Melbourne’s rich history and see how these artefacts transition from storage to display. Led by a tour guide, explore how our team collaborates with…
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butch-boything · 1 month
Alright then, what are your passions??? (Imagine me with heart shaped pupils looking up at you soooo excited to hear because I am) 💖
!!! many things!
-i’m really into ice hockey. i practically grew up at the rink watching my brothers play, but it didn’t really CLICK for me until a few years later. i ended up playing myself :)) i love everything about the game - the speed, the intensity. the constant circling. the impact. all of it is magical to me
-theatre, circus, performance art… that whole vein of art is so fantastical and stimulating and inspiring to me. it’s that kind of energy exchange and creative daring that i live for
-music. i could go on and on. it’s a universal language that everyone recognizes. so human, so integral
-poetry!! i don’t read much poetry, i mostly just write - but i write a LOT. i don’t really edit my poems; i like to just let them be what they are
-i was going to say that compassion/kindness is a passion, but i think it’s different. that’s more of a code or a standard i hold myself to, not something that pushes me forward or “lights a fire” in me
-instead i’ll say that I’m passionate about talking to people. i like to talk to the people next to me on the train or at the store. i like to make friends with people very different than me who i may never see again. i like to share a feeling or an experience with someone
thank you for asking :))
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deviantartdramahub · 2 months
I am dismayed by all the people who look down, both literally and figuratively, on chalk drawings as an art form. All the sketch artists, all the digital artists, and even all the AI artists have come to my art partner (who is currently the only routine chalk artist on DA right now, so anyone will know who it is) while she's on full display doing chalk drawings and tease her by saying "what are you, five" and they laugh at what her fans have grown to appreciate and get them to fight in the audience. If you're one of these people, there's so much you're not seeing, as the variables behind chalk art are monstrous to the extent that it's amazing it's as akin to a laughing matter as it is thought as. Have you never looked at what she does and given it thought?
You don't have the chances with chalk drawings as paper drawings. If you made a paper drawing, and you made a mistake, you can either throw the paper away and start again or you can use the magic eraser option on a scanner. With chalk drawings, a smudge will always be a smudge, and you have to return to it later unless the elements of nature can help you wash it out, after which you then have to wait quite a while for the pavement to recover, not to mention pavement is such an unpredictable canvas to do work on. It's also a medium that AI cannot help anyone with, since AI, though they can always try, do terrible imitations of pavement and chalk textures/drawings, especially drawings of fictional characters. In some countries, I know they don't even distribute chalk in stores, and in others it might be hard to find. Also, you can't trace with chalk, nor can you copy from the internet, unless you happen to be a rich person with a good unlimited outdoor wi-fi connection or have the printer ink to pre-print what you want to draw as a model, but at that point you might as well just share the print you made with everyone.
When you draw on paper, or digitally, you have the option of doing it in your own home. So when you do a chalk drawing in a public place, it's like the kind of highbrow circus performance where everyone is watching. If your identity has persona status, and who you're presented as on the grapevines is not a literal representation of who you are physically and bluntly, then all the possible media people make of the art work, whose existence would ruin your work if those people beat you to mentioning the work, would expose you, and you would be forced into presenting yourself as who you are literally, so when witness testimony of you as you draw with your chalk doesn't contradict with how you present yourself, you may say it's a sign the artist is an honest person. It is not for the socially anxious.
Chalk drawing is time-sensitive. You could be awake at three in the morning doodling on a piece of paper, but who is going to be out in the park three in the morning making a chalk drawing of Patrick with a krabby patty ("oh boy 3 AM!"). So doing chalk drawings for people is a sacrifice in a world where most people expect you'll spend your free time playing Mario Kart or something. Someone who draws with chalk is someone who likes their fans, more than they fear potential karens in their own community who might scream at you for drawing what they deem as unsuitable for children, and therefore more than they fear being kicked out of public places for pleasing said fans, who a good artist will go great lengths for.
While we're at points two and three, let's not forget chalk drawings require you to carry a load of carefully selected colors of chalk, which will all have varying availability and risk getting mixed up in the sorting process or tainting each other if they share the same container, around with you to your destination, actually find a suitable spot to draw that isn't too preoccupied, which is predictably smooth enough that a drawing will come out nice while being rough enough as to be able to handle chalk, and sit or lay in an uncomfortable position until you get the drawing done, with the dirty hands you come home with being the badge of your work, all while braving allergies if you have them.
Any onlooker and passerby in a community setting can modify a chalk drawing. For this reason, it's an artform so fluid to what constitutes its complete self that the biggest caveat arises, that it's impossible to sign your name or verify you did the chalk drawing unless you show a recording of yourself doing it (with an author whose status is not in unrest being indication they are known to be one who have shown for themselves) or took fan requests to prove you had the skill on supply to draw anything on demand. In my opinion, there would be no greater statement of wanting to be anonymous with others than doing a chalk drawing and then not showing yourself… if that itself wasn't thwarted by the fact a habitual chalk artist does their work in front people, which would make it the exact opposite, a show of non-anonymity to the point where an artist's identity as an artist is verifiable while their authorships of those precise chalk artworks is not. Aside from the two ways to verify one's authorship, it would be the ultimate statement/demonstration of trust between an artist and their fans to claim authorship.
While with paper and digital works, their original copies will last forever, a chalk drawing will only last until the next time it rains, making a chalk drawing the ultimate act of art charity, and that's assuming the weather will treat you well during your quest in the first place, whether you're thinking of the blistering sun threatening the person with sunburn, the chilling cold threatening them with frostbite, or insects and sometimes small animals that just won't leave you alone, sometimes threatening to take your chalk, which humans also have the capability of doing.
She loves her legacy, and her fans love it too. They submit their heart and soul, don't break those hearts with your traditionalist influences, because god forbid this medium be considered seriously.
Trust me, I know how it is.
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qocsuing · 5 months
Exploring the Vibrant City of Shanghai
Exploring the Vibrant City of Shanghai Shanghai, located in the eastern part of China, is a bustling metropolis known for its rich history, modern architecture, and vibrant culture. Let’s delve into some of the key aspects that make Shanghai a unique and captivating destination.To get more news about shanghai cn cn, you can visit shine news official website.
1. The Iconic Bund The Bund, a waterfront area along the Huangpu River, is one of Shanghai’s most famous landmarks. Lined with historic European-style buildings, it offers stunning views of the city skyline. Visitors can take leisurely strolls, enjoy river cruises, and marvel at the illuminated skyscrapers across the river.
2. Skyscrapers Galore Shanghai boasts an impressive skyline, dominated by futuristic skyscrapers. The Oriental Pearl Tower, Jin Mao Tower, and Shanghai Tower are architectural marvels that define the cityscape. The Shanghai World Financial Center, with its distinctive trapezoidal hole at the top, is another must-see.
3. Old Meets New In the heart of Shanghai lies the French Concession, a charming area with tree-lined streets, historic villas, and trendy boutiques. It’s a delightful blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication. Don’t miss out on exploring Tianzifang, an artsy district filled with narrow alleys, art studios, and cozy cafés.
4. Culinary Delights Shanghai is a food lover’s paradise. From street food stalls serving xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) to upscale restaurants offering exquisite Shanghainese cuisine, there’s something for every palate. Be sure to try the local specialty, “shengjianbao” (pan-fried pork buns).
5. Art and Culture The Shanghai Museum houses an extensive collection of Chinese art, including ancient ceramics, calligraphy, and paintings. For contemporary art enthusiasts, the Power Station of Art hosts exhibitions by both local and international artists.
6. Shopping Extravaganza Nanjing Road, one of the world’s busiest shopping streets, is a paradise for shopaholics. From luxury boutiques to department stores, it’s a shopper’s haven. For a unique experience, explore the Yuyuan Bazaar, where you’ll find traditional Chinese handicrafts and souvenirs.
7. Nightlife and Entertainment Shanghai comes alive at night. Head to the trendy Xintiandi district for chic bars, live music, and stylish clubs. The acrobatic performances at the Shanghai Circus World are awe-inspiring, leaving audiences spellbound.
Whether you’re fascinated by history, architecture, or culinary delights, Shanghai offers an unforgettable experience. Plan your visit and immerse yourself in the energy of this dynamic city! 🇨🇳
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slutgang101 · 9 months
Title: Balancing Act: The Joys and Challenges of Being an Adult Entertainer and a Mother
Being an adult entertainer and a mother is like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle—it's exhilarating, challenging, and occasionally downright absurd. As someone who's navigated this unique double life, I can tell you firsthand that it's not all glitz and glamour. In fact, it's a delicate dance between passion, responsibility, and the occasional awkward encounter at the grocery store.
Let's face it—society doesn't always make it easy. There's a certain stigma attached to both professions, and when you're straddling the line between them, people's eyebrows tend to reach for the sky. But hey, who said life was meant to fit into neat little boxes anyway?
As an adult entertainer, the stage is your playground, and you're the conductor of your own symphony of seduction. But when the curtain falls, and the costumes come off, it's time to switch gears. Suddenly, you're not just a performer; you're a superhero in disguise, ready to tackle the chaos of parenthood.
Balancing late nights and early mornings, glitter and diaper cream, is no small feat. It requires a level of organization that would make Marie Kondo nod in approval. You've got your showbiz schedule to manage, alongside playdates, school runs, and the endless quest for matching socks. It's a whirlwind, but hey, who needs sleep anyway?
And then there's the matter of boundaries. Explaining your profession to a curious child can be a delicate dance. "Mommy's job is all about making people smile and feel good about themselves, just like when I help you feel better after a bad day," becomes your go-to script. It's a fine art, walking the tightrope between honesty and age-appropriate information.
But amidst the chaos, there's a unique kind of empowerment that comes with being a mother in the adult entertainment world. You're showing your children that passion knows no bounds, and that you can be a strong, loving caregiver while embracing your own individuality. It's a lesson in resilience, in breaking down barriers, and in following your heart, no matter how unconventional the path may seem.
So, to all the fellow lionesses taming the circus of adult entertainment while raising cubs, I raise my metaphorical top hat to you. It's not easy, and the tightrope may wobble more often than you'd like, but you're doing something truly extraordinary. You're proving that being a mother and an adult entertainer isn't just hard work—it's a dazzling, daring, and downright fabulous balancing act.
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thewidowstanton · 9 months
The Widow's Best of 2023
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Jane Hobson 2023: Following such a desperate year for so many in the world this quotation by Nietzsche seems pertinent. "We have art in order not to die of the truth." So, in an effort to uplift whoever might read this, here's a somewhat curtailed list of a few of our favourite things we've seen this year. It wasn't the hottest time for live shows; we walked out of five! One every few years, maybe, but five! Disappointing. However we still managed to find some wonderful things, not all of them new. Let's begin with…
MOST SPECTACULAR: Phelim McDermott's Akhnaten at the London Coliseum. We'd been asked so many times: "Have you seen Akhnaten?" No, we hadn't but now we have and, OK, it's a Philip Glass opera (pictured above and below) but really, with a set by Tom Pye and costumes by Kevin Pollard it's a full-on feast for the senses, with the ever-inventive Gandini Juggling, choreographed by Sean Gandini, doing what they do best.
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Jane Hobson BEST CIRCUS SHOW: Cirque Le Roux's thrilling and ambitious Entre Chiens et Louves – staged at Le Bon Marché department store in Paris (take note Selfridges) – took our breath away even without the sublime Lolita Costet in the cast; and Circa's Humans II at the Queen Elizabeth Hall at London's Southbank Centre.
COMPANY TO WATCH: Hoops Désolé! A “crazy” six-strong troupe of artists drawn from the circus school in Quebec, Cirque du Soleil and Cirque Éloize.
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Emma Kauldhar BEST DANCE: Wayne McGregor’s Woolf Works at London’s Royal Opera House, with the mesmerising Alessandra Ferri, who at 59 was the same age as Virginia Woolf when she died. Another dancer with astonishing longevity is the Spanish Lucía Lacarra, now 48, who appeared in the Ballet Icons Gala at the London Coliseum.
BEST SHOWBIZ MEMOIR: Walking Through Walls by performance artist Marina Abramović; Do It For Your Mum by Roy Wilkinson, then manager of his brothers' band British Sea Power.
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MOST TERRIFYING: He's done some daring things in his time and on World Circus Day Hungarian high-wire artist Laci Simet performed a sensational walk across the River Danube – 40 metres up in the wind – with only a balance pole to keep him safe.
BEST FILM: German film Afire or Roter Himmel by Christian Petzold (he’ll never let you down); Babak Jalali’s Fremont, set in a fortune cookie factory; and the Mexican film The Empty Hours directed by Aarón Fernández.
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BEST ARCHIVE PIC: Josephine Baker and Dalida at L’Olympia music hall in Paris in 1968. A legendary pair!
LONGEST-SERVING FEMALE DJ: Texan Mary McCoy, who at 85 has been on the air for almost 72 years, and entered the Guinness Book of Records.
BEST DESERT ISLAND DISCS CASTAWAY: Actor/comedian/writer and so on, Adrian Edmondson; snooker star Ronnie O’Sullivan.
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MOST INSPIRING: The Maricarmen dance school in Chorrillos, south of Lima, in Peru, run by retired dancer Maria del Carmen Silva, offers free classes to girls of all abilities from low-income areas.
BEST DOCUMENTARY: Never Be a Punching Bag for Nobody by indie rock musician Naomi Yang; My Indiana Muse, in which artist Robert Townsend discovers his Kodachrome muse, Helen.
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FOND FAREWELL: Actor David McCallum, who, as The Man from U.N.C.L.E.’s Illya Kuryakin was an enduring heartthrob for a certain generation of girls and women. Closer to home the UK lost its leading circus director, Phillip Gandey (above), at 67, whose shows – including Cirque Surreal, The Chinese State Circus and The Lady Boys of Bangkok – were always far and away the most creative and exciting; and The Circus of Horrors – a show I reviewed more times than any other, except perhaps Cirque du Soleil – lost its co-creator and frontman, Doktor Haze (below) at 66. Along with Gerry Cottle, they were notable as two of the nicest circus men I met during my reviewing years, and are greatly missed.
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LAST WORD: It wouldn't be a Widow Stanton 'Best of' without some showgirls. This picture was taken by the Argentinian photographer Luisita Escarria, who with her sister Chela, documented all the artists appearing in revues in Buenos Aires from 1958 to 2009. Their story and wondrous archive might have been lost had it not been rescued by filmmakers Sol Miraglia and Hugo Manso. Their documentary Foto Estudio Luisita will warm your heart… and fortunately both the sisters lived long enough to see it.
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Compiled by Liz Arratoon
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