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Everywhere they searched they found you, #blackman, #blackwoman, #blackpeople. Made you think you contributed nothing to this world. Told that lie so long they believe it as truth & look down on you like you’re nothing to the point where they feel nothing when they hang, shoot, or environmentally poison you. Cold inhumane shit. But have the nerve to claim you’re the animal. They KNOW. #wakeup #melanin #melatonin #darkmatter #carbon
Aight, girl. Side-eye that cameraman. Felt the BS, huh? Took pictures like they discovered shit only to destroy then hide your very existence, lowered you to snakes they “cleared” in Christ’s honor. 😐😑😒
Repost @elleshakur_ St. Patrick’s Day? Please TheMoorYouKnow #ThingsTheyllNeverTeachBlackKidsNSkool
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#Leprechaun’s ethnically are the Twa or Batwa people of #Africa, most standing no more than 4'11". The name “Leprechaun” comes from the Old #Irish luchorpán, a compound of of the roots lú (small) and corp (body). In the book “Ancient and Modern Britons” by David MacRitchie it stated: “That the wild tribes of #Ireland were #blackmen is hinted by the #fact that ‘a wild #Irishman’ is in #Gaelic 'a #black Irishman’ (Dubh Eireannach).” The word “Dubh” in Gaelic means “Black”. #Dublin is the capital of Ireland, Dubh-land.
The Picts are acknowledged as the earliest inhabitants of #Scotland. The ruled Scotland for more than 500 years. The term Pict means “painted or tattooed”. The term was used by the Romans to describe inhabitants in the second century AD. The first documented appearance of the term was in a work by Eumenius in 297 AD. They were in the inhabitants of the highlands of Scotland between 200 and 850 AD. “The Highlanders are generally diminutive, with brown complexions, and almost always with black curled hair and dark eyes.” (Annals of Caledonian, Picts, and Scots by Joseph Ritson, Vol II, #Edinburgh: Ward D. Laing, 1828, pp . 7, 27)
The Silures and the Picts are just examples of ancient presence of #Blacks in the #British Isles, but that denial becomes a symbol of ignorance when weighed against the #evidence.
#KnowYourHistory #StopCelebratingShitWithNoKnowledge #KnowYourself #leprechauns #pygmies #HappyStPattysDay
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