#stop pegida
mariacallous · 11 days
In recent days, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, has capitulated to the far-right anti-immigration agenda of Marine Le Pen. In July, in an electoral pact with the left, he sought a firewall against her. Now he has turned rightwards, giving her an effective veto over prime minister Michel Barnier’s new government.
By the end of the month, the Austrian Freedom party (FPÖ), founded by two former members of the SS, Anton Reinthaller and Friedrich Peter, is expected to form an anti-immigration,pro-Russian government. It will cement a new hard-right axis across Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, and more importantly, Italy, where step by step the far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni (who met Keir Starmer on Monday), is accused of taking control of the press and the judiciary.
The far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party has just won the east German regional elections in Thuringia and came second in Saxony. This is despite Germany’s domestic intelligence agency listing the AfD in three states as an “extremist” organisation, reflecting concerns about the Holocaust denial and links to far-right political violence of some of its members – and their invoking of banned Nazi slogans, for which the party’s Thuringian leader, Björn Höcke, has twice been found guilty in German courts.
But while Germany’s centre-right opposition leader, Friedrich Merz, who last year supported coalitions with the AfD in local government, has now refused to enter any national or regional coalition with the AfD, he has come closer to much of its anti-immigration agenda. He now wants “to talk about the issue of repatriation” of existing residents.
Now Höcke is openly mocking what he calls the “dumb firewall” against him, forecasting that it will not last. And last week the German coalition government reacted to the AfD’s success by tightening control of its bordersin an effort to curb irregular migration.
Another lurch rightward came with the decision last month by the Dutch health minister, a member of Geert Wilders’ far-right Freedom party, to refuse requests from African countries for urgent help in the fight against mpox, even when the Dutch stockpile runs to 100,000 boxes of unused vaccines – many of which will pass their use-by date next year.
The spectre haunting Europe is not communism, as Karl Marx once wrote, but far-right extremism. And not much is left of the cordon sanitaire that was to keep out the far right. Europe now has seven governments with hard-right parties in control or in coalition, with Austria likely to be next, as once-immovable barriers to contamination are swept aside by centre-right appeasers.
“Breaking point” was the slogan on a poster that Nigel Farage deployed in 2016 during the Brexit referendum campaign, portraying bearded and dark-skinned migrants appearing to march in droves towards us. The exact same photograph was later replicated in Hungary, with the caption changed from “Breaking point” to “Stop”.
Similar slogans include “Stop the invasion” (“Stop invasione”), used by Matteo Salvini’s Italian League party; and “Close the borders” (“Grenzen dicht”), adopted by German far-right groups the AfD and Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West).
A few years ago, when the now-imprisoned former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon attempted to form a global coalition of anti-globalists, he managed to herd together a number of Europe’s rightwing leaders, from Nigel Farage to Hungary’s Viktor Orbán. He was involved in setting up an “Academy for the Judeo-Christian West” in Italy. And Trump’s “America first” Republican party is now one of many to adopt the “my country first” slogan.
Spain’s far-right Vox party has used “Primero lo nuestro. Primero los españoles”; Italy’s League, “Prima gli Italiani”; Hungary’s Fidesz party, “Nekünk Magyarország az első”; Germany’s AfD, “Unser Land zuerst”; Austria’s FPÖ, “Österreich zuerst”; and the Swiss People’s Party, “Die Schweiz zuerst”.
Outside Europe, “Önce Türkiye” (“Turkey First”) is promoted by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development party. The far-right Japan First party marches under the banner of “日本第一” (“Japan first”). “India first” has been adopted by prime minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party.
Variations on this theme include “Polska dla Polaków” (“Poland for Poles”),used by nationalists in Poland, Vox’s slogan “España viva” (“Long live Spain”), and “Brasil acima de tudo” (“Brazil above everything”), used by Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro.
In all, about 50 countries have already gone to the polls in 2024. “Fears that this year would reflect the global triumph of illiberal populism have so far been proved wrong,” Francis Fukuyama, a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy and the author of the End of History and the Last Man thesis, has concluded. “Democratic backsliding can and has been resisted in many countries.”
He can, of course, point to the return of Labour in Britain, the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as president of the European Commission, the shift away from the far right in Poland and the setback for Modi in India. But the Polish and Indian results tell me no more than tolerance of rightwing extremism can ebb when the electorate finds out that the nationalist demagogues are good at exploiting grievances, but bad at eradicating them.
And so we must not forget what has happened in countries from Indonesia to Argentina, the knife-edge fight for power in the US and – what Fukuyama misses in Europe – the insidious surrender of the centre to far-right prejudice.
Of course, there are ways to frustrate the onward rush of rightwing populists. Not only did the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, defeat the right in national elections last year, but he has skilfully engineered a split between Spain’s centre-right People’s party (PP) and the far-right Vox over the fate of vulnerable child migrants. Until July the two were in coalition in five key regions: Valencia, Aragón, Murcia, Extremadura and Castilla y León.
But it was not the centre-right PP that abandoned the extreme-right Vox; it was the extreme right that walked away from the centre right. And as long as the so-called moderates continue to play with fire – believing that by keeping their opponent close, they can eventually tame the beast – they will continue to lose. Sooner rather than later, the far-right poison will have to be countered with a progressive agenda focused on what matters to people most: jobs, standards of living, fairness and bridging the morally indefensible gap between rich and poor.
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braden-ffxiv · 7 years
Iranians are also incredibly different from other ‘middle eastern’ people. Farsi is a completely different language, their cultural heritage is wildly different
Turks are also incredibly different from other ‘middle eastern’ people, Turkish is a completely different language, their cultural heritage is wildly different
Afghanis are also incredibly different from other ‘middle eastern’ people, Pashto and Dari are completely different languages, their cultural heritage is wildly different
Egyptians are different from Algerians, Syrians are different from Lebanese, Saudis are different from Tunisians, Israelis are very different from all of them, and if you’re trying to smash Indian culture in with any of that you’re way, way off the mark
Are we seeing a pattern here?
The pattern u should be seeing is that ‘middle east’ is a silly western construct; also, ‘stop lumping all brown people together’ is a good lesson.
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queeranarchism · 4 years
People with a very simplified view of fascists always seem to assume that there’s one fascist movement, one fascist candidate, etc. Not how that works, folks. And that was never how that worked.
In the 1930s pretty much every European country had multiple competing fascist political parties and street movements. Some hated each others guts. Some presented themselves as the revolutionary vanguard, some bet heavily on conspiracy theories, some presented themselves as the educated polite option.
So it’s not about recognizing and stopping the one big specter. It’s not just Trump, or QAnon, or Generation Identity, or Front National, or Pegida, or Golden Dawn, or Ecofascists. It’s all of them and others. And ‘vote for or collaborate with the polite fascist to avoid the scary shouty ones’ is part of how they get power.  
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antifainternational · 4 years
2020: A Timeline of Bigoted, Fascist, And  Extreme Right Violence: Part Two (June - August 2020)
(CONTENT WARNING FOR EXTREME RACIST LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE) In keeping with our 2017, 2018, and 2019 lists of documented incidents of bigoted, fascist, and extreme right violence, we thought it smart to continue this year. Read Part One (January - May 2020) of our Timeline Here: https://antifainternational.tumblr.com/post/190676684915/2020-a-timeline-of-bigoted-fascist-and-extreme Read Part Three (September - December 2020) of our Timeline here: https://antifainternational.tumblr.com/post/638866053903089666/2020-a-timeline-of-bigoted-fascist-and-extreme You’ll also find these crimes listed on our corresponding map: http://bit.ly/2020ViolentHateCrimesMap We will be updating this on the regular, so check back once in a while. Please help us continue & expand this project by making a donation! https://bit.ly/intlhatecrimesresearch June 2020: 22-year-old soldier Ethan Melzer is arrested by the FBI after they uncover a months-long plot by Melzer, who was also a member of the nazi satanic cult the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), to plot an attack against Melzer's own unit, which is stationed overseas.  Melzer is alleged to have provided classified information about his unit's location, strength, and movements to 09A in the terror plot. SOURCE: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1287731/download June 1, 2020: After a verbal dispute with two people in his Shenandoah County, VA. apartment complex, 61-year-old black pastor Leon McCray finds himself surrounded by five people calling him a "nigger," telling him that "your motherfucking black life don't make a difference in this county," and threatening to kill him.  When one of the men head-butts McCray, McCray pulls out a pistol, stopping attack from escalating.   SOURCE: https://www.whsv.com/content/news/5-charged-with-hate-crimes-in-Shenandoah-County-attack-on-pastor-571220461.html June 1, 2020: Peter Oehlcke, a Dresden politician for the fascist AfD party and his wife attacked a Pentecost church service, accusing them of ringing their church bells to disturb a nearby PEGIDA protest. He and his wife attacked and hit two female church-goers who they accused of blocking their path as they angrily left the church. SOURCE: https://www.addn.me/nazis/attacke-durch-afd-kommunalpolitiker-nach-pfingstgottesdienst/ June 1, 2020: In a disagreement at a Wasau, WI. gas bar, 51-year-old Aaron Nielsen racially abuses another  cutsomer, leading to a fight.  Nielson now faces multiple battery charges. SOURCE: https://wausaupilotandreview.com/2020/06/02/wausau-man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-west-side-altercation/ June 1, 2020: PEGIDA fascists in Dresden attacked counter-protesters blockading their protest area. SOURCE: https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1137371.dresden-pegida-teilnehmer-gehen-auf-gegenproteste-los.html June 1, 2020: Two people are injured, one of them seriously, as cars plow through a Black Lives Matter protest on an intersection on two separate occasions in Columbia, MO.. SOURCE: https://abc17news.com/news/columbia/2020/06/01/two-people-hit-by-cars-during-columbia-protest/ June 2, 2020: Edward Halstead, 53 of Locust Grove, VA. is charged with assault, strangulation, and hate crimes after attacking three people because of their race, according to witnesses. SOURCE: https://www.fredericksburg.com/news/crime_courts/hate-crimes-alleged-in-locust-grove-assault-case/article_81c14f77-de27-52ed-be71-6188972dd72c.html June 2, 2020: 78-year-old Robert Carver escalates an argument with a black woman in a Kenosha, WI. parking lot about where she put her shopping cart by yelling racial slurs at her and then trying to run her over with his SUV. SOURCE: https://www.cbs58.com/news/pleasant-prairie-man-charged-with-hate-crimes-after-allegedly-trying-to-run-woman-over June 2, 2020: After a minor fender-bender in Minneapolis, Iyanna Dior, a 21-year old black trans woman is beaten by a mob of 30 men. SOURCE: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/iyanna-dior-minneapolis-beating-1009736/ June 2, 2020: Kevin Pullum was arrested for choking a Black Lives Matter Protester in Cookeville, Tennessee, because she said “fuck the KKK”. SOURCE: https://twitter.com/allitaylor_/status/1268145228797620224 June 2, 2020:18-year-old Mohammed Ejrail was attacked in Mehsi, India, while walking to a friend’s house to charge his phone. A group of Hindu supremacists started harassing him because he is a Mulsim, they attacked him after he refused to chant “Jai Shri Ram”, or “Glory to Lord Rama”. At least ten people attacked him and left him for dead on the road after stabbing him. Ejrail was taken to intensive care with stab wounds in his neck and head. SOURCE: https://maktoobmedia.com/2020/06/04/yet-again-muslim-youth-attacked-and-forced-to-chant-jai-shri-ram/  June 3, 2020: Louisville, KY’s historically black Little Flock Missionary Baptist Church is damaged when four white men arrive and fire multiple shots into it before making their getaway.   SOURCE: https://wfpl.org/after-church-was-shot-renewed-focus-on-kentuckys-hate-crime-laws/ June 3, 2020: Las Vegas white supremacists and “Boogaloo” race war activists Stephen T. Parshall, aka "Kiwi," 35; Andrew Lynam, 23; and William L. Loomis, 40 were arrested by the FBI for plotting a series of bombings.  FBI seized a cache of Molotov cocktails from the three as they were making their way to a Black Lives Matter protest. SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/three-men-connected-boogaloo-movement-tried-provoke-violence-protests-feds-n1224231 June 4, 2020: 20 fashos attack patrons of Paris’ Saint Saveur bar with iron bars and pepper spray, injuring people and smashing the bar’s windows before patrons and staff fought them off. SOURCE: https://www.web24.news/u/2020/06/in-paris-the-far-right-attacks-an-antifa-bar-with-a-pickaxe-handle.html June 3, 2020: Neonazi Timothy Kieth Moore drove his car into a protester at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Bakersfield, California. The nazi ran over protester 55-year old Robert Forbes, who died three days later of his injuries. SOURCE: https://www.kget.com/news/should-drivers-alleged-neo-nazi-tattoos-be-a-factor-in-investigation-into-blm-marchers-death/ June 4, 2020: A 14-year-old boy whose family had recently converted to Christianity is beset by a mob of Hindu nationalists in Kenduguda, India, then crushed to death under a boulder.  The mob then dismembers his corpse, hacks it into smaller pieces, and scatters the body parts throughout the area. SOURCE: https://www.siasat.com/despite-lockdown-hate-crime-against-christians-continue-report-1924131/ June 4, 2020: Steve Soto, 23 pleaded guilty to hate crimes charges after shooting out the window of a Oceanside, CA. tea shop that displayed a sign declaring support for the Black Lives Matter movement. SOURCE: https://timesofsandiego.com/crime/2020/09/28/man-sentenced-for-shooting-bb-gun-at-oceanside-business-supporting-blm/ June 4, 2020: Three lower-caste men were beaten, shaved and paraded around the town of Barauli Khalilabad, in India, with shoes hung around their necks after being accused of trying to steal a fan from the home of a higher caste Brahmin man. SOURCE: https://www.thequint.com/news/india/dalit-men-beaten-paraded-with-shoes-hung-around-their-neck-in-up June 4, 2020: A would-be incel terrorist, Cole Carini, 23, of Richlands, Virginia, was arrested after he blew off one hand and several fingers of the other hand, while making a bomb to target “hot cheerleaders”. After being rushed to Clinch Valley Medical Center in Richlands, Carini told police he had suffered the injuries in a lawnmower accident at his home. A search of his home told a different story, as police found bomb making materials, including a box of nails. “Adjacent to the nails on the floor was a blistered plastic container. The top of the container had been peeled back in a manner consistent with an explosion,” Special Agent Neil Schimke wrote. “On the ceiling above the plastic container was a red substance believed to be blood splattered on the ceiling, along with a skin colored chunk believed to be flesh.” An adjacent wall also appeared to be splattered with blood, the agent wrote. On the ground, investigators found a crumpled letter containing disturbing scenarios of revenge against women. Some of the statements included:“He casually walked through the shopping mall. His jacket concealed deadly objects.”, “He had … of tension that would come and go as he now approached the stage of hot cheerleaders.”, “Even if he died, this statement was worth it!”, “A dead seriousness sank in as he realized that he was truly passing the point of no return.” “He decided, ‘I will not back down. I will not be afraid of the consequences, no matter what. I will be heroic. I will make a statement like Elliot Rodgers did,’ he thought to himself.”. SOURCE: https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/incel-blows-own-hand-off-with-bomb-meant-hot-cheerleaders-fbi-says/PIPNTKKNXVAX5LDDIOKBFK2KFA/ June 6, 2020: German police arrest a 21-year-old man in Hildesheim after he announced online his intention to carry out a mass shooting at a mosque.  Police seized weapons and far-right extremists literature when they searched his home, along with evidence that he was financing his planned attack through arms dealing. SOURCE: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/germany-arrests-suspect-threat-attack-muslims-200608103951227.html June 6, 2020: Three men stab 22-year-old trans woman Luanny Sousa to death with a broken beer bottle in Camocim, Brazil. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/06/luanny-sousa_camocim-ceara-brazil_54c7c203 June 6, 2020: A 17-year-old Dalit boy named Vikas Kumar Jatav was shot dead by four upper caste men for visiting a temple in Amroha, India. SOURCE: https://feminisminindia.com/2020/06/11/dalitlivesmatter-atrocities-against-dalits-increase/ June 6, 2020: Jade, a trans woman living in Porto Real do Colégio, Brazil, is shot to death while sleeping in her own home by unknown assailants. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/06/jade_porto-real-do-colegio-alagoas-brazil_478d61f9 June 6, 2020: A well-known Romani activist and fighter not only for Romani rights, Jožek Miker, was beaten by racists in Teplice, Czechia. He was beaten by several men who were coming out of the pub in the immediate vicinity of Jožek's residence, they had a drink and when they came out in front of the pub, Jožka was just passing by. The attackers did not know him, the starting pretext for the attack was, in addition to his being Roma, also the fact that he was dressed in a Pirate Party T-shirt.  "Dude, it’s a Gypsy in a Pirate T-shirt, fuck Pirates," one of them said. Subsequently, one of the men grabbed him from behind, held his hands to his body, and another attacker struck him several times in the face. Jožek broke a tooth. SOURCE: http://www.romea.cz/cz/publicistika/komentare/rasiste-napadli-aktivistu-jozefa-mikera.utocili-na-nej-se-slovy-ty-vole-cikan-a-v-tricku-piratu-to-je-ulet-zasr-pirati June 6, 2020: Keila Nunes, a trans woman living in Barra de Santa Rosa, Brazil, is standing outside her home when two gunmen pull up on a motorcycle, shoot her, and ride away.  Nunes dies moments later in her home. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/06/keila-nunes_barra-de-santa-rosa-paraiba-brazil_b275d285 June 6, 2020: When Dutch fascist politician Thierry Baudet came to Den Bosch to pass out flyers for his party, Jasper Toeli van den Elshout reacted by following him around at a distance holding a box saying “waste paper”, encouraging people to throw away the flyers after they were handed them. Two fascist private security guards violently grabbed van den Elshout and forced him to the ground, keeping him there for twenty minutes, quickly leaving when police arrived. SOURCE: https://joop.bnnvara.nl/nieuws/lijfwachten-baudet-verhinderen-met-geweld-ludiek-protest June 7, 2020: 36-year-old KKK leader Harry H. "Skip" Rogers is arrested and charged with attempted malicious wounding, felony vandalism, and assault and battery and plowing his truck into a crowd at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Hanover, VA, injuring one person. SOURCE: https://www.richmond.com/news/local/crime/henrico-prosecutor-hanover-man-who-drove-into-protest-is-admitted-kkk-leader/article_54776922-5870-5657-8900-eb2969ae9140.html June 7, 2020: 63-year-old John Malcolm Bareswill, is arrested after calling North Carolina’s New Hope Baptist Church and making racially derogatory remarks to its congregants before threatening to set the church on fire. “You [n------] need to shut your mouth,” Bareswill said on the call, according to a member of the church. “We are going to burn the church.” Virginia Beach police and the FBI were able to track the phone call back to Bareswill and make the arrest. Though Bareswill initially denied making the racist call, authorities found that he looked up Black churches in the state of Virginia online moments before making the call. SOURCE: https://www.vice.com/en/article/akzya5/white-man-threatened-to-burn-down-a-black-church-that-organized-a-george-floyd-protest June 7, 2020: After returning from a Black Lives Matter protest in San Francisco, a family with three young children stops at a Burlingame, CA. restaurant to eat.  Steve Cibotti approaches their table, slams his hands on the table, and tells the family "fuck black lives!  Blue lives matter!" then returns to the table moments later to add "fuck you, bitch, I'l fucking shoot you!" Cibotti now faces felony threatening and hate crimes charges. SOURCE: https://abc7news.com/society/man-who-allegedly-threatened-family-wearing-black-lives-matter-shirts-arrested/6255480/ June 7, 2020: A man smashes his car into a crowd of protestors at a Black Lives Matter event in Seattle, then shoots a black man before getting out of his car and menacing protestors with his gun.  The man then runs away to the line of police a block away, where he surrenders. SOURCE: https://www.seattletimes.com/video/6162296961001/man-drives-car-into-crowd-shoots-one-person-at-sunday-protest-on-capitol-hill/ June 7, 2020: Yosef Aranbayev of Jamaica, Queens has been charged with a hate crime after pursuing two black men through his neighbourhood and shooting a .357 revolver at them.  When stopped at police, Aranbeyev explained he shot at the men to “scare them” out his neighbourhood. SOURCE: https://qns.com/story/2020/06/09/jamaica-man-charged-with-hate-crimes-for-shooting-at-people-driving-through-the-neighborhood-da/ June 7, 2020: A person who was riding their bike to a Black Lives protest in Leipzig, and who was carrying several protest signs under their arm, was thrown off their bike when a car suddenly appeared next to them. One of the people in the car yelled “Fucking Antifa!” at them, and then threw an object between the spokes of their bike, causing the victim to fly over the handlebars and land heavily on the street. SOURCE: https://www.chronikle.org/ereignis/angriff-weg-black-lives-matter-demo-plagwitz June 7, 2020: During an Imperial Beach, CA. rally calling for racial justice, 38-year-old Jeffrey Brooks heckles rally attendees before coming behind a reporter covering the event and sucker-punching him, knocking him to the ground. SOURCE: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/warrants-out-for-2-men-suspected-in-hate-crime-attack-during-racial-justice-rally-in-imperial-beach/2380251/ June 8, 2020: Ngahina Hohaia, a Māori woman was hit by a racist woman when she went for a walk up Ōwairaka/Mount Albert in New Zealand. She said there was a dog wandering in front of her car when she arrived at Ōwairaka and she asked the owner, who she described as an older Pākehā woman, if she could put her animal on a leash. "She replied with 'oh shut up you black b*tch, you disgraceful idiots who go around with this mokos on your face'." She got out of her car, and began recording the woman on her phone, and asked her to repeat what she had just said, at which point, "she lunged towards me and hit me". SOURCE: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/te-manu-korihi/418744/maori-woman-allegedly-racially-abused-at-owairaka-while-out-on-a-walk June 9, 2020: The dismembered corpse of 27-year-old black trans woman Dominique Rem’mie Fells is pulled from the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia.   SOURCE: https://planettransgender.com/dominique-remmie-fells-dismembered-body-found-in-the-schuylkill-river/ June 10, 2020: Two neonazis in Einbeck, Germany, attempt to put a homemade bomb in the mailbox of a 41-year old woman who works with refugees. Their bomb goes off prematurely and seriously injures the hand of one of them. Police manage to locate the nazis by following a trail of blood to their home, where the two are arrested, and the cops find several more bombs. SOURCE: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/braunschweig_harz_goettingen/Anschlag-in-Einbeck-Panne-beim-LKA,einbeck216.html June 10, 2020: When 27-year-old Montana Amburn starts a fight with customers at a Mineral Wells, TX. bar, escalating to yelling racial slurs at a woman in the bar.  When the woman's husband came to her defence, Amburn stabs him, severely injuring him. SOURCE: https://www.latinpost.com/articles/146009/20200614/white-man-who-made-racist-comments-arrested-repeatedly-stabbing-black.htm June 10, 2020: Three men racially abused a woman and her 3 year old child in a Dresden, Germany playground, before shoving the kid, injuring him. SOURCE: https://www.lvz.de/Region/Polizeiticker/Rassisten-greifen-Dreijaehrigen-in-Dresden-an June 10-13, 2020: 44-year-old Anthony J. Pelfrey goes on spree of random, unprovoked attacks against racialized people in Sonoma County, CA - assaulting and pepper spraying a Latino man in a food bank parking lot, pepper spraying a South Asian grocery store clerk and chasing him into the back of his store, and pepper spraying an Asian couple out hiking.  After his arrest, Pelfrey explained to the police that he "got a bad vibe" from his victims.  Pelfrey, who previously served a seven-year prison term for a machete attack that injured two people and is also charged with assault after punching a store employee on April 24th,  is charged with hate crimes and other offences. SOURCE: https://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/2020/06/15/ukiah-man-suspected-of-using-pepper-spray-in-three-hate-crimes/ June 11, 2020: USAF sergeant Steven Carrillo, a self-described libertarian whose social media accounts demonstrate an affiliation with the "Boogaloo" white supremacist accelerationist movement, is charged after ambushing two Oakland police officers. Carrillo alleged threw pipe bombs at them and shot at them, killing one and seriously injuring the other, before a neighbour intervened and wrestled Carrillo to the ground.  He was also charged with attempted to murder three other police officers and a firefighter and is the prime suspect in the May 29th shooting death of another police officer. SOURCE: https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/06/11/santa-cruz-and-oakland-police-killings-officially-linked-suspect-in-deputy-ambush-also-believed-to-be-behind-federal-cops-death/ June 11, 2020: 33-year-old Robert Roden walks into Long Island's Stony Brook hospital ER and immediately catches the attention of security.  When police intervene, Roden is found to be wearing body armour (with a Punisher patch & another one about "Black Guns") and carrying three homemade IEDs, handcuffs, and a pickaxe. SOURCE: https://nypost.com/2020/06/11/accused-stony-brook-hospital-bomber-had-body-armor-pickaxe/ June 11, 2020: 65-year-old ex-cop Scott Gudmundsen, calls police to notify them of "two antifa" in his neighbourhood before hanging up, dressing up in "tactical gear," grabbing an assault rifle and two Glock pistols, and holding two roofing repair salesmen at gunpoint.  The two, which were in the area assessing roofs after a recent hailstorm, were college students working their summer job.  One of the two is a black college athlete.  Police have charged Gundmundsen with felony menacing and false imprisonment and have started that they are pursuing additional charges as they have evidence Gundemundsen's actions were "racially-motivated." SOURCE: https://www.fox19.com/2020/06/15/police-colo-man-claims-salesmen-are-antifa-holds-them-gunpoint/ June 11, 2020: An unidentified trans woman in Salvador, Brazil is set upon by a group of strangers who beat her in what police describe as a transphobic assault.  Hours later, Kethley Santos, another trans woman in the city, is fatally shot in the back. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/11/kethley-santos_salvador-bahia-brazil_2aee28cd June 13, 2020: 26-year-old Evan Carter spends Saturday night chasing and harassing three racialized teenagers.  When they attempt to get away from Carter, he chases them down on a bike, pepper sprays them, and shoots them with an airsoft gun.  Police have charged Carter with felony hate crimes. SOURCE: https://wgem.com/2020/06/14/quincy-man-arrested-for-aggravated-battery-and-hate-crime/ June 13, 2020: Trans woman Ariadna Ojeda is found stabbed to death in her Santa Marta, Colombia apartment. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/13/ariadna-ojeda_santa-marta-magdalena-colombia_d6582fec June 13, 2020: Far-right hooligans rioted in London, attacking the few protesters who showed up to the cancelled Black Lives Matter event, journalists, random passers-by, and police. A large group of protesters abused people sitting having a picnic in Hyde Park. Video shared online shows the gang approach people gathered in the park for a picnic, before swearing at them, spitting, pushing and kicking them and forcing them to move. The incident came on the same afternoon that far-right groups clashed violently with police in central London, leading to the arrests of more than 100 people. “They were attacking anyone in their path. It could not have been LESS about statues or values or being British. It was shameful,” a witness wrote. Some of the self-proclaimed “statue defenders” then started to attack riot police near the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square. They launched objects including glass bottles, smoke grenades and flares at officers. As a result of the skirmishes, the London Ambulance Service said it treated 15 people for their injuries, including two members of the police. SOURCE: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-protests-far-right-hyde-park-picnic-video-a9565121.html June 13, 2020: Over a hundred people attack a Dalit community in Pokhari village in Uttar Pradesh, India.  Several Dalits suffered serious injuries in the attack, and a police report was registered in the case on the same night. The report lists at least 29 accused, who have been identified by name. However, over two months later, not a single person has been arrested. SOURCE: https://caravanmagazine.in/news/uttar-pradesh-adityanath-thakur-dalit-caste-violence June 13, 2020: The body of trans man Brian Powers is found dumped in a filed in Akron, OH.  Powers had been shot to death. SOURCE: https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/akron-canton-news/2-months-later-still-no-answers-for-family-of-transgender-man-murdered-in-akron June 14, 2020: The body of Marcinha Shokenna Bastos da Silva - a 28-year-old trans woman in Maricá, Brazil, is found dumped in a backyard.  She had been beaten to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/14/marcinha-shokenna-bastos-da-silva_marica-rio-de-janeiro-brazil_c9b70823 June 14, 2020: A small-town solidarity rally with Black Lives Matter ended in chaos after some of President Donald Trump’s supporters showed up with guns to intimidate demonstrators. Alicia Gee, a 36-year-old substitute teacher, was inspired by demonstrations in Hazard, Kentucky, to hold a protest in her hometown of Bethel, Ohio, to show support for equal rights. But her plans were upended when a group of armed motorcyclists and others showed up wearing Confederate flag, Punisher and Trump-themed hats and clothing, some of them apparently drawn by online warnings that the demonstration was organized by Antifa activists. “Around 3:30, the… counterprotesters?, started walking down on the other side of the street from up town, yelling obscenities and threatening us,” wrote demonstrator Abbi Remers, whose brother was punched and knocked to the ground.” A few started coming over and ripping signs out of our hands, ripping the hats and masks off of our faces, ripping things out of our pockets. Then they started surrounding us.” Police stood by as the protesters interfered with the demonstration, which ended up drawing up to 800 people, and demonstrators felt threatened by the armed group. Officials reported about 10 “minor scuffles” during the clash, but some social media users posted photos of injuries consistent with physical assaults. SOURCE: https://www.rawstory.com/2020/06/gun-toting-trump-supporters-attack-george-floyd-protesters-in-rural-ohio-town/ June 15, 2020: Five Proud Boys including Scott Cole and well-known far-right homophobe Tusitala “Tiny” Toese jump out of a white Ford Windstar LX with obscured licence plates near Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood and attack a pedestrian, knocking him to the ground, punching him, and smashing his phone, before jumping in the minivan and driving away.   SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/h9w06r/armed_proud_boys_attack_and_steal_strangers_phone/ June 15, 2020: Members of the right-wing extremist New Mexico Civil Guard militia arrive at an Albuquerque, NM protest against the statues of conquistadors.  One of the militia members starts a fight and then pulls a pistol and shoots one of the protestors, seriously injuring him. SOURCE: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/16/us/protest-wrap-tuesday/index.html June 15, 2020: Lara Rae, a 56 year old trans woman, went to a Winnipeg shopping centre to pick up some medication, when she went inside the ladies’ bathroom to wash her hands and put on lipstick. When she tried to leave, two women blocked the entrance and began screaming at her. “They were both highly intoxicated, and one of them started screaming and abusing and misgendering me,” she told CBC News. Rae attempted to show one of the women her ID, but, she said, she ignored it and “karate chopped” her wrist. As a result of the attack, Rae’s wrist is now in a supportive sleeve while she takes time off work to heal. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/06/23/lara-rae-trans-woman-attacked-karate-chopping-drunk-cis-women-public-bathroom-winnipeg/ June 15, 2020: A car plowed through a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Roseville, California. No one was injured. SOURCE: https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/06/16/roseville-car-protesters-dangerous-police/ June 16, 2020: The dismembered corpse of trans woman Tamara is pulled from the river in Leningrad, Russia. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/16/tamara_kirovsky-district-leningrad-oblast-russia_8e86e062 June 16, 2020: A gay couple was brutally beaten by men in a bar in the city of Ajaccio, Italy after kissing. When they complained to the police, they were told not to kiss in public at all. SOURCE: https://mannschaft.com/2020/07/10/schwules-paar-auf-korsika-verpruegelt-nach-kuss-an-der-bar/ June 17, 2020: A 16-year-old queer girl is walking home after meeting a friend in Dundee, Scotland when a woman runs up behind her, tackling her to the pavement and beating her. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/06/22/kourtney-grand-queer-teenager-dundee-scotland-homophobic-hate-crime-police/ June 17, 2020: A man drove his car into a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters overnight in downtown Portland, OR. injuring three, before fleeing the scene. The driver, identified by police as 27-year-old Anthony Eaglehorse-Lassandro, drove away “at a high rate of speed” but was tracked and eventually arrested, Portland police said. Video footage from the scene shows the driver turning toward a group of demonstrators in the street. The driver pauses, then accelerates into the group, sending at least one person to the ground.. SOURCE: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/06/man-arrested-after-driving-car-into-crowd-of-portland-protesters-injuring-3-police-say.html June 17, 2020: Ukraine's secret service has discovered guns, explosives and ammunition at the headquarters of what it says is a neo-Nazi cell called Wotanjugend whose members were followers of the Australian man who carried out the Christchurch mosque terrorist attacks last year. SBU officials raided two premises in the capital Kiev and in Kharkiv. "During the searches of the leader’s residence and clandestine print works, the law enforcement seized more than 300 copies of Nazi books, Third Reich flags, arms and ammo, explosive devices, computers administering the closed communities and receipts with confirmations of literature deliveries from abroad," the statement said. Earlier, the SBU seized 200 copies of extremist literature in Kharkiv. "Allegedly, the gang members are the followers Australian terrorist Brenton Tarrant - a propagandist of ethnic and cultural genocide, who calls for acts of terrorism and mass killing," the statement said. SOURCE: https://www.theage.com.au/world/europe/ukraine-raids-houses-of-neo-nazi-followers-of-christchurch-shooter-20200617-p553p8.html June 18, 2020: Three teens are helping to push a bus that got stuck in mud near Aung Lan, Myanmar when they are approached by a Buddhist monk who asks if they are Muslim.  When they confirm this, the monk berates and threatens them, then stabs 17-year-old Ko Ko Zaw in the neck, killing him. SOURCE: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/monk-charged-murder-teenager-myanmars-magwe-region.html June 19, 2020: 36-year-old Eric Andrew Nelson threatens to stab a black woman in downtown St. Paul MN, then walks into a nearby restaurant yelling "are there any niggers in here?" When arrested, Nelson explains that he was  "looking for (racial niggers to kill." SOURCE: https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/22/man-charged-with-bias-motivated-assault-told-police-i-was-looking-for-racial-epithets-to-kill-complaint-says/ June 19, 2020: A 19-year-old black man gets on a Victoria, Canada bus.  As he walks towards an available seat, another man randomly begins punching him in the head before other passengers force the attacker off the bus. SOURCE: https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/07/01/attack-on-black-man-victoria-investigated-as-possible-hate-crime/ June 20, 2020: 33-year-old DeJuan Young is walking down Seattle’s Pike Street when he is confronted by a group of white men who yell “hold this nigger” and then shoot him, knocking him to the ground, then shooting him a second time before running away. SOURCE: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/man-critically-injured-chop-shooting-says-he-was-victim-racial-attack/ZHXSJZLBEBGSHOUOO3FMWKQGFI/ June 20, 2020: Khairi Saadallah, 26, stabs several gay men in Reading, UK, kill three James Furlong, Joe Ritchie-Bennett and David Wails — as they relaxed in a local park, Forbury Gardens. Saadallah also tried to murder another member of their group, Stephen Young, who needed 28 head stitches for a serious head wound. After stabbing the four men, the 25-year-old then purportedly turned to another group of five friends, stabbing two. Patrick Edwards and Nishit Nisudan, suffered knife wounds in the back and in the face and hand respectively. All three victims who survived the Reading terror attack were treated in hospital, but have since been discharged. Saadallah, who was born in Libya and was granted asylum in the UK in 2018, had previous convictions for violent and criminal offences, and was known to security service MI5 over suspected links to terror groups. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/11/11/reading-terror-attack-khairi-saadallah-stabbings-guilty-murder-prison/ June 21, 2020: 27-year-old Matthew and 28-year-old Michael Lemelin of Manchester, CT. use their car to run three black teens riding their bikes off the road, nearly running one of the teens over.  The two men then pursue the teens on foot while yelling racist slurs at them, stealing one of their bicycles. SOURCE: https://www.fox61.com/article/news/crime/2-men-arrested-hate-crime-theft-intimidation-manchester/520-25b8c996-2b28-4590-9ff5-8a9557c2be53 June 21, 2020: Bekir E., a taxi-driver in Kassel, Germany, is attacked by a German man who stabs him in the neck with a knife while yelling that he is a “fucking foreigner”. The victim narrowly survives the attack after undergoing emergency surgery at the hospital. SOURCE: https://www.die-dezentrale.net/rassistischer-mordversuch-in-kassel/ June 21, 2020: A 16-year old boy with a South-Korean background was harassed by several other teenagers while he was hanging out with friends at a park in Zaandam, Netherlands. They called him racial slurs, including “corona chinese”, but left after a little bit. Later they came back with around twenty people and started harassing him again, after which one of the racists kicked him in the face. SOURCE: https://joop.bnnvara.nl/nieuws/aziatisch-jongen-slachtoffer-racistisch-geweld-in-zaandam June 21, 2020: The body of 26-year-old M. R. Sanabria is found dumped in a field in Villanueva, Honduras.  She had been beaten with a baseball bat and then suffocated. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/21/m-r-sanabria_villanueva-cortes-honduras_3225abda June 21, 2020: A 25-year-old man in Davis County, UT. is facing hate crimes charges after pursuing a black driver, attempting to force him to crash his car, calling him a "nigger," holding up a hand-written sign that said "nigger," and threatening him with a pistol. SOURCE: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/07/17/brigham-city-man-charged/ June 22, 2020: 40-year-old trans woman Babalu is shot to death in front of a Pacajus, Brazil hospital where she was going to have bandages removed from treatment from a previous assault. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/22/babalu_pacajus-ceara-brazil_9e33df3d June 22, 2020 Police are investigating a transphobic hate attack after a gang of teens on bikes viciously pelted a trans person with a bottle and stones. The incident took place as the victim was walking their dogs to a parade of shops in Sutton Coldfield, UK. They were approached by up to eight teenagers on bikes, said to be aged 13 and 14, who shouted abuse at them. As they reached the shops in Boundary Road the teens began throwing a bottle and stones, one of which struck the victim in the head. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/01/trans-transgender-hate-attack-sutton-coldfield-birmingham-streetly/ June 23, 2020 A Syrian man was attacked by four neonazis in Leipzig, Germany. One of the attackers headbutted the victim, and then they kicked him as he lay on the ground, while shouting racist slurs. Three attackers were arrested by the police. SOURCE: https://www.chronikle.org/ereignis/rassistischer-angriff-lindenau June 23, 2020: A cyclist in Northampton, England launched an attack against a motorist, shouting homophobic abuse at the victim while punching him in the face. A Northamptonshire Police spokesman said: “The suspect became aggressive and started pushing his bike towards the victim, who then walked away. As he did so, the offender shouted the abuse at him, before proceeding to follow him to his car where he pushed the door of the car onto the victim’s leg. The offender then caused damage to the driver’s door by punching it, as well punching the victim to the face.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/01/northampton-cyclist-homophobic-driver-punched-face-shut-leg-car-door/ June 24, 2020: 18-year-old Althea Bernstein is waiting at a stop light in Madison, WI. when four men approach her car.  One screams "nigger!" at Bernstein while the other men douse her with lighter fluid from a spray bottle and then throw a lighter at her.  Bernstein suffered 2nd and 3rd-degree burns to her neck and face and will require plastic surgery. SOURCE: https://madison365.com/black-woman-attacked-by-men-wielding-lighter-fluid-racial-slurs/ June 25, 2020: Members of the Grey Wolves, the violent, militant wing of Turkey’s far-right Nationalist Movement Party, attack two Kurdish demonstrations in Vienna, Austria, armed with rocks, bottles, fireworks, and knives.  A building is set on fire and three police officers and a police dog are injured in the attack. SOURCE: https://ahvalnews.com/turks-austria/turkish-ultranationalists-attack-kurdish-rallies-vienna June 25, 2020: 17-year-old Brayla Stone, a black transgender teenager, is found shot to death in Little Rock, AR. SOURCE: https://planettransgender.com/brayla-stone-8th-transgender-person-killed-in-seven-days/ June 25, 2020: An interracial couple walking their dog in a Toronto city park get into an argument with two men when their dog is bit by the men's off-leash dog.  The men respond by hurling racial abuse at the couple and threatening to shoot them, then one of the men kicks the woman in her head, knocking her unconscious. SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/east-end-park-assault-1.5641068 June 25, 2020: 41-year-old trans woman Marceli Silva is found strangled to death in her Cruzeiro, Brazil apartment. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/25/marceli-silva_cruzeiro-sao-paulo-brazil_fede64de June 25, 2020: 45-year-old trans woman Anel Valenzuela is shot to death in her Fortín, Mexico hair salon by gunmen on a motorcycle. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/25/anel-valenzuela_fortin-veracruz-mexico_580fca8c June 26, 2020: 59-year-old Mystic, CT. hotel worker Crystal Caldwell is at her hotel's front desk when a couple come in to make a complaint about their room.  In two separate attacks, the couple punch and kick Caldwell while yelling racial slurs at her. SOURCE: https://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-br-stonington-hate-crime-charges-mystic-20200710-mq5twvq7xnc67fde667tsh2xme-story.html June 27, 2020: A gay man involved in a minor parking dispute in Oklahoma City is severely beaten by two people who call him a "faggot" and use multiple homophobic slurs while attacking him.  Police arrest Amery Dickerson and Bennett Stone, who do not face hate crime charges because sexual orientation is not including in Oklahoma's hate crime laws. SOURCE: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/07/gay-man-called-fat-beaten-unconscious-thats-misdemeanor-not-hate-crime-oklahoma/ June 28, 2020: A 46-year-old Jamaican musician is the victim of an unprovoked attack in Santa Cruz, CA.  32-year-old Cody Chavez has been charged in the brutal assault, which left the victim severely injured.  Police believe the attack was racially-motivated. SOURCE: https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2020/06/29/victim-of-suspected-santa-cruz-hate-crime-recovering/ June 28, 2020: A district councilor of left-wing party Die Linke, Stefanie Kirchner, was attacked in her hometown of Köschling, Germany. The right-wing attacker who was armed with a knife grabbed her from behind, strangling her while yelling “Fucking left-winger” at her. Luckily the victim managed to free herself and flee before the attacker used his knife. SOURCE: https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1138665.stefanie-kirchner-mordversuch-an-linke-politikerin.html June 28, 2020: A woman who snatched a Nazi flag from a home in Hunter, Oklahoma on a dare is shot four times by the Nazi home-owner as she walks away. The woman was rushed to the hospital and is expected to recover. The Nazi was arrested, and police recovered 14 firearms from this home. SOURCE: https://globalnews.ca/news/7124112/nazi-flag-woman-shot/ June 28, 2020: Jaquan Walker, 24, worked as a cashier at the Washington Avenue branch of BurgerFi restaurant in Miami Beach. He was taking orders for a table of men when they tried to antagonise him, and it quickly descended into a homophobic brawl. “They tell me that I need to put bass in my voice,” he told WSVN Miami. “They was saying [expletive]. They just said a whole bunch things. ‘Oh, we’re going to kill you. Oh, we’ll beat you up. You’re gay. You shouldn’t be gay. How tall are you?'” Walker backed away, but when he returned to the dining area he says the men attacked. Video footage captured on a mobile phone shows chairs being thrown at Walker. The men hurled him around the restaurant and threw him to the floor, beating and kicking him as he lies prone. Although the men instigated the fight, Walker was shocked to learn that he would be disciplined for it. He learned shortly after that that awful day at work would be his last. “My boss fired me,” he said. “It makes me feel bad. I come to work. I work. I mind my business. I don’t mess with nobody. I was a good worker. I was always there on time. It’s scary because you never know how far it can go.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/02/burgerfi-miami-beach-restaurant-homophobia-jaquan-walker-homophobic-attack-police/ June 28, 2020: Shane Daum, 43, was attacked while he was camping with his dog at Crump Recreational Site in British Columbia, Canada. He was surrounded by the group of people, who said they knew he was gay because they had seen him shopping with his former boyfriend. “They were calling me a faggot, a paedophile, because my then-boyfriend was a younger [guy] but he looks way younger [than he actually is],” Daum told Global News. “I was surrounded and I started walking backwards. I looked to see where my dog was and they had him held. That’s when I had my head turned and one guy hit me.” He says he lost count of how many times he was struck while on the ground because he fell in and out of consciousness at least four times. A neighbouring camper eventually called the police and Daum was taken to hospital by ambulance. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/30/homophobic-attack-british-columbia-canada-shane-daum/ June 29, 2020: When a 12-year-old black boy on his way to buy snacks at the store sees a woman crying outside of the store, he stops to ask her if she needs any help.  That is when 29-year-old Brendon Kruse runs up to the boy, grabs his bicycle so he can't leave, and begins screaming racial slurs at him, then shows the boy an SS tattoo, tells him he got it for "killing niggers," and threatens to murder the boy. SOURCE: https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/Man-faces-hate-crime-enhancements-after-threats-15386291.php June 29, 2020: While yelling racial slurs at a crowd of black people gathered in a Torrance, CA. hotel parking lot, 42-year-old Dennis Wyman gets in his car and plows through the crowd, hitting and injuring a 50-year-old off-duty security guard before fleeing. SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-man-charged-hate-crime-after-driving-black-crowd-n1233732 June 29, 2020: A Hummer SUV plows through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in downtown Provo, Utah. No one is injured except the driver, who is stopped when one of the protestors shoots him.   SOURCE: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/07/suv-plows-into-blm-protest-in.html/amp June 29, 2020: Tom and Jacob Anderson are chatting on the front lawn of their Taunton, MA. home about an hour after hanging up a Pride flag.  Suddenly, an SUV screeches to a halt in front of their home and a man jumps out and charges at Tom, yelling "you fucking faggot!" and punches him several times in the face, knocking out two of his teeth and cutting his lip badly enough to require several stitches. SOURCE: https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/taunton-couple-attacked-after-hanging-gay-pride-flag-their-front-yard/UR765TR4YBBKLH2CMFC66EYRRQ/ June 30, 2020: On a visit to see his mother on the Danish island of Bornholm, 28-year-old Phillip Mbuji Johansen is lured into the woods by two  brothers, 23 and 25 years old and both white supremacists with swastika tattoos and ties to the far-right.  The two beat and torture Johansen to death, choking him on the ground by placing a knee on his neck, smashing his skull in with a wooden beam, and stabbing him through the neck and in multiple other areas. SOURCE: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/world/europe/denmark-bornholm-race.html June 30, 2020: The decomposed body of 50-year-old Veronica Ferreira de Lima is found in a residence in Londrina, Brazil.  She had been beaten to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/30/veronica-ferreira-de-lima_londrina-parana-brazil_e75d35b0 June 30, 2020: Israeli settlers attack two men driving near the town of Bidyah, Palestine. The two victims, who are in their fifties, drove into the area. About seven armed settlers started approaching the car, firing shots in the air.  The two men left the vehicle, trying to escape on foot. The settlers chase the men, firing shots in the air and at the ground by their feet. They caught up with their victims after about 100 meters and started beating them. When one of the settlers put a gun to one victim’s head and the latter tried to push it away, he fired a shot near his ear. The settlers asked the two men what they were doing there and what they do for a living, and then grabbed them by the shirts and led them forcefully back to the car. On the way, one of the settlers fired several shots close to the two men. Before the settlers left, they warned the two to never come back and ordered them to spread the word in the village: settlers will shoot any Palestinian who dares visit Khallet Hassan and Khalayel Bidyah. SOURCE: https://www.btselem.org/settler_violence_updates/during-corona-crisis?update=213038 June 30, 2020: 22-year-old trans woman Merci Mack is found shot to death in an Oak Cliff, Texas parking lot. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/30/merci-mack_oak-cliff-dallas-texas-usa_6a8a9436 June 30, 2020: While sitting outside a Pacajá, Brazil bar, Fernanda Coelhinha - a trans woman - is shot twice in the chest and dies at the scene. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/30/fernanda-coelhinha_pacaja-para-brazil_8eda3311 June 30, 2020: Trans activist Gabriela Reyes dies after being shot twice in the head in Villahermosa, Mexico. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/30/gabriela-reyes_villahermosa-tabasco-mexico_beac3362 July 1, 2020: The body of 32-year-old trans woman Shaki Peters is found dumped to the side of a rural road outside of Amite City, LA.  She had been shot to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/06/30/gabriela-reyes_villahermosa-tabasco-mexico_beac3362 July 2, 2020: 46-year-old Corey Hurren loads his pickup truck with four guns, ammunition, and military rations and drives for 28 hours from his home in northern Manitoba to Ottawa.  Once there, Hurren crashes his truck through the gates of the Canadian prime minister’s residence, only to find himself in an armed standoff with the prime minister’s security team for several hours, before finally surrendering.  Hurren’s social media is awash with posts and hashtags from QAnon and conspiracy theories about “global elites” being behind the COVID-19 pandemic. SOURCE: https://nationalpost.com/news/man-who-allegedly-crashed-truck-through-rideau-halls-gate-with-four-guns-is-soldier-troubled-by-covid-conspiracies July 3, 2020: A black man is hospitalized after being assaulted by two white men with a baseball bat near Lents Park in Portland, Oregon. A woman who witnessed the crime and called police said she saw the men hit the victim until they noticed bystanders and walked away. “I saw the man get hit with these metal bats; while he was pleading for them to stop, they were hurling vicious racial slurs,” she said. SOURCE: https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/07/police-investigating-reported-of-lents-park-attack-called-possibly-racially-motivated.html July 3, 2020: The bodies of trans woman Yandra Karony Santos and her brother are found in their home in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Brazil.  Intruders had broken into their home while they slept and shot both of them. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/03/yandra-karony-santos_santo-amaro-da-purificacao-bahia-brazil_0b15e702 July 3, 2020: 27-year-old trans woman Bree Black is shot to death in Pompano Beach, FL. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/03/bree-black_pompano-beach-florida-usa_c7e838e2 July 3, 2020: Alana Reali, 38, was physically assaulted by local businessman Michael Roylos, 63, in a Shaw’s supermarket parking lot in Portland, Maine. Roylos approached her claiming that she had been driving recklessly while parking her car. He then began following her towards the supermarket, and told her “that was the last time [she would] get away with that”. When Roylos would not leave her alone, she returned to her car to get her phone so she could record him. At that point he began attacking her. He hit her, put her in a chokehold, injured her ankle and shouted “multiple death threats” including “I’ll kill you, faggot”. There were multiple witnesses to the attack who called the police, and Reali was taken to Maine Medical for her injuries. “I just had a homophobic man attack me in the Shaw’s north gate parking lot… He attacked me after calling me a ‘f**king faggot’, put me in a chokehold and started punching me in the back of the head. Thankfully there were people there, as I was screaming bloody murder. If no one was around this man would’ve killed me.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/06/portland-assault-queer-woman-shaws-parking-lot-alana-reali-michael-roylos/ July 3, 2020: Police raided the homes of several neonazis in Brandenburg for being part of a terrorist cell that was planning the firebombing of a mosque in Wittenberg, Germany. During the raid police recovered ammo, guns, a machine gun, hand grenades, swastika armbands and propaganda for "Freie Kräfte Prignitz", the name of the terror cell. Police arrested seven people between 32 and 40 years old. SOURCE: https://blog.zeit.de/stoerungsmelder/2020/07/14/erst-hetze-dann-ein-anschlag_29962 July 3, 2020: 63 year-old Michael Roylos decides to tell a woman driving in a Portland ME. shopping mall parking lot she is going too fast by calling her a "fucking dyke."  When she attempts to record him on her cell phone, Roylos attacks her while continuing to call her homophobic slurs.  The woman manages to break free and get away.   SOURCE: https://www.centralmaine.com/2020/07/31/maine-ag-files-civil-rights-complaint-against-portland-man/ July 4, 2020: 27-year-old Dawit Kelete drives his white Jaguar around police barricades and parked vehicles so he can intentionally drive through a Seattle Black Lives Matter protest on the I-5 at full speed.  Kelete's vehicle smashes into 24-year-old Summer Taylor and Diaz Love.  Taylor dies from her injuries and Love remains in critical condition. SOURCE: https://newsone.com/3970690/dawit-kelete-seattle-protest-hit-run-driver-identified/ July 4, 2020: Monroe County, IN. human rights commissioner Vauhxx Booker is attempting to attend a lunar eclipse event at Lake Monroe when a group of men with confederate flags, who had been blocking people from getting to the event and yelling "white power!" jump him from behind.  The men pin Booker, who is black, to a tree, smashing him in the head and ripping out his hair.  At one point one of the men yells "get a noose!"   When Booker's friends noticed he had not returned to their campsite and went looking for him, Booker's attackers threaten them and steal one of their phones.  After Booker gets away from his attackers he calls 911 and police take two hours to arrive.SOURCE: https://www.idsnews.com/article/2020/07/vauhxx-booker-attacked-by-men-yelling-racist-slurs-lake-monroe July 4, 2020: 33-year-old Allain Bernard chases another man into a Peterborough, Canada restaurant while yelling racial slurs at him.  Bernard then throws a beverage can at the man's head, then picks up a table and smashes it against the restaurant's counter while yelling racial slurs at a restaurant employee, then flees.SOURCE: https://globalnews.ca/news/7147148/peterborough-man-charged-hate-crime-assault-damage-restaurants-police/ July 4, 2020: Two protesters are attacked with a hockey stick following a Black and Indigenous Lives Matter rally in Winnipeg. Theo Landry was peacefully protesting when a woman started hurling racial slurs at him and hit him with a hockey stick. In one video, a woman can be seen getting out of a sedan on Broadway at Hargrave Street and charging toward the pair of protesters with a hockey stick. A second video shows the hockey stick change hands with a second woman from the vehicle — before a second protester is hit in the head.Landry said the incident started a short time after the rally for Black and Indigenous Lives at the Manitoba Legislature came to an end. In an act of peaceful protest, Landry decided to lie down on Broadway for a moment in front of cars to draw attention to the cause and rally. That's when a woman and three other people inside the car began shouting at him, he said. "[She] started yelling slurs, racial slurs, spitting insults and saying our protests didn't mean much," Landry said. "She was very much offended by me stalling her time." SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/protesters-attacked-winnipeg-rally-1.5640042 July 4, 2020: Four teens charged over a hate crime attack and vandalism at Japanese restaurant in Edinburgh. Two 33-year-old men of Asian origin were left with injuries as a result of the incident at the Maki & Ramen restaurant. Police said two males - aged 16 and 18 - have been charged, while two 14-year-old boys were also charged. They were yelling racist slurs and making comments about coronavirus as they attacked the two victims. SOURCE: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/crime/four-teens-charged-over-alleged-hate-crime-attack-and-vandalism-japanese-restaurant-edinburgh-2910499 July 4, 2020: A group of people standing in front of an LGBTQ-friendly club in Krakow at 5am were attacked by two men wielding clubs yelling homophobic slurs. One of the victims had to get five stitches to the head at the hospital. Police were called, but they were rude and dismissive refusing to accept the report. One of the victims was told by the cops that “she was just looking for attention.” SOURCE: https://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114883,26102017,krakow-pobicie-przed-klubem-lgbt-w-centrum-miasta-napastnicy.html July 4, 2020: 25-year-old trans man Mateo López is leading a community event in a Circasia, Colombia sports complex when a gunman approaches him and shoots him several times, killing him. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/04/mateo-lopez_circasia-quindio-colombia_b2ce54c4 July 5, 2020: At a protest calling for the removal of theChristopher Columbus statue in Pueblo, Colorado, Proud Boy Dean Daniel Van Zandt Jr. shoves a protestor, then sprays bear mace at several other protestors, including the one he had assaulted. As the protestors defend themselves, another white supremacist pulls a revolver and puts it against one of the protestor’s stomachs.SOURCE: https://itsgoingdown.org/pueblo-antifascist-rally-columbus/ July 5, 2020: Beenish, a trans woman in Islamabad, Pakistan, is shot dead. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/05/beenish_islamabad-pakistan_ab575605 July 6, 2020: Edmonton Police Service arrested Rylee Dodd, 28, after an incident caught on video showed him giving a Nazi salute, ranting racist insults at Filipino woman and kicking her door after she refused his advances. According to Patricia Anne Medrano’s Facebook post, Dodd tried to get her phone number outside of her apartment complex. When she refused, he began his racist tirade. Dodd yelled things like, “I’ll kill you! I’ll f****ing decapitate you! Filipino little b****! Get the f*** out of Canada! You're bringing corona into Canada!” Medrano says that the situation escalated, and Dodd began to kick her door and tried to attack her. Medrano and her relatives waited for the police outside the apartment building while, the video shows, Dodd continued to rant at them from his window. SOURCE: https://usa.inquirer.net/56937/man-arrested-for-racist-attack-on-filipina-who-shunned-his-advances July 6, 2020: Police arrest 36-year-old Anthony Cambareri for driving his SUV into two Black Lives Matters protesters in Huntington Station, NY.  is accused of using his vehicle as a weapon and driving into the activists with his Toyota RAV4. The two protesters were taken to Huntington Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. SOURCE: https://nypost.com/2020/07/07/long-island-man-allegedly-drives-suv-into-blm-protesters/ July 6, 2020: An SUV drives into a group of protesters who were chalking Black Lives Matter messages onto the street during a protest in Mishawaka, Indiana, sending one to the hospital. The injured protestor said the circled the area and soon tried inching toward traffic cones that police used to block cars from entering both sides of the bridge. "He drove through the cones, and we were yelling at him to stop," explained Davis, who was dragged several feet by the SUV. SOURCE: https://www.wndu.com/2020/07/06/mishawaka-police-to-send-case-of-suv-driving-into-protesters-to-st-joseph-county-prosecutor/ July 6, 2020: Gunmen fire multiple shots at an unidentified trans woman in the Encisco neighbourhood of Medillin, Colombia, killing her. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/06/name-unknown_medellin-antioquia-colombia_afe36a2b July 6, 2020: At least two protesters were struck by a vehicle toward the end of a protest in Bloomington. Protesters had gathered to demand arrests following a weekend incident at Lake Monroe where several people pinned a man in an attempted lynching. "A woman driving the vehicle came up to the stop and had started revving her engine toward us and we tried to stop her and let her know that the crowd is clearing up just wait a second," Stewart said. "But, she and her passenger both wanted to go right away so they started to push, they pushed into the woman that was with me and when she pushed again both of us went on the vehicle." The man and woman remained on the vehicle until it turned abruptly onto eastbound 6th Street, throwing both of them off, according to police. The 35-year-old man, who identified himself as Geoff Stewart, suffered abrasions as a result of the incident. The woman was knocked unconscious and suffered a laceration to her head, according to police. She was taken to the hospital to be treated. SOURCE: https://www.theindychannel.com/news/america-in-crisis/at-least-two-protesters-struck-by-vehicle-in-bloomington July 7, 2020: A man pulled a knife and hurled homophobic slurs during a robbery in New York City, but he was subsequently wrestled to the ground by the gay couple he attacked. Ricky Bellevue and Trevel Parrish approached gay couple Kelson Akomolafe and Edward Hoard and started shouting homophobic abuse at them. Bellevue allegedly called the couple “f**king f*ggots” and told them to “go back to your country”. He then pulled out a red-handled knife and insisted that they hand over their belongings. “Now I’m going to rob you two f*ggots!” Bellevue shouted before attacking the men. The assailant proceeded to attack Akomolafe, and Parrish approached them from behind with a long silver blade, but Akomolafe  started to struggle with his attacker, and sustained injuries to his face and hand in the process. Incredibly, the gay couple managed to fight off their attackers – and by the time five police officers arrived on the scene, they were restrained. However, their struggle didn’t end there – police arrested Akomolafe too. “I was detained for the first time in my life. I was just lucky not to be shedding tears. After all of this, how can I have handcuffs on my hands? The procedure was overwhelming.” He was later released, but the couple had to spend hours answering questions from police. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/14/ricky-bellevue-trevel-parrish-kelson-akomolafe-edward-hoard-gay-homophobia-new-york-robbery/ July 7, 2020: An SUV plows through a Manhattan Black Lives Matter protest, targeting a group of cyclists and dragging a bicycle under its car for a distance. No one is seriously injured. SOURCE: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2020/07/08/vehicle-plows-through-crowd-of-protesters-in-midtown July 7, 2020: After confronting a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Newton, MA., a man jumps into his truck and speeds directly into the crowd.  Nobody was hit, but in two videos the truck can be seen moving quickly as students standing in the round driveway hurriedly got out of the way.  SOURCE: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/09/black-lives-matter-drivers-target-protesters-spate-of-attacks July 8, 2020: 32-year-old Kurt Cofano - a resident of Whithall, PA, Boogaloo Boy, and anti-black racist social media propagandist - is arrested in Mount Lebanon after threatening to blow up the Pennsylvania Treasury building and the CIA.  Police searching the Mercedes-Benz Cofano was driving find at least 30 improvised bombs and several guns.  Days earlier, Cofano had threatened to attack Black Lives Matter protestors in Pittsburgh.SOURCE: https://www.wonkette.com/racist-flat-earther-caught-with-30-bombs-trying-to-blow-up-a-building July 9, 2020: A white man shoots at a group of three black men outside of a Portland strip club after yelling a racial slur at them, killing one of the men.SOURCE: https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/07/shooting-in-parking-lot-of-sw-portland-strip-club-leaves-one-dead-police-say.html July 9, 2020: 65-year-old David Lythjohan is charged with reckless child abuse, intentional child abuse, misdemeanor battery and disorderly conduct, all with hate crime penalty enhancers, after attacking and injuring black woman and her 4-year-old and 11-year-old children in a Madison, WI. grocery store parking lot.  Lythjohan escalated a minor parking dispute by repeatedly called the familiy "niggers" while assaulting them. SOURCE: https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/crime-and-courts/man-charged-with-hate-crimes-for-grocery-store-parking-lot-incident/article_c1394f43-8c44-523e-a502-34b4743b90e4.html July 10, 2020: In an unprovoked attack, a black teen riding a Madison, WI. city bus is assaulted by 17-year-old Deangelo Francisco, whol tells him, “nigger, get off my bus!” before punching and kicking him.  Francisco now faces hate crime charges.https://www.channel3000.com/teen-released-on-signature-bond-charged-with-hate-crimes-for-allegedly-attacking-black-teen-on-bus/ July 11, 2020: A Jewish man is walking home from a Shabbos meal in Flatbush, Brooklyn when three men in a car pull up alongside him shouting anti-semitic slurs at him.  When we responds, they jump out of the car and viciously beat him, breaking one of his fingers and leaving him with multiple facial injuries and lacerations.SOURCE: https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1881319/flatbush-jewish-man-assaulted-in-possible-hate-crime-attack-on-shabbos.html July 11, 2020: A group of immigrants in Oloron, France are attacked by a group of racists yelling racial insults and giving fascist salutes, injuring one of the men.SOURCE: https://www.larepubliquedespyrenees.fr/2020/07/12/oloron-altercation-sur-fond-de-racisme-au-jardin-public,2716799.php July 11, 2020: Three men exit an SUV in Brooklyn, NY to run up to and attack a Jewish man, punching and kicking him, before running back to their vehicle and driving away.SOURCE: https://1010wins.radio.com/articles/trio-attacks-jewish-man-in-possible-hate-crime-in-brooklyn July 11, 2020: A group of neonazis attacked a Black Lives Matter rally in Rogersville, TN. A group of around five counter protestors were wearing shirts that read “National Socialist Club 131” and bearing the logo for “Good Night Left Side”. Counter protestor Garon Joseph Archer, 25, of Johnson City, was with the group wearing these shirts. According to the report, Archer “became violent and started trying to assault several people in the crowd”. Archer was placed under arrest and taken away from the event in handcuffs while blood dripped from his mouth. Along with Archer, several of the others arrested, Caleb Dane Rose and Craig Briggs Spaulding, can be linked to social media profiles supporting a known white nationalist group out of Knoxville known as the Legion of Saint Ambrose. SOURCE: https://www.therogersvillereview.com/rogersville/article_67127b1d-ac59-5de3-971c-af3073f067d8.html July 11, 2020: An 89-year-old Asian woman is walking home in Besonhurst, Brooklyn when two men attack her, lighting her on fire. SOURCE: https://bklyner.com/elderly-asian-woman-was-lit-on-fire-in-bensonhurst-not-a-hate-crime/ July 11, 2020: Scarlet Cáceres, a trans woman in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, is chatting with friends when several men exit a nearby car and shoot her to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/11/scarlet-caceres_tegucigalpa-distrito-central-honduras_0fb78ee3 July 11, 2020: 41-year-old hairdresser and trans woman Leidy Padilla Daza is dragged from her salon by a man who then stabs her to death in the streets of Valledupar, Colombia. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/11/leidy-padilla-daza_valledupar-cesar-colombia_214ef6c2 July 11, 2020: 36-year-old trans woman is approached by two men on a motorcycle in Sobral, Brazil. Without saying anything, the two men shoot her to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/11/leidy-padilla-daza_valledupar-cesar-colombia_214ef6c2 July 11, 2020: 52-year-old hairdresser and trans activist Cristal Romero Mattos is strangled to death in her home in El Porvenir, Peru. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/12/cristal-romero-matos_el-porvenir-trujillo-la-libertad-peru_a08d1e9b July 12, 2020: Two queer women out for a stroll in a Surrey, UK park are set upon by a gang of 10 teenage boys, who assault them while screaming homophobic abuse at them.SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/20/farnham-homophobic-attack-women-assaulted-teenage-boys-park-surrey-police-pride/ July 12, 2020: Soraya Oliveira is found shot to death near a lagoon in Fortaleza, Brazil. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/12/soraya-oliveira_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_46bddc44 July 13, 2020: The body of 51-year-old trans woman Tiffany Alves Medeiros is found in a building in Jardim São Paulo, Brazil.  She had been strangled to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/13/tifany-alves-medeiros_jardim-sao-paulo-recife-pernambuco-brazil_828a8573 July 13, 2020:  A Los Angeles Black Lives Matter protest is attacked by right-wing counter-protesters, who smash up vehicles and sucker punch Black Lives Matter activists before being fought off by antifascists  SOURCE: https://itsgoingdown.org/antifascists-are-facing-off-against-the-far-right-backed-up-by-local-cops-weekly-in-sunland-tujunga/ July 13, 2020: The body of 22-year-old trans woman Marilyn Monroe Cazares is found in an abandoned building in Brawley, CA.  She had been stabbed to death and then her body was set on fire. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/13/marilyn-monroe-cazares_brawley-california-usa_ae2818cc July 17, 2020: A woman is assault by three men on the street in broad daylight in Boulder, CO., a day after the men had made homophobic remarks to her.SOURCE: https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/men-sought-in-boulder-assault/73-d4aad140-a196-4226-a07e-bc8d095fcff3 July 17, 2020: Pekka Kataja, one of the leaders of Finland's far-right Finns Party, is attacked in his Jämsä home by two assailants who nearly beat him to death.  Two months later, police arrest 39-year-old Jyväskylä city councillor and city board member Teemu Torssonen and an unidentified 44-year-old leader of Soldiers of Odin who was also affiliated with the Nordic Resistance Movement.  Both suspects have previous weapons convictions. SOURCE: https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/two_remanded_into_custody_over_attack_on_finns_party_aide/11540130 July 18, 2020: Right-wing militia member Sean L. Anderson, 52, has been charged with aggravated assault on a police officer. According to Idaho State Police, Anderson led deputies and police on chase and exchanged gunshots with officers. The incident began in the early-morning hours when a Lewis County deputy stopped Anderson on Highway 12. Anderson initially stopped but then drove away, beginning the pursuit. Anderson eventually stopped in a residential area outside of Ferdinand, Idaho. He then fired a shotgun in the direction of a Lewis County deputy, police said. The officers returned fire, injuring Anderson. Anderson was a participant in the 41-day armed occupation in 2016 at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon. SOURCE: https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/crime/idaho-county-riggins-man-sean-l-anderson-charged-after-chase-shootout-with-law-enforcement/277-8f3ec6e7-430c-4a8f-ad54-63d524193628 July 18, 2020: A Dalit man was stripped and beaten up along with his family members in Karnataka, India for allegedly touching the motorcycle of an upper-caste person. “When he accidentally touched the bike of a man who belonged to the upper caste he and his family members were assaulted by some 13 men,” police said. SOURCE: https://scroll.in/latest/968019/karnataka-dalit-man-stripped-beaten-up-for-allegedly-touching-upper-caste-persons-motorcycle July 18, 2020: Five Palestinian cyclists out for a ride near Turmusaya, Palestine  are attacked by Israeli settlers, who throw rocks at them.  Two of the cyclists are forced to ditch their bicycles and run to nearby fields under a hail of stones. One of the cyclists is tackled by the settlers, who hold him at gunpoint and beat him with a club. SOURCE: https://www.btselem.org/settler_violence_updates/during-corona-crisis?update=213041 July 18, 2020: Trump supporters attack a Black Lives Matter protest in Pleasant Valley, NY, assaulting at least five people, including a 12-year old girl who had her nose broken by a middle-aged man. SOURCE: https://midhudsonnews.com/2020/09/17/pleasant-valley-anti-blm-protester-charged-with-disorderly-conduct/ July 19, 2020: Self-described “anti-feminist,” “men’s rights advocate,” and litigious attorney Roy Den Hollander arrives at the North Brunswick, NJ. home of federal judge Esther Salas dressed as a UPS courier.  When the door opens, Den Hollander pulls a gun and kills Salas’ 20-year-old son and injures her husband, before fleeing and using the gun to kill himself. SOURCE: https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/roy-den-hollander/ July 19, 2020: A mob from Samardhir village, Uttar Pradesh, India, attacks a neighbouring Dalit settlement.  Around forty to fifty Thakurs surrounded their locality.  Armed with clubs, axes, and guns, the mob attacks anyone within striking distance.  Six people are injured, two seriously.  Attackers threatened to murder all the Dalits once the police left the area after the attack.   SOURCE: https://caravanmagazine.in/news/uttar-pradesh-adityanath-thakur-dalit-caste-violence July 19, 2020: A man hurled racist slurs at a sanitation worker in New York City before physically attacking a pedestrian for capturing the exchange on his mobile phone. During the inflamed exchange, the motorist hurled the N-word at the man from inside his vehicle. Stepping out of his car, the man grabbed the pedestrian’s phone and lobbed it across the street. He then physically assaulted them for recording the altercation on their mobile. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/21/racism-new-york-city-anthony-beckford-black-lives-matter-gay-racist-viral-video/ July 19, 2020: A mob of fifty men from Bhuakhurd, India armed with clubs and iron bars attack a local settlement of Dalits, and seriously injuring several people.  At least four Dalits are injured in the attack.  SOURCE: https://caravanmagazine.in/news/uttar-pradesh-adityanath-thakur-dalit-caste-violence July 21, 2020: Homophobic vandals attempted to burn down the historic Main Street Bar and Cabaret in Laguna Beach, California with Molotov cocktails, smashing at least seven windows of the bar, while four people living above the bar were at home. Detectives said what stopped Main Street from being engulfed in flames, alongside the building’s four tenants, were the choice of unbreakable bottles. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/28/main-street-bar-california-homophobia-molotov-cocktail-attack-police-wendy-nelson-lgbt/ July 22, 2020: A racialized man in Bristol, UK is deliberately run down in the street by two men in a blue Honda Accord.  The men scream racial abuse at their victim before running away.  The man is hospitalized with head injuries. SOURCE:https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-53532602 July 22, 2020: Nazis burn down a Syrian-owned restaurant in Gnarrenburg, Germany, endangering the lives of several people living above the restaurant. The arsonists left behind nenonazi graffiti at the site of the attack. SOURCE: https://taz.de/Erneuter-Brandanschlag-im-Bremer-Umland/!5699318/ July 23, 2020: A man was arrested after a reported drive-by shooting at another car in Hoogeveen, the Netherlands. Five people were in the vicinity of the targeted car but luckily no one was hurt. When police arrested the attacker at his home they recovered weapons, airsoft weapons and many Nazi flags and items. SOURCE: https://www.dvhn.nl/drenthe/Inwoner-van-gemeente-Coevorden-aangehouden-na-beschieten-van-auto-in-Hoogeveen-25877806.html July 23, 2020: Jerusalem, Israel Description: Six participants in a protest near Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem were violently assaulted by right-wing activists following the demonstration, with five identifying attackers as members of La Familia, an far-right group of fans of the Beitar Jerusalem football team.  In one incident, protester Gal Gutterman, a 30-year-old resident of Jerusalem, was cut when right-wing activists threw a wine bottle and glasses at him. “I left the protest and went to meet some friends who were celebrating a birthday at a bar,” he said. He was carrying a protest sign with him at the bar, he said, “and then 10-15 La Familia guys arrived and started to take wine bottles from the tables and throwing them at me. Someone started hitting me with an Israeli flag.” SOURCE: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-anti-netanyahu-protesters-say-they-were-violently-assaulted-by-right-wing-activists-1.9019156 July 24, 2020: 100 Turkish ultranationalists of the fascist Gray Wolves organisation, armed with iron bars and knives, attack an Armenian demonstration against the Nagorno-Karabakh war, in Lyon, France. Luckily police managed to keep both sides apart, and only some cars and Armenian shops were damaged. Four people were arrested. SOURCE: https://www.20minutes.fr/justice/2862279-20200915-ain-extremiste-pro-turquie-juge-appel-haine-incitation-violence July 25, 2020: A driver tries to drive his Jeep through a rally and march for justice for Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colorado. The Jeep narrowly missed fleeing protesters, causing one person to jump over the side of the highway breaking their ankle, exited on the E. 6th Avenue ramp, then drove up to Aurora Police Department (APD) officers where the driver and his passenger, both white males, had a friendly police interaction.As the Jeep began accelerating on I-225, Sebastian Sassi, who was in his white Ford F-150 parked at the back of the crowd, acted fast and positioned his car in such a way that caused the Jeep to crash into his vehicle slowing it down significantly. He spoke at a press conference Monday evening about the Jeep attack:“It looked to me like he intended to hit the crowd, he would have been going 60 miles an hour by the time he got to the crowd, he would have killed people. So I stopped him from doing that as best I could… Let’s think about this guy, he was able to hit my vehicle, hit a jersey barrier, almost hit a bunch of people, flee the scene of an accident, run away, and then he was allowed to go about his business. Elijah McClain wasn’t even allowed to walk home from the convenience store.”SOURCE: https://unicornriot.ninja/2020/jeep-drives-through-protesters-on-i-225-in-aurora-no-charges-filed/ July 25, 2020:  A 20-year-old suspect is taken into custody on suspicion of involvement in stabbing a left-wing protester in the neck at the Sha’ar Hanegev junction in the south of Israel. The victim of the stabbing, Nir Sa’ar, a 40-year-old resident of Kibbutz Gevim, said he sustained superficial injuries after coming to the assistance of a friend who was being attacked. He described the scene as a “planned ambush,” saying there were 15 attackers who assaulted him and two others. SOURCE: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-how-israel-s-far-right-went-on-the-attack-against-anti-bibi-protesters-1.9030227 July 25, 2020: Garrett Foster, 28, was marching with other demonstrators during a protest in downtown Austin, Texas, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement when he was shot by a man who had intentionally swerved his car around a blockade and then drove his car into the marching crowd. The attacker started firing out of his car and killed Foster.The Police Union spokesman wasted no time to blame the victim for getting shot, but it turns out the attacker is Daniel Perry, a 33-year-old active duty Army sergeant and Trump supporter who posted online about using 'deadly force' against 'the mobs' before the attack.SOURCE: https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-07-31/the-killing-of-garrett-foster-shocks-the-city-and-galvanizes-the-moment/ July 25, 2020: 21-year-old Carson Goodman makes racist remarks directed at three black women as they leave a Bergen County, NJ liquor store.  Goodman follows the three out of the store, retrieves a baseball bat, and smashes the women’s car, injuring two of them.  Goodman is captured six days later in Texas when he car crashes into a feral hog.  SOURCE: https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/northernvalley/police-fire/prosecutor-rockland-man-attacks-black-women-in-bergen-captured-after-texas-wild-boar-crash/791784/ July 25, 2020: Bruno Candé Marques, a 39-year-old actor and father of three children, was shot four times at point-blank range on a busy street in the Moscavide area of Lisbon, Portugal, by a 76-year old man, killing him in exactly the same spot where just a few days earlier the attacker had told Candé to “go back” to where he came from. According to witnesses, the attacker had threatened to kill Candé with “guns from the colonies” three days before the murder. SOURCE: https://www.equaltimes.org/the-murder-of-bruno-cande-has-put July 25, 2020: Armed supporters of Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Tyler) brutally beat and assaulted Ryan Miller, the campaign manager for Gohmert's opponent, Hank Gilbert (D-Tyler) during a peaceful rally organized to protest the unconstitutional occupation of Portland, Oregon on the courthouse square in downtown Tyler, Texas. Miller was attacked by at least four protesters, some of whom were armed, and sustained blows to the head and other parts of his body, as well as a large gash under his eye. The incident occurred as officers from the Tyler Police Department drove around the square idly, waving at the Blue Lives Matter counter-protesters who had come to support Gilbert's opponent. SOURCE: http://www.gilmermirror.com/view/full_story/27764799/article--Louie-Gohmert-Supporters-Alleged-to-Have-Beaten-Up-Opponent-s-Campaign-Manager-at-Protest--Calls-for-Texas-Rangers-to-Investigate July 25, 2020: Monic Martínez, a lawyer and trans woman living in Comayagüela, Honduras, is found stabbed to death in her home.  She is the 2nd trans woman murdered in the region in as many months. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/25/monic-martinez_comayaguela-distrito-central-honduras_b8968e02 July 26, 2020: Emmett Doherty and Luke Bromilow were attacked in the early hours of Sunday morning outside a Chinese takeaway in Derry, Northern Ireland, after they attempted to help a woman who was being harassed by men.  Doherty says he told the men “don’t speak to a woman like that”, only to become a target for a torrent of homophobic slurs and abuse. The men violently assaulted the pair, leaving them requiring hospital treatment for facial, head and body injuries. The attack is being treated as a hate crime. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/30/derry-attack-gay-homophobia-crime-emmett-doherty-luke-bromilow-northern-ireland/ July 26, 2020: Two people were punched and kicked in a homophobic and transphobic attack in York city centre in the UK. The victims were a young couple aged 20 and 21, who had been enjoying a meal in the historic city. They were walking home when they were accosted by an unknown man The encounter quickly turned violent as the man subjected them to hate-fuelled slurs and punched both of the victims. Both victims sustained injuries in the attack. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/07/28/york-transphobic-homophobic-attack-hate-crime-couple-st-denys-dennis-road/ July 26, 2020: As she exits the washroom of a bar in Caaporã, Brazil, 40-year-old trans woman Doroty Balbino de Lima is confronted by three masked men, who shoot her, killing her. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/26/doroty-balbino-de-lima_caapora-paraiba-brazil_f591eaaa July 26, 2020: A man in his twenties was approached by two men in London, UK, who shouted homophobic abuse before assaulting him, causing minor injuries. The victim tried to call the police after the men left the scene, but the pair returned to steal his headphones and also attempted to take his mobile phone. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/23/homophobic-assault-robbery-stamford-hill-met-police-public-appeal-cctv-efit-suspects/ July 27, 2020: After spray-painting "Seige on Arabs, not on Jews" and "Land of Israel" on a Ramallah mosque, arsonists set it on fire before fleeing.  Eyewitnesses report seeing Israeli settlers vandalizing the most and setting it on fire.SOURCE: https://www.israelhayom.com/2020/07/27/mosque-torched-near-ramallah-in-suspected-hate-crime/ July 27, 2020: A far-right extremist threw a molotov cocktail at the Belgian federal parliament building in Brussels. However he didn’t manage to throw it high enough and it broke apart against a fence, after which the man was quickly arrested. SOURCE: https://www.hln.be/in-de-buurt/brussel/man-die-molotovcocktail-naar-parlement-gooide-heeft-banden-met-extreemrechts-politiek-is-verantwoordelijk-voor-het-wanbeheer-van-de-gezondheidscrisis~a6a21061/ July 27, 2020: 24-year-old trans woman and hair stylist Queasha Hardy is shot to death in broad day light in the streets in Baton Rouge, LA. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/27/queasha-hardy_baton-rouge-louisiana-usa_99e988ea July 27, 2020: The body of 39-year-old trans woman Denisse Torres is found in her home in Minatitlán, Mexico.  She had been stabbed multiple times and her tongue had been cut out. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/27/denisse-torres_minatitlan-veracruz-mexico_f75fbba3 July 28, 2020: An eight-months pregnant Chinese woman is walking through Philadelphia's Chinatown with her 12-year-old daughter when another woman throws water at her and calls her a "Chinese bitch."  When the woman responds, her attacker punches her in the face. SOURCE: https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia-chinatown-assault-hate-crime-pregnant-woman-da-larry-krasner-mental-health-court-20200814.html July 29, 2020: Less than 12 hours after The Way Christian Center in Berkeley, CA. puts up a Black Lives Matter banner, arsonists attempt to burn the church down. SOURCE: https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/07/30/suspected-arson-at-black-church-in-berkeley-prompts-fear-and-anger July 29, 2020: Several people dressed in military uniforms arrive at the La Ceiba, Honduras home of 30-year-old trans activist Cristhal López and shoot her and her partner dead. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/07/29/cristhal-lopez_la-ceiba-atlantida-honduras_f8b46dbe July 29, 2020: Fifteen hooligans of the Beitar Jerusalem fascist supporters group La Familia are arrested after attacking an anti-Netanyahu rally in Jerusalem, assaulting two media photographers and a Palestinian bus driver. SOURCE: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-far-right-anti-netanyahu-protesters-to-converge-in-jerusalem-for-dueling-rallies-1.9034156 July 31, 2020: A heavily tattooed nazi yelling about being a white supremacist and a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and calling for Donald Trump tries to pick a fight with guests and staff members at a BBQ restaurant in Nokomis, Florida. This goes on for a while until a female bartender tries to get him to leave. He brutally hits her in the face, after which he is tackled to the ground by the people around him. The female bartender suffers a concussion. SOURCE: https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1289692804386562049 July 31, 2020: A man walking down a busy Calgary, Canada street in broad daylight is assaulted by a group of other men who scream homophobic abuse at him as they beat him. SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/homophobic-crimes-calgary-1.5674355 July 31, 2020: 24-year-old Rashad Turner assaults a 30-year-old trans person in Rochester, NY, beating them so badly that they are hospitalized and require reconstructive surgery. SOURCE: https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/rochester-man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-assaulting-transgender-man/5822198/?cat=565 July 31, 2020: Garrick Fernbaugh, a former US-Navy SEAL throws several homemade pipe bombs at Black Lives Matter protesters hanging out in a park in Portland, Oregon. The small explosions luckily do not manage to injure anyone. SOURCE: https://www.opb.org/article/2020/08/10/man-seen-in-area-of-homemade-explosive-at-portland-protest-ided-as-ex-navy-seal/   August: Police arrest 31-year-old Islamic State supporter Tahsin E. for planning a terrorist attack on Gay Pride in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He attempted to buy guns online and told others he was building explosives. He had been jailed before for making an explosive device. SOURCE: https://nos.nl/artikel/2354951-man-verdacht-van-plannen-aanslag-tijdens-gay-pride.html August 1, 2020: At the end of a Black Lives Matter open mic night in a park in Salem, Oregon, fascists show up and pepper-sprayed a family who were in their car leaving, also pepper-spraying their 5 year old son. SOURCE: https://twitter.com/bathtubhellrat/status/1289822855857729536 August 1, 2020: A lesbian asylum-seeker from Nigeria had boiling water thrown on her during an argument with a couple of homophobic Nigerian asylum-seekers, in the asylum-seekers center in Gilze, the Netherlands. SOURCE: https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achtergrond/homofoob-geweld-in-azc-gilze-vrouw-overgoten-met-kokend-water~bffa14d0/  August 1, 2020: Twelve neonazis attacked three Guinean immigrants in Erfurt, Germany. Two of the victims were critically injured and were transported to hospital. SOURCE: https://www.dw.com/de/schwerverletzter-nach-angriff-in-erfurt/a-54404252 August 1, 2020: Large mobs of far-right Chileans chanting anti-indigenous slogans and carrying clubs attacked municipal buildings that were occupied earlier in the week by Mapuche activists in solidarity with an ongoing hunger strike by a Mapuche prisoner. Many Mapuche people were beaten, including children, while police stood by and let the attacks happen. After a while police arrested the Mapuche activists and continued beating them. SOURCE: https://lavozdelosquesobran.cl/presentan-recurso-de-amparo-contra-ministro-victor-perez-por-turba-racista-anoche-fue-una-caceria-de-mapuche/ https://www.facebook.com/opalchile/posts/1403774036478070 August 1, 2020: A Muslim man is chased and beaten by a mob of far-right Hindu men in Gurugram, India, after being seen in the street carrying beef home for dinner. SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/antifascistindia/posts/1579770052181710 August 1, 2020: Josselin, a 29-year-old Salvadoran refugee and trans woman living in Ciudad de Guatemala, is found beaten to death in her home. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/01/josselin_ciudad-de-guatemala-guatemala_a3a73c3d August 1, 2020: A mob of white supremacists, border militias, and assorted “patriots” confront a Justice for Womxn of Color” march in La Mesa, CA.  armed with knives, bear spray cannisters, and clubs. The racists, who claimed to be there to prevent property damage, assault multiple people while police do nothing, beating one Black child. SOURCE: https://leftcoastrightwatch.org/2020/08/la-mesa-ca-cops-let-right-wing-mob-assault-child-brandish-weapons-at-protesters/   August 1, 2020: The Israel Police arrest a 16-year-old on suspicion in Tel Aviv that he took part in a violent attack on two young gay men in the Jaffa Port. One of the victims said they were attacked after getting off the jetty, “and these two guys started making faces. They seemed violent and the boat owner didn’t want to let them on board… They started arguing with us, so we went to eat at the [nearby] Clock Square. While we were gone, they told the boat owner, ‘We don’t approve of gay Arabs, they’re an embarassment.’ They said they would beat me, and told him they’re looking for me.” When they later returned “about 20 people jumped on me and started beating me. I took out pepper spray and sprayed the entire can, so they ran away. Then the boat owner came and started pushing them away, until only the two seen in the video were left." “I pulled the victims out and put them into the private area of the port where the ships dock, because there is a fence there so I could protect them," recounts the boat-owner. "Two of the gang jumped over the fence and they began to hit and kick them.” SOURCE: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-teenager-arrested-in-beating-of-gay-men-in-jaffa-port-1.9044855  August 2, 2020: A gay Russian social media influencer is been found dead with signs of strangulation after enduring years of homophobic abuse from online trolls. Ali Zabirov, 23, had thousands of followers on TikTok and Instagram under the name Egor Gromov. He was openly gay, with his sexuality drawing frequent attacks from online homophobes. He was found murdered in a friend’s flat in St Petersburg, Russia. His body was lying face down on his pillow, with signs of beatings on his body and bruising around the neck which indicated he had been strangled. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/06/egor-gromov-ali-zabirov-gay-russian-influencer-murdered-strangled-friends-home-homophobic/  August 3, 2020: A gay couple walking in Calgary’s Kensington neighbourhood are confronted by four people riding rental scooters, who scream homophobic abuse at them before attacking them by punching them, whipping them with a belt, and throwing a recycling bin at them. SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/homophobic-crimes-calgary-1.5674355; https://twitter.com/YYCantiracist/status/1290675393528131584/photo/1 August 3, 2020: The decomposing corpse of 23-year-old trans woman and LGBTQ+ activist Luisa Ávila Henao is found stuffed into an irrigation pipe in Buga, Colombia. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/03/luisa-avila-henao_buga-valle-de-cauca-colombia_c700a801 August 3, 2020: The body of a trans woman is found dumped in the streets of Fortaleza, Brazil.  She had been stabbed to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/03/name-unknown_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_a36a1085
August 3, 2020: A Trump supporter provokes an argument with Black Lives Matter protestors in Portland, OR. which ends when the Trumpist produces a knife and stabs an antifascist woman in the chest. SOURCE: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/08/person-wounded-in-downtown-portland-stabbing.html
August 4, 2020: The body of Samara - a trans woman living in Belo Horizonte - is found along with that of a homeless man.  Both had been shot to death.  Standing guard, Samara's dog refused to let anyone near her body. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/04/samara_belo-horizonte-minas-gerais-brazil_70886be8 August 4, 2020 A man drives his truck through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon, driving over a motorcycle and dragging it for a block. Luckily no one was injured. SOURCE: https://katu.com/news/local/truck-drives-through-protesters-police-say-break-in-at-their-union-building  August 5, 2020: Three masked arsonists set fire to the Denver home of a Muslim family, killing five people, including two children. SOURCE: https://religionnews.com/2020/08/06/muslim-leaders-call-for-hate-crime-investigation-into-deadly-denver-house-fire/ August 5, 2020: The body of Paloma - a trans woman living in Feira de Santana, Brazil - is discovered dumped in some bushes in the city.  She had been strangled to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/05/paloma_feira-de-santana-bahia-brazil_da718b4a August 6, 2020: An imam walking to his Bloomington, MN. mosque is attacked by two men who beat him severely, hosptalizing him with a fractured shoulder and other upper-body injuries.  The Al Farooq mosque was bombed three years previously. SOURCE: https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2020/08/07/local-muslim-leader-assaulted-in-bloomington-police-searching-for-suspects/ August 6, 2020: While on his way to his parents' home to pick up his 7-month-old daughter, a young Jewish man is the victim of a violent anti-Semitic attack in Paris, France. David, 29, is beaten unconscious by two men who called him a “dirty Jew”, and robbed him. SOURCE: https://www.20minutes.fr/paris/2838535-20200812-paris-homme-porte-plainte-apres-violente-agression-antisemite-capitale August 8, 2020: 15-year-old trans girl Ludmilla Silva is lured to a vacant lot in Fortaleza, Brazil by two men, who execute her by shooting her. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/08/ludmilla-silva_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_820eb3f2 August 8, 2020: A group of volunteer medics arriving to support a counter-protest to a “Back the Blue” rally in Fort Collins, CO are set upon and beaten by pro-police rally attendees, including Three Percent militia members, while local police look on.  At least one member of Fort Collins police is a Threeper - something that came to public light after he shot a Native American man while on-duty and questions arose about the Threeper tattoo on his hand. SOURCE: https://www.westword.com/news/fort-collins-brawl-women-medics-claim-pro-police-thugs-assaulted-them-11773732 August 9, 2020: 38-year-old trans woman Brigit is stabbed to death in Tlayecac, Mexico. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/09/brigit_tlayecac-morelos-mexico_4071c91a August 9, 2020: 59-year-old Wesley Devilbiss becomes infuriated at the sight of was 40 and 50 trans rights protesters marching and singing in Durango, Colorado. Devilbiss steps in front of the woman and rips her face mask off, throwing a second woman to the ground when that woman tries to deescalate the situation.  SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/11/colorado-trans-rights-protest-attack-wesley-devilbiss-duragno/ August 10, 2020: 30-year-old Letícia Costa is shot dead by multiple gunman in downtown Fortaleza, Brazil. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/10/leticia-costa_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_da9ac473 August 11, 2020: A gay man is called a “faggot”, viciously beaten, and then robbed by two drunk men in Poznań, Poland. Miłosz Miklaszewski said that despite there being other people nearby, nobody came to help him as the two men used a “telescopic baton” to beat him. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/14/poland-gay-man-homophobia-attack-warsaw-andrzej-duda-milosz-miklaszewski-police/ August 11, 2020: Two Palestinian engineers measuring land in the western part of Huwarah are confronted by four Israeli settlers, one carrying an M-16 rifle. Fearing an attack, the two started running towards Huwarah. The settlers gave chase, firing in the air, throwing stones at them, swearing at them and calling them to stop. Several stones hit Masri and he fell over, but the two managed to escape. When they reached a swimming pool on the outskirts of Huwarah, the pool staff called an ambulance for Masri, who was suffering severe pain in his leg and could barely stand. He was taken to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus, where he was treated and discharged. SOURCE: https://www.btselem.org/settler_violence_updates/during-corona-crisis?update=213080
August 12, 2020: A Waco, Texas, woman is arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated in an incident that​ motivated by the right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory. 30-year-old Cecilia Fulbright got behind the wheel of her car with the intent to “[save] a child” from “pedophiles.” Fulbright reportedly chased two strangers’ vehicles in an apparent attempt to ​hit them. According to a Waco police report, the first vehicle was a catering truck driven by a woman with her ​minor daughter in the passenger’s seat. They successfully evaded Fulbright before calling the police who, according to an incident report, were unable to locate Fulbright or her vehicle. Fulbright then ​targeted a second unrelated ​vehicle, a Dodge Caravan ​driven by a 19-year-old college student​. Fulbright chased ​the student into a parking lot​ where she cornered​ and repeatedly rammed ​the Dodge Caravan​. Responding police officers reportedly found Fulbright “crying hysterically” and yelling that the driver of the vehicle she attacked “was a pedophile and had kidnapped a girl for human trafficking.” SOURCE: https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/texas-qanon-car-attack-cecilia-fulbright/ August 12, 2020: Two men attack a young man because they believe he is gay, while yelling homophobic slurs at him. The men were filming their attack to share on a Belgian homophobic Telegram channel with over 600 members who share images and videos of LGBT+ people being humiliated and assaulted. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/18/belgium-homophobia-attack-lgbt-criminal-system-telegram-het-laatste-nieuws/ August 13, 2020: Three Indian journalists are attacked by a Hindu mob while reporting on a story in New Delhi.  The journalists and two colleagues were filming for The Caravan magazine in northeast Delhi, which was hit by religious violence in February. At least 53 people were killed in that violence, most of them Muslims. Singh, a writer at the Caravan, said Tantray and a female reporter were capturing a scene of a local street decked out with religious flags associated with Hindu far-right groups, when three to four men came out and started shouting at them for taking pictures. As a man kept asking for Tantray’s name, Singh began calling Tantray by a Hindu name, “Sagar”. “Chalo Sagar yahan se’ (Let’s go from here, Sagar),” Singh, who is a Sikh, told Tantray as he wanted to save him from the mob. “I could clearly see the hatred in their eyes, the communally frenzied eyes. I wore a turban as a Sikh and they were conscious of my religious identity, too. But their enemy was Shahid (Tantray), a Muslim,” Singh told Al Jazeera. “A BJP man shouted that he (Tantray) is a Muslim and started calling more people to the scene,” he said. Eventually the mob grew to more than a hundred people. “The mob beat me, punched on my neck and back, and tried to strangle me with the camera strap. I have pain in my neck as well as lower back since then.” SOURCE: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/indian-journalists-assaulted-hindu-mob-delhi-200813101156306.html August 13, 2020: The body of Ellen, a 53-year-old trans woman in Contagem, Brazil, is found by neighbours stabbed to death in her home. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/13/ellen_contagem-minas-gerais-brazil_11f6d1fb August 14, 2020: A man in Wałcz, Poland, attacks a 10-year-old girl and her 17-year-old brother, hitting the boy several times in the head with a metal tool that looked like a gun while shouting homophobic slurs. None of the witnesses of the event responded to the victims’ calls for help. The boy was taken to the hospital. SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/respect.diversity/posts/3438962242892013
August 14, 2020: Gay cancer patient Heulwen Rowcliffe was subjected to a brutal attack by two homophobic thugs who kicked and punched her to the ground. Rowcliffe, 45, was home recovering from surgery in Lampeter, Wales, where she ventured out to walk her dog. She was walking along a riverside footpath at around 3.35pm when two men in their early 20s approached her and commented on her t-shirt, which read: ‘My Girlfriend Bought Me This.’ “These two guys came up to me and said, ‘Why are you wearing that t-shirt?'” Pronath told Wales Online. “They then pushed me to the ground before one of them hit me and the other kicked me in the back.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/18/hate-crime-homophobia-cancer-patient-heulwen-rowcliffe-lampeter-wales/ August 14, 2020: The Berlin bar "Morgen wird besser" is torched in an anti-semitic attack. Nobody was injured, although there are apartments above the bar. The bar’s owner is Jewish, and said he has been targeted by neo-nazis for years. The owner received the last threatening phone call last Monday: “I want you to be gone.” He had already received similar calls over and over again in the past months and years, and his bar was also sprayed with anti-Semitic graffiti. SOURCE: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/juedischer-besitzer-im-visier-von-neonazis-brandanschlag-auf-berliner-kneipe-morgen-wird-besser/26101426.html August 14, 2020: 45-year-old teacher Marek Czerwiński defends a man of Congolese origin being harassed at a bus stop by two racists in the town of Wieliczka, Poland. The the attackers then turn on the teacher, who is attacked with pepper spray and hit in the head with a beer bottle. Both attackers escape only to brag about what their attack on the internet. SOURCE: https://www.msn.com/pl-pl/wiadomosci/polska/uwaga-tvn-stan%C4%85%C5%82-w-obronie-czarnosk%C3%B3rego-m%C4%99%C5%BCczyzny-zosta%C5%82-brutalnie-pobity/ar-BB187nx1 August 14, 2020: Far-right counter-protesters attack participants of a small Black Lives Matter protest in the Los Angeles, California, suburb of Sunland-Tujunga. Far-right activist Luke Vella assaults a teenage girl while another fascist pepper-sprays people. One person is smashed in the head with a skateboard by one of the fascists.  At least three people are injured, one of whom is hospitalized. SOURCE: https://itsgoingdown.org/antifascists-are-facing-off-against-the-far-right-backed-up-by-local-cops-weekly-in-sunland-tujunga/
August 15, 2020: 27-year-old Skylor Jernigan taunts Black Lives Matter protestors in Portland, OR., firing a paint ball gun at them.  Jernigan - a frequent attend of far-right rallies in the area who was investigated by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2019 for making death threats against anti-fascists -  later leaves the scene in a blue Dodge Dart, firing a 9mm pistol at protestors as he leaves.  Jernigan is arrested days later on several charges stemming from the incident. SOURCE: https://www.wweek.com/news/2020/08/17/far-right-protester-fired-two-gunshots-at-black-lives-matter-demonstrators-last-weekend/ August 15, 2020: Proud Boys holding a rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan, assaulted and pepper-sprayed counter-protesters. SOURCE: https://twitter.com/samueljrob/status/1294690720184438789 August 15, 2020: 25-year-old Proud Boy Cole Robert Scott gets involved in a fight in an Oregon City pub's parking lot,  runs to his car, fires a gun from it, then crashes while trying to flee the scene before running away. SOURCE: https://katu.com/news/local/man-accused-of-firing-gun-during-fight-outside-oregon-city-pub August 16, 2020: A Chinese woman is racially abused by teenagers in Dublin.  When she responds, two of the teens push her into the canal. SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53794831 August 16, 2020: 21-year-old Syrian refugee Abdulkadir Davud is with some friends at the seaside near Istanbul when a man begins cursing at them from his home.  The man's wife then pleads with them to leave before he kills anyone.  Before they can leave the area, the man returns and shoots at the group of refugees three times, killing Davud. SOURCE: https://stockholmcf.org/syrian-refugee-shot-dead-in-apparent-hate-crime/ August 16, 2020: Moments after landing his rubber dinghy on the shore in Kingsdown, UK, a 20-year-old refugee is assaulted by a man who had watched him land. SOURCE: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/migrant-attacked-kent-beach-boat-crossings-english-channel-a9677131.html August 17, 2020: Three transgender women are beaten and robbed on Hollywood Blvd. by a man threatening them with a crowbar while bystanders record the incident on video while egging him on. SOURCE: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-08-19/hate-crime-investigation-underway-after-transgender-women-robbed-beaten-in-hollywood August 17, 2020: A black woman is jogging in Queens, NY when another woman throws a bottle at her while yelling racist slurs at her. SOURCE: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nypd-probes-ranting-bottle-attack-on-black-jogger-as-hate-crime/2620114/ August 17, 2020: A 34-year old member of neonazi group Nationalen Widerstand stabs a 40-year old man to death with a butcher’s knife in Zweibrücken, Germany. The two men were alone in the killer’s apartment when they got into an argument, leading to the stabbing. SOURCE: https://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/pm/zweibruecken/trauer-ueber-opfer-von-bluttat-in-der-marienstrasse-in-zweibruecken_aid-52843331 August 18, 2020: As she returns home form a ceremony in Kamoke, Pakistan, 22-year-old trans woman Piya is confronted by several gunmen, who execute her. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/18/piya_kamoke-punjab-pakistan_339dedfd August 19, 2020: The body of trans woman Julie Torres is found wrapped in a sheet in her Guadalajara, Mexico home.  She had been tortured to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/19/julie-torres_guadalajara-jalisco-mexico_b0914971 August 19, 2020: The body of trans woman Daniele Rodrigues is found dumped in some bushes in Crateús, Brazil.  She had been shot to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/19/daniele-rodrigues_crateus-ceara-brazil_2cc3452d August 20, 2020: A gay couple at a public swimming pool in Tel Aviv, Israel. A gay couple are reportedly spat on and choked by pool patrons for having “too narrow swimming trunks and an earring in the ear”. The victims said “One of the men defiantly spat at our feet, and then began to shout and insult in the presence of other vacationers. We were warned that we will burn in hell, and can not leave the pool alive. After that, one of the attackers began to choke my friend, and the other tried to hit me on the head with an empty bottle. The scuffle was stopped only after the intervention of the guards.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/08/21/tel-aviv-gay-couple-homophobic-attack-public-swimming-pool-earrings-trunks-police/ August 20, 2020: 23-year-old trans woman Sam Rosales Barrios is riding a motorcycle in Atlixco, Mexico when a car deliberately rams her, then drives back and runs over her while she is lying in the street, killing her. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/20/sam-rosales-barrios_atlixco-puebla-mexico_8db64b04 August 21, 2020: The bodies of two trans women and their partner are found dumped in wells in Palayamkottai, India.  All three were strangled to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/21/bhavani_palayamkottai-tirunelveli-tamil-nadu-india_b1ec181c August 22, 2020: A group of religious extremists arrive in Vancouver, Canada's historic West End gay neighborhood using a PA system to chant homophobic slurs.  When a man confronts them, they break his leg. SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/anty-gay-attack-prompts-hate-related-investigation-1.5697192 August 22, 2020: A black college student in Greeley, CO. is at a house party when he is attacked by another student who screams racist slurs at him while he's committing the assault. SOURCE: https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/unc-student-assaulted-targeted-due-to-skin-color-school-says/73-150b6851-54ee-4d51-adcd-63eae1567383 August 22, 2020: A 31-year old man is arrested in Graz, Austria, for attacking a leader of the local Jewish community. The victim confronted the man after he had scrawled anti-semitic graffiti on the synagogue, after which the man attacked the car the victim was in with a chair-leg. Luckily, the victim remained unharmed. SOURCE: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/antisemitismus-graz-rosen-oesterreich-synagoge-angriff-syrer-1.5008199 August 22, 2020: 39-year-old Rosario, Argentina resident and trans woman Lorena María del Luján Riquel is bludgeoned to death by a man who repeatedly smashes her in the head with cement blocks. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/22/lorena-maria-del-lujan-riquel_rosario-santa-fe-argentina_85a03a42 August 22, 2020: A letter-writing event for an arrested LGBTQ+ activist in Bielsko-Biala, Poland was attacked by masked far-right hooligans, who called the participants homophobic slurs, threw water and dirt at them, attacked them with pepper spray and stole the rainbow flag. Immediately after the attack, the attackers fled. SOURCE: https://katowice.wyborcza.pl/katowice/7,35063,26566331,policja-nie-mogla-zatrzymac-dzialacza-mlodziezy-wszechpolskiej.html August 24, 2020: A transgender woman in Philadelphia tries to de-escalate a fight happening outside of her Point Breeze home and is herself swarmed by multiple people, who force their way into her home while beating her and screaming transphobic slurs at her. SOURCE: https://www.inquirer.com/news/attack-on-transgender-woman-kendall-stephens-point-breeze-20200826.html August 24, 2020: A Black Lives Matter march traveling to Washington, DC come under gunfire near Schellsburg, PA. after a "confrontation" with two property owners.  One of the BLM marchers shot and hospitalized. SOURCE: https://www.tribdem.com/news/was-shooting-of-blm-activist-a-hate-crime-state-police-continue-investigation/article_d4d17842-039f-11eb-b7f4-17a8153fe79e.html August 24, 2020: The body of a trans woman is tossed from a car in Acapulco, Mexico,  She had been shot in the head.  Two days later, the body of another trans woman - this one tortured to death - would be disposed of in the city in a similar fashion. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/24/name-unknown_acapulco-guerrero-mexico_1b12b24c August 25, 2020: After watching hours of videos on Facebook, 30-year-old Steve Sinclair grabs a knife and goes out to stab Michael Conner, who was walking his dog.  Sinclair told police he had gone out to stab the first white man he could find. SOURCE: https://www.thesun.ie/news/5839113/man-black-lives-matter-stabbed-white-man-walking-dog/ August 25, 2020: Trans woman Angooori is murdered in Karachi, Pakistan. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/25/angoori_karachi-pakistan_88091c54 August 25, 2020: A 21-year-old Sikh man walking in Toronto is suddenly attacked by another man without warning, who strikes him several times and knocks the turban off of his head.  The same man would attack another South Asian person in the same area five days later. SOURCE: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/09/04/man-wanted-for-hate-crimes-after-he-attacks-two-men-of-south-asian-heritage-in-etobicoke.html August 25, 2020: After attending an anti-Black Lives Matter rally on the steps of the Bedford County Courthouse in Pennsylvania, 43-year-old convicted felon Jeremy William Decker arrives at the hotel where BLM activists are staying for the night and fires a pistol.  He is charged with reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and firearms violations.  The previous day, the same group of BLM activists came under gunfire, with one of them being hospitalized for wounds sustained by a shotgun blast. SOURCE: https://www.tribdem.com/news/was-shooting-of-blm-activist-a-hate-crime-state-police-continue-investigation/article_d4d17842-039f-11eb-b7f4-17a8153fe79e.html August 25, 2020: 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse travels from Illinois to Kenosha, Wisconsin as part of a right-wing vigilante group, intent on stopping Black Lives Matter protests there. During the evening Rittenhouse gets into an argument with a protester who follows him and throws a plastic bag at him. Rittenhouse turns around and shoots the man several times with his illegally-obtained AR-15, killing him. Rittenhouse is then chased by an angry group of protesters, and when they catch up to him he shoots and kills one of the protesters who was trying to disarm him. Another protester is shot in the arm. SOURCE: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/26/us/kenosha-shooting-protests-jacob-blake.html https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/26/kenosha-shooting-2-dead-1-injured-jacob-blake-protest-police-blm/ August 26, 2020: The body of a trans woman is tossed from a car in Acapulco, Mexico, She had been tortured to death. Two days earlier, the body of another trans woman - this one shot to death - would be disposed of in the city in a similar fashion. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/24/name-unknown_acapulco-guerrero-mexico_1b12b24c August 26, 2020: The bodies of trans woman Brandy Ronzon Huerta Cortez and her mother are discovered in their Puente Nacional, Mexico home by neighbours.  Both had been stabbed to death. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/26/brandy-ronzon-huerta-cortez_puente-nacional-veracruz-mexico_a6637cbb August 26, 2020: Dwayne A Vandergrift Jr, 35, is accused of bombing a lesbian-owned gym in Gloucester City which was  long considered by locals as a “safe haven” for LGBT+ people.  Vandergrift also faces charges for possession two destructive devices and a short-barrelled rifle.   SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/13/new-jersey-g-city-crossfit-lgbt-gym-gloucester-dwayne-vandergrift-hate-crime/ August 27, 2020: The body of trans woman Jeanine Huerta López is found in her home in Tijuana, Mexico.  She had been beaten and stabbed to death. Her friends suspect her murder was a transphobic hate crime. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/27/jeanine-huerta-lopez_tijuana-baja-california-mexico_0c6bc5f2 August 28, 2020: A gay couple are walking in Orillia, Canada when three men in a passing vehicle yell homophobic slurs and profanites at them, then returned and sprayed the couple with beer.  When they returned a 3rd time and the couple confronted them.  At that point the driver of the vehicle sped off, dragging one of the couple about 25 meters. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/02/canada-queer-homophobia-attack-hate-crime-orillia-police-james-ley/ August 28, 2020: An 11-year-old black girl playing with her friends in a Shawnee, KS. schoolyard when a 12-year-old boy confronts the group, shouting racial slurs at them, then leaving only to return with a knife, threatening to stab the girls.  The boy then left and returned a second time with a metal pipe, which he used to smash the girl in the head, knocking her unconscious, knocking our one of her teeth, and lacerating her face. SOURCE: https://shawneemissionpost.com/2020/09/04/we-will-not-be-quiet-family-of-11-year-old-black-girl-who-was-victim-of-allegedly-racist-attack-in-shawnee-seeks-justice-and-compassion-100523/ August 28, 2020: A 35-year old white man starts a fistfight with two black teenagers in Darmstadt, Germany after calling them racial slurs and giving the Hitler salute. SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1833898690109155 August 28, 2020: Walking back home during Pride, a trans woman and her two queer friends were cutting through Manchester, UK, city centre when, just less than a mile away from the city’s midtown gay village, a group teens approach them, lobbing transphobic insults and then quickly turning violent. The victims were punched, had drinks lobbed at them and anti-LGBT+ slurs hurled. A bystander, also a member of the LGBT+ community intervened in an effort to dial in the brawl. He instead became the new target. Jack Weir had chunks of hair tugged out as he was kicked by the teens as he tried to defend the trans woman. “I couldn’t not do anything,” Weir said. “It was clearly a transphobic assault taking place.” SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/03/manchester-pride-transphobia-anti-lgbt-attack-adam-ali-jack-weir-police-arrest/ August 28, 2020: After suffering weeks of homophobic taunts every time he left his home, a gay man in in Rutherglen, Scotland is attacked by a mob who also smash the windows of his home in.  Police refused to press charges. SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/09/homophobia-homelessness-move-house-rutherglen-scotland-peter-mccluskey-gofundme/ August 29, 2020: 37-year-old trans woman Branca Aldama is shot dead in the streets of Itaitinga, Brazil. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/29/branca-aldama_itaitinga-ceara-brazil_98df6465 August 29, 2020: 27-year-old trans woman Melody Barrera is shot multiple times by gunmen in a drive-by shooting in Guaymallén, Argentina.  She dies at the scene. SOURCE: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2020/08/29/melody-barrera_guaymallen-mendoza-argentina_f75248d6 August 29, 2020: Members of a far-right antisemitic fraternity Burschenschaft Normannia Heidelberg attacked a visitor from a different fraternity when they found out about his Jewish roots at a party.  Eight face charges of libel and inflicting bodily harm. The victim, a 25-year-old student, claims that when it became known that he was of Jewish ancestry he became the target of antisemitic insults and then pelted with coins as well as beaten on his back and legs with belts. SOURCE: https://eurojewcong.org/news/communities-news/germany/heidelberg-fraternity-under-investigation-for-antisemitic-crimes/ August 29, 2020: 16-year-old Florian Rosenkranz stabs and badly injures two people with a large knife at an open-air party in Dresden, Germany. The two victims had to undergo emergency surgery.  Rosenkranz gave a Hitler salute and racially insulted a person before the attack. SOURCE: https://naziwatchdd.noblogs.org/post/2020/09/15/messerangriff-bei-freetekk-party-taeter-hat-klare-bezuege-in-die-naziszene/ August 30, 2020: Odessa Pride organizers said that a peaceful Pride event in Odessa, Ukraine had only been underway for ten minutes before they were set upon by the neo-Nazi thugs. Pride organisers say that despite assurances from police that they would ensure the event was protected, officers did not react fast enough to the attack – with LGBT+ activists abused and attacked with pepper spray before police eventually sought to break up the conflict, forming a barrier surrounding the small pro-LGBT+ group.   SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/01/ukraine-far-right-neo-nazi-odessa-pride-eggs-pepper-spray-traditions-and-order/ August 30, 2020: Lorran Oliveira, his boyfriend, and three friends are subjected to homophobic abuse by their neighbours in Itaúna, Brazil, which quickly degenerates into a physical assault, with Oliveira being pinned down and beaten with a broomstick.  SOURCE: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/09/05/gay-man-attacked-police-brazil-lorran-oliveira-facebook/ August 30, 2020: A convoy of pickup trucks ferrying Donald Trump supporters drives through Portland, OR, with occupants shooting paintball guns and pepper-spraying protestors and in at least one instance ramming their trucks through the crowds. SOURCE: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/aug/30/trump-supporters-drive-through-crowd-and-pepper-spray-protesters-in-portland-video August 30, 2020: The Pljevlja, Montenegro office of the Islamic Community is vandalized and several ethnic bosniaks are assaulted by Serbian nationalists.  Three people from Pljevlja were charged with attacking one man, and three further incidents were reported in the town. Two Bosniaks, a young man and his father, were attacked at a cafe in the city centre of Pljevlja on Sunday evening. SOURCE: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/09/bosniaks-montenegro-live-fear-anxiety-election-200904142818047.html https://balkaninsight.com/2020/09/02/ethnic-tensions-rise-muslims-targeted-after-montenegro-elections/
August 31, 2020: A South Asian man is walking down a Toronto street when another man runs up and smashes him in the head before running away.  The attacker also attacked a Sikh man a block away five days before. SOURCE: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/09/04/man-wanted-for-hate-crimes-after-he-attacks-two-men-of-south-asian-heritage-in-etobicoke.html
READ PART ONE (JANUARY-MAY 2020) OF OUR TIMELINE HERE: https://antifainternational.tumblr.com/post/190676684915/2020-a-timeline-of-bigoted-fascist-and-extreme READ PART THREE (JUNE-SEPTEMBER 2020 OF OUR TIMELINE HERE:  https://antifainternational.tumblr.com/post/638866053903089666/2020-a-timeline-of-bigoted-fascist-and-extreme
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gncrevan · 6 years
I haven't seen any posts about this so I'll try to give a short overview. I also don't know if media outside of Germany is reporting.
The night between 25 and 26 August: there is a fight between several men at the town festival in Chemnitz. A man gets wounded with a knife and dies. The victim is reportedly a German of Cuban descent. The perpetrator's ethnicity is unknown at this point, but word spreads that he's "Southern looking" (read: non-white), possibly a migrant, that he and his friends harassed a woman before. None of this is confirmed. However, right-wing extremists like the Nazi hooligans "Kaotic Chemnitz" and the anti-migrant group "Pro Chemnitz" jump on it immediately and call for a large demonstration the following day. The festival is cancelled.
26 August: Hundreds of neo-Nazis flood the streets of Chemnitz. They are ready to be violent. They chase and attack everyone they think doesn't look German. The police claims to be "overwhelmed". They clearly did not take the threats seriously, did not prepare for a large-scale operation. Right-wing violence is notoriously and systemically underestimated in Germany, compare the NSU case. Right under the eyes of the police, hundreds of people throw explosives, illegally mask their faces, show illegal Hitler salutes, yell Nazi paroles, attack innocents in the streets. There have not been considerable arrests, last I read only four charges were filed. No water cannons deployed, no tear gas and pepper spray used, no rioters hit with batons. Compare this to the scenes at G20 or Stuttgart 21 protests, the latter of which had a lot of children and old people in the crowd.
27 and 28 August: protests in Chemnitz continue. Over 6000 people are aligning themselves with the "cause". Again, several hundred protesters also display violence against leftists and migrants, barely stopped by police. Online, right-wing groups leak the official arrest warrant for the alleged perpetrator of the stabbing, name, address and all. How do they even have that document? Connections between police and Nazis are being prodded by observers, but of course no official statement yet. Just a couple days ago, a policeman was outed partaking in an anti-immigration demo by Pegida. But criticism of the police only comes from leftists, not from the media or politics. They stick to the "overwhelmed" story, and allow racists to freely speak their minds on television. They say: we have to take these people's fears seriously. They do not ask about the fears that people of colour, Jewish people, marginalized people have right now. Meanwhile, support for the Nazis rises in other cities. Düsseldorf and Cologne see anti-immigration demos on Monday and Tuesday. There are counter-protests in those and other cities.
Further reading/sources (German): Twitter-Hashtags such as #c2608, #c2708, #c2808, #Chemnitz provide a running commentary. taz and Die Zeit have several articles.
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radicalgraff · 6 years
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Anti-Fascist, Anti-Cop mural in Dresden Germany.
The painting refers to an incident in Dresden at a far-right ‘Pegida’ demonstration in August 2018, when an off duty cop marching with Pegida (portrayed in the mural) demanded that journalists stop filming the rally, and called on police to arrest them.
Despite it not being illegal to film a demonstration in Germany, the journalists were then detained by police for 45 minutes.
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jotunlokisuggestion · 6 years
when you say a lot of things currently happening politically, do you mean world or germany?
//Having finished typing this, I’m just going to put an apology in advance for the incoming rant.
Answer: Both I guess. There is a lot of things going on in the world that I worry about politically at the moment. Of course I worry about North Korea. About the Middle East. About Boku Haram in Nigeria. About detained children in the US. About the Australian government putting refugees in camps with hardly any medical attention. About fires in Greece. I follow the news and I’m aware these things are happening and I know that most of them are worse than what we’re dealing with in Germany. But the thing is. Growing up I never imagined these things to reach us the way they do now.
Until now. A few weeks ago the AfD became more popular in the polls than the SPD (the social-democrats), the only party older than the Federal Republic of Germany. The party that was persecuted under Hitler and had to go abroad and resisted. The party that existed in the Weimarer Republic. The party that already existed when we had a fucking Kaiser. (to be fair, the AfD surpassing them is mostly due to the SPD rapidly losing in polls but it’s still scary) You know, almost every Western country currently has a party of right-winged nutters and Nazis on the rise and…sadly we do to. The AfD. We actually were late to this because Germany isn’t very accessible to that kind of rhetoric but they started getting popular in 2014 as a party of “Europe-sceptic” old people. And then they kicked out their leader and replaced them with the very radical right-wing Frauke Petry. And she led the party for a while and I remember 2015 was:
Then, one day after the last election in 2017 Frauke Petry left the party - because it had become too right-wing for her. (obviously only after she got her seat in the Bundestag)
Like…you can’t illustrate a movement to the right in a country and in a party more clearly than that.
We don’t have a Trump or a Duterte as Chancellor. The AfD is in the Bundestag now - which is also something people couldn’t imagine a few years ago! - but they’re not in charge, they’re in the opposition and the other parties in the opposition hate then more than the actual government and refuse to work with them. So they mostly sit around and complain.
I disagree with Merkel on many things and I never voted CDU but I can live with her and for all I care she can stay Chancellor forever if that’s the only thing that can prevent Alice Weidel from becoming Chancellor. 
But you know-
I left school about 5 years ago. So I went to school all through 2000-2013. And in basically every year and in most classes one way or another we discussed the question: “Can “it” happen again.” at some point - “It” being the NS-Regime. 
As long as I can remember I mostly sided with ‘yes’. That yes, it can happen again. Looking at the world and looking at places like North Korea or China (and in many ways also the US, no offence) I always felt like it’s very arrogant how many Germans often argue: “Well, we learnt from our mistakes!”- “We are different because we know what can happen.” - “We had the Weimar Republic and did away with all the weaknesses and loopholes.” As if we are somehow smarter or more educated or magically the only nation on the world advanced enough to realise the Nazis are bad.
The thing is. I figured it could happen again. I always figured it would look differently. The Nazis have a very…strong brand, let’s put it like that. And their uniforms and their salute and the very language they used or the way Hitler talked - this stuff is something basically every child in Germany knows. There is a huge awareness.
So I always figured that if something like that rose again, it would look very different. 
But doesn’t. Björn Höcke - one of the biggest AfD politicians told some American newspaper that “Adolf Hitler wasn’t all that bad”. Many AfD-politicians are insisting we are mourning the victims of the Holocaust too much. Some of Alice Weidel’s supporters (she’s the most important AfD-politician at the moment.) almost got kicked out of Sachsenhausen because they denied the Holocaust loudly in fucking Sachsenhausen. They went into a former concentration camp- now a memorial place - and denied the Holocaust. (Which is illegal in Germany so the police is investigating it obviously, but. Good luck proving that because obviously, they deny it)
And then Chemnitz happened. Chemnitz is. Scary as fuck.
I know there was some international coverage about what went on/is going on in Chemnitz but I’m not sure how many people outside of Germany followed that so let’s simplify it like this:
A few people got into an argument. whatever really happened aside, it ended tragically with two men stabbing another man. There was a lot of mourning  as you can expect - also a lot of serious, honest mourning. But the thing was - the two culprits were refugees and the victim was German. And the city it happened in has…strong Nazi-presence. I mean the classic, bald-headed baseball-bat carrying drunkard-type, not even the well-dressed Identitarian Alt-Right type. The honesty-in-advertising kind. 
And these Nazis grasped the opportunity and started marching through the streets of Chemnitz, attacking people, doing the Hitler Salute singing the U-Bahn-Song (It’s a forbidden Nazi song about “building an underground train to Auschwitz” like. This level of vile. Imagine Charlottesville without torches).
And AfD-politicians like Höcke or Gauland expressed sympathy. Like…so far they did everything to avoid being placed in this context. They tried to look modern and clean and educated and shit to hide their ideology. They even avoided associating too publicly with Pegida, which was less radical than what is going on in Chemnitz. They are no longer scared of losing popularity over this.
 And many Germans argue: Well, Chemnitz is a “Nazi-city” and Saxony is the “Nazi-state”. And “everyone knows it’s a problem area.” and “haha let’s just send the Saxons off to Syria then everything is perfect and alright in Germany again and obviously no West-German has ever had a bad thought about foreigners in their life.” 
And yeah, it’s probably the biggest problem area we have. I have friends from Saxony and the shit they’ve seen their  - especially in smaller towns - is really scary. One German-Israeli comedian called Shahak Shapira wrote a book about growing up in the East which might be translated into English one day because he does a lot of stuff in English and if it does, I recommend it if you’re interested in that stuff because he does a good job of talking about these places in a way that explains them well to outsiders. A friend of mine from Marocco studied in Dresden - the capital of Saxony - for a while and he told me about some shit he’d seen there. A colleague told me her roommate turned down a job offer in Dresden because she asked where they’d recommend she should move there and - in response because she’s black - the interviewers explicitly said that there was only 1! part of the city she could live safely. That’s Dresden.
And Chemnitz is Dresden times ten. So yeah, Germans saying it’s a Saxony-problem or a Chemnitz-problem or an East-Germany problem aren’t lying (although they’re also doing it to distract from huge problems in other parts of the country) but the thing is - this shouldn’t exist. These are our version of sundown towns and saying it’s not a problem because “people there are like that” a) ignores the victims b) normalises this ideology for the sake of feeling better about ourselves and c) it’s also a breeding ground for this ideology and it’s not going to stop a the borders or walls of these cities. 
And the thing is. You know how I talked about how I always said it could happen again but now imagining how? This is the one way I always said I couldn’t imagine it. I never imagined it to take exactly the same shape. And this scares the shit out of me. These people are doing the Hitler Salute. They are singing about Auschwitz. They are honouring Nazi-politicians and visiting their burial places. And this is something I never thought I’d see here.
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expatimes · 4 years
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Dutch police clash with anti-lockdown rioters in two cities
Dutch police clash with anti-lockdown rioters in two cities
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Demonstrations against a new curfew to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the Netherlands have turned into riots and clashes with police in some places, according to authorities and reports.
Authorities on Sunday used water cannon and dogs in a square in central Amsterdam, where hundreds of people gathered during the curfew that began on Saturday, public television NOS reported. Videos showed police spraying people grouped against a wall of the Van Gogh Museum.
Protesters, organised in part by restaurant owners fed up with the country’s long-lasting lockdown measures, carried a banner saying “Stop The Lockdown.” The crowd of hundreds was also believed to include supporters of the anti-immigrant group PEGIDA.
Police said they detained more than 100 people for throwing stones and fireworks.
In Eindhoven in the country’s south, police fired tear gas to disperse a crowd of several hundred, regional television Omroep Brabant reported.
Several vehicles were burned and businesses at Eindhoven’s central train station were looted, media reports said. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
Dutch rail company NS called on travellers to avoid the Eindhoven station, where it said train circulation was interrupted due to the intervention of emergency services nearby.
A COVID-19 testing centre was also set on fire on Saturday evening in the village of Urk in the north of the country, local authorities said.
“The fire in a screening centre in Urk goes beyond all limits,” Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said on Sunday.
The 9pm to 4:30am curfew is the country’s first since World War II, with Prime Minister Mark Rutte saying it is needed to bring down virus case numbers. Violators face a 95-euro ($115) fine.
Exemptions are possible, in particular for people returning from funerals or those having to work, but on condition that they present a certificate.
Police said they fined more than 3,600 people nationwide for breaching the curfew, and arrested 25 people for flouting the curfew or for violence.
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Police clash with rioters in Eindhoven
Flight bans
The recent incidents were the worst violence to hit the Netherlands since the pandemic began and the second straight Sunday that police clashed with rioters in Amsterdam.
The police and municipal officials issued a statement on Sunday expressing their anger at rioting, “from throwing fireworks and stones to destroying police cars and with the torching of the test location as a deep point”.
Rutte also announced on Wednesday a ban on flights from the United Kingdom, South Africa and South America, and a cut in the number of guests allowed in people’s homes to one, from the previous limit of two.
New variants of the virus have led to deep concern in Europe, particularly a more infectious strain that first emerged in the UK.
The Netherlands was already under its toughest measures since the start of the pandemic, with bars and restaurants having closed in October, and schools and non-essential shops shut since December.
Rutte and his cabinet resigned on January 22 over a scandal involving child tax benefits, but they will continue to govern until elections in mid-March.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=17217&feed_id=30335
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Nov 25 & 26: Nijmegen Against Racism – For a Society Without Borders
Two years ago, we organized a very successful demonstration for the people of Nijmegen to welcome migrants. It was a clear signal for freedom of movement, against racism and in for solidarity without borders. Two years later, with the election victories of the PVV and FvD in the Netherlands, the AfD entering the Bundestag, and Trump ascending to the presidency of the United States, it appears that support for right extremist ideals has received a new boost. In recent years, racist intimidations and violent attacks on Muslims, migrants and people who expressed themselves against racism have increased dramatically.
In the Netherlands, this was seen in the way anti-racist activists like Sylvana Simons were treated, in violent attacks on refugee centres, and in recent actions against Muslim schools, mosques, and community centres. In Nijmegen, a Pegida demonstrator climbed onto the stage at the ‘Nijmegen Against Hate’ manifestation, and there, of all places, he succeeded in spreading his hateful message. Right extremist protesters of Nijmegen Rechtsaf have also tried to disturb two gatherings against the racist caricature of ‘Black Pete’.
Unfortunately, these are not just incidents. Racism is clearly still part of Dutch society. This country has never really risen above its colonial past and is still profiting from it. Capitalism, nationalism, colonialism, racism and fascism: the one cannot exist without the other. Symptoms of the omnipresent institutional racism include police violence, the European Union’s anti-migration policies, and the way migrants and their descendants are being disadvantaged.
People without papers are being increasingly marginalized, and so are people who are trying to support them. Member countries of the European Union are making deals with Libya and Turkey to stop migrants before they can even reach the Mediterranean. People migrate for many different reasons, but for a large part, those reasons can be traced back to Western economic and foreign policies. But let one thing be totally clear: to us, no reason to migrate is illegal. We stand for freedom of movement for all people, regardless of (socio-economic) status, gender, religion or skin colour.
To fight, together, for a world that makes solidarity without borders its first priority, we will organize an anti-racist marathon on the 25th and 26th of November, with workshops, discussions, food, movies, parties and actions to strengthen the fight against racism. We can’t expect anything from the established political order. If we want to stop racism and halt the rightward shift, we must take the initiative ourselves, and tackle these problems together, from the bottom up. By coming together in the streets and strengthening our mutual involvement, we can start to advocate a realistic alternative. Everybody should be able to live in safety, solidarity and social security! Please keep an eye on the following website for more information.
Nijmegen Against Racism – for a society with solidarity without borders
Website: www.nijmegentegenracisme.org
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Our protection, but only on our terms: How EU legislation for refugee rights are an extension of colonialism
“We will build a new vision for a free Europe, a Europe that opposes Islam. A Europe of patriots!” These were the words spoken in the Netherlands at a political demonstration of Pegida, an anti-Islam German nationalist group that was featured in the documentary series, The Journey from Syria. Many Europeans today believe that Europe needs to be “set free” from the influx of refugees who are invading and taking over land and jobs that rightfully belong to the European people. In a political climate where European nationalism and postcolonial nostalgia are fostering a more exclusive view of what it means to be European, the refugee crisis reveals the dichotomous positions on the question of when someone should be granted European rights. To many Europeans, these rights should be strictly reserved for those whose ancestors and families have lived permanently in Europe and identify with European traditions and culture. But what they forget (or are simply oblivious to) is that refugees have deeply rooted connections to Europe—through a shared history where their ancestors forcibly contributed to the wealth and advancement of Europeans—that should arguably give them rights within Europe.
The case for why refugees inherently should have rights in Europe can best be understood through history. Gurminder Bhambra argues that the violent conflicts forcing refugees to flee and seek asylum in the European Union were largely created by European colonialism. Europe’s wealth and high standard of living is indeed the product of the exploitation of resources and labor from areas in the Middle East and Africa where millions of refugees today risk their lives to escape violence or persecution. The Syrian Refugee Crisis, for example, is the culmination of perpetual religious and political conflict that dates back to the Allied powers’ division of the Middle East after World War I. Upon the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the French took control over Syria for plainly economic and political gains, including connections to Syrian Catholics, cheaper supplies of cotton and silk, and the advantage of having a political and economic base in the region to stop Arab advancement (Fildis). In the name of empire, they completely ignored the pre-existing tribal, religious, and political divisions within Syria and partitioned the region into territorial units that remain the source of the violence forcing refugees to flee their homeland today.
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Source: Business Insider
A big reason why there has been so little progress in initiating a solution to the refugee crisis is a lack of understanding and empathy for this shared history between the colonizers and the colonized. The various regulations that the EU has established to both aid the member states in supporting refugees and the refugees in defending their rights show that the EU still approaches the crisis from a colonizer’s point of view.
Exhibit A: In 1997, the Dublin Convention established a framework for assigning each asylum application to only one EU member state that then decides on and processes the application. This Convention faced criticism from international organizations like the UNHCR, who spoke out against the lack of information given to the refugees about their situations and the lack of accountability shown by the EU member states. Since then, the Convention underwent two revisions. The latest version of this legislation, Dublin III, is an improvement from the previous two because it gives refugees an information leaflet explaining the process in greater detail, the right to a personal interview if they are being transferred to a new state under the regulation, and greater assurance from the EU to keep their family members together. However, the biggest problem with the Convention still remains untackled: there are no measures to ensure that these terms are being equally applied across all EU member states. Each EU member state can still get away with following these regulations as loosely as they please, and refugees are still subject to an extremely one-sided decision in determining the fate of their families. It’s easy to see how the dynamic of the colonizer deciding everything for the colonized plays out here, on a legal and legislative dimension.
 Exhibit B: The 1951 Refugee Convention and the supplementary 1967 Protocol are the only legal agreements on a global level regarding the identification and rights of refugees. The Convention delineates the rights refugees have that are theoretically supposed to be equivalent to those of the nationals of the countries in which they are temporarily residing. Specifically, in the areas of religious freedom, employment, education, and access to legal assistance in courts, refugees are granted treatment “at least as favorable” as that which is granted to European citizens. But with all the rhetoric around the dangers of Islam, the threat that refugees bring into Europe, and the way refugees are “stealing” jobs from European citizens, it is clear that these rights are not acknowledged, protected, or enforced. Revisiting the provisions of this 66-year-old Convention, which was not made for the massive scale of today’s refugee movements, is desperately necessary and long overdue. More needs to be done to emphasize the rights legally given to refugees, and the EU’s unwillingness to call for a reexamination of such is a reflection of its unwillingness to claim accountability for its colonial actions.
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 Source: KISA
In order to claim to be a safe haven for refugees, the EU must consider its moral and legal obligations by facing the role it has played historically in forging the modern refugee crisis—and the role it is continuing to play. The initiatives currently in place to extend protection and asylum to refugees within the borders of the EU are not only outdated, but are also an extension of colonialism. They put forth a message of false security on EU terms, in a way that keeps refugees at the legal and moral mercy of those who stripped their homelands of resources and wealth, a way that does not force Europe to pay the price it owes. As Syrian refugee Aboud Shalhoub asserted in The Journey from Syria, “We shouldn’t keep talking about the refugee crisis, but rather the reason they became refugees.”
By Zion Kim and Hannah Goh
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antifainternational · 4 years
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July 31, Zaandam - Stop de extreem rechtse demonstratie!
De extreem rechtse groep “Rechts in Verzet” komt vrijdag 31 juli (na eerder al enkele beledigende spandoeken en posters te hebben opgehangen) midden in het centrum van Zaandam hun haatdragend boodschap uiten.
Gaan we dat accepteren?
Rechts in Verzet is een ongure club die een grote mate van haat jegens moslims, vluchtelingen en linkse mensen laat zien. Ontstaan uit Pegida, heeft deze actiegroep onder andere een onthoofde pop geplaatst bij een moskee, posters opgehangen met de tekst ‘‘hand in hand, terug naar eigen land’’ en opgeroepen om de Islam te stoppen.
Dit gedachtengoed past niet in een vrij en multicultureel Zaanstad! Wij roepen dan ook op om massaal op 31 juli om 13.00 naar de Rozengracht te komen in Zaandam. Overstem ze, zorg ervoor dat iedereen weet dat we in Zaandam ruimte hebben voor iedereen, behalve voor racisten en fascisten!
Laat je horen!
Voor een inclusieve en solidaire samenleving, weg met racisme en fascisme!
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antongecensureerd · 7 years
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Weg met
Weg met Zwarte Piet, weg met de ronde missen bij het wielrennen, weg met de gridgirls bij de F1, weg met de walk-on girls bij het darten, weg met cowboys en indianen, weg met de straatnamen van onze zeehelden, weg met mensen met een afwijkende mening, weg met partijen die trots zijn op Nederland en de Nederlandse cultuur en tradities willen bewaken, weg met een nationalistisch gevoel, weg met grappen over de islam, weg met Rusland, weg met de joden. Zomaar een greep uit het krankzinnige heden waarin we terecht zijn gekomen. Allemaal veroorzaakt door extreem-links. Een vorm van activisme dat maar één doel voor ogen heeft. Nederland afbreken en kapot multiculturaliseren. Het houdt niet niet. Niet vanzelf. Het is tegenwoordig verbinden of verbannen worden. Je moet voor diversiteit zijn, voor inclusiviteit, voor het boomknuffelen met 180 nationaliteiten, voor genderneutrale toiletten en voor sekse verandering. Vooral geen grapjes maken over homo’s, lesbiennes, bi-seksueeltjes, transgenders, cisgenders, pannetjes, queers, in dubiootjes en a-seksueeltjes. Pas op, hè. Voor je het weet heb je de Belangenvereniging van Bouwpakketten achter je aan. Ik ben gaan rondsnuffelen en schrok me kapot van het grote aantal mensen die zich met dit soort activisme bezighouden Het is geen klein marginaal groepje. Meestal wordt er gesproken over een groep van 50 kopstukken en wat aanhang, maar ik ben ervan overtuigd dat die groep veel groter is. Als we alle stromingen bij elkaar optellen hebben we te maken met een flinke club mensen die geweld niet schuwen en bereid zijn om ver te gaan voor hun idealen. Een kleine opsomming van organisaties en ik ben bang dat er nog veel meer van dit soort groeperingen zijn : de Antifascistische Aktie, Nederland Bekent Kleur, Roet in het Eten, De Grauwe Eeuw, Antifascistische Onderzoeksgroep Kafka, Kick Out Zwarte Piet, Zwarte Piet Niet, No More Blackface, Krakersvakbond De Vergulde Koevoet, Werkgroep Stop Deportaties, De Fabel van de Illegaal, Van Harte Pardon, de Partij van de Eenheid, Onkruit, No border Network, Internationale Socialisten, Block Pegida, Laat Ze Niet Lopen, Anarcho-Syndicalistiche Bond, de Nieuwe Communistische Partij, Rode Morgen, Socialistisch Alternatief, Socialistische Alternatieve Politiek, Vrije Bond, Verenigde Communistische Partij,  
Ik ben ook gaan speuren naar namen van onbekende landgenoten die bekend staan om hun Nederland en witte mens onvriendelijke houding. Dan zeg ik het heel netjes : Stoffel Spierings, Richard Tuinstra, Jan Cleton, René Danen, Rob Schuitema, Maarten Hanebergh, Cyriel Triesscheyn, Eric Brinkhof, Peter van Gent, Jop Polak van Galen, Roel Buitenhuis, Kevin Marree, Gerard Jager, Paul Benschop, Ties Mouthaan, Koos Borghouts, Bart Groetelaers, Jelle Schuurman, Niels Minnaard, Frake Schermer, Sietse van Tiggelen, Arjan Pont, Adriaan van Duin, Annemarije de Geus, Dave Mahabiersing, Raymond Olivers, Ryanne Bolhaar, Kwinten Keesmaat, Maarten van Herpt, Harmke Lubbers en de Vegan Streaker Peter Janssen. Een paar van de bekendere en beruchte landgenoten die onze manier van leven haten zijn Asha ten Broek, de broertjes Al-Jaberi, Frank vd Linde, Michael van Zeijl, Wijnand Duyvendak , Francisco van Jole, Sylvana Simons, Anousha Nzume, Quinsy Gario, Anja Meulenbelt, Sunny Bergman, Jerry Afriyie, Roelof Jan Minneboo, Tunahan Kuzu, Selçuk Öztürk, Farid Azarkan, Nourdin El Ouali, Arnoud van Doorn, Jazie Veldhuyzen en good old Gloria Wekker. Tot slot de rol van de media en die rol is een hele kwalijke. De mainstream media wakkeren de strijd constant aan door deze mensen en hun standpunten een podium te schenken. Keurige mensen als Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, Jeroen Pauw, Eva Jinek, Humberto Tan en Twan Huys. Wat te zeggen van de zogenaamde kwaliteitskranten die hun oren laten hangen naar de macht van de minderheid. Zomaar een greep. NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Parool, Algemeen Dagblad en DWDD, Pauw, Jinek, De Nieuwe Maan, Nieuwsuur en last but not least de huissite van het linksch-extremisme JOOP. Ik wens Nederland veel succes is de strijd voor het behoud van zijn eigen normen, waarden en tradities. Het is een kwestie van tijd en dan zijn wij een minderheid. Met dank aan.
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nordpolkind · 7 years
Angelhood, heart, tiger ?🌟 hope you're feeling better soon! I send u lots of love mon ami. u r strong, u got this!!
Angelhood - What is one of your favorite memories?okay, this is ONE memory. I have a ton of happy memories, but this one kind of jumped to my mind. When a couple of friends and me celebrated @poesiemensch ‘s birthday last summer, we had a picnic at the lake, and the sun was setting, and idk. It was just nice. It was warm and the food was great and we were all really relaxed and cuddly and idk. It was just great. Yeh.
Heart - Are you in love?YES
Tiger - What is your bravest moment? Probably either telling the girl I’m in love with that I’m in love with her, posting the first chapter of my long work Brooklyn Flowers (I WAS SO. SCARED), coming out to my parents, telling my mother I wanted to see a therapist or stepping in when that Pegida (racist organization in German that somehow haven’t been stopped yet) lady in Munich started shouting at a group of POC teenagers last December. I’m not a very brave person asjhdfhgsfd
Thank you for asking! I hope so too ♥♥ Thank you so much for the love!
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Hanau Shootings Highlight Rise of Far-Right Extremism in Germany
Authorities in Germany say there are indications the suspect in two deadly shootings in Hanau had far-right extremist motives. 
Nine people were killed Wednesday night when a gunman attacked two hookah bars. All victims were either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. The suspect was also found dead at his home on Thursday, local police reported. 
The shootings again raised concerns about the growing threat of far-right extremism in Germany.  
A German intelligence official said Thursday that such threats by far-right extremists were “very real.” 
“This threat is rising because of radicalization on the internet. There’s a lot of hate speech out there, and a lot of people can consume it,” the official told VOA. 
Hesse's state Premier Volker Bouffier speaks during a news conference following a shooting in Hanau near Frankfurt, Germany, Feb. 20, 2020.
Prior to carrying out the attack, the 43-year-old suspected attacker published a manifesto and a video online, expressing his anti-immigrant sentiments and his hatred of Muslim countries. 
The German official, who requested anonymity, added that “the problem is that we don’t only have old right-wing extremists, but now there is a new generation of lone actors.” 
There has been an increase in attacks perpetrated by right-wing extremists, the official said. 
In October, a gunman killed two people in Halle, Germany, after he unsuccessfully tried to enter a Jewish synagogue. Authorities said the attacker subscribed to far-right ideology. 
Several months before that, a senior politician from the ruling Christian Democratic Union party was assassinated by a right-wing extremist in central Germany. 
German media reported that last week a dozen extremists were arrested throughout the country for plotting to assassinate politicians and to kill immigrants. 
Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said that far-right extremists committed 10,105 violent crimes over the last decade. German law enforcement agencies have listed more than 12,000 people as far-right extremists. 
FILE - Riot police watch as far-right supporters take part in an anti-refugee rally in Dortmund, Germany, June 4, 2016. A placard in front reads, "Stop the flood of asylum seekers."
Anti-immigrant sentiment 
Sirwan H. Berko, a Germany-based journalist whose family migrated from Syria more than two decades ago, said racism has always been present in Germany but has been more salient in recent years. 
“The influx of large numbers of refugees in recent years has fueled anti-immigration sentiments among far-right extremists in Germany,” he told VOA. 
Since 2015, Germany has received an estimated 1.3 million refugees, primarily Syrians fleeing their country’s civil war. 
“Far-right groups now have more access to mainstream media, which enables them to spread their hateful ideology,” Berko said, adding that “racism and anti-immigrant sentiments, unfortunately, have been normalized in German politics and media.” 
Far-right groups such as the Alternative for Germany Party (AFD) use immigration to mobilize young people and recruit extremists, he said. 
Formed in 2014 as an anti-establishment force, the AFD adheres to a nativist ideology that is centered on anti-immigrant and anti-European integration stances. It has 89 seats in the German parliament, making it the third-largest political party in Germany. 
Infiltrating state institutions 
German media have reported that far-right recruitment has been taking place among German law enforcement and the military. 
FILE - Far-right Pegida demonstrators, in background, wave flags in front of the Frauenkirche, while counterdemonstrators stand in the foreground, protesting against the far-right demonstration in Dresden, Germany, Feb. 17, 2020.
But a spokesperson for the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) told VOA in a recent interview that the military was expanding its cooperation with German security authorities and international partners to analyze links and connections of suspected right-wing extremists to try to expose them. 
“There is no place whatsoever for extremists in any form, but especially right-wing extremists, in the [German military] with its over 250,000 members,” said the MAD spokesman, who insisted on anonymity. 
He added that the military had taken several approaches to prevent infiltration by far-right extremists, including carrying out 16,000 security checks annually for all its applicants. 
Fabian Virchow, a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and director of the Research Unit on Right Wing Extremism, said that many far-right groups see police and the military as attractive recruitment grounds to expand their membership and enforce their ideology. 
As an example, Virchow said, the ADF has named a number of police officers as its leading personnel. 
“Far-right extremists guess rightly that these two bodies are, on average, more conservative than the rest of the society. This refers mainly to the idea of law and order, which from the perception of many has been violated, especially during the crisis of the migration regime in 2015,” he told VOA in a previous interview. 
According to media reports, more than 550 German soldiers have been implicated in right-wing extremism. 
This “indicates that Germany’s military structures have been infiltrated by dangerous individuals with access to weapons and advanced training,” said Vera Eccarius-Kelly, a professor of political science at Siena College in New York state.  
“Not enough has been done to identify and remove these xenophobic extremists from the military structures,” she told VOA. 
Ezel Sahinkaya and Rikar Hussein contributed to this story from Washington. 
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2SLULXx via IFTTT
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crimethinc · 7 years
The Rise of Neo-Fascism in Germany: Alternative für Deutschland Enters the Parliament
Last week’s elections in Germany brought the ultra-nationalist, neo-fascist, and partly neo-Nazi party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) into the German parliament for the first time with approximately 13% of the vote. They join the far-right parties that have significant political power in over a dozen other European countries. Why is the far-right gaining ground in German politics? And what can partisans of freedom and equality do to halt their advance?
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From 1933 to 2017, democracy has offered fascists a road to power in Germany.
The victory of the AfD is just the latest consequence of a process that has been unfolding over several years. We can situate them in the continuity of fascist political activity in Germany since 1945. Starting in 2014 with the rise of far-right street movements like Pegida, an acronym for “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West,” a large part of German society has moved towards reactionary positions.
This was part of the global wave of reaction beginning that year in the wake of revolutionary upheavals from Greece and Egypt to Spain, Turkey, and Brazil, including the Occupy movement in the US. After the window of revolutionary potential closed, the far right struck back, taking advantage of the unresolved crises to rally people against scapegoats—for example, fomenting anti-immigrant resentment in response to the waves of refugees arriving from economic disaster areas and war zones in Central America, North Africa, and the Middle East. Nationalists took the lead in political conflicts like the Ukrainian revolution and won a series of electoral victories culminating in the election of Donald Trump. When we fail to solve the problems generated by capitalism and colonialist war, this leaves the field of social change to proponents of tyranny and oppression.
Germany has remained an island of the 20th-century prosperity and social democracy, benefiting economically from the crises in southern Europe and the developing world. Yet here, too, society has been slowly and steadily polarizing. In July, massive riots took place in response to the G20 summit in Hamburg, despite the efforts of over 31,000 officers to impose a police state. The right wing has taken advantage of this to call for even more repressive policing.
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An AfD demonstration.
But the shift to the right is part of a deeper process taking place around Europe and the US: the AfD was gaining ground alongside PEGIDA long before the G20. Not coincidentally, the rate of fascist attacks has also increased tremendously since 2014.
AfD started as a party combining market-liberal ideas with a strong nationalist wing. Founded in part by elite conservatives who opposed Germany’s financial bailout of Greece, the party has always sought to turn Germany into a gated community; the identity of the outsiders that nationalists promise to protect against always shifts according to convenience. Over the past few years, the ultra-nationalist right wing, the so-called Kyffhäuser Flügel, gained more and more control over the party, shaping it into a neo-fascist project. The cooperation between AfD with neo-Nazi movements like “Die Identitären” is well-documented.
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On the left, the density of foreign residents; on the right, the proportion of votes cast for the AfD.
The AfD won the greatest gains in former East Germany, where almost no refugees have been resettled. People are always most afraid of that which they have not themselves experienced. Neoliberal capitalism has taken a toll on many communities in East Germany, drawing away the youngest and most ambitious parts of the population, but many AfD voters are disproportionately wealthy. The AfD victory is not simply a reaction to economic hardship, but rather a case of demagogues manipulating fearful, bigoted populations for their own gain.
Even before this election, AfD was already pushing German politics in an authoritarian direction from their position within the regional governments. For example, they asked several dozen times for the government to ban linksunten.indymedia.org, which was finally executed by the conservative minister of internal affairs. They also shifted the frame of what is acceptable to say in a political context in Germany, breaking down social taboos against expressing openly racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic ideas.
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Fascist member of AfD, Björn Höcke.
The political parties of the German establishment have been caught flat-footed by the rise of PEGIDA and the AfD. Sarah Wagenknecht, spokesperson of the left-wing Die Linke party, even expressed some sympathy for them. During the so-called refugee crisis, the AfD helped shift the government from a more liberal approach towards a more reactionary position.
The AfD bears some similarities to the so-called alt-right movement in the US. Members of AfD have gone to great lengths to appropriate the discourse of “free speech” to legitimize fascist organizing. Both movements aim to normalize racist and fascist discourse in order to push society towards totalitarianism and smooth the way for neo-Nazis to take state power. All sorts of “democratic” groups and structures that do not share the goals of the AfD have offered them platforms to spread their ideas in the name of “dialogue.” Yet if they gain power, neither the “alt-right” nor the AfD will have any more use for “free speech”—this much is clear.
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Graffiti offering a helpful clarification about the AfD.
In the beginning, anti-fascists weren’t sure how to respond to the AfD. Some hesitated to attack them, as they did not appear to be old-fashioned street-based neo-Nazis but “ordinary concerned citizens.” Over the past year, however, it has become clear that this is a neo-fascist mass movement. In response, anti-fascists have carried out more and more actions to openly interfere with their organizing. Immediately after the elections, protests against the AfD took place in Berlin and many other cities. In Berlin, in an attack reminiscent of the fascist murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville last August, a cab full of AfD members drove into some protestors, injuring two of them.
We have to stop thinking of members of the AfD as lunatics and take them seriously along with the threat that they pose. Immediately after the elections, some AfD supporters went to a building housing refugees, screaming that they would burn it down and waving AfD flags. Meanwhile, in parliament, they are planning their next attacks on emancipatory movements.
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Fascist Beatrix von Storch, one of the AfD’s most prominent members and a lawmaker in the European parliament, who argued that police should be allowed to shoot migrant women with children, after being hit in the face with a pie during an AfD meeting.
Some anti-fascists have feared that in resisting far-right parties, we could drive more right-wing conservatives into supporting them. But fascists are not created by opposition to fascism—they are the result of successful fascist recruiting. We should seek to alienate people from the far right by all means—for example, by excluding AfD members from all public events, including family gatherings, bars, and concerts. It should not be possible for them to create the impression that they receive tacit support from the rest of the population, nor to cultivate an air of political and social legitimacy.
In some German cities, such as Flensburg, the AfD have been unable find locations to host their events, and when they have organized public activities there has been so much resistance that these could only take place due to a major police presence. Where the AfD has met with powerful street resistance, they have not been able to increase their percentage of the vote as significantly. This may simply be correlation, rather than causation, but no one joins a fascist party to be a victim. When participating in fascist activity fails to help them achieve their goals or give them an outlet for their agency, we can hope that they will ultimately focus on other things.
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Nationalism is no alternative: a design promoting sabotage targeting the vehicles of neo-Nazis.
The struggle against fascism can only be won in the streets, in society as a whole, not in the voting booth. As parties like the AfD gain momentum all around the world, we have to step up to fight them while also working to create genuinely liberating solutions for all the problems created by capitalism and other forms of hierarchy. From Germany to the United States—good luck, comrades.
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iishmael · 7 years
@heggsys replied to your post “i swear to god some people. tumblr has this mentality of Let’s Kill...”
hi sorry nazis can’t be reasoned with bc they ‘know’ they’re right and that you’re ‘wrong’ and that reasoning w/ them wouldn’t have stopped ppl from dying. so if i want all nazis to die i want all nazis to die
hi i had a super elaborate answer typed out about Pegida and the GDR background, about Hitler and how Germany is still influenced by neonazis. But you know what? 
I don’t want them to die bc I want them to go to prison. I want them to sit in their cell, stare at the wall and literally have no other choice than think about why society doesn’t want a single thing to do with them. Why they’re disgusting, why they’re dangerous why they’re vile, nasty excuses for human beings that don’t belong with us. I don’t want them to get the easy way out and be glorified by whoever comes up next with some nationalist belief on this planet. 
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