#stop! desist! im sick of her!
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jacqcrisis · 1 year ago
working with a swiftie is something else. i've never been this aware of rich ass person i did not care the slightest about. every new album, every new tour, every new fucking clothing line, I not only get told about (in the normal conversation manner) but also because its been added to my calendar, the branches calendar, the calendar written out on the whiteboard, in the teams chat, in conversation at least twice a day- And there's never a break, because Taylor 'the embodiment of how having wealthy parents helps get you on the music charts' Swift is never not finding a way for her fans to give her more money so her fans are always. Talking. About. HER.
Get a new hobby. Get a better hobby that isn't shilling for a decently talented millionaire who writes nicholas sparks ass sounding lyrics. She doesn't need shilled for and I need peace from the rich lady.
Please. Please grant me peace from the rich lady.
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merlinzedane · 7 years ago
Ducktales Big-Big Brother :One-shot: (Fenton)
(This took longer that I would have liked xD)
Hueys eyes was flooding with uncontrollable tears as he sat on the field, his legs had given up on him from shock and that was teen minutes ago, but even so he still couldn’t think clear “T-th-this this is a nightmare it has to be a nightmare?!”
He repeated to himself in his head over and over again.
But even if he kept saying it he could still feel the cold shadows that they where casting on the ground creeping closer as the sun was setting and the cold breeze made his little form shiver.
After a couple minutes the eleven year old finally lifts his tired and hurting head from his arms and looks around and as he does a new flow of big fat tears begins to build up in his eyes before flowing down his red cheeks.
From the left of him was his brothers standing a few feet apart from each other both having a look of terror on their young stoney faces as they have their heads pointed to the middle of the field, his beloved uncle Donald and Webby had both been running towards the middle, his uncle with a determined face on him and Webby with a glare with a hint of worry. Lena was standing close to Scrooge with a terrifying face expression as her head was looking towards Webby’s direction with a hand out, and Scrooge was holding a shielding arm in front of his face with his eyes closed tightly.
Huey takes a long good look at the statues before finally giving out a loud and painful sob as his eyes lands on the smallest of the statues and at last he lets it all out with no care in the world of how loud he was being.
Fenton couldn’t stop looking at direction of the Mcducks home every few minutes, it had almost been 2 hours since the last of the injured people from the weird invasion had been help into the green medical tents that had been put up in town center, he had been fighting of those weird shadows when a big purple glowing wave had come and washed them away, it had come from we’re he had seen his boss run to he would and had followed Scrooge but got told that the town needed him more.
“So im guessing your not listening to me?” Fentons eyes swifts to the person he hadn’t hear talking
“s-sorry i didn’t hear you there what did you say” The big armor says in a hurrying voice with a big smile on his beak and clearly embarrassed about not catching the inventors words before.
Gyro makes a annoyed sound before looking at Fenton again, “if my calculations are right and im sure on it!” He begins with his normal stony face expression “that it have been two hours and twenty thre-“ he stops and looks at his very weird looking arm watch before beginning again “that it has been two hours twenty three minuets AND! Twenty-nine milliseconds since the weird purple glowing pulse wave made those amalgamations disappear” he finishes with a know it all smile before realizing that he had be talking to himself.....again.
“Well you are very rude today aren’t you?” But he doesn’t get a response from the metal figure standing beside him and he rolls his eyes before slamming a fist on gizmoducks right shoulder, a loud “HEY” was all he got before he finally gets his attention again “you know that the task you got put on from the boss is done right?” A confused “...yeah?” Was the only response he got.
Gyro just couldn’t stop himself for putting his hand on his face with a loud annoying sounding sigh following the action “ then WHY are you still standing here!”
Fenton looks around the town center before looking back at the inventor “i-i just don’t want t- to...intervene you know” he sigh “okay now that i say it out loud it doesn’t sound logical anymore” he finally says before looking back at his good but complicated friend in defeat, “then go..” Gyro says before looking at the direction himself with a now more softer expression on him.
There’s silence for a few seconds before a single “yeah” came from Fenton that after that began rolling in the direction of the mcducks property.
It didn’t take long before he finally found the source from where the weird *pulse wave* as Gyro called it came from,
“not again!” Fenton almost yells after getting the suits wheel stuck in a bush again as he was following the helmets radar system “why in a forest!” he hissed under his breath as he pushes more branches away from his path.
After a few minutes he finally came to a clearing, and he began to look around the the area in search of any sign of anything out of the ordinary....but saw nothing from where he was standing and it was first when he tried going around the random placed rocks, is when he stopped....dead in his tracks it was first now he realized what he saw in front of him wasn’t any big rock...they where....statues.
It felt like someone had put a ice cube down his back, he slowly turned around to look at the statues he had already passed by....wasn’t that the loud angry duck he had seen in the bank a couple months earlier he thought as he looked at the stoney duck facing him.
Fenton began feeling sick after he had discovered his boss and...the kids, but he mostly couldn’t stop looking at the statue extended on a pillar of stone in the middle, the woman had a face full of regret and terror as she was looking down at her hands, and thats when Fenton hear the almost silence footsteps behind one of the natural stones.
“Hello?” Fenton looked over at the big rock “I-I’m not gonna hurt you” he tried to say in a calm voice and before he could say anything else a little head popped out from behind the rock with a face of recognition.
Huey could almost not feel the feeling of relief in his heart because of its shattered feeling state it already was in after at he had been alone for hours with his desisted family members.
he didn’t approach gizmo instead he bowed his head so he was looking at the ground as he felt another break down coming, after a couple of seconds he hear the sound of a wheel moving and a shadow laid itself over him.
He felt a big hand on his head and Huey looked up at the hero with very red and bluish colors on his face, Fenton looked around one more time “w-what happene-...” but he stopped and looked down at the kid again
but because of the helmet Huey couldn’t see what his hero may have been thinking and as if Fenton had read his mind he took the helmet of and smiled warmly down at the kid that had helped him so much.
“you must be freezing, lets get you to somewhere warm” he said as he let Huey open his arm so Fenton could pick him gently of the ground.
The rest of that weeks memories was almost a blur for Fenton, the only thing he really remembers was coming back to Gyro, his Mama had been standing with the inventor waiting for him to return, and it hadn’t been easy telling them about what he had seen, but his mama had quickly recovered when he told that the child in his arms may have become a orphan because of the event, and she almost ripped Huey from his arm and into a big hug with a lot of sweet words following trying to calm the kid.
The next thing he remember is sitting by their dinner table a couple days after with the kid while his mama was at the door with a person needing to take the kid with them, but after trying to convince person that the kid was a witness in the mcduck case she yelled out loud “Well then we should get down to your office! Because im not letting you put a hand on him!” Before she looked back at
a shocked Fenton and Huey with a normal smile as if she didn’t just said she was going to adopt a child she hardly knew and then took her jacked and left out the door leaving a silence son and soon to be adopted son looking at each other.
“Aaah!” Fenton got taken out of his flashback after getting splashed with cold water “Hey stop dreaming down there!” A voice came from above him “You said that you wanted to help with this old thing so stop dreaming and start helping!” Fenton looked up at Huey that was sitting on the almost cleaned house boat, Huey had wanted to renovate it after it had been sitting abandoned in the marine for almost four years.
“Sorry but next time do anything els than water okay!” Fenton looked down at his clothes “now i have to find something else to the rest of the day” he finished in a irritating voice but with a smile on him as he looked back up at the fifteen year old duck that was in a laughing mess rolling around the roof.
This is a one-shot from the big big brother au i made, if you are interested in something about this au just ask away I’ll answer anything i can!
And use the #Ducktales big big brother au to find other things abot the au too.
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