#stoner vlog
peachesnabsinthe · 1 year
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puffsandpalettes · 2 years
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Yesterday was my Bday. But it’s my Bday all month 🔆
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theycallme--j · 3 months
sharing lots of fun & love this month. a film diary, new film gear and a night filled with love and pride. be sure to check out my channel for other videos. see you next month with new content!!!💙💜🩷
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sandramiksaauthor · 7 months
I finally read "Stoner" and "My Year of Rest and Relaxation" and had an ...
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gooksandcastles · 1 year
mini cali vlog
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gostonerlife · 2 years
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nervoussagittarius · 6 months
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★ indicates smut or suggestive content
☼ indicates fluff
☾ indicates angst
☆ matt sturniolo
texts w/ boyfriend matt ★ ☼
snaps from boyfriend matt ★ ☼
dating matt sturniolo head cannons ☼
nsfw alphabet ★
20191009 i like her ☼
matt sturniolo and y/n being cute for 6 minutes straight ☼
which triplet is most likely to ft. matt’s girlfriend y/n ☼
hey, let’s not be alone tonight ☼
what could possibly go wrong ★ ☼
got to have a taste of a pretty girl ☼ ☾
strike out ☾
furniture shopping + night out ☼
i know it’s crazy but he’s the one i want ★ ☾
do you still have wisdom? ☼
bikers backpack ☼ ☾
y/n and matt being the hottest couple for 4 minutes straight ★ ☼
y/n and matt being the hottest couple to ever walk the earth ★ ☼
☆ chris sturniolo
snaps from boyfriend chris ★ ☼
texts w/ boyfriend chris ★ ☼
dating chris sturniolo headcannons ★ ☼
if there were cameras in the traffic lights they’d make me a star ☼
to win or not to win ☼
a vlog that’s pretty much just y/n’s day in the life ☼
self control ☼
a stoners dream ★ ☼
y/n and chris being the hottest couple for 5 minutes straight ★ ☼
clingy!chris x reader headcannons ★ ☼
☆ nick sturniolo (platonic)
none yet
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ornii · 2 years
My Bitter Half series? Shut up and take my money!
It's monopoly money but the point still stands!
I Never expected that short story to get such praise. But if people want more of it, I’d be glad to I love the Siblings Dynamic, so here’s part 2 AKa: (Y/n) Pissing Wednesday off for (insert number) minutes.
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My Better Bitter Half, Part 2
Chapter 2: Sibling rivalry, Part 1.
“The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene.”
Enid and (Y/n) walk between Wednesday down the hall.
“I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés.”
“Well, then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain. There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales.” She explains, they eventually reach the Quad, the main social hub of Nevermore.
“Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires. Some of them have been here for decades.” (Y/n) motions to the ones in deep dark glasses. A few of the more feminine vampires eye the Addams Twins, more importantly (Y/n). They growl and wink at him, some batting their fangs.
“That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves. Like me!” Enid smiles, and the howling of werewolves echo along the annals of Nevermore.
“Full moons get pretty loud around here. That's when Furs wolf out. I suggest you pick up noise-cancelling headphones.” Enid said.
“I'm assuming Scales are sirens?” Wednesday said.
“You catch on quick.” Enid smiles, and motions to a girl, dark beautiful skin with azure blue eyes.
“And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe. But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown.”
“Fascinating.” Wednesday says, obviously sarcastically.
“I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip.” Enid says with a prideful gleam. (Y/n) sighs at this, until Ajax, a friend and local stoner approaches Wednesday.
Yo, (Y/n) Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate. She eats human flesh. Chowed down on that kid she murdered.You better watch your back (Y/n).” Ajax says to Wednesday, “You look, shorter, did you grow your hair out?” He asks.
“Ajax.” You say, “That is my Sister Wednesday, the girl who is Rooming with Enid.” You say and he peers over to her, stoned out of his mind.
“O-oh uh—“ he begins but is halted
“Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets.” Wednesday says, which blows Ajax’s mind.
“Whoa. You're both in black and white.” He says to the twins. “Like a living Instagram filter.” (Y/n) shakes his head
“Ignore him. Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned. He's cute, but clueless.” Enid says, ignoring Ajax, the three continue to acquire her schedule.
“It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you. You should really get on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok. I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” Wednesday responds deadpanned.
“Are, you sure this is your sister?” Enid asks (Y/n), who grins.
“Unfortunately yes, In all her glory I’m sure.” You say coldly, The day ends and the family must bid goodbye to the twins, Pugsley hugs Wednesday.
“Pugsley, you're soft and weak. You'll never survive without me. I give you two months, tops.” She said
“I'm gonna miss you, too, sis.” He responds, he hugs (Y/n) who gladly reciprocated, and tags a “stab me.” Note on pugsleys back.
“I’ll miss you too little brother.” You say and the family leave in the car, the two stand silent before you spoke to her.
“A Word of Advice Mi Hermana (My Sister) Any plans you have of running away end right now. Mother has alerted all family members to contact her the minute you darken their doorstep, I will be watching you, closely.” You say as you go lucky attitude quickly fades.
“As usual, you underestimate me, Mi Hermano. I will escape this educational penitentiary, and you will never hear from me again.” She says, (Y/n) growls a bit and folds his arms.
“I detest saying this, but You are a brilliant girl, Wednesday, and.. as much as It annoys me, I’d… I’d honestly miss you if you left.” You admit, Wednesdays cold stare slightly warmed as you gritted your teeth.
“Mother wishes for you to stay here, you’re lucky you aren’t in prison like Uncle Fester. Don’t throw your life away over your pride.” You say and walk away leaving Wednesday to consider your words, but as siblings go, she wouldn’t take your orders laying down.
The Next day, (Y/n) effortlessly knocks Rowan down in their fencing, using his quick fencing ability.
“Coach, Coach, he tripped me.” Rowan complains.
“It was a clean strike, Rowan.” You say, “Widen your stance, build more muscle and I won’t knock you over like a twig.” You say, you turn your attention to the other novice fencers.
“Anyone wish to challenge the Prince of Nevermore?” You say, and one voice speaks up.
“I do.”
(Y/n) turns to face his sister, Wednesday. Geared to the toe for fencing. You can only laugh and tilt your head.
“Wednesday, as amusing as this would be I’d rather avoid hurting my own blood.”
“Do you? It seems nothing has changed since you left home, you’re still a coward.”
“Ooh!” The fencers say from parts of the room, (Y/n)’s smile Fades to silence and burning fury. (Y/n) snaps his fingers and the teacher looks up.
“Professor, I’d like a match with Wednesday Addams..” you say coldly and he nods, “First to three strikes.” The siblings get in position and pit on their gear. Drawing their sabres their intense glares focus on each other,
“En garde.” They say in unison and move in, the strikes were fast, fluent and held so much animosity. Each stroke inches closer to a point, before a quick jab to (Y/n)‘s neck won Wednesday a point.
“Point to Wednesday.” The Coach says, Wednesday voice was muffled but (Y/n) could hear it.
“You know what they say Brother, “Pride Cometh before the fall.” She says, (Y/n) moved in, much more ferocious and hungry for victory. The blades dance and trade before (Y/n) lands a point on her heart. The score is even.
“Let's finish this.” You say.
“Agreed. For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks. No tips. Winner draws first blood.” Wednesday says.
“Fine.” You respond and tear your mask off.
“I’ll apologize to mother when she visits you.” You say and Wednesdays focus was dead on you, and the final round began, the bladed tips were fast, sharp and each swing and jab were inches, millimeters away from landing a point, each attack felt so, raw, full of fury and strike, their blades clash once more and Wednesday goes for a stab, (Y/n) for a downward slash. And blood, was spilled.
(Y/n) and Wednesday sat in the nurses office together, both bleeding. Wednesday had a small cut on the top of her head, and her brother? Not as fortunate. He had his upper shirt removed as there was a stab wound in his shoulder. It was being patched up by the nurse and wrapped. The nurse leaves as the siblings sit together.
“Sorry for being a bit too, aggressive.” You say to her, Wednesday kept staring forward.
“I apologize for almost piercing your heart.” She said.
“I’ll admit, what you said got under my skin, you always had that ability to bring the worst emotions out of me.” She explains, “What’s Family good for?” You say sarcastically.
“I meant what I said though, I’d be amiss to have my other half missing. As much as you Hate it mother cares for you, as I do.” You said, you put your hand on her leg and try to reassure her.
“Just, Take what i Said into consideration.” You ask her, Wednesday turns her head to face yours. “I’ll consider it.” She responds.
“Thank you, I’m still going to stab you back though.” You say smirking, and Wednesday attempts to hide her grin.
“You’ll have to Earn it.”
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fecesmachine · 2 years
Antipathy Pt. 2
Enid Sinclair
Hai hello Hai
Im still getting used to writing so be warned I just started! Sorry if this is going so slow, I just wanna flesh everything out im a bit scared of going to fast. ENJOY!!
Calling the car ride to the academy awkward was an understatement.
You stayed silent the entire time, and you tried to move as little as possible… trying not to bring Rubens attention to you at all… you hated the silence, you hated how he would take very noticeable glances at you whenever you made the tiniest of movements… it was awful.
But you kept looking forward to getting there… to be away from Ruben, your town, your school, the pity, All of it….
You tried your best being optimistic about going to Nevermore… no one would know about your mother, no one would pity you… no one would baby you, no one would notice and bother you… Perfect…
Once you had actually gotten there, you didnt say a word to ruben and just grabbed your bookbag and took your luggage… He tried saying something to you but he stopped himself. Ruben understood you didnt want to hear him.
You walked to the front doors of the school… and you had no idea where to go, and ruben had already drove off by then. So you were completely alone, completely lost, and confused… You where thinking of what to do or where to go. When suddenly… A very cheery voice caught your attention, it sound very familiar to you, the cheery energy of the voice matched rubens The gleeful girl went up to you.
"Hey there!" she said, voice overfilled with glee
you were considering just walking away or ignoring her, you didnt want to make any friends here… that would prove Ruben right. You also never really knew how to keep friendships going, and you didnt really care for them anyway, so you never bothered to try.
But you didnt want to be rude. She seemed nice…
"Hi!" you said, trying to match her energy.
"I noticed you were new, and you seemed a bit lost"
"Oh yeah, um I just got here and im not sure where to go or who to see"
"Well youll have to register at the front desk, and im assuming you dont know where everything is…"
"Oh great" you thought.
"Uh no… bu-"
"Great! I could show you around, give you a tour around the school!" she noticed how uncomfertable you looked, and your social akwardness… it reminds her of a certain someone…
"well… if you want" She adds.
She seemed very eager to give a tour… and again, you didnt want to be rude… so you accepted her offer.
"Yeah sure!" still trying to seem cheery.
After you registed and got your dorm room, you started walking with the girl.
"Hey I never got your name" She says.
"Its Y/n" Your responded.
"Whats yours?"
"Its really nice to meet you enid…"
"Its really to meet you too Y/n" She said with the same happy, cheery tone.
You were actually starting to like Enid… She was so overly welcoming, social, at ease, and happy. Like Ruben…
Enid started to explain some things about nevermore while walking to the quad.
"There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales.
Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires.
Some of them have literally been here for decades.
That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves.
Like me!
Full moons get pretty loud around here.
That’s when Furs wolf out.
I suggest you pick up noise-cancelling headphones.
Those scales are sirens.
And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty.
"Amazing" You muttered. You had never seen so many different types of outcasts.
"I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossi-"
"Enid!" A voice called out.
Enid turned to her gorgon boyfriend, Ajax.
"Hey" The bother leaned in each other for a long kiss. After they were finished. Enid introduced you to him.
"Y/n, this is Ajax, my boyfriend, Ajax this is Y/n, he's new to the school, I'm just showing him around… Oh yeah! forgot to mention there's stoners in the school too?"
"Stoners?" You asked, you were familiar with all the other ones… but stoner was a new one…
"Yup" Ajax responded.
It was strange. You had read countless books about different types of outcasts… from basic textbooks, to archaic, ancient, books, journals, and diaries. Well… The ones mom would give you… You were fascinated with outcasts, your mother noticed that, and got you all types of books about them. But you had never heard of stoners before…
"Okay well imma go so where my dorm is, it was nice meeting you Y/n…"
"It was nice meeting you too Ajax!" You replied.
"See you at 8?" Ajax asked
"Yup, bye" Enid responded. After pecking each other in the lips. Ajax leaves and Enid continues on with the tour…
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peachesnabsinthe · 1 year
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ardentguilt · 2 years
Ancestors Southern AU
Signless - Outsider newly arrived from the city. The small rural town generally doesn’t take well to outsiders though this guy does actually have some good ideas…
Summoner - DILF rancher. The most fuckable guy at the farmers market.
Psiionic - Somehow found himself in the employ of Condy where he handles ‘all that computery stuff’ for her baking vlog.
Disciple - Lives outside of town and always brings game to the farmers market. Otherwise rarely seen and is something of a local cryptid. They say she was raised by mountain lions.
Dolorosa - Runs the town’s only daycare and manages to look good doing it. Nobody knows how she’s always looking pristine while also dealing with small children.
Redglare - Originally from the city but gets transferred to this small town to take the place of the previous lawyer/attorney who fell foul of the local criminal menace. Owns an albino bearded dragon named Pyralspite.
Mindfang - The above mentioned criminal menace. Swamp Bandit Queen who commands a group of smugglers and fleet of swamp boats. May or may not have a pack of trained gators. Ruthless af.
Darkleer - The one mechanic/handyman within three days travel in any direction. If you need something fixed he’s your man. Enjoys watching robot wars and spends his spare time tinkering with bits and pieces from the scrapyard to build his own little warbot.
GHB - Somehow the towns judge. Nobody knows if he’s qualified for the position but at this point they’re too afraid to ask. Everybody knows he’s a stoner and an open juggalo but finding a new judge would be a pain and it’s a small country town, what’s the worst that could happen?
Dualscar - The sherif. Only got the position because of his links to Condy. Thinks he’s hot shit but is really a sleazy asshole virtually nobody likes.
Condy - Southern belle. Rich af. Literally owns half the town and has a popular baking vlog. It almost sickeningly nice while people are watching but won’t hesitate to stab you in the front and drag your body through the proverbial streets if you stand in her way.
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theycallme--j · 4 months
the vibes were jus vibing this month. this content was all filmed a lil stony so grab something to smoke, grab a bev, sit back… relaxxx & enjoy this months projects🍃🌅🌻
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kalequeentv · 11 months
📢NEW VLOG📢 Vlog Day 127-134 ♡ | Kale VS Toasty Arm Wrestle NOT CLICKBAIT | Connecticut Vacation PART TWO
♡ We play lots of board games, Toasty and I arm wrestle, I try Munchkins, AND we get a little silly stoner for a bit together!
♡ Watch Now: https://youtu.be/4z5hfIwq0tE
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cvltldrqveen · 3 years
I’m going camping this weekend! Want me to throw some video clips together and make a little vlog for you?
⭕️Lemme see that booty
Thanks for voting
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bl0wing-sm0ke-blog1 · 7 years
Weed is incredibly bad, you all should bring it to me so i can burn it. 🍁🌺👻 🍁 Ferocious Faith🍁
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seyerensays · 3 years
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Makeup on fleek out here in MIA 🌴 Should I vlog my trip? #vlog #miami #travel #stoner #cannabiscommunity #marijuana #ganja #stonergirl #marijuanawomen #ganjagirl #stonerbabe #cannababes #cannabis #travelgram #peace #itstrishtv #goodvibesonly #florida #contentcreator #streamer #vlogger #youtube #makeup #model #love #marijuana #makeupartist #art #trippy #trippytravel #miamibeach (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRza_meF7u0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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