#stocks to bet
softcitrus2345 · 7 months
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Finally got around to finishing what I had planned as a Valentines post, ignore the fact that it's march now XDD This is a follow up to this post I shared around mid-february in honor of my two favorite lovebugs ;p If you thought they couldn't get any cheesier, you were dead wrong-
Vanessa is holding back the very strong urge to BITE BITE BITE BI-
(also if it wasn't clear, here's the dialogue for the last page XD) Damien: Huh.. It's like.. dough..? So soft... Vanessa: Yeah... Damien: ...You wanna make out? Vanessa: Yeah.
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deliriuxe · 3 months
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i forgot one
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『会社に行きたくないOLちゃん』フィギュア化 by 大嘘@コミティア147参加
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would you happen to have any studious or scholarly bears? school's starting back up....
we would
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eight-times-nine · 2 months
dont let Anyone tell you its Not Okay to: kill someone with dynamite (even if it makes a LOT of mess), flatten them with a cow (embarrassing at best), bake them in a YUMMY cake, drop them in a pit of snakes, or drown them in a lobster tank (be careful doing this though; it might hurt them a little less)
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imitationdrow · 9 months
i think it would be funny if larian added a raphael kiss in game but raphael throws up a little in his mouth afterwards because he kissed someone that doesnt look like himself
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mudwerks · 21 days
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(via Trump Media Shares Plummet To Record-Low After Debate)
Shares for Trump Media on Wednesday dropped more than 15%, falling to what would be a new record low for the stock, after Vice President Kamala Harris became the betting favorite to win the election after a debate with former President Donald Trump, the majority stakeholder in the Truth Social parent.
79%. That’s how much the value of Trump Media shares has decreased since hitting a record-high of $79.38 on March 25.
DJT stock is currently at $16.62
I honestly feel sorry for people that believe he is a good businessman. Look at his business record and judge for yourself. If you’re going by his unfounded claims you are putting yourself in financial jeopardy.
People have lost a ton of money betting on trump.
Never bet your life savings on a “sure thing”. 
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kunikida: dazai that no-good bandage wasting machine-
ranpo: you keep extra bandages with you in case he runs out of his own and needs more quickly
kunikida: well yes but-
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bitchesgetriches · 1 month
Money Is Fake and GameStop Is King: What Happened When Reddit and a Meme Stock Tanked Hedge Funds
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Not a single day goes by where I don't think about Kaz accidentally saying Jordie instead of Jesper in the fight in Crooked Kingdom.
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paipie0 · 8 months
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I’ve only know Hakuri after reading ch19 less than an hour ago but I would do anything for him
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solradguy · 2 months
If you don't have time for reviews, do you have a shortlist of your favorite Heavy Metal issues?
I've got a whole bunch from Humble Bundle, and it's a lot to sift through.
Oh shit I missed the Humble Bundle!! That's awesome they had one though. I haven't read every issue, but most of the really old ones from the 1970s to about 1991 are generally really good and worth reading. I don't care for the Kevin Eastman era at All. He bought the magazine in '92 and the vibe shifted from adult-oriented scifi/fantasy to what I could only describe as "horny teenage boy that just learned how to say fuck." It's awful. Edgy in the worst way. Some of those issues have a gem tucked in between porn VHS ad listings and dubiously consented sex, but they're hardly worth it if you've got access to other issues.
The more modern HM issues from roughly 2015 to... uh... Well. I guess Heavy Metal died in 2023 so... Until 2023, are decent.
I fell off with HM when they changed the subscription model to this boneheaded version that was almost twice as expensive, and then they got into NFTs/blockchain shit. Found out they just shut down while double checking what year Eastman bought the magazine. That's a shame.... Issue 320 was their last one, looks like.
Anyway, yeah. So I'd recommend starting with whatever issue is the oldest one you've got and working up to the newer stuff from there, skipping the 1990s entirely, and going into anything published from the 2010s to 2023.
There are usually several stories per issue that go across multiple issues, so skimming through until you find one that catches your eye and then reading subsequent issues for the rest of the story is a fair way to dig into these, too.
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halfmoon-horse · 2 months
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Everyone gets your ass to Osaka they got room fragrances
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theroundbartable · 10 months
Arthur: absolutely not
Merlin: but Arthur, I told you -
Arthur: I don't care what you told me about sorcerer traditions, we are not getting married in the coal mines!!!!
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wren-of-the-woods · 4 months
Changed my header for the heck of it! We’ll see what I think of the new vibe.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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