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simongate · 4 years ago
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whatistourism · 6 years ago
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From the Swedish Royal Palace in Stockholm #top3tourism 📍 Got any photos of tourist attractions? Please consider tagging with #top3attractions 🤗 General travel photos are welcomed (and liked) at #top3tourism 🙏 . . . . . . #toptravel #bestplacetogo #wheretogo #topdestinations #beautifulplaces #greatplaces #niceplaces #traveldestinations #travelanddestinations #holidayworld #holidayweekend #travelphotoblog #travelpictures . #stockholmsweden #ilovestockholm #stockholmsstad #realstockholm #stockholm_insta #stockholmcity #stockholminsta #explorestockholm #instastockholm #visitstockholm #royalvisitsweden #stockholmsslott #gamlastan #royalpalacestockholm (at The Royal Palace Stockholm) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byxo9OpBBhs/?igshid=cfc99xa7wqd0
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simongateportfolio · 6 years ago
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Publishing Price Nominee 2018
Creative Direction, Design and Photography
See Översiktsplanen
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swemagast · 6 years ago
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#extrem #salafist #årets #folkbildare i #stockholmsstad #ingetaprilskämt #stegetefter https://www.instagram.com/p/BvuTX7Nh-34/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g5mix9cwtt9i
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mabufadda · 7 years ago
#stockholm #stockholms #stockholmcity #stockholmsyndrome #stockholm_insta #stockholmourway #stockholmfood #stockholmstad #stockholmlife #stockholmbynight #stockholmmetro #stockholmcityhall #stockholmsstad sweden #swedens #swedenshots #swedenimages #sweden_photolovers #swedenlove #swedenlife #swedennature #swedenphotography #swedenphotolovers (at Stockholm, Sweden)
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fursuitpursuits · 6 years ago
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RT @BerkWolf: Happy #FursuitFriday again. ✂️@Sharpecostumes 🦊@TaruTrygfur ✂️self made 📸@Liror_ 🗓️ 02.03.2018 🧳#Scandic #Infra #City am @upplandsvasby 🇸🇪 🐺@NordicFuzzCon #NordicFuzzCon #NFC #NFC2018 #Stockholm #Fursuit #Sweden @Stockholmsstad @FursuitPursuits @FursuitPics https://t.co/j1dRpB7gLt (Source)
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trailflying · 3 years ago
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Idag passade jag på att köra ett snabbdistanspass medan Leo tränade. När jag sprang iväg var det fortfarande ljust, Stockholmsstad har varit duktiga och sopat upp gruset nästan överallt, så nu när det blev lite kallare blev det ju jättehalt på sina håll. ❄️ För att inte tala om att det började vräka ner snö så att varje uppförslut de två sista kilometrarna var som att försöka staka sig upp på ett par bakhala skidor… Adidas Adizero Adios Pro 2 är inga snöskor direkt! 😂 Ett bra pass som gav mersmak, jag trodde att jag skulle vara mer sliten från veckan som gått. 😁 Imorn är det fredag! Godkväll friendos! ✌🏽 . 🇬🇧 Todays session was a faster distance run while Leo was practicing with his team. I started in daylight, and ended up in a snowstorm after about 7K. The last 2K was so slippery in my Adidas Adizero Adios Pro 2! The soles are like slicks! 😂 But with all that said I’m really pleased with the session. I was expecting my legs being more tired from the passed week than they were! 😁 Tomorrow it’s Friday! Happy Thursday’s eve friendos! ✌🏽 (på/i Västertorps Sim- & Idrottshall.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbx9U8yLN5O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hadiqasemiofficial · 4 years ago
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Igår hade jag en fantastisk dag hus @stockholmsstadsmission och här vill jag dela det med er alla också 😇❤️ Min konst workshop hos Stockholms Stadsmission gick väldigt bra! Så kul att kunna lära ut andra om de sakerna som jag kan och älskar att göra. Det var många som var intresserade att vara med och lära sig mer om olika teckningstekniker, alla var mycket duktiga men alltid kan man bli bättre ❤️ . Nu till och med går det att boka mina art workshops för barn, unga, gamla och alla! Alla har rätt att få möjligheten att kunna lära sig mer konst! Konst kan ändra liv som det ändrade mitt! . Intresse eller frågor om mina art workshops/ mejla till: [email protected] - - - #hadi_bu #workshop #art #artworkshop #stockholm #sweden #dubai #sydney #toronto #burjkhalifa #nyc #konst #konstverkstad #konstworkshop #artist #konstnär #arte #mänsklighet #for #humanity #human #refugees #stadsmissionen #stockholmsstad (at Stockholms Stadsmission) https://www.instagram.com/p/BgYp7g3BCUw/?igshid=1x7z0dqh0wx23
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dev-user-blog · 5 years ago
The Intrazone, episode 39: “Education: SharePoint and Microsoft Teams in the classroom”
The dog cannot eat your homework . Not when it’s in the cloud
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  Chris and I sat down with both a Microsoft education customer, Stockholm City Schools, and Microsoft subject matter experts across the Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.
  In this episode, we chat with Office 365 for education customers, Alexander Strauss-Köhn and Mats Öström, experts from the educational department from Stockholm City Schools (Sweden) to hear how they scale and transform how students, teachers and parents benefit when using Office 365 (with emphasis on Microsoft Teams and SharePoint). We, also, hear from Dominic Williamson (Microsoft Teams for education product manager) and Debjani Mitra (SharePoint program manager (portals)) to get an understanding on the specific features and use cases (announcements, gradebook, portal landing pages, note taking and more), designed from customer feedback and now built into the products themselves, bringing unique educational value.
  OK, pencils down. On to the show…
  Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 39 now + show links and more below.
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  Left to right, top to bottom: Debjani Mitra – program manager (Microsoft/SharePoint) [guest], Dominic Williamson – program manager (Microsoft Teams for Education) [guest], Mats Öström – Microsoft 365 Product specialist at Department of Education (Stockholm City Schools) [guest], Alexander Strauss-Köhn – Microsoft 365 Product specialist at Department of Education (Stockholm City Schools) [guest], Chris McNulty – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host], and Mark Kashman – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host].
Link to articles mentioned in the show:  
Hosts and guests
Mark Kashman |@mkashman
Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000
Dominic Williamson | @DominicWillIT
Debjani Mitra | @DebjaniMI
Alexander Strauss-Köhn | @KohnAlexander
Mats Öström | @MatsOstrom
Articles and sites
Stockholm City Schools (@Stockholmsstad)
Stockholm Education
Microsoft Education Microsoft.com
Microsoft Teams for Education ms/TeamsUniversity
Office Education Help Center https://support.office.com/en-us/education
“Everyone has a voice, and I believe everyone deserves to be heard,” says Esam Baboukhan, computer science instructor at the City of Westminster College in London; read more.
"UNSW pilot program delivers innovative learning experiences, increases student engagement with Microsoft Teams"
"Creating a Share to Teams embedded button"
Primary SharePoint Conference 2019 resources
Microsoft Docs - The home for Microsoft documentation for end users, developers, and IT professionals.
Microsoft Tech Community Home
Stay on top of Office 365 changes
Get started with Office Online in Office 365
SharePoint Saturdays | @SPS_Events
Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide) | @MS_Ignite
ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference - December 2-5, Prague, Czech Republic (@EuropeanSP)
  Subscribe today!
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Be sure to visit our show page to hear all the episodes, access the show notes, and get bonus content. And stay connected to the SharePoint community blog where we’ll share more information per episode, guest insights, and take any questions from our listeners and SharePoint users ([email protected]). We, too, welcome your ideas for future episodes topics and segments. Keep the discussion going in comments below; we’re hear to listen and grow.
  Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 39 now.
  Thanks for listening!
The SharePoint team wants you to unleash your creativity and productivity. And we will do this, together, one A+ grade episode at a time.
  The Intrazone links
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    Verbatim quote from Microsoft education customer, Coty of Westminster College in London; full case study here: https://educationblog.microsoft.com/2018/03/london-westminster-college-teams-student-voice.
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wololonowurgay · 6 years ago
.@Stockholmsstad som annars gärna godkänner nya progressiva uttryck i arkitekturen och i sin skyline, bör lägga mer handlingskraft på klassiska rekreationsområden. Nästintill skamligt detta. https://t.co/iH0U25Ubkq
.@Stockholmsstad som annars gärna godkänner nya progressiva uttryck i arkitekturen och i sin skyline, bör lägga mer handlingskraft på klassiska rekreationsområden. Nästintill skamligt detta. https://t.co/iH0U25Ubkq
— Johannes Öhlin (@lengisimo) August 12, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/lengisimo August 12, 2019 at 01:09PM via IFTTT
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simongate · 5 years ago
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skogskyrkogardar · 7 years ago
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Call for designers architects and artists in collaboration with furniture manufacturers to design and produce outdoor benches for the World heritage Woodland Cemetery in Stockholm designed by Architects Asplund and Lewerentz. Invitation for prequaification open from the 25th of May 2018. Call for applications open until the 31st of August. Teams will be selected fall -18. Procurement completed 2019. Production and delivery of new furniture 2020. For all details check www.skogskyrkogarden.se photo: Mikael Olsson drawings: ArkDes Gunnar Asplunds Collection form: Henrik Nygren Design 
[ from OKK.nu Instagram ]
#skogskyrkogården #stockholmsstad #worldheritage #lewerentz #gunnarasplund #ArkDes #venicebiennale2018 #sverigesarkitekter #okkfriends #okkarchives #henriknygren #henriknygrendesign #karolinakeyzer #mikaelolsson #erskinehuset #okk.nu
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swemagast · 6 years ago
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#extrem #salafist #årets i #stockholmsstad #ingetaprilskämt #stegetefter https://www.instagram.com/p/BvuS8XHB4Ux/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tcc3hwkqobwx
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mabufadda · 7 years ago
#stockholm #stockholms #stockholmcity #stockholmsyndrome #stockholm_insta #stockholmourway #stockholmfood #stockholmstad #stockholmlife #stockholmbynight #stockholmmetro #stockholmcityhall #stockholmsstad sweden #swedens #swedenshots #swedenimages #sweden_photolovers #swedenlove #swedenlife #swedennature #swedenphotography #swedenphotolovers (at Stockholm, Sweden)
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publicsituation · 7 years ago
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RT @SIPRIorg: SIPRI in 2017: The Stockholm Security Conference. Relive the experience through this short-film: https://t.co/VWqL3CajSn #SthlmSecCon @Sverigesriksdag @Stockholmsstad @MSBse
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trailflying · 6 years ago
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Efter en dag av spacklande, slipande och en sväng till IKEA blev dagens höjdpunkt en skult fin 10K’s traillöpning runt sjön Getaren! Favvorunda! Idag stötte jag på en gumma som var ute och gick med två getter(?!) i skogen. Stannade till och pratade med henne, vi avhandlade andungar, grävlingar och vildsvin samt hur det gick till när Botkyrka köpte tillbaka Lida med omgivning av Stockholmsstad. . Att springa i regn är bland det bästa jag vet! Uppfriskande och fräscht! Luv it! Trevlig kväll på alla er!! . 🇬🇧 After a day of home improvements and a stop at IKEA, the day peaked with a 10K trail run round the lake Getaren! . I really love running in the rain, it’s so refreshing and everything feels so clean! Luv it! Have a nice evening peeps! Take care! . (på/i Lida Friluftsgård) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLxyTKHdo5/?igshid=18sdvjvkvg72g
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