haganez · 1 year
i hate liking kaeya and diluc bc i can’t put any of my merchandise of them together lest some freak think im one of them
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wetcatschwartzy · 3 months
hi stinkypoo
hi guy
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peikaaa · 4 months
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iz my stinkypoos on a road trip :>>
(they're listening to weezer in the car)
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mementokorie · 11 months
wow I have to go back to stinkypoo USA in less than two days......... sucks to be me I guess
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anchoeritic · 1 year
hi stinkypoo y r all the anons bitching on u?! ONLY I CAN BE MEAN TO KELLS
they’re fucking weird dick riders LMFAO
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
happy valentines day stinkypoo🫶🏾 MWAHH kissies
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confoundette · 1 year
what’s fr going on stinkypoo its getting harder and harder for me to believe it was merely a slip of the finger
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letsgetagift · 4 years
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Here's our signature product which is our most highly rated item on both our website and on Amazon! The 'Whose Turn is It Mum/Dad Coin". These coins are fantastic for deciding who's going to do the jobs we all hate! Once the coin has made its decision, you can't go against it. We also do Dad/Dad and Mum/Mum coins so depending on how good your slight of hand is, you may even be able to rig the outcome... But we didn't tell you that 🙊 Take a look on our website to have a look at our range of coins #Decision #argument #dishes #jobs #Giftshop #giftsforhim #giftsforher #smallbusiness #fate #Christmas #giftideas #Christmasgiftideas #trick #nappies #stinkypoo #chores #job #stockingfiller #stockingfillers https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhwVcShhBm/?igshid=135axalhf5grh
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1nniterz · 4 years
infernum is stinky, actually <3
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strictomiles · 2 years
|| I’ve been playing a lot of Chocobo GP online and I feel the need to share my favourite racer names i’ve encountered (Mine is Rissa on there bc i’m boring.)
Darkmario Stinkypoo GendRerasR SupremeWinner (they came in 64th when I played them) Y cinema!!!!
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tricksterzoroark · 3 years
for le fandom ask, do punch out hehe
The first character I first fell in love with: Aran
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Hondo
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: N/A
The character I love that everyone else hates: I haven’t seen anyone actually genuinely hate a character in the fandom I dunno
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: N/A
The character I would totally smooch: Aran and Hippo
The character I’d want to be like: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The character I’d slap: Don for being a stinkypoo
A pairing that I love: I’m a huge fan of Shamrush and Aradon
A pairing that I despise: N/A
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iramojo · 6 years
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My #CNY holiday. Definitely the #yearofthedog for me. 😍 #puppystagram #dogsofinstagram #canine #furrybaby #furrykitchen #stinkypoo #gurlyouneedashower
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docreo · 7 years
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Sometimes it takes an ugly face to get the job done. How do you spell #Relief ?#GetErDone #MakeMovements #DumpReo #StinkyPoo #LetLoose #Ahh
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Those toes! 😻#cuddletimemeansgroomtime #purrmachine #kittenz #sphynxmom #sphynx #frankiesphynx #shaisphynxfamily #sphynxlife #hairless #nohairdontcare #stinkypoo #shelovesme #stucklikeglue
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mossolantern · 5 years
Why is your cat so smelly? Why are they such a stinkypoo trash baby???
scRIBS. I-
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College Move In Day - 18 years and I’m still not prepared
Today was a day I thought I would be able to handle graciously and proudly. Shit. I was a blubbering mess. My first born left for college today. I was fine until we drove up to the ATM and THAT’S when it hit me. 
You would think that after raising your first born for 18 years, you knew this day was coming and you’d be prepared for it. GUESS AGAIN! It ain’t happening mommas! You will be a blithering mess!!! I gained my composure about an hour into our 4 hour road trip to get there. 
Ryan was admitted into EIU and majoring in Criminology with a minor in Sociology. I am so proud of you stinkypoo (yes I still call him that and I’m allowed). Watch out world. You’ve got a kick ass future FBI agent coming your way soon. 
Keeleigh already misses her big brother, her protector so much and it was very hard on her today. You’ve been the best big brother she could ever ask for and I’m so proud of how close you two always were and always will be. And can I just say she is STOKED that she converted you into a Swifty like her LOL. She brags about that all the time still. :)
Love you bunches son. Now go get em and kick some ass out there. xoxo
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Born 2 months early. 4 lbs, 17″.  My miracle boy.
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1st day of kindgarten
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7th birthday Hooters style :)
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Being silly with the little sis
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High School Tennis MVP
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With Keels at his FIRST Taylor Swift concert!!! She’s so proud she converted him to a Swifty. Her master plan all along muahahaaa.
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HS Graduation 2019
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The love they have for each other. xoxoxoxo
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