chenfordfanficquotes · 4 months
And if there’s anything Tim Bradford was stubborn about, it was protecting her.
-What About Us by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @makeitastrength)
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first sentence game!
rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
tagging: @thisnightissparkling089, @makeitastrength, @timandlucy, @roguetwelve, @apple-grass-and-smiles, @arch78, @ashegaby, @thesassywitchofthenortheast, @sylvies-chen, @stina-bo-bina
thanks for the tag @chenfordspiral & @queseraone ♡
when all is crumbling, i’ll steady your hand
(chapter 3) Her heart drops to her stomach as Tim stands at the doorway, completely stunned while he takes her in. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he’s a figment of her imagination; her psyche looking for what, or rather, who provides her with the most comfort and safety to make this ordeal just a little more bearable. 
Over My Head (Cable Car) 
It’s a bad nightmare he can’t quite wake up from. Except, it’s not a nightmare at all. It’s real life — his life, which went up in flames the moment Ray turned into a literal ghost from the past that came back to haunt him. Which despite doing the right thing doesn’t make the fallout from any of it less easy to manage. Within a week he lost it all. His job, his relationship, his sense of self.
now that i saw you (i can never look away) 
(chapter 6) “That was—“ she sighs, bringing the peaceful silence between them to an end. “—amazing,” he finishes, slipping out of her as he falls beside her and props himself up on his elbow to face her. “Yeah,” she laughs. There’s a brief thought of why they hadn’t done this sooner but something else lingers with it, a thought she refuses to acknowledge at the moment so she lets all of it fade away instead. He beams at her causing the smile on her lips to stretch even wider, her gaze locks on his as she lets herself get lost in the depths of blue for a second.
now that i thought of you (things will never be the same)
Wedding planner wasn’t exactly a skillset he would have ever expected to be able to put on his resume — not that he’s actually going to do it but it’s the fact that he now can that counts. Especially considering how he doesn’t do weddings. He’s almost sure that the last one he attended had been his own and that was because his presence was kind of required but even now, he still regrets not eloping instead. Not like it would have changed much in the long run, anyway. 
uh oh, i'm falling in love (again)
You’re gonna make a really great dad one of these days. It was a fact, an irrefutable statement that she believed with every bone in her body. She had shared as much with him after spending the entire day chasing Jordy through the station, back when she so easily could see their future unfold before her eyes. She used to be able to picture their future kids so easily, how they’d have her eyes and his smile. Three bright and healthy children who were loved and cared for, cherished and protected, because they’d never know what it’s like to have a father who laid a finger on them or a mother who criticized their every decision. A future that went up in flames when he walked away from her, one that she had to let go of in order to heal and move on. One she hadn’t quite let herself go back to ... until now.
(chapter 1) For a moment it’s all unfamiliar, all except the darkness. It takes just a fleeting second to find herself back underground, inside the barrel surrounded with nothing but the hope that she’ll be found in time as she slips away a little more with every breath. She struggles to separate truth from nightmare as she comes to groggily and disoriented, the latest dose of medication running its course through her body as she’s left with a dull ache from head to toe.  Everything hurts but it falls secondary to the spike of adrenaline that runs through her body at the fear she felt in those mere seconds after waking up and not recognizing her surroundings. Her heart still pounds against her chest as she shifts a little in the hospital bed, trying to sit up to better focus on what her actual environment is in attempt to wash away everything that just came back all at once.  Light.
these hands had to let it go free
(chapter 2) “Do you ever get anything that’s not just a cup of sugar?” Tim teases as he sets the drink tray and paper bag on the middle of the patio table outside their favorite cafe. The three cups strikingly different from the next: a plain dark roast, an iced vanilla chai with oat milk, and a small cup filled with whipped cream. The question paired with the visual in front of her makes Lucy laugh as she scans each drink before shifting her focus to Tim. 
Between the Lines of Fear & Blame
(chapter 1) Fear latches onto every fiber in her being like sandspurs stubborning clinging and pricking at sensitive flesh which despite her best efforts she can’t shake off. It finds home all throughout her body as she struggles to ease the thoughts that race through her mind. She’s scared, terrified at how everything turned out and paralyzed by the thought of what could happen. It’s unlike anything she’s ever experienced before.
all along there was some invisible string
(chapter 8) There’s a giddy smirk she can’t quite contain as she stands in front of her locker staring at the black duffle bag she’d been waiting all day to get back to. She’d been planning this for what seems like ever, back when Grey had informed Tim that he had placed eight in after results of the sergeant’s exam came back. She knew she had to do something special to celebrate him, something that was just from her, which in true Lucy fashion meant a prank. Not just any prank, the ultimate prank, one that held significant meaning between the two while being satisfyingly pleasing on Lucy’s end to execute. The answer, simple really: Boot. 
hold onto me 'cause i'm a little unsteady
Tim has always known this day would come, quite frankly he anticipated it a lot sooner, but nonetheless he knew he ready for it — or so he thought. The news about his father’s passing feels like an unexpected punch to the gut as if someone knocked the wind right out of him, leaving him gasping for air as he stumbles back to find his footing. He thought he was prepared, he was so certain he was, reassuring himself that he got all the closure he needed when he visited his father in hospice while investigating Frank Ochoa’s murder a few years ago. He had said everything he had to say then, there wasn’t anything he regretted that remained unspoken, nothing he wishes he could add or take back. His father was a monster, Tim grew up to be who he is in spite of his upbringing, and he truly hoped it hurt because maybe then there’d be a little justice in the world for all the pain the violent man put his family through. Somehow none of that makes his present reality any easier.
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queseraone · 24 days
First Sentences Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thanks for the tag, @yourenotdonefighting
lovely to sit between comfort and chaos
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Lightning Crashes
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come morning light
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you don't wanna know me now
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let it all go
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even in my worst lies (you saw the truth in me)
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see how fully i've been broke (and let me start again)
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i've got my love to keep me warm
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i'll be there if you're the toast of the town (or if you strike out and you're crawling home)
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you know what it was (he is in love)
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Tagging: @timandlucy, @thisnightissparkling089, @roguetwelve, @makeitastrength, @chenfordspiral, @sisterofficerlucychen, @silverskull, @stina-bo-bina, @ao3sostarry, @loyalgirlfriday
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come-rain-come-shine · 6 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thanks to @imperiumwifestrikesagain and @roguetwelve for tagging me! Here is the last sentence I wrote:
A drowning person does not stop for coffee.
No, I will not be answering any questions at this time. 😆
Tagging @girlintotv, @mamadoc, @theflyindutchwoman, @silverskull, @stina-bo-bina, @makeitastrength, @queseraone, @solo-ojo-jojo!
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fan1bsb97 · 10 years
Answer the questions the person who tagged you made up. Write ten questions yourself. Tag ten people to answer your questions.
My answers to questions from fragmentedsandwiches
1.) Who was your first best friend? How old were you?
Karen Mulligan age >1 year haha. We were kind of thrown together since our moms were friends and we were born within a month of each other. My other best friend was Michelle and we were bffs from age 5-22.
2.) What was your first favorite song (something on the radio. not a nursery rhyme. lol)?
Hard one because I didn't listen to the radio until I was about 12. I would say Amy Grant - Jehovah (my mom would make me listen all the time haha) but my fav. song once I started listening to the radio was BSB - Quit Playin Games.
3.) What was your worst injury?
Thankfully I've never really had one! I hurt my toe badly last year and was limping for a bit.
4.) Who was your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
Mrs. Poszonyi - 3rd grade. So sad when she left on maternity leave and I only had her for a few months.
5.) Who was your first crush?
Ryan McNulty - 1st grade. So hilarious when this bitch in my class told me to yell "I want to have sex with you" (which I did) not knowing what it meant.
6.) Do you play an instrument? If so, what?
I took piano lessons for years but never practiced so..none.
7.) College major
Communications for one semester. Then early childhood ed and psychology (because ed. majors had to double major from a small selection). I still can't believe I have a degree in psychology haha.
8.) Most embarrassing moment
Thankfully I don't have anything that traumatic. I would say when my voice cracked one night during my solo senior year in our musical, or when I slipped in mud in middle school.
9,) Favorite TV show as a kid?
Hardest of them all! Early years - Saved by the Bell I guess. Ages 8-12 - Lois & Clark. I also loved, as we all did, Snick and the TGIF lineup. Remember deciding on whose house to go to to watch it on Friday nights?
10.) What was the first movie you ever saw in the theater?
Pretty sure I have a vague recollection of Oliver and Company, but I was only 3. After that was definitely The Little Mermaid.
My questions to my tagged people:
1. Favorite couple you've ever shipped EVER.
2. Favorite book as a child and as an adult.
3. What was the best day of your life?
4. What is the most daring or exciting thing you've ever done?
5. If you could be on any game show what would it be and why?
6. What is the one thing in the world you hate doing more than anything?
7. Other than what you do now, what other job would you want?
8. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
9. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
10. What is your earliest memory?
Tagging:  blaze78-caskettalways, favouriteslittlethings, stina-bo-bina, allanhawco, sparklemouse, niuxita21, gar6301, cawleyc, keerry, satankatic
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
She stares at him with a look he never wants to remember – pain and heartache, fear, and a tiny bit of hope. Hope that he won’t do it. But he does.
-What About Us by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @makeitastrength)
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She’s so in love with him. She’s not sure she’s ever been in love with anyone before, and if she has, not like this. She feels like a giddy school girl, because of her boyfriend giving her a necklace, and she never wants to take it off. She looks at it in the mirror, still clasped around her neck despite the fact all other articles of clothing had long since been removed from her body. It’s the first tangible thing she has that shows he’s hers, and she’s his. The first symbol that she can wear in public to declare their relationship with one another to the world, a symbol that says I’m taken and I’m loved and committed to each other. It feels like forever.
-A Girl and Her Sentimental Necklace Versus the World by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @makeitastrength)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 6 months
“For so long, undercover work was the only path I ever considered. You know that. I got a taste of it as a rookie and that’s the only ambition I ever had. But I also never had a relationship that made me consider otherwise. And never thought I would ever be in a relationship that would make me question wanting to do it. But now I have you. I know you think you’re somehow, I don’t know, making me less if I give this up, but you’re not. So much of what I am is because of you. I’m the cop I am because of you. You trained me to be the cop who could even hack undercover work. And that’s great. But you also make me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. You make me feel loved and appreciated and supported, no matter what, like no one else ever has. And that’s what I want to prioritize. I’m not saying it’s better for us because I think we can’t make it work if I want to do undercover work. I want to choose to be able to come home to you every single night and feel all that. I want to be able to turn to you when I need you and be there if you need me. I don’t want to put our future on hold over and over again. I don’t want to go months without seeing you. I don’t want to put myself into a position where I’m more likely to not come home to you.”
-What About Us by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @theawkwardanglophile)
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After the breakup, after therapy, he’d begun to realize how easy it was to open up to someone like Lucy who was such a safe place, so non-judgmental and supportive. She’d always managed to pull it out of him, before, in bits and pieces – as his rookie, as his aide, as his friend, as his girlfriend. At least, more so than anyone else ever could. But there was still a part of him that he couldn’t even face himself, let alone share with anybody else. One of the first things he’d worked on in therapy, when he felt they had a chance of getting back together and as they took the first steps towards reconciling, was how to be more open with her. And he found that once he got started, it wasn’t as difficult as he’d thought. She never judged him, she never pushed him, she never made him feel bad about himself. She always listened and supported him and knew just how to comfort him and make him feel lighter, she always knew when to respond and when to just listen.
-who can say if i've been changed for the better by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @sisterofficerlucychen)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 6 months
“Did you just… take it all the way outside?” “The roof. Closer than the street.” “I thought you killed them?” He shrugs, looks down at the index cards and moves the one he’d quizzed her on previously to the back of the stack. “Clearly it means something to you if it’s the first thing you could think of to ask me when I have a lie detector hooked up to me.” She lets out a little snort at that. “I mean, before even asking if I love you or I’m okay with your undercover work you want to know if I actually take the bugs outside.” She laughs, scooting closer to him. “I love you.”
-Catch & Release by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @sisterofficerlucychen)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
He remembers the bodies they had seen, decomposed yet fresh with ink declaring the victims’ day of death, their last day still fresh and frozen in time, and he can’t even imagine that Lucy, his Lucy, could have been in that state – that she was destined for that fate if they had only gotten to her a few minutes later. He feels a sudden rush of affection for her and the words I love you threaten to spill from his lips as he’s reminded of how close he had been to losing her that day, but he keeps them to himself because they’ve only been together a few weeks and this is their first time in bed together and it’s way too early to say such a thing. Isn’t it? He’d told her once that the tattoo represented the first day of the rest of her life, and now that they’re this he realizes that it speaks to him, too. It will always be there as a reminder to be thankful that she’s here, to appreciate her and never take her for granted because so easily she could have become something he lost.
-you can hear it in the silence (silence) by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @queseraone)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
“You know, your rookie year?” Lucy nods, gives him an expression indicating she could never forget. “I thought for sure they were going to give me West. I was all but set on it. I’d even heard rumblings around the station that West was coming up and… anyway, then they told me I’d get the so- called hotshot and… I knew nothing about you, really. Just what was in the file and the fact you arrested a guy on the way to work.” “I still don’t think you ever gave me enough credit for that.” He ignores her, but shakes his head and bites back a grin. “That first day, I knew. I mean, I knew you had some training to go through before you’d be really confident, but I knew you’d be a good cop.”
-Peaceful by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @queseraone)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
She thinks of Tim. She knows, without a doubt in her mind, that he’s blaming himself. He blamed himself when Caleb took her, and she knows that right now, wherever he is, he’s thinking that if he hadn’t walked away from her then she never would’ve taken this undercover op and wouldn’t be in this predicament. He will blame himself forever.
-What About Us by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @makeitastrength)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 2 months
It’s the first tangible thing she has that shows he’s hers, and she’s his. The first symbol that she can wear in public to declare their relationship with one another to the world, a symbol that says I’m taken and I’m loved and committed to each other. It feels like forever.
-A Girl and Her Sentimental Necklace Versus the World by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @queseraone)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 4 months
There’s less awkwardness between them. They’re able to talk about cases and suspects together without that momentary awkward hesitation beforehand. She laughs at things he says, sometimes. Gives him a small smile in greeting and bids him goodnight when she passes him in the parking structure. She lets him hold a door open for her here and there. Then, they get even better. They are able to ride together, seamlessly, for the first time. Then, they ride together and it’s actually… nice. They’re able to talk normally, they stop for lunch. He tries to pay, an act of kindness that he’s vowed to give to her – she refuses, the dose apparently too large for now.
-the golden age of something good and right and real by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @zadien)
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chenfordfanficquotes · 5 months
It’s not only Tim that she has trouble leaving. It’s her whole life that’s hard for her to leave behind. It was easy, before. When she was single and not worried about not coming home to people, when she didn’t have a relationship to invest her personal time in, when she thought it was the only path she wanted to pursue.
-What About Us by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @makeitastrength)
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