#still very weird to me that people care what i think 🫣
lydiaas · 1 year
how do you think jj and kie are as a couple? 🫶 i personally don't think they're the pda type but god i would love to see them just being more casually touchy than they already are 🥹 sorry if you've been asked this before would just love to hear your thoughts!
I have a little ramble here you might like. I'd like to see their touches be more purposeful for sure. I want to be able to tell that their relationship is different now, that there is an intimacy that didn't exist before. I'm not joking when I say a very intimately placed hand would slay me more than a literal kiss.
I see them using cute pet names like baby but also using dude. I see them still pushing each others buttons on purpose except now the bickering usually ends with soft smiles and heart eyes. I see them not having the "what are we" talk for a long time and they just exist together without needing to define it. I see them never bothering to explain their relationship to anyone outside the pogues. I see them quietly disappearing from pogue hangouts to hook up and Kie coming back like nothing happened but JJ not being able to play it cool at all. I see them having their own silent language where they can communicate with just a look. I see them calling each other out on their bullshit and being honest in a way you can only be when you fall in love with your lifelong best friend. I see them living in a tiny little bungalow that's far enough away from Luke's and the Carrera's houses so that they'll never have to pass by again. I see them talking about a nebulous future which mostly amounts to them living isolated on a beach somewhere like back in poguelandia. I see them waking up together and JJ drops Kie at her the turtle sanctuary before going to the marina and then in the afternoon she's waiting for him on the dock. In the off season (for turtles and for charters) they leave the Banks and go somewhere sunny with good surf.
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 6 months
Loki x fem reader where reader confesses they have a huge crush and Loki likes them back?? 🙏🫣
Hey 👋 thank you for the Ask ❤️ I just got this Idea
I have my Eyes on you - Loki x Reader Fluff
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It's been a few months since Loki joined the Avengers, you remember Thor's extensive speech about Loki - he changed, he will cause no harm to People and he will be of great use for the Avengers ...yeah mhm something like that you recall him saying , you rolled your Eyes.
The first time he stepped in the Living Room of the Compound you warned him "I have my Eyes on you" , crossing your Arms - he just smirked at you and whispered something to Thor.
Since then every time you cross paths with him , you both start instantly bickering, you glare at him and he grins at you,Loki enjoys teasing you but most of the times you are not sure if he is insulting or flirting with you.
He also likes to prank you,the latest one was putting your favourite Coffee Mug to the highest possible shelf so you couldn't reach it, you climbed on the counter top annoyed and angry to get it , you slipped and almost fell but Loki catched you .
"Careful, Darling" Loki said softly
Glancing at him your Cheeks reddened but still furious, you freed yourself from him and shoved Loki away.
*sighing* you started the Coffee Maschine
A moment later you walked with your fresh coffee to the dining table and sat down at your usual Place , Loki sat down at the opposite Side , you can't help but stare at him in disbelief for a while
as you looked away he asked "Darling,have I won ?"
"What ?" you replied irritated
"I thought that's a staring Contest " he stated
"Haha very funny"you said sarcastic
You cleaned the empty cup and went to your Room.
The next Day someone put your favorite Chocolate and a "I am sorry" in front of your Room
The Days passed and you couldn't stop thinking about him , every day he consumes more and more of your time , you smile and blush just from the thought of him- that's weird ...hmm...that can only mean one thing you believe - furious you stormed into Loki's Room.
"To what I owe the pleasure?"he asked with a smirk
"Mischief, don't play stupid, you know exactly why I am here "you stated
"I really don't " he looked confused at you, doing his Eyebrow thing ,that makes you weak
"Admit that you enchanted me with your Magic"you crossed your Arms , watching him
"I didn't I swear ,why would you even think that ?" he asked curious
"well .. you always enjoy teasing, annoying and pranking me ,so I thought maybe you ...
used your Magic on me ... because I can't stop thinking about you,my Heart beats soo fast and I can't stop smiling just from the thought of you...I feel like a Foul" you confessed with Tears running down your Face .
Wiping your Tears away he answered with a smile"well.. now you know how I felt since the first time I met you,I never believed in love at first sight but you changed everything ,my Love "
Taking his Hand in yours you whispered "I love you"
"I didn't hear you Darling..what did you say?"Loki teased
"I said I love you ...now say it back or I will go back to my Room " you stated crossing your Arms
"Alright...I love you more "Loki replied grinning
My Masterlist
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
omg I’m so glad I found your blog the hcs are so good and the angst is even better!
I was wondering what do we think cove would be like with a possessive mc 🫣 not like they don’t trust cove (they know he only has eyes for them) but they don’t like people even thinking they have a chance so they always have a hand on or stand close to cove in public and openly glare at people who try to flirt with him
Thank you so much!!! <3
-- Let's be real, Cove would love a possessive MC like this lol
-- Like full trust but also shutting down any advances from someone else. It shows you care!
-- And I don't mean this is like a weird unhealthy way, to be clear, because that's not at all how I read this either. He would just think it's very nice that you want everyone to know that he's yours and you're his.
-- He's clingy, so if you're clingy too then wowee, how fun and cozy and perfect for him!
-- I feel like he's the kind of person who's not going to understand if people flirt with him in a more subtle way. So if you're there to watch out for him, then he's going to really appreciate it, because he doesn't want other people flirting with him at all.
You and Cove sat together on the beach, sharing a blanket and just enjoying the afternoon. You were back in the old neighborhood, having lived on your own for a few years, and you'd decided to spend some time at one of your favorite old haunts.
As you were talking, trying to figure out if you wanted to go for another swim or just stay put, a group of people started down the path to the beach. This particular area was usually deserted except for residents of the neighborhood, so it was a little surprising to see.
"Hey!" one girl called out when she saw you both looking over. You gave a polite wave, and Cove managed a "Hi."
The group set up their own space on the beach a bit further down from the two of you, but the girl who had greeted you kept glancing over. Cove was on the side of your blanket closest to them, and you saw her eyes roam his mostly bare body.
Instinctively, you reached out for his hand, intertwining your fingers and letting your hands rest on his thigh. He looked at you and grinned, understanding what was happening, and gave you a squeeze.
"She won't stop," you muttered to him, keeping an eye on the girl. "It's like she's shameless."
It was true -- the girl seemed to have certainly been trying to get Cove's attention. She would laugh loudly and look over to see if he'd heard her. She even stepped a little closer to you and slowly took off her cover up, revealing her swimsuit. When she was done, she looked back to see if Cove noticed.
He had not.
"Don't worry about it," he told you brightly. "Who cares what she's doing? I'm here with you, I'll always be here with you."
You smiled at the sweet sentiment, but still told him, "I care. It's disrespectful. We're obviously here together."
Cove looked back over, and accidentally met the girl's eyes. She gave him a grin, then started confidently walking over.
"Can you believe --" you began, about to get even more upset at the stranger's nerve, but your words were cut off when Cove suddenly placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you in for a deep kiss.
By the time he was done, you weren't thinking about anyone else but him. He stayed close, pressing his forehead against yours, and his fingers were playing with the hair on the nape of your neck.
"What was that for?" you asked.
"Remember? I choose you and you choose me."
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salaciousslut · 5 months
Done! Also do you have a favorite tequilla brand? Just curious! 🫣
Technically i have freckles all over my face but i only really count the ones that are darker and in a line under my eyes and over my nose, the other ones aren't prominent enough to call them freckles imo. And i'd feel more than lucky if you did worship me, sweetheart<3
I would love to take you to the gym with me, it honestly helped me with my depression as well! And of course i'd watch over you sweetheart<3 i wont lie, i love to go after dark bc theres less people. And i had the same problem but now i catch myself and try to stand straighter. I mostly lift weights when i work out so I know my posture improved due to needing to have a straight back to lift. Plus its super fun imo!! I miss the gym so bad but i hate going alone. I also miss feeling sore, im a bit of a masochist so i love feeling sore the day after working out🤭
Dont apologize for giving me info<3 organization's overrated anyway. Ive found that girls with glasses tend to be my type🫣 you literally sound so pretty sweetheart<3 i knew i wasnt wrong calling you a pretty princess<3 im kissing the tip of your nose and your forehead rn🥰 you are literally so cute, puppy coded too🥺 ive never had crawfish it seems yummy but im not sure if i should try it! Shrimp ceviche used to be my favorite but then i developed a shrimp allergy to uncooked shrimp and around 17 i had to call it quits bc it stopped being worth it to risk it. Im still pissed but at least i can still eat shrimp its just gotta be thoroughly cooked, not just get cooked through the acidity of lime juice like its sucks so bad i just miss ceviche so bad. Ohh just a butch latina and a pretty asian girl what ever will they do hehe<3 and i knew but not cause you told me 🫣 your dni made it obvious, like yeah im just now saying hey but ive been aware of you for a little bit now🫣 also please lemme be ur body pillow one day<3 savory is good!!! Whats your favorite kind of snack?
Also thats adorable, youre just a cute little puppy that has to get off once a day to function her best<3 i mean if i were stressed from school i'd probably need the same thing🤭
tbh im not too picky about my brands, as long as it gets me drunk, then im happy!! also tequila makes me take my clothes off oopsies i think i should warn u about that!! but if im buying for myself, i typically will get espolon bc i feel like its yummy and reasonably priced!
yes i love feeling sore after a workout!! i am also a bit of a masochist (omg who knew)!! but ive never lifted weights before. all the dude bros scare me and i feel like im always being judged but if we went together i know u would take care of me!! i like aerobics and like calisthenics (i had to google how to spell that word) and love yoga sm!! the burn of stretching feels amazing!!
hehe i am very puppy coded! i used to think i was more kitten coded but now ive grown and realized puppies are sooo fun!! so much energy and just wanna be cherished and loved!! which is everything i want!!
nooooo thats so sad that ur allergic to ur fav food :(( i love ceviche but at least u can still tolerate the cooked version. i know its not the same but its still something!!
ohhh i forgot that i put that in my dni, people are so weird about race here smh i just gotta cover all my bases so i can have fun on this website!! but aww we would look soooo cute together
im a sucker for chips. u know how they say all bi girls do is lie and eat hot chip? yeah all i do is eat hot chip hehehe. not so much lying but hot chip very much so. i also loveee chips and salsa and chicken wings and yeah all the fun savory stuff i guess!!!
hehe cumming is like a lil treat!! a reward for myself for being sooo good you know? but it would be a million times better if someone else was making me cum rather than myself 😳🫣
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skrunklystar · 2 years
pinned post & fic list 🌞🌚⭐
hello fellow Sun & Moon-enjoyers 💕 you can call me devon, though I’ve also been called Lord Skrunk before 😂 I write smutfic about these weird robots because...I don’t know, I’m just in love with them and I want to hold their enormous hands 😭 I have an ongoing story on Ao3 that you can read below! I update ongoing stories every Saturday (ish?) and post Twitter drabbles whenever I get a horny idea bouncing around the inside of my brain 🫣
part I: doing human things with you, Explicit, 15.5k
Set before the events of Security Breach. You’ve been working as the Daycare Attendant Handler for a month now, and you’ve quickly become friends with two AIs who share one celestial-themed body. Little do you know, they’ve been wanting to take things further, and after an unexpected moment during hide & seek, they finally get a chance to show you how they really feel.
part II: upgrades, people, upgrades!, Explicit, 42k
Ever since Moon risked it all during a game of hide & seek, your relationship with the Daycare Attendant has blossomed from coworkers to friends to…something else. They love taking care of you, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could take care of them, too? It’s nothing a little “upgrade” can’t fix…
one-shot interlude: promise broken, Explicit, 5k
After your first night together, Sun & Moon spend the whole day tormented by memories of your face, your voice, your body - all of it building into an intense need to…take care of the issue. They decide to take matters into their own hands (literally), but a little “security update” hiding in Moon’s code causes some problems.
part III: honey, I'm home!, Explicit, ongoing
Your animatronic boyfriend(s) coming to live with you should be the best thing in the world. Just don’t think about how they had their bodies puppeteered by a mysterious virus, or how they were very nearly destroyed trying to escape a burning Pizzaplex, or how they barely have any memory of what happened. No, don’t worry about that. Focus on making breakfast and playing board games and holding hands and don’t think about the shell-shocked look in Moon’s eyes or the way Sun panics when he can’t remember - and definitely don’t think about why your roommate is desperately sifting through Sun & Moon’s memory files, searching for…something. No, everything’s normal! Everything’s fine! …..isn’t it?
twitter drabbles
moon gets a new body, minus one very important thing
moon edges you until you pass out 🥴
four arms, two dicks (eclipse-centric)
moon's the fingerblasting world champion 2022
sun wants to make you a mommy so bad (part 1)
sun STILL wants to make you a mommy so so so bad (part 2)
moon also wants to make you a mommy and he's going to be a menace about it for no reason (part 3)
Eclipse is here and he's going to make you a mommy twice over (part 4)
back & forth, Explicit, 2k
Your robot boyfriends get two separate bodies, which means four hands for holding, two mouths for kissing, and two dicks for...well, you know. Getting "stuck" in the weird plastic tube that connects their rooms leads to some shenanigans.
playing house, Explicit, 5k (parts 1-4 of a twitter drabble assembled into a fic)
You and Sun play mommy & daddy in a game of house, but he wants to continue the game after hours - starting with your wedding night. He and Moon both want to make you their pretty little wife, and maybe a mommy, too. When Moon decides to be a menace, Eclipse comes out to set things straight.
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thelasttime · 9 months
Hi whenever you read this ask! The Eras movie was the best day of my life! I dressed up as the Lover album cover.
First off, the was no period drama! Sweet relief. I was worried about sitting for so long.
I was the only person who sang during the Lover era, I was expecting at least the Cruel Summer bridge, but I carried the Lover era by myself. 😌
The Fearless era is when people went wild!
I didn't remember all the words to Tolerate It 🫣
1,2,3, LET'S GO BITCH!
Don't Blame Me into Look What You Made Me Do is the transition of all time, except for maybe putting Getaway Car before Cruel Summer in a spotify playlist.
Somebody shouted out "love you Taylor!"
Only one Speak Now song???
My best singing was probably the Red era, I felt very emo because imagine five year old me hearing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, not knowing who Taylor was but knowing I loved that song, then flash forward 11 years and I'm screaming that song in a theater. I Knew You Were Trouble was very fun and high energy, and All Too Well might have been my best singing. I SCREAMED "you said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine, and that made me want to DIE!" I could hear the feelings in my voice and I think that healed something. 🥹
Everyone was in perfect harmony for Betty.
No Cardigan???
I wasn't expecting the stage dive. 😳
1989 was the wildest part of the whole night! Everyone was dancing and singing, and the vibe DID NOT drop.
Everybody sang Our Song
I cried over You're On Your Own Kid. (Shockingly I didn't mess up my Lover heart.)
I did wait ages to see you there. I did find out that you never cared. (Not you Madie, lol.) My friends from home didn't know what to say, You're On Your Own Kid is my song. I think I healed. 🥲
Wipe your tears cause LAVENDER HAZE! 💜
I've seen Vigilante Shit gifs before, but it's more wow in full!!!
I can still say I don't remember! 😏🤷‍♀️
Mastermind was so pretty!
Karma was the perfect closure.
And keep this in mind that I've seen performance gifs, but I haven't heard them yet, so I was hearing it for the first time!
And there was the cutest little girl in a 22 outfit dancing around the theater. I didn't think they let kids in, but I'm glad she looked like she had fun.
After the movie, the theater was EMPTY! My family were the last people there. I haven't been inside a movie theater since 2019 (Frozen 2 ) and I think it's poetic to walk around an empty theater.
Best Day ever :)
lover era forever!!! i'm so glad to hear that you had a great time. it feels so weird watching the folklore set without "cardigan" to complete the teenage love triangle doesn't it?
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
I got chills reading your reading for me! I've had a very traumatic childhood, my parents were and still are very abusive. In my mind I joke with myself that i raised myself like a cactus 😂. I cannot leave them due to my circumstances unless ofcourse i get married and leave this place forever. This is why I dream that someone who is from a farrrrr away place falls in love with me and takes me away from here forever. Everything that you've said in the reading about me, is true. My hands are literally shaking right now 🫣. I have very low self-esteem, borderline agoraphobic, I'm not even on any social media coz I have nothing to show about my life or myself, lol. I actually sometimes wonder to myself how nice it'll be if my future spouse's family and friends can accept me as their own and they can be my tribe :)
You're also right, i can't even imagine anyone treating me like an "angel" or "precious", lol. My parents have always treated my like crap and i have to go with it coz I feel duty bound, but I'm used to it and I've trained myself to just zone out, so it doesn't bother me. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful your reading is.
The part about being "weird" - I'm the weird one in my family. I cannot say them anything back, but in my mind I think to myself, yeah well, one day I'll meet someone who's as weird as me and people will think this couple is mental and we'll be the happiest two weirdos - together 😂.
Also the part that you two might not meet if i remain in low vibing energy - that's true. Coz I'm older and i know the reason I still haven't met him is coz of my self-acceptance issues. But you know what? I'll still keep on hoping and wishing for him. I'm already late, so it doesn't matter how long a life i get to live with him. But one day, we'll meet and we'll unite. I don't know when that day will be, sooner or later, but it will come true one day.
Also your last paragraph, i keep on thinking to myself that really at this point in life all i want is just peace. And also it's so amazing you got that he loves to cook! Coz it's actually something i want us to enjoy together. Cooking is one of my love languages even though I rarely look, but I'd love for both of us cook together and have fun with each other and take care of each other 💖.
Really you've provided me such a beautiful reading, i cannot thank you enough 🙏. I'm so glad I asked you this question 💞 Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart 💙
Give love and get love. Whoever you are you are so sweet my heart is full🥲
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penvisions · 1 month
Hello Dev 💛🥹
How are you doing? I hope honestly that you’re doing good because you deserve it. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
So I’ve made it my mission to spread some of my love and appreciation to all my favorite writers (which you are one of clearly) for the work u put in creating stories that make me very happy. I literally have a list full of names, that sounds crazy, but I promise it’s nothing weird I’m just trying to keep track 🫠😅
Before I get into my mission, I have to say something else. I think it’s really fucking terrible of people to steal writers work and then go around and trying to manipulate the writer to believe they actually stole first like the audacity to gaslight wtf. I’ve seen one too many times that an incredible writer gets their hard work just copied and there’s so little you can do about that and then the people who steal are so fucking mean. I get it writing is hard and sometimes you look at other peoples stuff to see how they write to get creative juices flowing but you don’t just straight up copy it I mean, I would ask for writing advice or idk, anything but plagiarism….there’s so many people who love that writers work and they will notice when that writing shows up somewhere else and then you have a lot of people on your ass rightfully so for stealing. And now that I’ve actually started to write something myself, I feel like I can understand it a little more because if I just try to imagine that somebody would take this story and try to sell it as their own when it is literally my story like actually my story, this is my life experience written in a story and you’re trying to sell that as your own, I would go ballistic I would, I would be very mad. Let’s just say that. 💀
Dev I’m truly so sorry that happened to you 💛
Well, enough of that let’s get into the good stuff 😚😚
I am pretty sure I found my way here because somebody else (I don’t remember who anymore🫣) rb your story “by the grit of Sandpaper” and it absolutely peaked my interest. I mean basically anything with Joel Miller peaks my interest, but you know. 😉💛 Sadly though I did not get around to reading it yet. I’ve kind of also been putting it off because I want to read it and then immediately let u know what I think. If the memory is still fresh, then my thoughts are much better articulated if that makes sense. Here’s the thing I’m trying to write my own first story and simultaneously i have a lot on my other list of stuff that I really want to read or reread and it’s a little overwhelming, but I’m trying to work my way through that and let me tell you when I get to your stories you will definitely see me scream in a very loving way for sure. 😅💛
I think you’ll probably see me scream even before that because one of my other mission is to engage more and be more mindful of the fact that there are people writing the stuff that I love, so please know that you should never feel pressured or forced to get a chapter or story out as quick as possible. I will wait however much time it takes because in the end, it’s absolutely worth it.
Ok one last thing (this is already so long I’m sorry 🥺) I know everyone on here is literally a person like me and everyone is just writing their silly little stories but I look up to so many and it feels like interacting with a celebrity, I hope that doesn’t sound weird. I might also feel like that because I’m a very secluded person like I talk to 2 people in my day-to-day life, I definitely talk more to my plants than anyone else 😅 🫣🥴
Dev u made my morning with making us mutuals I squealed like a little girl seeing the notification, does that make us friends (?). I mean the love for Pedro already connects us🥹
I would love to know, since ur a cat mom, what kind of cats u have and how many 😍
And since u like to bake I’m interested to know what’s ur favorite thing to bake 👩‍🍳🧁🥯🎂🍰🍪🍩
I hope u have fantastic day and take care of yourself Dev 💛🫶🏻
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i love that you've made it a personal mission to brighten everyone's days with your lovely self!! only a truly good person would even think to do it and i love you for that. the discourse has been insane this year and trying to combat it is an admirable notion, thank you for your kind words on the really shitty instance of my fics getting stolen not once but twice, really ♡
take your time working through your TBR, bb, i know mine is about a mile long lol. fics seem to call on us when we're ready and in a good place to accept them, so i trust in the waiting process c: i
i hope youre writing is going well and that the words are flowing, you got this!! i can't wait to read what you have to share with us
of course we're friends, bb, we always were even if we just didn't know it yet ♡♡
i've got four fur babies! two tabby brothers, a flully void, and a fluffy tortie, they are my world even if they don't let me sleep much these days as they get used to their new home
and my absolute faaaavorite thing to bake is cookies! they're so versatile and there's so many choices for fillings from chocolate chips to macadamia nuts c:
hope the days are good to you, ily ♡
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wmarximoff · 2 years
Oh my god, 🤭 lmao! I’m sure you’re a great kisser. I honestly, didn’t even question it. It’s okay, we can be overthinkers together (one of the main reasons I can’t get to sleep 😪). For sure, if you can sit through it then what the hell, right? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen them all as well.
You do? Oh, you poor soul. 🤭 I don’t even know where to start, how does one even go about something like this? 🤔 (Oh no, don’t you dare… that’s the lowest blow of them all! 🫠 There you go again — mutual… it’s so mutual. 😩)
I suppose, but my plans were interrupted :( don’t tell anyone… but I’m thinking about sneaking off to bed to avoid my responsibilities. 🫣 Wait… just hold on, a walk at like three or four in the morning… by yourself? Forgive my paranoia but, like, are you trying to get murdered? 🤭 Curing boredom, maybe… uh, sleep? I know it’s the weekend and all — I’m a little jealous it’s only just Saturday where you are, my days go so much quicker — I’d like to be a day behind.
Sounds similar… my spotify is so neglected and I still need to listen to your DFTR playlist but I’m a procrastinator.
Kisses through the phone I can definitely do. 😘💗 Kisses sent, waiting on delivery. You’re very welcome!
Yep, no, definitely not a brat by any means. Of course you can’t I’m such a good girl most of the time and it just never happens.😌 Obviously. Not on here, not yet, no. I have some ideas floating around though.
You have a theory? I don’t know what else I can tell you, I’ve given you so much to work with already.
I'm paranoid to the point of questioning myself right now if I'm really a good kisser. Maybe my entire life people have lied to me. And like, how could I even know about that? So many thoughts to think about right now, what the fuck. So yeah, let's be overthinkers together LMAO. Every time I have an identity crisis I'll cry in your lap.
Oh, I'm all about sneaking off to bed to avoid my responsibilities. We could just leave everything behind and go live in the woods for all I care (and it reminds me of my jokes about thayblossom and us being cult leaders… but on second thought I'd look good in a white dress in a self-sustaining community telling people that modern society is doomed, and i'm sure you would look so pretty in a white dress… not that i'm telling you to marry me haha 🤪). Well… in my defense it was only 2am when I left LMAO. And I'm back home, so… not this time, unfortunately or not. Okay I promise I'll stop with the self-deprecating jokes now, it's just stronger than I am.
Oh my god I totally forgot that we're living in like totally different days??? This is so weird lol. But yeah, I should probably sleep. It's five twenty-two am, fucking hell. I swear I'm gonna die.
But don't worry about it honey, that playlist is just a messed up brainstorm that I threw in there with no context at all lol. The songs readers rated are great of course, but mine are… well, mine 🫣 And I'm getting sleepy and dumb and would definitely like a kiss from you before I actually fall asleep. But life is unfair.
Ideas floating around… would you mind sharing them, good girl? 🤨
And it's not a theory, it's like… 99% sure and I just don't know what to make of it (and if I've totally thought of the wrong person it's going to be pretty, erm, uncomfortable LMAO 🫠)
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way2gowillow · 2 years
It's my birthday today :)
I'm finally 16 sweet 16 y'know I guess some huge life changes will happen soon people say once you turn 16 it's like your life just changes around. It's kinda crazy I'm not to sure what's gonna happen to me now that I'm "so mature" I still feel very childlike, my grandfather took me to build a bear yesterday and I still play with stuffed animals. But that's okay. I also think you'll be happy that I'm here with good news, I'm feeling really good. O feel happy and like fucking alive and things in my life are going pretty great. I, in all honesty, I haven't felt this just... Okay... Is so fucking long, it's like things are making sense now. Things are okay. It's weird I've been getting better this year, I mean I've definitely has my setbacks, but I haven't self harmed since last December, and I passed all my classes, that algebra class I passed with a 68% (64% is fail) my dad's disappointed in me but the teacher was shit and I tried my best so it's whatever honestly, being more carefree has been so much better. I got straight A's in all my other classes! So my GPA's like 3.1? Or smth idk I'm trying. But schools over. Summer is my good months, I hate the hot weather but having a few months without school is amazing, being able to stay away from bullies is incredible that's really the only thing that's so I'll been bothering me nowadays plus, over summer everyone forgets everything so hopefully theirs nothing else to bully me about next year. Maybe this summer I'll have like a glow up or smth? Probably not lol. Though, I have been going to the gym, but I'm not looking to change my body I have enough issues with that as it is. Anyways, it feels so much better to just be okay. My birthday was great and I'm feeling good. We actually celebrated last week because of the court date with my mom so my whole family could be together I got some new Markers, and A PlayStation (🫣in excited) and some new shoes it's been a really great day. I'm really excited we celebrate last week haha because (I'm sure you guessed it) I'm sick again! I'm telling you I never stop being sick it's constant, I have a sinus infection (A FUCKING GAIN) AND STREP so I'm spending my birthday eating my favorite foods (like ice cream, nice on my sore throat) and finishing up these antibiotics, I'm pretty sure the last time I wrote here I was sick then too?? I think? It might have been stomach related I honestly can't fucking remember I'm sick all the time.(along with Juvenile Arthritis, which APPERNLY I HAVE, just another thing to add to the list 🙄) But I don't really mind. I have TV to watch and I'm doing OK.
I know things like this dont last forever but im happy right now and honestly I think I'm okay with just staying for a while how stuff is. Ill have up and downs and my (phisical) health isn't too awesome but I'm doing the best I can to help it
As always you please please take care of YOURSELF. Make sure your drinking, eating, taking your medicine, giving yourself time to breathe. I appreciate you 🤗
AWWW! Omg, happy birthday! I'm so so happy to hear that you are doing a little better right now, especially on your birthday. I hope you got all the ice cream you wanted. And that's very sweet that you went to build-a-bear. I've been meaning to go for a while myself once I have the spending money to splurge. I kinda want a K.K slider bear...(dog? Idk about the technicalities with that lol). And it's totally not a bad thing to still be fond of cute stuff like that. What matters is that you like it! And nobody else should have any issue with something as wholesome as being yourself.
I used to really enjoy Summer because of the nice break from school too. And I didn't have many friends, but the few I did have were very fun to be around. I hope you have someone like that in your life. Please enjoy the break, whether you spend it with others or at your own time. I know that algebra class you mentioned was stressing you out hardcore. You passed and you tried your absolute damn best. That's all that matters. (I'm proud of you.)
It sucks you're feeling sick, but I hope that also gets better with time. Coincidentally, I also had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (I was diagnosed at 15) and the biggest tip I can give you is to become aware of and come to terms with your own limits. I had not taken good care of myself when I turned 18 and my RA kinda spiraled out of control, which caused me to develop lupus very soon after. So, you know, take it kind of seriously and be kind to your body. You mentioned you're going to the gym, which is great! Staying active is super good for preventing joint pain. But also don't forget to take breaks. The good news is that these sort of chronic illnesses can go into remission under the right care. <3
It's always nice hearing how you're doing. Happy Birthday again. I'm glad it went well. :D
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