#still up for debate if I’m posting both parts tomorrow tho
lilypixels · 2 months
Cc drop tomorrow dudes
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my-tin-can-mans · 3 years
Time to Yourselves (Captain Rex x Reader)
warnings: oh boy there are none but this is tooth rotting fluff ya'll i couldn't help myself with this soft boy, he deserves so much love.
PSA: I know a lot of people are expecting a Part two to the Crosshair Fic i posted awhile back but some unexpected work came up and it might be awhile before I get a chance to actually sit down and write it sorry:/ i will tag everyone thats asked to be tagged in it tho!
But for now enjoy the fluff that is this! I need to write a good fluff fic.
When the ship had finally landed on Coruscant you heaved a sigh of relief. The 501st had just finished a gruesome battle which meant as a medic you had spent the way back to base in the medical wing bay treating patients aboard the Resolute. You’d seen just about every solider aboard helping them with injuries that ranged from a minor concussion to blaster wounds.
It had been a long couple of days and the one solider you really wanted to see was the one you had yet to have the pleasure of. The doors to the ship opened and you walked out, now that the battalion was on world, you would hand over your patients to the nurses that worked here instead while you got some much-needed time off like the rest of the 501st. You met up with the head medics on ground and passed off your paperwork filling them in on the more important injuries you happened to come across while working so they were prepared.
Once you had finished up with the medical bay you went off to look for the man you hadn’t seen in days. While it upset you that you hadn’t been able to speak a word to you, it also comforted you in knowing that he hadn’t shown up in the medical bay at any point in time which meant he was better off than most of the men on board at the time. You were busy enough as it was, and he probably was too trying to write up reports on what all had gone down.
You walked back towards the landing hanger knowing him and the general usually lingered around to talk before they went their separate ways for the remainder of their time off. Sure enough there you spotted him, the back of his buzzed cut blonde hair, bucket it hand placed on his hip, talking it up with General Skywalker. Skywalker caught you walking towards them and focused his gaze on you, making Rex finally turn around to look at you.
It had felt like forever since you had seen his face. His gaze immediately softened upon seeing you. You finished the brief couple of steps you had left and planted yourself right at his side. “Captain Rex, General Skywalker.” They both nodded at you, a hint of a smirk showing on Skywalker's face.
Relationships were forbidden within the GAR and certainly that of a clone trooper. They were meant as property and therefore weren’t allowed the same free will as others. But after a while you and Rex couldn’t stay away from each other. Your relationship remained a secret but that didn’t stop the rumors from going around the 501st. Most of the men actually encouraged you two to get together but to play it safe, you and Rex hadn’t officially mentioned it to anyone.
At this point you were sure Anakin knew though. Rex would deny telling you he spilled his guts to him, but they were close and recently the General had been giving you smug glances whenever he laid eyes on you. If Rex trusted him though, you guess you would have to as well. Rex was a smart man; he knew what he was doing.
You turned to the general and spoke, “Do you mind if I steal your Captain for a few words?”
“He’s all yours.” He winked at Rex which made you narrow your eyes at the both of them causing Rex to blush and rub the back of his neck, something he had a habit of doing when he was uncomfortable or nervous.
The General turned and started to walk away, once he was far enough out of hearing range you scanned to make sure no one else would be able to hear you before whispering, “Alright that’s it Captain he definitely knows something so you might as well spill your guts to me about spilling your guts to him,” you told him while crossing your arms.
“Okay fine I told him I’m sorry but General Skywalker is the one person I can always trust beside you. He wouldn’t tell a soul. And besides if he did I’d have some pretty rough dirt on him.” The last part he said under his breath and you were sure you weren’t supposed to hear it, hell it didn’t even make sense so you just brushed it off. He looked back up to you, “is that what you came here to talk to me about?”
You sighed and softened. “No, I just missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He went to raise a hand to your face but retreated it when he realized where you two still were, looking around to see if anyone had caught one. Fortunately, everyone else was either gone or fully immersed in whatever they were doing to care.
“How many days did the General say we had off?” you questioned. Rex was always the first of the men to know how long they’d be staying on world for.
“Not long, none of our ships have been fatally damaged and there were only a few serious injuries, so we have the rest of today and tomorrow, were stationed to be back on board at 2100 tomorrow night.”
You hummed in response. This didn’t warrant enough time for the two of you to settle on world for a while, but you didn’t take kindly to spending another night in the barracks.
“What have you got on that mind of yours?” Rex asked while raising an eyebrow in your direction.
“Well, I was just thinking about how I missed you, and we haven’t been able to spend some time together in a while...” you trailed off, pondering on your descions.
“And I've been saving up some credits for a while now, with nothing to spend it on…” you trailed off again making him raise his eyebrow at you for the second time in reaction. “And I'm tired of sleeping on that maker awful cot in the barracks.”
“Get to your point” he rolled his eyes amused
“How about we rent a hotel for the night? Just me and you? We’ll finally get some alone time.”
“You’ve already decided on this didn’t you?”
“I’ve missed you Rex, I just want some alone time where we don’t have to hide our relationship.”
He sighed. “I know cyar'ika, I know. Tell you what, I've got a few things I need to finish up here, but send me the location of the hotel and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay” excitement started to bubble up in your stomach, finally a night in a warm comfy bed, with a fresher that had decent water pressure and Rex all to yourself.
Rex turned his head, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention before he leaned in and gave you a quick kiss. When he pulled away he winked at you and just like that he turned around and was walking off.
You’d decided to splurge on the hotel. You had plenty of credits, working as a medic in the GAR didn’t pay well but then again when did you ever have the time to spend it?
The hotel room was a dark blue, one side of the wall, opposite to the door was covered in glass windows, ceiling to floor with sheer ivory drapes hung throughout.
The bed was placed against the wall between the two doors, where Rex was currently fast asleep and had been from some time now.
You on the other hand stood beside one of the large drapes watching the late traffic speed by. After the events of the night occurred, Rex had fallen asleep peacefully but you were still restless. He had spent days on the battlefield while you simply cared for the couple of people still stuck in the med bay from the previous battle.
You let out a sigh, the lights of Coruscant were very entrancing, so much so that you hadn’t realized Rex had awoken from his sleep and groggily made his way over to you till his arm was wrapping around your waist and his head was leaning on your shoulder.
When you initially got up from bed, you put on your underwear and the top of Rex’s blacks, not finding your shirt, where ever it had landed when he first arrived, in the low-lit room. The shirt hung just below your waist and Rex took this as an opportunity to slide his hand up it. After behind touch starved for so long, he took every opportunity he could to feel skin on skin contact with you, and you certainly weren’t complaining.
He kissed your neck once and his thumb rubbed circles over your hip. “Come back to bed”
“mmmm convince me,” you smirked.
His grip on your waist tightened and he brought his other arm around to wrap around you as well and pull you closer to him, he placed a trail on slow, lazy kisses on your neck while he hummed, “please.”
“Ok, but only since you asked so nicely,” his grip on you loosened and you turned in his arms to look at him.
Sleep covered his face, he must not have gotten much on the way back here you thought. Skywalker’s battles seemed to cause a lot of paperwork.
You pecked him once on the lips and let him lead you back to bed. When you got under the covers and situated Rex came in behind you. But instead of lying beside you he decided to lay himself directly on top of you.
“What is this?” you chucked as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t want you getting away from me this time,” he mumbled.
“I don’t really have a choice now do I?”
“Good, I sleep better with you.”
Hearing those words hurt a little. You let out a sigh and brought your hand up to rub his scalp at the top of his neck. He hummed into you. You and Rex barely got any alone time together, only a few nights like these out of a month were spent sleeping in each other’s arms, and to know most of the time he just didn’t sleep as well was hard to hear. Your mind stuck on the thought for a while but came to the conclusion that it was a useless debate, he was fighting a war, it was far more important than the two of you. Your mind slowly started to drift back to sleep.
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fbfh · 4 years
“forever” paxton hall-yoshida x reader
genre: fluffy romance + mutual pining (not too slowburn tho lol)
word count: 3.4k
au: none?? jock x theatre nerd ig
pairing: Paxton x broadway baby!reader 
requested: yes !! i hope u like it uwu
warnings: one hell one motherfucking and i think that’s it for swearing?? um brief self deprecating/talking bad abt urself from paxton (bby boy needs a self love boost), reader and paxton are home alone together for a little while but nothing bad happens, uh,,, i think that’s it
summary: when Eleanor can’t run lines with you, she sends over a very attractive, mutually pining substitute.
reccomended songs: “Seventeen” - Tuck everlasting OBC, “The Kiss” -The Princess Diaries score
a/n: i’m p sure i kept the reader p gender neutral but there’s implied slightly long hair, and you play the lead (a girl named winnie) in ur schools production of tuck everlasting but like it’s theatre so anyone can play anyone lol,, this took so got dam long bc i’m fucking s o f t for jock x artist and it just sorta happened lol aLsO,, not super thoroughly edited so there might be a typo or two?? im tired lol
requests r open <3
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You had only ever seen two athletes present during rehearsals. Once when Madeline (who at the time was playing Penny in your production of Hairspray) was dating a guy from the soccer team. The other was when the star of the basketball team had come in to give your choreographer pointers for the basketball scenes during High School Musical. 
Until now.
You had run onstage part of the way through “Live Like This”, which wasn’t out of the ordinary since so much progress had been made on the costumes. You were still tying the ribbon on your pinafore as you jumped into the song, but when your eyes met a face in the usually empty auditorium, you faltered. You almost sang the wrong verse, but recovered quickly, continuing with the blocking. What felt like a moment later, the number was almost done and you were nearing the end of your counterpoint with Mae Tuck - played by Eleanor, of course. Who could be better for the part? You held out the last note, trying to stay in character despite all the distractions in the back of your mind. You had to talk to Eleanor when the director called for 10; she’d started telling you how Devi was being weird recently. Also, what the Hadestown was Paxton Hall-Yoshida doing chilling in the auditorium? You shoved all that away, focusing on staying in character until the director called for a break. 
‘I want to go to the fair. I want to go so badly! I just need a change, need to get out of this house for a little while. I never do anything, so this can’t be asking for too much, right?’ 
You projected all that into your everything - face, voice, mannerisms, energy.
Everyone froze.
The director wrote a few things on his paper, sighed, and underlined something several times. 
“Okay, good job! I need to revise some of the blocking, then we’ll do notes, so take ten.” Your sudden nerves had definitely made you pitchy, you knew that would be one of your notes for sure. 
A chorus of “Thank you ten”s erupted, and you immediately ran to Eleanor, telling the others good job as you passed. 
You leaned in and started speaking to her, quietly.
“Okay you need to finish telling me about Devi, and that other news you’re being so cryptic about! Also, what’s up with Fierro over there?” you nodded towards Paxton hoping he wouldn’t see, and you noticed Fab is sitting near him. You realized they’re probably waiting for Eleanor and/or Devi. That must be it, he’s been hanging out with them lately, right? Eleanor gasped.
“You’re right! Paxton is such a Fierro!”
You cringed inwardly a little bit as her voice carried through the auditorium, mixing with the others. Your eyes darted over to him for a fraction of a second. Oh god. He was looking at you. Or in your general direction at least. Lena, the costumer, walked around the set gingerly, following you around and getting you out of your dress incredibly carefully as you and Eleanor walked off stage. 
“No! Well, yes- but no. What’s he doing here? Jocks never come here during rehearsals. I saw Fab too, are you guys and Devi getting dinner or something?” You said, entering the auditorium, and stepping out of the dress. You grabbed sweatpants and a silky, floral kimono jacket from your bag to throw over your leotard and tights. She waved back at Fab before sitting down in the front. You both grabbed your fans and dramatically flicked them open in sync. Your wrists fluttered, cooling both of you off.  A knowing, and slightly mischievous, look came on her face. 
“Devi and Fab and I are. Paxton must be here for something… else.” she shrugged, nodding towards Paxton. You looked over again. He was staring at you. You did a double take and tried to hold back your smile. 
“Wh- I do not know to what you are referring.” 
“To what I am referring is the blush on his cheeks.”
You barely held back a nervous, bubbling laugh.
“He is not blushing! Why would he be blushing!”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged, “Just like how I don’t know that he’s been loitering in the halls outside the music room during your last three solo music rehearsals.”
You struggled for an answer. Before you could form one, you were interrupted.
“Okay, okay what is the best Lin Manuel Miranda musical? Because Kathryn thinks it’s Hamilton-” 
“-But I think it’s In the Heights! It’s an underrated jewel!” Jonah interjected, still wearing his Jesse Tuck hat. 
You considered for a moment.
“I mean, they’re too different to compare. In the Heights has the same energy as Rent - showcasing what goes on in ordinary people’s lives, and how love ties us all together,” he nodded in agreement, “But Hamilton is on a way larger scale, almost Les Mis meets Fun Home vibes. But in terms of personal preference…” Eleanor scoffed at your answer, and Jonah went back to debate further with Kathryn.
“Anyway,” you turned back to Eleanor to ask her what the hell she meant by Paxton Hall-Yoshida was blushing. But before you could-
“Eleanor, we need you to try on your blue dress again,” Lena was already pulling her away, “I had the empire waist in the right place but half the pins fell out, and it’s just...” And she was whisked away before you could finish the thought. You just had time to help Holly get out her wig pins and drink some lemon water before notes. Eleanor still wasn’t back, so you made sure to write down hers for her. It was pretty standard; be quiet backstage, go over your lines, don’t touch props that aren’t yours, don’t eat in costume, and a couple blocking changes you made note of. After your end of rehearsal warm downs and huddle, everyone left relatively quickly. You ducked into the bathroom to freshen up a little. Sometimes it was hard coming down from such intense energy after rehearsal. You mentally ran through your to do list. You needed to get some more tea, write that essay when you got home, go over your notes- You gasped, cutting off your own train of thought. You ran out of the bathroom to look for Eleanor, still clutching her notes in hand. 
Your voice still echoed in Paxton’s ears. He wished he had a whole album of you singing. Your voice made him want to ruin his spotify algorithm by listening to nothing else. You had looked at him a couple times, and his heart had almost stopped. He didn’t know eye contact could be so intense. It’s probably just cause you’re like, the only person in the audience. Where else is she supposed to look? He deflated a little. He heard his name and looked over to you and Eleanor talking together. Hopefully it was about him. Hopefully it was good. He checked his phone, trying to look busy. When he glanced up to see if you were looking, you were gone. He started to look around for you when he saw Eleanor waving at Fab, and sure enough, you were next to her. What he didn’t expect was you dropping your dress to the ground. Time slowed down (and his heart sped up) as you stretched a little, and pulled out sweatpants from your bag.
 You had on what looked like a bathing suit on underneath, and a few other people had done the same, but he knew that image would be in his memory, probably forever. His heart was beating in his ears and he knew he must be blushing.
“You okay, Paxton?” Fab asked, a seat or two away. Oh god, he didn’t want people asking why he blushed every time he looked at you! He muttered something about needing to make a call and headed for the doors. Don’t look back at her, don’t look back at her… His eyes involuntarily darted in your direction right before he left. You had on a flowy translucent jacket, your hair thrown back supermodel style as you fanned yourself to cool down. He needed to cool down too. Maybe a cold shower, a really cold shower.
You managed to find Eleanor just before she left. Two girls were with her, you had seen Fab once, and you’d heard a lot about Devi, but had never been introduced. 
You gave Eleanor her notes, and she hugged you.
“You’re a lifesaver!” 
“Of course, I-”
“Uh, who’s this?” you looked over, and the shorter girl - Devi, based on what you’d heard about her -  was giving you a weird look. You introduced yourself. 
“Nice to meet you. How do you know Eleanor?” said the taller girl - definitely Fab.
“Oh,” you smiled, “she’s my almost mother in law. And my arch rival,” you counted on your fingers, “my sister, my niece, my lover, my husband, and…” you trailed off, trying to think of the other dynamics your characters had had in past shows.
“Your co-conspirator.” 
“Right,” you laughed. Devi and Fab looked at you two.
“We’re in the musical together.” you clarified. You were about to part ways when you called to Eleanor, “Hey, we’re still on for running lines tomorrow night?” 
“Uh… Sounds good!” she walked away quickly, speaking to Devi and Fab in hushed tones. Something was definitely up. That was typical Eleanor Scheming behavior. 
That night, you almost couldn’t sleep. This wasn’t the normal post rehearsal can’t sleep. In fact, Tuck Everlasting was the last thing on your mind as you readjusted your pillows and snuggled into your duvet. You stared at the neon blue stars projected and swirling on your ceiling. You sighed. Again. Your brain was a 24/7 livestream of Paxton Hall-Yoshida to relax/study to. You saw him again, his face in the dimly lit auditorium, Adonis in a sea of faded seats. If you hadn’t been sure before, you knew now that red was definitely his color. You rolled onto your side. Your heart picked up speed as a thought crossed your mind. You could almost see Paxton now, kneeling next to you, his fingertips brushing your cheek. The piano underscore to “Seventeen” ran through your mind. You could imagine him saying “Wait with me, we could share the world…” so vividly it almost hurt. He leaned in, and… 
You let out a loud sigh and rolled over again. Your heart was fully saturated. That’s more than enough pining for tonight. 
He was a little surprised when Eleanor just walked up to him at lunch the next day. Most people were too intimidated to approach him out of the blue. 
“I have a plan.”
“Uh, I don’t know what you-”
“Cut the crap, I know you like her.” 
His face blanched. Well, yeah of course he did. Who wouldn’t? He was going to ask Eleanor if there was something he could do to win you over, just not here, not now. Not where everyone could watch and jeer and rib him for it. Just like they were doing now. 
“Woah, dude, who is it?” Trent asked. He fumbled for words. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He hadn’t kept his crush a secret because he was embarrased of you, he’d kept it a secret because his dumbass friends wouldn’t get you. Hell, he barely got you. You were so deep, and emotive, and artistic... 
“Bro, if you like her as much as it seems like you do,” Trent continued, “you gotta win her over.” He was a little shocked at the agreement murmuring through his group of friends. He didn’t know how to respond. Trent turned to Eleanor.
“What’s the plan, drama mama?”
“First of all,” she said, an almost humorously dangerous look on her face, “never call me that again. Second,” she shoved some papers into Paxton’s hands, “meet me in the music room immediately after school.” She started back for her table. Trent looked back over to Paxton. 
“You gotta do it, dude. We’ll cover for you at swim.” 
The rest of his friends agreed. He was pleasantly surprised at how supportive they were being. 
“Yeah, I guess... we’ve got a plan.”
The next day went by pretty smoothly. No rehearsal was scheduled since they were finishing construction for some of the sets, but everyone was instructed to do a couple read throughs of the script, focusing on scenes they’re still forgetting, to make sure everyone’s off book. You stopped by 7 Eleven to get a blue slurpee (for homework) and a couple coconut waters (for run throughs). You texted Eleanor on your way to the slurpee machine. 
okay so do you like the mango coconut water or the pineapple one?? It’s the mango one right?? i always forget lmao
sent at 4:16 pm
btw I don’t have that much homework so you can probs come by around 5:30 if you’re ready by then
sent at 4:16 pm
Bae Tuck
OMFG!! I totally forgot about running lines tonight, I can’t make it! :( but I’ll send someone over to help you out. :)
sent at 4:17 pm
You squinted at your screen. That was weird. Eleanor never used colon parentheses smilies. Like, ever. She always used emojis, and usually way more than two per text. 
yeah np, are u good? ♡
sent at 4:17 pm
Bae Tuck
Yes :)
sent at 4:18 pm
Bae Tuck
Also get the passionfruit one 🥥🍠 👀
sent at 4:18
that’s,,, el that’s a sweet potato,,
sent at 4:19 pm
Bae Tuck
Close enough 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
sent at 4:19pm
...Okay? That was definitely weird. You shook it off and headed for the counter to pay. You stopped half way there, and turned back to swap the mango for passionfruit. 
Not long after you had finished your homework and tidied up your room a little, the doorbell rang. You exited the kitchen, drinks in hand, and opened the door. Your heart caught in your throat. Paxton Hall-Yoshida was standing outside. And you were pretty sure he looked nervous. You both just stood there for a second. No one breathed, no one spoke. 
“Uh, hi, do you want to…” you backed up, motioning for him to come inside. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said, entering the doorway. Paxton motherfucking Hall-Yoshida was in your living room. You held out a hand to him.
“Coconut water?” he took the box, looked at the label, and smiled. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said again, this time a faint, yet unmistakable note of joy in his voice. He took a sip. He smiled.
“Passionfruit’s my favorite.” You silently thanked Eleanor, who you knew must have planned all this. Most of the evening was a blur, and you thanked god your family wasn’t home right now. You went upstairs, texted Eleanor asking what the actual fuck, made some surprisingly comfortable small talk, then filled him in on how to run lines. 
“Do you think playing the soundtrack would help you… get into character?” he asked. 
“I would probably just end up singing the whole thing,” You laughed and tried to ignore the butterflies in your chest. The main scene you struggled with was before “Seventeen”. It was harder to get into Winnie’s head because you had no romantic feelings for Jonah, and you always just made each other laugh. You had started with a few easier scenes of Winnie and Jesse, like the fair, and the dialogue before “Top of the World”. 
“That was really good,” he said, and you felt the sincerity of his words. 
“Thanks…” you smiled and took a sip of coconut water, hoping you weren’t blushing too hard. 
“So what next?” he asked. 
“Probably the scene before ‘Seventeen’,” you said, giving him the page and scene number, “it’s one of the hardest ones for me. I guess I just can’t connect to Jonah the way Winnie does.” 
“Huh,” he said, skimming the page. When you looked up at him, he had something between a smile and a smirk playing at his lips. You made yourself look away before you got too distracted. You refused to think about the fact that you were sitting across from Paxton Hall-Yoshida on your bed, in your room, like you were… close with each other. His eyes skimmed the script, finding the dialogue. He glanced up at you and nodded, indicating he found his place. You began.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t get away,” you said, jumping into character.
“I may be 102, but I can still outrun anyone,” a smile played at his lips. You smiled, then let your face fall.
“I’m so sorry, I-I tried to warn you-”
“No, no,” he interjected almost seamlessly, “It’s okay, it’s… refreshing having someone look after me who isn’t my mom.” His eyes flickered between your face and the page. You smiled with him for a second, then let distress cloud your face.
“Jesse… that man came by my house today. He heard the music box, he knows about you-”
“I know he knows…” 
You continued on with the scene and he trailed off when he came to the sheet music for the song Seventeen. You took in a breath to start the dialogue in the middle of the song, but before you could…
“Six years from now you will turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…”
He was singing to you. He was looking at you and singing to you. His eyes only flickered down to the page to confirm the lyrics. He was nervous, you could tell. But through his hesitance, the emotion in his voice was sincere. Your heart was beating faster. You didn’t even notice your pulse was ringing in your ears, you were too focused on Paxton. 
“I'll wait for you till you turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…” Your hand rose to cover your mouth. He hesitated, and you remembered your dialogue.
“Uh, wh-what if I… forget where the spring is?” He reached out and took your free hand in his. Your pulse was off the charts. “I’ll go get you some water. Just… remember to keep it somewhere safe. Somewhere no one will find it.” You got the feeling he wasn’t just talking about the water. You knew he had never really been in a serious relationship before, and it clicked suddenly - if he learned an entire song to duet with you, just how much he must like you. You exhaled a breathy laugh, unsure how to process the sudden euphoria you felt. 
“You make the world sound so… exciting. I just want to drink the water right now!”
“Uh, no. You have to wait.” you both smiled, anticipating the upcoming joke.
“Why?” you ask, “What’s the difference?” You held your breath as he tried not to laugh through the delivery of the punchline. 
“Believe me,” he rubbed his thumb over your hand, “there’s a difference.” You both chuckled, and he continued singing. You were so focused on him, so… touched that he would do all this for you. 
“Winnie, wait with me,
And we could be married,
Winnie, wait with me,
And we'll share the world,
Winnie, you can stop time,
And live like this,
“I could live like this forever,” you echoed.
“Live like this...” you sang in tandem.
“What do you say, Winnie? Do you want to…” he broke character suddenly, and asked, his eyes boring into yours, “Do you want to go out some time?” 
He could see the adorable smile blooming on your face, even from behind your hand. You nodded.
“Yes, I-I would love that,” and you began to sing the last line in the song, “Forever-” 
But before you finished holding out the note, his lips were on yours. His mouth moved slowly, intentionally, against yours. You followed his lead, flustered. He leaned further forward, his palm caressing your cheek. It was everything you imagined it would be, and you had quite the imagination. Your head was angled up and your hands rested themselves on his back, one tracing little shapes. Your shoulders were pressed against each other and neither of you could think. He was so warm. He tasted like coconut and passion fruit, and a distant part of your mind silently thanked Eleanor again. 
You really could live like this forever.
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mcwriting · 5 years
starstruck (2)
Heyyyyyy so I stuck to my word lol.
I’m basically unable to function after seeing far from home this evening but also it was so good. I teared up when tom did and my mom made fun of me but its okay because his acting was awesome! Highly recommend y’all see it (even tho ik you probably will if you haven’t already lol)
Ps this is my first time linking one post to another so please lmk if it doesn’t work, but if it’s not, you’ll always be able to access this through my starstruck tag!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Fandom: Tommo Holland
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader eventually
Setting: LA
Word Count: 1386 (lol it’s shorter this time srry)
Warnings: i actually don’t think there’s any here, but lmk if there should be
Rating: K+ still
Background: part 2 of my DCOM inspired fic
B/f/n: your best friend’s name
Previously on starstruck...
The faint remains of his cologne wafted to your nose and you couldn’t help but breathe it in. You relaxed further into his grip and stayed comfortable until you heard a buzz on the table next to you.
You decided to ignore it until it happened two more times. Finally, you decided to wiggle out of Tom’s grip and succeeded without waking him. You picked up the cell and noticed it was 10 a.m. and all three texts were from b/f/n
Hey I’m coming over
I’ll bring ice cream since you said you weren’t doing too hot yesterday 
I’m on my way
“No. No, no, nonoNO,” you exclaimed, getting louder and louder, causing Tom to sleepily ask,
“Could you keep it down, darling?” 
“No, I can’t ‘keep it down,’ Thomas, because b/f/n is ON HER WAY HERE!”
He sat up fully awake.
“We have to get you out of here without her seeing, and she’s probably gonna be here in like 5 minutes.”
Tom rushed to get up and find his keys that were in the pocket of his discarded jacket while you hurried to brush your hair and take a makeup wipe to your face.
You clambered down the stairs and hurried Tom through the kitchen and into the laundry room when you heard the doorbell ring, and when you didn’t answer in apt time, it began ringing like crazy.
Panic stuck your chest and you looked at Tom.
“Open the garage and leave in 5 minutes, then text me so I can close it.” You commanded, beginning to walk towards the entryway.
“Wait, wait,” he grabbed your arm, “I don’t have your number!”
You scrawled it down on a sticky note and ran, hoping he would get out safely and quickly. You opened the door to find b/f/n holding two pints of ice cream, raspberry sorbet for you and coffee ice cream for herself.
“My gosh what took you so long? I about started searching for the spare key with all these goods melting.”
You were about to reply when the door between the garage and utility room shut loudly. 
“Uh, who was that?” she asked, knowing your parents were at work.
“Oh, uh, a friend from dance. We’re working on a piece together and we decided to talk about it last night since I hurt my head,” you lied.
B/f/n furrowed her brows for a second before letting it go and coming inside to set up your typical movie day in the living room. Meanwhile, you headed back to the kitchen to grab spoons and check your phone, where a new number had sent a message. 
I’m out so you’re good to close the door. Thanks again for the great night ;)
You smiled and sent back 
That makes it sound soooo much worse than what really happened haha. You made it out without suspicion too :)
You decided to put his number in as a contact, disguising him as “Clara Twinkletoes” after a joke made late into the previous night, then headed to the living room.
After finishing one movie and your separate ice creams, you both decided to take a break and were looking at your phones.
“Hey, I know you hate talking about Tom Holland,” you gave a side-eyed glance to the bringing up of his name, “but guess what? He liked my picture last night! I just remembered to tell you!” 
B/f/n held up her phone to show you the notification, then went back to staring at it excitedly. 
“That’s actually really cool. I’m happy for you,” you expressed, leaving out the fact that you had asked Tom to like it when you were talking about the post at 1 a.m.
A few minutes later, b/f/n breathed out a soft “woah.”
You looked at her in confusion.
“Y/n, look at this girl Tom was photographed with yesterday, she looks like your twin!”
Dread filled your stomach as you stared at the picture of you and Tom in his black Audi A8, that stupid ballet skirt wrapping your head.
“Yeah, maybe if I took ride alongs with celebrities and wore nineteen fifties headscarves,” you quipped, “you only think that girl looks like me because you want it to be me, b/f/n.”
“Hmm, I guess…” she trailed, taking back her phone to continue scrolling through Instagram.
Not long after, you got a text from Clara twinkletoes.
Have you seen the picture??? I’m getting tagged and you are too
Like… everyone thinks that girl is you
Psh as if. We can talk about it later, I’m busy with my gal pal
Fine. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the beach tomorrow? I wanna talk about all this in person
Hmm. Maybe. Probably not ;) 
“Hey, b/f/n?” You asked tentatively.
“Is it cool if you don’t spend the night tonight? I need to go to dance early tomorrow since I took the day off and I’ve also got this head injury so…” 
it wasn’t a complete lie. You did have a head injury and your plan was to go to dance at some point, but you decided to leave out the part where you might actually go hang out with hot shot Holland.
“Oh, uh yeah, sure. My sister is coming into town this week so it’s probably for the best, you know how my mom is about cleaning the house and stuff,” she said, obviously trying to hide her disappointment.
Around 4 pm, she got up to leave. You had watched two more movies and eaten plenty more snacks throughout the afternoon. 
“I guess I’ll see you later, y/n. Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow,” she smiled. 
You returned the gesture and gave her a hug, then watched from the doorstep as she mounted her bike and rode off to her house only a few neighborhoods away, you feeling queasy about lying so much.
You headed upstairs after a light dinner and some TV. It was only about 8 o’clock, but the combination of a head injury, late night, and slight emotional distress (from lying to b/f/n) made you feel exhausted, not to mention you would be waking early the next day. 
You changed into sweats and flopped into bed, checking your social media for a little bit to wind down. 
Your snapchat was just pictures from friends, only a couple of them joking to you about the whole Tom Holland situation (but of course none of them knew the truth)
Twitter and Instagram, however, were a different story. After the premiere, you had chosen to turn off notifications and were especially happy to know it was the right choice. 
On Twitter, fan accounts and other people were replying to a joking tweet you had made days before the premiere in reply to b/f/n where you said “Why be friends with that tom holland guy when you could hang out with your superior best friend hmmmm?? He’s lame compared to me lolol” 
People were going nuts about it, divided over whether you were just messing around or if you really didn’t like him. Most of them chose the former, though you knew you had meant the latter. Other people were tweeting about you separately and debating about that picture from the day before.
You almost deleted your Twitter in a rash decision but realized how suspicious that could look and instead closed it and moved to instagram.
It too was overflowing with tags and comments and follows and likes. Your stomach churned as you realized how big this was becoming. Finally you made the choice to meet Tom tomorrow, even if it risked being caught again. You sent him a single text to let it be known:
Alright twinkletoes. Let’s go to the beach.
You figured you could reply to whatever he sent in the morning and put your phone on do not disturb before plugging it in and checking the alarm.
You snuggled into the sheets and buried your head into a pillow. A sweet and musky scent drifted into your nose and you took a deep breath. 
Tom’s cologne
You sat up, sniffing around the sheets, pillows, and covers, realizing he had left his scent everywhere. 
“I need to wash these sheets tomorrow” you breathed to yourself in an annoyed tone. 
With that you laid back down, glad that b/f/n wasn’t there to ask whose scent was all over your bed. Though you tried to convince yourself that you wanted the smell gone, had anyone been watching, they couldn’t deny the way you sunk into the bed and the faint smile that made its way to your lips as you drifted into slumber.
A/N: there’s chapter 2!! Hope you guys enjoy. I don’t think I’ll post 3 until this weekend but who even knows haha. Love y’all and am so happy to have your support!
Tag List: @marvel-lously
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Watford Cove
Chapter 11: fingers walk your thigh
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/angst
Word count: 1963
Chapter: 11/13 [All chapters]
Summary: It's the night before exam marks are posted. Possibly their last night, so Simon invites Baz over.
Read on AO3
AN: Two chapters in two days?! What?!?!?! Well, school for me starts tomorrow, and this chapter is quite short, so I'm updating super early. And oooooooh spicy summary! But this is still a T rated fic, so don't get too excited lol. Enjoy!
Tagging: @wayward-son-61​ @jeansjeansjeansjeans​
My hand hurts. I skipped a lot of exams last year and forgot about that part. My muscles are all cramped from being wrapped around a pencil for hours for days on end. I keep stretching it out in hopes the pain goes away. No such luck. My brain hurts too. It feels like I puked all knowledge onto those pages and now my thoughts are empty. I just feel so exhausted. I can't even force myself to get off my bed to change out of my jeans and jacket.
Exam marks are posted tomorrow. I’ll know if I get to stay tomorrow. Stay in Watford Cove, with my friends, with Simon. If I was the dramatic sort of person, which I’m not of course, I’d say tomorrow is judgement day.
I can only hope I’m worthy.
My phone buzzes next to me. With far more effort than usually needed, I reach over and hold it over my face.
Pretty Moron [7:25] heyyyyy <3 <3
Pretty Moron [7:25] how’s it going?
Baz [7:26] My hand fucking hurts.
Pretty Moron [7:27] lol well exams will do that
Pretty Moron [7:27] what r u doing rn?
Baz [7:28] Texting you, idiot.
Pretty Moron [7:29] fuck off dick
Pretty Moron [7:30] i meant if ur busy
Baz [7:31] No, not really. Just tired.
Pretty Moron [7:32] okay
Pretty Moron [7:33] my gran’s out playing cards all night
Pretty Moron [7:35] wanna come over?
Pretty Moron [7:36] only if ur not 2 tired tho
Pretty Moron [7:36] but u could come over
Pretty Moron [7:38] and stay the night
Pretty Moron [7:38] if u want
I nearly drop my phone many times reading that. Okay, this may be crazy, but I cannot be misinterpreting what he means. It's pretty obvious, right? But he's also Simon, so he's sometimes quite oblivious. If this were some TV show, I’d know exactly what that meant. There'd be zero doubt in my mind. But this is real life. Do people really do this? Would Simon? He is very bold sometimes, that's for sure. Is he this bold? Fucking hell, am I?
Tomorrow is judgement day after all. So...tonight could be my last chance for a long while. Our last chance.
Baz [7:43] I’ll be over there in half an hour
This time, it takes only two pebbles to get Simon to open the window. I wonder if he was waiting for me this time. He gives me a tired, exasperated smile.
“I told you,” he semi-shouts down, “my Gran’s not home. You could’ve just rung the bell.”
I shrug. “This is more fun.”
Simon rolls his eyes as I run up to the trellis. It’s much harder climbing up it with the plastic shopping bag. I manage though, swinging my legs up onto the porch roof and crawling to Simon’s window. He gives me a hand getting in, then wraps his arms around my neck, smiling all the way to his ears as he gazes at me.
“You came,” he sighs.
“I said I would, didn’t I?” I reply, holding his torso close.
“Still, I’m glad you did. I-I wasn’t sure you would, really.”
I sigh, running my fingers over his back. “Well, I debated it a bit. But this may be our last night, Simon. And...I really don’t want to leave without doing this, with you that is.”
His face goes bright red instantly, eyes incredibly wide. Shit, I’ve fucked up. That’s not what he meant. I'm just a horny idiot. I’m going to leave and die from embarrassment.
“Sorry,” I murmur, pulling away. “I’ll just go.”
“No no!” Simon shakes his head rapidly, arms tightening on my neck. “No, don’t go, Baz. I-I want to as well. You just caught me off guard for a sec, sorry.”
I chuckle at that, I can’t help it. Simon looks at me funny. I just pull him closer. “You get all blushy and nervous when I flirt with you, but also snog me like it’s the end the world in a gym closet. You are just, a living contradiction, Simon Salisbury.” He still looks at me confused. “And I like that, a lot.”
Now he grins again, bright and brilliant. “Okay, good to know.”
We giggle like stupid school boys, pressing our foreheads together. He kisses me once, then twice, then a third time for good measure I suppose. But suddenly, he pulls back and lifts up my arm, the one holding the shopping bag, with a furrowed brow.
“What’s this?”
I chuckle. “Well, I assumed that you wouldn’t have supplies, so I picked some up.”
That makes his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. “Supplies?”
“Yes, Simon, supplies. I wasn't sure what we'd end up doing but I wanted to be prepared for anything. You would not believe the looks I got from the old lady cashier though, my god.”
Simon laughs loudly, throwing his head back. “Oh man, I can believe that. Sorry you had to do that, love.”
I shrug with a smirk. “It was worth it.”
His face softens. “Thank you, darling.”
We fall into silence and just stare at each other. Fuck, where do we go from here? I’ve never thought about this. Well, I’ve thought about after this, what happens when we start doing "it", but not how we get there. From Simon’s lip chewing and nervous twiddling, he has no idea either.
“You sure you want to do this, Simon?” I whisper.
He nods slowly. “Yeah, yeah I do. I’m just...”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Hey.” I tilt his chin up so we’re eye to eye. I need him to be reassured, and I love looking in his eyes anyway. “It’s alright. I am too.”
He's surprisingly shocked at that. “Really?”
“Yes, of course. I’ve never done anything like this before. You’re my first boyfriend, first kiss, first anything, Simon.”
His jaw falls open. I can’t believe how shocked he is. “Seriously? I was your first kiss?”
I roll my eyes, trying to offset my nerves. “Yes, I just said that.”
“What, do I seem like someone who’s super experienced?”
“Oh, uh, well, I um, I...” He chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “I guess, I uh, you’re really smart and confident and I just assumed you knew more about this shit than me. Since you know more about most things.”
I snort out a laugh. Simon turns more red, so I put down the shopping bag on his bed then grab his wrist and tug him closer. He lets himself fall against me.
“Well,” I sigh, “I guess we’ll just have figure it out together.”
He gives me a lopsided smile. It's relaxed and happy, and just fucking perfect. “Yeah, I guess so.” He chuckles slightly and shakes his head. “Oh man, having sex the night before you might leave forever. What is this, a teen romance novel?”
I chuckle. “It honestly feels like it sometimes.”
Simon and I both laugh, but it’s quickly followed by silence. We just stare at each other for awhile. Bright blue gazing into grey and vice versa. I sure as shit don’t know where to go, and neither does he obviously. Simon leans up to kiss me. But fucking Hell, I’m still not relaxed, and neither is he. I can feel the nervousness in both of us. His shaking hands, his tense face, the stiff movement of his mouth. Everything about him spells ‘uneasy.’ I’m about to pull away to ask him, but he does so first.
“Wait,” he says breathlessly. “Let’s do something.”
He pulls me over to his nightstand and picks up his mobile. A few taps later, a soft tune starts playing. It’s all violins and piano chords. I recognize the singer as that Sivan bloke Simon loves.
“What’s this?” I ask.
Simon walks back over to me and drapes his arms lazily over my shoulders. They're a comfortable weight on my tense muscles. “Dance with me.”
I give him a confused, curious look, but he doesn’t say anything to further justify it. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously. We’re both about to jump out of our skins, Baz. So let’s not think for a bit and just dance.”
“Not thinking? That’s your solution?”
He shrugs. “Helps me. And it’s only for a bit. Just turn off that big brain for a sec and dance with me, Baz. Alright?”
I twist my mouth for a moment, but then I just sigh and hold his waist. “Alright, let’s dance.”
Simon smiles. He lets his head fall into the crook of my neck. I rest my cheek on his temple. We sway incredibly slowly back and forth, like waves calmly lapping at the shore. The only sounds that fill the room are our soft breathing and Troye’s melodious voice. I listen to the lyrics.
I want you I'll colour me blue Anything it takes to make you stay Only seeing myself When I'm looking up at you
“This song is depressing as shit, Simon,” I whisper right into his ear.
“Shut up, Basil,” he grumbles. I chuckle and hold him tighter.
The song keeps going, we keep swaying, and bit by bit, I can feel the tension seeping out of me. Like a weight slowly being lifted off my shoulders. This isn’t scary. This is just Simon. Who wears pink sweaters and flower crowns, who painted my nails, who knows me better than anyone by now, who makes me happy, who I’m most certainly falling in love with. Yes, I can do this. At least I can do this with him.
Troye ends and the playlist moves on to something else. Simon pulls back to face me. His eyes are half lidded, his lips slightly open, all while bathed in his golden lamplight. Christ on a cross, I want to kiss him so badly. Well, I want to kiss him all the time, but especially right now, when he looks like something out of a dream. Without breaking eye contact, he reaches over and turns off the phone. All that’s left is our breathing, slow and steady.
“Okay now?” he speaks softly.
I take a deep breath and nod once. “Yeah, okay.”
He nods too, then reaches over to turn off the lamp. Silver moonlight bleeds in through his window. He looks ethereal in it, a glowing silver halo around his gold tones. Stretching up a bit, Simon kisses me softly, but it’s not tentative anymore. It’s languid, relaxed, like we have all the time in the world. I kiss him back in the same way. I feel Simon’s hands move across my neck, callused fingers scratching against my skin, then over my shoulders and under my jacket. Slowly, like a question, he starts pushing it down. I straighten my arms in answer, and it falls to the ground.
Being a total control freak, I rarely let anyone “do” anything to me, really. I always initiate. I’m always in command. I accept no less.
But not with Simon.
I let Simon do so much to me. Let him kiss me, let him undress me, let him pull me apart and put me back together in the strangest, most beautiful ways possible. There are some awkward moments, of course. They're unavoidable with our lack of knowledge. But we simply laugh them off or quickly apologize. Those moments are brief though. And all of it is overshadowed by sheer wonder of it all. That this is really happening. That we’re doing this. And it's incredible. I allow Simon to see every last part of me, and he lets me see every last part of him.
No guarding, no nerves. Just us.
AN: As it has already been established, I'm a cheesy motherfucker. And this practically is a teen romance book so I'm just embracing how tropey it is. Hope you guys liked it. Next time: judgement day, and the morning after :D
Chapter title is from "Too Good" by Troye Sivan
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How They Met Chapter 14
A/N: Hey! I’m still here. Sorry for the delay between updates. I’ve been working on this honestly. Editing and adding to it of course. (There’s smut coming I swear to the six.) Also been debating on something. If I were to write an alternate ending to the first one I had planned an episode happiness as it were, Would anyone be interested? Let me know plz.
@valkyrieofardyn @shigekihizashi @blindedstarlight @lola-mcevil13
Next Chapter     Masterpost 
Turns out I didn’t have to worry. I was sitting on the shaded steps outside of the power plant when I heard a whistle. I looked back and beamed.
“Hey girl. What’s up?”
“Waiting on the boys. Holly called for backup.” she nodded as she came closer.
“I heard. Kind of why I came running.” She sat down next to me and smiled.
“Hope you don’t mind. Pawpaw needed the truck so I had to take Bella.” I stopped then.
“Wait….” She smiled and flashed my spare key. I forgot I gave that to her. I laughed then and she smiled.
“Gave her a look over while you were gone. She should be good for a long while. Those empire techs knew what they were doing.” I stopped then.
“Who told you…?”
“The boys. Ignis was the quietest. I don’t think he likes you hanging around them too much.”
“I know he doesn’t…. Noctis just told me why…. He had a crush on me.” Cindy cringed then and I nodded.
“Kind of just crushed it…. Cus the guy that the boys keep running into…” I could feel the blush then.
“We’re dating….” She looked over stunned and I covered my face.
“You…. You're dating!? Finally!”
“Oh shut it!!! You know damn well why I haven't before now!” She started laughing then and I groaned covering my face. At least till I heard the gate open. We both straightened up and I soon ran.
“Gladio!!” He looked up and smiled.
“Hey! Sup?”
“Nothing much. Where the hell you’ve been?” He chuckled then.
“Long story. It was worth it tho.” I nodded and soon the boys started talking. I snuck away and headed for my jeep. They had it together now that gladio was home.
I got home about an hour later and just crashed on the couch. I was worn out and I didn’t feel like walking back to my bedroom. My boots were waiting by the door drying out and I just hit the couch. My phone was still dead silent but I didn’t mind. I got up long enough to scrub off some of the swampy mess on my legs and wash out my hair before I went back to the couch and turned on my small tv. I turned on some old movie and just settled down. I lost track of time while my eyes were closed. I only opened them when it started going nuts vibrating. I slid it over to answer without looking at the name.
“Oh six…. I woke you.” I stopped then.
“Wait…. Ardyn?” I rubbed my eye a bit then as he chuckled.
“Yes. you ok?”
“I guess… Fuck what time is it?”
“Around seven at night. I’ve been trying to text but you never answered… Should have known you were asleep.” I laughed a bit then.
“Yeah maybe…. I’m lousy at keeping in contact though. I could have just been ignoring my phone as I clean. I’ve done that… Or reading. I do love my books.”
“Oh? Interesting…. At least you can sleep now though.”
“Yeah… I’m kind of shocked. Been a while since I’ve passed out like this…” I smiled then stretching slightly.
“Maybe getting that weight off me made it easier… I’m a lot more relaxed now…” I got up then turning on a lamp close by. It was already dark out. My tv was still on as well but I didn’t even check it.
“You too? Well I suppose that’s a good side effect.... I wonder how well you’d sleep if I was there though.” I laughed then getting into my kitchen. I kept this part of my house sparkling. I hated a dirty kitchen.
“My, That’s a jump…. But probably pretty fucking well. Wouldn’t need a thick blanket either cus you’re a heater.” I opened my fridge then and got a water out. I heard him laugh then and then pull away from the phone. I couldn't hear what he said.
“Good to know. I’ll remember that for next time hon. Sadly I’ve got to go. A quick meeting before I’m set free. Plans are in motion and apparently need my approval.” He sounded so bored. I laughed then leaning on the fridge then.
“My oh my, is the man of the people bored with his duties?”
“Very funny. I’m tired as well believe it or not. I would like an early day off.” I cackled then and he huffed.
“Go back to sleep Skylar. I’ll see you soon.”
“Alright.  Hope it goes by quick for you, Ardyn… Love you.” It felt a bit odd to say it but It wasn’t a lie. I knew he stopped then before smiling.
“Love you too Dear…. See you soon?”
“Always.” He kissed the phone then making me go red before he hung up. I let my hand fall then as I sighed. I kind of wished he was here with me suddenly.
I didn’t get long to dwell on that. Come sunrise, I was getting leads over text for hunts all over the area. I was the highest ranked hunter they could find for some of these. I organized them all on my gps the best I could before taking off. The only good news is I got to text Ardyn. In between hunts, I’d send him little photos or texts just letting him know how they went or where I was. I even changed his name from cinnabum loser to Ardyn My Love. It made the huge job load a lot easier to deal with honestly and the nightly calls while I camped at havens close by helped even more. I was honestly lying on my back next to the fire looking up at the stars with the phone beside me on speaker when he mentioned it. I hadn’t seen him in over a week now and I was a rank nine hunter now. My friend Dino from Galdin had just asked me today about this new job he had for me which is what I was telling ardyn when he chirped up.
“Wait… you said the emerald was where?”
“Costlemark. It’s old ruins from the first empire. I’ve camped near there to take out some necromancers close by but never went in. It’s labeled as highly dangerous and dave is careful about which hunters go in. He won’t even do it anymore because the last time, he almost didn’t make it out.” I laughed then smiling.
“I’ve always wanted to go!!! The loot in that place is out of this world!” He laughed then.
“I can believe that… I’ve been in there…. Well…. As of…” I heard him pull the phone away as I looked over.
“Five minutes ago.”
“You went alone!?” I rolled over grabbing my phone quickly.
“How are you alive!?”
“Easy. It’s part of my secret.” I stopped then. He hadn’t mentioned his secrets since that night at the vesperpool.
“Ardyn…” I was worried. He had been so closed off about telling me before now.
“I went to make sure we could do it together…. This is where I want to tell you everything…. It’s the closest we can get to….” He trailed off then.
“Ok… Um… when?”
“Can you be here tomorrow night? It only opens at night.” I got up then and scrambled to my map. I looked over it and smiled.
“Easily. I’m only in the next district. I can get there during the day and we can hang out until nightfall if you want.”
“Sounds good to me. Be nice to see the local hangouts.” I laughed then smiling.
“Yeah I can toss you in the lakes and see if you can catch a rare fish or leave you stranded on the arches.” I folded the map then easily. This was going to be fun for sure.
“Oh get real…. You’re scared of heights. You wouldn’t get up there even if I offered you all the gil in lucis.” I gasped then as he started laughing. I just smiled then.
“Yeah ok you got me…. Well good news is that I live about an hour away so if I’m still talking to you after this, we can go chill at my house.”
“Oh? Am I finally going to get to see where you live?”
“Maybe. It’s not much but it’s mine for sure.”
“I’m alright with that. So…. is it a date?” I stopped putting away my things then and looked over at the phone going red.
“Um…. Yeah. I guess so…. Just don’t get me drunk this time ok?”
“I won’t. Not safe to go into costlemark drunk…. Unless you’re me I guess.” I laughed a bit then smiling.
“You promise we’ll be ok?”
“I swear hon. No harm will come to you while you’re with me.”
“I trust you…. Um…. Meet up at the chocobo post?”
“Is that the central location there?”
“Pretty much to me.”
“Alright…. Mind if I see if damien will let me pet him?” I smiled then.
“Oh? Do you have a soft spot for chocobos?”
“Well…. Maybe. It’s been a while. That’s all and he seems friendly enough.” I shook my head then smiling.
“Alright. I’ll text you permission in case wiz asks ok?”
“Thanks hon. See you there around noon?”
“Probably sooner…. Depends on how soon I can get some sleep.”
“I didn’t make you too excited did I?” I stopped then. Was he…?
“No…?” He started laughing then and I growled looking away.
“You jerk! I’m hanging up now!”
“Sleep well love.” He kissed the phone then and I just smiled. I kissed back before hanging up and went to bed smiling. Tomorrow was going to be a lot of fun.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
February 4th-February 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 4th, 2019 to February 10th, 2019.  The chat focused on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic~! (http://www.offshorecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until February 10th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite strip in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Given the comic’s focus on financial markets and all that composes them, what is something this comic has taught you about the subject? Alternatively, what is something you wished you understood better to understand the comic’s comedy?
QUESTION 4. How do you think the comic’s illustrative style and choices help the comedy of the comic? What is one moment where a particular design or image really stood out to you and helped the point the strip was trying to convey?
QUESTION 5. The comic features several recurring subjects like the legitimacy of IQ scores, LLCs, and more. Which of these recurring topics did you like the most? What about it caught your interest?
Stefan G
Hello everyone, 1) Just updated www.offshorecomic.com with a new strip. Check it out. 2) RebelVampire, are your questions intended for me or any new reader? Ciao, Stefan the creator of #Offshorecomic
They're intended for both (still working through the archive)!
Is there a way to get permalinks for individual strips, so I can come back to specific ones at a later time?
Stefan G
Thanks & okay, snuffysam keii4ii, unfortunately there’s no way to get permalinks for individual strips ... I coded the website myself as a side project and am not that good a coder
Oh man, I can relate to that... If I ever get rich, comic website coding and maintenance stuff is the first thing I'll hire someone to do for me
I do like how it loads and makes it easy to read through the archive, for what it's worth.
Stefan G
Thanks for the feedback ... and I totally, totally agree. One could spend a fortune for a coder to take care of all the fixings and stuff ... now I’m learning on the side whenever there’s time left over from work & family.
Stefan G
Answer to Q1 => readers have found the “happiness” strip the best. It’s also one of my favourite ones [succinct & clever & relatable] ...I truly don’t have a favourite strip, but the attached Reto & Urs -strips make me chuckle whenever I read them [I appreciate below-the-waist-humour and/or humour where people are really, really selfish].
lomcia (princess_lom)
1. The newest one is so funny
2. Trader
3. i dont work in office but i cant find nothing to improve that comic, i think the design of characters and humor is on really high lvl 12/10 for me
4. Style is perfect ffor that comic, i wouldnt change it
Stefan G
Answer to Q2 => at the moment my favourite character is the Economist. He’s a genuine IYI [intellectual-yet-idiot] ... which the world is full of and the finance industry in particular. The Economist is easy to write for because I’ve discovered a never ending source of humorous material called the daily financial newspaper ... please find attached also one of my favourite strips
Thank you, lomcia (princess_lom) for your feedback.
lomcia (princess_lom)
your welcome I hope i didnt misunderstood question 3 xD
Stefan G
I think you got everything just right
lomcia (princess_lom)
Stefan G
Answer/comment to Q3 => I’ve spend my professional life in finance, hence, I know every nuance of the industry. However, for the layperson the finance industry [money, banking, insurance, etcetc...] is a big black box of unnecessary complication. My humble attempt with #Offshorecomic is to untangle this complexity and make money related topics more accessible/understandable to anyone ... using humour as my main tool. Finance is more stupid than you think; trust me
I’ll answer the rest tomorrow. Gotta go to now. is like in a totally different time zone and all that Thx again y’all !
QUESTION 6. Which joke not related to finance did you enjoy the most? What about it made it stand out to you among all the others?
1) i really enjoyed the life coaching strip about facing reality and lying to yourself. i just really enjoy the bluntness and simplicity by which the self-deception line is delivered. A+ comedy right. 2) i like p-bird because i consider him a much needed counter balance to many of the other characters. he at least has more feet planted in reality. 3) hedge funds. not that i understand them perfectly from the comic, but now theyre more than just a financial word i see tossed around. and despite the very negative absurdist humor regarding them, was still interesting to get some insight into what they actually involved. 4) i think the style overall really balances well with the comedy. a lot of the comedy is reliant on the dialogue, so keeping the illustrations clean, bold, and somewhat simple really helps direct attention to the words. i also really just enjoy the character designs cause every single one really hits that idiot or absurdist mark that needs to be hit. 5) actually i really liked the address of IQ scores. because literally these characters seem like the type whod wind up on r/iamverysmart and use their IQs to talk about how cool they are. so it was kind of nice to see some evidence for that with the subject. that and i always like seeing the concept of IQ being torn apart. 6) i actually liked a lot of the jokes that pertained to the academic sphere in regards to things like publishing and teaching. selfishly it most just stood out to me because academia is something im more familiar with in regards to its simultaneous setup of worthless class structures and cutthroat profs trying to further their careers.
Stefan G
Thank you, RebelVampire, for your thoughtful analysis & feedback I believe that the writing is the most important part in comics ... and the best humorous writing is often blunt & simple [you hit the nail on the head with that comment]. Furthermore, I intentionally designed the strip in a simplistic style in order to A) highlight the writing/gag, B) to save time and C) cuz simple drawings are funny I love to make fun of pompous, self righteous folks ... academics are thus some of my main targets [due to the same reasons I make fun of financial professionals].
Stefan G
Answer to Q4 => My childhood inspiration and spark for cartoons/drawing came from F.Ibanez [Clever & Smart] ... very funny yet simple style. Nowadays I enjoy Dilbert by Scott Adams or the political cartoons from cartoonist Jari Elsilä; also both of them are hilarious without wasting unnecessary lines. I believe a straightforward style highlights the writing and that’s what I’m trying to achieve. Moreover, I love to have backgrounds in my comics [to steer the reader to a particular thought or mood] but hate to draw them and/or dislike it when they clutter the cartoon ... I’m rather happy with a style that I’ve developed over time where I draw the background but reduce the opacity to 25 %. I think that works pretty nice
Stefan G
Answer to Q5 => My favourite themes are 1) anyone predicting the future, 2) mistaking luck for awesome skill and 3) incompetent yet pompous professionals ... there is so much hilarious material right there
Answer to Q6 => I often use the characters Reto und Urs for jokes/strips that are not necessarily financial because they are so endearingly stupid [well, mostly Urs is]. This one makes me chuckle
QUESTION 7. In what ways have any of the strips changed the way you think about life, finances, or any other topic covered in them? Alternatively, what have the strips portrayed that you wish more people knew?
(the archive for the chat on Poco Adventures is now available https://comicteaparty.com/post/182650076295/january-28th-february-3rd-2019-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Of all the parodies and jabs at financial markets and life, which do you consider the most on the nose as far as its representation in the comic goes?
7) the strips have made me realize in a way that this is another industry where basically theres lots of ridiculous junk going on in the background cause you can never remove human faults completely. cause when it comes to finance theres lots of advanced vocabulary and concepts being thrown around usually, so for someone untrained it can sound intimidating and hard to follow. i think these strips do a great job of humanizing things tho and showing that the concepts arent all that alien cause at the end they were created by humans and reflect the desires of humans in a way. 8) one of my faves that i think is totally on the nose is this one where the economist is telling p-bird about ppl on twitter debating him being ignorant. and that his facts and stuff will prevail but p-bird points out that wouldnt even work on the economist. and the economist goes home confused. i think this is way too true for what its like to argue on the internet and how facts and logic get infinitely buried for the sake of narrative.
Stefan G
Excellent analysis/comments, RebelVampire really constructive. The human element is everywhere and money is such an emotionally laden topic that it’s easy to get confused even without the unnecessary complicated vocabulary ...which is often misused even by so-called “professionals”. If my strip has helped you understand all of that and un-demonised the beast, you’ve made me a very happy man Yeah, the Twitter-Fact-Confusion strip is one of my more relatable strips ... I’ve given up on trying to change people’s minds with facts; if changing minds is possible, it can only be achieved through via emotions. It sounds more logical the other way around but that’s not how we work. Here’s a special academically oriented strip just for you, RebelVampire Enjoy
haven't been able to get all the way through the archive yet, but my answer to both #2 and #8 is the Regional Manager. I love all the characters, but there's something to be said for the simplicity of having a guy literally run around headless.
Stefan G
Thanks , snuffysam. I almost forgot about the regional manager. I have to bring him back to life; I also like him ... by the way, there are 308 strips in total.
Answer to Q7 => I can’t claim that any one strip has changed the way I think about life and/or other things ... however, I do believe that writing & drawing Offshore strips has reinforced in me some of the main ideas from my favourite author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who’s books have influenced me deeply [e.g. Black Swan, Antifragile, etc etc] ... luck versus skill, thinking about risk and stuff like that. I regularly come back to his books for inspiration and recommend his books & Twitter -feed. Here are two strips that highlight my point ...sort of
Answer to Q8 => wow tough question ... with 99 % of my strips I genuinely try to convey some message about basic human quirks and/or outright stupidities that actually take place on a regular basis when handling money + and then I add my own personal humours twist to it. Here are a few strips with the message never to buy something you don’t understand [a hint: they always have complicated names]...
QUESTION 9. What other finance related topics are you hoping to see the comic explore? Which characters are you hoping to see involved with the topic?
Stefan G
Answer to Q9 => As the creator of the strip I’m obviously biased to answer this question, but I’d love to hear what the new readers have to say. I don’t have a particular preference for any topic [except make fun of pompous forecasters ] ... but I feel myself wanting to write & draw more strips for the Markets-Weasel and Reto und Urs. And that’s surprisingly hard to do; forcing it doesn’t work [at least not for me] ... Offshore’s main characters were supposed to be Reto und Urs and somehow P-Bird and the Economist and the trader stole the show. I guess that happens when you get to know your characters better. Funny how that happens ... here’s one nostalgic strip from my early work that I really enjoy
Stefan G
Addition to Q9 => ... I’ve steadily build up an audience on Twitter [@NonMeek] which consist mainly of likeminded financial and/or other professionals ...hence, hearing the viewpoints from anyone outside that sphere would be awesome
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) idk about specific topics, but id like to see the CEO who i think appeared in like one strip. I'm really interested to see the CEO dynamic with the other characters in terms of finance. learn how they view what theyre doing, how they view what the others are doing, etc. but im all for bringing the regional manager back too cause i enjoyed that character as well. a lot of great humor picking fun at how some managerial positions are kind of ridiculous to even exist to a degree. 10) learning more, mostly. overall its nice to see a harder to cover topic in comics. ive enjoyed how approachable and humanized the strips make finances, and how they remind you that professionals can be like this and actually have no clue what theyre doing. @Stefan G that academic oriented strip you shared was actually one of my faves. not necessarily in college, but i see this a lot in the blogosphere where ppl do a thing once and try to pass themselves as qualified experts to deliver advice. XD
Stefan G
@RebelVampire Thanks again for your opinions. Those really help with the development of the strip ... finance is a hard topic indeed and there are no really finance oriented strips out there [that I know of anyway], which is funny cuz the industry is filled with emotions and mind blowing mental errors. I guess people still believe finance & investing is some sort of scientific discipline which it’s really not ... there are hardly any black & white answers to anything even though there’s lots and lots of historical data ... it’s time to fix that myth with Offshore I’m glad you enjoyed that academic strip. It resonated rather well on Twitter too
@RebelVampire [adding to my previous answer] ... I agree that the managers need to be reanimated and given another chance. I’ll try to do that and see how they resonate. I never know beforehand which characters will work and which will fizzle out; e.g. der Compliance Offizier is one of my favourite characters, yet, resonates weakly outside the banking circles ‍♂️ [I love the strip below ].
I would like to see more strips that cracks jokes about this very specific context of finances! Things like that strip about funds blowing up on day 252. I think that gives this comic its own flavor. Readers get to laugh about not just any kind of incompetent people, but incompetent people in this specific field. Readers with no background in finances don't know the context, so more strips that shed light on the context of the jokes would be great.
Stefan G
@keii4ii All valid and excellent points ... I genuinely try to write & design my cartoons in such a way that the joke is understandable even though you don’t know the context. It’s a hard thing to do ... my wife is my toughest critic and she tells me the same as you ... but keep following Offshore and I promise to come up with more stuff like that 252 strip
Answer to Q10 => My ambition with Offshore is to 1) amuse myself first and see if anyone shares my sense of humour [if a cartoon doesn’t amuse me, I don’t publish it]. It’s a splendid way of letting out some frustration from work ... and 2) to make investing & finance more approachable to the layperson by infusing some humour into it in the form of cartoons ... which by the way nobody thought of doing on a serious basis. Weird. However, to produce material on a semi-regular basis I figured that writing only gags/jokes is too much work and/or too shallow of an approach, hence, the characters in the strip need to be interesting/relatable enough in order to create humorous material by mere interaction with each other. That’s easier said than done. I’m quite satisfied with my characters so far but am continuously looking for new interesting characters to add to the strip [either permanently or impermanently]. Like Scott Adams once told me: “The trick with comics is to reflect the reader's own experience. To allow people to say, "That's me!" I’ll conclude with this sneak peek strip [only for you guys] that should relate to the experience of anybody working in a big corporation.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Offshore Comic this week! Please also give a special thank you to Stefan Gasic for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Offshore Comic, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.offshorecomic.com/
Stefan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NonMeek
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thederailedtrain · 5 years
The Mark of Oblivion: Home [Two]
“So what color candle would you recommend to a customer crafting a spell to study better?” Kira asked, smiling her most encouraging smile at Gus.
He couldn’t see her, of course, not when he was focused so intently on the wall of candles before him. “Yellow!” Gus exclaimed after a moment’s deliberation.
When the werewolf turned around, Kira was already waiting with a high five. “You’re picking this up really fast,” Kira told him, with her signature good-natured shoulder punch. “Not gonna lie, I kinda hate you right now.”
“You could never hate me,” Gus grinned.
There was an odd tension in his jaw Kira spotted when he smiled. For a second, Kira thought she was imagining it. But then a customer bumped into him from behind and Gus nearly jumped out of his skin. However, once he spotted the woman and the infant in her arms, the tension left. They both murmured apologies before parting ways. Gus groaned, rubbing frustratedly at his cheeks.
“Full moon coming up?” Kira guessed.
Head still in his hands, Gus nodded. “It’s this weekend,” he confirmed. Well, considering the weekend started the next day… “For some reason, it’s really bad this month.”
“Maybe it’s the supermoon,” Kira replied and Gus blinked up at her. “Come on, like you haven’t been all those Facebook posts?”
“You know I hate Facebook,” Gus frowned.
Well, that was fair, Kira hated Facebook too. It just surprised her that a guy who had a lunar phase calendar app on his phone didn't know about the upcoming supermoon, nevermind hearing about it from other members of his pack of werewolves.
Hell, Kira heard it plenty herself around the shop. Tomorrow was going to be the perfect time for everything from dedications to kitchen witchcraft. And if Gus had somehow missed out on all that with his superhuman hearing, then he really was distracted.
“Hey,” Kira said, dropping her voice. “Is something else going on? You know you can tell me.”
“I just...I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now,” Gus sighed. He deflated with the admission, sinking into himself. “Rent’s been tight without the track scholarship, even after picking up shifts here. And now there’s all this drama about whether or not my parents can make it out for graduation.”
Kira wanted to say something comforting, but she wasn’t good at this kind of shit. These kinds of delicate responses took time for her to craft. As she was working on one, her phone buzzed in her hand. She looked at the message notification on her screen, eyes going wide.
“Well, safe to say I understand you’re coming from. Families are a lot,” Kira replied. She opened her messages, turning the screen to Gus.
Based on Gus’s facial expressions, she could tell the exact moment he got to the message in question. “She wants to get lunch?”
“I mean, she is going to be my…” Kira had to wince at the absurdity of it all, “-future step mother. I guess.”
“Alright, you win this round for sheer absurdity,” Gus held his hands up.
Kira, who hadn’t realized they were competing, could only shrug. “At least if it’s awkward, it’ll be over soon. Once Cedric finishes damage control, we’re saving them a table at that diner on the end of the block.”
“Wait, if you and Cedric are gonna be gone, who’s going to watch the shop?” Gus asked. He put two and two together before Kira could answer the obvious. “Oh, no. Kira,no,  I can’t. I don’t know enough about magic and the- the moon phase!”
Shit, Kira realized, he was right. For as good as Gus was picking things up, he just didn’t have enough experience to run the shop during peak hours by himself. But Salazar had specifically requested Cedric’s presence and Kira sure as hell wasn’t attending what was sure to be the most awkward lunch ever by herself. Maybe Gus could join her instead-
“Hey, do you think Toni would want to come down?” Gus spoke up. “I mean, we did pretty okay last time, right?”
Actually, that was a pretty good idea. “Yeah, hang on, let me text her.”
As Kira worked on a text explaining the situation (oh, she couldn’t wait to hear Toni’s response to this one), she picked up on a familiar presence. Ravid’s rings might’ve made sensing harder, but Cedric’s magical signature was the first one she’d ever become familiar with. She sent off the text and looked up at the door just as the bells jingled.
Immediately, Kira could tell that something was wrong. The set of his shoulders, the lack of focus in his eyes - even his beard looked like it could use a good trim. Not that it was particularly long, but he generally kept it very neat. Cedric picked the two of them out of the crowd quickly and made his way over to them.
There was a question ready and waiting on Kira’s tongue, but a customer intercepted him first. She watched as Cedric’s face changed from serious and determined to the smile he wore around all customers. As much as she preferred a smile on Cedric’s face, this one was quite right. It sat a little too perfectly on his features.
“What did Toni say?” Gus asked. Kira nearly gave herself whiplash turning back to look at him. His words hadn’t fully processed yet and all she could do was stare blankly at him. Gus just gestured eagerly to her phone.
Oh. Right. Kira opened her phone to see a new message staring back at her. lmao sure why not? gotta be done by 7 for my night shift tho
“She’s in,” Kira told Gus. She sent Toni a Yeah we should be back by then it’s just lunch before looking over at Gus. Instead of the sigh of relief she’d been expecting, Gus let out a rather enthusiastic ‘Yes!’ complete with a victorious fist pump.
“What are we celebrating over here?” Cedric cut in. Kira was disappointed to find that smile still on his face, just like they were any other customers.
“Toni’s coming over to help Gus watch the shop while we’re out,” Kira explained.
That seemed to do the trick. Cedric’s smile wavered before devolving into a much more sober look. Without the smile to hide it, the tiredness in Cedric’s eyes was more plain. On second thought, maybe Kira did like the smile better.
“I mean, she’s just an interesting person to-” Gus began
Cedric cut through his excuse, perhaps accidentally, with a curt, “You ready to head out?”
“Yeah, let me grab my jacket,” Kira nodded, already heading over to where she’d stashed it behind the counter.
After waving goodbye to Gus, Kira hurried over to the door where Cedric was waiting for her. They caught Toni as she was coming around from the alley in back of the shop. When Cedric greeted her with that same customer service smile as earlier, that was all the confirmation Kira needed.
However, just because she knew something was up didn’t mean she knew what to say. It was like the situation with Gus all over again. They’d gotten to the diner and were in the process of being seated before Kira had even gathered the courage to bring it up.
“Oh, I didn’t expect you to…” Cedric began when Kira slid into the seat next to him.
“And then who would Lix sit next to?” Kira narrowed her brows.
A resigned sigh came from Cedric’s lips and he quickly turned to stare out the window. It was beginning to dawn on Kira just how small this booth was, and Cedric’s broad shoulders certainly weren’t helping. She watched as he actively tried to shrink himself down every time they brushed against each other, which was an impressive task for someone with Cedric’s frame.
Up close, Kira could see something in his body language she hadn’t noticed before. It wasn’t so much that he was uncomfortable around her, more like he was trying to make himself uncomfortable.
Something bubbled up in Kira’s veins alongside worry. This was a job that was probably better suited for someone with a more delicate touch. Someone who could empathize with Cedric and talk him through it. Unfortunately, Kira was not that person.
“Okay, what the hell’s up?” Kira asked, unable to keep the frustration from her voice. Cedric turned back to her and seemed to be in the middle of formulating a pleasant and convincing way to say ‘Oh? Hmm, nothing’. Kira cut that shit out with the raise of her hand. “No, you don’t get to to just tell me nothing’s wrong, alright? I’m not some random store regular. I know you. I know you’re not just tired.”
That seemed to do the trick. Cedric’s casual customer service smile cracked before dissolving completely. “Well, I am quite tired,” Cedric said eventually. He leaned back against the window sill, but at least he was facing her this time.
Kira leaned her chin on her hand and stared back. She wanted to let him know that she was listening, but also that he wouldn’t get away with such a simple answer. Cedric managed to hold out under her intense stare for all of five seconds before he let out a defeated sigh.
“This morning was more work than I’ve done in a single day since-” The incubus cut himself off, blinking as he tried to recall some kind of memory. “I honestly couldn’t tell you. It’s been...decades. And this wasn’t necessarily work I enjoyed either.”
“Well, if you want to talk about it,” Kira offered with her most casual shrug. She watched as the debate played out across Cedric’s face.
After a quick glance around the diner, Cedric leaned in and dropped his voice to a whisper. “This is the largest case of Otherworld exposure in recent memory. Not just in my Ward, but Wards across the country. I think I was able to contain it, but between cleaning up the site and all the memories I had to erase…” He ran a hand over his face, which had the added effect of muffling a groan. “The other Wardens haven’t had the highest opinions of me since Central Park. And now, this?”
Guilt crawled up Kira’s throat. How selfish was she for thinking this was all about her? “If there’s something I can do to help - you know, as your second-in-command,” she said, slowly letting her fingers wander over to where Cedric’s hand was sitting on the table. “I mean, it’s what you hired me for and all.”
At that moment, Cedric finally noticed Kira’s hand encroaching on his personal space. Good, she’d done it slowly on purpose in order to gauge his response. For a moment, Kira feared he would flinch away like he’d been burned. Cedric’s whole body, not just his hand, froze. But then, he relaxed again. This time, he was the one to close the distance. It may have only been the barest brush of fingertips, but it was something.
Touch had never been something Kira used to show affection. There weren’t many people she trusted in her personal space, nevermind to put their hands on her. Cedric, however, seemed to prefer it. This was probably an incubus thing, Kira realized long ago, something about drawing energy and emotions through contact. She remembered all the ways he used to reach out to her, like when he was proud of her for learning a new spell. But he was also so respectful about it once he figured out her personal boundaries. Now, Kira couldn’t help but wish she’d appreciated it more before. Maybe, she thought, touch wasn’t so bad after all.
While they were in this good place, Kira wondered if she could ask him what else was going on. What had been going on. However, just as Kira was drawing in a breath, Cedric’s head whipped towards the door. That air rushed back out her mouth when her eyes landed on the couple that had just entered.
It made sense that she didn’t sense Salazar. Even without the Mark, he was a powerful neutral mage. The woman at his side, however, Kira really should’ve picked up on. She was surprised she only noticed her presence after spotting her. Had she really been that distracted?
Upon seeing Cedric and Kira, Salazar’s face lit up. He gave them a friendly wave before heading over, a hand on his partner’s lower back.
She was rather petite, which was the first thing Kira noticed. Maybe it was just an issue of scale - herself, Cedric, and Salazar were all well above average height. The second thing Kira noticed was how beautiful she was. Her skin was a smooth, light brown and her thick, black hair had been curled neatly over her shoulders. She was smiling as she walked over, giving her a youthful look.
Or maybe she was that young. Despite appearing to be in his late thirties, Kira had to occasionally remind herself that Salazar was, in fact, eighty-something. As if that weren’t a strange enough thing to think about, his fiancée was certainly closer in age to her than to him. Kira might’ve even been older than her. It was an uncomfortable thought until Kira remembered the age difference between Cedric and everyone else in the room.
Cedric was the first to stand and nearly tried exiting the booth until he realized Kira was boxing him in. She jumped up, managing to get out just as the other couple reached them. The two Wardens hugged like they hadn’t seen each other in months, not hours. Not that she would ever tell them, but Kira found it adorable when they got like this.
“Lix, congratulations!” Cedric exclaimed, turning to shake her hand. “Though I must say, I’m quite jealous. You’ve found yourself a wonderful man.”
“Oh, please, I’m the lucky one here,” Salazar shook his head. The way he smiled down at his fiancée actually made Kira’s heart warm. She almost had to look away. “I still can’t believe she said yes.”
“You’re telling me,” Lix said flatly. Then she broke out that big grin again, leaning back into Salazar’s embrace. “I tease, I tease.” Okay, Kira liked her already. Next thing she knew, Lix was turning that smile on her. “And you must be Kira?”
Kira stumbled for a second, almost forgetting what it was she was supposed to do in this situation. Saying um, yeah, that’s me probably wasn’t the right answer here. But what was the right answer when you were meeting the woman engaged to a man you only just found out was your biological father? “Kira Nguyen. It’s nice to meet you,” she settled on.
“Nice to meet you too,” Lix echoed. Her accent was just as pretty as she was. “My full name is Calixta Maroun, but everyone calls me Lix. You’re welcome to as well.”
“Well, now that we’ve all been introduced,” Cedric gestured to the booth. “Why don’t we get started on lunch?”
Everyone made noises of agreement, settling into their seats. Kira found herself across the booth from Lix, who busied herself with undoing her jacket and hanging up her purse. Although they’d hardly said five words to each other, and Lix seemed like a nice woman so far, she couldn’t help but stare awkwardly. The situation was just so strange and Lix was acting like it didn’t faze her. How the hell was she doing that?
“So,” Lix began once she’d settled in. “Tell me a little about yourself, Kira. You’re the only one here I haven’t met and I would like to get to know you better. You are the daughter of my future husband after all.”
Wow, okay. That was so straightforward, Kira couldn’t help but think. So that’s how this lunch was going to go.
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